PAtTS FOUR caoae of most of the ills that afflict humanity. This Is sa self eYident that it teem hardly necessary to tell you. If your eyes are giving trouble, have them attended to and at once. OF ALL absurdities In the kingdom of foolishness, surely the loss of eyesight through neglect is the mast Inexcusable. DONT lose health and efficiency through neglect Coma and see! Fred Joudry Registered Optometrist and Optician Room 3 Smith Clock Phone 7C3 the wise OLD CWLN FILLS HIS COAL BlM ( NOW-TO CET ECONOMyJfW) I HE SUSE. KNOWS W01V17 Fuel economy means buying the right coal at the right time. We have a yard full of quality coal waiting for your order. Now is the time to get your supply before winter comes. This is the right place. KAN'AIMO - WELLINGTON COAL and ALRERTA SOOTLESS COAL Albert & McCaffery Phones 116 and 117 Prince Rupert BOAT HOUSE Phone 381 P.O. Rox 1565 LAUNCHES, SCOWS, ROW-ROATS AND CANOES SAND AND GRAVEL Equipment for Divinj and Salvage Work Agents for Easthope Engines and Stump Pullers NORWEGIAN HALIBUT GEAR IN STOCK ' Compass Adjusting VELVET Cream THE VERY DESTI Take a brick home tonight I We cater for Parties, Picnics, Dances, etc. Prompt Delivery Velvet Ice Cream Co Corner Third Avenue and Second Street Phone 758 ANGER, the TAILOR Fine Imported Serge and Scotch Tweed Suits made to order In our shop in Prince Rupert as low QCC AH as V we j v I. ANGER, Cutter and Designer 223 Sixth Street , ENROLMENT IN SCHOOLS HIGH Total of 974 Makes a New Record for Prince Rupert Teacher Submit Reports Tbere art today more pupils enr.llea In Prince Rupert school than ever before in the history of the ctty Tbe tota.. reported to tike board at ita mee'.-tng by the teachers laat night is 87. made up of equal numbers of boys and giria. 487 each. Enrolments per school are aa follows: Boys Glrla Ttl Hlgfe 8tool SI 91 1S3 Booth Manorial Ssbool 233 191 424 Borden Street School . . 1M 165 320 Seal Cove StUart 27 29 M Weatvlew School 11 11 22 Total 487 487 914 Mlaa S. A. Milla, reporting for Street School, atated that her to- tal enactment of 324 was an increase lover last yesr's 300. The total did not 1 Include tbe pupBs of Westvlew who laat ! year came to Borden Street School but I who were now In their own acbool In ' Section Two. I Tbe enrolment waa tbe , heaviest alnce-she bad been here. It I was aa average ci 4p pupils per class. There were 42 pupil In tbe receiving class. Miss UUls stated that the school I tad been found tyo bein excellent con-: dltlon following the holidays, a vaet lm- provement having beer made in tbe She asked tnatT leaky guttera be attended to. f alias HalllweU asked for blinds at WealTlew SchocL the reflection of the water having proved trying to both teacher and pupils at times. Thomas peddle. High School principal, reported that ten pupil were in attendance at the Senior Matriculation class which had been reopened this year. Tbe fact that this class had been opened made- necessary the addition of further reference books to tbe library aa well ai further apparatus for advanced science. He would submit a list of the requirements which be estimated would cost altogether about 1100. The school needed a few repairs including the elimination of knocking from the beating system. PAY SECTION FORLIBRARY Hoard Decide- to Coramence. In Small Way With New Novels The library board last night decided to Institute a duplicate pay system In small way. giving the plan a trial. Thirty new novels will be purchased, duplicates of those placed In the free (ect ion. and a charge will be made of ten cents for the first week and fifteen cents for each subsequent week. Later these volumes will be placed on the free ahelves. The pay section is to give those who are In a hurry to read the new books an opportunity1 to secure the use of one for a small payment rather than waiting their turn In the free de partment. This section will be self- supporting and wlU not interfere in any way with the free library. It will be opened just as soon aa tbe new books arrive. The report of the librarian showed that during the month of August 3,-353 volumes were taken out by borrow ers of which 2,383 were fiction, 305 non-flctloArX. 6a5iuyiUl. -The library waa epen for 23 difys with, an average distribution of 145.7 a day. : Eighteen new books were "added by gift and 69 by purchase while 17 had to be discarded as worn out. This leaves 5.888 volumes on the scbelves or in circulation. A letter was read from George Roiie commending the proposal to Institute a pay section. Several members reported pecple having spoken approvingly of the suggestion. Those present at the meeting were a V Wilkinson, president, Aldermaq. M. M. Stephens, Mrs. Klrkpatrlck, George Sutherland and II. F. Pullen. BEGINNERS' CLASSES DISCUSSED BY BOARD The question of whether beginners abould be taken In. the public schools twice or ottfy once a year eamt up at laat otglatfs masting of tbe acbool board. Heiwtalare, It bas been tbe practice to take leglnners only once a year at Berdta Sucet, admitting tbem la September fvhen their sixth birthday fell prior to February 1. In "Sooth School. : ,owrvert baa been tbe custom to open i. receiving class on February 1 as weU i in September. Uisa Uescer. principal, of Booth School. gsounds. A tew rre'-Wfeeed ' aa well aa other minor remTiM Memcrial School, had alw found her I premiaes In good condition. About 38 I larger desks were required, there being ! an abundance of tbe smaller alzea. ' Thirty-eight pupils had been admitted ; into tbe receiving class. ' ! Mrs. A. B. Uazef reported a decrease 1 of about ten. pupils In Seal Core School. Opening Kerehlng riaiea Onljr Oae Year Adiurated bT Prlnrlpal of One Hehool all beginner start in eliminating the February opening. She reftrad to the fact that the mid-year admission often caused difficulty In aubsequeatly grading tbe children who either bad to jump a class or be retarded half a yer. The board decided to let matters stand as they had been. Tbe necessity of having an additional class teaeber In tbe near future waa seen. RAISE IN SALARY GIVEN PRINCIPAL Of HIGH SCHOOL On motion of Trustee McMeekln. sec- ended by Trustee Bryant, the school board deckled laat night to Increase the salary of Thomas Peddle. High School principal, by 1100 a year. Tbe matter was brought up by Chair man Rochester who reminded the board that Mr. Peddle had been engaged on the understanding that be would be g-lven an Increase of 1100 when his first year was up. That year had now expired " jl IB 1 manual training for ANNUNCIATION SCHOOL ASKED OF THE BOARD V:m..mi .. rr 'b! pupita of Aaaun-uj SrhiAj. ch.ldrtn at city tax-to atiaud manual traBung a iq easutejuon with tbe city -y was asWfM la eanaraatcatlosi .. :ed before :!W acboot boafd last sVj&t Rev ftther p J MeOrath. The ?-.d decKted -c jocain a ruling on the . aver Irm u- education department. It l a rather unusual request aad Dr. which I ice! ought to bare little advice stated Chairman RJob-tr. He waa o! tbe opinion, however . tat the board was not compelled to :mply with the request. "If people Jt their children to take mittusl .alnlng. tbey know where to aeasl bein." be remarked. On metsm Ttustess OMafasist a4 icUeekln It was decided to refer tbe latter to tbe Education Department. Secrets ry WUUaauon reported tbat Tianisai usuning csats wore already full - capacity. SPORT CHAT . Keep Them White This is the ideal which all housewives cherish in connection with their linen. It can be made a practical reality by the use of Reckitts Bag Biue In the handy bat with the Blu and White stripes ICS 1 The Davis Cup. emblematic of tbe higbeat honors in the tennis world goea to France. As predictod In these columna America weakened their chances by playing to sentiment. Til- den cannot go on forever, and France took no chances. America did. Tbey won the doubles, but TUden bad to play all three days, whilst Cochet and La costs, reatedt up on Friday, from ihelf hi V1 'matches of Thursday to go into B fin-day battle fresh. Had America developed a younger team of doubles players, to juotect their aces, tbey might still be in the picture. Tbe ffect of losing the Dsvls Cup will rauee a big upheaval In American ;esola, and possibly do tbe game more ood than anything that baa happened for many years. TUden and Johnson are two pf the greatest tennis players ever developed, and the Joss of the Davis Cup. will never dim the brilliance of past season's play, and successful defence of tbl coveted trophy When Tex Riekard waves bis magle wand in Soldiers' Field. Chicago, on the night of September 22. he will have added a new Eldorado to bis already long lists of pay dirt. Mining days in Nevada were penurious com pared to the triumphal parade of Rlckard, the one time proprietor of Ooldfleld's leading hotel twenty years ago. nothing less than a million wUl satisfy the greateat promoter of a de ana Mr. Rochester suggested that the ert if nnt r u time Thu mrk board Implement the undertaking. s first set at Boyle's Thirty Acres. Mr. Peddle has done splendid work." next at the Polo grounds. New Tork: remarked Trustee Gilchrist. tt?i at the Sesoui-Centennlal. Phlla- V anted For Sale For Rent Trie. UAixt be.Ho BRINGING UP FATHER f . Tl I ' Neglected SAID VJE am 1 JcoiNC-X oXo I 1 ARtO.SC o-tj IoovoJh -J C 3 "F . CfO "-V v E? y BOTlEMAOt I CAIRO. J , WAV;?1 v if rrancimemtI -i r Eves , , -v. ... , t? By George McMaa I I CNACiOUfc. If nn rtJR TATMEn" t BT MOTHER' vou 'w . MOTMBR' VENTED To CO TO "JCpTOtCVPT. .V WmaT z ECfPTANOI CAIRO I IM ECVPT' I .Cn,. TMt ROW INWtO ON CO i -35- ' j r ' I about? to Cairo', i WON yytZ. o - S DAILY NEWS CLASSIFIED ADS. 2c per word inadvance. No Advertisement taken' for lets than 50c WANTED .YAaTTssQ. UKDCBORADOATE practtoal ausne. wtnutf to 0 house wask; also cook tstteral OR fr small country botpital. Apply The WANTED. HIGH SCHOOL OIRL DC-: aires board and 110 monthly la re-' turn for services. Oood Boa 68 Dally News Office. &x 70. Daily News WAsVTEa WOMAN COOK FOR MINE. Small crew. Reference. Box 71. Dwlly News Offlee. J1J AGENTS WANTED ANYONE CAN BARN IH WEEKLY UP. in city or couutry, in spare tlaae uk-Ing ortfers tar tbe Best-Knosru. High-eat-Orade, Loweet-Prleed line Oana-dtan-made Cbrtatmas Oreetlng Cards UagBlflctent sample book free. Write Canadian Publishing Co.. 61 Wellington W. Toronto 298 x BRONAL OREETINO CARDS Agents wanted to take orders for finest Uoe ever shea a In Canada. Heg4 , Art Co.. Mufssturers'' 310 Spadlna Ae Toronto. SITUATIONS WANTED LPLD COUNTRY MATERNITY NURSE open for engagement 'daily or monthly (certificated 1 testimonials Phone Red 621. 313 FOR SALE FOR SALE. LAUNCH "NANCY." Length '28 ft, beam 7 ft. Easthope engine It hp. 4 cycle. In first elsss shape for. hunting season. This boat waa Regatta Cup winner 1937. Can be seen at Yacht CSub. Cash price 973. O. Rorle. "phone 387 or Red 13. 216 Mphla. a year ago, and recently at the Yankee Stadium. Jack Dempsey put be "mil!" in million on each occasion, and from all appearances wUl put three million into" tbe Chicago melon for Tor Riekard to cut. Rlckard knows his public. Early In Hfe he waa Uught never to kill the tjewe that laya the golden egg. H cakes particular care not to go to tbe ame weU too often, therefore Chicago jets an oppodtunlty to grubstake him not 'sVrtnerTts nVrttlnod i aaadnest? What other city in Amerlea r In the entire world for that matter provide the magic wand of sjckard wltb a feast worthy of the man?- From the horth, south, east and west ioS Vresr WeWemetK. polls, will come the greatest crowd in history to witness a battle, which will be almost secondary In point of Interest to the remarkable achievement of rex Rlckard. Briefly here la an approximate Idea of tbe commercial end of It. Probably 150,000 seats will be sold at prices ranging from IS to 40 each. Mare man ou per cent of thl vt throng will have paid $25 and upwards for being present. Taklntr t2D average price, it la only the work of a acbool boy to multiply these figures and you have the answer. The man from Ooldfleld. Nevada, Oeorge L. Rlckard, taught the east new method In fight promotion. After Chicago ew neigni win be climb to. wnere wiu 'the magic wand wave and wnenr At a meeting of the executive of the mnce Kupen Football Aii.ii wa ss mgnt in the ctty police court wim resident R. M. WinsloW. 8eer tary P. E. Wermlg. Vice-president FVjJ miier. uen oeir. A. E. Dickens and J 3. Wilson in attendance, it was decided w iu uw piay-oa for the Gllhulv Cup. between the Moose and the Regiment, which was called last Wednesday account cf darkness on Thursday evening of this week with O. 6. Russell aa referee. Tbe hour appointed la 6 pjn. ana tne game wiy be half hour each way. an John McRae returned to the city on yeaterday afternoon's train from Terrace where be spent the week-end. for Rwrr- FOR RENT KfCE LA ROE FURNISH Fifth Aveaue West win private faisuiy. lis test. Ftse meslae ' Vaneouter view. Phone Blue aw or Black til Matron. Francis Lake Hospital. South 1 Baak P.O. 9t6 FOR RT--UCE FVttMUitED ROOM. ' barber rw: close la: bandy to post oflaee. Private tasally. Pbssve Black 04 or 81. an FOR RENT PURN18HKD APART-ment by tbe day. week er maath. WANTED TO RI3JT THREE OR FOUR PbOM Red 697. U veotBcd bou: or apartsnesit. PJtaael tatte teems, face. FOR RENT. Psaaos, Stager sesrusg Musis Store FURNISHED SUITE Palmer House. ponoTpss attd WaHer's FOR RENT. MODsTRN HOOBE. 11 AR bor view. Apply 2ta. 4U Ave, E. tt PSJRNMWnED BEDROOM FOR RENT, close in. Phone Red S17. 319 FOB RENT UPHOI-STERING AT U rURNITCEK REPAIRINO: CPIIOL-sterlng of all kinds. Chesterfields recovered and made to order. All work guaranteed. Phone Oreen 60S. a m hunt. EXCHANGE NEW AND SECONDHAND PURNtTURR bought, sold snd exchanged. Papa dopulo and Maraa. 639 Third ,A(J Phone 646. tf PRINCE IllPEUT KCIIOOL OF Ml'WIf FA IX RE-OIT.NINO On Tuesday. September 6 Pupils now enrolling. Orchestra practice every Friday 7 pm. PROFESSOR II. AllIKr.V PUYCE, Phone S7I. AUCTIONEER AMI SECOMHIANIi at I BUY. SELL OR EXCHANGE ANY thing of value. Phone Brine for business. Telephone 774. KAIF.N GAKAflE I t KTIIEK UEIirCTIONM in CIIEVItOLET PRICES Commerclsl Qbaasts. delivery $C38.60 Touring tmeo Roadster 1811.60 Roadster Delivery 811.60 Sport Roadster Coach Coupe iedar,.,,-..V. CtVbrlolet Landau Sedan . . .... 188000 . . . ...j S949.00 ... 1964.00 ...11,08500 ,..t,119.00 Imperial Landau fdan tl.16800 Utflltv Express, 1 Jtoatruek,. 1792.60 Disc . wheels 12500 Xtra"ln"alS models. A complete line of 1928 models on hand at present. Phone or call for demonstration and learn about our easy payment plan. Ousrsnleed Used Cars on Hand. Ford Coupe. 1925. tlOO cash, balance ,25 per month. Ford Sedan. 1926, I10O cash, balance 25 per month. k.uex nARAnr:. Date Ross Dealteri In al! General Motor Produceta Ooodyear and Firestone Tires. Wrecking Service Day and Night. Phime .12 TAXI Phone 67 Taxi (Call George, Paul or Gust) Six and Seven Passenger Stude-bakers at your disposal any time. .ROSS RROS. POOL ROOM .Meeker Work. Across from Ernprfss IIoteD s4.sst PRINCE RUPERT TIDES TI ESIIAY, PEPTK.M 13 High 2:27 ajn. 22.1 ft. 14:46 pjn. 22.1 " Low 85 am. 2.1 " 20:59 pjn, 3.6 H VEiiF.M.v, KPTl:HI:u t High 3:12 ajn. 3U ft. 15:28 p.m. 22.1 " Low 9:14 ajn. 30 " 21:43 pan. 2.7 " 6uada)r Tuesday s au lliuraday p Saturday ss. r m Pr Aril, Lot!! Found,,, ST1MSHI?MCW P: ee. 11 as rr.iwesj A Sept. ii v. i" , N. j . Sept 10 m pr.n. :. ilrom Vanreatrr j Swaday sa ctn aa. Csrder.t SablMl mm D. . . M FHday as Csrdfu II J J.1 nf a... I " t'. i'rsi Km L Saturday pr.:. 1 f j, Sept. 17 as Pr ... ,sj 1 , , Sept. 2d- M Pr.uoeu u.e t For Port Rlmpsfln ind Viu Um- II II From Port Slmpvm sa4 Stm tn- Saturday- -ss Csrorna lor Anjos Sunday ss. Cata! I Wcdneaday as IT mi I'ruiu An)o Tuesday aa. r:!i Thursday as Pi.:.r- oea lor Mewart Suaday as Cauu Saturday- as prm c.-j: I rum Measrl Suodayv-as. Prlace Osrln . Tuesday aa. Citai For (ueen Charlottr Sept. 10 as. Prince J hr. Sept. 34- -as. Pr--' J rtwm (Jueen 1'harMtr- Sept. 8- as Prlnrf Jhr. Sept. 23 Pr;nv John tor Alaska 11 11 Wednesday - ss. Prlar OsopM Sept. 17- -Prlncew Alice Sept. 2Q aa Princess U)ua From Alaska Tbstreaay -as. Prince Oeorjt Sept. 11 as. Princess A Sept. 21 -as. Princess A' Sept. 30 -aa. Princess A . MAIL SCHEDULE For he fJft fiEPTEMnlB. lf Mondaya. Wedaesdsjs. Closes From the East- Mondays. Wednesdsys. due ynjt r To Vaneouser Mr Sundays Tuesdays" H Thursdays t( Saturdays j 90 1 OPJl -Sept- From Vancouver , Sundays J(J; Wednesdays j Frwys Mt Saturdays OJ.R. Sept. 17, 2. To Anyox and AlWe SMnday. ") Wedaesdaya From An.x and A IK , Tuesdays mu"! Thursdaya To Slewart and ITemler 1; Sundays ji; Saturdays rremi Klewart aad rreml"- ' Sundays ,1 Tuesdays To Naas River Point- m Thursdaya From Naas Klter Point- -l ' ' Saturdays To Alaska points ""Sept.' 6, 17, 2 From Alaska Points-Sept 11, 31. 30 .M "" To tjueen Charlotte Sept. 10, 24 . . 11 Charlolte M" From Qoeen Sept. 8. 22 C.N.R. TRAINS ror the F.ost Dally Except Sundsyi From 'he F.ast DsUy sxeeps TvttiW- II1'