THE PIONEER LAUNDRY KIDS at VTAWDAY TROUBLES- N a w - wt jig g i: KKV wnKn who hits at-i. mi'KMl to havw Um family WMh iImih' iii her home knows what a bunch nf weary wnrriment it ni ;hi,h. We will charge you In il- for our services. Let us i,i-r i'ii- tniiililc off your handrt. Pioneer Laundry Phone 118 YOU ARE INVITED to see Ladies' Coats Hats and Dresses The Louvre 31G Third Avenue Nrxt Royal Hank Wood DKY MUCH. CEDAR AND JACK PINE HmIp Load $.'.."() !).,,,)lc Load (t-"0 l.nnre Sack "' BUNDLES DRY KINDLING, $1.00 Phone ."SO HydeTransfer AND COAL CO. 139 Second Avenue REDUCTION in Prices 15 per cent off for two wueks only Come in and inspect ."our stocjc . T. LEE LADIES' & GENTLEMEN'S TAILOR Third Avenue P.O. Box 977 Dr. Alexander Smith RIock Phone 575 DENTIST LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phone 63 Cartage, Warehousing, and Distributing. .Team or Motor Service. Coal Sand and Gravel. We Specialize In Piano and Furnltun; Moving. NEW OFFICERS ARE ELECTED Terracp parent Teachers' Anso- r In Hon to Provide Athletic Equipment for School IHUHCET-ept. II tm anm... meeting st Ok hnM Tttptn i tatton at IwM trt the Mhuot house oti Tburadtr cveMac last with the tic president. Mra. tiro UUla in in ehtur The election of offtren for the year r ultd a follow: Preldtt Re. Wm. Allen, rtnt Vfff,nMm -Mr Uaor Ueeond Vtce-fTMUeM Mr yv K rk ptrk. Secretary Ml N. Maliou. Treasurer Ml DaM. Convener program MmUt- Rev A W. Rabtnaon. Convener refreshment committee I Mra. Allen. Convener mtoUnWp aoMnUI Mn 8 Seamen. Osovener advert lfe committee- Mr. Von Hee. Convener atMeMsa committee - Mr Holms ood. It wm decided to discontinue the serving ol ref re toem at the regular meeting. The aeeouttt stowed that the final payment an the piano had been mad ud a amall amount left In the piano fund I to be transferred to the gen eral fund. I Mr. Holmwood and Ml Elder In were appointed to act with Mm. Von Heei In the purchasing of book with the money turned over Iran the Christmas tree fund last year. The lack of picture In the school wu remarked on by the new principal and this brought fort several often to donate picture. ATHLETIC KlUIPMENT vUtbillly of merging the P.-T. AaaocU- tlon Into the Women' Institute but no definite step were taken until more particular are available retarding the Institute work. Mr. AUen. the new president, welcant ed the new teacher to the aaaoclatlon. Alter the meeting adjourned , refresh ment were served. WATER NOTICE DIVEKMON AMI I'ME ion oi uoi lox. King -or uxh umnci. Thu notice was posted on tn ground n the 2Sth dsy of June. 1927. A copy 4 this notice and an application pur- unt thereto and to the "water aci ' Suite :. KbTICcTtnai I. Horace Me- LAND ACT. vOTICE OF INTENTION TO APTLT TO In Prince Rupert Land Recording Dls-rlct of Coast District. Range 4. and slt-itte on and being all of Bonllla Uland xcept that portion occupied by Indian leseiv Number 18. ....... TAKE NOTICE that I. Ole C. Austad, ,f Prince Rupert, B.C. occupation ancher. Intend to apply for a lease of he following described land: Commencing at a post planted at the outheasterly po'nt ot Bam I'h: thence northerry. westerly, southerly and asterly, following the alnuoslties of the ihore line, to point of commencement. LRl&lTU OCCUUiru VI an ' and 1 eontaUrtng'ane thousand acre, mora leBt- OLE il AUSTAD. Applicant. Dated JulT , , . "COMPANIES ACT' TAKE NOTICE that the BuP-Van. couvr Stevedoring Compy. Limited Z 'comptnlerAct, Wnf Chapter 38 of thJ RevuSl Statutes of British Columb U. io?i to change Its nsme to Pacific Adoring i Contracting Company, "5'.' .t Prince Rupert, BC, thl 8th day of August J27 noNZAU:a. 1 unnamed stream which flows northeast mony. nd drain Into Humpback Bay. Porcberi ilind. about 400 yard aoutheaat of , M. lonnrut conwr poev 01 uut iva. ins water will be diverted from the stream t a point about 300 yard from the mouth of the river and .will be used for 'lah. cannery and domestic purposes nivin th lanrit annlled for. helne nor- BAKE YOUR OWN U BREAD & WITH P 4 hi Gffic standard ofQctcUlty formrsojears .ji -A i .-. - i Ten Years Ago in Prince Rupert end Prescott Island. C.R. S, to cut 162.000 feet board measure or Spruce, cedar, Hemlock and Balsam Sawloga. Two (21 years win ne allowed lor re moval of timber. Further particulars- of the Chief For ester. Victoria, or the District Forester. Prince Rupert, bjo. TIMBER SALE X4303 Sealed Tenders wlU be received by the Minister of Lands, at Victoria. PC, not later than noon on the 13th day of October, 1927, for the purchase of Pulp Licence X1303. to cut 42,408,000 f.bJn. Sealed Tenders will be received by the Minister of Lands, at Victoria. B.C, not later than noon en the I3th day of October, 1927, for the purchase of Pulp Licence X4297. to cut 38.37J.000 Spruce, Hemlock and Cedar on an area situated n Copper Bay, Moresby Island. Oueen Charlotte Island District. Thirty (30) years will be allowed for removal of timber. Further nartlrular of the Chief For. este, esie, Victoria, victoria, B BU. O . or uiairicv rviavci, .7,. Rupert-Vancouver I tor the BO"Ee vdom CompanyT LWfl PrtoiS fiup,rt. BC TUS DAILY HE773 STEWART That the dyke from the most, tm-,.jru:u ore bodx :n '.he upper Salmon ::iver secuoo la a thrjry of cotssjdefable .uianeiit that ha been eoojfcrmed by ajr K. Winkler. mwgmg dlrtar of ) y,..:rr Tip Mining & Development Cu who ha returned to Victoria after pe.nlnig nearly Jf' inM fit) the pro There 1 acanewhut of fall buUdlng bajta in Stewart ut now. HUpcndtary MafUtraie J P. Scarlett 1 ha returned from Anyoi where be had r rharge of the 0rninent aent'i office! fur a uioatb-during the absence of R. M. MrOuatf n a htliday. . .. Mr. Lea mkI fauilly cf Hydrr nava ' lelt for Vancouver. Mr. Magar of Port Slmpaon 1 Ult- n.l here with her daughter. Mr. June Comer. Ml Mabel Meilor ha been appointed deputy mining lecorder, uoceedlDg Mr. Jwh Oamer, realgned. C. h. Hlbbard hu returned from Seat- nrir IlfITPD .IIirM il on acoomt or important develop- ALT. ifilLlEIV ilLLLll menu on the Outlaud Silver Bar pro- RECTOR OF STEWART r7 I Mr. and Mra. W. 8. Sullivan nave left Clergyman Uli Wa Tormerly Here for Ketchikan. Hill be Pawing Through at End of Meitlh Prince Rupert people will be later-ectod to bear that Rev. V7. AUen of Poum Coup la oxpectad to arrive In Stewart at the d of tM mouili to ucoead Bktv. E- W. Carter a rector of the Anglican Church at that town. i Mr. Oren F. HU1 U now recovering from a aerlou attack of pneumonia. Ml Mcjjepn of Victoria, after a vlilt vlth her eoualn. Mra. Ounoan M. Ian. baa rettirped home. Kennrtb C. Drury. flnancUl editor of the Victoria Ttaxa, returned aouth lat Mr. Alton w. bare In charge of the weck tUr htHnf .Qt two week look-St. Andrew concrefatlon for nearly ul dWHot. ear, after which he went to England wnere ne waa marriea inn aooui a im a. n.urAin. ni v n nmih Aahletle equipment came In for con-, ?r Hl?rlenda wlU probably have who to racomud a one of the leaduw alderable dtacuuton. aome of the mem- i n opportunity of meeting blm here notation expert on the continent, the ber feeling that now the piano debtjbn M P8 mraugn. wa wiped off more thought and money i ahould be given to providing varlou ; athletic requisite. Capt. Cotthunt of-! fered to donate ten dollar and to col- j leet aaother fifty for thla purpose, the i offer being accepted. DUcuaalon took place a to the ad- Man in the Moon DunnaU mill I now handling fifty per cent more ore than It guaranteed maximum load of 100 ton per day and (s producing three distinct grade of concentrates. Jack Fltagerald has gone south for a " vacation. A PERfidN Is not really too corpu- . lent unl he 'fe uneasy every ttme Jck sratt Is recovering in the Stewart the minister ln church mentlooa The KoaplUl from a recent operation for fat f the land.'r aDcendleHH. SOME people .1 are dlabonest and cbutea Dirbee. cooular younit 26- others b not a dear Idea of the ye.r.oia taxi driver, wa almost Instan- ttcsrenec oeiween meum ana wura. taneously killed last week when he backed bts car over one of the piled A HICK townlsbne where ttie loafer ,,r. ,,vd t. r-malna were prt on wooaen woewaia. ana " forwarded to Seattle for burH!. : A'tiUiszrznr, , . tfrrapp TAItlt KOTlrK th.t Pranel TTennl " -rn.nn " " " a aJlttta 1 VXJ Cunningham. whpe addrea U 80S Board i powefM a sn ocean breaker In sweep-j j Traue Building. Vancouver ui; wm , ing .nwesiflll bl feet and po-; M d M , R GoTa0n left on SolcS'cStVr Tond of aUroSTof -Ib.y wrecking him . of matn- torSeitfc Pljrtlana; where they will visit with relative Mr. Gordon expects to be away about' three weeks but Mrs: Gordon will remain In the south for a longer period.; Mrs. R. Lb Mcintosh returned on Saturday night from Prince Rupert and will snend aome time at her summer SEI'tEMItEK 1917 IS, home here. She was accompanied . by and J. B. Tyrell of M. W. Sutherland Mr Mary Beduc Tnrftntn Hav hmiirht thm nnMen Won- tieVr K. J- Mre left la.t week for Ed- ion to the application may do inea u. uuneron ana w. o. nni. 'monton and other Alberta towns, vlth the aald Water Recorder or wlthi ; .amrM luring? Victoria. BC. within Ben Self opened a new restaurant on, m,,. a. d. Fowler and daughter were hlrty day after the nm appearance oi i TnWd Avenue today, me sun wiu pa&senger on Saturday's train enroute hi. notice in a local newsDSDer. The ate of the first publication of this otlre Is August . lan. I. 11. CUNNINGHAM. Applicant. LAND ACT. VOTKC OF INTENTION' TO API'LY TO I.E.tSK 1IM In Atlin Land Recording plttrlct of h nxtur niatrlet. and situate at the neutK of Watin River, about .00 feet vest corner Of the Skylrsr .Mineral work only six days a week. j to Smlthers after having spent a short 'holiday with her mother In Wenatchce. Joe Scott had to cpend the night wsb. across the bay because It was too rough . to cross In hi rowboat. He was picked j The petition requesting the govern- up thl morning by Capt. Alfred Swan- menu sanction to Incorporate the town sen with the Regal. of Terrace ' under the Village Munlcl pslltles Act Is at present being circulated In the district and being very largely signed. -. . Many Terrace resident wba were In J "! , . T tTrt rW. ' hnf -tntj- than nnnn An . inClUua MrSif D 3c Lfftna ourTcypr; v--ii.K . w 4 wwwv4v t- . r".M JL V. . . -. . - w a L i. lits. - ru jinn c.nATt.Vfli 1 0OT fA- n.fci.. nltlw ends to apply'for a lease 6f the fOHow- ng described lanos: Commencing at a post planted about 00 feet easterly along the shore from he northwest corner of the Skylark Jlneral Claim; thence northerly 225 eet: thence easterly 100 feet; thence outherly 160 feet, more or less, to high vater mark; thence westerly 100 feet, nore or less, to point of commencement, nd containing 0 5 acres, more or less. ENGINEER OOLD MINES LTD.. INC., Applicant. H. McN. Fraser, Agent. Dated August 9. 1927. Prjcce .Rupert: (pr htJx returned on. eatdrlA train. These Ura'-'S: Haudenschlld, Mrs! Jas., Tom; and Cecil Lever. Stanley Olsen, John 8mlth, Mrs. H. Halliwell. Mr. A. Carr. Mr. and' Mrs. Geo. Dover, Misses Yvonne Cote and Mary Desjardlnes, ,W. J. Klrkpat-rlck, W. Ross Thompson, Mrs. C. A. aiggey, Mrs. Glass, Mrs. Carl Pohle, Everslry Glass, Dan Clacker, E. Robt. Henwood of 'Anyox accompanied his' mother, Mrs. A. Carr, home from Prince Rupert on Saturday and will spend some time here before tak- Spruce, Hemlock and Cedar on an area , ln. ,ln wnrt elsewhere. Uland, queen Charlotte islands District. Thirty (30) years win he allowed xor removal of timber. Further particulars of the Chief For- este, Victoria, B.C.. or District Forester. Prince Rupert, B.C. TIMBER SALE X4298 Sealed Tenders will be received by the Minister of Lands, at Victoria, BjC., not later than noon on the 13th day of October, 1827. for the purchase of Pulp Licence X4298, to cut 12.092.000 f.bjn Spruce, Hemlock and Cedar on an area situated on Grey Bay, Moresby Island, Queen Charlotte Islands District. Thirty (30) years will be allowed for removal of timber. Further particulars of the Chief For. este. Victoria, B.C.. or District Forester, Prince Rupert, BC. TIMBER SALE X4297 Miss Gladys Kenney left last week lor Prince Rupert where she will take a business course In the academy. Miss Mary Easthope waa. hostess at the tea hour on Saturday to a- num- bei of her girl pupils In compliment to Miss Dorinda Colthurst. a former pupil, who left on Sunday to continue her studies at Crofton House. Vancouver. Games and contests were enjoyed, the Stop That , , Tired Heeling ! "'Fruit-t-tiriM' iBcftlti my ap-tjl,ar a mt toi3T l(tr cur. r glinti lot. MU Eva Eaod. Msfof , F.Q. Let "Frut--tivf" build up VOUR strength and vigour. It corrects indigestion, biliousness, constipation ln sues troubles that keep you listless and miserable J5c and JOc at all druggists. prizes In the later going to Edna Dava and Irene Clayton. Miss Slbary and Miss Malott atslited, in the serving of refreshments. Professor Wickehden of Emmanuel College, Saskatoon,, who spent some time here, a year ago as the guest of Rev. W. F. Barfoot.r arlvcd from the coast on Friday and s a guest at the home of Mrs. M. A.arelg, while renewing acquaintances) with the many friends he made whUe here. He occupied the pulpit In the Anglican Church at both .morning and evening service on Sunday. Miss May Andrews of Vancouver, 1 a guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs E. T. Kenney. W. H. Burnett has moved his barber shop to the office part of the store building owned by Geo. Little directly opposite the Terrace Hotel. The other part of the building Is being used by Mr. Burnett as an oil and gasoline storage room for the Terrace Motors. St. John and Dorlnda Colthurst left on Sunday for the south to continue their studies In private schools. Capt. J. B. Colthurst accompanied ibem as far ' as PrlraVRupert.,-, , i . -. ; v '' -.'J V-l-'''vl'i .Vv : ' e'V it, Rasso of' Dome' Ce61t" Wasl: a .visitor here on Satur4iy.,khllei'JookrsYMt property Interests. H. X. Wallace of Telkwa was In town on Saturday. J. R. Baker left on Saturday for his borne' In England. Mrs. Baker will re main here for the present. The Terrace Fall Fair Board held meeting on Friday evening to hear the secretary's report of the fair and to pass on the list of prize. Everything being In order the prize money was ordered paid and the checks are now ready for distribution. A very satis factory report by the judges was read, snowing that In general management their summing up showed an advance pf more than twenty points over last year's report and stood highest of an) of the fairs visited alone thai rodte a far as Terrace. A two week notice of the annual meeting will be posted In the near future and an Important dis cussion In regard to the finances Is ex pected to take place. Miss K. R. Peacon has closed her home here and w)Il be the guest of Mrs. C. R. Gilbert for a short time be fore leaving for Vancouver. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Vanderllp and Mrs. Casells and daughter. Opal, re turned from Prince Rupert on Friday, W. Everett and B. Leason, timber cruisers for Lynn & Mcintosh Timber Co.. Vancouver, arrived from the south on Saturday -and left Sunday for Lakelse Lake on a timber cruising trip of the company's lnteroU. v DEMAND PACZ FIVS AS IT WAS scores of years ago so it is to-day a pipe tobacco of satisfying flavour and mellow fragrance OLD CHUM Ambassador Extraordinary to happy smokers. OLD CHUM suits your taste and your smoking disposition whenever you seek its soothing, restful comfort. Every puff a pleasure in itself , . . because it rings true to your taste. The blend never varies . . . the flavour never varies. Smokers willing to pay any price for quality . . . find that OLD CHUM gives them every good thing . . . they want in a pipe tobacco . . . gives them presents, too for the "Poker Hands" now packed in OLD CHUM ... are good for valuable presents. OLD CHUM riliwnjillilr DID CHUM vngnuiMMUH J. smoKiHG m g TOBACCO six ni 1 1 ii r - "Rupert Brand" -Kippers THE DAINTIEST BREAKFAST FOOD.' Smoked Dally by Canadian Fish & Cold Storage. Co., W. Prince Rupert. B.C. Canadian National -Steamships Co. Limited Prince Rupert DRYDOCK AND SHIPYARD Operating G.T.P. 20,000 Ton Floating Dry Dock Engineers, Machinists, Boilermakers, Blacksmiths, Patternmakers, Founders, Woodworkers, Etc , ELECTRIC AND ACETYLENE WELDING, j Our plant is equipped to handle all kinds of MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK. PHONES 43 and 385 Insist on B.C. PRODUCTS They Lead in Quality