Canadian Chamber of Commerce Wrestling With Big Subject at Vancouver VANCOUVER. Sept. IS. Speaker tram an section i trte iawwa Br day afternoon' session or the a, iian Chamber of Commerce dealt f a variety of subjects relative to development of Canada' foreign and interprovlnrtal relations. . -unen from St John, and Hall- f leader of oommerce from won-. ,; nl Toronto del agate from Win-' ;x 6Katoon and Calgary Joined by i reM-ntativea of board of trade In an nl-avor u suggest moan for the bet-rmetit of the nation aa a whole. ai problem and provincial dlfflcul-- were mentioned, not a matter of ;imnt but aa illustration of idea : bet'.rrment of condition generally J f IECE Ol- AIKI'LANE is it ikom OCEAN IIY hTEAMEK 1 St. Jdhns, NfM. Sept. IS The Government "steamer Kyle in a rehing for the miislng wxmopWht Old Olory lepnrted to the Government last bight that It picked up a piece of the plane late Monday but aaw no ilgn of the crew. ; uunout the land. consirucuT -' . , ..,,. made which wire tor-, Pass I rom Leverson Iake, Bej ond ..tiled to the resolutions eommltte onus back aa concrete proposals fr TRAIN DERAILED NEAR KWINITSA Yesterday's Passenger Train Tied up Along the Kiver Until This Morning Y' terdHy eaatbeund Canadian Na- ual passenger train No. had a dement jut eaat of Kwlnltaa. about M ;e 40. yesterday afternoon at 1-4 Md r a- tl1 nn Ih.rr until 8 o'clock thl cleared by the tri-lini outfit, scat from here to be i;o. and proceeded Baal. The cu I Woukl have taken weeks, rhotographs rf the wreck wa not determined, the BY RAILWAYS Companies Have Interpreted the Code According to the Text Says Mcfieer VANCOUVER. Sept. 13. "The rates r lea will mean about a million dol-; a year lower freight rate on west b'.uma grain, according to preeent lndi 'iitiuns." a. a. McOeer. provincial counsel said m commenting on the going "it 'i effect today of revised rates and T ' tiling of the Urlffs. Mr McOeer said he was satisfied that e railways had lntenreted the or- 1 sat lsfactorlly In accordance v. oi the order. OF ROAD TODAY Warke Canal, Being Inves tigated H. C. WMUker. locating engineer for :he provincial department of public wnrka. mrnt nearlv two hour In the air thl morning with Major D. K. Mac. Lsien. DJI.O.. of the Pactfle Airway, starting hi aerial reconnaissance of a puaatble route for the Skeena River Highway between Oatloway Rapid and Terraca, The oountry beyond the head oi Warke Canal vu investigated Into the head of the Khyex River and from Leverson Lake there wa the Indication of a pas toward the head of the Exstew Blver. Another night U to be made this afternoon to ascertain If such a pass really esltt and. if o. to follow it up and then beyond to Terrace. around wa studied in a few hours this morning that to penetrate overland v,fre tkn though the weather was not car favorable, doua lorcing iow i tie. tender, two refrigerator Utogeer tamtne fih. maU car and front endlnl-t where It would have been advan- ...... - b. . . 4A Viava 1-kAAfi le baggage car going off the tracks t r "Here were no personal Injuries. All the rolling stock on the train I ceded East except the two car of f'-u which were brought back here and despatched on todays train which was ;:cd uritil 3, o'clock thl afternoon. RATES FILED tageous for the plane higher. LOGGERS KILLED: B.C. Silver ,,.--:t.. Coatt Copper Cork Province . Dunwell Olader Oladstone Independence L. and L Lucky Jim Premier Porter Idaho Rlchmon Strrersmith with sunloch I Torlc IV w CAUGHT BY SKYLINE VICTORIA, Sept. 13 Caught by a flying ?kyllne Ell HUlo. 44 year of age. and E. Jamie. 27. Finnish loggers. were tntianviy aiuru - - yesterdsy. VANCOUVER EXCHANGE .Bid., Asked A" W.J. .140 .leoo, .oca .. , .qiii .48 Si .06 .18 .oo 4 .07 31 X 2.28 2.30 XX 32V, .16 30 30 35 .60 .70 4 5 5.00 TOICIO, Sept. 13. A disastrous tidal wave and typhoon awept the lslacd of Krusslu today and it Is reported that one thousand or more perished and of those one hundred were drowned. The globe encircling plane "Pride of Detroit" is at Omura in the affected district. CONSERVATIVE WAS ELECTED Former Progressive Constituency Goes Tory in Three Corner Fight Yesterday OOODERICH. Ont.. Sept. 13 George Spot ton. Conservative, was elected to the House of Common In the North Huron by-election made necessary through the death of John W. King. Progressive. He secured 4,831 vote. Hlslop. the LUberal. 4,333, and Brlcker. the Progressive. 2.725. KMil.lMI MKTKR, DIV. I. Cardiff City. I. Blackburn I. Tottenham 4, Mlddlesboro 2. DIVISION 11. South Shields 2, Wolverhampton 2. fore Mete a group wf Stoney TOTpfHEAT tROP lRGE Bureau of Statistics Gives Estimate of Crop for Present Season - OTTAWA. Sept. 11. The bureau of Mat Mir eMlmatet the wheat rrup I hi ;ear for the Dominion at 45X.7il.WN) ImshrK In liritMi Columbia Hheut production l et at U29.ihh bUklirK tmts, 4.0TS.IKK) buvhrls barley 3.13.1MW buliels rye 1I1.IMM) buhrl and Ila 13.IKI0 buslirlt. The II.C. rrjiort weather coiicill lout Imvr rriiiuined fatorabie, lhreliliic of train I aell advanced and jlrldt how a good avrrase Hay I a lartirularly good crop.. I'or the prairie the total ulieat prmluttlon Is trt at 132X3.000 buoliel. The total oat crop of CaKada for the M-ason It M-t at 5,li'J.tHM) htithrls. TYPHOONENDS MANY LIVES Pride of Detroit Beaches Affected District at Omura Today - - . . a Y I . : 1 1 ...itL IS MADE INDIAN CHIEF: The Rt. Hon. Stanley Baldwin, prime minister oi ureai unui.., e w"u ., Indians at Banff,. Alta., after they had admitted mm into ine moou uruuiemwu aim mauc him Chief Sitting Eagle. Baldwin has now returned home. Expects to Ship Thousand Cars of Poles Before EhS 1 Season from Sheena River "If we have pretty good luck in driving our poles down the river to the loading places we shall have shipped about a thousand car loads of poles from this district when the season ends," declared Olof Hanson of this city when discussing the business he is doing. Most of the poles are being cut on the Kispiox and Skeena Rivers and floated down to Cedarvale where they are loaded on to railway cars and shipped out. The poles are all sold and it is only a matter of getting them to the landing place. So far his firm "has made good progress and if bad weather does, not come too early probably all will be shipped. This will be the biggest business ever done in one season from this section of the country. , Tie contracts are now being placed and bids are being put in for cedar ties for the Hudson Bay road. Premier Bracken of Manitoba Wants Fair Trade Rather Than Free Trade as National Policy VANCOUVER, September 13. Premier Bracken, speaking be-ihp Canadian Chamber of Commerce, declared that industry and agriculture hsid been wrangling too long, and suggested the for-mnHnn nf a ioint council of manufacturers and agriculturists to study national problems. He advocated the establishment of a com-miHpp nf unbiased economists to conduct a scientific study of the tariff, "the one question in pur economic history which has done more t nut agriculture and industry in separate camps than all others nn,iiinoH What wp. nped is a national fair trade policy rather than either free trade or high tariff policy with regard to imports.' SALES TAX IS INARREARS Brewers and Distillers Owe Immense Sums to Government is Stated OTTAWA, Sept. 13; Arrears of Canadian llreaerle ale lav .wa e-tlmatrd at more than: ('i.300,000 before t lie customs comniNi-toii jrstrr-laj afternoon and arrears of the Canadian Diftlllrrle at from one and three quarter to two million dollars according to the eMlmute. I'KIC'K or WHEAT T RAINS INJURE CROP IN SOUTH Oats Sprouting and Onions and Tomatoes Lying in Fields NEW WESTMINSTER. Sept. 13. Loss by farmers throughout the lower main land Is assuming serious proportion with the week end rain still continuing the recent wet weather. The oat crop 1 regarded as practically ruined as It sprouting In the toots. Tons of onions are lying in the fields and likewise tomatoes. 1 KII.LEI Al'TO ACCIDENT. VANCOUVER, Sept 13. -The price i NANAIMO, Bept. 13; Ray case was f Number I Northern wheat wa killed In an automobile accident north quoted here yesterday at 11.37. 'of the Quarter Way Hotel yesterday WHEAT PRICE DOWN TODAY Government Report on State of Crop Depressed Market Several Cents UlNMI-fcO. Vl't. Wheat price tank thiirply at the oprnlng of the euhaiigV today, reading to the bearih, government crop report ulilrh toldiif the big tupply lliiely iruiri tlil't country. The early decline ranjrd from lno and a quarter to three and thrre-quarter cent a buohel. CIIICAtlO, ept. I3v Wheat price dropped flie and one-eighth rent a buhrl and corn five and lite-eight today. r- .MASSACKU IIY TROOP Ot' KEXIJ KEI'OltTEIl AS LAKCE PEKIKO. Sept. 13. A reported massacre by troops of Marshall Feng Tu Shlang. formerly known a the Christian General, estimates the number of deaths at from 30.000 to 80.000. The massacre Is said to have followed the killing of a number of Feng's men. ' GARNET WHEAT EARLIER THAN MARQUIS BY WEEK EDMONTON. Sept. 13. A special lespatch from Coronation to the Jour- al says: Don. S. Mac Donald harvested n his trial plot oi six acres oi uamei a heat 95 days from the date of seeding. It looks like a good yield. Mr. Mac-Donald tstlmste thst the Oarnet la at '.east a week ahead of Marquis as to time required for maturing. WEATHER KErOKT. Prince Rupert. Claudy. calm: temp-1 perature. 50. Terrace. Foggy, calm. temp. 40. RoAwfco'fl. Ofcfay, calm. temp. 41. AlyalAfW. Cloudy! calm, temp. 43. Alice s'Arm.nMy. ealm. temp. 43. Aoyeix'. Cloudy, calm, temp. 45; Stewart-Foggy, calm. temp. 43. Hazelton. Calm. temp. 4$. Telegraph Creek. Cloudy, calm. temp. 40. Smither.- -Clear, calm. temp. 48. Bum Lake. dear. calm. temp. 40. i TAXI Boston Grill 4 25 and Ambulance Urge Upstair Dining lUlL with newly laid dancing Service floor, for hire. Anywhere Anytime NEW SODA FOUNTAIN. Sland: Exchange Bulldlnr V PRINCE RUPERT The latest and beat for the MATT VIDECK. Prop. leant Phone 157. S Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper Price Klvf Ccnta Y. No. 214. PRINCE III' PENT, B.C., TUESDAY. SEPTEMBER 13. 1027 MACLEAN ON B.C. AFFAIRS I THOUSAND CARS OF POLES BEING SHIPPED FROM SKEENA British Columbia as a Field for Investor is Presented to Visitors Premier .MacLedn Tell uf Enviable Condition of Province at Open ing SvMion of Canadian Chamber of Commerce VANCOUVER. September 13. In presenting the case for British Columbia as a safe field for investment at the opening so .him of the Canadian Chamber of Commerce here yesterday, Premier MacLean said: "We have a gross debt of $70,000,000, but we have jl'i.noo.000 in truste securities to pay off a portion at maturity, ,.i (I tiy the end of 1928 every dollar of provincial indebtedness will itc full sinking fund provided to redeem it at maturity." The Premier pictured the province with basic Industries more than doubling in the past ten years. He described the resources of BETTERMENT OF CANADA IS BEING SOUGHT the province. Ten years ago. he said, the province Imported as per cent of it fuod supply while today It raited ill but 23 par cent, at the ume time exported .0O0.i0 worth ol food product. Mr. MaoLean announced that ' If the prnt policy mat earned out practically all loam would be retired In 33 yeara. About 3O0 delates were present pre sided over by 8. B. Oundy of Toronto. WASHOUTS IN SOUTH RESULT OF HEAVY RAIN Tracks Flooded and Trains Delayed Nineteen Hours in Interior B.C CUT TWENTY1 FEET Five Miles' of Sicamous Highway Destroyed and Bridges Washed Away REVELSTOKE. Bept. 13. Nine smaU bridges are knnrn to have been washed on. on Slcamout highway and about five mue of the road aa a result of the week-end rate. Trains were delft) ed for nineteen hours. The rail way was washed out In four place and in some locations four feet of water was covering the tracks. When the water vubslded it left aUt from the mountains where It cut to a depth of 20 feet In some places after the lakes were NATIONAL RACE IS VERY CLOSE Crucial Series Starts Today Between New York Giants and' St. Louis Cardinals NEW YORK. Sept. 13. New Tork Olant opened a serle today with St. Louis Cardinals which wUl probably involve the elimination of one or both of them from the National League pennant race. Pittsburg Pirate retain a two and a half game lead while the Cardinals and Oiantt are tied for second place with Chicago Cub in fourth position, only three-and-a-half games behind the Pirates. The Olant yesterday battered Charlie Root who waa lucceeded by Nehf and Bush. Hartuby and Wilson hit homers. NATIONAL LKAtil'K New York 7. Chicago S. Philadelphia 2, PUUburg 3. Boston 4-0. Cincinnati 6-3. Brooklyn 0. St. Louis 3. AMERICAN LEAMIC Detroit 4. Philadelphia 5. : NERVE WRACKED ! ! FROM FLIGHTS 1 Promoter of f Whict Lost Hawaiian Event Eleven Lives on Recreation Trip SEATTLE. Sept. 13. His nerves shattered from the shock he received as a result of the San Franclsco-Hawall flight which be sponsored. J. B. Dole la here en route to British Columbia for a brief recreation. The Hawaiian flight which cost seven lives. Dole said, proved that the future of transoceanic flights must be confined to planes that are seaworthy as well as air worthy. fellTntoT j tank of oil F. T. Cliff of Victoria Lost Life' on West Coast of Vancouver' Island VICTORIA, Sept. 13. F. T. Cliff of Victoria died at Port Albernl as a result of burn received when he fell into a tank of hot fish oU at Ecludet. A man named Swift is In the hospital suffering from burns received when he at-Uospted to rescue Cliff. PREMIER KING IS VISITING IN STATES Whltehorse. -Clear, north wind, temp.' irriAWA. et u.-rremiw bkku. 40. I ele King Is spending a few days' holt- Dawson Clear, culm, temp 38. day m the mtted Ststes. It is under- l tood h- he is visiting friend on Advertise In The Dally News Long Island.