,. r.r ' i ' I ii il pub- ai i'li.'.fil iiy trie o il --.li l'u.tn! or by , i'li.' .t t,( Uritirfh n'umbi.-i i i i ii qi THE PIONEER LAUNDRY KIDS HOUSE ' HOLD r VJv3 BKOISIEM- NOW SHE KNOWS ' found out that this ; ii.-n-f to .send the fam- . she oliio discovered ' -'lid make her a spe- t r the family laundry. f riendt, alwut it and I 'heir friends about it trotting to be quite ..1'iinlry. Pioneer Laundry I'hnne 118 YOU ARE INVITED lu see Ladies' Coats Eats nnd Dresses nt The Louvre 31C Third Avenue Nex Royal Bank Wood DRY MUCH, CEDAR AND JACK PINE Sinple Load $'A.0 T'ouble Load JjiU.oO Largo Sack ."Of? 0 RHNRLES I)KV KINDLING, .SI. 00 I'honc o8() HydeTransfer AND COAL CO. 139 Second Avenue English Made - (o Measure Suits and Pure Wool Cloths Iiy Mall. AGENTS WANTED to carry cloth patterns and take iiH'iisurea for English high-grade TnilorinK House. Liberal commis- hi Ciish trade. Splendid open-im; for torekeeper, agent carrying other lire, or man with largo dr-' of inn ids. Write, enclosing twi-ik rcferem to Dept C.. Com-r-.".r-,a Adveri.i.vins! Service. North P- .uit , Mwicii'.fter. England. it STEWART Wot u being speeded up by the pro. I uncial department ot patUe vk a T A ' " oi ia , Mi duv dutch ehaat. A. tree member! of Um Moos Lodge are workm at Moose Pwk toilay. R G Btrefc of tb tocal tunk Mo: real ataff la on holMa, trtpl ' Mill AMmw&n Or PTIdm RunaH c iik here to reMeve him y T (it tot of Nelson la attending tx iirrr with hla sou and daul-ti - in -law T- . anil at Mm Duitwol! mlitc to in xra-ion anain followtnc a tarcakdown --h ''Huaed It to we down for over :ne of the prtaclpal MUm io tn-E-.jr ie ttiitln of J. C Brady. UP, . .i hi- vi art here laat weHt waa th ; imiioii of the eatabllalMMflt of dock . liitrmot River. C P Hickman, Dominion riaherlea : -ni-ctor and A. E Young KturtMd vk from a trip to the Uezuden lke flah ladder. Mr and Mm. R W Kennedy have moved into their new borne on Tenth .street and Mr. and Mra. Jama Ounn are occupy lata ttr oM Vancouver Street. Development la very oatrec la the Marmot River section. Ttaa Uanaot Traniporutton Co .. in addition to v-rl teams, baa aomeUilog over thirty head of paekhoraM on Um trail taking .a more than 160 torn of winter sup-pli to Um Proaaertty as well m a heavy order of supplies to the Parter-Idaho and Waahlagton. SMwart now has a talsphoan service available aa a result of the enterprise of Xmaat Love who haa oeaaataed the Portland Canal Telephone Oo. Snglnaera and mining men declare the Silverado diseovertee of high grade ore to be Um moat imaatlswal In the history of the north. Th crew has been Increased as eighteen men and two eons of ore, rtraeMng from I too to 130 per ton is being sacked dally. Jaasea H. Neabttt and aaeoelates are carrying out ilivilopnamt work on the Ruth and rraacla property oo the north terk at O lacier Creek. Results have been altogether aatJatactory. Mlas Kate Ryan made a rereat trip to Ketchikan TIMIIGK SALE XI303 Bealed Tenders will be received by the Minister of Landa. at Victoria. B.C. not later than noon on the 13th day of October. 1937. for the purcaase of iuip Licence Xf03. to eu: 49.400.ooo f.bm. Spruce. Hemlock and Cedar on an area situated on Copper Bay. Moresby Island. Queen ChsrloHe Islands District. Thirty (SO) yesrs will be allowed for removal or tunoer. Further DsrUeulara of the Chief For ate. Victoria. B.C.. or District Forester. Prince Rupert, BC. TLMHEU SALE X I29S Sealed Tenders wUl be received by the Minister of Lands, at Victoria. DC not later than noon on the 13th day of October. 1937. for the purchase of Pulp Licence X4J98, to cut 13.092.000 t.bm. Spruce. Hemlock and Cedar on an area Mtuaiea on vjicj r..xn rtharlniio Iilinds District. Thirty (SO) years will be allowed for removal oi tunoer. Further particulars of the Chief Forest. Victoria. 13 C . or District Forester, Prince Rupert. B.C. TIM11ER SALE X4297 Sealed Tenders will be received by the Minuter of Lands, at Victoria, B.C., not later than noon on the 13th day or October, 1927, for the purchase of Pulp Licence X4297. to cut 38.375.000 f.bJn. Spruce. Hemlock and Cedar on an area situated on Copper Bay. Moresby Island. Queen Charlotte Islands District. Thirty 130 years will be allowed for removal. 6l timber. . rMrtfcerpartlculars of th Chief Forest. Victoria. B.C.. or District Forester. Prince Rupert. B.C. IN PRORATE IX Till: SiriMIKMlTrOlIRT OF llltlTISH COLUJIIII.t In the Matter or the Administration ct: nd , . In the Matter of the Estate of Jo Elman (otherwise) Joe Herman. Deceased. Intestate. . ... TAKE NOTICE that by order of His Honor F McD. Young, the. 11th day of August. AX). 1927. I was appointed Administrator of the estate of Joe Elman (otherwise! Joe Herman, deceased, and all parties having claims against the said estate are hereby required to furnish same, properly verified, to me on or before the 21st day of September. AD 1927, and all parties indebted to the estate are required to pay the amount ot their Indebtedness to me ferUiwith. noeman A WArri Official Administrator, Prince Rupert. B.C. 1027 Dated the 24th day of AugtAJ. IN PRORATE. IX THE HIll'RKME COURT OF BRITISH COLUMBIA In the Matter of the Administration In theVatttr of the Estate of Duncan Ollbert McKay, Deceased. Intestate. TAKE NOTICE that by order of HU Honor. F McB. Young, the 27th day ot August. A D. 1927. I was appointed Administrator of the estate of Duncan Oll-bert McKay, deceased, and all parties havlrut claims against the said estate are hereby required to furnish same, properly verified to me on or before th 1st day oroctober AD. 1027. and all parties Indebted to the estate are required to pay the amount ot their indebtedness to me forthwith. NORMAN A. WATT, Official Administrator, FrLuco Rupert, BO. Dsted th ttt dsy ot Septem!! A.W , 1927, YANDERHOOF MfflUl A will Jsmes W and IULrrt Omq bav. bee mmcoa tneU vm ceuBeli ""t lutpiBMiuaut work in Vanderbuof On of the moat laafnmat Um read work proejram for ta aov almost waatfetrd he III t HUtlif M Af iMHAmllu. of ... H i - n - vehlemW eelcaion rtahtL in ...... the Manson Creak country. Principal Cook of the T Superior School ttee rented the Ham- mood bwUdtng am Burrard Avenue. The Tillage eesnmKsiDiiiis nave had a lane cat through from Church Aswan eastward between Stewart and Colom bia Streets. Mr. and Mra Warren Johnson. Mr. and ttra. Harold Tlbbetta and J ceroid Johnaon have returned from a trip to the state of Waanlngton After having managed the Fort St. Jamea trading poet since July. Mr. Al ders is about to return to the Lac Seul poet Rev Mr. Halea. ancceanor to Ref. George J Oray as Anglican psitor here. is expected to arrive on Wednesday of this At Harvest Tbanksgtvtng Mrvlaes in the United Church Mat an Sunday there was an augmented ehoir the lisilrrhsrp of R. K. Moare. The wheat crop In the Fort Paaer district this season hat ha ly good but oats are not so good, having anscred from the leng dry and hot -pell during July and August. The Board of Trad it again requesting the federal government lor improvements of to Tatchl River. Wltltam M. Perrter of Stuart Lake baa left for Vancouver where ha will spend a holiday visit with relatives. The Central Interior Co-operative Hay and Oratn Pool loaded a rtr lost week for a point east of Prince Oeorge. Rev. J. T. Smeaton a motor trip to Prince George last week on church bus! sees. The condition of Mrs. Horace Samuels baa bean seriously ill of late, ta showing a decided Improvement. P. OMeera has purchased ISO acrea jt prairie land adjoining the property st hla brother. Alfred. Several guardians of Indian nova and gtria were Is police court here last week efesrged with not seeing that their eblldren attended school. of Word la received that Mrs. Owen Burdette, who la a patient In the V anew ver Oeaeaal Hospital, as making satMsctory pmgreaa toward recovery. The Vanderboof school won the first prise at the recent Prince Oeorge Exhibition for school exhibit. Mr. and Mrs. Alanson Weeks and daughter of San Francisco have return-1 ed south after spending a pleasant vacation at Stuart Lake. They plan to return and purchase land upon which to build a summer home there. in Advertise In The Dally Nw LAND ACT. XOTICF. OF INTENTION TO ArPI.Y TO LEASE LAND. In Prince Rupert Land Recording District of Coast District, Range 4. and situate on and being all of Bonllla Island except that portion occupied by Indian Reserve Number 18. TAKE NOTICE that I. Ole C. Austad, of Prince Rupert, B.C. occupation rancher, intends to apply for a leaae of the following described lands: Commeneinf at a post plsnted at the southeasterly point of Bonllla blind:, thence northerly, westerly, southerly and easterly, .following the alnuosttles of the shore line, to point of commencement, excepting therefrom -that portion of the island occupied by Indian Reserve No. 18. and containing one thousand acres, more of sr less. OLE C. AUSTAD. Applicant. Dated July 15. 1927. LAND ACT NOTICE OF INTENTION' TO APPLY TO LEASE LANI In Queen Charlotte Islands Land Recording District or Prince Rupert, and sttuat at Ferguson Bay. Graham Island, Q.C.I. TAKE NOTICE that SomenrHle Cannery Company. Limited, Vancouver. B.C.. occupaUon Packers. Intends to apply for a lease of Um following described lands: Commencing at a post planted at the northwest corner of Lot 1571, Q.C.I.; thence east 30 chains: thence north 2 chains, more or less, to low water mark; thence west following low water mark, 30 chains: thence south 2 chains, more or less, to point oi commencement, ana containing six (6) acres, more or less. SOMERVILIJ3 CANNERY COMPANY, -LIMITED, Applicant Dated August 31. 1927; IN PRORATE IN THE 81 I'KKMi: COI'KT OF BRITISH COI.L'.MlllA In the Matter of the Administrate Act: and In the Matter of the Estate of Arth Little. Deceased. Intestate. TAKE NOTICE that toy order o Honor. F. McB. Young, the 20th day of September, AJ3. 1927, I was appointed Administrator of the estate of Arthur C. Little, deceased, and all parties having claims against the said estate are hereby required to furnish same, properly verified, to me on or before the 21st day ot October. A D. 1927, and all parties Indebted to the estate are required to pay the amount ot their Indebtedness to me forthwith. NORMAN A. WATT. Official Administrator, - , , .,.-.. r " Dated the 21.it dav or September A.D 1937. COUNTY COURT IN MONTHLY SESSION .Ximl.rr f l Set for ,-f, nt llefsre Jodg I . .MrlL Vaunt County Ukla rooming befeaa JiUe j. Mod. Young. The Ust oCaaaea 'far 'bo cjar U as 1 eii,.. . araai 8 uudoward ivt nanay du. Pat '&EaMni lor ettaiattfl. data t. be fixed. A. M. Uanaoti ft al vs. weenie. HSTdO professional WUlisaaa. Maneon A Oonaales for plain an. Pataayare te Fulton for October 34. O. F. Brine at un. A. B. 4st0. men Ms one. wuiuuns. Manson Oonaatos for defendant. October 13. Claude Krtchum vs. Pater Byrne. fM. tawing work done. Patmore Jt Fntton far plaintin. Williams. Manson As Qon-aslas tor derndan: date to be set. WlUlam fMMMaom vs. B. Bryalldsen and eon. t&HM. money advanced. IVUllaJna. Maaaan & Oonaaies for plain -Utt. Patmore ft Fulton for defendant, date to be fined John Harra . A MacDonald. S64J2. work done. WHliams. Manaon Oonaales. for plaintiff. October 11. . re King vs. B.C. Fishing At Packing Co.. Oswae Packing Co, and r-nir. Jlshtng Co.. sppeili from maglttinta'a declaloo dismissing charges of ulegau iishlng. Deocntber 5. Vancouver DaJrtoi vs. Velvet let crannt Oo.. account. E. P Jonas for pielntlfj. ana wnttans, Manson It defendant. PRINCE GEORGE For a oonaWerstioii ol approtrlaaalely 430.000, the Prince Oeorge Motors Ltd. has acquired the property and business Bd. Hell here including hiailsianii tarage premlsss st the eornar oi Oeorge Street and Filth Avenue. Mr. HaU may locate in the Peace River district. Rev. S. PosUnger. rector of St Michael's Church here atone mo, is leaving with his i later tar Sngtand where they will spend the winter. In ab months. Mr. Pouinger will return to ibis district In the capacity of a mis tlonary to the outlying tjwns. A ensT In the schedule of the Pacific Orcat Kastarn RaUway provides far the arrival of trains in Queene! on Tuesdays and Fridays with departure en the asm days. Ibe next stack Judging team for th ew Westminster Exhibition from this district will consist of boys from th VsnderhooT regicn About 15 Opetaons 'attended a tea and enter t torment given In the 'ballroom the Psrnce Oeorge Hotel laat Wed-neaday afternoon by Miss Msrgare: Bowman and Mist Nan Craig. Those appearing In solo numbers Included Miu Helen McKensle. Miss Dorothy Quest. Miss Mary McKenale. Oordon Hunter, Mies Maude Ken wick, Miss Bowman and Miss Craig. After spending the summer in Van coovcr and Seattle, Miss Inga Ander ten has reopened her dancing school here. sheriff a. peters Baa unataiied a threshing outfit in the Fort Fraser district, much to the benefit of farmers that eeetiee. Mr. Peseta I the eta est farmer in this section of the pro vince. Rev. A. McKlnley Rose, who baa been associated with Rev Dr. Orenfell in missionary work In Labrador, is a vlsitcr here. BURNS LAKE Mining properties In this region . arc amply ,dsmhed in an Interesting book let wM.aEnttben lasted by the IndusffRrefOTeftfIUJejCoaa'! National ItaWWii.. 'eIV- A deficit of 53d Is shown a a result the School Fair recently held In Burns Lake. Dr. J. T. Steele haa purchased the building between Brunell's store and the post-office from A. Stdcrl and wul have it remodelled as a drug store and residence. W. Blokle and M. Tuohy have flulah-ed threshing In the Blekle district and have taken their outfit to Colleymount where threshing operations have already commenced on the farm of Char les Hunter. ' Dick Tayner has returned from Al berta where be participated In the harvest. Floyd Stanyer and Dick O' Ilara will tie returning very soon. Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Lukens of Pall ing left last week for San Diego by automobile. Enroute they will spend about a month at Vancouver. They spent a day In Vanderhoof. John Go wans Is wiring th Bums Lake hardware store for electric light. I CM mi 'V 1 mit 'v l ) -ti Mr. and Mrs. -'John Blench returned last week from Prince Rupert where Mr. Blench has been a, patient In the hospital A. E. Klssock haa moved Into his new and modern barber shop. R. Lowe and J. Brown of the Burns Lake Hardware are building a large new warehouse on lots south of the trsek ou the lake froat. Fred (6ta);yei ha t:. cc'..aci to. the ' "d- 0 fH3 DAIL7 HS73 PAGE FTV3 "V a A harvest of happiness There's a whole harvest of pipe-happiness to be reaped from Old Chum ! Experienced smokers know that the famous Old Chum quality never varies and many have smoked it daily for over forty years. It is Canada's most popular tobacco. Valuable presents are offered in exchange for the "Poker Hands" in every package and tin. The large 25c. package contains two "Poker Hands" ing. Mrs. A. M. Ruddy, recently returned from a trip to Vancouver, la now a patient In the Burns Lake Hospital. NEW HAZELTON Rally Day was suitably observed in the United Church at Hazelton on Sun-lay with Rev. J. II. Young in tb pulpit. Frank Martin has returned from a rd prospecting trip Into the country north of here. He took only enough srub for eight days but was gone three weeks. The compressor plant for the Silver Cup mine on Nine Mile Mountain has urlred and haa been taken up the hill or Installation. A number of new men are coming into the district to work at the various mine which are in operation. Having motored up; from Eugene, Oregon. Bird Rose, accompanied by. two daughters and. a son, arrived last week, Mr. Rose Is interested in timber bold- George Cooper of Prince Rupert was oernneridwef'lasr-wk- tarring on a motor trip east. William Oow, ON.R. agent at Hazel-ton, left last week for a two weeks' holiday which be -will spend hunting ducks on prairies lakes. Good progress Is being made on the drift on the vein at the 300 foot level on the American Boy mine and It l expcted the ore will be struck In a short time. Oeorge A. McOrath, fishery guardian at 15-M!le Creek, Bablne Lake, reports a splendid run of sockcye salmon Into the creek. Drt .numbcrj of trout of ill Tarletles are' following the salmon and the creek Is now a - popular resort for anglers. Bear River, at the east end of Bablne Lake, had the biggest run ot sockeye this reason in years. Many ladies attended the post-nuptial reception of Mrs. II. C. Wrlnch last Thursday afternoon. Mrs. Wrlnch was assisted In receiving byMrs. Jack Tlce-hurtt and several members of the I HaSelton Hospttal,.iiurk& staff. L. M. Oraef. manager of the Government Telegraphs here, la on his annual holidays. He will spend a couple of weeks at home and will then accompany Mrs. Graef back to Vancouver for a month or so. James Proctor occupied the pulpit of St. Peter's Anglican Church on Sunday in the absence .of Rev. T. D. Proctor it Prince Rupert. Advertise In Th DaUy New FREE Dennison Commencing TUESDAY, OCTOBER iTH Free Lessons will be given in DENNISON ART CRAFT Comprising CRYSTALLINE LAMP SHADES. " , f SCISSOR PAINTING i , ' WAX WORK ..... FLOWER MAKING , v RASKET WEAVING. ,ETa &SryXue;sday and Friday xfternoons from 2 to GJSO p.m. Rose, Cowan & Latta, Limited Third Avenue (Opposite Third Street) Phone 231 No Coal! No T -: B Cheaper in the long run I Prince Rupert Supply Co. P.O. Rox 772. OLD C W SflsOIfltfG 6 TOBACCO Rtctsrisa TucfMiM IIKWCTSK . tfAsMoviaw LESSONS in Art Craft Ashes! No Soot! More Comfort and Cleanliness when you have a Westing-house Electric Range For particulars, phone 68. J. A. Hinton, Manager