in me to i... n. uanow, nimi.sier oi agriculture anu now made puune hy him. He ;peak.n oi the elevator as a market for wheat and tells how it has stimulated production; of the abattoir and its effeets mi liveito.'k: and on the development of the market for cream at Priwa Rupert and the increased production it has brought about. A hi. l.c A few In;; m ab-jut June IS. A of grain are still corn-dairies to the elevator. OTTAWA NAMES CUSTOMS CHIEF I. H UH ON OF VAM'Ol vr.K NAMKO CHIHK OI' II.C. IlKTUICT I'ltlAKXTATIVi: XKHVICK OTTAWA, May 19.--Official announce ment of tlio appointment of J. O. Bar-ion cf Vancouver as district chief of the ' :mf. and excise preventative scr-v.i :-. f.. tjrrlsh Columbia was made this mora::;.-: The selection of Barton is a lut ;cn in the Dominion wide re- :m. ition of the csrvloc to combat rum running and otiicr forms of amug-k-i. alo.:g the United Statcs-Caimdiah border SOUTHERN ARIVIY IS DEFEATED "MV iiKitii;it iii:thi;kx man- IIHTtlAX.S ,Mi IIAVKOW ki:-TIIIIATIMI TO II IK CITV ri'IKIf' M,.u 1ft m. fnrro.H if iir nil Tang Seng Chi, the main biir-icr Vwecn MurshnlChang Tso Lin's MailrhlirlnrtB .n.l lf...l,Mt, u,.r. 1u.v4.rplV . ..... a.,4 iimiMii. wv.v tu reatctl on both wings toy the army of "u rci ru omj oro retrcctlng on linn ;w. . GOLDEN SNAKES ARE UP-TO-DATE NECKWEAR "'lug Wt.rn i,v Women of i:iii"lve H'lSriulu Nrillou' In London LONDON, May IB, golden snakes , v ucmg introduced as hcckwpui iuong mo women of the exclusive Del- LlilV 111 tp4inn n...t.t 1 Ttnln!. 1110 .-makes are made of fine, flat wire twisted Into a flexible rope. They enough to go, once around the throat na rang alrioaV to the waist. Snakes are worn with either evening or sport Mri D. C. Paterson ssalls tonight on "'o wince Rupert for Maple Bay, van- C 'llVCr IslAnri nuhcra mnlhM- MrS. DviUson, who visited here not long A summary of the reports says: I III-AT (iliOlVIMI To Uic establishment of the govern-I incut elevator at Prince Rupert la at tributed the stimulus noticeable in wheat growing, which Is estimated by the district agriculturist at Sinlthers to represent an Increase of 173 per cent In his district. The wheat was marketed , through the Alberta Wheat Pool, which i holds the lease on the elevator. The gcreel of this movement fcr In-i creased production cf wheat Is stated In - - - j the report of the district agriculturist ,i freighter Quoenmoor early j t Frtnce George to have arisen from a won irjmpletcd the loading of ; request from the management cf the of ome 238,000 bushels of ' nince Rupert elevator for samples of prince Rupart elevator fori wheat grown along the Hue of the hi- United Kingdom or, con- larand Trunk pacific Division of ths uaybictk tomorrow It ls Canadian National Railway. After theo .he ship shall clar. I hMi been forwarded and a favorable re-a ' now known, only one port on same received. It wai suggested 11 ome to Prince Rupert t0 the farmers cf the district that they u load grain. This will be encage la commercial wheat growing on - freighter Yomel Mini 1 a modest scale. . n The Idea was taken up by a number ! of farmers ariund Vauderhoif; between five and six hundred acres being sown to Marquis wheat. A cloac watch was : kept on this crop during the grawlng 1 a(.ii. Weather conditions rem.hvd I favorable so that tlie crop was all cut and practically all threshed before the bad weather set In late la September. A ', good yield was received; estimated at 25 tuhels per acre average. The quality averaged fair but wculd have been better had better seed been used. A considerable quantity Is being held for iced, as the acreage sown this year will probably be many times that of last year. This Is a move of great Importance to the district. Timothy hay has been the main crop of the Nechsco district for some years. Its production (continued on page five) ONTARIO BOY WINS ORATORICAL HONORS TOnONTO. May 10. Frederick lIotin of Ontario was acclaimed. champion lioy orator of Canada at the Dominion oratorical contest finals for pupils of the moondary schools held hero last night. Jean Cameron of Vancouver inmc third. LINER REPORTS NO WORD OF AVIATORS NKW YORK, May 10. The liner France, which followed the projeotcd course of ilhe White Bird .carrying tho French aviators Nungcsscr and Coll, on her arrival here reported that she has seen no trace of the missing airmen. nr w. rt. Walker, who lias been coni- pany surgeon at tho Kclley Logging u.Viih avo nnw nn.rtlo.llv closed down, arrived in the city on the Trlnce John today from Logan Inlet and will nrnr.ced to Vancouver on tlie Prince Rupert tonight. VANCOUVER EXCHANGE 1 TAXI BostqnGrill 5 and). Ambulance Large Upstair Dining Hall, Service with newly laid dancing for hire. floor, Anywhere at Anytime NEW SODA FOUNTAIN. Slnntl: Exchange Jtuildlng PRINCE RUPERT The latent and best for the MATr VIDECK, Prop. least I'hune 457. Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper . . irfVII 4 m Vol, AVii., u. nu 'i'iilalj PRINCE PRINCE RUPERT, RUPERT, B.C., B.C., TIIUKSUAY, THURSDAY, MAY MAY 19, 10, 1927 1927 Price Price l Five, ive, u-tui Cmii WPERfUs GRAIN AND CA TTLE MAM KOVIFT CRTS CUFfK FAST AND WFST J4VS NFWUPA PFR Prince Rupert Market for Interior Products Emphasized in Report TWO DISTRICT AGRICULTURISTS TELE OF ADVANTAGE OF GRAIN ELEVATOR, AHATTOIK AND CREAM DEMAND Prin-c Rupert as a market for the products of the interior i alio -i I emphasized in reports of It. G. Sutton and 1). I). Munro Tr rrr iiiiuniiiiii LOADING GRAIN HI 1 1 VMOOIt TO CM Alt Hi t C.K.. (OYIINhNT TOMOItliOlV MOItX. Mi Willi I I I I. UIIKAT CAItUO . Bid. Asked Wheat (! ,.. , B.C. Sliver ........ 103 1.C9 Coast Copper. 11.00 12.00 Cork Province .... .00'4 .07V4 Dunwell Mi 1.38 Olacler Gladstone Independence . l.08y4 .00 V4 Indian .,,...07). .0754 L. & L. . I- -10 .11 premier aoa rortcr Idaho - .18V4 Stiver Crest -00H .07 Sunloeh 65 -70 . RUMRUNNERS RAISING DUST claim mam: that m.i.i iti; or MThll liOAT ZKV H AH MADE IN II.C. WATfcllS SEATTLE, May 19 The Post Intel ligencer says that Laurent Vcre EckcnJ captain and Chris Skroasa!, engineer, cf Uic Canadian rum boat Zev have made complaint to the,U3. dry agent, Alfred Hubbard, who made a recent seizure of the crnft with lS.rO0 of liquor In IJrltlsh Cslun-.bla waters, not Aiitcrl::an ra rqxirtcd. It Is sa"d that Vcrc Dcfccn and Scron-dal laid a .worn statement before high autltorltlcs asking for an investigation and it Is understood that the Canadian Government Intimated that It will entertain any move the pair desires to make toward swcarlns a formal complaint against llu:bard. kerrisdaleTastor head of conference Krv. II. It. llriKlrn Kln-trd Prr.iilrnt f l uitrd Cliiircli Mrrtliij; In Vum-tiuvrr VANCOUVER. May 19 - Rev. E. D. Bradcn of Ryeroon United Churoh. Kcr-rlsdale, was elected president of the British Columbia conference of the United Church this morning. lie succeeds Rev. W. It. Smith. Douglas Frlz7ll returned to the) town this morning after having made tho round trip to Alice Arm and Stewart on the steamer Chllkoot. DAM BURST AND Soviet Turned to England When FLOODS VALLEY! "flns tmltd Lhma but ls jTOUN 01' KLM.V UTtTH )IT AMI 1 iVai.i. or tv.vri;i: ahvamtch ox '. V.IU.BY I WIIBON, Vyn May 19. Eight people vcrc drowned when Ihe dam oa the Gnsvcncr Rlvtr -broke ycs.rrduy Hoodlug the little t n cf Kelly. 23 n.llcj from hcrj. The flood rea:hed Wilicn twj hourJ later In the fonn o.' a Willi of water 20 feet high that sjrcad over tlic bank here;ig a, stream a mile and a half wide. Thanks to tplcjihcne warning no lives were L.t here. All whes arc dowa and communication has been severed In jnany places between here and Kelly; Fragmentary report state- that only a tt- rc aiu church arc left standing there. SHIPS orchestra" ENlERI'ilNS CLUB (:illii .M'-fjifTrrv TiMik lart In .Miisli-al l.nit f (imln Mili I'.irty TM-, afternoon the Rotary Club was -T:tertrJncd toy 'tha meiiibers of , the orchestra of the grain steamer Queen-mjor Captain McCa-Tcry, who Is him- clx an opcrt on scvaral Instruments hi- encouraged the use of Instrumental music aboard the vessel and tahca part In 'he orchestra. v President KlcbolUCrt.Jjehalf.- of -the club thankeC the visitors and the members and visitors expressed their pleasure in unmistakable manner by their applause. CHINESE TAA, or pagoda, type of Chinese architecture most familiar in the west. The seven storeys are supposed to symbolize the seven heavens and other septenary conceptions. PLAN TENNIS COURTS FOR YOUNGSTERS IIOI AUY ( l.l It YOH MONKY I OU n iirosi; mmh AMI Millltllli; A tiiiiimiI In lillll.r the l;l.v sriiiinil mi Hie riirtirr of Skill AtriiHf mill Mrllrlile Mrrcl ly making Irunl" court.H llirre fur Hie Hr or I he 4-lilhIrrii of the illy lilaiinril l) tlir Until ry Chili, pro-Vliled the ell) Rhrs Its TiiiNslcin. Titilii.v the I lull vnteil l.1 lor tlie iuriiM. anil llili sum Mill he i--IhmkIi'iI li.v tlir llii)' Work roiiiinll-lep ciin-l-llits of llarl lUrrlr, Ur. I'Iiiii mill Dr. Ali'aiiili-r to hlrli lias Iiitii mltli-il (lit iiiiiik of Coliiiirl .McMonllc. tli originator of the plan. At the laot luncheon a prnpoMil tit -onslni(t tlie eiiurts mis made lv Cnlofipl McMordle and referred to tlie executive, t-omnilttre which t-lay, lliriiiiRli Colonel Mvholls. re-(iiirli'd In favor of It unil mominriiil-ril Hie eienUlliirr. Thii wn uiiiitil-iiiuiiIj ii liro oil by the lllib. The i-oiiiiiilttee will at once get In touch with the ill) council and, If per-ml.xloii Is given. It k proposed to liaxe the court or court" ready for ue utmost Immediately. Passenger, sailing last night on the Prince Rupert for Anyox Included R, Myers, W. Ballantyne, C. McOuire and Mrs. D. McKenzle. Dr. -''and Mrs. Lcaroyd of Anyox will Mysterious Disappearance of Men on Alaska Fox Farm; May Prove to Have Been Murdered SEATTLE, May 1!). The body of Phillip Munro of Seattle, the third man to disappear mysteriously within two years from the lonely Kanaga Island in the eastern Aleutians was found buried In t shallow grave on the rocky northern shore of the island. The commandant of the coastguard Eering Sea patrol sent word to this effect to Munro s daughter, Mrs. Ucrt Johnson, who said she was convinced her father had been rnurdered. Munro, who was 58 years of age, went north to superintend the fur farm of the Kanaga. Ranching Company in June, 11)25. Shortly after reaching the Island, two ? men who had been in charge suddenly disappeared and aflcrwardi It was re ported they had set out In a small boat to do some exploring. Nothing was ever seen of them again. Bcvcral months later a young man who was on the Island told officials, that Munro jlkewo put, out In a dory on an ex ploration trip and failed to return. ONLY CANADIAN FISH OFFERED AGAIN TODAY Again only Canadian halibut was offered at the Fish Exchange this morn ing, four boats selling a total of 31.500 pounds at bids ranging from 12.7c and 8c to 14.9c and 9c. The sales were as follows: Mildred II.. 15.000 pounds, Booth Fisheries, 14.0c and 9c. Selma, 8.000 pounds. Canadian Fish is Cold Storage Co.. 12.7c and 8c. Mulmeag, 0,000 pounds, Atiln Fisher les, 12.7c and Be, Ringleader. S.SOq pounds, Canadian be passengers on the Prince Rupert Fish to Cold Storage Co, I3c and 8c tonight going through Tram the smelter ' town to Vancouver. I Advertise In ths Dally News. STEAMSHIP MAN GETS 4 YEARS ItAI.HI II. McCAUTY MiNTKM'KII IN VANroi vr.ii conic ,r- Thlt ri.KAIMN'tl (il'll.TY TO & roiuicuY VANCOUVER, May 10. Ralph B. Mc Carty, formerly Chief accountant of the Canadian Robert Dollar Steamship Co was sentenced to four years In penitentiary by Magistrate Henry Shaw In the city police court this morning. Mc Carty pleaded guilty to five charges of forgery, the amount Involved being over '10.000. CASSELL, Oerntany, May 10. When schoolboy tampered with the brakes on ii crowded street here, car plunged down the hill yesterday crashed Into an Iron scaffolding and capsized In ditch with tlie result that cany passengers Including six women were killed and leleven erlonly lnpird. Not Given much satisfaction LONDON, May 19. The diplomatic correspondent of the Westminster Gazette says:. "Diplomatic and economic isolation of the Soviet has begun. The Dritish foreign office no longer considers a break with Itussia would endanger European peace and the ques- i lion of future relations with Russia is not connected with the French presidential visit. "With the Soviet's failure in China and the Orient, the Soviet government has turned its attention to Europe, tried to raiso-credits through Geneva with England. It wa3 in accordance with considered British policy to await failure cf the Soviet plan In the East and then ; firmim A ? TTnTPn clrfc the door to them In the West, f U pjjl l A llllpS Hie Arcos raid was Intended to iurnlsh IJJji'J Jul ili.iL I V 1 JLlO nroof.s which would ccmonstrato to i Eurcpe as a whole the dangerous nature of the 3jvlct activities. RETAIL MERCHANTS' MONTHLY MEETING 4. I It 1 1'. SiiM-rliilriulrnt of I'tllltlrs. speaks on tTniltv Llxlitln; Other Ilitsinrss 3. J. Little, superintendent of city utilities, addressed the Prince Ruperl retail Merchants' Association at Its regular monthly dinner in the Commo dore Cafe last night. He spoke Interestingly on the subject of "Window Light-lug" and give the merchants some val uable Information as to' rates, etc. A communication was received regarding "British Empire Shopping U'mV m Maw 9.9fl in1 It tt'ill 1pffri-.4 . . .v., - " Water to request local merchants to decorate; fueJ' tneir v.inaows specially ana so en- especially those of British Columbia andj Canada. I n No action was taken In the matter of BIG LEAGUE BASEBALL NATIONAL 1.KAOIE . New York 6. PltWburg 13. Chicago 7, Brooklyn 4. St. Louis 1, Boston 8s . tftfX ' Others rain. ; W American Leasue,, Wnshlrgton 3., DetroljSJ '. ' , D-H-.n 8. St. Lculsli' v:. Otlser rain. "' . V IXAtllTSTANTlINO! - 7. ' U Kcw York 19 10 Chicago .......... 13 11 Philadelphia .13 iq Pittsburg It 11 St.' Louis 15 13 Boston 10 14 Brooklyn 12 18 Cincinnati 7 19 AinrrUiin New York 20 B Chicago 17 I3j Philadelphia 15 13, Detroit 13 14 St. Louis 12 14 Washington 12 15 Cleveland .... 12 15 Boston 9 18 CAPTAIN I.OOAVS WII.I. Prince Rupert. Cloudy, Pet. .655 .557 .505 .SCO .558 .417 VICTORIA, May 19. William Henry lagan, well-known marine man of this j city, who died on March 4, 1927. at Vancouver, left an estate of 40J57.85. J. It. Maccy sails tonight on the Prince Rupert for Vancouver where he will attend the funeral cf his father who died early this week. HKATIIKIt UKI'OKT. calm; tern- pcraturc, 48. Terrace. Rain, calm, temp, :46, Rosswood. Cloudy, calm, temp. 49. Alyansh Cloudy, calm, temp. 47. Alice Arm. Rain, calm, temp. 48. Anyox. Rain, calm, temp. 50. Ste'vart Rain, calm, temp. 51. Hanelton. Cloudy, calm, temp. 60. Telegraph Creek. Clear, calm, temp". 52. Smlthers. Rain, calm, temp. 49. Burns Lake. Cloudy, calm, temp. 40. Whltehorse. Clear, calm, temp. 54. Dwon. Clear, north, temp. 52. CITY FOR YEAR NOKTIIKIIX .('. AlilllClLTlKAL IMtl'STKIAL ASSOCIATION li;TS , Sl.',im THIS YKAK OTIIKIt IIONATIONS ' City general administration estimates. Including the grants that arc made to various bodies for the year 1927 are as 'oUows: Expended Estlmafd. 1926 1927 rrcns.'s Dept.. salaries. 7.t92.28 7.5OO.0n layor it Aid. Indcm. 3.787.50 3A0C.0O rlnt'lng & Stat'y... U0U2 estcge stimps 1933S ' egal salaries, .j. . . 2000;00 i Legal expenses . . . ' 656. 6G C.N.It. appeal City clerk stationery 133.60 light, phone & Miscellaneous 1,897.92 Hall malnten... S24.12 DONATIONS N.B C. Assoc 1.500.00 33vatMn Armv 3.1 00 ...l M,AJ nVlr. J .w.. ..s ,,,., urday night as on otoer nights of tht I week. Inm-iiniu Elections nses. 1.290.00 200.00 3AOO.0O "6S000 3.000.00 135.00 1,499.98 ,1,500 00 1.071.90 'Auditor 1.000.00 Insurance 1,130.04 Reading Room 853J1 Janitor 1.353.55 Poundkcepcr 698.25 Land Registry fees . 83.95 Relief 1,453.88 Assessor 802.42 Eoys' Band Dcm. bay celebration 1.850.00 500.00 1.500.00 33.00 547.67 800.00 10,083.20 10.065.00 191.50 300.00 1.000.00 '1,000.00 1,130.00 850.00 1.353.55 690.00 83.00 1,500.00 1,000.00 200.00 400.00 MANSLAUGHTER DECLARES JURY ANOIS NICHOLSON KKCOMMUNDKO TO JIKIM'Y Of, (OI TtT rOI.LOINO ( OAKUM Of Ml llDKIt .4001 VANCOUVER, May 19. Oullty of .269 1 manslaughter with a strong recommendation to mercy, a verdict was re-.714 turned yesterday afternoon In the Jury .567 trial of Angus Nicholson charged wltih .539 murdering Marshall Douglas. Mr. Jus-.481 tlce McDonald remanded Nicholson to .403 the end of the assizes for sentence. .44 Robert Moore co-defendant of Nlchol-.444 son ls being tried today. JJ33 OLD SCHOONER SUNK IN NORTH KVKUKTT HAYS liOKS DOWN WITH YAl.tAllLK CAKOO OK Ki lts . MASTKII ANI CKKW NAVKII DUTCH HAREOR. May 19. -ThVMs- torlc schooner Everett Hays, last JM'thc Unalaska sealing fleet, lank on Wednesday after striking a submerged rcf near Umnakoff, Unalaska Island, In a heavy gale and snowstorm. Tho master and crow were rescued but a vnluabls cargo of 'blue fox skins went down with the vessel. MINERS GO OUT IN SYMPATHY FOR FELLOWS OLACE BAY'. May 19. Five mines and two thousand miners are Idle on account of a sympathy strike at the TT)1n1en Otlierle mine..