m PAGE TWO WW It .e finishing touch, to tea or coffee Builds up resistance Makes breakfast simple and healthful Heat in oven serve with hot milk IT Jfe in Cmruula ry iht Mjitrl of StitU't Baby Foorf twtrrtNCO VNttotiTtNtD The Daily News PRINCE RUPERT BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Dally News, Limited. Third .Wertue. H. F. PULLEN - - - Managing Editor. ; i- , , SUBSCRIPTION HATES: City Delivery, by mail or carrier, per montn By mr.il to all parts of the British Empire and the United I.) States, In advance, per year $5.J0 To all other countries, in advance, per year $7.50 Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations. DAILY EDITION Tuesday, Oct. 4, 1927 ' ' ' TALKING ABOUT PEACE RIVER Everyone is talking about Peace River and its development by means of a railway with a western outlet. Vancouver is the chief centre of the movement because if it can recure the outlet at that city it will mean another source of wealth which will tend to build up there the greatest city in Canada. It seems very probable that Vancouver will get an outlet from the Peace and that Prince Rupert will also have an outlet. It will be necessary for Prince Rupert to strain every nerve to make sure that, this port is placed at least on in equality with the southern port. There-Is ;no doubt that a Peace River railway would add much to the prosperity of Canada and especially to the Pacific Coast. At present much of the grain from that district goes to the head of the ureat Lakes, a. rather ridiculous condition of affairs. It un doubtedly should come west. CHANGE IN WATER CONTROL It seems that in the past the water supply of the city has oeen nominally in control ot the utilities department but really un-deyflie'City engineer with no one getting credit or blame for what is done in regard to it. Under such conditions it is no, wonder nobody wanted to publish records in regard to it. Now the city pub- ' lie works department will take complete charge and the result should prove beneficial. Doubtless the department now in control will be glad as soon as it gets into shape to publish results of the operations so that the city may be in a position to judge of value f of its utilities, . NEW SKATING POND AVAILABLE In the past when there have been a few days cold weather here, making skating possible, it ha3 been necessary to go to the Salt Lake across the harbor or to Shawatlans. The building of the new road will, however, make available another lake and one very suftable for the purpose. It is a small beaver lake on the other Bide of Kaien Island, so small that the ice is not likely to be made rough through wind rippling the surface as it freezes. Just now the road is not through that far but by Christmas or at least by January it should be possible to drive there. This will be a threat attraction and doubtless owners of taxi3 will not .be slow to capitalize it . If a bonfire is made at the lake and possibly a shelter it should become very popular among those who enjoy skating. KEEPING CHEERFUL DURING WINTER - . Jp,8fiily H seems foolish to talk about keeping . cheerful to ;young people. They will be cheerful anyway. To older folks, howr ever, the;, advice is more appropriate. There is a tendency sometimes to give way to the pressure of the elements and begin to be moan one's fate and curse the weather. In Prince Rupert there are .all sorts of organizations that help to while away the long evenings and kcepTeople cheerful. In addition to the movies, there are the various1' sports and games such as badminton and basketball. The if ormer -game seems more popular than ever in the city and the churches are doing good work In encouraging the young folks to take part in such sports. literature of course does-a large part in keeping people cheerful. That is where the library comes in. We suggest that the reading of cheerful books in bad weather is a good antidote. Numerous tales or magazine articles tend to enliven us, especially if they are read aloud. Reading aloud is one of the most enjoyable means of spending an hour or an evening. If literature is good it is doubly appreciated when shared with another. For those who do not dance or play games, the next best enjoyment is reading aloud. Inside warmth for chilly days SHREDDED I MAYOR NAMED ! .AS DELEGATE;! To Represent City of Union of B.C. Munlrlpslitlrs and Pe-velopment League Con- vpnl inrw 'the city c.-uncll last nlht to represent I Prince RuLert at tbe convention of- the Luica o: B C Municipalities u be held I "H- tr' ui-Nentlmo jo October 18 and iv.ana iy at the tsllrtl annual tonferettce of kjM Weaterntjauada Dersljpmeu, au4 Vltlorla on KAletter vf IX. D. Tayl urottM "t of WJCPand :H. read to fcbecuiiay from ttyor of Varkwuver' and the Western Canada De- .Twupum wo vimy iur. ecuuu. .. nK (iupen aamrerc ana neany in- ' .i v ritation" to be represented at tbe eon-( vtntion. The communication explained j briefly that one of the principal objects oi ine league was to assist in in as vetopnient of Western Canada on a national tcato. It was expected that Al berta and Saskatchewan would be strong ly represented at the conference ao It waa up to Brltlah Columbia to do Its full ahare. Matter pertaining to Inter-provincial trade, highway, freight rates and ether t spies of interest would be dlscusted. The communication expressed confluence that Prince Rupert dlttrtct would be desirous of doing Us part toward securing the greatest possible cooperation between the western prolines. The most effective means of showing IW good faith would be to have a delegate at the conference. Mayor Newton urged strongly that Prince Rupert should be represented at be conference lie referred to tbe two previous conference which had been held at Edmsnton and Vancouver and tcld tsuw the road outlet from Alberta to Prince Rupert would hare been over looked In the conference's resolutions should have a delegate at the forth coming conference. After some further dlscueslon it was decided that the mayor should be the delegate repretenttng Prince Rupert at both conventions. Motion to this el ect was made by Aid. Perry and Aid. W. J. Oreer. and carried unanimously. There was some talk of Prince Rupert bringing up at the Union of B.C. Municipalities' convention tbe matter jf having both sides of streets ae4ed for sidewalks built cn one side of the .treet but the suggestion was dropped after Aid. Stephens and City Solicitor i E. F. Jones had pointed out that to change the policy now In Prince Ru pert would be Inequitable. While Prince Rupert may have no matters in partlcu-:ar to place before the Union, the mayor will at ledt hold a watching brief. Aid. Tinker urged that, at the con ference of the Western Canada Develop- Jient and Unity League, the mavor .hculd pre further for the comple tion of the highway from Prince Ru-pert into Alberta. WATERWORKS TO BOARDOFWORKS Municipal Orphan Given Perman ent Home by Cily Fathers Last Night The orphsn city waterworks, which has been like the proverbial baby on the doorstep, kicked about by all and cherished by none, is going to get a home. It Is to be taken Into the family of the board of works and Is going to have the city engineer as its fairy god father. The poor child, which has been bandied about from pillar to pott these many years and has been a bone of contention all this time with doubtful standing to say ,th least, was finally allocated at last night's meeting of the city fathers. Perhaps a little tender care may now make it a healthy and fully accredited or discredited child. The decision came In the form of an amendment to the water bylaw providing that the superintendence of the water. works should pass from the hands of the superintendent of utilities to the cny engineer, xne amendment was sponsored by Aid. Brown, chairman of the utilities committee, who reported that, at a Joint meeting of the board ol work and utilities committee, It had heen decided that It were better that the whole system should come under the one end and that, since the board Df works had really been handling the ayttem, It ahould be finally and defln nely placed In the bands of that de partment. The change was meant ai no reflection on the superintendent of utilities but simply u a measure of economy and better service, eliminating any overlapping or misunderstanding. The motion, seconded by Aid. Perry.' was carried without a dl&eentlng voice. CHANGE-WESTBOUND TRAIN SERVICE Effective Tuesday. October 4. Caha-, !dlan National train will arrive Prince I Rupert dally except Wednesday at 3;30 I pan., Instead of dally except Tuesday as at preesnt. There will be no alter-: atlon to the eastbound service- train ' continuing to leave here daUy except Sunday at 1130 am, 233 THE DAILY NEWS --TMnd, Man in the Moon REVOLVED that Oaia Ten Years Ago in Prince Rupert Maintenance eratkm . -Interest and and Op- Redemp- tlon Construction cost Surplus vote Tory at the. next election. Winnipeg onecitit Convention. ITS not ttut there are than thee were tea yeara ace.! n.t see more of them. IF you want a friend close to you through good od inorsj lAit mho Juf repoA girl we tick and WINNIPEO lffiiettlng quite Interested in the CohRemflve convention that U .Mo open there, next Monday. A number If t. K W ddiUBr rMlce hare been added ta the force. X ITS tlfifie 'tt get out the woollens, even U we doNlve on the eoaet at a THE eld MCTMay be rattling The engine may be missing And the young felka In the ek aeat May spend their time in kissing. OCTOBER 4. 1917. S. A. Bud I Cor ley, one of Prince Rupert's best known pioneers, has signed on for service with the Royal Flying Corps and expects to leave In tre near future for Toronto to take up training. As a result of the visit to Prince Rupert of Nicol Thomson, fuel controller for British Columbia. It la said that bulk coal on the wharf here wjll be quoted at (9.50 per ton. Much mining activity Is reported from Roeher de Boule mountain at H welton. Working properties include bad It not. been for the fact that Prince 1 the Golden Winder group. Ooty.eau and Rurert had been represented. The rati-, Harelton Gold-Cobalt. read outlet for the Peace River was - r.nother important matter that had been taken up If for nothing else than to follow up these two matters, the mayor thought It advisable that Frlnce Rupert In The Letter Box ANSWER TO KE.tl.IST. Tbe Editor, Dally News. With your permission I should be glad to avail myself of your columns In order to answer "Real let's" tatter In your issue of Saturday test. The following comparative statement of the Inspector's and of the Auditor's figures for 1926 will show where they dlfftr: I.IOHT IIKI'.tKTMKNT Inspector Auditor Tear's revenue 1103,723 1101,928 $ 47.709 51,880 31.409 3,774 31.409 82.888 83,389 I 20.834 18.637 TKI.EI'IIONK DEPARTMENT Year's revenue i...... 42,838 43.837 Maintenance and Op eration Interest and rtedemp tlon . Construction costs Tear's . .20,810 26,169 11.458 2.036 VV.1TKK li:iUTMr.XT revenue1 34.676 11,458 $ 34304 37.627 Surplus ...... S 8,324 6.210 45.693 Maintenance and Operation t 25,490 25,163 Interest, and Redemp-tlon .j,1 .. I.. ' 38B97 ,. 38,097 Construction '.4381 68.668 63.860 Deficit $ 33,893 18,167 SUMMARY Light Department, surplus s 20,834 18.637 Telephone Department, surplus 8324 6,210 Deduct: ment. $ 29,158 24,847 Water Depart- deficit 33302 18,167 Deficit Surplus 4,734 6,680 As to the reason why the figures and results differ. It may be explained that the Inspector uses the figures shown in the Cash Abstract on pp. 28-31 of the City's Annual Report for 192e. On entries necessary for Inter-departmental for. wrvef urinopn "True IBM Souna ' . m , N ew Vlodel OillC Trad Mark Ret'd Victrola Victor Talking Machine Company of Canada, Limited,. Momrtai charges and credits, and thus arrive at the correct surplus or deficit on cacru department. The InsDector snecl- ! flcally states In his report that Item of the nature of cross-entries, tee. have as fsr as possible been eliminated, and consequently he does not give any ef fect to them. PROFIT AND t.OW As regards the distinction between the terms "Profit and Loss" and "Surplus and Deficit," this Is just a matter of technique. According to the best accounting practice, the expression Pro fit and Loss Is applied to businesses trading for profit, while Surplus and Deficit Is applicable to Municipalities. Churches, Clubs, Lodges, Societies, &c, whose accounts are kept in the form of Cash Receipts and Cash Payments. A municipality theoretically Is not supposed to have either a surplus or a deficit. It estimates at the beginning of a year what Its expenditure will be and what Its miscellaneous receipts will be, and the difference of excess of expenditure, over receipts is what the ratepayers -have to pay. and are assessed for. The receipts should therefore ex- actly balance the expenditure. A trading concern on the other hand estimates what Its cost of manufacturing will be. then fixes its selling price so as to allow for a certain margin of profit. Its revenue should then exceed Its expenditure, and the balance la profit earned. If a municipality's receipts exceed Its expenditure, the difference Is a surplus which Is carried forward to the next year, and the ratepayers have less to pay that year. But It there is a 'deficit In one year, the ratepayers are assessed in the year fol-lowing, to make It good. OEOROE RORIE, City Auditor. A report from the Utilities committee the other hand. I use these figures at ' """'"s purcnase irom Al- a basis and elve effect to rert.m Derl " nery at S7J50 per ton of 50 tons of washed pea coal for the dry dock power plant was accepted by the city council last night. IN PROBATE. IN THE SUPREME COI RT OF BRITISH COLUMBIA In the Matter Act: and of the Administration In the Matter of the Estate ot Caddv. Dereimert intMt.t. John TAKE NOTICE that by order ot Ills Honor P. McB. Young, the 20th day of 3LP-9' 1 M PP!"ted Admin mrator of the estate of John Caddy, cteceaaed. and all- parties having claims against the ald estate are hereby re-quired to furnish same, properly verified, to me on or befoi th. Smf, .T, r iaa an detoted to the estate, are required to pay Jhe "mount of their Indebtedness to me! NORMAN A. WATT, Official Administrator, Prince Rupert. B.C. Dated rv... 4K- the 25th .... day of July, AJ3. 1927. Console of new and exquisite design takes its place among the other famous models of . the New Orthophonic Victrola Beactv and distinction of appearance, to-tther with the unequalled musical perform-aivre of the Orthophonic rrproducting system are combined in this new model of the Orthophonic Victrola. Developed in a caUnet of practical Knv. and executed in rich mahefany thi new instrument brings a note of beauty and refinement to almost any type of interior. It has the defiance of simplicity, yet harmonizes with even the moot elaborate furnishings. It is eminently fitted to take its place with the oVr famous models of the new tl Orthophonic Victrola now available to the public. All of the many convtoienm which aU itHI further to your enjoyment of Victor music are embodied in this splendid new Orthophonic Victrola. The record stops when the music is finished and stop automatically 'without the necessity for setting" or adjusting; anything. With the wonderful electric motor operating; from the lighting; circuit, winding is liimmatrd. There are now tlx beautiful instrument from which vou may select at "His Matter' Voicr" Dealer. They are obtainable on convenient term from $775 down to $115, Demonstration are given daily. Made only by Victor Look for the Trademark Canadian National s cThc Largcft Railway Syfttm in America STEAMSHIP AND TRAIN SERVICE SAIMNC1M from I'RINCK RITEKT for VANTOFVEK. VICTOUI t. UK TTI.f and intermediate point, each Till KM) A V and M .MIA Y, 1 1.00 p.m. For ANYOX and KKTrillK AN Karh WF.HNKSHAY, 4.00 p.m. For STEWAItT r.aeh SATl'llDAY, 10.00 p.m. For NORTH AND HOtTII QI F.EN CIIAItLOTTK ISLAND, fortnightly, passenoi;k TRAINS lkave pkinck HITF.KT DAILY EXCEPT SL'ND.W at ll a.m. for PRINCE (iYMKUT.. KIIMOV TON, WINNIPEG, all points Eastern Canada, t'nlted Mute. AGENCY AI4. OCEAN STEAMSHIP LINES. Use Canadian National Express for Money Orders, Foreign Cheques, etc, alo for your next shipment. , CITY TICKET OFFICE. 528 TlllHIl AVE, PRISCf! IIL'fF.BT. Pborw 18 : - i CANADIAN isanwivj1 Canadian Pacific Railway B. C. Coast Services Sailings from Prince Rupert To Krtrlilkan, Wrangell, Juneau and Skntway September 0, IT, J. To Vancouver, Victoria and Seattle September II, 21, 30. PRINCE IIKATKICE. For Butedale, East Helta Delia, Oeean Falln, Namu, Alert Bay, Campbell Rlter, and Vancomrr every Saturday, II a.m. aiency for all Bteamslilp Lines. f,, informstlon from W. C, ORCIURII. General Agent. Corner el 4th Street and Ird Avenue, Prince Rupert, B.C UNION STEAMSHIPS rliw... i, Itunen ....... Hailing from Prlncs L ... VIVTAtlli.H ... : ' ? ' I.. .... ..v.j, tH, iiuium swans on my, Alert o.in. For VANCOUVER. VICTORIA ror ruin bfmpsON. ALICE nay, a p.m. LIMITED Ilay, etc, Tuesday, S . Butedale. Alert Hay, etr. Saturday 9 a.i ARM. ANYOX. STEWARTa!,.. Man.1,1 . Jttn' PolnU ,nd port atminon, Friday n V'' 123 2nd AVenne u u uuiti, ' Through tlekets sold lo Victoria an.' .Vat tie at a barrage checked through to derflnatlan. in. Sun- Prlne Ruiiert, II '' reduced rate and JAPANESE OVAL RAG RUGS Fringed. $1.7 each. Just the thing for the Bedroom or Bathroom. Barrie's Home Furnishings I!ox 808 Phone 123