WINNIPEO, Feb. 11. (By CP.) Al berU can handle about 500 of the 3.000 families the Canadian Colonization As Eoclatlon expects to bring into Canada this year for settlement.and Saskatche wan will take care of the greater part of the remainder, T. O. P. Herzer, ot the Colonization Association declares. Mr. Herzer has Just completed a, tour of the West, during which he attended settlement and colonization conferences at Calgary and Saskatoon. These 3.000 families will b of various nationalities and will be, of three classes. Mr. Herzer stated. The first without money will receive assistance of various kinds in getting settled on the land. The second type, possessing from 500 to $1,000 per family.- will be assisted only In securing land. The third group Includes United States settlers and others, who have sufficient funds to look after themselves. The delegates to the two conferences were; given data regarding the number of families there would - be In each class ww. runrral of Transfer Man TiMk Plate In Interior Toun Yesterday bedside, but he passed away before her arrival at the Hazelton Hospital. The late Mr. Monsell was born In Minnesota and was forty-one years of age. He was married In 1913 to Florella Rep&her, who, with five sons and one ness " 1 O 1S27 by Uru Stwict. Inc. fair was set for September 14 and 15 subject to the approval of the Provincial Fairs Association. The revised list In the fancy work section was approved and copies of this will be posted In public places Imme diately. Suggestions for the revision of other sections of the prize list will be received by the executive and a re- W. H. Burnett, local Ford agent, has; leased the store part of the La Zellej building on Kalum Street, formerly oc- i TERRACE. Feb. 11. This community ' cupled by Hatt Bros., and will have1 wat shocked when it became known on Tuesday morning that Ed. Monsell had succumbed to the Injuries he received In the woods here on. Saturday. Mrs. Monsell, accompanied by Mrs. Warne, the necessary alterations made to con-1 vert It Into a garage. W. A. King made his Ilrst trip to Terrace on Thursday morning since his had left on Monday's train to be at his i recent severe illness and was greeted by many friends who were pleased to see him around again. Rev. nd Mrs. Wm. Allan are both confined to their home through sick- daughter are left to mourn his loss. I Upon leaving Minnesota, the family I C. H. Hearne was in from the, Lakelse first settled in Pouce Coupe. Peace Hatchery on Wednesday. River country, later coming to Terrace TERRACE WANTS X-RAY FACILITIES IN ITS KNIGHTS COLUMBUS IS VISITING CITY 5& NOT SATISFACTORY That the heating plant in Booth ScJjooI Is unsatisfactory and never has been satisfactory since the opening of the school was the Information received at the meeting of the school board last night. The board bad previously considered several complaints and had en- - in 1921. Mr. Monsell purchased a I Mrs. A. Y. Wilson was the guest of deavored to have the plant adjusted so twenty acre ranch on the bench near.T. J. Marsh during the week. . ..... . . . . -inn r?rm dui auer a lew years went that tit might prove satisfactory but little change had resulted. Principal Into the transfer and freighting buii- j At the meeting of the Women's . Harkness referred to many of the rooms ness and moved his family into town. I Auxiliary to the Terrace Hospital on .not having, sufficient heat at different For the past two years he has had the Tuesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. times 'during the cold weather and re-contract for the hauling of the mall to , Wm. Klrkpatrlck, the matter of work-' ported that altogether the system had and from trains. Besides his widow and ' lng with an aim to providing a small j .iot proven satisfactory. It was felt by family here Mr. Monsell leaves a mother j x-ray machine for the local hospital the board that the matter would have and two brothers In Minnesota. jwas discussed and It was decided to! to have attention although already they Mrs. Monsell and Mrs. Warne returned have the representatives of the Auxlll- had endeavored to effect a remedy. from Hazelton on Tuesday and the body i ary meet the hospital board the follow-! - arrived here Thursday. Rev. J. H.jlng evening and lay the matter before RflPHKTFR IC APAIN Youna. who accomDanted the bodv to i them. IlULIltuIElV 10 nllnlll . - i Terrace, assisted by Rev. A. W. Robinson, conducted the funeral service In Knox UlplI OPPIfiAl OF United Church the same afternoon. In- iniUIl UITJ.LIHL UT terment being In Kltsumkalum Cemetery. Coroner Norman A. Watt of Prince Rupert arrived In town on Wednesday' train to hold an Inquest Into the death of the deceased. However, it was deemed CHAIRMAN OF BOARD tlleaiN School Trnlre Again Elected In lllo Al.sriKr at Lat Mcht's .Meeting II. B. Rochester wU( again be chair- William A. Wells, a prominent lawyer! man of the school board for the ensu unnecessary but an Inquiry was held. ,of Edmonton and spo.lal agent of the ; lng year. The matter was referred to it being decided that death was accl- Knights of Columbus for Canada and by Secretary J. L. Christie last night at dental. Newfoundland, is in the city and Is re- the meeting of the school board who jglstered. at thq Prince Rupert Hotel, intimated that It was customary for Mr. Wells is here In the course of a 'the board to make a selection at their tcur of his, jurisdiction which extends first meeting ot one of their number fromPrlnce Rupert to 8t. Johns. New- for the position of chairman. Trustee louDdland. He will meet the local 8. D. Johnston then moved and Trustee I ITTI V IincniTlI CCUI,C" special meeting vuuigni nu ueorge uryam seconaea a motion p LI 1 1 LC IIU Jli 1 fill "turn east on Saturday' train. pointing Mr Rochester to the position TERRACU ftebj Jl.r-Thef regular monthly meeting of the executive of Terrace Hospital Association was held In tt parlor of the Terrace Hotel on Wednesday evening with President J. K. Oordon In the chair and a good attendance. Routine business was conducted and a committee appointed to arrange for the registration of the association under the Societies Act. Mrs. O. T. Sundal was appointed to the house committee In Mrs. Frost's place. Mrs. Head and Mrs. Dover, as representatives from the Women's Auxiliary, brought before the board the suggestion that the auxiliary undertake to work toward the providing of an X-ray machine. ' Owing to the unavoidable absence of Dr. Turpel, little Information regard ing the matter waa available but the members of the executive were unani mous in considering It a worthy objea tlve as well as a very necessary part of hospital equipment. It was pointed out that during the past few weeks a number of cases had to go outside for X-ray treatment that otherwise might Hive been handled In the local hospital. Considerable discuston took place lu regard to providing a larger, building and becoming established In a way to command government assistance and recognition by the Workmen's Compensation Board, but it was decided that no step In tnla matter should be taken before the annual meeting In May, TERRACE SETS DATES FOR ANNUAL FAIR TERRACE, Feb. It. A meeting of the Terrace Fair Board was held at the home of Mrs. O. T. 6u:idl on Wednes day evening when the utc lor this year'; I As 1 WL wkwIa 5JI rjaalaiaJS(laB Hi: OAW! rfri . A MEN'S WHIST Page fous TITR DXIV! N8WS 1 1 ..i. DISTRIBUTING BRINGING UP FATHER By George McM; " - VOU ARE A (Vt-SEMATOK-IM-MR- 1 AMY FRIEMD OF l( KNJQW THAT A WORD DtDYOO SEE THIS NEW SETTLERS FRIEND OF JICG5-HIS PAL-1 WANT) OlMTTt) ISA COMtM FROli SENATOR IN THE PAPERT DINTV . M"OU TO POT I M A GOOD FRIEMD'OF jaw will carry PrtFlOENT DtNOONCESl MOORE5! WORD FOR ME TO THE MlNJE-l'l-L Do WfiChT WITH THE EKATORJAW A" A r SASKATCHEWAN' TO TAKE LARGE PRELbl DEJsTT- I'M AFTER xLLI CAN! PRESIDENT- ifS BEErJ J n CCQN1DRL THAT TRAVEL! fsT f PLEASURE TO HEETH Z I'AKT OF 3000 FAMILIES COMING THIS YEAR V .' h U SEMATORl zrmm- www CrMt Brttaeft tmhtm wniJ 1 . . I Jv jAC.LH I rl .iA IL- Coughed So Hard Could Not Sleep ;! SPORT CHAT ! Four heavyweight elimination matches ! within a period of a month are the r n... , T,. , T i fistic offerings Tex Rickard lays before r Jfttr T ft. ?.lh "Port fan. of New York today. Pair- 7 V " - insa nsiu, jb A.niat tnw Kaii Kj- ard determined how many of each vwion commute appamtea ai ine next; severe eo-M an.l coughm! o hard I " type could be handled in their res- meeting. pectlve provinces. In addition to the work, the colonization officials will do In connection with purine for these Immlrnntt th TERRACE Mr- and Mrs- c- U- lft boards of trad, throughout the Wt .L- 018e7 have promised their co-operation ta the!011 t0T PTlact RuPen" fullest extent In helping to get these Immigrants settled, Mr. Herzer said. TERRACE SHOCKED AT MONSELL'S DEATH R. II. Eaton of Babine Lake who paid the local hatchery a visit last week went on to Prince Ru pert at the beginning of the week. He was accompanied by R. A. McRae of Laicise who returned home on emiM nnt slrn tii.rkt. t ieen all of the recognized contenders thing, ineludicj; doctor's m.Jicine, ft eu Tunney's heavyweight lltle. but n.i.tLing gave me relief until I tried The Ilrt of the string brought together Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup Young Stribllng. of Atlanta, and Eddie Huffman, of . Los Angeles. On February 18. Jack Delaney of Bridgeport. Oonn j champion of ibe light heavyweights, ; tackles Jim Maloney. of Boston. The I European, champion, Paulino Uscudun. ' of Spain, will meet Knute Hansen, of which was reoonunended to me hj a I Wisconsin, over the ten-round route on neigMwr. j Tebruary 33. . Among the winners ot I will thU "le"' Rk"d MpecU nnd never be withont it in the bouse again." material for two big outdoor-shows In , . i the Yankee Stadium, with the former V ", m1"."11?1 ytm Jack champion. Dempsey. a possible "Dr. food's" as it ha Un a house- MrtJ. .u. SZ hold remedy for the jwut y.ra. Price 33c a bottle: larpe family size 60c; put op only by The T. Mi'llmrn Co., Limited, Toronto. Out. HEATING SYSTEM IN BOOTH SCHOOL IS aua tiw4iiu ssa vuv vt v uses wiiv v From these last fights will tie found the challenger to meet Tunney next September. The following all star Intermediate basketball team has been selected to play Port Shapaon tonight. J. Sims, p Frtzzell. W. Wrathali. J. ilcN'ulty and D. Ourvlch. Spares: S. durvtcn. R. Smith, C. Thompson. Lee Dell.. referee. Ladles' select teams for tonight will be: ' i . ' "A" team-Mlss Helen Orsnt. Miss Wllla Dyer. Miss Vera Smith. Miss Mra Harvey, Miss Catherine Harvey. Spares: Mlu Helen Sim. Miss May Thompson. "B" Team Miss Dorothy Oo&se, Miss Margaret Graham. Mies Lillian Lowe. M las Caroline Matcheil. Miss Evelyn Dalby. Spares: Miss Margaret Palmer. Miss Ada Mlnzghor. Mimim lnillnc League With ht. (imrre'k (still Cote) Runners I p Men's Whltt League results last night were as follows: St. George's, (8eal Cove) 5. lOOJ". 4. St. Andrew's 9. Elks 0. St. Oeorges, (City) 8. Moose 3 . Sons of Canada 6, Knights of Pjtbjai Plyd. W. L. Pts. Moose II 8 3 8 8t. Oecrge'a (8. a) II 7 4 7 I. O. O. F 10 5 5 5 Elks 10 5 S 5 Sons of Canada ..II S 6 S 3nfght of Pythias. 10 4 C 4 3t. Oeorges (City) 10 4 4 it. Andrew's 9 3 8 3 l'itMinril (ijniro St. Andrew's vs. Knight's of Pythias. St. Oeorge's (clty vs. St. Andrew's. I.OO.F vs Elks. Elks forfeited game to St. Andrew's. BRIDGE AND WHISf ' PARTY LAST NIGHT Ijiillex of ttiiral 'i'lii-pM Ktilprt.iliieil at lliimr of .Mrs, A. Akrrlierg, .linlirnte .Urn ne Under the auspices of the Ladles of the Royal Purple a successful whist and bridge drive was held last evening at the home of Mrs A. Akerberg. 1143 Ambrose Avenue. Winners at bridge were Mrs. William Retd and William Long and at whist. Mrs R. Arthur Jr. and Mrs. E Large The committee In charge of ar rangementx consisted of Mrs. A. Alter berg, Mrs. w Balagno and Mrs. B. Self. A good number were present, there beinij fourteen tables of whist and B'Idge players STEAMER PRINCE- RUPERT IS TO BEWITHDRAWN The steamer Prince Rupert will arrive next week as usual from the south on Wednesday and continue north to Stew art and Anvox that night, re turning here on' Friday morning. The vessel will then lay up here for annual overhaul and the Prince Charles will sail for Vancouver on Friday morning In her place. The Prince Oeorge, which has been laid up in Vancouver for the winter, takes up service from Vancou vcr on Monday night, February 21, and will arrive in Prince Rupert on Wed nesday. February 23. continuing on lb run until the spring schedule goes Into eflect. Bathing beauty contests often show a lot of comic strips. 1 wrfr m A TO&k m- us, --! V anted" For Sale For Rent WANTED. TO BORROW 11.40000 on Hret mortgage at 8 per cent on flee roomed house and lot: eloee In. Apply PO. Box 378. City. WANTED. YOUNG GIRL TO LOOK ! after children and help wttk bouee I work. Phone Black 603. 37 WANTED. CHILD'S CRIB. Apply MRS. M. 8wayne COO Thompson Street. M WANTED. WOMAN FOR KITCIISM help by March 1. The Inlander. tt m:i.i' r WJNTUl AN EXAMINATION FOR FORSCT Rangers wUI be held , at Terrace. BC. on March 3. 1937. Appllealloaa will be received up to noon. February 98. by the District Forester. Court House. Prince Rupert, from wboen application forms and full. particulars may be obtained. Fee 11.00. Candidates must be British subjects not more than forty years of ae. resident In British Columbia for at least one year, of good character and physical condition, with woods experience and familiar wUk the practical side of loulag. .timber cruising, surveying and for protection, with knowledge ol the Forts Act and also to organise and handle men. This examination U to eaUMsah an eligible list for the next year from which appointments will be made an rangers are required. Oae anger Is required Immediately. A. IL Cox. Civil Service Commissioner, Victoria. B.C. FOU KENT TOR RENT. THIRTY ROOM EiUlP- ped hotel. Oalng concern. Write Box 343 Dally News Office tf FOR RENT. PURNISHfD APART- mntr four room and bath: waf paid. Phone 447. J FOR RE NT STEAM HEATED APAITT- ments. Apply Smith ti Mallett, IXd Telephone 174. FOR RENT. PIANOS, PIIONOORAI'IIS and Singer Sewing Midlines. Walker's Musta 8 tore. FURNISHED APARTMENTS FOR RENT' by day, week or month. Phone Red 007. tf FURNISHED 8UITE8 FOR RENT. Apply Mussallem Grocery. Phone 18. FOR RENT. MODERN HOUSE. F1VS rooms and bath. Munro Bros. tf ROOMS TO RENT. PHONE 078. ll'IIOIMTIIilVd Klllir.HlV II tf FURNITURE RHPAIRINO: UI'HOL. stering ol all kinds. Chesterfields recovered and made to order. All work guaranteed. Phone Oreen 003. O. M. HUNT. PRINCE KUI'EItT TIDES 4 nmiAY, 4 4- '"8" 8:19 a.m. 188 ft 32S3 pmr 183 Low 3:02 ajn. 9.0 10:23 p.m. SO SATI ItllAV. I KIlRt .(V it tfl-t. iu:z:j am, jji j It ' 23 til pm. n.l I,ow 4H7 am, J0.O - 17:30 pm, 4 'SI .VKAY,, irilltHAUV 13 High 11:18 ajn. 190 8:32 ajn. on 8:14 pm. 4.1 Advertise In the A, n,mi If A.V il DAILY NEWS CLASSIFIED ADS. 2c per word in advance. No Advertisement taken for teat than 50c WANTKI) 10U SALE LARGE ADVERTISED WHOLESALE FOR SALE. -40 HP HKAVY OIL EN- Tailors have opened free Co(repon- j dence School of 8aleunaultlp. Won-' derful opportunity for ambitious dill-' gent men of good character. Train .'or positions paying upward of 1 76 .00 per week. State full details? age. education, experience, refttencaa, last' employers, present occupation Address! Manager. 4 CO Richmond Street, Weat. Toronto. FOR SPARE OR FULL TIME. WANTBD. persons of both sexes, young or obi. Does not Interfere with occupation on hand. It is very profitable and j interesting. For particulars, apply toj A. J. Crane. P.O. Box 4(k). Vancouver, j B. C. a? i rlne. x 11. 2-cyllnder. 3&0 r.p J : j ( , operates) on three gallons Star fuer olllrur llw rtt costing T,c per gallon, electric and; Matiiliji. Wr; air starting equipment: (Utgtnel coat $3400. For quick sale I1JM0O 80 hp heavy oil engine. t x 10. 2-cy liner. 400 r pa . operating on gallons Star fuel oil eortteg 74c par gallon rapiu-rt:nit IwroseiM torches and air utar-.niK rquipmtnt. Price 41 34 hp. 4 -cylinder tUntl mauir. Price;'" 2 U.K. Wlaard ManeUM usod very little Cot t900. Price each 130 00 3 fifty foot lengths of i men rubber canvas covered fire hose with brass pipe connection at 40c per foot. 9 tn turning latbe with Universal chuck Price HUM 8 hp Canadian General Electric Motor 230 eolWJO cycle. 1800 revolutions Price..' 1 lie CO Tailor's Singer sewing machine with swotor. Prtee MOM Shoemaker's Singer sewing machine. Prtee tit t0 Large stock of piston rings propel-lore, seine winches, lugging toots, ate. For terms on any ot above, apply to northern Exchange ItOAIU) HO A It II. TUB- BeeoiMl Avenue. Phone 187. AULTIONKEIt TAXI 830 I BUY. SELL AND SXCIfAKOE ANY- thing of value. My business Is built on face value, results and good judgment. My ability la your tuoeasx. Arrtnglng your articles fur sale means everyMuns and dollars added. I solicit your neat sale and co-op ration. BatUXacUOH and above method are my systrm. rnone T74 201 Third Arenue, O. P. Urine. .Experienced Auetlonrer. HINIII A. M.ACSfl(. Seal Cove. Mlxtii Wood Blocks pet load HM. Kindling, per load tniO Furnace Wood, per load o oo Delivered. Salt Herring Phone llliirk till KESTAUJtANTS MMH tiTH tJAIT, Mrs. Unger. Proprietress Third Avenue, Next a. W. V. A. Hume MruK Phone Black 700 I'honr G7 Tnxl (Call Georifc Paul or Gust) Six and Seven I'aBseiijrer SlnuV linkers nt your disposal any time. H0SS IIUOS. I'OOI KOOM Mit ltiT Hlock. (Across from KmproMa HotH) Article, Lost ltd FouncUc MA1L.SCHEDULE 01 .ti ......... . .A . ..... 4 Tift lltlMt lli-m I , n. rf... Prtor M0OM 90 hp. 1-eyl.nd Clay en. Nm'""4 V 3 " '3-ey.lder M hp. heavy Buffalo m-W , 13 b p. 2 -cylinder heavy duty Fairbanks, rebuilt Price . MOQGO ' 10 hp. 2 -cylinder. op:oHi Price ;o wrs fes only, price flUble buslnoss. 1 10000 a hp 2-ryllnder 3 cycle Katlenberg' euglne Price IU0M ( hp 2-ryiinder. 4-eycle Bun at engine Price llMiX) 3 h p one cylinder Meu U WW oil engine. Prtot ItOjOO 46 h p. 8-cyllnder Studebaker Auto- marine engine. Price lltOOO 33 x as salmoa Uollrr or small seiner, with winch. 30 h p eeaglne. itorage batteries and dynamo. Par' years Par further particulars a poly James Field. Northern Exchange Phone 33. ron sals. six caiw timothy. one Bronte, FO B. Burns Lkev B C 11. 0. Setlsui. Willow Spring Ranch. South bank, Prancots Lake. nc. 14 l m an .ueee-- I l -la) Frl.. v ... Halm i . C P I! eb 1 1 CI'P Marth l Pir' !..n u. ' u, ai TO Uka IStlnt Feb . suil 1 Marrl. 7. in , : tn (Min-il I hstlntt FrtJ 1-1 un, I IV-rOMIMI rnm I he rieol Tuevliijfa. Tlu.r at . . lrm Vanmuirf- UundA' s .. WMim viars rndays CPU Feb 7 CPH Mar.: 11.100.00 friini np All..' r ' 1rrmlr Tuestlnga FrWr imi rt. Mmpxia anil T'.a C Tueadsys . "iom AUka Point I h 11 ami Marrh l au.l .'. Irmn (urrn I'harMIr- Feb I" uuiil it IMV tout: fie Oraham it All n A let Avi At th M Mb A.e Fill-..-th A . t TI... 1. lllh A: iterlii.i . A ''' c' " PiLj-Owmg to inureau on Queeai"1'1 ,,h Avr k ,,: Charlotte Islands which renulre mosl of my time, I will sell the Northern Bsc oanc at a very low price. Thisi Is a real opportunity for a man with! small capital to start in a very pro-j 8th AlC M C.'Xt 1 Mh Avr AkM It I'M Cl1.1t. HM ,v u ,v w" B-tabliehed m:rr .OTP Wisri to OTP Ststlnn 2nd Ave Al 3n(l ' .ird Avf. 8t Ful' ' 1H Avr . 8th si fj.i!i.i.y collf 1 dsvs only. STPAMSHIP M0YEH8 WftMIIIIIWIMi " l'r Vaniomer Tlteaday- ' rrluay as. Pr ' Saturday t i Fob. .11 ss P Fab. 35 "w r IToiii Hiii iiiier--Hiinduv--as. a Wmlneaday ' Frldsr -as Cat:. . Feb 7--wi Pr Feb. 21. SB. Pr M Fur I'orl Mmpwin una Hiniitav sn C'li I riiiii P.rt fliiipii ainl M' Tuesday as Cm IW exlmitvoirr ' lllfll Hit .1 Sunday 1 Cm Feb. 10- as Prin .' Feb. 34 ss. Prill'-" llr AlMa rFeb. 2I.:-m. rrm" From Alnn'ka Vi.h It- Pi in'"' - r weaneeua . J(r From Slewnri. Ann nnrt , Tuesday as C'iim. (t Friday st. Prince R iPr' I'or tueen riiarMIr j, Feb. 13 as Prm Jl ' " m Feb. 20- ss rnn' " limn (iieen CharM"" Feb. 25- s. Prlncew U'" C.N.R. TRAINS For Raat Mondny Advertise t i i ( i 4 Ik" gur . a ll MW Mi ' Mi Saturdays ,,u" ' From ' East Tuesday" " ,jti Sundays j in tM p'-'"