Ca 5 TAXI Ambulance nd Anywhere t Anytime 11..IIJ1 Stand! Mcnnngr uuuum MATT VIOKCh. I'rop. 1 T 1 F 1 A I ALA 3,000 to Royal Fish Oo. to Atlln Flaherle at 12 H1vir 4 Wv MWViWW r.ltllMA K I liH RIDERS WIN "rrir.Hi ill fwrics ui v iimiiiuii- thip Huxhy (lames at Van couver 3t'VEH. Nov 17 Showing a offensive and having the abll-e advantage of two big open-,s tlis line, the Reaina I. Sti-s. champion of the prairie earned thirteen polnta to . over the University of f atmbla ruggers in the first best two out of three for :) Canada championship, on a muddy field before lie struggle Was an Interesting way through, with the visl-the edge through their su- :e play snd hard tackling. BUILDING ON THE INCREASE Throughout Canada There I an improvement Over Last Year 'TAWA, Nov 17, The value of the permits In 63 cities of Oan-fint; October amounts to nearly ooo an increase of nearly 14.500.- u ' '': 6' ptember total 'and over lour '' !) over October last year. r;i'"r Rupert registered an Increase - 'ompared with September this ' '' ' Mt 0tobir l.t , ( 'j umul"lve-total lor the months 27 wceeds by slmost $26,000,000 i-rc.iuu, ''' 1 ''! uie month of last year, the lam, ivei. P Scott. Vancouver Insurance man. !!! Uie cltv on the Prince lll! night fmm n,iUn n. 7 f iiere he has t-een visiting wi lier Rev r C. Scott. He 'U'll IH.ll TIM MS C.WMIT UK MITIIOI T M:VS ON l'i:i: ClltKLOTTKS Among several renewal of subscrtptlon to the Dally New received this morning from the Queen Charlotte Island U one from Mr. Charles Markle who states in her letter enclosing the remittance that old timer in the district find they csnnot be without the paper. QUEEN CHARLOTTE LADY TO TOUR IN THE UNITED STATES Ilni M;nnl CiiiitriKt In Mug In Important Anirrii'Uii Centres (ieiiliig In Clilmgo SKIDEC1ATE. Nov. 17.-Mrs. Gordon Jolllffe, a resident of Quern Charlotte City, has taken a singing contract to tour the United State under the management of one of the leading Italian :mpremarlos. Her first appearance will be In Chicago. Mrs. Jollffe has been known for her singing ability for a long time ana people of .the. Islands will watch her musical career with great interest. VANCOUVEK EXCHANGE Big MIsHOurt . Coast Copper Cork Province Dunwell Oeorge Copper Independence L. and L Lucky Jim .. Premier Porter Idaho . Richmond . . 811vercret . Silversmith Sunloch Torlc ma. .lVSo .lo iK.. 1.85. .04 .0854 2.33 31 .11 .15 2.10 As.ted WO .10 .04 .09 Vi 32 235 .14 .06 30 AO Oiler Besncr sailed yesterday afternoon by -hr Princes Mary for Vancou ... ., ;l .v . t:lp- - PREMIER BACK 1 FROM OTTAWA !Mr. Maclx-an Well Pleased an Ite- suit of Conference KXPKCTS HCTTEK THINGS VANCOUVER. Nov. 17 "The harmony that prevailed, the sluking u: dlvidual prejudices snd the gc:.eral desire to do what was best for Cau.ida ss s ho!e store striking features of Die provincial premiers' confercu. e ii-clared Hen. J D. McLean. Prem.i" : British Oolu.nb.a. on bis arrival H .t Ibis m.rnlng ii jm Ottaws. "1'lM-ie jiu queUi.n but that Canada Is mib..-on tcward proipcrltj." the . . -Untied, "and it looks as thoui)i Dominion should experlenoe s wciuiei :u! year in 1998. "British Columbia enjoys a splendid reputation In Eislein 0uslnc and i.ancisl ciroln." added Mr. M?I 11 V. u generslly recognU'ed tlut the pr . has weathered a loug period o. liard tunes fjr every one In Canada m isi Our financial petition x-cltes MUntrsUon snd Is forcing attention to Innumerable opportunities 1 jr 1 sound Investment. Mare snd more will I we receive Xsstern nurxy. It lcoks to me ss U British Columbia's dsy has sr-1 rived." I The premier left on the 1030 aju I boat for Victoria He had no statement to make concerning the Pacific Oreai Eastern Railway. WEATHER CLEAR AFTER SNOW Throughout the northern and central portion of British Columbia the tendency Is toward clear weather Sallowing a, heavy fall of snow at practically all points south of the Yukon 'yesterday. Todsy there Is six inches of snow on the ground st Haselton. f'.re at Smith- ers. snd at Anyox. Alice Arm, Barns Lake snd other centres a considerable fail has been recorded. The report of the Government Telegraph st 8 o'clock this morning follows: Prince Rupert. Overcast, calm; tern-nerature. 34. Stewart Part cloudy, calm, temp. 18. Anyos-CHsr. csjm. temp. 30. Alice Arm Clear, calm. temp. 19-Alyansh Clear, calm. temp. 12. nosswood-Clear. oalm. temp. 38. Terrsee Cloudy, calm. temp. 23. Haselton Cloudy, calm. temp. 20; six inches of snow. -Burns Lake Bright, calm, temp. IS. Smlthers Cloudy, oalm. temp. 16; five laches of snow during the nigh. Telegraph Creek Clear, norta wina. tern. IS below. Nahlln Clear, calm, lemp. 32 below. Whitehorse. Cloudy, north wind, 5 below. Carmacks.-Cloudy, calm, 30 below? Stewart River Clear calm. 30. below. Dawson Cloudy, calm. 20 below. CONTRACTOR' WAS FIRED AT Wounds In Hand and Leg He- cciveu by Vancouver Man in His Home VANCOUVER. Nov. 17. William Mc- Phelan, a contractor. Is In the hospital with bullet wounds in the hand and leg fired by an unknown assailant who called at his home last night. Ms- Phelan grappled with the man but when shot was forced to release him and he ercaped. WAS DETERMINED TO TAKE HIS OWN LIFE Will In in Albeit llliknrll, Agrtl GO, Cuts Ills Own TliriNit ut Siinui Prairie ClUUJWACK. Nov. 17. Determined to commtt suicide. William Albert Blck-ncll. aged 60, of Meadow Crossing, cut his throat at Sumas Prairie yesterday. Hearing people approaching, he plunged into a creek and swam to the other ill- .lasHi!i5 hi-. Uii"'.it sea in and dJUl3 PRINCE RUPERT Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper PRINCE RUPEKT. IU. THU: -MAY. NuVEMUER 17. 1027 IS WIRED ItUTH KCUnft, the daring little aviatrix. whose heroism and dauntless spirit on her transatlantic flight has charmed the world, -flrat fotfnd fiime in a bathing beaaty tontest whew she was chosen "Miss City of Lakeland," Florida Queen Charlotte Islands Trollers Pass Resolution Regard to Salmon Fishing QUEEN CHARLOTTE CITY, November 17. The Queen Charlotte Salmon Trollers Association at a recent meeting held at Skidegate Mission, passed a resolution covering the following points: Owing to the scarcity of salmon this year, we feel that measures should be taken that will help to preserve the fishing industry before it gets to such a state that it becomes depleted. We therefore ask that: Seine licenses be cut down fifty per cent. Fishing licenses not to be transferable in District No. 2. Non-citizens to be excluded from operating or tissisting seine boats, trolling boats or gill nets. Tlell River to be closed from fishing with nets. That some means be taken to destroy sea lions which are such a menace to trollers and salmon. Indians are not to be classified as non-citizens. That copies of the resolution be sent to J. C. Brady, M.P., Fred Stork, A. Mackie, the Daily News and Queen Charlotte City Hoard of Trade. ru iru.. o t m HUGE PLANE GOES AFRICA Sir Alan Cohham and Wife and .Four Others Left on Long' Flight UOt IIIri:i:, England, Nov. 17. Sir Alan fnhhutii Ktarted today on n fllRlit of '.'(i.iKiii miles to tour Africa, ii(tiniianlrl by Luily t'ob-ham ami four companion-.. , The plane l Uie largest ami fastest of all nirlal lining ImhiU In the Morlil and the trip one o( the most ambitloim nrr undertaken In com-nierrlal ailatlon. The purpose of the trip' Is to Mir-try. an airway for a trans-Africa mt Ice. VANCOUVER BUILDER IS KILLED IN FALL (. C. .Mathers, Aged JW. laseH lilt Ufe Was llrotlirr of .Manitoba Judge VANCOUVER, Nov. 17 O. O. Mathers, aged 58. Vancouver contractor, died as a result of falling from a building. He wt..s a brother of the late Hon. "T. O. Mathers, chief Jit: ice of the King's r..ur i'ii h : M;' nioba Dunnes aucj , oemeiary-i reasurer. i 1 HAD TO SWIM FOR THE BOAT Two Queen Charlotte Islands Teachers Cut Off by Tide anJ Had Cold Rath SKJDEOATE. Nov. 17.--Thls Is rather cold weather for a swim but two local residents were forced to take to the water a few days ago. The two teachers. Dan Dempsey of Skidegate and M. Newman of Queen Charlotte City, went duck hunting and anchored their boat on the beach at low tide. When they wtre ready to leave, It was found that the boat was cut off from the land with no means of reaching it except to swim. They came home soaked to the skin and with thelx uns and ammunition alAUf n tbutv jytape. ' .' MINES OUTPUT IS STILl ON INCREASE VICTORIA, Nov. 17. It Is expected at the Mines Department that the 1637 output of minerals In British Columbia wUl represent a larger tonnage than ever before. The decline In prices, however, will probably reduce the value below ::i' f 1026 Boston Grill hurt UpaUir Dining Hall, with newly laid dancing floor, for hire. NEW SODA FOUNTAIN. The latest and best for the least I'hune 4S7. Pric Five fnt ARCFSIT AND FASTFST FIYINC Rf)AT IFFT FflB AFRICA in mil rr iki k i bviie tit SH PRICES ctn . t : " 4 a sv e Position by Wire Cables to Prevent Washing Off ne.-s and Underwriters are Collahoratinir in Work of Snlvaire bayn I. t. Workman of Lloyd r the owner nor the underwriters have abandoned the ' ( tffala, which is wrecked on Mist Island near Port Simp- rrports. which have been published freely here and at are erroneous stated T. C. Warkman, representative of a answer to an enquiry made this morning by the Daily u matter of fact the Union Steamships Ltd. and Lloyds' a m roilaboratlon in connection with the salvage which f ried out by the Pacific Salvage Co. stated Mr. Warkman. l I Dp k son is representing the owners; Mr. Warkman, the REMAIN LOW I rr f nlrh In N-ntllp I liU j r Morning ) H'UMD Vlll ClOM thl appreciable Jump an The Die achoetier eundcrwrltera; and Mr. Alton. superinten dent of Us Pacific Sclavs Co.. Is directly In chart of lb salvage work lUclf. It was hoped. Mr. Warkman said, to het the vessel In a position within Uenty-flve days to cook- off the reef. Tr that end. work la now proceeding i Lead it jr. Two heavy wires have been jla her present position and heavy .prop, fastened to the bottom an J ' wedged under the guard of the steamer, have been installed on the starboard aide or off the rock. Blasting of the rooks 1 Bow la pro ii yes and ewece In 1- 94.000 pound refused i.1 . H eapeeted te a eeui. a offered tht morning PrthrelT hort XJne Be v. tie The Itheoa r- for the sale today snd offered with others today were: AM CKI CAN 5 000 to OoM Storage I TAVADIAN - , to Cold 8torsgr at itoyal Fish Oo at 12 to Atlln Fisheries at Io attempt ha been made to strip the ahlp. Mr. Warkman and P. M. Ray. the lrtier local mi b-agent for Lloyd', left for the scene of the wrack aboard the powerboat Ann S. at noon today. Mr. Warkman will aall tomorrow morning fur Vancouver and expects to be back within a few dayv E. P CMbb. manager of the Vancouver Dry Dock tc Salvage Co.. who was. here In connection with the wreck, a lied on hia return to Vancouver by the Princess Miry jesterday afternoon. Personalities and Principles Part of Liberalism Declares Prem. Mackenzie King, Quebec i ' QUEDEC, November 17. Premier Mackenzie Kinjr, speaking here last night, reviewed the significant events since the general election of 1926, the work of the Imperial Conference, jie Canadian Jubilee, the visit of the Prince of Wales and Premier Baldwin and finally the conference of provincial premiers. Liberalism-in the province of Quebec had had its inspiration in personalities but beyond personalities had been principles, said the Premier. The-t principles had been the right of self-government, 'he defense of minority rights and the rights of the people. This .vaj the gospel of liberalism, declared 1 'h.- Premier. With a suivey that embraced the tmdlni; of Canada and the Quebec ci'ivr.-nee of 1804 the Prune Minister rci his speech. The remaining period in Canada s history, he said, was t-.l by the lite of Laurler. It was L.i.incr who had been true prophet of ca: .,da Laurler had predicted that the . v.enueth century belonged to Canada ai.e. ihjt the British Empire was to be a "galaxy jf nations. urn. moose Ki:roiiTi:i) MEN OX TIIIH lL.M Men working In the government road oamp bring reports to the ettcy 4 having teen, a big buH nw&e mi 'the 6Rer side of K:en Island. Tfee ajUmsl is reported to be ae big af a horse, 'having the typical flat horns. Thfe who have seen It are positive that It Is not a mule deer aa ha been auggeeted. If it is in reality a moose. It must be a tray from some of the Interior herds. Oame regulation will protect It from being shot as long as It remains on this ASKING COMMISSION INVESTIGATE SALMON Action Taken at Montreal by f'anaUlun t'luimlter of ('oinnieri-e Committee MONTREAL. Nov. 17. The Federal Government will be asked to appoint a commission to Investigate the fisheries cf BC. with a view to their conservation. Thla waa the decision of the national committee of the chamber of cooicerce here yesterday. T.-.t meettlng arndorsed the proposal Of the Vancouver Board of Trade to send a communication to the minister of marine and flaberlei. Hon. J. A. ; Cardln, asking the appofntment of a ! commission. TELEGRAPH OPERATOR OF ATLIN OUT FIRST TIME FOR 15 YEARS Making his flrat trrp outslae since 1912. A. B. Taylor, telegraph operator from Atlln. was one of the Interesting passenger aboard the Princess Mary yesterday afternoon bound for Vancou ver. Mr. Taylor, the direct cause for whose trip Is to undergo fn operation In the south, came out over the Ice and such water routes aa were still available. He la the father of Norman Taylor, purser of the Princess Mary and of Mr. Harry Mobley who now resides in the Imperial Valley. California. Mrs Taylor la already In the south. ANGUS McGOUQAN IS HEAD PROHIBITIONISTS VANCOUVER. Nov. 17. Angus Mc-Oougan of North Vaneouver has been chosen head of the Prohibition Association at the British Columba convention held here. COMMONS FRENCH CLERK DIED IN CALIFORNIA OTTAWA. Nov 17 Arch Uie Arechette. 81 years of one of the past chief tiur.Ma'tirs and Fren-h clerk In the : 'u- ! e.'uun 'u a .. ui v'.;.rj:-.;..i. MARKETING LAW IS CHALLENGED Case Brings up Possible Illegality of License by Committee of Direction KAMLOOPS. Nov. 17. British Columbia's fruit and vegetable marketing machinery is threatened in the trial here of Mah Chong. Chinese, charged with violation of the Marketing Control Act. Counsel for the defence, R. L. Malt-land of Vancouver, and A. C. Sxallnj ot Kamloopa. question the legality of the, act and have Intimated that if un I successful here they will carry tlielr case-to the Privy ..Council.. ..vv,. .. i Mah Chong U aUegeett&'hive thfpped ; several carloads of potatoes from Kam-I loeps with obtaining a license from the committee of direction and to have sold 1 the shipment at a lower price thin fixed by the committee. I KAMLOOPS. Nov. 17. (Later) Upholding the validity of the British Columbia Marketing Control Act. Magistrate Fisher yesterday found Mah ?b4ng guilty of selling potatoes with-I iut a license and fined him ISO. fairbanksIan WAS ARRESTED Attorney From Alaska is Charged With Embezzlement of Public Funds WRANOALL. Nov. t7. James E. Ryder, attorney of Fairbanks, was ar-ruled yesterday upon the arrival of the steamer Yukon and placed In the city JaU on a federal warrant charging em- bezi&ement of public funds. Ryder, who was en route to Seattle at the time of the arrest, was recently nnnected with the municipal government of Fairbanks. TAKES TWENTY DOGS SEATTLE Famous Hater to Show His Arctic Canines in U.S. and Canada KETCHIKAN. Nov. 17. Leonard Sep-pala has gone from Nome to Seattle with twenty Arctic dogs, to be shown In various parts of United States .and Canada. Seppala has received an offer from Lieut. Commander Byrd to accompany him on the proposed trip to the South Pole and take his dogs along, but so far has not accepted. He Is a well known dog racer. BOCK CHOSEN MAPLE CREEK Liberals Nominate Farmer Candidate to Contest Seat of Hon. (!. Spence REOINA. Nov. 17. William Bock, farmer, was nominated as Liberal candidate In the federal riding of Maple Creek made vacant by the appointment of Hon, George Spence as minister of raUways In the Saskatchewan government. It is probable Mr Bock will be elected b; ,r lainuuuu.