tJuly 18. 1927 THE DAILY NEWB PAGE THREE . i i L' Dry Birch & Ordsr. Cameron Transfer. Local and Personal Oet the Blf 4 habit I When thin tint of a Taxi, phone 4. U ANTED-AT ONCE! Miwi rrballt ew at Mr- Arthur Tul Phone 6TB. Aithur Khoe "store. U A few more cases of rheumatism, neuritis, paralysis. Knic constipation, hiKh blood pressure, goitre or,, any other . . . m- 111 ft t L? f a. sent causeo oy toxemia wnicn inciuues over ninety per t of -nil ailment (If all otner treatments have failed, do not give up hope! MAGNETISM 'most mysterious and most irresistible force in the A r hi- when annlied to the human bodv in a scientific man- fi'Hssists nature in eliminating the poisonous waste that is hwaponsioie lor so many anmenis. THE I0NA-0T0NE The electric magnetic appliance that is obtaining such lost miraculous results, assists nature in making cures of ments which hitherto have not responded to medicines, populations, surgical operations, hot springs or electrical atment. ' Thousands of people since the introduction of the ION'A- rONK into Cunada three months ago are now enjoying good Iwalth and these people had been called incurable! In the light of modern developments, hardly any disease can now be esvMed incurable. t FKEE TREATMENTS fSo sure are we that you will be benefited by the IONA- fOTON'E that we cordially Invite every person In Prince Kupert ,whI vicinity to accept our offer of free treatments. You have 'everything to gain and nothing to lose. fONA-OTONE HEALTH CO. . f Room 10 and 11, Smith Block, Prince Rupert. IJ.C. "' Clinics at Vancouver, Victoria, Calgary and Edmonton BARGAINS BARGAINS at the FORC of THOR JOHNSON'S large stock of GENTLEMEN'S CLOTHING AND FURNISHINGS GET YOUR SHARE OF THE BARGAINS BARGAINS IPECIAL SPECIAL NEILSON'S Jersey Milk Chocolate large cakes, -Uf each NKU-SON'S CREAMY TOFFEE large cakes IIO?, 3 for Chrmes IM. Jic Pioneer Drug rtsls THIRD AVE. IV SIXTH ST. TELEPHONES 82 c, 200 Hardware Co., Ltd. 855 Third Avenue l'r!nce IuPert ITKolmpson Adjustable Window Screens 50c to $I25 Assorted Screen Doors $3-75 io $5-00 Puritan Two-Burner Oil Stoves $27.50 Bread Boxes and Pantry Cabinet.) $2.00 to $5.00 bmjms9jsk: BO Undertaker. Phoc U. Dentist. Dr. J. R. Ooase. Phoce 68 ' M F MtCaffeey left fttlonlay rren Uaf lot Vancouver oo a uilnri trip. Hyde Trans .'er bo agent for Lady amltto-Welllngloa OoeL FktM 80. tf Nick. were at BMnieaari on Um PrtncM Alice southtxMtnd on Saturday. O the Princeea Alice in port on 6atuwh evening en route to Vancou- Crulokshank and the sight of two .beers as well has made a lasting Impression on her. Miss Crulcksbank continued on her way south to Vancouver. ANNOUNCEMENT The old eetaMlshed 75 Taxi stent 1 now under new management with two new Bases Sedans and la backed up by the old reliable 80 Tail Service. . care of your taxi needs. Our motto la atlll the same cerrlce with courteous and reliable drivers at all times. No watting No delays. Your phone message 1 our self-starter. For a taxi, phone 75 or 80. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY, FOR SALE CHEAP FORD TUDOR Sedan: used one year Excellent condition. Phone 142. 168 ANNOUNCEMENTS Baptist Picnic to Dlgby, July 21. St. Andrew's Picnic. July 21. K.C. Picnic. July 31. Mooee Picnic August 7. Canadian Legion Picnic August 21. "BUILD B.C." The Region of Rich Milk J'MPOMTEIJ. I "It is a very rich milk," Mrs. Miss Nancy Rorte returned yesterday alt boiadajtai la. , Vancouver tor aom weeks. Asaonc Um passengers oo the Catela arming mdj etenlng mere Orwrge Hill aatf Mr. 111, MUwi Oral and B O. P. Hunt, R O. Letkle. C. O. J. r. Tener, Ura. Stein and R. Bradley. Ura. UcAlplne. Returning to Skldegate oo the Prince John last night waa Un. Turner. Mr Turner who fame' over with H. Tater- the latter suffering from appen ' Ura. TlbtoeU. C. B. Uurphr. iT... .... v.. .. Mb C. A. Weaver, tor eeverelmc stenographer In the oflaoe of William ie Uaaaon here, left Saturday night ior Vaneawm. Returning from Alaaka the. . Prince Rupert had leo paaeenger tor the et- i bound train which had to be run In two section. The Prince Oharlaa from Vancouver arrived on ttm thla wnlns with a nciiii, uw won ui wrw av K cm Ura. Wyatt. had not been to Prince (Rupert for fifteen years. WIN FOR TERMINALS WOULD CINCH LEAGUE Terminal hare a new man In their line-up for tonight. Robert, at out aide loft, eamea with a reputation and wiU strengthen tbt Termini! team. With Warren si Inside thl wing MWOt w I"1" th UooM tor!1" full puaergar itt deluding thirty defence. While Terminal have five game the east by train ' to play Moeee have alz to complete H. r. Kergln. M.Ft.. tftt laet night tbe,r acbedule. A win for Terminal to-for the south nod, basis leaving tele-ln!ht " """J elnth the league for raobed Premier Othrer. that he could lDm na ln r oul lOT kxw not arrtve IB Ttotorka lartU that ! Mia Ruth Rtae'doeaeatlc aclenoe In atructor at New Westminster who ha. team been vwtlng her father. Rev. Arehe Geo. HUl. T. Hadden. Oeo Howe. Ham- deaoon Rli here, left Baturdar nlht IKon. D. Ourvlcb. Dickens, Warren for the south. ' Roberta. Reserve: Btrachin. Hunt. Mrs. A. 11 Manaon. wife of the At- torney-Oeneral. who had been a guest of Mr and Mrs A. R. NleboUa. r- jtvrned south Saturday night on the steamer Prince George. DTOSpsCTOTS. ri LUWMll III. It IVUa living, has always appealed to Miss 'i&AMim Bait hrTln .ft tnr Uoone figure that they can pull up the younger lot so that a keen game 1 antl ctpated Terminal will field the following Ounrleh. R. Howe. H. Uenzle. Market Prices RetaUl prices on the local marker to- ; There was a full list of paeaengera ,re " oo: on the Princes Louis which was 'n LAKO . port thU morning from 7:0 till 940 Pure 25c and among those for Ketchikan were Compound 30c Mr. LaSone. A. P. BUllngsley and E. , COOB M. Baa. I B.C. fresh puIIeU 3T,o I B.C. freato. first ... j There were many local passenger on 3C rrwB eltrM ,. the Prince Oeorge whloh sailed for'j, Dew Uld ; , I Vancouver on Saturday evening. In thej MSII-i list were Miss C. A. Weaver. Mia A.Hallbut , Oollln. Miss Mann. Den Jafcour and . s-imn r.rt mTiM . Mrs. Jabour and family. W. R. Prank-1 salmon Mrs. McUaster and two children. smoked kippers, 42C 45c 60c 2M 35c wMte spring, 'trt 15c lb. 15c im. f. McvaBery. uss wivn u. 'Kluoered salmon, lb. 25c A. McKensie and jaby. 8 W. Oeorge. !Smoked w..k cod. ,b 2oc Mr. A. M. Mauson. Mia Ethel Aatle. nntim baddies, lb 20c mu crmcisnana. uoranan. was a I Salt mackerel, lb. soutnopuna passenger on ine rrinceosj fn,BU. jb. 25c Alice on Saturday. Mi- Cmlckshank brlck,L mU lb . we returning rrosn tne noun wners r her holiday had Included a trip to .. . ' MEATS 25c 35c Fowl, No. 1. lb 30c and 35c .r.nj.-i- -Hoasting chicken, lb 45c Ham. siloed, first grade S5o Ham, whole, first grade 42c Ham. picnic, lb 22te Cottage rolls, ib. , 30c Bacon, back, sliced 60c Bacon, aide ,..40c to 55c Pork, dry salt 85c Ayrshire bacon, lb 35c Veal, ahoulder ,. 25c Veal, loin , 40c Veal, leg 40c Pork, shoulder 28c Pork, loin ., 40c II. Mackin of Toronto, who i3 Ptry nour- "J spending the -summer in Vancouver, has written a letter, Romano Sardo, lb. Gammelost, lb. just received, in which the re-Betts 3 bunches .. Tacific Milk. Richness is the distinction of Pacific Milk, and the largest credit for this is due to the superb Fraser Valley. PACIFIC MILK Head Off:re. Vancouver I'sKlnrlr at Lndner nnd Abbotsfuril. "Rl ILI) R.C " 40C This give us five closed car to take , . ,., , ,a Iuiv.i fw. . ' uti a ............ .T v WW IV. Beef, boiling ...,12c to 15c Beef, steak ..,30c to 45c Beef .roast, prime rib ..i.. ....... 30r Lamb, chops 50c Lamb, shoulder .,. 85c Mutton, leg 40o I smb. 'leg 48c Mutton, chops i.. 40o Mutton ahoulder ,. 8O0 BUTTER " Brookf leld. 8hamrock and . Woodland, lb . 47 c E.CX).. lb 47V'ac Capital, 2nd grade, lb. ..i. ...... 42c Praser Valley, lb New Zealand, lb CHEESE Camembert cheese. 8 oz. pkg. Kraft Llmberger, Ontario sol ids 50c 50c 65c 35c 35c Stilton, lb te, -403 Kraft .. 45o Norwegian Ooat ...... 65e Napoleon Llmberger .... 70s Roquefort 75r SwlfU' Brookfleld, lb. ...&f. 45c Oorgonzola, lb 76c McLaren's Cream. Jars . . . .' 45c and 85c Brookfleld Swiss cheese, lb. pkg. 30c Brookfleld Canadian cheese, t', lb. pkg. 25c Oruyere 45c Jack, lb 50c SUGAR White, per 100 7.75 Yellow, per 100 7i5 FLOUR Flour. 49', No. 1 hard wheat '$2.85 Pastry flour, 10's 65c VEGETABLES . , , HOTEL ARRIVALS. $3.00 75c 30c 25c Prince Kupert Dan Davidson, O. William, Mr. and Mr. Motherwell. New monton; C. 8. William. Vancouver: A. BUllngsley. 8eattle; Mrs. I. Pierce. Bos-ton; Misses Lucy O. Arnaud. and Edith L. Dazzell. Brooklyn; Miss Irma Has- kamp, Vancouver. E. Edgecombe. Van couver H. O. Cflsen, Smllhers; C. H. Sawle. Hazelton; P. N. Sereth, Vancou ver; J. R. Williams, Vancouver; V. B. Taylor, city: P. Kelly, Vancouver. O. B. Utterstrom, Kltwanga; J. P. Tener, Vancouver, R. Brearley, New Westminster, Chas. O. Simpson. Vancouver; Mrs. C. E. Swanson, Mrs. M. B. Engand Ernest, Petersburg, Alaska. Savoy ..Mrs. A. J. and Muriel Strickland. Victoria: Mrs. John MacKenzle and child. Port Edward. LAND ACT. NOTICE OP INTENTION' TO APPLY TO LEASE LAND In Queen Charlotte Island Land Re-ordlng District of Prince Rupert, and Ituate on the west coast of Burnaby slsnd. TAKE NOTICE that British Columbia Fishing as Packing Co. Ltd.. of Van couver. B.C.. occupation Packer, Intends to apply for a lease of the following escriDea lands: Commencing at a post planted on the weU coast of Burnaby Island, Q.CJ.: thence east 3 chains; thence south 45 chains; thence west 3 chains, more or less, to high water mark; thence north along high water mark to point of. commencement, and containing 14 acres. more or less. BRITISH COLUMBIA FISHING & PACKING CO. LTD.. Applicant. Dated June 10. 1927. LAND ACT NOTICE OP INTENTION TO APPLY TO LEASE LAND. In Range 4, Coast Land District. Land Recording District of Prince Jlupert, I and situate in vicinity of Captains Cove. 1 Pitt Island. BC. TAKE NOTICE that Gosse Packing! Co. Ltd., of 325 Howe 8t.. Vancouver. ! B.C.. occupation Fish Packers, Intends , to apply for a lease of the following described lands: Commencing at a post planted at , the northwest corner of Lot 1253, Range 1 i;i mence norm a cnains; tnence east 15 chains: thence south to northeast corner Lot 1253; thence westerly along snort 10 point 01 commencement, ana containing 7 acres, more or less. UU3SE FACKINO CO. LTD., Applicant. Per Chas. L. Roberts, Agent. Dated Api'l 7. 1837. LAND ACT. NOTICE OK INTENTION TO APPLY TO LEASE LAND. Tn fViattt. Rnnir, f.anri nMnrHlnn TV.- trlct of Prince Rupert, and situate at Captain' Cove. Pitt Island. B.C. TAKE NOTICE that Oosse Packlni Company Limited, of Vancouver. B.C.. occupation Packers.. Intends to apply for a lease oi tne loiiowmg aescriDea lands: commencing at a post planted at tne northwest corner of Lot 1253, Range 4; thence south 5 chains: thence west 5 Golden Loaf, lb. 4oc chains; thence north to high water mark; vikuw casiciiy bjuiik fugn water mars 5 chains, more or less, to point of com mence ment, and containing 3 acres, more or less. OOSSE PACKING COMPANY LIMITED, Applicant Dated June 13. 1927 NOTICE. There will be offered for sale at Public Auction at the Provincial Government Court House. Prince Ropert, B.C.. on Thursday. August 11th. 1S27, at 2 o'clock In the afternoon, the following lots; Lots 9 and io, biock i. section &. ' LoU 9 and 10. Block 23. Section 1. Lot 7, Block 3. Section 2. Lot 1. Block 8, Section 7. all in the City of Prince Rupert. B.O. Terms : Cah payment at time of sale, or one-quarter cash snd the balance in three eoual annual Instalments, with In terest on the deferred payments at the Westmlnster: A. M. Klpps, Naas River; Ttte ot 8 per annum, the Crown Grant w. r. iiinns, miss a. ninns, raaay lee to rje iu.uu aaaiuunat. Blnn. Balmoral: Lee, Dcnlnlon ! J Cannery; G. E. Haskamp. Vancouver: nt Agent, Prince Rupert. B.C. P. H. Whiting. Oceanic: F. WUlan and R. I NORMAN A. WATT. I L. Smith. Vancouver. P W. Knubbstubb. ; R-nt Ant V:iti.r;, R. H. 8tewai-.. H. Dalton. Ed- 4;a, jmt. Flit kills moths and their larvae ((CANADIAN? PACinc Pa Buzz scores hit in scaif dance ATOSQUITOES prize wreck-AvA cr$ of sleep! Kill them at once, with Flit. Flit py clears the house in a few minutes of disease-bearing flies, mosquitoes, bed bugs, roaches, ants and fleas. It searches out the cracks where insects hide and breed, destroying their eggs. which eat holes. It will save your clothing, furs and rugs. Clean and easy to use. Will not stain. Flit is the result of exhaustive laboratory research. It has replaced old ineffective methods. Fatal to insects but harmless to mankind. Recommended by Health Officials. Buy Flit and Flit sprayer today. For sale DUtrifi m Csastfs tj FnJJ. Vkklo & Cs, LimutJ. TmW Ts ytllmvt t with lit hUik hnf DEMAND . 1 h DESTROYS Flies Mosquitoes Moths Ants Bed Bugs Roaches "Rupert Brand" Rippers "THE DAINTIEST BKEAKFAST FOOD." Smoked Daily by Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Prince Kupert, B.C. FOR RENT Johnson's Electric Floor Polisher $2.00 per day Let us know the day you want it I Kaien Hardware Co. Phone 3 Canadian Pacific Railway B. C. Coast Services Sailings from Prince Rupert To Ketrhlknii, Wrangrll, Juneau, anil Skngway luly 4, 8, 11, 15. 18, S2, Z.V 29. To Vancouver, Victoria and Seattle July 2. 6. 9, 13, 16, 20, 23, 27, 30. PUINCE88 UKATItH E. For liutedale. East Bella Bella. Orean Falls, Namu. Alert Bay. Campbell Ulver, and Vanrourer every Saturday, II a.m. Agency for all Steamship Lines. Fall Information front V. C. ORCHARD. Orneral Agent. Corner of 4th Street and 3rd Avenue, Prince Rupert, B.C. UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED Sailings from Prince Kupert. For VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, Swanson Bay, Alert Bay, etc.. Tuesday, S p.m. Kor VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, Butedale, Alert Hay, rtc. Saturday 9 a.m. For PORT SIMPSON. ALICE ARM, 4NYOX, STEWART, Wale Island, Hun-day, 8 p.m. For Naas Klver Points and Port Simpson, Friday p.m. 123 2nd Avenue. R. M. SMITH. Agent. Prince Rupert. II C Through tickets sold to Victoria nnd Seattle at a reduced rate and baggage checked through to destination. SPUN : SILK For Your Summer Dress Use Spun Silk We have a very wide range of colors in a good quality spun silk at $1.10 Also a big variety of Dress Materials to choose from. I'hone 645. Jabour Bros., Ltd. Corner 3rd and 7th H