iHE PIONEER LAUNDRY KIDS HOUSE H01.U so.veo owe I SShts TRCflLEM- NOW 5 HE KNOWS I TrttPLfSCtToSEWD 1 B mtFAMV.Vi CLOTHES B I N shf found out that till the place to Hind lb :' clothe h aio diaeoY-. (I mat we would make her a ui! rate for the family laun-. t"ld her friend about m il t h- told their friend ,.-....,! and this is getting to be u l.iniily laundry. Pioneer Laundry Phone 118 Ladies Hose SILK TO TUB TOP r Silk, in all colors 3 TO TUB PAIR Social $2.50 The Louvre riC Third Avenue Next Hoyal Hank REMEMBER ! For Montreal price on Clothing for Men & Boys Don't forget the Montreal Importers Third Avenue J. n. Miller - Proprietor Canton Crepe DRESSES from $12.50 Smart little Wash Dresses Rizes 7 to 16 From $1.50 to $2.23 BENT'S LADIES' HEADY-TO-WEAK Third Avenue MILK -:- PRICE Reduced to 12 pints for $1.00 7 quarts for $1.00 12 pints for $1.00 Cash price tickets. Mi Urlde Street store now closed Valentin Dairy Office nnd Dairy - 11th St. Telephone 657. AVERAGE CROP 1 REPORTED GOOD Canadian National Heport Tells of Condition. on Prairie Today HAIL IN FBW DISTRICTS Northern Alberta Has Had Ideal j (trowing Weather; Little Hut ; So Far ' wumimi. j i.ia .arte or u w Mams wsath a wept we' , omtnkl ikaWhewan iM 'Albert on Saturday. July 9. and cim son nic givissja, the stop MMsUatt In wnttm Oaaad getwrally is gasad aoutiose 1 to lairw. according to the thirteenth wrkly tansv N( nifUM OaaMdian N- : tlojtal Railways- Apart dm the hall. I the weather bM been ImmKt escept Ui ' some of th low-lying pteee. which are ' oatptotalnt of too muck moisture. Rust ! j aegllgtbi and no dtnusje from cut-; hm la reported. ' WhUe It la generally eomedrd UMt the harvest will be from a ek to tea dsy later than loat mot. wkMt la headlnal nut in most placet where gfalSsT arc well advanced aaat an hkIImI yield anticipated. be hay crop u very bvyt. ball haa ttuMd mom trouMe la aarVhrm Manitoba and one or two apota la the southern districts apaa ol too much rain, but generally the weather baa heen good and prospects are bright. Northern Saskatchewan reports heavy rain but no damage and the south la making rapid progress. The bell did its work hi the Dad, land. Cralk. Husetown sad Bftrose dle-trlcu. but recovery la eipeeted In at least aomc of the places. Dwlaland re porta gfcouo nana damaged, IjOUQ acres were hurt at Betbuae In the Q'AppeUe LAND ACT. notice or intention to .tm.v to LEASE UMl I OH I.NOl'N'l KltL ri iii'U'.ii.H In rrtnee Rupert Land Recording District ot IT! nee Rupert, and artuate at Scwtil Inlet. Mum- IaUiid. Queen Charlotte Island. TAKE NOTICE that Kelley Logging Company Limited, ol Vancouver. B.C.. occupation Timber Merchant. Intends to apply for a lease of the following deactiuMl land: Coamtettetng at a poat planted apprex-boately 8 chains aotath 20 degrees east of the northeast corner of Lot 473. Sewell Inlet, Moresby Island; thence follow-lug the inure line in an easterly, southerly and southwesterly direction to It intersection with the eastern boundary of Lot 472: thence oortb 10 chains. more or less, to the point of eunmrnce- meat, and containing 20 seres, more or leas. JOSEPH DOUOLAS WILSON, Agent far Kelley Logging Ou. Ltd Dated 29th April. 1927. LAND ACT MITIf'K or INTENTION TO APItV TO LEASE UMl i la itanae a, uuasa isao unna, una ; Recording Dlstrtrt of Prince Butiert. and hituate on Lot 101 Humpback Bay. ror-eher Island. H O. TAKE NOTICE that P. H. Omnlngham. Board of Trade ButMing, of Vancouver, B.C . occupaUoa Salmon Broker, Intends to apply for a lease of the foHowtng described land Commencing t a poat planted 150 yards south-southeast of northeast cor ner post of Lot 103. Range a; thence due south S chains; thence aouth-aoutbeast 1 chains: thence due north 0 chains; thence west-northwest along shore to point or commencement ana containing is acres, morea or less. FRANCIS HENRY CUNNINOHAM, Applicant, Dated th June. 1927. LAND ACT NOTICE or INTENTION TO APPLY TO LKAKE LAM). In Range 4, Coast Land District. Land Recording District of Prince Rupert, and situate in vicinity of Captain's Cove, Pitt Island. B C. TAKE NOTICE that Oo&ne Packing Co. Ltd., of 32a Howe St.. Vancouver, U.C.. occupation Flb Packers, Intends to apply for a lease of the. following described" lands: , Commencing at a post planted about W Ml distant In a northerly, Ulreetlon fforu, Lot; 2S3,tRane- 4; ahence north 5 chains;:, thence least ya tfattiut;' thence south to 'ihote;tJitxiejie along shore to point of oolnmenoeAient. and. con alnlng 10 acres, more or less. OO68E PACKING CO. LTD., Applicant, Per Chas. L. Roberta, Agent. Dated April 7. 1037 LAND ACT NOTICE OP INTENTION TO APPLY TO 1.1. A Ni; LA Ml. In Range S, Coast Land District. Land Recording District of Prince Rupert. and situate on tne aoutn snore of La Boucher Channel, B.C. TAKE NOTICE that Oose Packing Co. Ltd., of 325 Howe St.. Vancouver. B.C.. occupation Flib Packers, intends to spply for a lease of the following described lands: Commencing at a post plsnted at the southeast corner T.L. 10390, Range 3, Coast Land District; thence south 6 chains: thence west 10 chains; thence north 5 chains to shore; thence easterly along shore to point 'of commencement. and containing o aero, bmi ur . DO BSE PACKINQ CO. LTD.. LAND ACT. Applicant, Per Chas. u RODetu, Agent. Dated April 7. 1927 NOTICE OF INTENTION TO APPLY TO r-h.rir.t Island Land Re cording District of Prince Rupert, and altuatt at the head of the south arm of - - n i-- int., Hjfrhv Tltlind. TAKE NOTICE vnai oriviou wumui. couver.. B.C.. occupation Packer, ntend. to apply for a Commencing at a pv head of the south arm of De La Bee he Inlet. Moresby Island: thence outb 1 . . . .not jn rnaim: mnc north 8 chains, more or Ie.to hWj Iwater mark: thence wra Imark to pom of commencement, and containing iu BRIT1SII tUliUmo'" packing, co. x-m. Dated June 10. WS7. No more Dishpan hands the dishes and In most Instances. oh I bow grateful your hand will be, bow white and oft your skin Thn ii s ihhtitnti ff LUX Lrrct brotaen Limlt4 Tocoaw LTtO NEW HAZELTON Jeaate McKay arrived from Calgary and Is the guest of Lois Anderson. arrived borne lor Um holidays on Hobday nMmuag Mrs. MaUaieson. matron at the hos pital, ratertafnod a large number of bee frten4 at bridge. There OreenMeld to Uietr cousin stationed. LAND ACT. R.C. M.P.; J. Fred Ritchie accompanied W. Harris to the Silver Cap property. 6. MINERAL ACT (form ") t lJll II K ATE Of IMPROVEMENTS NOTICE "WESTERN HOPE." TRIXIE." nd "OLD KENTUCKY" Mineral Claims situate in the Skeena Mining Division of Prince Rupert District. Where lcated On Porcher Island. TAKE NOTICE that Lewis W. Patm ore. Free Miner's Certificate No. 89151 C, the duly authorized aent of Frank-Patter. n Ulner's frtlflcate No. BU1J7C intend, sixty days from the date' hereof J to apply to tne Mining itecoroer mr. Certifies te of Improvements, for th purpoKe of obtaining a Crown- Grant of the above claims. Ahd further, take notice that action, under Section Hi, must be commenced before the Issuance of such Certificate ol luiprorementa. Dated this 6th day of May, 1927. LEWIS W. PATMORE. LAND ACT. NOTICE Of INTENTION TO APPLY TO LEASE IOUESII0UE. In Prince Rupert Land Recording District of Prince Rupert, and situate at Bewell Inlet, Moresby Island. Queen Charlotte Island,!. TAKE NOTICE that Kelley Logging Company Limited, of Vancouver. B.C.. occupation Timber Merchants, lntenda to apply for a lease of the following described foreshore: Commencing at a post planted at the southeast corner of Lot 471 Sewell Inlet. Moresby Island. Queen Charlotte Ixlsnda; thence In a northeasterly direction, following the high water mark to the southeast corner of Lot 469; thence In a southwesterly direction to the point of commencement, and contaning 140 acres, more or leas. JOSEPH DOUOLAS WILSON, Agent for Kelley Logging Co. Ltd. Dsted 39th Aorll. 1937. NOTICE OF INTENTION TO APPLY TO LEASE LAN It fOK INDUSTRIAL PL'KPOHES In Prince Rupert Land Recording District of Prince Rupert, and situate at Sewell Inlet. Moresby Inland, Queen Charlotte Island. TAKE NOTICE that Kelley Log (r In? Company Limited, ot Vancouver, B.C. occupation Timber Merchants. Intends to apply for a lease of the following described lands: Commencing at a post planted at the southeast corner ot Lot 470 Sewell Inlet, Queen Charlotte Islands; thence north 80 chains: thence east 90 chains, more or less, to shore; thence following the shore line tn a southwesterly direction to the point of commencement, and containing 190 acres, more or less. JOSEPH DOUOLAS WILSON. Aeent for Kelley Logging Co. Ltd. Dated 29 th April. Iv37. 7HZ DAILY NEW3 PICTURESQUE FIGURE ABOUT TO STEP DOWN Hon. John Oliver Much in Public Bye Today a he is About to Uave Office A CLOSE UP PICTUKB Writer Gives Short Sketch of Premier. Illustrating II 1st Do mocratic Principles Oeorge M. Marrajr. writing la fbe drain Otowers' Oulde w-eral yeM ago, l-i' tura the man bold th pre- iiiiershrp t British Cul auny yeort in these words "Honest" John Oliver, premier of Br tuli Columbia, la the plainest mast .'. the west His shoes are big aajd ad. his ckithea are of the red. his glasses have .a and he weans a black felt baa. II:- hair and beard are wlitta. I wo years ago Mr. Oliver hod his beard -i..ived off t He Is 'luck set and h Ids hi head up He haa wrists ur.d large, heavy hands ca to used from the Wurk oil the Old Uovernor Mackintoih. who sided over the Hessian d boom In the early nineties, says that when he first saw Oliver In 1M4, the than Libera) leader he was the iKimeUaat man ut Brttlah Columbia. But "Honest" John . eeema to have Unproved In eppeeraareil with the passlmc of lime The brow la vey , Mn haa oo acres oanssjen. and big outer the thick wMftJ Uumdon 1.000. and Coadle 100. la- thatefa aad the eyes are gentle, and rose did not suffer o neavuy. ltfcMe restores make up for the tMek. Northern Alberta Is pleased with Ideal Muot noee. the heavy Ups and put- growing a'oatber. rain followed by bright naelotM ebta. sunshine Hail struck Dnunhetler. Mao-, "Honet" Joba Oliver's wife Is s tarto. Oyett, StetOef and Three HUlt aub- bright capable little woman of about division with varying damage. In the same abe as her husband. Tttev vtetoity of Wayne farmers reported aomc have raised a fssaaly of eight, five of grata driven into the ground by the whom are so. Mrs Oliver does sll If the weather continues law- ber own work. The premier has never able the crops are eapeeted to eome back worn a white shirt or collar save those washed and trotted by his wife. WHY HONEST JOHN When I asked the premier of British Columbia why tavey called him "Honest" John. tMs vm bis answer. "I am only as avetage man not much better aad not much worse than most other men. I am no trt and no wir- Mfi. Oeotge Parent and. two younger tut. But I haven-lfan enemy in Br.- tlab Columbia today who can truth fully say that Jetm Oliver ever profited one penny from bis eonneetton with Arthur Wrench spent a few days at ; public .affairs In this province over the his home and returned to ttte Dwtfcfenast. 40 years. mine t Baturdwy. Dr. Leonard Wrincb is taking a post- grattuate course to California. "When I came to the country as a young man I took up'tahd; got fiee homestead. We worked and cleared that home stead and got the title to it. The soil was productive. I always went about In politics a good deal. After the campaign I couM always rc-ititra to my farm and find that the ttevro tewtea w snsv wewo " aofm werc (UU mere, the fruit ripen held la the nurses' reaWence. Prices tng upon the trees and the stock no Mrs. Wm. Oow attd were won by wv. ea , Mt to toke Obappell, and by Wm. Oow and R. S, Sargent. The Misses Cutler arrived from Van- couver by car and are eta fin at TeJ-i kwa, where part In the campaign. "With some of my friends It was different. They were young business or if all,!! ii I mm vf ti Imwi Th., politics to the sacrifice of their own business. After the campaign some of these men came back to find their af fairs In bad shape. Under these clr-eonditlons. when those Interests who endeavor to control Liberals and Tories alike came along with campaign funds, the towumen often fell before the temptation offered. I didn't fall because I dldnt need to. I was taking my wealth from the soil whether the party was in or out of power. When I refused to stand for some of the methods of the late Sir Richard Mc-Bride, eome one started It, and the name has clung ever since of 'Honest' John." ........ y C'l-KAKI.U TWO FAIIMS 'JJrteh, Columbia's pi-rmJer hts worker ever since newas pjae, Tears of j,p4 picktyl, coasa5jiirie. in LrfcySfm-e'. e'rrngrated.-to Canada at a boy. i helped; to clear a: f trip in Ontario and cleared one farm" In BrftlsTi Columbia and reclaimed one from the waters of tile gulf. He Is a successful all-round farmer. He Is a skilled mach inist. There never was a binder or mower that John Oliver could not put Into working shape. In the fall of the year he ran threshing outfits up and down the Fraser Valley, fired the en gine, fed the machine, cut the bands or carried the grain away. When he was telling of his threshing experiences, Mrs. Oliver, who was present, broke in with: "And too, John, you were forever TIMBER SALE X110I Sealed Tenders will be received by the Minister ot Lands, at Victoria, B.C., not later than noon on the 21st day of July, 1927. for the purchase of Licence X1104, to cut 1572,000 f.bjn. of spruce, hemlock and cedar on an area situated on the North Arm Wark Channel, Range 6, Coast District. ... , Two (2) yean will be allowed for re moval or timDcr. ,. Further Dartlculars ot tHe Chief Fores tr. Victoria, B.C.. or District Forester. Prince Rupert. B.C. TIMBER SALE X8917 Sealed Tenders will be received by the Minister of Lands at Victoria. B.C. not later than noon on the 1st day of August. 1927. for the purchase of Licence X8947. to cut 630.450 lineal feet of Cedar Poles and Piling on an area on Ferguson Bay. Massett Inlet. Queen Charlotte Islands. Three (3) years will be allowed for re moval or timber. Further particulars the Chief Tor-eater. Victoria, Br or District Forester Prlnct Rupert, B.C. HI Second Avenue ! ! jfBsc9sBHEnE9seRBaaTeBg29r taking those men liouie with you lor Mipper and week-ends wlthcut ever giving me notice. And sometimes I would be out of bread or tea or something else. You never gave me any notice ahead of time." "I know," replied the bead of the house, "but that was. before we bad telephones In the Fraser VaUey." I.IK Ell PROTECTION Though a life-long free-trader, there was one time that Mr. Oliver found the protective tariff a very good help. He was maUxtg so much money In the Fraser VaUey threshing for his neigh Lore that, aaotber gentleman thought be womM get In with an opposition outfit. Oliver's rival went over ten Beiiingbarn. wash., bought a separator and engine and endeavored to smuggle the machines into Canada. He got across with the engine without any trouble, but the customs officer sefred the separator at Blaine, on the Inter national boundary. The engine waa later located and sold for duty. The separator was offered for sale, but there being noJuyers ft was put Into storage at Blaine. The next season Mr. Oliver went down and offered tiie customs; efflcera 145.00 for the machine, which had cost $500.00. and the offer was! accepted. "I cleared many thousands of dollars with that machine." said the premier. Ahd after that I had the thing pretty much to myself, threshing for tee farmers In the valley." OFFICE HOOK OPEN One of Premier Oliver's little habit at Victoria waa to leave the door of the premier's office wide open. Anyone go ing down the corridor could look In if he wished. The premier had nothing to hide. A stranger from Nevada came to Victoria one day. He was a mining man of considerable wealth, but a rough, off-hand sort of chap. He was pausing down -the corridor and came to tbe, wklf-open door, saw ' the kindly rHaBdr'!d( rpan Inside. Jand' so he stuck hla ' tbM''fwfa4y)X&ni -fuMtk) any apoiogies assea purui urans. wuti sort of place B.C. was. "Is it a monarchy or a state?" asked the Nevada man. The premier raised his glasses to his forehead and in a few courteous words told the criap the exact constitutional position of British Columbia. The stranger passed on to return In a few minutes to ask some question about a big block of wood on exhibition In the buildings. The premier very courteously explained that the wood was B.C. cedar and that some giant trees grew In B.C. The stranger got quite chummy and Trtumed again in a few minutes with other questions which the premier, now thoroughly amused, answered politely. Finally the Nevada man said: "What Is the Speaker of this legislature?" "The Speaker." said the premier, "is so called because he very rarely makes a speech." "And what does the premier do?"j asked the stranger from the desert. "Well, he leads the government and is apt to do almost anything. Including answering a considerable number of questions In and out of the bouse." Later the man from Nevada asked a Janitor who the "old gentleman with the white hair" was. "That Is the prime minister of British Columbia." sated the Janitor with dignity. "To hell, you say I" was the reply Jo the inquisitive one, who later told friends at the Hotel Vancouver that "if Uie premier was any sample of the rank and file of British Columbians they must be a democratic and a polite bunch of folks." Advertise la The Dally Nwa . PAGE FTTH BaBHsHHaBaBBsi i Riding is Like Flvine I I "1 m m I i as a in i I ! You ran never forget this thrillin; difference from all other transportation!! Smooth indifference to road conditions. Silky smot!. ness in all performance. Hiding in the Bset SuperSix ractually like flying. The dramatic appeal of a single ride is the basis of the greatest rales In our history-You try this totally new experience In motoring. T1IEKE ARE FIVE BEAUTIFUL NEW MODELS IN THE ESSEX SUPER-SIX CHASSIS THE GREATEST VALUES IN ESSEX HISTOKY. ESS EX Super-Six THE SUPER-SIX PRINCIPLE AMAZINGLY REVEALED PRICES Five Passenger Essex Super-Sis Sedan, complete.' fully equipped .. .$l,:t60.0O Five Passenger Es?ex Super-Six Coach, complete, fully equipped .. $1,2G0.00 Five Passenger Essex Super-Six Coupe, complete, fully equipped .. $1,260.00 Prince Rupert Auto Co. Opposite Rupert Hotel Phones 75 and 273 CAMP-FIRE PERMITS This year it is necessary to have'a permit from some Forest Officer before any camp-fire may be set in any forestor woodland Be sure to get a permit for your camp-fire and follow the instructions printed on the back of it BRITISH CO LUMBI AFFOREST SERVICE PREVENT FOREST FIRES YOU CAN HELP DENTIST Dr. J. R. Gosse Helgerson Block X-RAY SERVICE Phone 686 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Evening Appointments UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT CENTRAL HOTEL The place called "Home" 120 Rooms, American and European Flan Hot and Cold Water. Bus meets all trains and boats. Sample Room Phone 51. L. Martin, Manager.