February 11. 1927 Silver eat Dish Ti. s is an oval-shaped diHh with 1'yrcx lining which can t,c put in the oven. 1' iooka nicer on the table : n up ordinary platter and n .: a nice gift when you ciokmir for something a different. , c -T11.00 in good qual-II .; r-' plate. 9 Y Johns rjEVELLERS LLtme store with the clock. Shipment of New Hats Just arrived m jemers J'hone 27. P.O. Ho 327. 05 BUSY rAcmoyat iM?i lsj swetr- our coal is j DAILY GIVING HEAT? 4b IWME OWNER We he right kind of conl v ' ii, Whether you use " Wellington or Al-. 2!!Me3 wc can upply J v. "h the quantity you rr the quality is ales there. You don't need 1 XTrfmcnt we've done it ANAl.MO - WELLINGTON COATS and Mcl.KOI) ItlVEK SOOTLESS Uherl & McCaffery I'hones 11 G nnd 117 Closing : Out SALE NOW IN FULL SWING Many HnrKiiIna in DRESSES HATS J. BENT Ladies' Head v-lo-Wear Third Ave. Phone 031 MILK lm Ilulkley Valley ' WSII MILK AND WHIP- I'INO CHEAM bar--: Quality and Service Valentin Dairy Phone G!57 DADS AND SONS GET TOGETHER PLKAHAXT AMI IKOHTAIli.K EVEN. . IM AT rXITIM) ( lit ( aT M(illT Over eighty persona were present at I the fathers' and sons' banquet held last .evening In the United Church. The de-llcioui repast, which was served by the older boy and men, and a delightful program afterward, were fully enjoyed. Druce Stevens made an excellent chair- man and called on the various members of the company for their contributions to the evening's program. I He. O. o. Hacker. In making a short 'address, referred to the observance of father and son week and spoke of the co-operation of the boys and parents In the boys' work. During the next two weeks, be announced, special programs for boys and girls would be given in t?.e church on Sunday. This week the young people's service would be taken by the girls as the boys had had charge of the service last year. The girls were also holding a banquet on Friday next He welcomed the older ones to this annual event and hoped all would enter lr.to the spirit of the occasion and feel vouftg again. Dr W. T. Kergln spoke of the work which was being accomplished today for the youth and expressed the opinion that nothing more Important could be undertaken by the church. He had noticed a large Increase In the attendance at thu annual supper which was a hopeful sign. The doctor then gave to the gathering a very Interesting description of his recent trip to California and rtferrd to many things which be hsd seen which were of particular Interest to the boys. He was In California when Oeorge Young successfully swam Santa Catallna Channel and was particularly ell pleased to learn of the success of this Canadian youth. Oeorge Young had later appeared at a. local theatre and the doctor had tried to secure seats but found that they had all been sold out for the week. The doctor resd Oeorge Young's advice to the boys of the country as printed In the Boy Scouts' Magaaine. Referring to his trip, he spoke of attending a meeting of a service club where he had listened to a very remarkable address by a New "GOVERNMENT LKjUOR ACT." noth i: or application ion mt.k I It 1MB , NOTICE IS HERESY GIVEN that, on he toth dsy of February next, the undersigned intends to apply to the Liquor Control Board for a licence In respect , of premises being part of the building Known as Seal Cove Hotel, situate at trie City of Prince Rupert. In the Province of British Columbia, upon the lands described as all that portion of Waterfront Block "I." Bay of Prince ; Rupert, City of Prince Rupert, Pro-! vince of British Columbia. Map 923, ; Prince Rupert Land Registration District, and being more particularly de-. scribed as follows Commencing at a point which ties in a straight line of bearing north CSdeg. 28' 8" east a distance of 707.20 feet from the centre of circle as shown on aaid Plan 823, Section 7. thence south deg 35' 25" east a dints nee of SO feet . io a point, thence north 83 deg. 24 35" i esst a distance of 100 feet to a point. 1 thence north 0 deg. 35' 23 west a dls- tsnce of 00 feet to a point, thence south 183 deg 24' 33" wejt a distance of ICO feet to the point of commencement.' ir me aaie oi oeer oy me glass or or the open bottle for consumption on the premises. DATED this 12th dsy of January. 1927. H. A. DODD. Applicant. 'COVEHN.ME.NT l.KjUOR ACT MITK'K OI' APPLICATION lOlt llEKR LICF.MK NOTICE 13 HEREBY OIVEN that on the 1st day of February next the. under, sinned intends to apply to the Liquor Control Board for a licence in respect to premlsea being part of the bulldfng knuwn as Central Hotel, altuated at the 1 comer oi f irst ana oerrntn oirrrti, in the City of Prince Rupert, Province of i British Columbia, upon the lands de scribed aa Lots I:leven (11) and Twelve 112). Thirteen (13) and Fourteen (14) in Block. Ten ilO), Section One (I). City of Prince Rupert, Province of British Columbia, according to a registered. ,msn or plan deposited in the Land Reg- 'aforesaid and numbered 923. for the snie ox oeer oy aii ui uy t vyw. bottle for consumption on the premise. DATED at Prince Rupert, B.C this 3rd day of January, 1927. COHA E, BLACK, Applicant. LAND ACT otic i: or mr.NTiov to apply to TO l.i:.K LM ! In Prince Rupert Land Recording District of Prince Rupert, and situate on the north ahore of Crescent Inlet. ! Moresby Island. Queen Charlotte lnds. I m the Province of British Columbia, and being about one ana a nan mum uum the head of the Inlet. TAKE NOTICE that James Field, of Prince Rupert, DC, occupation Marine Broker, intends to apply for a lease of the following described lands: Commencing at a post planted on the norm snore oi z;,c. one and a half nines irom m iic Inlet: thence nortnweaieny u thence southwesterly 20 chains; thence southeasterly 20 chains; thence northeasterly 20 chains, and containing forty ,40) acres, more or jmEa rlEUJ Applicant. Dated November 27. 1928. MINERAL ACT Or'ltTiriCATB OF IMPROVEMENTS NOTICE . ... n..nhv Alamo. Rodeo. I Pinto, Wann Fractional No. 2. and Monte Fractional Mineral Claims, situate In tha Atlln Mining Division of caaaiar District. Where located :-On Wahn River, iTaku Arm of TaglshXake. TAKE NOTIUB tnat i. l-"""",(,;' Bob. Free Miner' Certificate No. 89708. Intend, sixty days from the date nf' to apply to the Mining Recorder for a Certificate of Improvements, for the pur. none of obtaining a Crown orant of the And Partner take notice that action under section 86, mutt be commMwed before the Issue of euch Certificate oi Imorovrmenta, . Duled thla 1st day ot 3Mmt, AO. n II. McN, FnASER, Agent, 1037. Mas8asaiaswwrsk'ftSiiBiij 1 1 i'essaiss Prices Reduced Maple leaf "$175 New Model Wrist lipf Watch Metal Hid Now 450 Wrist Radicitts Now $5- Reduction Applies to Entire line ? company was treated to a debate on the subject:. "Resolved that the boys of today are superior to the boya of the past generation." The affirmative was supported by Eddie Anderson. R. Irvine and Bruce Stevens, while the past generation ithe fathers' side) was. upheld by J. S. Irvine. Oeo. Johnston and P. H. Linzey. I Alter the tables were removed an exhibition of physical work was put on Eddie Smith, Will patmore and Rudolph Nelson after which the gathering adjourned to the gymnasium where an exhibition basket ball game was staged between the fathers and sens and. although no official score was recorded, the fathers I felt that they had upheld the traditions ot the previous feneration. . The whole evening's program which lasted untu about 10.30 was ot great Interest to the many fathers who were present In addition to the many youthful membtrs who were glad of their dad's company. The, gathering was larger than In previous years and showed the great Interest taken ln the boys' different organisations by those who have become interested ln their program. ANNYERSARY SUPPER RUPERT EAST CHURCH i Many PrrMn Were Prreiit at tfnjnv-alile r.ient Lat i:enlng A large crowd was present last evening at the anniversary aupper in . the Rupert East United Church. The banquet apread was followed by an excellent program. Rev. Evan Baker, pastor of the church, acted as chairman for the evening. I The program, which waa much appreciated by all, conswed of orchestra selections by Mrs. R. Wilson; orchestra: solo by Mrs. J. P. McMillan; mouth organ solo by Mr. Millar; duels by Mrs. A. J. Squires and Mr. A, Hunter; solo I by Mrs. A. Hunter: monologue by Mrs. J. E. Milne: musical selection by Mr. and Miss Wood; aolo by M&s Chrlssle iWood, and community singing led by Mr. Ponder. I In the course of the evening William 'Robinson gave a short address on th financial condition of the church. I The committee In charge of the supper consisted of Mrs. Beale. Mrs. Maorchouse, Mrs. OomE. Mrs. Mahaffrey, Mrs. Fre- THE DAILY KET73 PAGE FIVB5 SCHOOL ATTENDANCE ' WAS SATISFACTORY i ii i Reports I'rrwntril hy Prlnrtpal at Meeting M Itonrd l-ai-t Night Reports from, the various Schools which were read at the meeting of the i school ,1oard last night showed Verjr satisfactory attendance during -the I month with the health of the scholars', joa the average, very good. The High IBchool report of Principal T. Peddle, .showed an enrolment of 139 scholars 1 during the month of which 59 were j boys and 80 girls. The average attendance during the month was 92.33. jThe report recommended the contlhu-ance of the Cadet Corps and that the cervices of an Instructor be obtained ' from the First Battalion of the Northern British Columbia Regiment which would be in a position to give Instruction for an hour either before school 'or after school for a couple of periods each week. The report of the Seal Cove school was presented by Mrs. Llsney and showed an attendance -of 65 In both divisions during the month of which 25 were boys snd 40 girls. The average attendance for the month was 93.1. Inspector It. C. Fraser paTd a visit to the school during the month. The report of Miss Mills, principal of Borden Street school showed an attendance of 145 boys and 145 girls during the month. The average attendance for the month was 92 Al- During the month the school had been visited by Fire Chief D. H. McDonald and City Engineer H. A. McLean who had examined the fire escapes. School Inspector H. C. Fraser had also visited the various rooms during the month. jYo. business man on the boy prd-j The attendance at Booth School dur-(blem. The spesker had' referred to the ' mg the month totalled 425 scholars, great Interest which business men seem- (236 of whom were boys snd 189 girls, ed to be taking in the subject of proper' The average attendance was 94. training for boya. , Scholars during the month had brought Till: PIUMlltA.M 'in I1C8.25 which had been deposited to tne,r cre(m ln tne '' bank. In- The orozram for the evenln. Included : H. Fraser had also C. visited Ptor a dialogue by Rupert Ross and Roger Obata; recitations ty Charlie Stuart the Kboci durln the monUl-and F. Derry: Instrumental numbers by j Trustee T. McMeekln was chairman Clifford Cameron, and James and Wlsner;f meeting of the school board m Brysnt. and a vocal solo by J. 8. WU- the bnce of H. B. Rochester. Others son. The toast to the father, was pro-; P""1- -l " meeting were Trustees S. D. Johnston and W. posed by Bronson Hunt and was rt- Tt BTnt. soonded to bv L. W. Patmore. The Ollehrlst and Miss Mills. Mrs. Usney. . a. nsrxnefts, i. reoaie ana secretary! J. L. Christie. Market Prices Capital, 2nd grade, 2 lbs 95c Fraser Valley, lb 85c; New Zealand, Jb 55c boUrg, Mrs. woods. Mrs. Bunn and Mrs Ontario solids Peachey. The program committee con- listed ot Mrs. C. J. Norrlngton, Mrs. A. IJ. Squires and Mrs. Lamb. Decoration jwere ln charge of Mrs. Pelletler, Mn. Northaber. Mra. Lamb, Mra. Featby, Mrs. Mcth Davlea, and Mlsi May Davles. Mrs. A. J. Squires acted as cashier. Xlrs. I William Robinson, president of the Ladles' Aid, was general convener and aupervlsed arrangements, It one wasn't born every minute thli would be a dull world. Quickly Banish the WORST COUGH 1 LA Kit Pure 25c Compound , 23e f:js BC. fresh, pullets ....a... 47 DC. fresh, firsts a 60c B.C. fresh, extras 55c Local new laid C5c . Flll '. , Halibut, lb. ......I....... 25c Salmon, cohoe. frozen 23c Smoked kippers, lb 15c Kippered salmon, lb 25c j Smoked black cod. lb 22ftc j Finnan haddies. lb 20c, Hmmini u. ................ Eastern sslt herring, 2 for 25c sail coansn inlets, id suci Boneless salt cod bricks, lb 25c MEATS Fowl. No. 1. lb. 35c Roasting chicken, lt 45c Ham, sliced, first grade 60c Ham, whole, first grade . ., 45c Ham. picnic, lb 22 lie Cottage rolls, lb 35c Bacon, back, sliced 50c Bacon, side 45c to 60c Pork, dry salt 35c Ayrshire bacon, lb. CHEESE Norwegian a oat . . . Napoleon Llmberger Roquefort Bwlfts' Buttercup, lb. Oorgprrzola, lb ....) . , . 40c i Veal, shoulder 25c I Veal, loin 40c , Veal, leg 40c! Pork, shoulder 28c Pork, loin 40c ! Pork, leg .rt, 40o ' Beef, pot roust ..V....J..12c to 18c! Beef, boiling ..,..,..,?.. 10c to !2oJ Beef, stesik; ;..Ai,.". 25tj to 40a i Beef Toast, prime rib 3 no Lamb. :tchops , f .U . . ...' i;., . . . . 80c Lamb, Ishould'er? . .'A.Kj'..S 35c. Mutton,' 'leg 40c Lamb, leg 48c . Mutton, chops 400 Mutton shoulder 30c IIUTTEK Brookfleld, Shamrock and Woodland, lb 50c E.C.D., lb 50c 300 Stilton, lb 35c Kraft 45c 05c 70c 60c 45c 75c McLaren's Cream, Jars 45c and 85c Oruyere 60o Oolden Loaf, lb 453 SIOAR White, per 100 , 7.75 Yellow, per 100 17.23 FLOlll . Flour, 49'a, No. 1 hard wheat .... 82.63 Wastry flour, 10'a , 66o Pastry flour, 49'a ..,.. 82.90 vemktaiii.es Beets, 8 lbs 250 luO lbs i,,,, 12.78 B.C. Carrots, lb 8c .00 lbs. $2.28 Rutebagas, 6 lbs 25c 100 lbs 82.75 Potatoes, 100 lbs 82.50 Potatoes. 8 lbs 36c Oreen Peppers, lb 766 Parsley, bunch i8o Cauliflower, BC, head 36c-4oo Terrace cabbage, lb 8c The Well-Managed Home nrHE .manager of a household is the ' MMg agent for a large proportion of the family needs. In order to do a good job she must know what, when and where to buy. She must study goods and the concerns which make goods and have them to sell. She must put her home on a business basis and run it on business principles in order to make the most of the family income. Information is the only basis for intelligent purchrsing. And the right way to get the greatest amount of necessary information is to read the advertisements. Advertisements tell you what is new and good in merchandise. They reveal improvements and inventions to male your home life easier, more comfortable and more convenient. They give you information about a thousand and one things that are useful. Every manager oj a household every member oj the household who shares the responsibility for the family's welfare should make a habit oj reading the ads. Read the advertisements in order to buy wisely California head lettuce 15c ; Garlic, imported, per lb 40c , B.C. cooking onions, 5 lbs 25c I Celery 25c j Sweet potatoes, lb 15c Brussel sprouts, 2 lb "30c Mexican tomatoes, lb 50c Spinach, lb , 16c California brussel sprouts, lb 30c New California cabbage, lb 10c nu'iT Oranges, Navels, dozen 25c to 85c Florida grape fruit, 2 for 25c Lemons, Sunkist, dos. .... 25c and 35c California grape fruit 10c Bananas, lb 20c Extracted honey, lb. .... 25c and 35c Apples, 'Grimes Oolden . $3.25 Cockling apples 81.95 Apples Spltzenbrrg ....... Apples Black Twigg .... 82.75 Apples, Yellow Newt6ns 2.75 IlKIKI) Fltl'ITS Dates, bulk. 2 lb 25c Dates, Dromedary 25c Raisins, bulk, 2 lb 35c LAND ACT NOTICE OF INTNNtToN TO APPLY TO TO Pl'P.rilASE I,AM In Prince Rupert Land Recording District of Prlnoe Rupert, and situate on the north shore of the South Arm of Tasoo Harbor. Moresby Island, Queen Charlotte Islands, Province of British Columbia. TAKE NOTICE that James Field, of Prince Rupert, B.C., occupation Marine Broker, intends to apply for permission to purchase the following described lands: Commencing at a post planted on the north shore of South Arm of Tasoo Harbor, Moresby Island, queen Crmrlotte Islands, ln the Province of British Columbia, about 5 chains from the end of the Government trail; thence 10 chains northeasterly; thence 10 chains northwesterly: thence 10 chains southwestern ly; thence 10 chains southeasterly, and containing . twenty (20). acres, more or .... 51... . JAMES FIELD, Ds ted November 29. 1928. Applicant, LAND ACT. NOTICE OF INTENTION TO APPLY TO I'lltCIIASE I.ANO TAKE NOTICE Tit AT I Arthur Robert- son. Massett, B.C., occupation Mlllman, Intend to apply for permission to pur chase the following described land: Commencing at northeast corper of Lot 1903. Q.C.I. District: thence south fifty chains; thence east forty chains; thence north to shore; thenca following highwater mark to point ot commencement, containing una hundred aires, more or less. , located this1 30th dy"M betemter, 1020. ARTHUR ROBERTSOM. . , DEMAND "Rupert Brand" - Kippers - . J .'THR' DAINTIEST HHEAKFAST F()OI)."i ; Smoked Dally by Canadian pish & CoH Storage Co., Ltd. Prince Itupert, H.C, SAVAGE ELECTRIC WASHER AND DRYER. Washes, Blues, Rinses and Dries without a wrinKer or having to put your hands In the water. Cash Price -511)0 Also Easy Terms KAIEN HARDWARE CO. LAND ACT Skeena Land District, District of Queen Charlotte IsisnilJ. TAKE NOTICE thai sixty day after date, I Intend to apply to the Chlei CommissloueCcOt .Lands for. . licence to prospect for coal and petroleunTover 640 acres oMand. bounded as .follows; Commencing at a post planted at the southwest corner 61 Section 38, Township 3, Oraham Island, and marked "A.J O.'s southwest eomer'T'thence east 80 chains; thence north 80 chains; tnence west 80 chains; thence south 80 chains to point of commencement, being Section 36, Township 8. Oraham Island. B.C. A. J. 'GORDON, Locator. Dated Dactmber 17, 1926. LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phone 63 Cartage. Warehousing, and Distributing. Team or Motor Service. Coal, Sand ami Grave!. We Specialize in Piano and Furniture Moving. ii