25 XU No 201. TAXI and; Boston Grill Ambulance Service Anywhere al Anytime Stand: Exchange llulldlng MATT VIDECK. Prop. EDMONTON, Aug. 27.-Tom Moore haa eitu-d president of the Trades and ' , C,;n';,es of Canada for the tenth " M. Draper was re-elected i "reasurer for the 28th term. CHILDREN BURSedIn 6p: 3C; MANITOBA FARM HOME WINNIPEO, .hrec aur. 27. Mrs. J. Capes chldren were burned to "hen their farm home near Nfani.nl... . . ' re Th was destroyed ty ear otl?'r chlldren were res- 12 ,'?m th bUUdlng b' Annie Capes. age. who failed In her 10 rouse the other members of A(i 1w r.rdrr provides the computation Df new rotes. The dis--. - Wnce (ram Calury to Vancouver via I'ARSHIP LEFT THIS MORNING Pl.S. (olomlxi Departs After Four Day Visit to This Port c appointed 'War tilts. A M Lecky. weighed tieparted from UiH p&rt at in. ruing following a visit F he la now homebourid to M1' f A.'iwricm-V.'-. Indie naval Panama Canal. Among tir.ef stops ill be made - i .uuion Bay Alert Bsy and 'he local deuchmsnt of T ' martian Naval Volunteer mt half as hour before ' - departed to wish the frits imhip farewell and Ood- . -(I that over 600 local - t. r. to inapect the Ool- ' ic four day ah lay IB DEATH TOLL IN STORM 13 iCommunications in Newfoundland are Reing Restored: Ijibrador Fleet Not Heard From f JOHNS Nfld.. Aug. 37. With 1 ' ': with north ehore ; Newfoundland partly it to red ffKi : have been received ' a ' fcara that the toll of ? - n fishermen was heavy dur ' ' urn.ay a storm. Ten bodies have rr-nv.-red and nobbing has ye ' d 'rom the Labrador fleet. auk 37. -Death toll from 1 .arm m Newfoundland and Nova - now set at 13. MOORE IS RE-ELECTED ,!' Known Labor Leader Again rims iMmr Congress Tenth Time the CVR. to MNfliM to be the Mine m from BrUnoaton to Vancouver by the CNR. (786 miles). These, which are ovorned by the Crowi Nest Pass azreemejit. are not to be eareeded. to distributing tariff set out to Sea-tkm IT judgment In the western rate esse Instead of balnf Umitil to (fee 0 PJt a provided therein be extended to apply to the CN R. A reduction to also ordered in grain ratea. ftom the hea4 tte lakes -4a rail to Quebec and Montreal. This, how yr. does not affect Jhe water borne ate which praotaeaMy determines the sxport movement via St. Lawrence ports. All the changes act out In the Judgment became effective not later than September 12. MltiKEIt K.M'LAINS VANCOUVER, Aug. 37 O. O. Me-Oeer. K.C . eounstl for Brltlah Columbia, aald today Is regard to Ute board'a "If that la a summary of the judg ment, we haft won our caw." The effect would be. he aald. that the mountain scale differential would be eliminated, ao far aa export of grain la pon-eemed and the rate from Calgary will now be 18 cents aa against 21 formerly. In a word the effect will be that grain wHI ' move to Vancouver from Alberta two to five oenta cheaper than hitherto. DOMINION COLLECTOR OF TAXES LEAVING J. 61ade Stevens, who has been transferred to the Victoria Dominion tax office with charge of Victoria and Vancouver Island, accompanied by Mrs. Stevens and family, leave for the south early In the morning on the Princess Beatrice. The position of collector here is be ing taken by A. L. W. Saunders of the Vancouver olflce staff who will be here In a few days. GOING STUART LAKE PHOTOGRAPH ANIMALS BEATTLE. Aug. 37. Enroute to Stuart Lake region of Northern British Columbia to get bear, deer and birds, Jeest L. Losky of the Famous Players Lasky Company 1 here. .trrillNTMEXT OA7.KTTEII OTTAWA, Aug. 37. The appointment of Captain John R. Elfert aa .harbor master of Prince Rupert, Is announced officially in the Canada Qazctte. VANCOUVER EXCHANGE Coast Copper Cork Provnlcc Dunwell Gladstone . . . Independence Indian L. and L. . . . Leadamlth Lucky Jim ... Premier Porter Idaho Richmond Sllvercrest . . Surf Inlet . Torlc crti.se in The Dally News She Bid. Asked .15 .17 .08 .06 14 .64 .80 1 .13 .18 .07 .08 V4 .07 .68V4 .06 .30 .33 2.40 2.12 .31 VJ .24 .17 .05 .01 .01 i 4.90 S.10 HEAYIER TODAY Totol of lf.j.000 Pounds of Hall-hut Sold at Exchange This Morning j There was an Increase In halibut landings offered st the Fish Exchange thia morning, a total of 1M.400 pounds being sold. Three American vessels disposed of 110400 pounds at bids from 10.7c and 6c, while seven Canadians sold 53,600 pounds for from 11.4c and 9c to llAc and 7c. I The day'a arrivals sud sales were as follows: I AMKKICAN ! Havana. 41.000 pounds. Pacific Fisheries. 10.7c and 6c. I Grant. 4 2 W0 pound. Canadian Pish li Oeid Storage Co, 10.7c and Oe. President. 27.000 pounds, Bmth Fisheries, 11.4e and &c. , . , , iax.ii.x none Spit. 18000 posmd. A Win Fisheries, ll.4o and 6c. Prosperity A.. 12,000 pounds. Canadian run Si Ooid Storage Co.. 11.4e and 7. Margallce. 4.000 pounds, and A til, 8.500 pounds, Canadian Fish tc Cold Storage Co.. llJc and 7e. P. Dorreen, 8,000 pounds. Booth Fisheries. 11.6c and 7c. Joe Baker. 2500 pounds, Royal Co., 11 Ac and 7c. Nuba. 2,500 pounds. Atlln 11.4c and 7c. TO RESTRICT FISHINGIN ALASKA NOW New Regulations Will be put in Force Next Year to Protect Salmon KKTrillKAN. Auk. 27. . llniry O.Mallrj-, fnlrral ruinniKOonrr of fMirrlrs and Dr. C. II. (illl.rrl. In-vrktlrntur of the I'.S. Bureau of rilierles, left Friday en route to Washington. (VMallry Mild further simile Mould he mailr with a view lo providing new and iiiorr drastic orders for rpsulatlnc the use of Kilinon tear nrt jrar. The Miullirastcrii Alaska kiiIiiioii puck ihlx jrur, O'Alallry wild, was less lli.in 20 wr crnt of normal and further rrslrldl.ini to pntlrrt the Industry from dostrurtlon )vere necessary. DESIRES TO REMOVE WHITEFIELD'S DUST TO TOMBS OF WESLEYS TORONTO. Aug. 26 -Rev. Albert D. Belden. pastor of Whltefield'a Taber nacle. London, England, who la on this continent to fulfill speaking engage ments In the interests of Anglo-Amerl can understanding, has re-dlscovercd the tomb of George Whlteficld, the famous 18th century evangelist, in a crypt at Newburyport, Maas., and hopes to have the remains taken home to. England, if possible, for reinterment In ground suited to thia evangelistic servant of the two peoples. FMNCEBEATJAP" TENNIS PLAYERS BROOKLINE. France, Aug. 26.- France won the Davis Cup lnter-zone finals today when Cochet and Brugnon defeated Harada and Tob'a in doubles 0-7. 6-1, 8-2. PRINCE RUPERT. H C SATURDAY. AUGUST 27. 1927 gard to "Marine Day." COKHECT IllSTAXCKS The chief magistrate of Seattle will be informed that Seattle and Vancou ver are approximately the same dls t.'.nce from Yokohama, while and Prince Rupert are nearer Taylor to the Japanese port, concedes that Mayor msy have been thinking of San Fran- Lives of Americans and British Endangered When They Barricade Their Homes WASHINGTON, Aug. ft. The lives of eighteen Americans and eleven British subjects who barricaded their homes near the Amparo Company's mines were endangered following the seizure of the plant bv a Red syndicate, the state de- I par: mr.it is advised. PRINCE RUPERT Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper Congdon Throws Bomb Into Bar Association Discussion Form of Western Plain Talk TORONTO, August 27. F. T. ConRdon, Yukon delegate ! the Canadian Har Association, threw n bombshell into the discussions today by declaring that If every judge in the Dominion bhvuld resign there would Ik- no difficulty In filling every position In the country with men with ju.nt as much talent and ability. There was no rcasrn why the bar r-hould every year burden itself with nuch unpopular topics as bringing back titles or raising the (salaries of judges. There was not a lurlge in the country who could not live honorably and comfortably and well on ten thousand dollars a year. The question of higher salaries for judces had hern discussed considerably during the present session and Sir Robert Rorden yesterday expressed himself as opposed to increases. SEATTLE CLAIM CIVIC DANCE CONTRADICTED BIG SUCESS Puget Sound Port is not Closest on This Coast! to Orient (Vancouver Sun) ! Official dental of a atatsmant Issued by Mrs. Bertha K. Landes; mayor of Affair I.nst Night in Honor of II. M.S. Colombo's Complement largely Attended Over three hundred persons were In stteadsBos at the clvts dance given of a, . , . r . j . -. . . at O anrf In nonirmea In.. "I wish I bad the .vision of Mayor During the early part of the evening, Landes.' remarked Mayor Taylor, who Capt. A. M. Lscky. commander of thej waa inclined to view me humorous aa"p. "u " oiiimib were in ai-well as the more serious aspect of the. tendance Music waa by Bob Greenfield Ftoh ' darrog claim of the rival port. "If I , and Ilia Commanders, and masters of I were endowed with power to bring the , ceremonies were Aid. O. P. Tinker and Fisheries, i Orient 400 miles nearer to Vancouver , W. H. Derry. City Treasurer D. J. I feel confident the title my friends Matheson gave yeoman service in mak-have given me of 'perpetual mayor Ing preparations for the event. Ue-would become true." I freshments were served by the Imperial Mayor Landes will be asked by 1 Order Daughters of the Empire. which appeared In the Seattle Journal of Commerce la connection with the Seattle mayor's proclamation with re- KING GEORGE GIVES BOOKS TO IRELAND DUBLIN. Aug. 37 The King has presented to the governor of the Irish Free State 34 volumes frcm the Royal LI- Victoria i br3rv at Windsor .Castle, Including the considerably atatutes passed by the old Irish Par- Mayor Bament from tbe third year of Edward Landes nl- u" the union in 1800 under Oeorge III. clsco and Los Angeles In making her; "ne oi tne ia acts or urattans par-statement, but points out that she evl-' lament was to give an order for the dentlv overlooked Canada and also the1 binding of these statutes. They were neighboring American cities of Tacoma and Portland. 1 Mayor Taylor pointed out also that C.P.R. passenger lines from Vancouver to the Orient make the voyage to Yokohama In faster time than the record which has been made by any steamers from 6eattle. EXACT MILKAfiK The exact distances follow: Victoria to Yokohama, 4200 miles. Vancouver to Yokohama, 4280. miles. Seattle to Yokohama, 4270 miles. Prince Rupert to Yokohama 3815 miles. POLICEMEN CLASHED WITH SYMPATHIZERS . OF SACCO-VANZETTI CHERBOURG, Aug. 27. One person was kUled and several wounded last evening when the police clashed with Sacco-Vanzettl sympathizers who attempted to reach the United States REDSSEIZEIINES: placed In the record office In Dublin at the four courts but were destroyed In 1022 when the building was blown up In the fight of tfte Free State with Irregulars. Duplicate copies were at Windsor and these are the volumes now prfsented by the King. They will form part of the library of the President of the Executive Council. TWO CHILDREN DROWNED BALFOUR YESTERDAY ' NEISON. Aug. 27. Lawrence; twelve years of age and Charles, seven, children of Mr. and Mrs. Alex Ling of Balfour were drowned near that place. It is believed that one fell into the water and the other went to the rescue. The bodies have been recovered. NEW PRESIDENT OF CANADIAN BAR ASSOCN. TORONTO. Aug. 37 Chief Justice J. E. Martin of Montreal was elected piestdent of the Canadian Bar Associa tion succeeding Sir James Altken of Winnipeg, who was chosen to be an honorary life president. miss iaa Morrow, wno has been a visitor in the city for a few days, will sail tonight on the Prince George, re turning to her home in Vancouver. Rupert Morrow will leave Monday morning for Haelton and motor back to Vancouver, accompanied by Jack Kirkpatrlck, who has been visiting In the city with his father. J. A. Kirk p. 'rick. earno." He declared that there should be no army of occupation at all since French security was guaranteed through tbe Locarno past by tbe weight of the whole British army. pi-e norrcii mp KKL TIY I'OK (KtlVIXIX. EWIUXII HARBOR GRACE. Aug. 37. William Brock, pilot, accompanied by Edward Srblee. a Detroit businessman, bopped off at 5:14 eastern standard time, tola morning In their monoplane "Pride of Detroit" on a 3400 Vanrjuver Board of Trade. , the wp ama' hours of the morning, i. j.i..i.ii4 CAPTAIN OF COLOMBO IS APPRECIATIVE OF RUPERT'S RECEPTION Before the vessel left the harbor this morning. Capt. A. M. Lecky. D.S.O.. commander or HM S. Colombo, requested Lieut. R. P. Ponder, officer commanding the local detachment of the Royal Can adian Naval Volunteer Reserve, to convey to the clttaena of Prince Rupert hearty appreciation and thanks for the recerptlon he. his officers and tbe ship's ompany had received during the war ship's visit to Prince Rupert. The dnly regret was .that thay could not have remained here longer. OLD COUNTRY FOOTBALL K.VfSI.ISIl I.KAdl K. Dlv. I. Aston Villa 0, Leicester 3. Blackburn Rovers 3. Burnley 1. Bury 5. Arsenal 1. Cardiff 3. Bolton 1. Derby County 3. West Ham 3. Everton 4, The Wednesday 0. .Hudderafleld 1. Newoastte United 3. Manchester United 3, Mlddlssboro 0. Sheffield United 1. Liverpool 1. Sunderland 3, Portsmouth 3. Tottenham 1, Birmingham 0. Division II. Barnsley 1. Hully City 1. Blackpool 3, Swansea 3. Fulham 2. Preston 2. Grimsby 3. Clapton 3. Notts County 1. Bristol City 3. Oldham Athletic 3, West Bromwleh Port Vale 3. Notts Forest 3. P.eadlng 1, Chelsea 3. Southampton 3. Stoke City 6. South Shields 1, Leeds United 3. Wolverhampton 3, Manchester City 2. SCOTTISH I.E.U11 E Dlv .1. Aberdeen 1. Kilmarnock 3. Alrdrteonlans 0. Queen's Park 0. Boncss 2, Hamilton 3. ' Celtic 3. Falkirk 0. Cowdenbeath 1. Rangers 4. Hearts 5. Clyde 0. Motherwell 3, Hibernians 1. Partlck Thistles 2. Dunfermline 1. St. Johnstone 2. Ralth Rovers 1. St Mlrren 0, Dundee 0. EDITOR OF SPECTATOR DIED LONDON, ENGLAND LONDON, Aug. 27. John S. T. Loe Strachey, former editor and proprietor of the London Spectator, who for many years was an active figure in British a'-'ur-;, i dv.-l aeti 67. Large Upstair Dining Hall, with newly laid dancing floor, for hire. NEW SODA FOUNTAIN. The latest and best for the least I'hone 457. RAILWAY RATES CONl Price Fiv Cents. WERT ON EQUALITY WITH FORT WILLIAM FOR EXPORT mitish Columbia Wins Case in Grain Rates Which Will Be Great Benefit to Prince Rupert 4 at - ft a . Mountain scale eliminated and Prince Rupert VRU ARRIVAI R A lnn..M- l I ' JJUIUHIUU ujiu r umuuiti stuieu vn bume mileage scale as Fort William OTTAWA. August 27. The Hoard of Railway commissioners firming arguments extending several months in respect to J"" f Krain, flour and other commodities via Pacific and i nrts. Issued their judgment late yesterday ordering that i r grain rate via Prince Rupert and Vancouver shall have ..r.- advantage as grain for export eastward to the head of the Split in Br'tish Cabinet Over Occupation German Rhineland Which Opposed by Viscount Cecil LONDON. August 27. It is understood that Viscount Cecil has resigned from the cabinet but when seen todap he refused to either confirm or deny the rumor. He holds the portfolio of Chanr cellor of tbe Duchy of Lancaster. The differences, it is understood, arose over a difference of opinion in regard to the League of Nations. The1 Dally Express says the split arose over differences between Viscount Cecil and Sir Austen Chamberlain over the question of continuing to keep troops in Rhineland. The newspaper states that Chamberlain supported tbe French re-a fusal to reduce the number of troops ; there by more than 5.500, while Lord i Cecl milnUtnsd that thia attitude was i an "outran to the whole spirit of Lo- ! aMrtU ttat .ths..PiwHSound city la mWMJ .- trr 4- a . . . rmnw tST W K rVilaanlM t - - - u,- v suv mins closer so japan ana mim ' ' - " , . d TaxXnuA on the first leg sasn nr omw porv. a- " . of an attempt to establish a patched ny Mayor Louis u. Tsyior upon. , ; MW tlme weord for . Bight tne manor oemg drawn to nis atten- atten- 'P"" the occasion w.wu. Dancing uiuciun started urmi . around tb -. CARDINALS IN SECOND PLACE Yankees Defeated Detroit Third Time in Succession and is lo1 Ahead NEW YORK. Aug. 27. The Cardinals have been shoved Into second place In the National League because ths Pirates yesterday dropped another a me to Boston. It was tbe tatter's ninth victory In sixteen games with be Pirates. St. Louis advanced as a result of being Idle. Althougla the Cubs did not play jrdfejpemalned.thTeje. and a .half ;smes ahead of th field. ' The Yankees sddsd Insult to Injury by defeating Detroit for the third time n succession. New York ij now flf-een and a half games ahead of De-rolt with every Indication that they 111 return home for the final stand vtth as good a lead as when they left. Washington lost the tenth In a row :o Cleveland. NATIONAL LK.WIIE Cincinnati 3. Brooklyn. 4. Pittsburg 4, Boston 6. Others rain. AMERICAN' IXAdlE New York 8, Detroit 6. Ecston 1. Chicago 9. Washington 7. Cleveland 8. Philadelphia 7. St. Louis 0. McLEAN SAYS SATISFACTORY Will Not Express Definite Opinion Regard to Railway Rate Until Full Information VICTORIA, Aug. 37. Premier Mac- Lean said he was unable to express an opinion on the freight rates order Is sued yesterday until the full text of Ute order was available. He was not In a position to say anything other than that it appeared to be very satisfactory and along the lines the province had requested. LOSS 119 IN JAPDISASTER TOKIO, Aug. 36. Warships and air-planes continued the search today for victims of Wednesday's disaster. It was announced that the loss of life was 119 including 11 officers. One body has been recovered. It la believed that It will be Impossible to refloat the destroyer Warabt. ' Three other craft involved In two collisions have arrived at Mlsurt naval station under their own power In a damaged condition. The catastrophe is attributed to lof as well aa darkness. ARRESTED ON MURDER CHARGE VANCOUVER. Aug. 27. Dan Shek Cbuen was arrested here yesterday on a murder warrant in connection with the shooting of three Chinese here on August 8. The men were killed la the office of a Chinese newspaper, the edl- tor eii: '"e cf tbe victims. - i