tie Se) SCR PAO mr ee RESET RR SCE RO RRR tr ER CO IE ON RRR es RS “ CLASSIFIED ADS PHONE 748 FOR HELPFUL CLASSIFIED AD-TAKER DEADLINE FOR CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING 4:30 PM. DAY PREVIOUS Classified Rates Closure time 4:30 p.m. day pre- vious to publication, Classified, 3 cents per word per insertion; minimum charge 50 cents. Birth Notices, 50 cents; Cards of Thanks, Death Notices, Funeral Notices, Marriage and Engagement Announoements, | £2.00 | Special Display double price, ANNOUNCEMENTS Catholic card party November 6 and 2 Cathedral Fall Bazaar, No- vember 15 Orange Ladies Bagaar, Nov. 19. LO.D.E. Fall Bazaar, Novem- ber 20. Nurses’ Annual Ba Friday, Nov. 21, Legion Auditorium November 21. Conrad P-TA card party, Nov 21 Canadian Legion Card party Navember 26 Sea Food Dinner United Chur Friday, Nov. 28 Presbyterian Bazaar, Novem- ver 27 | Salvs Army sal nd Wednesd De 3, 2:30 p | United Church W. A Fail Bazaar, Dec. 4 St. Peter’s Fall Bazaar, De-| cember 11, LOST AND FOUND LOST — Brown leather wallet keepsake of sentimental value FEMALE HELP WANTED » WANTED = Qualified stehog- rapher, salary $185, increasing Finder keep money, return to $215. Temporary but may wallet to Box 549 Daily News develop to permanent Give (273) shorthand and typing speeds a also marital status. Box 548 LOST—Lady s wrist watch be- Daily News tween Capitol Theatre and Hollywood Cafe. Please return to Ling the Tailor. Reward (269p) HELP WANTED, MALE FEMALE WANTED — Experienced book- LOST—Legion Auxiliary pin, on keeper-clerk for Construction 3rd Ave. Finder please return Company office. Must have Daily News (269p)| shorthand. Good wages to LOST—Black hand-made hand- to Daily News ltp) Potyry return ACCUUNTANTS PUBLIC ACCOUNTAN) right person. Phone Red 593 for appointment (272) FOR SALE FOR SALE- One medium size tnceme office desk, new condition, Tax seviulist. S. G. Furk,; finest material, light finish Stone Bullding. Re@ 692 ‘Am, $50.00. Phone 42 270 AGENTS WANTED FOR SALE—Enamel Enterprise LADIES Your spare time agree- and profitably employed by taking orders for Lingerie and Hosiery for Ladies, Men, Children and Babies, also bed- ding. Nothing easier with our wick burner, Can be converted into coal and wood if desired $50.00. Small Quebec heater $10. Box 550 Daily News. (270p) ; FOR SALE—White enamel coal stove $50.00. Phone Red 448 magnificently illustrated cat- 621A 6th West (269p) alogue with colors, containing about 900 superior quality FOOTHILLS (sootless) coal garments, all with samples of Phone 651. Philpott, Evitt & our materials. All is a value Co. Ltd (ce) of $25.00 being loaned to you guaranteed iree AIS n FOR SALE—Kitchen stove, coal ‘ 2 camp stoves, enc or money refunded. Fast de-| 2nd wood; ¢ Camp stove end liv C . ami tables, 2 ferneries, wicker ivery. Generous commission, %@! Big oea) bontubes wt We are table. Blue 602. (2 positively ones who give’ POR SALE—Wick burner oil the m« : atill of eee. stove in good condition. Phone tives and still offer the lowes Black 9 ack 811 (269) 4,000 satis price Join our fied Representatives by writ- ing immediately: DU JOUR LINGERIE 4235-312 Iber- FOR SALE—Dictator 6-tube con- sole radio. Record attachment - Good condition. $35.00. Must Lutheran Church Fish Dinner,| Ville St.. MONTREAI sell. New mattress, three feet December 6. HOW would you like to establish $800. 1138 2nd Ave wer | , : BIRTH NOTIC Be oe yourself in a business of your — own with a real future? Sell FOR SALE—Lady’s bicycle. iike Born Mr. and Mrs. V. P our 250 guaranieed products new. Green 51: : (268) Dexter, in the Prince 'R ipert to friends and neighbors. You - General Hospital November 11 don't need selling experience.' FOR SALE Wilkins Servis son, 7 lbs. 7 Vernon Bar- Write for free catalogue and washing machine, practically ron (1tp)| details. FAMILEX, 1600 d Del-| new. Moderately priced. Phone . orimier, Montreal (1t) Blue 961 or ¢all at 241 5th FUNERAL NOTICE sa Ave. West (268p) SKATTEBOI In Vancouver, BATTERY SEKVICE 234 Fast FOR SALE—Lot with Boat Shed B.cC., Thur November 13, RUPERT Battery Shop, at Cow Bay. Shed 60x 70. Two Harold Olaf, age 67 years, beloved 3rd Ave Phone Blue 126 Re- stalls taking boats to 54 feet father of Mrs. J. R. (Mickey) pairs, recharging and rebuild- some machinery. Price $4,000 Cross, and Arthur F. Skattebol,; '8. Work guatanted {c)| Terms. R. E. Mortimer, 353 ae Rupert, B« nee H. oO REPAIRS» 3rd Ave. Phone 88 (271) iSO Wilh COMCUCt Services - ab | scicoeic—icdecuelebe ae cdneal ee a iia Grenville Court Chapel at 2:30 EXPERT WATCH AND JEWEL- WANTED TO REN p.m. Monday, November 17. In-: “LERY REPAIRS, Dave McNab. —— | terment follow in Fairview Besner Block, phone Black| WANTED TO RENT Hopse, Cemetery. No flowers by request 367 (268) flat or apartment, furnished but donation » Cancer Fund rics m= —— ——-j| or unfurnished. Will buy fit- atefully accepted. B.C, Under-~ BOATS FOR SALE tings or furniture. Box 544, take in charge aTrahnee* —— : $~ te ; ai “WS, > nt tartan’, FOR SALE — Troller, 37°tect:| Dally News - : hdl Crown Chrysler. For quick sale | ————_—__—— - BUSINESS PERSONALS $3700.00 Black 551, (268p) FOR RENT BEER ted. Phone FOR SALE—18-ft. Sport fisher-| FOR RENT — Unfurnished 5+ Hale | eee (211p) man '52 Gray motor, as new a ae with oil stove and — = Price $1700. Can be seen at’ urnace wner occupies sSulte WILFORD Electrical Works. Mo-; McLean’s Shipyard. Box 547 in basement. $85.00 per month tors bought, sold, rewound and! Daily News (268p)| including phone, light, water repaired EEBD 1 eens oe voli “ and garbage pick-up. Adults CARS FOR SALE preferred. Box 551 Daily News, NOTICE—Midland Pines closes (271) Nov. 15 until further notice een _—— "(268) USED CARS FOR RENT—Sleeping room for - ‘ ‘ men. Call at 337 8th West FOR FULLER BRUSH service,) 41 Chev. 5-nassenger (270) phone Black 990 { nD) Coupe $500 rs is F yer FOR RENT—Light housekee ing DIMITROV’S PHOTO sTUDIO— 50 Morris nee room. 781 Bth Weat eae 4 Sneeeniie " ne room. 701 5th West lt 415 5th East. Pictures taken Convertible wero for Christmas. Baby’s, Wed- 52 Commercial FOR RENT — Room and board dings, etc. Reasonable (lip 144-ton Panel $2000 for quiet gentleman Respect- ~ able home. Preference given SLIP COVERS HEPPNER MOTORS to non-Grinker. Box 545, Daily AND DRAPERIES McBride St. Phone Black 605 News (2689p) nn Senna Charge : (ite) ROOM FOR RENT — 217 6th Write Box 1380-B. We call you/FOR SALE—Equity 1951 Buick; West. (273p) x I all you | Pye oe cee 5 as rf fies ss. Np) ge cat Apply. Reon *\ dha) {SINGER SEWING CENTRE rent MAGAZINES, novelties. Witte. ee — ee, portable anachines. Phone News Stand (c) | FOR SALE — 1950 A-40 Austin) 864 (c) everybody uses NEARLY 99. (c) NATIONAL Machinery Co. Lim- ~ {téd, Distributors for: Mining,| FOR Sawmill. Logging and Con-| tractors’ Equipment. ¥nquir- jes invited. Granville Island. Vancouver 1, B.C, (tf) 752 PLUMBING, automatic oil heat-| FOR SALE—1943 Plymouth se- sedan. Very good condition Excellent buy at $850. Must sell. Phone Black 630 (271p) | SALE — 41 Ford Coupe, 20,000 on engine. New radiator and four good tires. $525 Terms arranged. Phone Red | (270p) | RENT a sander or have your floors sanded and finished by experts. Phone 909. Greer & Bridden Ltd (283) FOR RENT— Sleeping room. Close in. Blue 602. (268) WORK WANTED : CAPABLE typist will do typing ing, sheet metal work. Phone} dan. Good running condition.| at home. Phone Blue 894 543, 630 6th West. Letourneau.) Also 2 pair of hickory skis, | (270) (tf) complete with harness and | ~— eae ae eae —————| poles. One pair of ski boots, | WANTED ECAP jour wor 6 it} tin saving . . - rire oe Boney Rs ee with) size 8 Leaving town Apply CASH for serap ‘brass, copper, | joodyear Winter Tread.—| Room 19 or leave message. | ss , Northern Tire & Rubber Co. New Royal Hotel (273p) batteries and tadiators. Phone | ni? Becond Aba Ot Gal Seas yen. SP | 543. Call 630 6th Avenue West. | — ocAet eee 1049 Yo-ton Stude-; Clty. ARI Foot Specialist con tea beeen et| WANTED — TOP MARKET) i at ae . . : DOX. 00 co 0 one | PRICES PAID for scrap iron, | Pedicure - Manicure Red 735 after 6 p.m. (273)| steel, brass, copper, lead, ete’ | orns, callouses, ingrown toe- 1* Sh est an dia, oes grading. Prompt pay-| nails, massage. For appoint- or ee cee Gal ment made. Atlas Iron & ments (also evenings) phone wary 1959 Bt d a k - Re ae Metals Ltd., 250 Prior St., Van- Blue 249 or Blue 192. Mrs E. | oan & hd me 3 € scribd egal) couver, B.C, Phone PACifie Rasmussen, 654 4th Ave. Rast. Paha awe Save several hun- 6357 (tf) (280p) dred dollars. Equipped with obs cae eas iis daiajarieesinesidibeci ih hiiblisnincaieenintpcies é siaasiineumunal « Philco radio, combination air REAL ESTATE Electrolux (Can.) Ltd. Green 960| conditioner and heater, over- | ——— ly Parts — Sales — Service sized tires and many accessor- | FOR SALE — Wartime four, (c) ies. Protective undercoating.| furnished. Black $51. (268p) SC eae ees cet nisin Only 7,000 miles. Truly a won-| — etn hai on GALLEY CAFE, formerly Len-| derful buy. Phohe 68) days or NOTICE! nard’s Third Ave., a place to 5 eat good food (268) UNWAN'TED HAIR- -Permanent- lv eradicated with Saca-Pelo The most remarkbale discov- ery of the age. Saca-Pel., is guaranteed to kill the roots of any hair and containg no drugs or chemicale, LorBeer Lab, 679 Granville, Vancou- Cc (A) PHONE 18 your Northlana Dairy, for daily delivery except Sun- day. By looking after your milk your milk will look after you. Keep it cool. All milk guaranteed. (tf) PERSONAL JOIN the Prince Rupert group of Alcoholics Anonymous to- day. Write P.O. Box 1511, Prince Rupert. (268) Red 964 Sundays or evenings. (272) “HELP WANTED—MALE PSYCHIATRIC AIDES B.C. Civil Service Salary: $203 rising to $225 per month, plus $15 Special Living Allowance. Applicants must be British subjects, under 45 years; in good physical condition; sin- cerely interested in care of pa- tients. Position permanent; sup- erannuation plan. Apply to the Supervisor, Home for the Aged, Terrace. (ite) HELP WANTED—FEMALE Home For The Aged, Terrace | Notice To Creditors JAMES BYERS GIBSON, Deceased NOTICE is hereby given that all persons having cidims against the estate of James Byers Gibson, de- |} ceased, late of Prince Rupert, B.C, |Who died on or about the 24th of July, 1952, are required, on or before the 15th day of December, A.D. 1952, to deliver or send by prepaid letter, | full particulars of their claims, duly | verified, to the undersigned admin- jistratrix of the estate of the said deceased, at Box 22, Williams Lake, B.C And take notice that after the last-mentioned date the said admin- istratrix will proceed to distribute the assets of the said deceased among “ wee CFPR watt One oo =e OS A 2: 1240 Riloeyctes RADIO DIAL Subject to Change) SATURDAY PM »:00-—-CBC Sports Page 1:30-—-Piano Playhouse 6:00-—-CBC News 6:05--Hockey Broadeast 7:30--Organ Music 8:00. Whatcha Know Joe” 6:30—-Prairie Schooner 9:00--NBC Symphony Oren 10:00-—-CBC News 10:10—-CBC News 10:15-—Oanadian Short Stories 10:30-—Dancing Party 11 00-—Weather Report 11°038-——-Club 40" 12:00--Second Portlon—~Chub “124 SUNDAY AM 1:00—Sign Off Ann'et §:30—Sunday Morning Recital 9:00—-BBC News and Comment 9:15—Muinly Abdut Books 9.30-—-Harmony Harbor 9:58—Time Signal 1000-—-B. C. Garttener 10;:18—Just Mary ):30--Way of the Spirit 11:00—CBC News 11°08-—Capito! Report 11:30——Religious ‘Period PM 12:00—-N.Y. Philharmonic Symph 1:30—OCritically Speaking 2:00--Piddle Joe's Yarns 2:30-——Three Men in a Boat 3:00—CBC News 3:05--Ask the Weatherman 3:12— Weather Forecast 3:15¢-UN On the Record 3 :30-— Vancouver Symphony Orci 4:30-—-CBC Chamber Musk >:00—Sunday Chorale > 30 Little Symphonie 6 :00-——S tage 53 7:00—CBC New 7 Weekend Review 7:20—Our Special Speaker 30—Distingu ad Artists OC Canada kee Oi) Om Red Skelton Show ) :30-—-Vesper 00-—-CBC New 10—CBC News 10:1 Report from President of UI 0:30 en Day Is Done 00-—-Weather Repdr nd Si MONDAY A.M ° 700-—B ©. Pishermer Broaderst 7:15—-Musical Clock 7:30—CBC New Weathe Repor 7:35—Musical Clock 8:00--CBC New $:10—Here’s Bill Good 8:15—-Morning Song 8 :30-—-Morr De 8:4 Little Concert ¥,00-—-BBC New and Commenta a1 Recorded Interlude 9:2 Dorothy Dougias Show 3 Harmor H ):59—Time Sign 10:00-—-Morning Visit 10:15—-Musical Program 10°30 Th Week Art )45-—-M i vt 00 arte I A 15—-Re dup Time 10-—-Weather Repor 3i—Message Period “Rec. Int Scandina Me 12:00-—Mid-Day Melodies 1 5—CBC News 12:25—Program Resume 12:30--B.C. Parm Broadcast 12 :565—Rec. Int 00—-The Concert Hour 2:00——B.C School Broad 2:30-—Basy Listening 3 :00-—Records at Random 3 :30-—Trans+Ganada Matinee 4:15—Road Show 4:30—Valley {f the Seven Sisters 4:45--CBC News; Weather Report pans nemsieniclpeensistncinadieciiitlilad AUCTION SALF Timber Sate XS57567 There wit! be offered for sal t Public Auetion, at 16:30 AM. on Priday, January 2nd 1953, im the office of the District Porester Pr . Rupert, Bc the Licence X575¢ Cut 1,625,000 cu. ft. of Hemlock nd Spruce om an area comprisin part of Lots 2364. 798 and 1070 situated on Bitter Creek and East side of Be ar River, Cassiar Land Di t Six (6) y¥éa will be wed for removal of timber Provided anyoné unable t attend the auction in Person may iDbmit tender to be opened at the of auction and treated as on Purther particulars b- tained from the Deptity Minister of Forest Victoria, BC. or the Dis- trict Forester, Prince Rupert, B (N18,15,22.29, D6.13,20) There will be offered for sale at Public Auction, at 10:30 AM.” on Friday, December 12 1952, in the office of the District Forester, Pringe | Rupert, B.C., the Licence X57968. to cut 2.415.000 cubie feet ~ Spruce Hemlock and Cottonwood on an a comprising of part of Lots 71 1301 and 1302 situated 6 ] north of Stewart (West side of Bear River), Cassiar Land District Five (5) years will be illowed for Al CTION SALE Timber removal of timber “Provided atiyone wnable to attend | auction the in person may Sale X57968 submit tender to be opened at the hour of auction and treated as one bid Purther particulars may he ob- tainéd from the Deputy Minister of Forests Porester Victoria, B.C Prince Rupert, B.C (N8,15,22,29 D6 or the District 13,20,.27¢) IT'S PART OF THE FU TO SERVE the persons entiled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which she shal! then have had notice EILEEN ISABEL GIBSON | WANTED — Girl to do light soun a' Ohne housework for board and Solicitor room. Phone Red 767, (268) | (N 7, 8, 14, 15) By EAS Mr. Abel Flubs Could Have Made Seven “Down one at six and n,” said Mr, Champion d had flubbed his six spade contract, Do you think Mr. Champion was exaggerat odd was possible? This Js how the play develop- d. Mrs. Keen led the six of} lubs and dummy’s king won./ Mr. Abel saw that he had a pos In each of the red iits. If Mr. Masters had the queen of hearts, finessitt, the sck would insure the taking trick « le loser , twee If Mr. Masters held the queen of hearts With exactly two oth- ! suit would break and fourth lead of hearts small diamond could! carded, In this Case Mr Abel would win all the tricks With these thoughts th mind, Mr. Abel took three frouhds of t Then he laid down the of hearts, in case Mrs. Keen fone queen. Next d dummy with the ace of monds, returned a heart and finessed the jack. When this lest to lone queen, the con doomed as there was avoid the loss of a the the nmy's mn edi uMmps. fh ' ; the he entere the tract Was ) way t diamond trick Mr. Champion hit the cetling Didn't you ever hear of a safety play, man he bellowed I tried to play it safe,” Mr Abel replied. “I cashed the ace f hearts first In case soméeotie had a lone queen.” Tha not enough,” snapped Mr. Champion Why be halt safe. Lay down the king, too, and you drop the queen.’ But if Masters three or to the reued Mr » what Mr. Chaftipion re- torted, “After cashing your ace nd king, go to dummy and lead a heart toward your jack. Your jack will Wih elther the third or fourth round of the sult oo had played your top hearts you'd Have what four Abe} had queen?” two made seven. You e¢ash your ace of t “LITTLE Everyone With Timber Can O Pays For Itself COMPARE THESE PRICES— 2 Head Block, 3 Head Block, Write or Call Por SAWMILLS. PLANE 1029 - 10th Avenue West PHONE BLACKWOOD on ridge POR A ere Sawmill Turns Out Lumber and Ties at Low Cost COMPLETE AND READY TO SET, UP WITH 12’ Carriage, less sow $685.00 16’ Carriage, less sow $945.00 3 Head Block, 20’ Carriage, less saw $960.00 ON Machinery Depot LEY BLACKWOOD Six Spades, you could have made sev- isgustedly, after Mr. Abel et > Prince Rupert Daily News Saturday, Novenber 5 1952 li. Students’ Salesmanshy Week Nov. 14th to 21s BOOTH MEMORIAL HIGH scHoo, {s the agent for Magazine renewals and ne Help Your High School ! | Thirty to fifty per cent, to Studen, No extra cost to you, Ww Subscripg Activitie ing in saying that seven- et a South dealer Le P Both sides vulnerable > North i" 9. é> . we Champion) siness rofession oA 0742 H-6 42 . Dp & 6 FOR YOUR ROCK John FL cK 4 ' ‘ . Hughe nes a AND CONCRETE WORK CHIROPRArTS i. Masters) or My tae EVERY JOB GUARANTEED Hrs. 10:30-19.3 R10 98 8 h-Q 7 We Pour Cement For Loss Ev Sp ao ~ D-QJ 045 Do 68 7 - ~ wes C--Q 56 C108 768% Phone Blue 939 él ~ 23 Besner yg South i Phone Bly “4 (Mr, Abel) eae 5K Q@ J Ww eet H-A KJ 3 PRECISION SAW FILING: i D168 FRED E. pow —A 8 j c The bidding All Typs Of Saws OPTOMETRIgg Bouth * Weat North Rast Sharpened Room 10 Stone p is Pam. 36 Pans a ay a. Re Re RS fas et Ave Ww. othe 904 —- —- ve 599 66 An Pads pen Friday Eye, "3 j Shipping and General ni clubs next, then“lea@ your last spade. Win in dummy and lead dummy's last spade. Masters | would have been squeeted. He | couldn't hold two hearts to pre-| vent you from wihhing with both | the jack and ‘trey, and also hoid three diamonds. If he threw a diamond on the jast “epade, all| three of dummy’s diamonds | would have been good.” Moving, Packing, Crating Cartage and Storage Complete, Reliable and Effi- cient Service. Also agents for Canadian Liguid Alr Co. Ltd for Oxywen, Acetylene and all welding supplies, LINDSAY'S CARTAGE & STORAGE LIMITED Cor. 2nd and Park Avenues Est. 1910. Phones 60 and 68 H. G. HELGER LIMITED REAL ESTATE & IN Phone 96, Evin ‘B LING THE Taj Tailoring ~ Altera and PRINCE RUPERT DRYDOCK AND SHIPYARD SHIPBUILDERS AND ENGINEERS Tron and Brass Castings Electric and Acetylene Welding SPECIALISTS ON SAWMILL and MINING »siaCHINERY e GIANT" wn a Sawmill That Quickly Full Information RS, And Limited Kalgary, Mberta 42992 2—1949 Austin Panels 1—1948 Austin Sedan FOR IMMEDIA | 3rd Avenue W. USED CARS and TRUCKS | 2-—-1949 Studebaker Champion Sedans $1395 1—1949 Flying Standard Coach 1—1949 Monarch Sedan 1—1949 International %-ton panel NEW STUDEBAKERS ARE ON DISPLAY | $960 down and 24 months to pay Superior Auto Service LIMITED Phone Green $895 $549 $1595 $425 $750. TE DELIVERY 217. Phone Black 846 and Red 127 ERE AE RN RNIN NEWS ADS get RESU Clothes Made-to-4 220 Sixth st Pi Luxury Steamer PRINCE RUPERT SAILS FOR Vancouver ard Intermediate Ports Each Thursday | at 11:15 p.m. For KETCHIKAN WEDNESDAY MIDNIGHT Comfort and Service SCOTT McLAR CHARTERED ACcOY James Block 608—3r0 Prince Rupert, B Phone 347 PO TT STL or, Reservations Write or Pa CITY OR DEPOT VANCOUVER OFFICE via Wayporis PRINCE RUPERT, SUNDAY 88. Can RBC. CANADIAN FRIDAY S8 Chilcotin 8 ; ALICE ARM and ST Friday, Camosun, Mi FOR NORTH QU CHARLOTTE ISL Nov. 19, De al 88 Chileotin, midt FOR SOUTH Qt CHARLOTTE ISL’ j 88 Chil Mid! ' Nov. 26 FRANK J. SKIN! Prince Rupert Third Avenue Ch inese D ! Chop Suey - Cho Open 6 p.m. - 3:0 NATIONAL GEORGE DAWES AUCTIONEER ' > Ph DINING PLEASURE N ! SPARKLING NEW SURROUNDINGS Commodore Cafe * HOLLYWOOD ¢ For Outside Orders F For the MEAL that REFRES BES) FOR TAKE OUT ORDERS PHONE 200 + —Isn’t THAT Nice? sible BROADWAY CAFE | Oe By CHIC YO al Cope 199), King Feoiwege Sredyane, inc, Wortd Op tered, firs NOT FOR uS--) I BAKED IT FOR *) MRS. WOODLEY, T+, x PAY HER BACK FOR ) THE MUFFIN 3 t aa BROUGHT US * y LAST WEEK y~ S 4 x