r Aurst 9. 1927 Perspiration odor kept away easily when you use this purifying toilet soap offender doesn't notice it THE rut ftefjon tlu dotu At timet, everyone of ui my be uiihout kntmint it. Even when we think we aren't periplr-Inf. the rore constantly give off odor-causing moisture. Don't risk embarrassment use fjMwinF So rcrnning that millions bathe with it every dh It purifies pom gives freedom from per-ipiittion odor. Healthier complexions Ufebuoy'i mild, antiseptic lather keens complexions clear, smooth and glowing with health because iC pwrifiet the skin. Ikrterstill.it remove gems from hands, as well as dirt safeguards, healthlgalmt germ disease. You'll learn to like Lifebuoy's clean, hygienic scent so whole tome, so assuring of greater safety, yet so quickly vanishing. Lifebuoy glvet extra protection, yet costs no more than other soaps. Use it a week and you'll use it lot life." Get tome today. f - Lcvtr Brothers Limited, Toronto f 1 LB722 lifebuoy OC, yHU L TH SOAP Vorfdcc-hands-bdih tMp removes germs, too Crown Colony Days Away back in the late sixties thousands of !iiriw nf TlfSf ?qVi fnlumVila'a titnhnr irnnn cnlrl fni nno cent per acre, which looked like a fair price then. Today similar timber is worth from $150 to $200 per acre, so tremendously has timber appreciated in value within the scope of an average lifetime. What the young growth of today will be worth sixty years from now is beyond computation if it is protected from fire and allowed to reach maturity. The moral is obvious. PREVENT FOREST FIRES YOU CAN HELP imiTISIl COLUMWA FOKEST SERVICE Why we are a Rexall Store Spreading across Canada and the United States arc thou-ands of Rexall stores. We are proud to be one of thcmljecause such widespread acceptance of Itexall products could come only from one reason that the public had tried them and found them to be good. They are. Three and one half million packages of I'uretest Epsom Salt were sold by the Rexall Stores last year, an endorsement by the public of the high quality of I'uretest and Rexall Household Remedies. OrmeslM. THIRD AVE. o SIXTH ST. . TELEPHONES .82 u 200 UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED For Vivrmi... Sailings from Prince Rupert. Tniia Tutdj, s a p.m. rK VICTORli. gwanson Bay, Alert IWJ. V Poi5R- v'CTOUU. Hutedale. Alrrt Hay. "iV'Ln. Is''"1' sun daw I "'M,N. ALICE A KM. IM'OX, STEWART, Hairs For k pJn' k.r.,,'k" taMJiarS'Iili SeaU'e at . reduced rate ami "r.i mronrh to destination. ,. THE DAILY NEWS PAGE THRF. . j i j res-- S Auditorium Dane. Wednesday. Aug Local and Personal i 10. " 1(6 I Football tonight 6. Uoom vs. Trr- jnUnais. ArUMu a Taai. ebon, e7. Trip afawnd Kaln UUnd on 8pdboat 'Nui nrrrr" In4thl at 6M. rare 11.00. BO. Undertaker Phone t. Olll UIMM41 Mrrrd atrda at. DeUa. Dr. J. R. Oom PboneeM rtannai on Um Prince Otort; 'r Van aoww oa a haMdar tHp. UrajN-ttM at of at Tile Augu.f Sale. M Mr. Md Ura. Raf UcKinly of AJtrw Oh tfc Big 4 babul Wben IhlnsiBt Aim arc naB(r aboard the atramr Automatic Crtdentt of a Tail. pfteatt 4. u GaMJa wSday bound for Vancouver., OitAopficnic 13U . Trwaaaar mam agaata ter U4y-aaUU-WattUtaa UK. P. a UiKer and fimlly. who Victrola Wl. MM 50. tt haHdarlng at Port 8tmpn. It change Its to tte t4ty on the CaUla thU own KccoftJj J Mrs j. j una aftaiMH rar ttw math on a holiday trip. n. J. Hratffcury ia ealUaaj fey the Oat- T city aowneu at Mm. OacU & H. o a twiatnaai trap to mmm. meeting la (or July HW AtUa Avenue. kgr Mr. Oflmtlu. la aa OkMa, UU twRKxiB for who wrlved la the V. a. UeUarrU. who U prominently WtntHW wWi mining dewelopmenU In AUre Arm dHtrtet, la a pajwenger 'on MM OaUU today, going through to Van day trip. Naylor. auperlntendent of tbt P. BWHta abattoir here, and Ura. Naylor and tomHy are aattlng thla afternoon on Ike OaUta (or Vancouver on a boll. after hawlag apent a few daya here on city MCNtly from Vaacvamr. u UmIoocM dvtlea. gUMt of Mr mother, Mrs. T. B. rrtngl VMtnm A paramenia. D. B. Gordon, ON.R. electrical en glneor with headquartera at Winnipeg, returned Caat on thla mornlnga train itaaltoy RowBtrre maa fined 150. with the option of thirty daya lmprbonment. Nw ua by MagMrate In city poller court thli M Maaaatt. was an arrtTml narnlaK for drunkenneu. It waa nil in Ue city thla moraN ream ttx-'eomut eirnce. Queen OhtflotW bland. I Mlaa A. M. Ooillaon and Ulaa WUinl- IMbert Stuart of the plneltl jxao-jfi Oollton. daughter of Mr. and Mra. lie wotto deanrtmcnt ontoea hare aaUed' t. oolUaon of thla dtr. returned on Mtrno'n on the Prlnot tkm ntal thU afternoon fmm Kin tor Part Clement. Don McKtnnon. pioavrer rancher of the Terrace dtetriet, ratumwl to the interior on thla morning 'a train after having apent a Jew daya in tne city on bualneaa. j The audltafa report for the month Wtttl tiftjf Kmh Ia.h An tK .M eolith where they apent a holiday. r v- anweanom ne M M,therij Khott husbln1 of the WaMron emjaoraUM AfMrtmentr toMwl(t( hu periodical trip, to ma with bend offkte at VaAoourer. PobUcatlOD jtoddjr. Tbey 'from tMa o month. of the tadea. w dtotrlet on bualnesa In connection with the Somerrine Cannery Co.. feallp on the CaUta thla afternoon for Vancouver. xwi-ymuy, m rwau-nm arttia 4 dlaturbanct laat night will be found eery day m Avenuei pddy Carney tu i durt&t Ukt aummer njwd J4 with the option of thirty daya' imprtNonment. by Maglatrate Mc CJymon in city police court thla morn ing The top of hi taxi car having caught fire auppnaedly from carelessly thrown cigarette end. Tom Dybhavn drove the vehicle yesterday afternoon to the Fire HaH where the fUmes were extln. .. . ttSJTL " ,Uahed in rhort order. ell waa ordered filed at teat night' city oouncll meeting. Mrs. Waatherhead, who haa been ! rlaltlng in the city for the paat couple 'of mnntha v-tLti her daughter, ifra. L. , o. wa-w w Pitmore Patmore 8trtet. aalli thla - afternoon by the CaUla returning to t"wt" m ,v rrw"n-'. her home In Vancouver, j mended by the finance committee at . i the city council meet In? last evening and was not accepted. Plre Chief McDonald reported at the city eounotl meeting at evening that total axrjetuea for the month of June A. A. Main tyre of the editorial atari m U08 68 of which I1003.40 waa for oi we rmonion jounuu wraa ner T- and MUrt regular Inspections terday and la making Use round trip on Upm.nt ctniei the Prince Charla bedore returr.lnc.' . He aays he expects to ace a big fiw of I ' I grain Uuxnigb Prince Rupert thla yar. .w, rMru,.r ttlnir of the dtv " , 'council last evening the report of 1. ,The city council at A their regular lw . .. n.,nlUln durIn9 tu r..., "!e month of July showed a total con O. K. Mac Donald for the of fire chief month of June. It stated that there were four calls answered with total damage of 114 JO -falch was covered by Insurance. Mr. and Mr. H M. Foote and daughter, Irene, left at the and of the Jack McNeil of Telkwa returned to the Interior on that morning train after having apent a couple of daya In the city conferring wttti the Pair Board on the matter of the stampede to be held In connection with the Prince Rupert Exhibition next month. Union steamer Catate, Capt. A. E. Dickson, returned at 2 o'clock this afternoon from Stewart. Anyox and other northern point of call and will sail at 5 o'clock for Vancouver and wayporte. Passenger sailing from here for Vancouver on the vessel Include Miss Jean Couture. Mr. and Mra. J. Derrick. O. M. Lewthwaite, H. J. Brad bury. Mrs. J. A. Meeker. Mrs. Griffiths, Mrs C. J. Stevens. Mr. Fred Mathers, Mr and Mrs. Joseph Naylor and family nnd Mra. weatherhead. TttTttt tt ANNOUNCEMENTS Canadian Legion Picnic August 21. Established 1923. aV a Office Hours: a.m. to C p.m. Saturday: a.m. to 1 p.m. Any evening by appointment DSEPRenny DENTIST Exchange Block. Phone 1091 aumptlon of 202 gallons or an average of 6 gallons per day. The average dalll coat at 5c was 35c. week for Vancouver anroute to Ctatery nl, .n. on a hnllfla lslt Mr nt will he away about three weeks while Mrs, fVwte and daughjar will be absent un September. Ouests registered at Lakelse Lodge hot springs Include Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Ollbert, Mastera James and Donald Oil- bolt of Wayne, Mich.; Mr. and Mrs. children, Anyox, B.C.; S. E. Parker and son of Prince Rupert, and Mr. Beckett, Anyox. E. Smith, assistant district engineer for the provincial department of public works, sailed yesterday afternoon on the Prince Charles for the Queen Charlotte Islands on official duties, he was accompanied by Mrs. Smith who .Is making the round trip on the vessel. Felix Batt. Clarence Insulander and Alvln Johnson left on 8unday for Cloyah river and lakes. They plan hiking through and coming out at Rainbow Lake at Twenty-one Mile post on the Skeena f River about Sunday next. Much of their time will be spent in fishing. The semi-monthly meeting of. the city council took place last evening In the city hall with Alderman Stephens occupying the chair in the absence of tho Mayor, who Is at the Queen Charlotte Islands for a couple of weeks. There was otherwise a full attendance of the council. The finance committee recommended to the City Council at their regular meeting last evening that the applica tion of J. S. Slaggard for the transfer of the Kerr house on Lot 3, block 28, section 6 be approved. There was no soldier applicant. The council favored ithe recommendation. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY 4 .WlKNT! WANTED. AGENTS, EITHER SEX--75 WEEKLY easy selling Palco Cleaners, everything like magic, Cleans Removes road IIOTLL AKKIVALS. Prince Kupert P. Ft. Pldgeon. V. F. Lach and Mr. and Mrs. P. D. Mathers, Vancouver; J. E. Miller and E. H. Pollard, Victoria; Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Crawford, Miss Muriel Crawford, Miss Helen Crawford, O. Nicholson. H. Hall and Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Kennedy. Stewart: Miss Ethel Halpenny. Burns Lake: .A. H. Ounn and J. S. Watson, Northbrldge Centre, Mass. Mrs. S. F. Mills and Mrs. E. Hunter. Remo; Hans Lundberg. New York; A. F. Sinclair and Mrs. O. H. Bleecker. Queen S Central Mr. and Mrs. William Beamish, Alta.: G. F. Moncktont Victoria; Joe Smith, Vancouver; L. Billings. Casslar, J. E. Byers, W. H. Thome and K. a. Ferguson, C.N.R. Savuy F. J. Carruthers, Vancouver: E. Church. Georgetown; Mr. and Mrs. D, A. McKlnnon and J. Qulnn, Terrace. Mrs. O. H. Bleecker arrived In the city last night from Queen Charlotte City to visit her husband, Dr. Bleecker. who has been a patient for some time In tthe Prince Rupert General Hospital PRINCE KUt'EKT TIDES ti'esiiw. .trorsT 9 High 11:17 am. 15.9 ft. 22:51 pjn. 19.0 " Low ..1 4:55 am, 5.9 " 18:38 pm, 0.6 " WEDNESDAY. .U ll'T 10 High 12:06 a.m. 19.8 ft. 23:40 pm. 19.9 " Low 5:45 ajn. 4.7 " 17:34 pjn. 9.0 " IN I'RORATE. IN THE SUPREME COURT OF UKITIMI COLUMBIA In the Matter of the Administration Act; and In the Matter of the Estate of John Caddy, Deceased, Intestate. TAKE NOTICE that by order of His Honor F. McB. Young, the 20th day of tar without inlurv to rmlnt. fvilil July. A JJ. 1927. I was appointed Admin- ltrator of the estate of John Caddy.1 on on demonstration demonatratlon. Free rree fumnin Samples. p P.;dfwasedi txa n parties having claims A. LcfebVTc & Co. Alexandria. Ont. galnst the said estate are hereby re- I quired, to furnish same, properly verified. HOUSE FOR SALE OR RENT. SIX to me on or before the 20th day of AD. 1937. and all ln-rooma August. parties rooms and and bath taui. Close -'ow in. in. Annlv Apply deDtetf t0 tht tate, are required to pay 430 11th Ave, or Phone Red 486. the amount of their5 Indebtedness to me luriuwiiji. , WANTED. GIRL FOR LIOHT HOUSE- NORMAN A. WATT, viwt m,,.f t, .fflri.nt r,, u,..J Official Administrator, Z Prince Rupert. B.C a86- "6 Ds'.eii Ue i)tU v tUy of July, AX). 1827., W A Ml K lh mw fMhofthonir V'Cirola it tMl that treai rntMCin like tru con-durtor cd the Jmnus PStUcWohia fcHrrhe.ira row alvilutrh rnihuMa-tx "in no r (ormanre. a prrtwrrwrn whuh rc-uni'v impels lilrrr ho hear it unaware, to mistaVt ! (or ihr muwuM ihew-'e. Prex-KHiK un.MUinbk ch rcMilt an-due to Maichtd lmt.Jirre- -'he Vicim trmtrollcd principle ol "sroouth flow ol onderful chievement urinopn " True Inff Sound onic Victrola Victor Talking Machine Company of Canada Limited, Mtri 0 f deep significance to all music" is the great Leopold Stokowskf s tribute to the performance of the marvelous new Orthophonic Victrola- nmrl"- a miciplc which revolutiooited bvme mint. Kay to lrim to. these wonderful new inirtimmi-.re ahaieaty to operate. Electric motor to eliminate winjling, i( -ou wish, at small wklitmnal cost. l'oirMon C any ol the exquisitely designed and fitted instrumenla. is also easyon ennvenient terms from' all "His Master s Voice" Dealers Prices are from $775 down to $115. Demonstrations given daily. Hear th-e instruments and select yours today. Trad Mark Reg'd Made only by Victor Look for this Trademark Canadian National c7hc Largefl Kailway Sylem in America STEAMSHIP AND TRAIN SERVICE SAILINGS from I'KINCK ItlTF.KT for VANCOl VER. VICTORIA, SEATTLE, euch MONDAY and THURSDAY, 4.00 p.m.. HATl'RDAY. 6.tM p.m. for ANYOX and STEWART MONDAY. FRIDAY, 4.00 p.m. lor ALASKA WEDNESDAY. 4.00 p.m. lor MASSETT INLET MONDAY. 4.00 p.m. For SKIDEUATE INLET and SOUTH qt'EEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS, fort-nightly. N PASSENGER TRAINS LEAVE PRINCE RUPERT DAILY EXCEPT Sl'NDAY at 11-10 a.m. Tor PRINCE GEORGE. EDMONTON, WINNIPEG, all points Eastern Canartit. I'nltrd States. JASPER PARK LODGE 41PEN MAY 21 TO SEPTEMBER 30. SEE CANADA IN CANADA'S J I III IKE YEAR 1X67-1927, AGENCY ALL OCEAN STEAMSHIP LINES. I'se Canadian National Kxpre for Money Orders. Foreign Cheqoes, etc alo for your neit shipment, CITY TICKET OFFICE. 528 TUMID AVE.. PRINCE RUPERT. Phone 26 EASY Vacuum Electric Washer "The Easy" can be liotantly adjusted to a large, medium, or small was.li. Made In two sizes. UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT "The Easy" It guaranteed for one' year from date of snle against defects In material and workniniiMilji. Thompson Hardware Co., Ltd. CENTRAL HOTEL The place called "Home" 120 Rooms, American and European Dan. Hot and Cold Water. Bus meets all trains and boats. Sample Room Phone 51. L. Martin, Manager.