'i 4 t PAGE FOUR -the DrtiLYjrrrs Neglected Eyes t NEGLECT is doubtless the cause of most of the lib that afflict humanity. This is so elf ATident that it seem hardly necessary to tell you. If your ejes are giving trouble, haTe them attended to and at once. OF ALL absurdities in the kingdom of foolishness, surely the loss of eyesight through neglect is the most inexcusable. DONT lose health and effi. ciency through neglect Come and seel Fred Joiidry Registered Optometrist and Optician Room 3 Smith Block Phone 763 INDIAN SUMMEftYctT IN YOUR TheJLouvre 316 Third Avenue Next Royal Bank WIU SOON BE I COAt FOB THE ) VCONE!-XCOLD GREY J The Fall months are falling behind and you'll have Winter on before you know it. Join the "don't worry" club today and get your bin filled right away. Our slate-free coal will give you a care-free Winter. NANAIMO - WELLINGTON COAL and ALBERTA SOOTLESS COAL Albert & McCaffery , .; . Phones JIG and J17 YOU ARE INVITED to see Ladies' Coats Hats and Dresses at LINDSAYS-Cartage and Storage Phone 63 Cartage, Warehousing, .and Distributing. Team or Motor Service. Coal Sand and Gravel. We Specialize In Piano and Furniture Moving. Dr. Alexander Smith Block Phone S75 DENTIST ANGER, the TAILOR Fine Imported Serge and Scotch Tweed Suits made to order in our shop in Prince Rupert as low CJJC An as I. ANGER, Cutter and Designer 223 Sixth Street BRINGING UP FATHER WHAT IM THfc WORLD IS AV.U THT WACKST'JTHtNEiaHBORS-U- BE COHAtMt4' ir OAOGHTEH LETij MER Wlt KIOb SHOUT UKt THAT ' AT TMl HOUR WHIST AND DANCE 1 OF THEN I CUT! AT PORT CLEMENTS PORT CLEMENTS. Br Nov ITA very pleasant evening lu spent last Saturday by all Uwm wbo attended the wtitst drive and daoee In Htea Hail. ' There ere aft fblm at wsast tbe following betas the pure winners: Ladies' flnt. Was Alice UcCrae. Ladles' second. Mrs a. Ocooac Ladles' consolation. Mrs. N Jones. Genu' tint. Fred Ward. Dents' second. Prank Vanburden. Oents' consolation. Lawrence Rrerir Refreshments mere then served. afte which dancing was continued until 2 ajn. Arrangement for the erenuu were In the hands of Mlu Alice McCrat Mia Mildred Petton and Mrs. C Srlgley. VANDERHOOF The Nechako Chronicle is now eatab- lisbed in it fine new home at the corner of Church Avenue and Columbia Street, a linotype machine having been added to tbe etrutpmeiii William J Rimes Is publisher of the paper whin: was eataonshed here in the spnnst c. 1915. The skating rink here is now in full operation wttn Cecal Steele in charge. Tbe season this year la a good deal earlier than usual. CecU Steele has pvrefeased the mov ing picture machine Irora tbe Young People's Society. Oarnet wheat has atven 30 boahala .t the acre on the station 19C41 la report ed by -A. E. Richard, supervisor of experimental stations. The field lallihtee man un year out the quality la -ex cellent. The Ladle' Aid Society met at tbe home of Mr. UcCorkell laat evening. There were suitable Armistice Day festivities In Vanderfaoof. Miss Jean Cfigbton of Perow was a visitor In this district laat week. She formerly taugfct school a Fort St. James. MervfU Averlll haa completed the building of an' Ice house in connection with tbe O. K. Hotel. Otto Hammond and Charles Maun ders have completed the bulldlne- of a I large barn for John Eva on his farm. W. A. Flower has built a caraee at the raec of bis houKe which Is occupied oy Andrew Itae. I - The Boy Scouts have taken over the Hrymann building on Burr&rd Avenue ana win use it as training quarters. The Central Interior Hay and drain Pool has shipped carloads of grain re cently to Otway and Prince George. several weeks in Vancouver. Roy Walker, who has been emDloved at Quathlaakl Cove during the summer nas returned tt hU farm in Partrledale district. the George Soudack. weU known Winni peg fur buyer, who waa located In the district jn the early daya. haa been revisiting here. The following threshing returns for this district have been made: LudwLr tt Belt. $0 bushels of wheat and 600 bushels of oats: Dr. W. P, Sehultit 2on bushels of wheat and 2300 bushels of oats: Fraser Lake mission school. 44 tons of wheat. 1 ton of, barley; 7H tons of oats, and' 1500 pounds of flax. David Ooldie of Scotland, in the course of a -.tour of Canada, recently visited here with his brothers. Hugo ana John Goldle. AUCtvARM The Tteer property in the Unner Kit. eault country has been bonded fronv Ed. ricxett by P. E. Petersen who has been in charge of operations at Stewart. and Hastings Arm for the Silver Crest Mines Co.. Ltd. It is expected that Mr. retersen will be suocessful in in teresting capital to develop the property wnicn is most promising with high values in ruby sUver. native silver and copper. Oeorge Bruggy made a trip to Btew art last -week to attend a meeting of th northern directors of the Marmot Agreeably aged, tmooth, fragrant congenial company anywhere "From Contented Cows" ' ru. put a vropTorr-1 ria, OET THERQj AT 1 1 ' ""VINE- EATERS IN THECROWD fps ra n rT - r (iNt IVaUaai wsM iiwnii IF -1, lafS This advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British . Columbia Metals Ob.. Ltd. it u eapeeted that the ooncern wfll have ptenty of fund available shortly for the continuation of development of the property. J. Weds, who is MDervtBlna- iiw turn. straetlon of a tatg wing dam at Stewart, pent a few days at his home here. Steve Duma ha left for the Peace River country where he -trill ylsit vtth bl mother and Otker frlatHres. Louis ReynoMa I back, from StewaM where 1 spent the past ?sey era l months He has laeen rafferlng lately from an attack of bronebttla. Development work Carried out tUe season by J. llauoer on the Basvrr group in the IIManee Valley section nil oweioaed the existence of a large body of ore which should interest win- i I OLD teg men in that section neat fear. Two large or bodle bavw been (need on in paaprrty wtucb Uas thirteen Bailee up the Uliaxtt River and ooanprise right ctatai. STEWART li F. Kergtn. MJA. ter AUla was vtr rrom AUe Am lat week. It ..ade the trln tram Aatfea an to lighter OrWTw Oeorge Bacon E Muoto and A. W. uliy hav oee;: awarded a oantract for ; riving a 301' loot tunnel on the Dal- oimle aiui n..v already atarted work The coat. artar have the uHlwi for onitnuiai. another 100 or 300 feet in which it .- expected to reach tfce main ore body. W J. curiu baa been lnauBIng modern machinery In his aboesaaklng estabushment D W. McLeman has been warded he contract for tbe lnUliUoa of a .ku water system in tbe Fraswr Hotel Hyder. The Women's Auxiliary to St. Mark" Anglican Church held a tea and basaa? yeaterday afternoon, followed by a whiat drive Mra. Charles P. Sandford of Hyder ha returned home from Prince Rupert rneve atie underwent a serkMM operation In tbe hospital. The big fire extinguisher baa been moved, from the fire h ii to the pool hall In the Tooth building. Hon. M. H. Steven of Vancouver and W. A. Lewthwalte were here last woe t look over extemlve timber holding fl which they are Interested. Mr. fteven gave a brief talk at the Armls-.ice dance held here on Friday night. Boiaton it Oo. report great activity In taenl real estate, no leas than one bun-ared town lot having changed hand iurin the past month. W. R. Tooth H purchased the lot at Fifth Street m which is loeated the Stewart Land Oo. and plan to move tbe old building ,ind erect a new structure there In the pring. W. T. Eeselment. accountant or the Crawford Transfer Co. has pur- ?aaed from Ben Lawrence tbe double erner at Fourth and Columbia on -vhlen are located the Lawrence St workman Block and tbe Ottawa Burki ng The Stewart Hospital Association has elected director! as foMowt: S. O. Law- THE LABEL IS RED AND WHITE ,, , tV w TU" JTH Carnation on the pantry shtlf there b - mtci uuriagc 01 aouDie ricn, absolutely Dure milk for vrrv mill? n t. r' t:AH It looks Creamy 'It tastes Creamy' It Is Creamy be bought a month'a supply at a time it keep wdcfiniUly. It even keeps teveral daya after the tin is opened, so that there is no watte. Because Carnation is Just pure, fresh milk evaporated to double richness and kept tafe by sterilization, it meets every need for miOi or cream. Undiluted.it takes the place of cream at one-third cream cost. Diluted it gives superior resulti in all cooking. It is the most completely useful milk you can buy. Order teveral tin or a case of -48 tint from, your 'grocer. ' , r" Stndjor a frte copy of Mar jtuWt CobV'ffjSk"'. Address Carnnlion Milk Ptoiutts Company, ' 11 tltlC iH umuea, Ayimer, vnl. arnation XV All 1 Produced in Canada .11 111 2 . A , , 1 is Mmmmi. Wanted For Sale For Rent J 3 . fl I I I BttJJ II H I I BB Bt J ct t . - f TfTTr r "in. ... t u -i?I Ill II A II V AhMV II A WILIEIA A H A- uniLi ntiiTj XiLnooiiiLu alio, Zc per word in advance. No Advertisement taken'for leas than 50t FOR SAUK ftm SALE. 3J FT. FISH PACKER AND w boat, Tftptow. IS-20 11 T. heavy duty Vman, wttn complete etfUlp-aaeau 1200 00. M. M Stephena. rene. Mrs. A. E. Young. Mrs. W. J. a-fet. M. J Murphy. Harry Zeflert. i. W. Kennedy and J. P. Searietr Tne Stewart CttteeM' Assoolatton has resumed aetlrtty. nonueatons for the rartous offlce being a foltows: for iresident. D. J. McLean. George Maine-on. O. w. Smith. If. P. Otbrau. W A. Tootn and W. B Oeorge: for vice- preatdent. O. McFadden and D. J. Mc Lean; for secietary-areasurer. II. O.Mar-ln: for executive. Oeorge Cameron, o. W Ssilth.W K. Tooth. MiaCttat Ryan, .1. P. Otbaon and Dr Whulaas. QUEEN CHARLOTTES J- O. Kirk arrived on the Pnne 3hriea thl trip from Vancouver to oharg of the public school at loekley Bay. Dr. and Mrs. Birr of Skldegste came ip to Port Clements and Massett on b Prince Obarle yesterday. Dr. 64t ia dental work to perform at both xjtntt. The Union OH Oo. has' Ju about wmpleted the construct of It hew aak at Mett. This wtji be the !ewtt fuel station on .the Queen Charlotte Island. SKIDEGATE t A very enjoyable dance was heM at Barges Kali. Queen Onartotte City tin ier the aurptees of the Board of Trad o celebrate Armistice Day. Music waa nrpplled by McKay's orchestra. Picking of cones of the Sitka spruce a heen going In full awing around iKldrgate Inlet, the. seed being snipped o Oalgary. Mew Westminster and Bears bsve been pleooinl near the mouths of the stream this year. They eem to have come down to look for .he salmon which should in the ordin ary course of events have gone up the Urrama. Provincial Constable Grant, whose territory covers the whole of Queen Charlotte Islands, gave this district the ince over a few daya ago and returned ja. Pott CwantawwJ))& t.AU head, EATS BIG STEAK AND r- .FRlEDJ)NlOiSrJ)OiGAS "Every time I ate I had terrible .stomach gas. Now. thanks to Adlerlka, I eat steak and fried onions and feel (lne."-i.Mra. J. Julian. Just ONE spoonful Adlerlka relieve gas and that bloated leering so that you can eat and sleep well. Act on BOTH upper and lower bowel and remove old waste matter you never '.hought was there. No matter what you nave tried for your alomach and bowels, Adlerlka will aurprUe you. Ormes Limited. Druggist. AUTOMOBILE OWNERS v DECIDETO ORGANIZE At an Informal meeting of autot tcblle owners laat night in the City Hall It was decided to proceed with the organization of a local club and with na har4 T,t...j . luuriui; oi next .ftcsfc Horry -Rochester., ni-i . . . ' 11 'naneui omcers wereeTecW that being eet tor a future date. Indications tod., are tor unsettled ful hatUe against th i.. aolt and there ma. ..,.. V ' . wind Bt ,ntIlct'ng Prince Charle isst ni,, r e-v tr,,, tr, skm.-.t, ... ' ' " "cm ver ,In ' tankew " " f th Pnr FOR RENT FOR RtNT POOR ROOMED PUK-nifhed apartiaem wfth Mtn and ' water paid. Phone 4V tf FOR RBrfT. PtajKw, phartogjiphj and Singer sewing machine Walker . Muste Store FOR RKNT Apartaaent by the dav week or maatth. Phone Red S07 tt HOUSE FOR RgHT ROOMS A.vn BATH. Apply Mvnro Bras tr HOUSES FOR RENT GO OP AV-ply 315. 4th Ave. K. tf FOUND FOOND. COLD RIMO. OW4TKR CAN have same by proving property ana paying for that advmmaasnt tf BUNCtf OF KEVtJ FOOWD APPLY 730 Seventh Avaaraa W. AUCTIONEBlt LAST CALL. LAST SALS. LAST DAY Novemberl. Ddttog feuatneM up last ntlnane. Brtne. Pnona TI4. BXCIIAN'nn NNV AMI SCt OMI MtM) rt'KMTI RK bought and sold and aachanajad. Ptayer Piano and Two Oaah Register in acoak. P.tP.tliOri 11 A' Mtltt S39 Third Ate. IMione 016 riilNTK Rt'PCItT IIARISOII lltridllT sr.Rvirr. J. R. Arnold, Proptlttor Oo anywhere anytime. Day or night Always en boaad Terms very moderat. Two boata 2 ways avaUaMe Phone lift. p.o. lint Sin aiiMF.Y t:rp 11. 1. ZtlMHf.lia fieneral I la inly Man Furnace and Stoven Cleaned and Repaired. Chlmnie Swept. Cemetery Plot Cared For Phone Red 8. Prince Ha pert. B C FUHNITUnE AND KAKfiBS IIIKIIVMORK CARPETS 8 ft. 9 in. x 9 ft. to etaar at I Mix) 9 ft. x 9 ft. to clear at I43JM 9 ft. x 10 ft. 8 In. to dear at t!7A0 10 only left of thia ahlpment. a. Ve kkvkir, nuiMTinn. . Plwine 7S. KAIF.V OAlltHK FI'RTIICR KKIIICTIONS . '. . . M i. .. . J,- .0 Jk.ieirtf-vtlMrjKourT ipRtrT:!r Commercial Chassis, H-lon delivery 143809 Touring 81I.00 Roadster 1811.80 Roadster Delivery 88U.M 8port Roadster- $8391)0 Coach 1049 00 Coupe t964O0 Sedsn , 1 1,03 XX) Cabriolet tlX)88W Landau Sedan U'900 Imperial Landau Sedan . . .;ll,188.00 Utility Express, 1 ton truck.. 8792.00 Disc wheel (2SD0 extra in all models A complete line of 1928 model on hanl at preeent. Phone or cUI for demonatratlon and learn about our easy payment plan. JOuaranteed Used Can on Hand. Ford Coupe, 1925. . 1 100 cash, balance 825 per month. Ford Sedan, 1926. $100 cash, balance 825 per month. KAIF.N OAltAOK, MDealterlnalUOeneral Motor Producets Goodyear and Firestone Tires. Wrecking Service Day and Night , I'lione 51 TAXI Phone 67 Tail (Call George. Paul or Gust) Six and Seven Passenger Stude- bakers at your disposal any time KOSS BROS. FOOL KOOM Meeker Ulork. (Across from Empress llotelT I iltAftlbHIPKOiEV Tu.. i Prut. . i Satu-u. I Mot .1-; l I Vtnm V ' ' .-Uti: . i la'i. 1 Satur,: to' J-I Jet : . tier . ' 'r Pott Sx - .3 1 IKW l".i -., I'uexd. I in it--lun .: . Weo.. I'riwi li... 'Ied mc I lie Hum, i i Not i Dr. Dec .'. from ner - De n D. 2-lur tl3- Dec j: Irntn Alak3-Mov 3' Dac 2. LOW High ! Low L 1j tat MAIL SOP fit riis'.;: ' lor the i: . ' Mondm close Irora Hi. V.-t TOelHi du Tn Vanrouver Tuesdav- Frldii- Saturd.iN 0.PK Irnm Vanro Sunday Wednesd v 6turdi CiPR s Th Antox. .; Premie ' Sundav- Wad ne .(... ITbiii tnwi to I'mnlfi- Tueaday Friday To Vss RU ' ,"lnt" Sunday -From Xsa Rlv rn""" ( Tuesday T tlk;t Pol""- Nov 2i ; i-Frnm Alnk Po"- Wi. 'Ill IV To Jneen f to:riotf- 1 Nov 1!( I' Frnm Oiiecn f1 Dec 8. ,t!. C.N.R. TRAINS For the r. - Monday-st 11 no ' Fropi "he I & Tucsdo - 1 at 3 31 fM'fPEBTT"'- B Jwv'' . a NOVEM' THI RM.AV HIKh 01 FKII.AV VOVEM' I PAIN fa-asssiii ... ur MB