Saturday April i, ivn TV t Button? To nee how many people read our nd. we will give a radium headed push button .(., to every one; who nn wers thin, ad. TiHsf little buttons arc . lt tin inch wide ftil are ii . in in locale anything in hf dirk, tuch as the electric ughi swiuli, the keyhole or tp in Ui tairs. en . Johns FffD v. ELwt. STOkC WIfH THt CLOCK THE PIONEER LAUNDRY KIDS Ott.InK low PRICES THM YOU CAN AFFORD-- HI K ' trh harartcr of our work I u: low prices have com-::-J : us our business rrw-rd. Folk know that our v. ; ' xn 'a -.i and that we u J; I dcnendable Pioneer Laundry Phone 118 Neglected Eyes NEGLECT is doubtless the f.acne of most of the ill that aiViict humanity. This Is so self evident that It seems hardly necessary to tell you. I vour eyes are giving '-::ubie. have them attended n and uf once. OF AM. absurdities In the ngdom of foolishness, f.urcly the loss of eyesight hmugb neglect is the most inexcusable. DON'T lose health and efficiency through negleot. Come i .ntl nee I Fred Joudry Registered Optometrist and Optician Room 3 Smith lllock Phone 7R3 -rrSHlf WARM DAYS COMING BVB AND BVE-OUI !v TH AT COAL SUPPtf ------ M We'd nil like to wait for the warm weather to heat our homes but when Spring chills the house there's only one thing to give It yvarmth, that is coal. .,' You cannot have balmy weather by wishing for tit, but you can give your home n balmy "feel" If you use Rood fuel. NANAIMO - WELLINGTON and M(LEOI) JtlVKIt BOOTLESS Albert & McCaifery Phones 11G and 117 TERRACE ASKS Button! Button! ORE SAMPLING xX7kn TptM the WORKS RUPERT KKroMMENDATION MA III) HV IIOAICD j or; (i tu:u iioixkm 1 MM'I MMIIi t TEWlACE. Apr:: 10. The monthly leeang of the Tirracr and DUU: i Bcaid 3t Trade was he'.d n Q.w.V.S. UalJ TumUy even;i,g and win attended 4) about thirty mr:nbr. The coawtttv on public work re-p.-rtcd that the provincial department had almdy started repair work on the roids, oha that department official hul -iiated that work wjuld be oomm .n-ved upon the Terrace to ue end the ni.?nlton to Ocdarvele section of the tactile Highway at aeon M the appro-pr:atloua were reoeived and that these portions of the road would be completed thU Mwan. The board adopted the report of the suning This re;.crt ex-phaslwd the value of the mlnlnc Indus-117 to the community and ahowed that, white It waa aa yet only In the prospecting and development atage. It re-presented an annus expenditure of IIOO 000 The chairman listed that Terra-. oc- ipXti p .-vti'.rai poaftlon In mlnine. i.i-u wiiij hunt all prectoua and baar mrti.K rtiendlnji from copper proa-l-ecu ut Amabury to the aflver-leadHdnc (iOVKKNMBNT LIQUOR ACT." .oTin: or Am.irtTios roit ii;i:k I.IIIMI- NOTICE IB HEREBY OIVEN that on he Btli day of AprU neat the undersigned utend to apply to the Ltauor Control oard lor a licence in rcapect to premlftea etog part of the building known as Iatt Inlet Hotel, attuale at Port 1 'lemenu. Queen Charlotte Itfaoda. Iro nic of Brillb Columbia, upon the and dawnbxd aa hot Five 1S1, Block 1 orty-four 1 44 1. Bubdmalon of Lot Seven undred and lorty-ala (148). Port letnenu Townalte. Im Thlrtr-tbree (331 eet Ircm iront' to rear on went aide of ad tot. aa abown on a ragtatered map r plan depoaited hi the land Regiatry ifflo at the city of Prince Rupert, in he J'rovlnce ol Brltiah OolumMa, and umbered 1078. for the aale of beer by be glaa4 or by the open bottle for oon-umptlon on the pramiiKs. DATED at Prtaoe Rupert. B.C.. this Ith day of March, lift. W Alt MEN SCOTT, B L. T1NOLET, Apdlfeanta GOVERNMENT LIQUOR ACT." noih i: or inn rov- m;nt to TittNonit or mint j l.KlAd; ' NOTICE IS HKHEBT OIVEN that, on the IBth day i.f April next, the under- i.Kiieo intend to apply to the Liquor C011U0I Drd tur conaen. to tranafer of Beer Lireuce Number 6T8 and iMUed In ' ing known aa "Central Hotel." altuate i t the corner of Finn Avenue and Seventh Street City of Prince Rupert. In t:r Frvvince of British Columbia, upon the land described a Lou Eleven (III. Twelve I3i. Thirteen (lit. and Fourteen Ui. in Block Ten 1101. Section One ill. Map No 023. Prince Rupert Land RecMtratlon DMtftct. tn the Province of . BniMh Columbia, from Peter Black to Central Hotel. Limited, of the city 01 Prince Rupert. Province of BfltUb OolumMa. tt tranaferee DATED at Prlnoe Rupert. B.C.. thla 18th day of March. HOT CfjNTHAl. HOTEL LIMITED. Applicant ndTranferee. 1JINI) ACT. NOIHi; 411 IVTHNTION TO APPLY TO pt it 11 am: ush. Id Prtnfe Rupert Land Recording Dta-trlct of Prince Rupert, and altuate 30 chain et of northwest comer of Lot : en Range 3. Coaat Diatnct. ! TARE NOTICE that Ooane Packing ) Company Limited, of Vancouver, occupation Fih Cannera, intend to apply lr permiaaion to purenase uie toiiowing flearrfbed lands : Commencing at a port planted 30 ehalna east 01 nortnwest ux on. nanse 3. Coast District: thence south 6 chains: thence east 10 chains; thence norm 3 chains; thence west 10 chains to point of commencement, and containing S aerea. more or leas. OOSSE PACKINO COMPANY LIMITED. Applicant per II. Mooreiiouse. Dated April 2. 1037. WATER NOTICE NOTICE 18 IIErTbY OIVEN that HU Honour the Lleutenant-Oovernor of es-iai-a. fl s m tl at. M aa(W Wlin T nf saria ! vice of His Executive Council, has been I plesaed to order: THAT the reservation of the unrecorded waters of Brown's River and Mc- i Knight Creek, tributaries of Ecrtsll , rtivrr enublUhed pursuant to Order In Council Number 808 approved the 13th dav June. 121. be cancelled. 1 turn will be effective on A6rll 19th. 1837. UM DATED ' nu- mn nay 01 nmreu. iii T. D. PATTULLO. Minister of I-antH. Once in a Lifetime Such nn opportunity to save money on the best of seasonable Kfods. All llrand New HATS, l)'j,SrC0ATS' SI.' I IN Li-.. At less than cost The Inst few days DON'T DKI.A s BENT'S LADIES' READY-TO-WEAR Third Avenue Only Chevrolet Could Do It i J ttmmU1 Trtmif titiii$ depoatta at Cesarvale: The board atao asiuroved the that the department of mines be NOTICE Under and by virtue of the provision of Bectlon 38 ot the "Mineral Act." notice la hereby given Messrs. Malcolm Smyth. Edmund Langls, Hardld Hansen and Albert Moore, that there Is owing o the undersigned for Assessment Work performed on the Cortlllls' a roup of Mineral Claims. Princess Royal Island. Skeena Mining Division, the sum ot SJUS.Dt). ana mat unless auiu persons pay their proportionate share of the cost o: such Assessment, together with all costs of advertising, etc.. to the undersigned a'. Butedsle, B.C.. on or before May 13. 1927, application will be made to the Oold Commissioner. Prince Rupert, B.C.. o have their respective Interests In the ere In mentioned Mining Group 01 Mineral Claims vested in the under -alcsed. DAVID CORDILLA. JACOB KOSKI Was Nearly Crazy With Bolls All Over His Body Mr. B. L. Burke, Barronsfle.ld, NjB., writes 1 "Tor sums time I was nearly tratv with boils all over my body. I tried everything' I xul& think of to gtt rid of them,' but to no avail, for as sooa as one was healed up another would appear to take its place. " I was advised to take 1 4 fcnd after I had used two bottles the bolls hsd all disappeared and I have not been troubled with them slntw" Put up only by The T. MUburn Co., liiuiud, Tut otto, Out. ONLY CbrrToTrt wbrU'i larjest bunder of gear-shift automobiles could pro-, duct tuch a car u the Moit Beautiful Chevrolet in Chevrolet History Only Chevrolet, with the treat tor, in eerier and research facilities of General Motors at its disposal, could introduce such smooth, spirited performance in a car in the low-priced field. Only Chevrolet, associated'with the famous Fisher body builders, could achieve such beauty of line, such evident distinction, such unmistakrallt quality in a car at anywhere near Chevrolet price. Only Chevrolet, with Sis continent-wide sys meat were tillable to make a living, reoornmendod that , atarvlnt. snd had to be aaslsted proapectiug trails be ptaeed bs oondltlon by the settlers. for pack noma aa su-ly aa poaatble each. Har statements were considered very ' aeeaon derogatory to the best Interests of the The route arranged for the delegates ; district and, so far as this part of to the Second Empise Mining Congre s Northern B.C. was concerned, hsd abso-was discussed and a protest wtU be far-' lutely no foundation in fact. trict was concerned. A committee waa named by the board to act jointly with members of other as- hAel&tlAna In imnnnr reletirat f the opening of the picnic and beach party season. Shcf Thompson Is still a busy man these days to say nothing of the fact that he haa Just taken on a star boarder who is not a man. woman or chUd but Alex McRae's famous pot- Ihouhd Pete who has become his guest during the absence of his master on a trip in the south. During the week.- Dr. W. T. Kergtnls Full Mpoii had a kyllghil Installed. Doug Stork had the 8unltthi II. re-caulked' aud .Charlie Minus, took his vessel out on the grid to find that' some of the essential appendages had mkeu French leave. NEW OIIANIIV IK) IT Undoubtedly the finest production along the powerboat line which has ever been turned out at Prince Rupert Is "Oranby" which Is now nearlng com-Jletion at the dry dock and should be turned over to her owners about the end of next week. Of Sturdy construction not unlike a California tuna boat tem of maintenance service, could offer such absolute insurance of owner-satisfaction, in or above (tr price class. Only Chevrolet, with its enormous purchasing arid manufacturing economies, cavil combine the beauty, the quality, the distinction and the performance of the Most Beautiful Chevrolet, at such phenomenally low prices the lowest prices for which Chevrolet has ever been sold In Canada. Chevrolet stands alone. Comparison with other cars at or near its price serves only to accentuate the vast gulf which the Most Beautiful Chevrolet has fixed between the old and the new standards of automobile values. PRODUCT OF GENERAL MOTORS OF CANADA, LIMITED in Chevrolet History Dealer for Chevrolet. Pontiac, Oldsmoblle and Mclaughlin KAIHN OAKA(.'E (Dave Koss) Third Avenue, Prince Rupert, IS.C Cost of construction of the Granby in 1 j estimated at 140 000. il Beside the Granby, there are four other fairly large boats now under course of construction at the dry dock. Jack Ivarson'a new halibut boat Signal will be finished bv the first 5f the the ar- A motion was passed authorising the warded condemning; proposed k an, lnoul(, mr t0 tut ioT rmngemenu of Tour A, which does net secretary to write the Vaneouver Sun,ith. hllrn not, lhm.t the mIdd,. , the provide the onartluiltr for delegate, to in which the Interview was published. I wwk ve8Ml u M wt ,ong and u vian sne rnuung " , "lT"","s " powered with a 0 h.p Bollnder engine DC coast srsfl imersor. their w eoanectlon with "n the Terrace terrace dis ai.-, ,. M .. ,.1 OttE NAMI'I.INO ttOKKN tnow planked up and decked, the con tract calling for her to be completed about the middle of June. Sixty-four 1 approached for Information ardlngore of ConXtn'tTliUoQ 0. Canada !,eet lon tm M m tted wlU sampling worka. The committee pointed out that If a plant were established at prlnoe Rupert It would serve the Skeena. Stewart. Alice Arm and ooaat mining districts Prospecton developing mines would then be able to ship small tonnage of high grade ares to the plant and receive payment on the assay of the ore. This would provide then wtth means to further develop their properties: wberess few prospectors eouM finance operations by car-load shipments to smelters. on July 1st. Waterfront Whiffs (continued from page two) tug Hanaco. Under the skinpershlp of decided acquisition Exception was taken to the pubUshed j equipment. LAND ACT. Minn: or intention 10 apply to pi kciiam; lni In Prince Rupert Land Recording District of Prince Rupert, and altuate 30 chains east of northwest corner of Lot CS. Range 3. Coast District TAKE NOTICE that 0"e Packtnc Company. Limited, of Vancouver, occupation FUh Canuers. Intends to apply tor permission to purchase the followtnf. described lands: Commencing at a post planted 30 chains eact of northwest Lot 08. Range 3, Coast District, thence north 5 chains to low water mark: thence eact 10 chains: thence south 5 chains: thence west 10 chains, to point of commencement, and containing fi acres, more or leas. OOSSE PACKINO COMPANY LIMITED. Applicant. Per H. Mnorchouse. Dated 3nd April. 1927. to the concern's 1 me rnippen was ouiit some seventeen or eighteen years ago for the Cold Storage by Wallace's of Victoria and has been used by the big fish handling soncern for towing work . continuously since. She Is 54 feet long with beam cf 13 ft. 4 in. and derives her propul-!on from a 50 hp. Frisco-Standard gas engine. As intensive preparations continue for a 90 h.p. Washlngton-Eatep engine. The new halibut boat for Pete Bruno and II. Lund Is about half planked up. The vessel is M feet long and wUI have a 49 h.p. Fairbanks-Morse semi- delsel engine. Frames are up for Lars Voge'a 83-foot halibut boat which will have a 75 h.p. Washington Estep engine. While no other contracts have yet the dock to con- Osot. Jim Morruon. she win be a 1 been signed, expects struct, three or four more vessels dur ing the coming summer. " Ordinary work at the dock proceeding at the present time includes the annual overhaul of the fishery patrol power boats Rlvldls, Heron. Cloyah, Llnnett, Hawk. Merlin and Bonllla, the steamer Marflsb having already been given her annual going over. A hydrographlc survey scow Is also on the pontoons, being rccaulked and overhauled. The 50-foot seine boat Reta M. of Japanese ownership arrlvetj at the dry! dock during the week from Claxton for. the purpose of having a 55 h.p. Wosh-iugton-Estep engine Installed. Friends of Red Pierce of the halibut boat Cape Swain will regret to learn that he Is 111 In the Prince Xlupert Genera) Hospital. Alfie Benson of the Minnie V. was recently discharged from " the Institution. AM'iioit roi.i.i:(rrou.. Ogopogo was -already Vegarded as a btast of strange habits. Not less Is his namrwake. Ald.M. M. Stephens' work-boat which formerly belonged to the Belmont Surf Inlet Mining Co. under the name Belmont. Ogopogo was on the Edward Lipsett ways this week and came in contact wtth Jim Field's North- the new Orsnby Co.'s service boat era Exchange, picking the anchor neat ly off the deck of the latter craft although she punched a bole In her stern doing It. It waa a strange stvht as the' tide went down to ace the Northern Exchange and Ogopogo clinging so af- 111 appearance and elegantly fitted with- j fectlonately to each other by means ot: in ano witnout. tne new vessel is prov- sald ancnor. Ing quite the cynosure of all eyes and on all hands remarks are heard of a Finishes touches have been put on most complimentary nature. The vessel Is 78 feet long, with beam of 17 feet and moulded depth of 9 ft. 8 tn and derives her power from a 120 hp. Washlngton-Estep delsel engine, one of the first of Its kind to be Installed here, the putting In of which has been supervised for the past few weeks by Ben Fox of the Vancouver Machinery Depot British Columbia agents for the motor. I Fitted with hot and cold water facilities and a liot water healing system. ;hc Oranby will be used 'for travelling lot company orUciuls oud also as a tow-.boat for which work she la completely I equipped. She will carry a crew, of I three or four men, 1 Interior conveniences of the vessel Include two private staterooms below a commodious dining and observation saloon, The furniture Is built In and there are tapestried upholstered bunks, couches, etc. The foesle provides accommodation tor four men and 'aft of the englns room is a lararette. The Harold Ericsson's new halibut boat. Viking I., which was built In Cow Bay during the winter, and the vessel will clear Mrday for her first trip to the high, spots. After half a (lay's fishing, the little! ' halibut boat Bsyvlew, Capt. Don Wedge. was forced to return to rt early in the week on account of, a broken tall shaft. Next to a secret the-hardest thing toj keep Is a beautiful complexion. A pessimist Is a man who wants' things different even after they are. ASTHMA CHRONIC BRONCHITIS. HEAD ANO BRONCHIAL COLDS, HAY FIVER SwsllowRAZJJAHcsraules. Send Sc for trial Tempfeuwa, Toronto. 11 at your druulit's. nAZ'MAH CF.ISIO iteautifui Cliewolet NEW LOWER PRICES Roadster f655X0 Coupe- f7&0M Touring 635.00 Coach- 760.00 Sedan 863.00 Landau Sedan 930.00 Cabriolet 890X0 Roadater Delivery 633X0 Commeroal Chaws - ... 490X0 Utility Express Chasms ... 643X0 Prkff at Factory, Oskawa Covtrnment Taxes Extra irom mm ae- mwmrai 01 jrs. k. uox 01 tiazei- aaioon u unmeaiateiy ait 01 tne targe . potlta In the KltUnat and Oopper Blver 1 M, who. while in the south recently. I deck pilot house with a galley aft oi , valleys to the aUver-lead velna oti the MM that In Northern BX3. settlers the aaioon. The appointments are of j Csoae KJvexr oontprlalng aa mm of" 3.-, brassght In by the Immigration depart- j generous and tasteful style. 004) square mtlea. The oommlttec PAGE FIVB DENTISTRY Dr. Jos. Maguire Over Ormes CROWN, BRIDGE and PLATES EXTRACTION OF TEETH Phone 52.". Ry an Expert. Sunday Appointments. Open Evenings. Prince Rupert Coal Co. Ltd. Phone 15 Amenta for Lady smith - Wellington and Peerless Coal Main Office now at 311 Second Avenue (between 2nd and 3rd Streets) Phone your orders to . Phone 15 Canadian National Qfie Largeil Kailway Syflcm in America Steamship and Train Service KAII.lMiS from PRINCE Rt'PERT for nu ll Till ItMltY and M NDAV. l or AN VOX lor STEWART s.s. I'ltlM-t: JOHN for VANCODV I .AMIS, r.irtnlclitlv. PASSKMIKK TRAINS LE Eurh MONDAY, WEDNESDAY and H UEOICOE, EDMONTON, tVIM.MI Malm. NEE CANADA IN CANADA'S AOENCY AfJ. OCEAN I'se Canadian National Epre etc.. alto fur your next shipment. CITY TICKET oriTCE, 3Ss TIMHD vs vniiTi'ii iirriiitli sKATTl.E. ll.oii run. WEDNESDAY. 1(1.00 p.m. KATI'KDAY, Hl.lKI p.m. EK via OIIIN CHARLOTTE AVE I'KINCE Kl'PEKT ATl'ltDAY at 11JS0 u.m. fur PRINCE EG, all points Eantrrn Canada, I'nltrd Jt IIII.EE YEAR 1W.7 - 1921 STEAMSHIP LINES. fur Money Order. Foreign Crieiie, AVE I'KINCE HITEKT. Plume KM) HE'S HERE Having arranged with the Hoover Co. to send us a demonstrator, we arc now In a position to show you the difference between the Hoover and an ordinary vacuum clearer. Demonstration will be made right in your own home for the asking, starting Mortday, March 21st. Just phone 3, and we will dp the rest. The Hoover Is sold on very easy terms. , Kaien Hardware Co. m