Made in Canada for Canadians SHREDDED - - - - - - j. . . . . , WHEAT Canadian wheat-finest in the world-made digestible by shredding and baking. Eat it with milk for any meal THE UNFAIR a a m -v -s mrwt The daily News PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA. Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Daily News, Limited, Third Avenue. H. F. PULLEN - - Managing Editor. Member of Audit Hureau of Circulations DAILY EDITION. 1 Alll ur 11. against the British: tha Tfipnntn r!lrl.o tA iwri. Pqi'mntita '.. a: 1 luHuuniij. i ..jiiicino iui luuietiiuu iuiu as.iur- Hands o convenience economy purity safety richness SWISTSNID 7orf in Canada by the maker Of Ntttli'i Baby Fnod VCSTUES .4 tVAPORATt MTLK ' n i n MNWtCTtNfO LABOR COUNCIL WOMEN SUPPORT TALKS OF CHINA WESTERN ROUTE IMSSKS ItEsOf.t TK K.tVOItlXfl KflMOSTUN Ass l.iTlOV K(iV. !! -iiASiis on-" roi.irv. lticsr-ECT-Tll.lT rorxTKV Considerable discussion took place at the meeting of the Trades and Labor After four weeks strenuous endpnvnr hv thn Pnncarv-atiio Therefore be It resolved , v . w vviik'vi luitib J i r I ance have loomed so large In the customs investigation at Van- , couver that the brewers have revolted, the Legislature has staged CDI PKinin CpTTIMf a verbal combat around the question, and the public has taken to 01 LLlulu " ail'U guessing as to the size of the bag and why. The newspapers have FOR HISTflRIf Vl TftI F called for a ahow-down, after printing the damaging evidence. V" While the .government has declined to order an, investigation on IN rOX MASTERPIECE their say-so, a select committee is to be appointed to decide upon . what action should be taken. Premier Oliver has also promised With the vast rugged valley of Jack-that if the published statements are corroborated by the transcripts on HoIe' Wromln' rving as one of of testimnnv Wislntlnn xrill K ir,irnAno, t ..l :v...... the stagea and the magnificent peaks of Ihg of it began to sink into the. public conscience. IS NOT PECULIAU TO WESTEKN CANADA. best of the virgin land, when at the roar ot a signal cannon. 15,000 people, thousands of head ot horses and oxen. vi:i.oi.Mi:r ok coast to it is .MISUKI"ltl'SKN'T.THS WU.UNST' Itll'WtT AM VAM tirvt:it Council last night oa the following wn wiumwi mora w u.uu, resolution which was finally passed: Prc1,1c coast 4tIeU tor P"'rle fa.m Whereas, the spread of Imperialism nd t0 P the out of Pm,cs . . . , ... nr rfriv!ntT rrismt tnrinort la numf f imj me uneni nas miroaucea -inio wnina r, mi aIi.U. . a tw- Tha m At r- '. an Intensified form of Industrialism .. .- - which cent "Wence of this co-operation cornea by exploiting cheap, unorganized trom the Women's Liberal Club 'of Ed-under labor. Including children of tender age. unhealthy and Intolerable condl- "nton. which has Ju passed a Strang itlons. outlon asking the Uberal members has enabled the foreign capital- lists to reap large profits at the cost of of lhj provincial legislature to make a 'human suffering- strenuous effort to combat what they And Whereas, the Chinese nation has beBeve U to be an organised effort for some years been torn with civil 8lnt the ahipment of grain through strife by military despots, fostered and westerl Canadian ports, sometimes financed by rival foreign A general feeling prevailed at the trade Interests having further designs meeting of the Edmonton Liberal women, on the economic and political life of wnere thls resolution was paased. that machine-like opposition to the western that unhappy country; and Whereas the awakening of China to a route xlsJ1 and that misrepresentations re btlnS" made regarding the advan-tlon national consciousness and the cduca- taS t0 Alberta and western Saskatthe-desire of her people has produced a to assert her complete lnde- wan Kraln growers of an cutlet for thek-pendence. and to free herself from the P"ducU through the porta of Vancouver economic dominance, territorial agres- ,nd Pr'ntf Rupert, slon and political subjugation of the "K'T TO l-ol.llK Al. ATTITIPB riinr- n The resolution, which ts being for- j whereas, this Is manifesting itself "ded by the club to the authorities ttt tea. order that those most interested may rnaay, 11, through a workers' and a student' movement by a seflea of strikes, boy- reallze lnal ne tomomon wonwn cotts.' and demonstrations, some of brantn ot the Liberal party feels that which have been particularly directed tbt "tern 8ln route is being mad a political lootDaii ana oojecis 10 m that we the aiuiuue, reaas as iouows. . . . wrtr iha tnwmmvni nr- I mini. nut., t . .1 irnnce uuperi iraaes ana uioor uoun- position to find some flaw in the government , armor which ... would . , CU do hereby strongly protest the i0T the purple of establishing the prove the Oliver administration guilty of misconduct or wasteful action of the Imperial British Govern- western route, has at great expense es- iikp of niih'lin funrla fho -iftKmnt inntmnil. v i .- Imtnt in concentrating armed forces to tabllshed port fac tscuiuea at vaacouver -1?a.,:f P.M L ill ...-u u! . ;A: . . i prevent the assertion of Chinese lnde- nd adjusted ara ! " f cvjucui-e nas tome to iignr. I rates between Alberta ""h"v', : ,nd tnat we urce UDon the equalized freight ? P" accounts committee an accusation was made "ii western Saskatchewan and th. rT , pi Government to ih that t th the files of the use every en- public works department had been tampered df,vor to restraln ,ny contemplated Canadian ports on the Pacific, with. Hon. Y. II. Sutherland explained that where a bidder on 'action not m accord with justice and And whfre" the lallihg off in ahip-contracts asked and received permission to withdraw his tender per- equality; and menta of grain via the western route mission was granted. The notation was then wiped off the tabula-1 Be it further resolved that it is mce the rar 1823 hai ben mo,t n,ark-tion sheets. He challenged the opposition to show where a five-cent our considered opinion, based upon the and would tietrij indicate an effort piece had been misappropriated, promising in such an event to quit futabI h'tory. that the t0J'cr5dlt the u rout- t office at once. He said all business of his department was ouly mtnntr ,n whlch the rorelgn" ln mntJ .T open club of of Edmonton, would 1, draw the the at fnr innPptinn Cn""1' cm reealn and "tain the con- lik fldlce nd of the of tentlon of the Liberal members of th tw , l at , -,i . , friendship people i, v, mu Thus another bubble burst others will. as The only unfortu- Cnlna u to renounce H concessions Provincial legislature of Alberta to th nate thing about this system of tactics being that unfair and false forced from them m their weakness and organized effort againtt th shipment ol iripressions are bandied about the country where there is not the uapreparednesa and allowing them to "raln through western Canadian porta slightest foundation in fact. .. resume full control of the economic. and wou,d qt them to make a social and political affairs of all terrl- trcnuous effort to combat the same, and tt.C. GIVES v ; tctles within the boundaries of China: bIleve that thla can msst ftettTtiy LEAD TO REST and tta,C we belleve that the best in- done b thorough lnvestlgatlori. ao British Columbia may give a lead to the rest of the countrv "l"? R? ?"ot .TJ.LZ in purging the political parties of the campaign-fund stigma, adherence says ttnct to the policy of eten route and who is responsible China. and the reason for it. . W would also congratulate the government of the Rt. H?n. Makenzle Kins jon the efforts made to establish thla western grain route, which will result I In a monetary benefit to the grain growers of Alberta and Saskatchewan. Ten Years Ago in Prince rnnce nuperi Rupert vw..w. wmiwuuu ti - RhK. February 7. 1937 xo ana expenuiiures oi campaign funds in the future. Mountain, for a h.- p, ". 1 n L " ?? Mne..lM.pert art hereby it has not been shown hat the provincial government or mem- -3 uV.m. m.i" .cteen production of Bad Men- opens! raiKfAKV n. mi oers ox tne legislature nae Deen unuer the spell of liquor gold; but at the Westholme Theatr. tonight. ' The Blue Cro Fund w.. benefitted !w,J!nU, th'ilT P'a4P r d'P?'t th Premier agreed to Investigation if this famous'by. J7?3 VyXjmSfft&t an were charged. As to The place once made Teton by the on the fact that money was paid for political purposes and was so re- Jackson, notorious outlaw and horse through the agency of -Sandy" Mrs n,w th same art contained In some corded in the brewers' books, there is no dispute. President Reifel thief, .and hla gang of desperadses. after Percy Godenrath'a Irish setter d'og. ';ffne otXer nra-mbuatibl non combustible ""mi'.' ma of the British Columbia Breweries, Limited, told the lloyal Commis- Rtiri1 "xty i"n- na at ,a'1 te?SS sion of sums aggregating $100,000 or more paid to the political '1Iine(1 and many ot thelr deed ot dall D- D- M". of Terrace, i a member tlJi'n parties. Both Liberals and Conservatives had their hands out. It s r'-enacted on the TerT e1" they of the Advisory Board at Victoria.' do so or who refrains from dolne anv was a custom of thirtv-five veara' standing anci It f9 t?mD fho .c? T multn- ; which recommends a system of land, act or thing . which, violate, the above - - " "- . ' - Rao XTn TpriTnu that lllttinrnlil I . . ... . . . . The country as a whole would like to see British Columbia proceed with determination to get at the bottom of the evil.- It would be stretching the imagination to say that the malady .of liquor Both seemed to be available any time politicians wished to obtain them. Mil STi.ES ,..-.....,, iur uriiisn oiumoia. episode of American history, the openl:it i of the Dakotas to the white man by j Mr. and Mrs. William Turnbull will , uee grant oi land by the government.. . sail shortly for Victoria w here Mr; w" "tk." .Tk: b" rV3 A?!' ' PlaJ"d whleh "ked for the ned Cros, v"v it'tiuuj vi me- opcviai i ui uttiiieiiLai v juinm Lief xnnwpfi -t3.i . . . WUI itii. that political payments were made by " Ontario- distilleries. naymg me title roles ot the strangely Turnbull hss accepted the position of assorted trio, the card Sharp, the hors j private secretary to Hon. T. D. Pat- mier and the desperado, are Frank Campeau, J. Farrell MscDonald and Tom 8antschl, while the part of the youthful tullo, the Minister of Lands. The raffle of the Immense black cod Olive Borden enacts the rale Society .by William shruhll netted r " -l. . u il. . ... . .... .. (jaiucs jiiuicu in meiii, aim me leauer oi neitner party WOUIU Uls-n terrorizing three. In addition to, held the winning ticket. -1 f - ft !tfl. lit 1 i i a . . , ... I i T wiHiin respoiisiDiiuy, aunougn repeaieuiy asKea to o bo. &lf & clean ine e" xnpwn ur. the cast includes iing process is started in British Columbia it should,, encournge a uch crwn hornet as Lou Teiiegen, general clean-up. legislation tq protect the future will' kardly ho pHr the mbler; Jay Hunt, whs answer the purpose, ' ! ' ' starred In "LightninV ln the part of th The intimate relations of the customs, and the liquor busineVtt cannot be overlooked. It would be a source of public Kr.tlfitlo to learn that campaign contributions had no part in influencing adb forgotten which are admirably por- irmusiraiioii ot me uepartment. un tne omer nana, until this Is trayed by OtU Harlan. Walter Known, suspicion win nave reasonable justification. Possibly the Prisciiia Bonner. Georgia Harris, orac plans of the Royal Commission will open a way to settle the point, Oordon and OeoTge Irving, but an investigation prompted by the provincial government would' ne r tbe mo,t v,vld antl never-to-at least show a desire to clear the names of the local members be-for'ottn cenet u the rush for the and the proviheial organizations of participation in funds which Word has been received- in the city that Joe Hutchinson and Allan Robert-on will return i to the city In the course d fa few days. Invalided home frdm Jack Bradbury, one of the returned Perry. ! soldiers, left for the south laft even ing. J. W. Flaherty, who has been Superln-tenlng the starting up of logging operations on th queen Charlotte Islahd for the Kelley interest, (ailed for the south last evening. as welt a hundred of vehicles of every I description, from prairie schooners to AI ASKA DRY RfiHAii bicycles, break out on the open plain . in their mad race for the unseen goal. FALSE TEETH WERE ' NOT MADE IN OLD I TIMES, STUDENT SAYS TO BE INCREASED tepiir AilmliiMrutiir Iteltirni o Jiinenn From Untitle Thief fciet to g North JUNEAU. Peb. 11. The Prohibition Unit expects to auzment In the heaf SALT LAKE CITY. Feb. II. raise I future the present force of agents iteeth making was not one of th arts of maintained in Alaska, It waa announced ancient man. saya Prof. A. H. Kerr, head today by Deputy Federal Administrator of th University of Utah Department or jo. E. Birgfeld, m charge of the iocs! Archaeology. ,dltrlct. Administrator Roy C. Lyle aUo I "owever. the early day cliff dweller, expects to make thl summer his long when Ueth were missing, had a-way for delayed trip to the Territory, he said, 'grinding his food. Hi method Involved; Mr. Blrgfeld returned home last hlghl use of s small tbne mortar and pettle from a visit to district headauarters in In lieu of "store" teeth. Seattle where he attended the annual Material which Professor Kerr gathir. conference held by Mr.'Lyle and his aids, ed on ah exploration tilp In outherrt Conditions were dWcusKed and matter Utah from a number of rllff dweller pertaltitfijr to prohibition enforcement graves, lr.cluded the skeleton of a man talked over. Mr. flfrgteld was ln Seat who probably was about 70 years old, tie two week, There were only two teeth in the skull. ItlS Visit, trenerallv. waa verv satlsfap provision, that ten day from the above date an Inspector will be empowered to take the necessary proceeding to enforce this strtlon of the By-law. H. a. McLean. City Engineer. NOTICK LAND ACT. OF INTENTION TO Tl l.n.tXE I.ANII. 1 LAND ACT sunn: or intkntion to apply to IK AM; HIHKMIOltr, In Oraham Island. 3ueen Charlotte Island Land Recording' District of Prlnc Rupert, and situate at Ferguson Bay. Mawett Inlet, Oraham Island. TAKE NOTICE thst Powell River Company Limited of Vancouver, BC occupation Manufacturers, Intend to apply tor s leas of th following described lands: Commencing at a post planted at the northeast corner of D L i7i- thn.. westerly, following northern boundry of ' said Lot to the northwest corntr ot aald i uuw, yuciicn wcnirny, northerly and eaatrrly, following the high tide mark of Ferguson Bay to the extreme easterly point ot Echlnu Pointi thence south-easterly to the point of commencement, and containing 150 seres, more or less POWELL RIVER COMPANY! LTD. ., Agent, J, Dougla Wilson. Dated 4th November, I93n LAND ACT notm k op intkntion to pi-i TO I.KASi: UM) Ih the Stave wrr nn nf tha tin nn.k Inn tlm .. ... i. it.. Chains: thenc SOUtherlv hniit ii.i jjgy ggpg St. Charles Milk and uoulLhave better success my dear Experienced cooks nre successful becnusc they leave nothing to choncc. They know their ingredients, mix them carefully and get the results desired. Milk is most Important In n majority of staple food recipes. But the quality nnd richness of ordinary milk is apt to vary considerably from day to day and many dishes fall to please because of the milk used. Borden's St. CharUs Milk is to widely used by fcCtxl cooks because it is always of exactly tW same creamy richness. It can be drpcntirU on to give the ditli tliut appetizing cooJness that ixt only pleatcs the palate hut nourishes the body at well. It can be used in rich reciret just as it comes from the can, or it may be diluted with an caual quantity of water. And it is ao convenient. You can buy it at any grocery and it keeps perfectly in the pantry Irt the unopened tin. Order a few tins today. AITI.V In Prlnc Rupert Land Recording District of Prince Rupert, and aituat at Xesto Inlet, Queen Chsrlotte Islands. I TAKK NOJICK th.t John Dybhavn. of trlnce Rupert, B C. occupation manager, intends to apply for a lease of the following described land.-- Commencing at a Dost elanted on the south ld ot Nesto Inlet, about on mile from it head; thence south 0 chaln thence west IS chains: thenea Both' have been: north chains to shore; thence eaat 10 j the1 front. I chain, mor or leas, following the shore ...... wu,.,. w. vuuiiii.m vuicuk. BIIU ' contsining 7 acres, more or less. JOHN DYBHAVN, . Applicant , v, n ,Y TO In Prlnc Rupert Land Recording District, and situate at Huston Inlet, ' Queen Mueen Charlotte Wand. TAKE NOTICE that Robert M. Currl. bt Vancouver. Be, occupation mh Ihr packer. Intends to apply tor a lease bf following describia lands-- Commencing at a post planted at northeaat corner about 1,000 feet tniy from miner.' cabin, at head of nuai.u .mew, inenc. ni o. halns; tars and a pestle, disclosing the nro. Deets of seniHn ..tuition.) Am. rn ."J!n.'e .ia"!rV 2.'i..c.hln: thence nor- fessor holds, that those Implements sub- local sctlvltles which, he said, would U cre. mor or lens ' ' contlnlng tltuted for artificial molar. permit the Alaska branch of theHinlt to' ROBERT M, CURR1E, Applicant Sai(IJorFi'clcipcDoolL : Evety worn n will find the St. Chmrte Krcifm Book hrlplut. It contain coteru of ttttrO, tknph rropea for toup, fcMwtcfs, cwAet . puddinit, ift-aerf and candy. It it tt Wtita to VANCOUVKK ST. CHARLES cover the field more completely than hm been possible In the pan teverai months. NOTICE C -"IT rilse it wherever Calls fir Milk, aJSgSSEESffl Crt.ttfD'ty ..TI II.' J MILK Sciatic Rheumatism The Sciatic Nerve in the main motor nerve of hr't limbs. Branching off from the spine In the region : its work begins where it leave the spinal io irr WW pressure occurs on thin nm'c, the victim i rrippli d. it t f 1 .-. r .1 r i mm J. UyTir 1 I, oackwi ChiropTucrti corrects the ctuse of Ulsrjiv i vr k Intheoppo iite named organs t w r- to 'ok -ems Ws SUV EAR NCJt Ij- THROAT -tivia r 1 1 v? SI0MAC For this reason cauxe ar.i more closely related in - :J most other conditjonn. Whc Iwne presses upon the ru the re.sultant pain beitm ri; point of pressure. For the natnc reason. Spinal Adjustments more iulck!y find surVK Chi. than in mo.Ht other condition they arc applied directly to th a - in r,--vt h si 1 f. bf A the trouble and remove the su.'-f HIS CANK NOW DISC AIU)F.D "For months I hnd been t'' ' Clntlnn t 111 Stll'h "'' ;mncmas couldn't sleep, work or rest, " J sniin VKlBNtYS AWfSDU iADOl i nvr t. i he lowe." ncrv'o undcrlhc magnify ing tuss is pinched by a misaligned joint hnched nerves cannot transmit healthful limpuhts, Chiropractic fidjustinij removes the pressure i The upper nerve U frei? as nature intends. suKtrested.thnt I try Chlropr,,i J backward about InvestiiraUnir in1 practlc. fiiruriiu: it would be iw ' the other things I had tried v"1 .( result, but the time came woo" '; willing to try anything Adjun iw were ntnrfed, and I will frans'J that 1 was relieved from tne Ur . I laid my cane aside after the fjur mllniitmnnt nnrl hnien't pi KPH " lutrtfl n nr ft ii iinsi ttnul nnu' 111111 ti v ' nmvv, ( io it" " " " and "I have not lost n h.tvp hnd nn return of the rou Ince."-finint Taylor. Ch!ropM' search Hureau, Statement No. lie- YOUIl AITOINTMnNT For Health can he made by m D. A. McMillan Palmer (iraduale CimtOl'ltACTOIt Rooms fi and 7 Exchange lllock. rnlho-Ncuromcter Service Open Evening """fsss b,, mmmmmMm ssswassssss.ssii"sssssjasssssa.ssaBt 1'lnfnc 'HI Advertise in "The Daily New 11