- - . ...,:,. iVnrviivrtrK tiltr'SR City Delivery, by mail or.irrir. p-r r$6th $J. uy mail to all pari of the British Kmpir i Mates, In advance. jr year Classified Advertising, per insertion per word Legal .Notices, each insertion per agate line Contract Rate on Application Advertising and Circulation Telephone Editor and Reporters Telephone ENTERTA I N.M EXT X ECESSARY nhe Uiiitrtjf Member of Audit llurenu of Circulations. DAILY EDITION 9S SG To all other countries, in advance, per jrar 7.50 Transient DUplay Adrertiaing. per inch per iuertion Transient AdrtrtiaiRg on Front Page, per inch $1.40 $2.80 Tuesday. Aujriut 9, 127 NEW THEATRE WAS NEEDED The building of a new theatre, announcement of which is made today, is an important event in the life of Prince Rupert. Most of the people here enjoy going to the theatre sometimes to take in the movies or an occasion musical entertainment. When the new building goes up It will be fatter ventilated than the old one, the seating will undoubtedly be of. the best and the building will be absolutely safe. As Prince Ruiert develops and has means of entertainment, bet ter sidewalks and conveniences of every kind such as are seen fn the south, people will find it to their taste to live here permanently instead of looking forward ts life in the south as soon as they have enough money. Already there is a sense of permanency about the city with real homes springing up, aiid the theatre was the one thing needed just now to make the attractions of the place complete. The-lessees of the present building are to be congratulated on their enterprise in planning a building that will find a need here. There's often a great difference between what a person earns and what he is paid. Some who are paid three thousand dollars a year earn about a thousand. While it is possible that some people go to the movies too much and iend too much of their time in this form of amusement, It is also true that we need amusement all the time and when it is interspersed. with educational and news films such as is done here, they fill a need which is benefieial to the place. If the weather is dull and we feel depressed, we go to the movies., We lose all our worries and cares in the story there unfolded. We enjoy some beautiful scenery while sitting comfortably and we have a good laugh at the comedy and enjoy some good music The result is that we feel refreshed and jtetter able to carry on our work. The person who does not go to the movies occasionally Is not well educated, for education consists tartly in keeping In touch with the trend of modern affairs. ' - R ra Birds are all right for pets but chickens are birds. t "PETER THE PEACEMAKER" (Toronto Globe) Hon. Peter Heenan, Canadian Miidster of Labor, apparently believes that he has a real duty in working to keep the peace in Labor circles. News that a strike Is in prospect is but a signal to him immediately to seek to bring the parties together for negotiations. "Ever since Hon. Peter Heenan was honored with the important portfolio of Minister of Labor by Premier King," says The Hamilton Labor News in a warm tribute, "he has demonstrated to the people of Canada that he is-not merely an office-holder. Since assuming cabinet rank the minister has been instrumental In averting several strikes." Only a few days ago Mr. Heenan broke into his vacation at Kenora, his home town, to mediate betwen the Canadian National Railways and certain of its employees to the number of over 20,000. After a few days a settlement was reached, and the danger of a serious interruption in railway service averted. The minister seems fair to earn the title, forecast for him by The Hamilton Labor News, of "Peter the Peacemaker." The most effective speech President Coolidge ever made was "I shall not be a candidate again." A friend is one who likes you even If you dress than he does, drive a better car or own a faster boat. Now that Aimec McPherson has finished wrangjlig with, her mother in public she" will be able to get back" to preaching, which is much more dignified. What will be the next chapter in the story of Aimee? Some people think it a mark of distinction to what other people do. Ma Buix gets it in the neck FLIT spray clears your home of moscjuitoes and flies. It also kills bed bugs, roaches, ants, and their eggs. Fatal to insects but! Harmless to manxina. wiu not stain, bet rut today, DatrihrnfJ m CtnmJ tj Tn4J. Wkain & Cfc. LimiuJ, Tmam DESTROYS Flics Mosquitoes Moths Ants Bed Bugs Roaches wilt tbt UuttomJ- of the innitf nf f uh I cannot lustlfv 1HE DAIt-Y NrJWS The Daily News Alaskan Salmon Packing Fails PRINCE K I' PERT - BKITlSil COLUMBIA Southeastern Alaska and Traps Pubtithfd Every Afternoon, except Sunday, by Prince Rupert rAfn II. F. Daily PUI.LKX News, Limited, - - - Third Mar.atflnif Avenue. Editor. Operate for Only Another Week f re T " KETCHIKAN. August Packers are waiting in vain for the ah to come into their traps. The reason rloWs August 1)4 but no Wg run has yet appeared. The belief still strangely prevails among cannery men that there is no depletion of fish but that it ts simply an abnormal and freakish year, and that the continual north and northwetterly winds have been keepfay the fish from the foside waters of the Ketchikan district. . Beporu late last aeek showed thai a 1 Local Readers, per insertion per line fH T0" ""'"IT """f 1, on t:jr una nsivv urc-u in Icr Strait, and that Uvrre have aa tmnmt te wend its wmj aiu!t!ttiA. A it iuawmd that ruaa in the Prince WUllaas ' cuer.;an of tha remount Film Com- 4md and districts to the wratwwd Mrt aboard and thev did not f ! to ttat ao tar. other than occastonil and tixtn advantaa of the untattc opportu- MM ehoa. they bavo not raMnd Uti nwumpbtm the unee herd to. tt rr The week etaed h mart saisao j octmmnt i nnprecrfeoted sag sftowtna IB the northern part of the. tht mmia aara were at dutrtct. instead of in the western and h.nd a reaaarksMe cotnciK. Tha southern part which la agate a revert I VJmM n, ,pper on the local oi tbt tuna of previous seasons, i KNen at boom future data and Mr. Iodepeaaent trap owm and cannery- j wilier hi looking forward to seeing tbe seen who are defeadteg on tola yeart nlmertl Umt when they appear tlah to -paft tfcea ear are already hard the Km hit and ajMWBd he fish ahow up . tracts the esrnsng week It la doubtful if a SMsahareT then aWWaa out even It It aald to he a worse situation thau has Isead the paekera in a good many ( l.C MUMIN will b no Titratlop of the iiaaoo In aowttwaaaerB AJ". tha .prcvaliutc aearelty ot flah making Champion uch aotton njwsUftaM. TMt, ha f-feet, ki tha atatcmant aaade at Jmncau hy CiwliiSoriar tlaary OTJxEf In a coamtralomUea addrtMed to Rlebard nun Aetlag Seiseury. Sitka. Oaap. Alaaka KaUrc Brotherhood. The eommtftoow wis appealed to by the Sitka arfanlaatkm to extend the .urreat ataaen. A pettUon aSaed by 42 flahercftea. Ueatben ot the oap. and iliice 3nt$ . the II beaa flahtag lor ihe sasery baa rersged about 1J00 Mhaitn per boat, and added: "Aa tola U praeUHtlf esr only source of Brtll- hcod. we make a Mea Utat in your GREAT CURTIS FOR THE RODEO of Cariboo and His Family Expected to le Here For (Jreat Event TELKWA. Aug. 9. Through a mUun-deritandlnc from information received, the name of MeAbee was mentioned aa telng champion broncho rider of B.C. The name Mtouid have been Marvin Curtis Sincerest apologies to the champion. Marvin Curtis, and all hi admirers In the Cariboo and elsrahere are offered far the error. Msnrlu Curtis is the son of O H. Curt'.s. president of the Williams Luke ' 'f -t enta-no .up- ppwet'tfctre toe some amsgemea. msde y extend Uve fishing seahoa. as the run this jrear to fully ten days later than .or the test three yean." In his reply to the petition, Oommla-i loner O'Malle aatd: "I very lauch rejret the poor salmon run In southeastern Alaska, but in view pviwi v view vat ivutu. The champion by no means wears tbt enly riding belt in the Curtu !mlly He has two brothers. Bay and Dave, whu hound hie heels at every wild and woolly exhibition Dcug. promises to be a top nctcher. oiUy nlite year old. and lkT a' ln 1W any action that will lengthen the sea- son and further reduce the flab that are w.titn. tjt aKs am1iu hrala. I Have of e othen' nd learned recently the runs have Increased ! ""nf exhibition In Icy Straits, and I am in hopes that llrts same condition will prevail all rUhiioutneastern Alaska." KIMi SALMON' .t IIKKIMM) Another rtrn of- king salmon on the the west .coast of Baranoff Island and a big run of herring in lower Chatham ptralt and the lower end of Baranoff Island, were two bright spots In the fttfrtag situation at the end of the week. The king salmon run the present to late has been the largest and most continuous ever experienced ln Alaskan waters. Despite the fact that some $200,000 was lost to troUers during the brief time the strike was on fishermen' have been making good money because of the anexpected and phenonenal run. or rather vueeesskm of runs. Ketchikan buyers and plants have handled a larger tonnage of king salmon already this season than for any previous season, and t rollers also are bringing cohoe into the . market. The new herring run Is reported to be heavier than any previous run. arul telce boats are running Into their home ports loaded to the guard with herring. The seine boat Sockeye. Captain Sam Cuka, one of the big Puget Sound boats, was ln port Friday, having returned north to fish for the floating herring steamship Lake Mayflower now at Port Armstrong. Frank Mezln, .a well knowji old timer, who Is with the boat, laid reports had been received 'that' 36 boats were reining ln that vicinity and Mtuit -they alUeecuredcapacity loads of the new run of herring. The king salmon mild curing Industry ln the Juneau district has had a very successful season, according to Edgar C. Snyder, stockholder ln the Stof-ford Si Corundwahl plant at Washington Day. Ill ltlilSd I.AR(iK The herring output at the plant while hot ao large as last "season has been Of an unusually fine quality, Mr. Snyder said. The percentage of large fish was much higher than normal tor this section of the territory. The company has already cared 170 tierces of king salmon and expects to add materially to Its output before the season ends. Cohoes are Just beginning to run, he said. Up to the present time, the company has cured more than 2.000 half barrels of herring and plana to cure another 1,000 half barrels. CARIBOU WERE FILMED CROSSING THE YUKON Coup of steamer Hl.xted by Huge Herd of .tnlmalu J. Miller of the department of revenue, who Is ln the city, tells of a notable occurrence In the Yukon when a herd of caribou was photographed as It swam the niver. Owing to forest fires the caribou have been driven from their grazing grounds ; for miles of territory. The fleeing ani-. mals in an enormous herd of teni ot ! thousands were ln the Yukon River near ' Hell Date as the river steamer made its regular trip. To avoid damage to the the Wllltam If he was o:.l sure of a few Vat rides at Rupert '.h.-n U every rhanse he would put in .u. .t;, first class Everyone realize the during, the coo; , ' hadedaeu and venturesome spirit of the eowbey Who. every time he climbs i over the chutes to straddle a beast, takes his life ln bis' hands but what of the cowglrlf She has the admiration of both sexes. a itnti. ciiicr. Prince Rupert stampede will have the opportunity of seeing Miss Ollle Curtis and other girls ln the saddle. Olllea appearance In the arena forms a mott pleasing comparison to the brusque character of the cowboys. She is attractive and winsome, and a mannerism to be marvelled at. For pluck and de-termliaaUon she vies with most cow-boyish cowboy. She will tackle anything, and has sympathetic hands for any bit. bridle or beast. OlUe ha the unique distinction of being the first and only woman to ride ln that treacherous mountain rax of the Cariboo, a race for mile upon mile down a mountain side, thundering ever rocks, tearing through creek bottoms, skimming along precipitous bluffs, over windfalls and smashing through mud boles, hell for leather. It is a race ln which very few man can stand up to the awful gruelling, but Ollle come out with a smlls. That Is indeed characteristic of her: win, lose or idraw. Wofceto cinch or whatever bad luck jL'e 'ncounters, the smile is always evident to win her herds of" admirers. rmT THir TO roitT All .bauds from the Cariboo are looking i forward-td tnetr'tflp to the great, northern terrnlBsJ. Many have never seen the Pacific coast, and they are anxiously looking forward to their trip around the harbor for which arrangements are taking place. They are all boys and girls frm the bunch grass, and only too willtng to help out at any point where the Western Rodeo Is being started. The trip mean considerable less ef time and money to them, but purely for the love of the sport and the honor of being the first broncho riders tc perform ln Prince Rupert are they making the trip. Prince Rupert will exhibit performers on the genuine article wild' stock. So many town rcdeos these days present trained bucket, but at Prince Rupert will be the product of the vast plains COLIC AND CRAMPS PAIRS IH THE STOMACH TV f3 Mi-TTtrrra- been on the .market for the past "K.hty jears-itA action is pleasant, rapid, reliable and effective and relief from cholera, colic, crampa and pains in tha stomach cornea promptly. Price, COc. a Lottie at all druggist or dealers; put up only by The T. Mil-burn Co., Limited, Toronto, Oat, Refreshing as a dip in sparkling lake or bracing sea, a pfpeful of Old Chum is a sure route io smoking satisfaction. That most popular or tobaccos has back of it n forty-year record fbr mellowness richness and constant; evert flavour. Everywhere it is. daily gaining ngw and enthusiastic friends. Smoke this cool and fragrant tobacco made from the finest Virginia leaf. Find out how really satisfying and soothing a tobacco can be. Remember to save the "Poker Hands," packed in . Old Chum. They entitle you to valuable presents. The large 25c. pachiRC contains ttvo "Poker Hands" OLD CHUH - ""swaw nd ranges that ba.-k up th: growing .'Ity. If you get talking to Curtis. French Henry or Hutch get theei to' rtos a wild sow milking contest and bear them awearlBg over spilt milk. In 1871 only three per cent, of our population lived weat of the Lake ot the Woods. In 1031 this figure became 38 per cent. WATER NOTICE Divt:itsio ami fw: TAKE NOTICE that Francis Henry Cunningham, whose address la 805 Board of Trade Building. Vancouver, B.C.. will apply tor a licence to take and use 1 cubic foot per second of water out of unnamed stream which flows northeast and drain Into Humpback Bay, Poreher Island, about 400 yard southeast of aortheast corner post of Lot 102. The water will be diverted from the stream at a point about 200 yard from, the mouth of the river and will be used for tlah, cannery and domestic purposes upon the tand applied for. being portion of Lot 103. Range S, Coast District. This notice was posted on the ground n the 35th day of June, 1037. A copy tt this notice and an application pursuant thereto and to the "Water Act" will be filed ln the office of the Water Recorder at Prince Rupert, B.C. Objections to the application may be filed with the said Water Recorder or with the Comptroller of Water Right. Parliament Bnlldlngs, Victoria. B.C.. within thirty days after the tint appearance ot this notice In a local newspaper. The iate of the first publication of this lotlce Is August 4. 1827. F. H. CUNNINGHAM, Applicant. LAND ACT. NOTICE W INTENTION' TO APPLY TO LEASE LANU Queen Charlotte Ialands Land District. Land Recording District of Prince Rupert, and situate north ot Lot 1658 and 1657. TAKE NOTICE that The Langara Flsh-lne and Packlne fy i.m nf u.au.t - cupatlon Canners, Intends to apply for a icaoc ui luuowmg aeacriDeu lands: Commencing at a post planted twenty chains nerth of Yan Indian Reserve and on the shore of Mclntyre Bay; thence north 5 chains to the low water mark thence westerlv fnllnwlno ma in. . -I 180 ehalns; thence southerly 5 chains-thence easterly 160 chains to the point of commencement, and containing elshty acres, more or lew. LnANdARA FISHINO & PACKING CO. LTD, Applicant. . Fred Nash, Agent. Dated June 37. 1937. IN PKOKATE IN THE SUPREME COI KT OF BRITISH COLLMIIIA In the Matter of the Administration Act; and In the Matter of the Estate of William J. Kyle. Deceased. Inteatate. TAKE NOTICE that by order of His Honor. F. McB. Young, the 2it Say of June, A.D, 1927. ! was appolrited AdmlnUtrator of th. t.. ,viir..v"1 J. Kyle, deceased, and all parties having rlalmst siro nit 4hi ani . . M . ci.ai arc nereov required to furnish wune. properly verified, to me on or before the 25th dav aic irquirea to nay 1 .th'.uam?unt 01 thelr tooebtednes to me forthwith. NORMAN A. WATT Offlrial Adml nlstrator I Prince TlUDert nr I Dated the 25th day of Jimi.AB. mi Of: COME NOW AND RET YOUJt CHOICE while the choice is good! Great B nt argams McARTHUR'S SUMMER of high grade 00ts & DEMAND SALE Shoes McArlhur's Shoes are known for quality. Every pair in the store at Sale Prices. "Rupert Brand" Kippers "TIIK DAINTIEST IJKKAKFAST FOOD." Smoked Daily by Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Prince Jtuperf. H.C I 1 1 A'