t; i as- W II r L - PAGE FOUR T.IOIXLS If any segment of the Spine m an aonormai position hubluxatkin) prcimirc Is produced on the nerve trunU at that point and autttt devtlaf. T.HtAD THROAT T.LWtdLlHU T. HEART T.UUNCS T.UVtt T. STOMACH TSUAU.IKTUT)NC 1.KIDNCYS ? APPENDIX T.OVARItl T LOWES LIMu Ta (LADDER M-rtilAUX SSJ.M1 the Vubluxukj OW kasha taappw& I f A -m li5 i . NN fcSL TVt." f X "S. T-s I TlieChlropractor d. a. McMillan Palmer Graduate , CHIROPRACTOR Patho-Neuromeler Service. Open Evenings Rooms C & 7, Exchange Work Phone C91 HOSIERY for SPRING In all' th'e: new fchadea Utility $1.00 to $2.:0 Chiffon $2.23 "Demers" Phone 27. P.O. Hox 327. MILK From Hulkley Valley FRESH MILK AM) WHIPPING CREAM Quality and Service Valentin Dairy Phones f."G and 657 LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phone f3 Cartage, Warehousing, and Distributing. Team or Motor Service. Coal Sand and Gravel. We Specialize fn Piano and Furnitum Moving. Dr.J.R.Gosse DENTIST Helgcrson Hlock X-Ray Service. Open Phone CM. ANGER, the TAILOR Suits made to order, in our tthop aa low as ........ $50 22.1 Sixth Street Snturrf.1v Anl o ,.. TH2 D.uL7 NEvTB BRINGING UP FATHER By George McManus lMiOU I A fiHOVJ DO VOU JOT KEf.r RtEr AN" CABBAGE I I rl JAPANESE? J . ..... i r- . r-nnv - oi it! r TORIES DEMAND BOWSER RETURN TWO TIIOISANH VICTORIA TOOI1.K WANT OLI CIIIKFTAIN IIAt k HI.I, cm: KKf KITION VICTORIA. April 3 "Bring Back Bowser" petitions have been slgnfd by nearly 2 000 persons here, examination of the petitions chows. Ward Four alone has given some 700 signatures. Oak Bay Is now taking up the signing. The petitions beseech W. ). Bowser, former provincial premier and Conserva tive leader, to give up his retirement and return to public Hie as a private mem- ber in the Legislature for Victoria. Mr. Bowser has Just returned from California and It Is planned to pre sent the petitions to him at a public reception to be accorded the old Tory chief. The old-time Conservatives, who have been fuming because of the Imbroglio, into which the party has sunk as a result of the long-distance leadership attempted by Hon. S. P. Tolmle from Ottawa, have during the last two weeks become alarmed, as they have seen the whole provincial Conservative organization handed over to the General A. D. Ucliae faction, which organized the un-, successful Third Party at the last election. The old-time Conservatives now are beginning to suspect that they have had one put over them and that they are now mere victims of the plot of the McRae faction to obtain control of the party. MrllAK CONTROLS I'AKTY Dr. Tolmle, with his long-distance leadership, has been a party to the monled McRae faction. It Is now charged by some of his supporters here, who have been trying to smoke him out. Those Conservatives making the charges explain that through devious methods, the McRae faction has now gained the victory which it sought at the Kami oops convention, but which It was unable to achieve there openly, as the convention ended with a compromise on Dr. Tolmle. Just how Mr. Bowser, now that he has returned, will take the attack made on htm editorially recently by The Dally Colonist Is under discussion In Conser vative circles. This personal attack was launched by that newspaper editorially in an effort to combat the tide of sentiment among Conservative voters here In favor of recalling Mr. Bowser to public life, which was expressing itselt In the piling up of signatures of the Bring Back Bowser" petitions and causing so much uneasiness on the pari of the four Victoria Conservative members that they started out on a personal canvassing campaign In an effort to check It. The Colonist In Its editorial attack n Mn Bowser even accusea the former Conservative leader ot "Machiavellian tactics" and of -"personal political am bition" In the following sentences! ' rNKI'OKTSMANI.lKK CAMPAIO.K The umDalztV-beine.iUrected-sirainst Dr. Tolmle" tacks every element of'sportsi maiwhlp Inasmuch as he is not on ths jrouud to defend himself and nothing Is heard of It when he is here. It dls closes a fine Italian hand engaged In Machiavellian tactics in which personal motives outweigh the ethics of common deeency. Dr. Tolmle says that the re ports concerning his leadership of the Provincial Conservatives "are absolutely false In every respect." The people of Victoria will believe him, and' public opinion will react against the origina tors of spurious rumors, which, In their Inception, are known to be lies of a character which can never advance any personal political ambition.'' CHILDREN'S MASQUE BALL LAST NIGHT Affair fuller Auxplces of Women of .MiKtsrlirart Wn Very PI'lureMiie The children's masquerade ball under the auspices of the Women of Moot heart Legion last night In the Moose Hall was well attended. A large variety of pretty and original costumes made the awarding of prizes very difficult for the Judges who dually selectee) the following ' as the best In each class Best dressed May Bmlth and Viola Dybhavn, Best character boy, Alfred Larsen girl. May Smith. - Best original boy, Jim Bcliubtrt: girl Ethel Praser. Best advertising Vra Parry. Best comic: boy, O. llartlett; girl Mae Schubert. Best Moose clia racier Clara Blegavlc Tlie gTsnd march at 10 o'clock was HERE VOU AREMRJlGGE! If 7 LJ. .. iM. "Let the CUrk Kitchen Help You" Clark's delicious Simply add equal amount" of water, bring to a boil and serv. Tomato, Julienne, Vegetable, Chicken, Mock turtlevetc. W. CUrk Limited Montreal M. Ktml, r.xj. iitrrww, Ont. "Canada ApprovcJ" labtlaoiallmaata led by Messrs. Lund and Parry and for the first part df the program the Moose firing orchestra dispensed the music. Mrs, R. P. Ponder's orchestra continuing the dance program until a late hour. During the evening little Miss Sheila Richmond presented to the Re lent, Mrs. t. M. Crosby, a beautiful bouquet, and on behalf of the ladies of the Legion, Mrs. Alf. Christiansen presented Mrs. C. Edwards, past Regent. with two beautiful pieces of silverware Special mention Is due to the fol lowing for the excellent costumes worn: Alice Hallberg. Mitchell Day. JarvU McLeod, Raymond Hougan. Sheila Rich mond, Terry Orlmble. Keith McLeod. Charlotte Edwards, Laura Larson, Inga Mervllle, and P. K. Derry. Mrs. Stegavig was general convener of the committee of arrangements and, was assisted by Mrs. L. R. Parry. Mrs. "Bart-lett, Mrs. Wlngham, Mrs. J. laggard. and Mrs. Edwards. IIOTtX ARRIVALS. Prlnre ltnert, Mr. and Mrs. A. O. Moa, Hyder, Al aska; Mrs. M. H. Elliott; Ketchikan; B Raybone, Victoria;, Mr, and Mrs. Prank Somen and daughter and Len Weaver, city: R, L. Smith, Vancouver. (rut ml J. Rogers and C. II. Price. Vancou ver: W. Bentham, Nanalmo; James Bell, Victoria; J. Robinson, Bkagway. Savoy II. CUy, Victory Cove; 'A. Currle, Claxton. If time pastes too slowly, buy an au tomobile on the monthly payment plan. TRENTON MAN IS VERY GRATEFUL SAYS THAT " FRU1T-A-TIVES " STOPPED NERVOUS HEADACHES 1 I a d&Wft MR. R. A. BOVAY. Mr. Roy A. Bovav of Trenton. Ontario. think very highly of "Fruit-a-tlves" for removing the cause of nervous headaches. "I wish I could tell every sufferer In the world what 7 ruit-a-tives have done for mt" he wrltf "For years I was much troubled by bad headaches, nervous dys pepsia and liver troubles. Then 1 commenced taking 'Fruit-a-tlves', Thanks to these wonderful tablets I am once more entirely well." Are you, too. adlided wllh nervous head aehesr Uuite probably they are traceihle to lazy boweh, slumadi, kidneys or Jivcf. What you need Is the gentle, natural help oi -rruu-a-uvts" wiiich is made Jrom InttnslOetl Irmli fruit Juices blended with tonics. "Frull-a-tlvea" Is nature's own illy In protnothtir health and happiness. Enlist lis aid for yourself, to-day. tic ana sue, ivrrywiicr, jsTt rir LITTLE GIRL HONORED AT PARTY GIVEN BY PARENTS LAST NIGHT Mr. aitd Mrs. S. V. Cox, 33 Seventh Avenue West, entertained last evening in honor of Miss Rosle's eighth birthday, the cuing being one of enjoy-mane for the numerous little folk who were preseut and among whom were Ruth, Edith and Betty Wilkinson, Char-otte Pluitipsain, Bobbie and David Houston. Herbert Davles, Edna and Jean McLean, Rosle Smith, Nora Archie. Irne Boulter. , Merle West, and Katherlne Mussallem. In addition' to games and dancing, Catherine IMitwallem contributed a' piano solo and Ruth Wilkinson favored with a violin selection in which she was accompanied by Catherine Mussal-len on the piano. Mrs. V. Houston and Mrs. Davles as sisted the hostwi during the evening hlch was brought to a close with wry best wishes for many happy returns of Rosle's birthday. Ten Years Ago in Prince Rupert APRIL 3. 1917. The report of Mayor McCuffery and Md. D. C. McRae. the delegation which Interviewed the Provincial Oovemment, came before the city council last night. The delegation asked, on behalf of the lty. that money be Included in the estimates for the erection ofvOovern- a:ent buildings and also provision for Jve building of a road around Kalen Island. On motion of Aid. Casey and Aid. Montgomery, the city council unanimously went on record last night as opposed to the principle of closed towns. Fire broke out near the pilot house if the stranded steamer Prince Rupert yesterday. The damage was small and liie blaze was soon under control. Arthur (Babel Portln of Prince Ru pert has readied Prance according to ord received in the city. A very enjoyable dance was held lost veiling in the Rallwaymen's Hall under he auspices of the Women' Auxiliary jf St. Andrew's Boclety. The following have been named at chairmen of the different municipal ommlttees: Finance: Aid. O. 11. Nelson: Board of Works, Aid. T. McClymont; Public Utilities, Aid. J. Dybhavn; Mar ket and Health, Aid. Casey; Fisheries. Aid. W It. Montgomery. SPORT CHAT Although no. word; Jiid bneni .received (rom Anyox up to last night,' Ralph Smith had the Maple Leafs basketbull team out for a practice game. The team Is anxious to have the contests for the Northern B.C. ladles' champlon- ,hlp, over as soon as possible as the HCUon's schedule Is over both here and a ytnyox. It It Imped to have the cries played next week so that the .earns may disband for the Heiwuii and ;lve their attention to other lines of sport. If Homelxly on a crowded thorough f.ire toduy was to shout "swat a fly' every woman oh tlie street would rush Into the nearest department or hard ware sUire for a fly swatter and every man and boy would look around for I lie nearest newsboy to find out from the sporting jmge when the baseball .season officially opens. It's only a matter of where your mind Is and In the month of April the mind of man svrayt not far from though Is of out door sport. For weeks now the major league teams hove been In their south cm trululng camps preparing for the opening game In April. For the real dyed-in-the-wool fan the season really opcus when the clubs go Into training and for the youngsters ,tlie season opens ss soon as th4now.r,merrsoir the vacant lot. Files ure already being swatted on tlie latter. Where tlie Inveterate diamond clopestert congregate one unversed In the Intricacies of the "great American game" might presume that the world series was ah event of tomorrow and that bnsebull was perennial Instead of a seasonal )irt And, In fact. It Is a jierenulal pastime when there Is kept In mind the playing season from April to October, the V anted For Sate For Rent AGENTS WANTED 600 NAIL PUNCTURE8 IN TIRE treated with Palcoaeel, yet leaks no air. Official test. Inexpensive. Guaranteed harmless. Agents write for proof and particulars of proposition. "PalcOMS-.l," Alexandria, Onl. FOR SALE OILL NETTERS. TROLLERS AND Launch Owners. Tou are Invited to visit Parker's garage. Third Avenue East, to see In operation the Ford Marine Motor, the lowest priced dependable 14 h.p. motor on the market. It's wide range of speed, exceptional flexibility, economical operation and low priced replacement pons, place It in a clam by Itself. S. E. PARKER, LTD. Ford Dealers FOR SALE. SIXTY BARRON WHITE Leghorn laying hens. Have to make room for young stock. Can make up breeding pens of eight to twelve hens and rooster. These birds are unrelated. In best condition. My own breeders. No culls. Prices, hens 2. Roosters S4.O0. Apply Box 33. Dally News office. FOR SALE. SUITE OF BO LID SPAN is mahogany chairs, upholstered In neat Spanish leather. Imported from Eurpoe. Will sell at a fair price. This class of goods goes up In value, at It is very rare. A. MacKenzle, Furniture. Phone 775. 80 FOR SALE. SIXTEEN ROOMED Rooming House, furnished, modem conveniences, close In. SI. 750.00. Terms to suit. Thea. Collsrt Ltd. Westholme Theatre block. 7a FOR QUICK SALE. LOTS 48 and 47. block 12, section 2; lota 13 and 14, block 44, section 8; lot 3. block 4S, section - fi. Official Administrator. FOR QUICK BALE. LOT AND CABIN on Atlin Avenue, Section 3. Cheap, . Ajjp'y 2S Taxi. 78 OPPORTUNITY I 5.00 A MONTH NOW buys your future homeslte. Walker's Music Store. autumn ost-niortems, the winter prognostications and the spring training season. That time honored race, the Boston Marathon, which next to 'the four-yearly Olympic Marathon, Is tlie best known long distance race for men In the world, and was run before the Olympic Mara thon was revived, will have some new features In it this year, In the shape of entries. If the reports from the direction of Mexico may be believed. Two Mexi can Indians, It Is rumored, may take part this year. They are said to bt Tarahumara Indians, and accustomed alt their life to long and fast hikes over ground far more bumpy than the Boston streets are. They say that both Tarahumara Indian bucks, and squaws are fine, natural long-distance runners, and that It Is nothing for the younger women to run a distance greater than that of the Marathon. There Is also going to be some new Canadian material Injected Into the nice, which so often In the past has been won by Canadians, It Is not known yet what Toronto and Hamilton, the latter a city where many Marathoner of re nown have made their debut, are going to setid, but in Montreal the North End Branch of the Y.M.C.A. hut had a dozen men In training for over a month, and,"1?'1 It will Just depend Upon how much nnney tliey or the, club can afford to spend bs to how many of these young men, whose training stunts have been very promising, will go to Boston, High PAIN from Bladder Irritation Boon atias b 8ANTAL MIDY Btwart of Imitation Look for tha word "MIDY" mild tir til driirri'ii RtllsrU It i iw. i - HOARD . Ill r 3-21 BOARD. THE INLANDER, 833 Second Avenue. Phone 137. HEMSTITCHING HEMSTITCHING PICOTINO. SCALLOP-lng. M. Macdonald. Exchange Block AUCTIONEER MY BUSINESS IS BUYlNQ. BELLI NO j FOR RENT FOR RENT. COMFORTABLE LA ROE room, lies led. suitable for one or two persons; central. Sit Fifth Avenue Wen. Phone Oreen 138. 70 FIVE ROOMED FLAT FOR RENT IN Wallace Block; some furniture. Phone Black 183. 80 FURNISHED SUITES FOR RENT. Apply Mussallem Grocery. Phone 18. ROOMS TO RENT. PHONE 878. DOLLAR STORE We have discontinued the miii:n's i:cii tii: See our line of i:vtiu (ioons. . Nothing over a dollar. noil. tit r stoki; WOOD A. IMAM'MON Seal Coe. Mixed Wood Blocks per losd an 00. Kindling, per load SflftO Furnace Wood. r losd 0 00 Delivered. Salt Herring Ptit.ne lllack 4111 RESTAURANTS WMIII i:Tf CAIK ' Mrs. Uuger. Proprietress .' j Third Avenue-. Next CI, W.' V. A. OiM.il Hume I'mikeil Meals. Phone Black 700 High Low High Ixiw Low TAXI Phone C7 Taxi (Call George, Paul or Gust) tf dominion intNiTiiii: i:riUNoi: liewiiirdy A flainon. priirletr 144 Third Avenue Phone Mark 411 Furniture of all sorts bought, sold or Exchanged. UPHOLSTERING FURNITURE REPAIRING; OPHOL-tterlng Of all kinds Chesterfield! recovered and made to order. All work guaranteed. Phone Oreen 6U3. O. M. HUNT. Six and Seven Passenifer Stude- bnkera at your dinponnl any time ROSS HKOS. POOL ROOM Meeker Hlock. ( Across from Empress Hotel) PRINCE RUPERT TIDES HATI ItllAV. APRIL 3 1:20 ajn. 223 ft. 13:48 p.m. 22.1 " 7:38 am. 2.3 " 10:57 p.m. 2.3 " M MiW, APRIL 3 3:0S ajn. 22.0 ft. 14:34 p.m. 21,8 M B:23 ajn. 1.8 " 20:37 p.m. 3.0 " MONHAY. APRIL 4 2:44 a.m. 22.B ft. . . . 1531 pjn. 21.6 " ........... 0:07 a.m.' l.i - 21:10 .m. 4.2 " TILMUV. APRIL 1 A 3:24 a.m. 22 4 ft. 16:10 p.m, 10.7 " 9:B3 a.m. 3.0 " 21:87 p.m. t.O " WLIISIXIIAV. APRIL (I 4:00 am. 21.3 ft. 17:04 p.m. 18 B " 10:3B ajn. 3.2 M SS:42 p.m, 7.7 " Advertise In The Dally News BRis!GUsl TtrJ UNTIL t TU .. ."Wl" HAD f-povXH '6 A' DAILY NEWS CLASSIFIED ADS. 2c per word in advance. No Advertisement taken fo lets than 50c WANTED WANTED.- WORK BY JUNIOR STEN-pgrapher. Apply Box 32, Dally News Office. 79 WANTED. CAPABLE GIRL FOR OEN-eral housework. Apply Mrs. C. II. Orme. 78 Articles Lost and Found, &c MAIL SCHEDULE OUT-OOIMI f ur the teal Mondays, Wednesday! and Baturdari Closes 1030 aa T Vancmmer Tuesdays 4 IS pa. Thursdays 10 Saturdays 8 aa Sundays 10 and exchanging and looking after my ! pint class mall Is also despatched t business. For business Is business ' Vancouver on Mondays, Wednesdsyt sk and thoM without business have no Saturday by CN R. trains. business to be In business. Employ me selling by auction. That Is business, satisfaction and results, a. F. Brine. Phone 774. Ti Aiijiu ami Alice Arm Sunday 7 pa Wednesdays I ti pa Ti Mew art and premier Hundsvs ' Saturdays B Tn PL Simpson and Mas filter lnla. Tbursdayt To Alaska Points April 8. 18. 29 To ueen Charlotte April 0. 2J IN-COMIMl Intra the MM Tuesdsys, Thursday and Sundays. Im at SJO pa I rum Vsnre liter Sundays . pa Wednesdays 10JS0 ia Thursdays Saturdays Irom Anjnx and Alice Arm Tuesday . . aa Thursdays Irom Hrwart ami Premier Tuesdsys ....... Sundays 8 mm It. Hlrnnwa an4 Kasa Kir. Pll- Baturdays . rum Alsk Points April l. 12. 23 Irom Queen Cliarlnlles April 1. ft IKIX nlJ.MTIONft A.M. Pis Graham St Atlin AVea 9 BO TH 1st Ave. ft 8th SL 9M tit th Ave. K Fulton Bt. .. . B.I0 13 8lh Ave. & Thompson B.lt til llth ft; Bherbrooxs Ave. ltli Ave. Ac Conrad Bt. Stb Are. A Hays Car 8th Ai Hay Cor Circle 8th Ave. Cotton St. Mb Ave. McBrlde St Pro. Oovt. Bldg pro. Obv. Wharf O TP. Whsrf CLTJ Station days only. 30 1 935 T 8.30 0J& 134 B40 s: S45 S 9M B5 S3 jo no s:: 2nd AVe. A 2nd St 10.10 S4 3rd Ave. A: Fulton St. 1015 tst 3rd Ave. & eth Bt 1020 b.: Sunday collection asm as PJhl. week' STEAMSHIP MOVEMENTS for Vancouver Tu:sdys. Catata li" Thurtdsy s Prince Oeaie n J Saturday -ss. Cardens .w st, Princess Beatrice 1 1 a ln Sunduy-ss. Prince Charlr n p. ; April j"; ss. iTlucfss Mary f April 12 Princess Mary i I'roni tsnriiuter 8unday . Catala 4 n Wednesday ss. Pr. Oeorge I0.S0 am Thurstlsy -, Ciirdena . Saturday at. Princess Beatrice em as. Prince Charles 10.10 April 8 ss. Princess Mary April 18--as. Princess Mary l'r Port MmiHMin and Naaa Inter Thursday ss. Cardens . " Ironi Port r-lmpsnn and Naaa Itlver Saturday Cardena n lor Aiijnt Wednesday as, Prlnre Oeorge 10 I ruiii A ii) in Friday ss. Prince Oeorge . 8 ;. " For Slewarl Siiturtlsy s. Prince Charles 10 I'riiin hlrHiirl Sunday, Prlncs Charles 8 n R for Hlensrt, Anyox and Allre Arms- Tuesday-s. Catala I fnim Htewsrt, Anyox and Alice Arpi- Tuesday as, Cntala .......... R lor ((iieen Cl'urliitles April B ss. Prince John 0 n April 23 as. Prince John . 8 n I'miiii (Jneen Charlottes April 2 ss, Prince John April 7ss. Prince John . i for Alsska April 8 ss. Prlnre us Mary . nr" April 18 as. Princess Mary April 2 ss. Princess Mary . nnof from Alaska " April 1 as, Princess Mary pi April 11 Princes Mary . P-