AGE SIX THE DAILY NEWS Here! Here! OUR PRICES WILL CONVINCE YOU Small White Iieans, 4 lbs. for Drown Beans, 15 lbs. for Sj? 1.00 Split Teas. S lbs. for . . 25? Barley. 8 lbs. for 25? Jelly Powder, 4 pkgs. . . 25? White Swan Soap, 25 bars $1.00 Classic Soap, 18 bars for $1.00 P. & G. Naptha Soap, 15 bars for $1.00 Vegetable Marrow, 6 lbs. for 25? Pumpkin, 3 lbs. for ... . 25? Hibbard Squash, 3 .lbs. 25? Celery, 2 bunches 25 f Crab Apples, 7 lbs. . . 50? California Lettuce, 2 heads for 25? Fresh Cabbage, 1 lb. for 5? Fresh Sweet Biscuits, 3 lbs. for $1.00 Just arrived. Mussalleni Grocery COMPANY LTD. 417-423 Fifth Ave. East Phone 18 and Phone 84 Thor Johnson UK 1VJ for ens Clothing and Furnishings The home of "SOCIETY BRAND" CLOTHES REDUCTION in Prices 15 per cent off for two weeks only Come in and inspect our stock . T. LEE LADIES' & GENTLEMEN'S TAILOR Third Avenue P.O. Box 977 MILK -:- PRICE Reduced to 12 pints for $1.00 7 quarts for $1.00 12 pints for $1.00 Cash price tickets. McBride Street store now closed Valentin Dairy Office and Dairy - 11th St Telephone C57. LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phone 63 Cartage, Warehousing, and Distributing. Team or Motor Service. Coal Sand and Gravel. We Specialize in Piano and Furnitun! Moving. ANGER, the TAILOR Fine Imported Serge and Scotch Tweed Suits made to order in our shop in Prince Rupert as low CCC ftft as f WS) V w I. ANGER, Cutter and Designer 223 Sixth Street I V i kdS9T3I999SRS9EHKXHHHflsBBV j UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO HOLDS CELEBRATION Bis Event Attended by Premier of Canada and Sir Arthur Meighen TORONTO. Oct. . The UntTrrsttr of Toronto which ccltbrttes the centenary rf Its foundation tomorrow, h ottt of tbe oldest snd perhaps the moat widely known of Canadian universities. Of English (peaking Institutions only King's. College. Halifax, tbe University of New Brunswick, and MrOlll University, Montreal, can boast of a longer history. The granting of a Royal charter to King's College In 1827 marked the beginning of the present Institution. The corner stent of the first building was laid In 184 J and instruction begun In 1843. In 1840 the name "University of Toronto' was adopted and It was made a non-sectarian Institution. The provincial government assumed control In 1867, making It the Provincial University of On tario. In 1906 the government relin quished control to the newly consti tuted bond of governors. KtXKilOlS TTKMOIL Born and nurtured In a turmoil of rtllgloua and political 4 testation It has evolved into a federation . embracing nectarlan colleges which has attracted the attention of educationalists the WATER NOTICE. DIVERSION 'AMI I'KE TAKE NOTICE that E. Rousneau, whan sddress la 410 Seymour Street. Vancouver, B.C.. wlU apply for a licence to take and use 1 cubic foot of water out of unnanmed stream which flows southerly and drains Into Port Stephens Bay. about one mUe east of Bluff Point. The water wUl be diverted from tbe stream at a point axwt 600 feet from the mouth and will le used for commercial purposes upon the land described as Lot 2750, Range 4, Coast District. This notice was posted on the ground on the 26th day of July. 1927. A copy of thla notice and an application pursuant thereto and to the "Water Act" wlU be filed In the office of the Water Recorder at Prince Rupert. B.C. Oblec-tlons to the application may be filed with the aald Water Recorder or with the Comptroller of Water Rights, Parliament Buildings, victoria, B.C.. within, thirty daya after the first appearance of thla notice In a local newspaper. The date of the first publication of this notice la AUgUSt 20, 1BZ7. EUGENE ROUSSEAU, Applicant LAND ACT. NOTICE OF INTENTION TO APPLY TO LEASE LAND In Queen Charlotte Islands Land Recording District of Prince Rupert, and situate at Jedway Harbor, Moresby Island. Q.C.I. TAKE NOTICE that Mlllerd Packing Company. Limited, of Vancouver. B.C.. occupation Packer, intends to apply for a lease of the following described lands: Commencing at a post planted at the northeast corner of Lot 88, Q.CX; thence northwesterly and along high water mark 18 chains, more or less, to a point N. 66 37' E. from the N.E. corner Lot 140: thence north 58 37' E. 1-5 chains, more or leas, to low water mark; thence southeasterly along low water mark to a point n, oo 37 e. xrom ine location post: thence 2 SI chains, more or less, to the point of commencement, and containing 5 acre, more or less. Mii,i,r;mj fackinq compant, LIMITED, Applicant. Dated September 7. 1B27. LAND ACT. NOTICE OF INTENTION TO APPLY TO LEASE LAND Queen Charlotte Islands Land District. Land Recording District of Prince Rupert, and situate north of Lota 1658 and 1657. TAKE NOTICE that The Langara Pishing and Packing Co. Ltd. of Mauett, occupation Canners, Intends to apply for s lease of the following described lands: Commencing at a post planted twenty chains north of Tan Indian Reserve and on the shore of Mclntyre Bay; thence north 6 chains to the low water mark thence westerly following said low water 160 chains; thence southerly 5 chains: thence easterly 160 chains to the point of commencement, and containing eighty cres, more or lew. LnANOARA FISHINO As PACKING CO. LTD, Applicant Fred Nash, Agent. Dated June 27. 1927. Three Big Specials Another Shipment of Fresh Pullet Eggs Just Arrived 3 dozen for $1.(15 100 Boxes of Fancy Mcintosh lied Apples This week at per box .... 2.75 500 Tins Heinz Fork and Beans to cleat for more to arrive, 5 tins for 55? Wednesday night at the first Elks' Dance of the season we will donate one box pi fancy Mcintosh jRed ArpJb jQiithe fir?,,, ticket drawn i.beonu!)ticKe prawn win receive one head of Oona River's famous cabbage. Be there and Bee the fun. B.C. Butchers & Grocers Limited Phones 45 and 574 Always Equally Good I! SALAD LAND ACT. NOTICE OF INTENTION TO APPLY TO LEAKE LAM) In Atlln Land Recording District ot the Casstar District, and situate at the mouth of Wann River, about 500 feet easterly along the shore from tue north west corner oi me sxyiars Mineral Claim. TAKE NOTICE that I. Horace Mc- Naughton Fraser, of Atlln, occupation B.C. Land Surveyor, acting as agent for tne Engineer uoia mines imi inc., intends to apply for a lease of the following described lands: Commencing at a post planted about 600 feet easterly along the shore from the northwest corner ot the Skylark Mineral Claim; thence northerly 225 feet; thence easterly 100 feet; thence southerly 150 feet, more or less, to high water mark; thence westerly 100 feet, more or less, to point of commencement, and containing 0.5 acres, more or less. ENGINEER OOLD MINES LTD.. INC., Applicant. H. McN. Fraser, Agent. Dated Ausust 0. 1927. LAND ACT NOTICE OF INTENTION TO APPLY TO LEASE LAND In Prince Rupert Land Recording Dls trlct of Prince Rupert, and situate on Princess Royal Island at East Side Cove from Butedale Cannery. TAKE NOTICE that I. Jacob Koskl, of Butedale. B.C.. occupation a fisherman, Intends to apply for a lease of the following described lands: Commencing at a pout planted about 500 yards northeast of Butedale Cannery Wharf; thence east 5 chains; thence south 2 chains; thence west 5 chains; thence north 2 chains to point of commencement and containing one acre, more or less. JACOB KOSKI, Applicant. Dated August 27. 1027. Cash and Carry Grocery Cth Avenue and Fulton Street TOO Maintains a tradition of excellence. world over and has already been used Bland-Sutton, and the British Asaaeta-imfteiereral otter inslrtuttons, ; Hon tor the Advancement of SateaM by notably Ute University of uanltoea ana w vwm otmrtaeasn. toe University of Alberta. Until 180 It was under the control of the Church of England and was availed by people outside that eommuaioa on the ground that a state -supported institution should not be of a sectarian character. Making it aoat-seeurian did not. for a time, improve matter much. It was distant places. then attacked as a "godless institution." Meantime sectarian ooliefee were springing up and the province was becoming over-burdened with facilities for higher education. The Methodists established Victoria University at Oobourg. The Anglican. Trinity University at Toronto snd the Reman Catholic. St. Michael's Cjllrgs. Toronto. Knox Ooflege and Wy-cttffe College were theolofieal school, the former Presbyterian and tbe latter Anglican. Al these denominational colleges now form part of the university Invitations were seat to every venity and learned vooiety in the world aad in all some 350 delegate are expected. They will coaie from Ohtna. from Japan and India, from the tries of South Amerloa and from Aus tralia and Africa, as well as from less DRAW IS MADE FOR SNOOKER TOURNEY Nineteen Entries In Opening Eirnt of St. Andrew's Sxletj Indmir Spurts Program The following draw waa made last night for the preliminary and tint rounds of the St. Andrew's Society and dissension and strife have been re- I snooker tournament which are to be placed by harmony and toleration. , completed by October 10: (1KEAT LKAItEKS l'ltll;T The pr'.me minister of Canada. Rt. lion. Mackenzie King, and his immediate prcdecesscr. night Hon. Arthur Metghen. are both graduates, and will both be present at the Centenary. Hon. O. Howard Ferguson, premier of Ontario, Is also a graduate and will deliver one of the two chief addresses of the meeting. The other Is to he delivered by Hon. A. Tascbereau. premier of Quebec. Two other premiers, alio graduates, Hon. John Bracken of Manitoba and Hon. J. E. Drownlee of Alberta may be present. E. W. Beatty. K.C.. president of the Canadian Pacific Railway, has announced that he will attend. Hon. Vincent Massey, Canadian Minister in Washington, also a graduate. it coming to represent the University of Oxford. The following will be present as of other universities Prelector Leonard Kltrtck. University of British Columbia: Dr. Fred J. Woodbrldge, Col umbia University. New York; President A Stanley Gordon, Dilhousle University, Nova Scotia; Rev. A. D. Moore, Klng'a College. Halifax; Monseigneur Emlle Roy. Laval University, uebec; Dr. Henri Laurlus. Louvaln University, Lou- vain, Belgium: Sir Arthur Currle. Mc- QUI University. Montreal: Rev. V. Plette, University of Montreal; C. Preliminary A. Stuart vs. L. ArroU. J. Enklne vs. R. Davie. O. S. Rtuwtl vs. II. Smith. T. Haddon. bye. I'lrfct Round A. McLeod va. W. Barton. J. S. Irvine vi. O. Scott. M. Andrews vs. J. M. Campbell. J. Ross va. S. D. Maedonald. A. Clapper-ton vs. (fi Abbott. A. Murray vs. R. Wood. The committee in charge of tbe tournament consists of S. D. Macdonald, O. S. Russell and George Abbott. ARRANGEMENT IS MADE WITH BESNER ON SAND City Agree to Arrrpt .Lut Adjoining Pit a Conslilrratlitn fur Smlul suit-ply Arrangement The city council last night adopted an arrangement submitted by Aid. Brown whereby Oiler Besner shall deed over to the city lot 6. Block 40, section 7. In consideration for certain privilege in connection with the supply of washed sand from the city's Quarry on Etebth J! Avenue for his building at the corner t" lof Third Avenue and Third Street. Jones. M.A., University of New Brans-1 tinker the irr..M - tw,.. wick; Rev. F. Marsotte. Ottawa Unlver-! anu oMln tTom the otty ,t 10c slty; Rev. R. Bruce Taylor, Queen's , y&r(t 600 yMu ot wapne, Hnd , which University. The British Medical Amo- c(mU the cRv 25c uer vard. The lot elation will be represented by Sir John which Mr. Besner shall convey to the city in return adjoins Ihe sand pit. and, according to Aid. Brown, will be valuable to the city in getting future sand supply. The latter felt that the deal would be to the advantage of the city and he moved that it be negotiated. PROGRESSIVE CANADIAN ESKIMOS IN NORTH Canadian Eskimos are progressive people. The more alvanced have, In their homes, sewing machines, gramophones and radio outfits. In the Mackenzie delta and along the Arctic coast the ambition of the head of a family Is to own a schooner fitted with an auxiliary gasoline engine, and the high price of Arctic furs has enabled a good many to attain this objective. At Ak- lavlk. a trading village, mission station, and police post on one of the Islands of the delta, as many as twenty-five of these schooners, all owned by natives are frequently to be seen at one time. HOTEL AHKIVALS ITInre Kupert Alex W. Alllott and Louie Wong, Vancouver; M. Dahlquist, Terrace; Mr. and Mrs. R. O. Johnston. Inverness; J. J. Dinsmore, Toronto: Mr. and Mrs. R. O. Whltaker, Cedarvale: J. Armstrong, Victoria: O. McGregor, Nell Burton, Earle W. Lockwood, S. Warren and Oua Hagen. Seattle: J. R. Morgan and B. E. Morgan. Butedale. , Kavoy Frank Balwaln. Butedale; R. O. Cun nlngham. Port Eeslngton; F. Kruzlcb and E. Weedalr, Alberta; J. Williams, Smltbers; Mrs. P. Wilkinson, Exstew: Mrs. Schwartz, Ilazelton; W. Purl, city; Charles Moraes, Tom Moraes and W. 8. Field. Warke Channel; W. II. Thorne. C.N.R. Central E. N. Johnston, Jasper, J. Weis, C.N.R4 Henrjr Olsen, city. W. DKchrlttlson, "ri" "'"' manager of the La We sell lor casn-ioniy. that:sL,jtr why we sell for lesTCd by fJff, Ba "" ""VM 1 the first charge. on the Ca- chasing yurarMr you are ableo ISve'2! peF cemfonefleu'B!ir"Duriii on your investment Quality is absence of Mr. Chrlstlson, Mrs. J high, aij prices low. Everything Tannock win take charge of in store plainly marked with price . bakery tags. Come in and look things over. Seeing is believing, or phone 304. Five Dollar orders delivered free. S. B. ADAMS, Manager. R the A second charge of Obtaining money under false pretences Is to be laid against Harry Saunders, erstwhile Ecstall River pulp mill promoter, who is to appear in provincial police court at the end of the week on remand of PROTECTION OF GAME ON KAIEIHSLAND IS URGED BY ALDERMEN On motion of Aid. Lareen. who made allegation that deer were being slaughtered on Katen Island which was earmarked as s game prcnerve. tbe city rotmcl decided last night to request tr,.tmf djpirtaejl. ';er tfevrrfwtrial government to havs'sTpgjagwie warden appointed to see to the prenerva-tlon of the reserve. AM. Lassen's motion was seconded by Aid. Brown and unsalanoualy carried. AM. Lanen stated that be had ressstt to oeileve that there ware wholesale infraction of the game refutations on Kaien Island. Dear were In the habit oi aomlag 1b large number to the Island aad some had beoome very taint. Almost any morning at leant lour or five of thaw could be seem on the high way. It was bis opinion that, in the future, they would be a great asset the city. However, be was informed that large numbers of tbem were being shot every year. He believed that It would be advisable for the council to communicate with tbe game department with a view to having protection of the animate ensured and, therefore, moved xccordlngly. In seconding tbe motion. Aid. Brown agreed with the remarks of Aid. Larson that the deer were not being properly protected. MARRIED WOMEN TEACHERS DISCUSSED Sprukrrs Itrfrnd and Opixwr Allotting Tlirm to Continue In Profroxlon WINNIPEG, Oct. riage should debar a teaching profession bated by the North 4. Whether mar-woman from the was recently de-Winalpeg branch of the Independent Labor party. Married women found then strongest defender in Marcos Hyman. a member of tbe school board, and their most vigor ous opponent in A. W. Puttee. Marcus Hyman argued that efficiency, not the wedded state, should be tbe criterion of teacher employment. Moat married teachers continue in the profession because of economic need. A. W. Puttee maintained that younger unmarried teachers are In closer harmony with the pupils and understand then- needs. Older teachers are out of touch with youth, he said. Married teachers should be employed only In special circumstance, he contended. The eeosensus of opinion among those who joined In the discussion was that In esses where the husband earns sufficient to support the home, the wife should not be employed. Advertise In Tbe Dally News SYNOPSIS OF LAND ACT AMENDMENTS PRE-EMPTIONS Vacant. unreserved. surveyed Crown lands may be prs-smptsd by British subjects over II years of age, and by aliens on declaring Intention to beoome British subjects, conditional upon residence, occupation, jid Improvement for agricultural uurponen Full information concerning rsra .atlons regarding pre-emptions la given In bulletin No. 1, Land Series. "How to Pre-empt LndV copies of rhlcli can be obtained free of charge ly addressing the Department of Lands. Victoria, B.C.. or to any Government Agent r Records will be granted covering only land suitable for agricultural purposes, and which la not timber-land. I.e., carrying over 8,000 board feet per acre west of the Coast Range and E.OOO fest per acre east of tbat tlance. Applications for pre-emptions are to be addreaied to tbs Land Commissioner of tbe Land Recording Division. In which the land applied for Is situated, and are made on printed forms, conies of which can be ob tained from the Land Commissioner. Pre-emptions must be occupied for five years and Improvements mad to value of 110 per acre. Including clearing and cultivating: at least five acres, before a Crown Orant can be received. For more detailed Information sss the Bulletin "How to Pre-empt Land." ft PURCHA8E Applications are received tor purchase of vacant and unreserved Crown lands, not being tlmberland, for agricultural purposes; minimum price for flrat-class (arable) land is li per acre, and second-class (erasing) land 12.60 per acre. Further Information regarding purchase or lease of Crown lands Is given In Bulletin No. 10, Land Series. "Purchase and Leas of Crown Lands." Mill, factory, or Industrial sites os timber land, not exceeding 40 acres. may be purchased or leased, the conditions including payment of stumpaee. HOMESITE LEASES Unsurveyed areas, not exceeding M acres, may be leased as homesltes, conditional upon a dwelling being erected In the first year, title being obtainable after residence and Improvement oondltlona are fulfilled and land has been surveyed. LEASES For gracing and Industrial porpoise areas notexoedlng Itt acres may b lsasd by ons persoa or a company' ORAZINQ 9 Under the Orating Act the Pro-lnc Is divided into gracing districts and th ran: administered under a Oraslng Commissioner. Annual grazing permits are laaued based oa numbers ranged, priority being gives to established owners. Stodt-ownera may form assMlattons for range management Free, or partly frsa, permits are available) tor settlers, eawpers aad traveUtsre. as ts last W4. e Tueidr. Oct nbtr 4, ; SPECIAL! Certificate of Guarantee of Genuine English Blue Serge SUITS We, the undersigned, guarantee these suits t be made from Genuine English Blue Serge, and to be absolutely free from any danger of fading due to exposure to sun or effects of either fresh or .salt water. We stand at the back of every Blue Serj.-. Suit. Special $29-85 Acme Importers -""aesaisg WESTHOLME THEATRE TUESDAY ONLY, 7 and 3 p.m. Milton Sills 66 In FRAMED 99 NATALIE KINGSTON. E. J. KADCL1FFK, CHARLES GEK- hard, iiumt Mcintosh and others. MEKMAID COMEDY "BRAIN STORMS1 CAMEO COMEDY "HOT SOUI,H Admission ..... 35c and 10c Canadian National Steamships Co. Limited Prince Rupert DRYDOCK AND SHIPYARD Operating (i.T.P. 20,000 Ton Floating Dry Dock LnaJiifern. Machinists, ilollermnUfrs, UlacksmitliM, Pattern makcra. Founders, WixxlworkerN Etc ELECTRIC AND ACETYLENE WELDING. Our plant is equipped to handle all kinds of MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK. PHONES 43 and 385 DRESSES! We have just unpacked a consignment of SMART DRESSES FOR AFTERNOON AND EVENING WEAR All very reasonably priced. Also 50 New Hats in Felts and , Velvets You are cordially invited to inspect them. A small deposit will rc8crvc any one. ' The H. S. Wallace Co., Ltd. Phone 9. 3rd Avenue and Fulton UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT CENTRAL HOTEL The place called "Home" 120 Rooms, American and European Plan. Hot and Cold Water. Bus meets all trains and boats. Sample Room Phone 5L L. Martin, Manager.