j.jJ ' i r' iseme: t i not pub-i (ir ili --played by the C ntroi Burd or by jv.'-rnmc-.t i British Columbia SKIS THE PIONEER LAUNDRY KIDS 0 HOUSE J HOLD BsHts Sowed on- HraomjEtv now she knows a a frPLPiCETo6rD B B rrtfcrVMlLVCUTHES WIIKN she found out that this . ;hr place to send the fam-loihcs she alfto discovered . -,vr would make hr a ape r.i'c for the family laundry. :..lr hr friend a boat It and M '"i'l their friends about Jt i mi i i- petting to be quite ' ' " i!v laundry. Pioneer Laundry I'honc 118 YOU ARE INVITED to see Ladies' Coats Hats and Dresses at The Louvre 31G Third Avenue Next Royal Bank Wood DRY BIRCH. CEDAR AND JACK BINE Single Load $:.() Houble Load $(.r,0 Larjre Sack M)f BUNDLES DRY KINDLING, $1.00 Phone r80 HydeTransfer , , to 'COAL CO. i 139 Second Avenue Mnn -t - , Ensllsh Made - to -.Measure Suits nnd Pure Wool Cloths By Mail. AGENTS WANTED to carry cloth patterns and take measures for English high-grade Tailoring House. Liberal commls- k:'jn Cnh tridc. Splendid open-In s for 1 tore Keeper, agent carrying "'i. or ii!ie r man with large clr- of in :id. Write, enclosing hank refer.n-e to Dept C . Com- 'iiir ,;o Ad n Service North Parade. Manoiester. England. II MYSTERYWHEAT IS DESCRIBED Herman Trulle is Ruv xi.n Answering Queries Regard to Grain WEMBLEY Alta. Oct. 1 - Herns. T m.uti Dmi and mi king. d it lint the btsuwy and hopes al hie new Mystery Wheat" -which. It U ...:med. equals tee beet tlmt now S and haa the great advantage ot pru.ut torn fifteen to eighteen days a:i;ci M-. -tery wheat la not m ready tor ' world TreUe la still devsioptag u ' tiu farm near here Mr Trriie u a tired man: in fact, a wearied man. This U not to be won-tle.ed at when one consider that be u compelled to alt up, nlgbt after night, and burn the midnight oil la order to anrwrr tne numerous let Lara arming in every mall Never a dajr gcs by that he la not interrupted In hla work by vititcra and nailed upon to newer a multiplicity of queatloaa. Fane haa Ita reward, but alao IU mala. TIIK "MVsTERY" MOT On Ur Tretle'a farm the grain waa cut and In the atook. read for the thresher, with the exception oj one plot which waa atlll standing, although it looked aa though It should have been cut tit j, before, aa it eeetned to be dead ripe. Why 1 thla wheat not cut?" the newspaperman Inquired. ThU li aome of the wheat christened The Mystery Wheat' by one of Dr King's part on the occasion of hu visit last summer to our farm. Up to the present I have made no attempts to name It." replied Mr. Trelle He then proceeded to glee hla reasons for leaving the wheat standing: Mj conception of a real combine wheat Is on that I early and haa a straw that la strong enough to hold up a head of grain that Is reasonably non -shattering and will withstand all the varied weather and storm conditions through the growing period la the district to which you wish to adapt It. The vital period, from the combine standpoint, is from the tune the head of wheat is ready to cut untH It it dead rip By that t mean thla wheat ripening so much earlier almost eliminates the dangea from frost that would seriously damage Marquis Just before It la ready to out. "The problem la to develop a wheat that will harden to the etraw and reduce Its moisture content sufficiently to permit of first-class marketing. Advertise In The Daily Newt TIMBER SALE X-1303 Sealed Tender will be received by the Minister of Lands, at Victoria. BC not later than noon on the 13th day of October. 1027. for the purchase of Pulp Licence X4J03. to cut 49.400.000 f.bm. Spruce. Hemlock and Cedar on an area altuated on Copper Bay, Moresby Island. Queen Charlotte Islands District Thirty (30) years will be allowed for removal of timber. rurther particulars of the Chief For-eete. Victoria. B.C.. or District Forester. Prince Rupert, B C. TIMBER SALE XJ298 Bealed Tenders will be received by the Minister of Lands, at Victoria. B.C not later than noon on the 13th day of October. 1927. for the purchase of Pulp Licence X4298. to cut 12.092.000 f.bm. Spruce. Hemlock and Cedar on an area situated on Orey Bay, Moresby Island. Queen Charlotte Island District. Thirty (30) yeare will be allowed for removal of timber. Further particular of the Chief For-este. Victoria. B.C., or District Forester. Prince Kupert, B C. . TIMBER SALE X1297 Sealed Tendera will be received by the Minister of Lands, at Victoria. B.C.. not later than noon on the 13th day of October. 1927. for the ourchase of Pulp Spruce. Hemlock and Cedar on an area ; 1927. " ' ...i.am linn to name oi coa nicuiTuirut Commencing at a poet planted at the Thirty ISO) yean will ... be allowed ... . for removal of Umber. Further particulars of the Chief Forest. Victoria. B.C.. or District Forester. Prince Rupert. B.C. IN PROBATE IN THE SI PKEME POUIT OF IIKITISII ('OI.IJ.MIH V In the Matter ot the Administration Act- and In the Matter of the Estate of Joe Elman (otherwise) Joe Herman. Deceased, Intestate. TAKE NOTICE that by order of Hi Honor F McB. Young, the 11th day of AtMUst. A.D. 1927, I wa appointed Ad-mlnlatrator of the estate of Joe Elman iHPte are hereby required to fur- nlsh same, properly verified, to me on or before the 21st day of September. AD 1927. and aU parties indebted to the estate are required to pay the amount of their indebtedness to me forthwith. norman A WAT( Official Administrator, Prince Rupert, BX!. 1927. Dated the 24th day of August. AJ3. IN PROBATE. IV THE MTKEMB COl'HT OF BRITISH COLUMBIA In the Matter of the Administration Act: and In the Matter of the Estate of Duncan Ollbert McKay. Deceased, Intestate. TAKE NOTICE that by order of His Honor. F. McB. Young, the 27th day of August, AX). 1927. I was appointed Administrator of the estate of Duncan Gilbert McKay, deceased, and all parties having claims against the said estate are hereby required to furnish same, properly or before the 1st day verified, to me on iriTzlJ? i n 1927. and all parties In debted to the estate are required to pay the amount of their Indebtedness to me forthwith. NORMAN A. WATT, Official Administrator, Prlnoa Hnnert, HO. Dated the lit day of Ueptember A.U 7 i 77 e vaiatab e way to take TJeast Soak a cake of Royal Yeast with a little sugar in a quarter of a glass of tepid water over night. Stir well, strain and drink the liquid. Many people prefer to take it in orange juice. ROYAL SEa.T CAKES KETCHIKAN FINES BUT SMALL AMOUNT DRIVING WHEN DRUNK KETCHIKAN. Oct. 3. Harry Jobn-aen. driver of a delivery car. frankly admitted to the police and the city mag istrate that he waa drunk and guilty of everything they could charge. In having wrecked a Dodge truck. He was fined 128 and costs and will have to pay aome dawn gee besides Young Johnson, so years old. "bar rowed" the truck from the Central Oarage and made a trip out on the road-way towards Ward Cove. At 1 o' clock in the morning he came speed log down the roadway and street at 40 oUlee an hour and in trying to alow down in front of the Central Oarage several thm happened quick. A Mg 2x4 plank waa bit and driven through the forest service bunding and the oar waa twisted Into a beautiful wrack. It seema a miracle that Johnson was able to crawl out alive and later tall hla troubles to a pol Iceman. FOREST TKEi: SEEDS The Forest Service of Canada has four plants for the ei traction of forest tree seed from the cones or envelopea. These are located at Indian Head and Prince Albert, Saskatchewan; Vancou ver. Bi-niah Columbia; and Rockey Mountain House. Alberta. The output of these plants in the fiscal year 192C was aoout 2AOO pounds of cleaned seeo. A lane proportion of this seed was ablpped to Oreat Britain to be used by the Forestry Commission In it re forestation work. LAND ACT. NOTICE OF INTENTION TO API"LY TO LEAKE L.M. in Prince Rucert Land Recording Dli trirt of coast District. Range 4. and sit uate on and being all of BonlUa Island except that portion occupied oy muiart Reserve NumDer is. TAV.r. NOTICE that I. Ole C. Austad of Prince nupert. B.C... occupation rancher, intends to appiy ior 9 tvo; the following described lands ' Commencing at a posfcpaaniea m "Vrf, T ,ilerry ' am therty ano x.ntiMr therefrom that nortlon of the island occupied by Indian. Reserve No. J8. and containing one inousauu ". un or less. OLE C. AUSTAD. Applicant Dated July 15. 1927. LAND ACT NOTICE OF INTENTION TO APPLY TO LEASE Ul.MI In Queen Charlotte Island Land Recording District of Prince Rupert, and altuate at Ferguson Bay. Graham Island. Q C.I. taw NOTTrr that Somervllle Can nery Company. Limited. Vancouver, B.C. I M.n.tiAn u.,-vr- Intends to annly for niHh nirthvrut : WtfUW rWTlff CI l-IL- lJlli Hf -w.a. thence east 30 chains: thence north 2 chains, more or lsa, to low water mark: tnmre .west ifollowtni lent water mark. 30 chains; tljetiee south 2 chains, more or less, to point or onmmenewneuv. u containing x (6) acres, moreor less. SOMERVILI- CANNERY COMPANY, LIMITED, Applicant Dated August 31. 1927. IN PROBATE IN THE SUPREME COURT OF BRITISH COLUMBIA In the Matter of the AdmlnUtratJon Act) and In the Matter of the Estate of Arthur C. Little. Deceased. Intestate. TAKE NOTICE that by order of Hit Honor, F. McB. Young, the 20th day of September. A.D. 1937, I was appointed Administrator ot the estate of Arthur C. Little, deceased, and all parties having claims against the said estate are hereby required to furnish same, properly verified, to me on or before the 21st day of October, AX). 1927. and all parties Indebted to the estate are required to pay the amount of their Indebtedness to me I forthwith. NORMAN A. WATT. OffWst Administrator, . . . - 4 ' Dated the 21st day oi September AXM 1 1627. I TSZ BAIL? JfHT3 BABE RUTH IS DUE WEDNESDAY The Spine Crunch Taken leading; Part in Picture "Babe Come Home" at West-holme BeKunore. Maryland, naw proudly haila Oeotf Henaau -Bat- Ruth Ha moat renowned native um. but aeere A yean ago Ita cltireney failed to ap- .-raclau hla madeap antlea. Eaatstdera otoal Is wveipown urchin and hi gang tKkei to ti. Mary's Industrial -cbool Utt .Wm tf an denerve credit for rong a m&s0 whch today ts beheld aa the tnosUfHoKul am the horteon of American DMafeW. "Babe RuthH Vscenston to the pta-ale ot fame la his chosen profession: hase4ait aareer has served merely aa a medium to, popularize him aa the greateat atttaaUoo in the vaned field a! entertainment Unlike heroes of sport- doea who preceded him on the fleed of glory, Ruth started his spectacular achievements whert the others ooai- From the overgrown boy on the aand-:ot team Ruth rose to the top. but like hi predeoeeaor heroes, fell. But it waa nly a physical setback -the Indubitable spirit (Oil flamed and the Big Buy from Beeumore battered hi way oack Into the hearts of not only base-sail faadom bat of the whole nation. While Ruts'! 134 playing proved Ms eccra iisien and added much to W engthy list of achievements, be was persuaded to forfeit the pleasures of hunting and fishing at the season's lose to make bis first notable photo play for First National Pictures. The swat king bad previously gone out In a idevllle In the larger cities but this medium did not bring htm to hla admirers In hie famous role. The movie to which he appears 'Babe Come Home.'' p reduced for First fatten! enabtea those mltMoM to view tm aa the wonder be actually Is. Ruth Is 31 years old. married and baa ne daughter. Dorothy, age T. He stands six-feet two inches, weighs 32C pounds and trains in every branch of outdoor sport. HOOT GIBSON HERE AS BANKER IN HIS "HERO.ON HORSEBACK" "The Hero on Horseback" Featuring Hoot Oibson is a screen version of Peter B. Kynes popular short story entitled "Bread Upon the Waters," with a plot sirooK In originality, embracing a plentiful measure of thrills, fast-action eemedy. human Interest and a pleasing love atory. "A Hero on Horseback" concerns th adventures of a buekaroo turned banker, a greet "break" for Hoot Oibson fans. The ttttan-halrtd Cthlyne CSalr Is cap- Uvatlng as the heroine and portrays her role with vivacity and charm. Edwards Davis, " well-known acreen character actor, U cast aa film father, while Xdward Heard la a most personable tnd heart-palpltatlng villain. Dan Mason ot ToonervtEe Trolley ,'ame. plays In the comedy relief role and his antics are sure-fire for load) A laughs. MILTON SILLS STARS IN NEW PLAY "FRAMED" MUton Sills. First National star, fc becoming a "foreign" actor. He has been playing roles depicting various na Mortalities with amazing skill. He was a Frenchman In "The Silent Lover": In The Sea Tiger" he was a Spaniard. Now he'a a Frenchman! again In "Fram ed," the current attraction Tuesday. He Is drummed out of the French Array during the World War aa the re stilt of a false accusation. He repudV ate hi native lahd ond gees to BraMl Toil become auoreman in tne aia- mond fields.. ,Tbre ' Ihetnrta. acuta "fMlUKf1' I and rit tfi "a KenKl settle ment. Where he 1 finally lffdlcated It Is a story of thrills and has a fas cinating background. Natalie Kingston Is leading woman. John Mlljan. E. J. Radcllffe. Charles Oerrard and Ed Pell all have admirable roles. 25 CHINESE GIRLS IN WEEK-END PLAY ".Mr. Wuii Is Dramatic Mystery Story of China In Which Lon Chancy Plays Twenty-five girls', charming examples f Oriental femininity in their raudv rocades and silks, appear In J he garden koenea ln Lon Chaneya new starring ve hlcle, "Mr. Wu," coming at" the week :nd. And with one exception not one of them can speak the Chinese language. This Is what the American high schools have done to the third genera ndirieslion 1 ' uea EXERCISE NO. 10 T"-at!ni and lowering the h. into this position is ex-ctBent for the spine, making it clastic and flexible. Lie prone on your back, place forearm under your body and raise trunk and leg up, lowering leg over head. Keep legs stiff a posi4 . The backbone of the body I the spitMU..Kerplt resilient and healthy by systematic cxrrdse. page nvs srana - - - - - r-,".-s FREE EXERCISE BOOK To help promote the good health of Canadians, Pen-mans have prepared an attractive book on home exercises which will" be sent to you free on request. This book illustrates 15 bodybuilding exercises, with detailed explanations of each. Write for it to-day. V - - - WEEK AT TIIEATKE Monday Hoot Gibson In "A Hero on Horseback." Featurette "When a Man' a Fan." International News. Tuesday Milton 8111 in "Framed." Mermaid Comedy: "Brainstorms" Cameo Camedy "Hot Soup." WrdneMlay and Thnrday Babe Ruth In "Babe Comes Home." Comedy "Breezing Along." Aesop's Film Fables. Friday and Saturday Lon Chaney In "Mr. Wu." Comedy "Hold that Bear." Paths Review. ' '.. These girls .are mosty students In the toa Angeles -high schools and- can. da .the Charleston and Black Bottom aa well as the native daughters. The new Metro-Gold wyn-Mayer picture, adapted from the Oriental mystery novel by Louise Jordan Mlln, Is a dramatic story of China. In which Chancy plays Wu, the sinister mandarin, working out a strange revenge on an English family, and Renee Adoree, In a make-up almost aa outre as his own. plays his daughter. The cast Includes Louise Dresser, Gertrude Olmsted, Holmes Herbert, Claude King, and others ot note. Will Nigh, director of "The Fire Brigade' directed the new production. APPLES IV CANADA. Apples are Canada's leading commercial product In fruit. Siace 1888 when seed wa Imported from , Riga, on the Baltic Sea, continuous eff&it have been made to originate new and better varlesties ot apples for Canada. In a recent report of the Horticultural Division of the Xtomlnlgrf-j Experimental Farms descriptoos 'ofjfreighteen new Varieties named durtoi925 are iud- nlled. 'rT LOSSES TO SMUT Smut diseases cause heavy losses wherever 'cereal crops are grown. In Canada careful estimates of smut losses are available only tor the last few years and these show the average annual loss to the Canadian farmer from this source as over 12,500.000. Government departments, agricultural colleges, and technical agriculturalists are all engaged la the effort to reduce this' loss. I Advertise In The Dally New Your best health insurance Penmans underwear that gives month-in, HERE'S month-out wear and warmth. For years it has been Canada's leading undergarment worn by hundreds of thousands from coast to coast. Penmans 95 is light of weight yet so well made and of such fine quality that it gives healthful warmth in the coldest weather. An unfailing safeguard against winter chills and ills. For men, women and children, in two-piece and union suits. Ask for it by name and look for 95 on the label. PENMANS LIMITED FREE LESSONS Dennison in Art Craft Commencing TUESDAY, OCTOBER 4TH Free Lessons will be givea in DENNISON ,ART CRAFT tMl. Comprising Vsr&.CRYSTALLINE " LAMP. SHADES ..l...'- . cptcann nAiVTtvn WAX WORK FLOWER MAKING BASKET WEAVING, ETC. Every Tuesday and Friday Afternoons from 2 to 5.30 p.m. Rose, Cowan & Latta, Limited Third Avenue (Opposite Third Street) Phone 234 Hotpoint Electric Ranges Kaien Hardware"Co71 Telephone 3 UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED Sailings from Prince Uopert. lor VANCOUVER. VICTORIA, gwansoo Hay. Alert Day, etc. Tuesday, s p.m. Tor VANCOUVER. VICTORIA, Butrdale, Alert Iter, etc- Saturday 8 a.m. For PORT SIMPSON, ALICE ARM, ANVOX, STEWART, Wales Island. Sunday, 8 p-m. For aas Hirer Points and Port Simpson, Friday p.m. 1ZS 2nd Avenue. H. M. SMITH. Agent. Prince Rupert, ILC. Through tickets sold to Victoria and Seattle at a reduced rite and baggage checked through to destination.