M I LK From Rulklcy Valley FRESH MILK AND WHIPPING CREAM Quality and Service Valentin Dairy Phones 65G and G57 Dr. Alexander Smith Block Phone 575 DENTIST Week-end Specials Fresh Asparagus from Victoria. Special, 2 lbs. for . .'15c New Green Peas, per lb 25c New Hunch Beets, 2 bunches 33c New Bunch Carrots, 2 bunches 23c Green Onions, per dozen .... 23c Radishes, 3 bunches 10c New Spuds, 2 lbs 23c Terrace Turnips, 5 lbs 23c (Guaranteed not woody) Spinach, 2 lbs 23c Hothouse Tomatoes, per lb. . . 50c Large Cauliflower, each . . Fresh Rhubarb, 1 lbs Head Lettuce , , EXTRA SPECIAL 500 Doen Sunkist Oranges While they last 15 for '2r(- Malkin's Bartlett Pears, 2's 10c 15c California Grape Fruit, 3 for 23c CANNED FRUIT SPECIAL 4 tins for it't? Your choice of the following Red Pitted Cherries, 2's Malkin's Sliced Peaches, l's, tails Malkin's Apricots, l's, talis Nabob Red Plums, 2V8, talis Royal City Blackberries, 2's King-Beach Royal Anne Cherries, Weston's Home-Made Fruit Cake New stock just arrived Cherry Fruit, 3i lb. each . . $1.63 Sultana Cake, 3 lb. each , . $1.G3 Valencia Cake, 3Ms lb. each $1.50 Combination Special, i)8c 1 only, 5 String Broom 1 tins Old Dutch Cleanser 1 tin Gem Lye 1 Cake Lilac Rose Soap Toilet Paper, 7 rolls 25c Pastry Flour, Snowflake or Wild Rose, 10 lb. sacks 5!)c The flour market is very firm We do not expect to repeat this special. Del Monte Prunes, size 80-00. Sp cial, 3 lbs 25c Campbell's Pork and Beans, 18 oz, tins. Special, 3 for 33c Here is a Clean-up Price on Jam! 25 tins Nabob Pure Plum Jam. Quality absolutely guaranteed. 1 lb. tins, to clear 3!)c Malkin's Jelly Powders, 4 for 25c White Cooking Figs, fresh stock- Special, 1 lbs , . 35c Lard in bulk, 2 lbs 35c I Ayrshire Roll Bacon, machine sliced, per lb. 33c Mothers Creamettes, 3 lb. pkg Special Maid of Clover Creamery Butter is the finest butter obtainable. In bulk, 3 lbs $1.15 B.C. Fresh Pullet' Eggs, 3 dozen for 9 We are selling over 1,000 dozen eggs per w'eek, therefore we can afford to hdld this price down a while longer. ' Picnic Hams, per lb 19'3c Average weights, 5 to 7 lbs. Nabob Solid Pack Tomatoes, 2'a'8. Special, per tin .......... 15c Or 7 for $1.00 Rupert Table Supply Co Phones 210 and 211 rich , per 21b. tin CHEWING TOBACCO Ogden's Cut Plug Ogdcn's Fine Cut Old Chum Cut Smoking Tobacco Dixie Plug Smoking Tobacco are also packed in the famous Vacuum (nir light tin. Ixxl-'c. Ill tho Peace Itlvcr country, that over the previous year and the average the Journal published yesterday. It was returns per acre wcut Into astanlshlng ! recalled that the first wheat seeded at figures. I the exjierimcntal station there In 1020 , The report of the department of agrl- was ou May IB, whereas this year much culture for that year shows that In St. ' of It was In the ground last week. Albert riding the average was 5 JO bush- , IH'GE TIKI. I) cli. In Victoria 37.2S, In Vyrrevllle 30.83. In spite of the lateness of the 1920 ' in South Edmonton 33.88. In Alexandra , operations, our Beaver Lodge oorrespon- ; 35.03, In Athabaska 33.15, In Bturgeon, dent notes, the first plots sown; 34.06, In Vermilion 34.22, with other: yielded from 33 to 54 bushels per acre, i constituencies north, of Red Deer not far There was a similar result In the Edmon- i behind these ton district. The harvest was one of the most bountiful on record. There was a large Increase In wheat acreage LAND ACT. .NOTICE OK INTENTION' TO APPLY TO LEASE KOKKMlOUi:. In Prince Rupert Land Recording District of Prince Rupert, and situate at Ecwell Inlet, Moresby Island, Queen Charlotte Islands. TAKE NOTICE that Kelley Logging Company Limited, of Vancouver, B.C.. occupai.cn nmDer Mercnanis, inienas to apply for a lease of the following described foreshore: Commencing at a past planted approximately 8 chains south, 20 degrees east irom the northeast corner of -Lot 472. Sewell Inlet, Moresby Island: thence following the high water mark in an easterly, soutaarly and southwesterly direction to its Intersection with the easterly boundary of Lot 472: then southerly and easterly to the northwest corner of 3.T.L. 0215 P.: thence In a northwesterly direction to the point of commencement, and containing 43 acres, more cr less. JOSEPH DOUGLAS WILSON, A?ent for Kelley Logging Co. Ltd. Dated 20th April. 1927. LAND ACT. .NOTICE OK INTENTION TO APPLY TO LEASE LANII I'OR INDl STItlAL PI 'It POSES In Prince Rupert Land Recording District of rrince Rupert, and situate at Sewell Inlet, Moresby Island. Queen Charlotte Islands. TAKE NOTICE that Kelley Logging Company Limited, of Vancouver. B.C.. occupation timber Merchants. Intends to appiy ior a lease oi me louowmg described lands: Commencing at a post planted approx imately 8 chains south 20 degrees cast of tho northeast comer of Lot 472. Sewell Inlet, Moresby Island: thence follow ing the shore line In an easterly, south erly and southwesterly direction to Its intersection witn me eastern oounaary of Lot 472: thence north 10 chains, more or low. .to the point of commencement, and containing 20 acres, more or less. JOSEPH DOUGLAS WILSON, Agent tor Kelley Logging Co. Ltd. Dated, aatli April. 1II27. LAND ACT. Nl I H K OP INTENTION TO APPLY TO LEASE tOKESIIORE. Ill Prince Rupert Land Recording District of Prince Rupert, and situate at Moresby Island, Queen Charlotte IMand. TAKE NOTICE that Kelley Logging Company Limited, of Vancouver. B.C., occupation Timber Merchants. Intends to apply (or a lease of ino following dewritjcd foreshore: Commencing at a post planted approx- of the mouth of the Ta-ssoo River, Mores by Island. Queen Charlotte Islands: thence following the high water mark In J t roller a nortnwcsieriy. westerly ana southwesterly direction for a distance of one and one-halt miles; thence In an easterly direction to the point of commencement, and containing 160 acre, more or less. JOSEPH DOUGLAS WILSON, Acting as Agent for Kelley Logging Co. Ltd. DalOfl 30th April. 1037. i LAND ACT. .VOI K i; OP INTENTION TO APPLY TO I.K.W; I, AMI Kilt INIIf STUIAL ITKPOKKM In Prince Rupert Land Recording District of Prince Rupert, and situate at Sewell Inlet, Moresby Island, Queen Charlotte Islands. TAKE NOTICE that Kelley Logging Company Limited, of Vancouver, B.C., occupation Timber Merchants, Intends to appiy ror a lease or the following described lands: Commencing at a post planted at the southeast comer of Lot 471, Sewell Inlet, Moresby Island. Queen Charlotte Island, north, 31,43 chains; thence cast 81.17 chains; thence In a southwesterly direction, folowing the shore line to the point ot commencement, and containing 30 acres, more or less. JOSEPH DOUOLAS WILSON, Agent for Kellty Logging Co. Ltd. Dated UUtli April, 1U27, This Is surely sufficient to show thr . folly of being pessimistic with regard to ' what the present crop year Is likely to ) bring forth. Mo one can tell what may happen between, now and harvest, but, there Is certainly no reason to be down- j neanea over ine. oui.iooK. ine jwunu-anoe of moisture In the ground should more than make up for the late date at which work ; ort the land has been commenced. L- BATTLESHIP IS NEARLYREADY II..M.S. NKI.SON LARUKST AMI .MOST MODERN IN WOltl.II TO lib COMPLETE I.N JINK LONDON. May 18. (Canadian Press). HitB. Nelson, largest and most battleship In the world. Is due for completion In June. Captain J. S. Mey-1 rick, will take command of the Nelson cn July 1. The vetsel was laid down In December. 1022, and will thus have been 4', yeirs under construction. She lias a length of CGO feet, team of 106 feet, and draught of 30 feet, her standard displacement being 35,000 tons. Her propelling machinery geared turbines of 4 VOW h.p. should give her a maximum speed of 23 knots. Nine 161n. guns constitute her main armament: disposed In three triple turrets In the fore part of the vessel; the secondary battery of 12 0 Ineh guns being twin-mcunted In the after part. There are also six 4.7 Inch anti-aircraft guru and 28 smaller guns, as well as two torpedo tubes. The Rodney, sister- ship to the NeLson, Is due for comple tion on the Mersey In August. WATKH NOTICE UIUIIMON ANII ISK TAKE NOTICE tlikt Ocwse Packing Company. Limited, whose address Is Van couver. IIO, will apply for llcenre to take and u.r 250,000 gallons of' water out of unnamed stream which flows nor therly and drains tnto Orren Inlet about 30 chains east of northwest comer of lot 68, Ranrc 3. Coast District. The water will be diverted from the stream at a point about 200 feet from mouth and will be used for domestic and com mercial purposes upon the land described hs application to lease dv apiuicanis, This notice was posted on the ground on the and day of April, IU27. A copy of this notice and an application pursuant thereto and to the "Water Act" wilt be filed In the office of the Water Recorder at Prince Rupert. Objections to the application may be filed with the said Water Recorder or with the Comp- of water Rlchts. parliament Dulldlns, Victoria. B.C.. within thirty days alter the first appearance of this notice in a local newspaper, ino aaw of the tlrst publication of this notice is April 21, 1U27. OOSSE PACKING COMPANY, LIMITED, Applicant, Ily II. V. Morehouse. Agent. LAND ACT. MtlU'i: Ol' IN'I LNTION' TO AI'I'LY TO LEASE lOltKMIOKt:. In Prince Rupert Land Recording District of Prince Rupert, and situate at Sewell Inlet, Moresby Island, Queen Charlotte Islands. TAKE NOTICE that Kelley LogRtng Company Limited, of Vancouver. B.C.. occupation Timber Merchants, Intends to apply for a lease of the following described foreshore: Commencing at a post planted at the southeast corner of Lot 471 Sewell Inlet, Moresby Wand, Queen Charlotte Islands: thence in a northeasterly direction, following the high water mark to the southeast corner ol Lot 4C9: thence In a southwesterly direction to the point of commencement, and conta'nlng 140 acres, more or lens, JOSEPH DOUOLAS WILSON Agent for Kelley Logging Co. Ltd, Dated iilh April, 1037. Thursday May i9 PAGE SIX THE DAILY NEWS 1521 mmm Sl74Qj cii disploywl Ixj IheUqubrGonlrol Esard otbu Kc Government of BrihshGblumbsi Our Glasses FIT- and look well OUK IMPAIR DEPART-MEN'T is equipped for accuracy and service A. E. IRELAND Graduate Optometrist 3PJ Third Avenue. Opposite G.W.V.A. REMEMBER ! For Montreal prices on Clothing for Men & Boys Don't forget the Montreal Importers Third Avenue J. II. Miller - Proprietor WOOD Dry Jack Pine, Cedar, Kirch and Spruce Per double load $6.ru Per single load $.1.50 Per sack 50c Firelighters, 18 for $1.00 delivered All classes of Coal ut dealers' prices. HydeTransfer Hit) Second Avenue Phone 580 Night or Day WE UUY DOTTLES PROSPECTS ARE EXCELLENT ON THE PRAIRIES THAT K VIEW T.IKKX IIV EHMOXTOX NEWSPAPER WHICH UTES SIMILAR SEASON- IX 19i0 The Edmonton Journal In an optimis tic editorial article says: Much concern Is being expressed, both privately and the newspapers, over the delayed seeding. It U feared that It means a large reduction In the wheat acreage and the serious Impairment of the prospects of a good yield. But the experience of other years when the spring has been slow In arriving shows that there Is little cause for such alarm. The present season has been very similar to that of 1920 and what happened in that year In this part of the province is worth citing. The winter had set In unusually early, like that Just over, and May was well advanced before relief came. The feed situation was acute and the prophets of gloom were much more vocal than they have been In recent weeks. On May 10 this paragraph ap peared In the Journal: "Lost, a young lady, Miss Spring. Should hare reached the city a month ago. Known to have (been kept In durarice vile by an old man called Winter. Feared that Winter has regained control of her." A crop report was published by the provincial government on May 17. It told of the backwardness of seeding all through central Alberta, but held out hope that that of wheat would be com pleted In four or fire days. In the northern sections the farmers were still further behind. In dispatch from Beaver oAlways . fresh The famous vacuum (air-tight) tin insures Big Ben being in the same perfect condition when you buy it as when the tobacco, left the factory. Mussallem Grocery Company, Limited Closes Out Drygoods Dept. Sale Starts To 10 The i ne People: reopic: NO C.O.D. ORDERS. TOLMIE OFFERED SEVERAL SEATS IN BXJiGISLATUREj VICTORIA, May 19.--At the public' mco'.lng held last evening under the auspices of the Women's Conservative Association, Hon. S. F. Tolmlc took occasion to deal with a letter of cxRccve R. Mncnlcol In which the latter had apparently Insinuated tliat Hon. T. O. Coventry had been promlwd a Job In return for ottering to vacate his scat for Dr. Tolmlc. Dr. Tclmle said. "I am not buying any scats." He added that If there was nay- pne who wai thinking of offering to Mil a seat to him ho could tell him that he was not buying, Mr. Coventry, went on the leader, had made the offer to vacate the scat for him without any dealing In the matter. There was no consideration thought of nor any mentioned. Mr. Coventry had taken his action In the Interests ot his party In a magnanimous way. Dr. Tolmlc added that he had been offered five or six other scats In D.C. without any thought on the part ,of anyone of any consideration In, return for It. The leader ot the Conservative party took early opportunity during his speech to express hls regret at learning that Premier Oliver wa 111, He said thftt thev hurl 1vn rirmrm1 - - . ... f - - "v. . .. .:, lu. for a long time, and the services that the Premier rendered the country were highly appreciated. He extended his best wishes for on early recovery, and his return to the duties ef his office. CASH SALES ONLY. Friday at 9 a.m. 1 am giving you at this sale .some of the best bargains I have handled for years. It will sure pay you to make a visit and .see for yourselves. "The Mark Down Man" in lharte ' CHAS. K. HANI). FOR ClIILDltliN Children's l.iue Playsuils. 'lliese are dirt cheap 1 All sizes. (.P Closing Out Price " Hoys' Khaka Overalls. All sizes QSn Closing Out Price .. tft Children's All Wool Coats. All colors. All sizes. Regular $5.25. nn Closing Out Price VO.VV Children's Wool Stockings. IJlack, Urown and White. , Closing Out Price IAn from Children's Silk Lisle Socks. Fancy tops. All sizes f An Closing Out Price . . Children's Duster Urown Stockings. AH sizes. AZf Closing Out Price .. Hoys' Penman's Shirts and Drawers. Only a few sizes icn nc0 . . 1 u Closing Out Price Hoys' Summer Combinations. All sizes 1 OX' Closing Out Price .. Hoys' Khaki Pants. Only a few left. C Closing Out Price Youths' Khaki Overalls. Regular $2.50. C- QC Closing Out Price vX.iTU Kiddies' Khaki Play Suits. All sizes QP Closing Out Price .. 7UV Hoys' Iiraccs HO? Children's Mercerised Socks 10c Children's Cotton Hose, per pair li-"C Hoys' Star Gauntlets .. Children's Gingham Dresses nr.? Turkish Towels, G for $1.00 Face Cloth?, 2 for Wool llathing Suits.. $1.0 Striped Hroadcloth, per yard rOv Women's Cotton Hose, It pairs for I)."? Cotton Dimity Hloomers (SO? FOR WOMEN Ladies' Crcpo Pyjamas. All colors. All sizes. Cti Cluing Out Price Women's All Wool Hose. I n Urown only. Regular $1.00. Closing Out Price QQ Women's Silk and Wool Hose. All sizes. Reg. $1.25. Closing Out Price . . 1 ux Women's Silk Hose. Assorted colors. All sizes. f)p Closing Out Price .. Women's Cotton lUoorocn in White and Pink 9f Closing Out Price . . "OX Women's All Wool Hose. Special A ftp Closing Out Price . . Ladies' Silk" Vests. AH sizes. Assorted colors. Q'lf Closing Out Price LadiiV Rayon Silk Slips. Assorted colors Q"J ffft Closing Out Price Ladies' Vests. All sizes. Closing Out Price QQ Women's Fancy Silk Hose. In fancy patterns. AH size.t. Closing Out Price QQq Ladies' Fine Silk Hose. Assorted colors. All sizes. Regular $1.50 Qf Closing Out Price . . f Ladies' Silk Vests and Hloomers: Vests, Closing Out Price S I Hloomers, Closing Out Price JS l.7.- Canvas Gloves, per pair !."? Work Socks, 2 pairs for 7."? Figured Crepe, per yard 27 inch Gingham, 5 yards for .5I.OO Curtain Scrim, Jl yards for ! 70c 72 inch Sheeting, per yard x ar,f Cretonnes, 4 yards for $1.00 FOR MEN Men's Work Sou. oniy. All sizes. Closing Out Prin per pair Men's Work Suck only. Closing Out Pri.re pairs for (it 25c 95c Mcn'3 Navy Him; i'au' I, u good Irish Serge All : Regular fi.GO. On or Closing Out Price v.OD Rubber Ityiiicout All Regular $0.50 Q Closing Out Pri ' VluU Men's Pyjamas. In a: ette. All i.iv. ll!,;;., $3.75. on ns Closing Out Price v Men's Pyjamas. M;iu: 0 fine broadcloth CM Off Closing Out Pri:r OIU Men'H Cashmere s t sizes. Good value Closing Out Price Q-l O- :t pairs for vlii3 Men's Khaki Shir Ml sizes. SI 00 Closing Out Pri.c VAVU Men's Khaki Sh " f.!l Wool. on ftf) Closing Out Pric V.VU Men's Combination ' field, heavy all w ol l! lar $l.G5. QO 7 Closing Out Price Men's U.V.D. Combi All sizes. n Closing Out Price Men's Sweater Coat'. 7 t . All Wool. Made in s Regular $7.50. QA r?C Closing Out Price Men's Summer Coniunu? Long and short lejr Or a few. Qi (() Closing Out Price Vx'x,v Ladies' Silk and Wool Hi All sizes. Regular $1 83. Closing Out Price gt25 NO CIIAlKiKS. Mussallem Grocery Co., Ltd. 12.-1 Fifth Avenue East. Plionc WESTHOLME THEATRE TONIGHT ONLY, 7 und J p.m. "Forever After" LLOYD HUGHES. MARY ASTOR, DAVID TOllRh.NCU DALLAM COOLKY, ALEC FRANCIS, LI LA I.KSIIfc and others COMEDY "NOUODY'S HUSINHSS." ' AESOP'S FILM FARLES Admisttioii - 33c and H'c UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED Sailings from Prince Rupert. nifW ' " lor VANCOUVER, VICTORIA Hwanlon Hay, Alert Hay. t;..r VANCOUVER. VICTORIA. Ilutedale, Alert , iwy. "frxMnm''' l'tt tot PORT SIMPSON, ALICE ARM, ANVOX, STEWART, Malei day, 8 p.m. r.!'..r J"1"' lrr Tolnti and Port filmnnon. Thursday P "' ni1Prt, r lii nrt Avenue. It. M. SMITH. Atent. '' Xml rte ni imiuiirh iickeiK Kuld to Victoria anil nvimir jwggage ciietked through to destination.