PAG.To Tfit PAILV NE Wwllic...i.. The Daily News Fox Farm Makes Good Start PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA on Kinahan Islands Where One Published Ever Afternoon, except . Sunday, . . by Priiwe Rupert From Guesswork X. 1 1. - 1 venufik Hundred Bluett Art Thriving lltt. VWdtKS :r. SUItSCIUlTIUNMtAll3f: City Delivery, by mail or carrier, Vr month By mall to all parU of the Rrhlsh Emnlr and th tr,itt..i States, in advance, per year $$.00 To all other countries. In advance, per year $?i0 Transient Display Advertising, per Inch per irwertfen Transient Advtrtlsinjr on Front Pa;e. per inch )cai i.eaaers, per Insertion per line Classified Adtertlsinr. EXECUTION OF CIHMIN'ALS ' It is absolutely impossible for people here to know whether a ! eruici given in lioslon Is right or wrong and for people at this distance to protect against a conviction is not in the best interests of justice throughout the world. We know nothing about the right or wrong of the Sacco-Van-zetti case but what is evident is that the communists throughout the world have tried to make a political. Issue of it. It Is extremely regrettable if the men were executed if not guilty but much worse if they had been set free through the undue influence of a political group, no matter whether Communist, Labor, Democrat, Republican. Conservative or Liberal. Politics must be kept out of the courts of justice. It would have been a fatal mistake if the Massachusetts authorities had given way and reprieved the men because of political pressure. For that reason we are gjad to know that the executions took place and that the authorities refused to be influenced oy Domumgs ana processions and terrorist activities in trying to Influence the judges or other authorities Conserve the water, keep the back yard clean and think of health,, strength and beauty and nothing will injure us here. ELECTION TOMORROW IMPORTANT All eyes will be turned to the election in New Westminster tomorrow. This contest will have an Important bearing on the future of the government. Many people have thought that Hon. S. F. Tolmie should have been the candidate there, considering that he is leader of the provincial Conservatives. However, for the present he prefers to keep out of the game, simply managing from the outside. JJiat has little bearing on the result. ' f i ... xpGruy is ejected, iHs pre'tty sure That the government will continue to function, at least during one more session of the Legislature. Should he be defeated, no one can tell what will han- . . . T i ...ill l r a t. 1 ' I feu. 11 mil ...11 ue m.iui ior ir.e v.,c cauinei tauwiei to 10 decide. uffjue. ri ' EXERCISE CARE .DURING HOT WEATHER 5. Prince' Rupert has experienced an Unusually long dry spell, ; the longest in1 several yars. The result is that there is danger, not To Obtain Relief From Neuritis The, nervous system must be thoroughly restored. Here is a. case which illustrates this pointi- The twitehing of nerves anf xnusdei warned Mra. Mapletoft of the exhausted condition of her nervous system. She also had frequent nervous headaches and persistent neuritis in her right side. Only temporary relief can come from external applications for neuritis. To realty get rid of the cause of trouble it ia necessary to thoroughly restore the exhausted nerves by the. persistent use of Dr. Chase's Kerre rood. sirs. Wm. "Mapletoft, Mount Force. Ont, writes r "For about three years I suffered from neuritis in my right side. I hid pains through my back sad twitching of the nerves and muscles. I had also been operated on for appendicitis, and it left me a nervous wreck. I was very restless and uneasy, and bothered with frequent neuralgic headaches. My appetite was poor and I sometimes took weak spells. I commenced a treatment of Dr. Chase's Nerve Food and in a very short time I found relief. This medicine has dose me the World of good and I can recommend it to all suffering as I was." Dr. Chase's Nerve Food -0cta. per hot, all dealers, or The Dr. A. W, Chase Medicine Co., Limited, Toronto. Canada, . 4 I Visit Paid by Member of Dally News StXl f Who Tells r Develop- T!m I HI . 11 ! 11.40 Legal Notices, each Insertion per apate line .18 Contract Rates on Application ' Advertising and Circulation Telephone 93 Editor and Iicportcrx Telephone ... 86 Member of Audit Rureau of Circulations. DAILY EDITION gjjgjfa Wednesday, August 21. 1927 menu mere unaer nostrum .Management' i (By G. A. Hunter) Yesterday afternoon we paid a call on th blue foxes of the KIhmIimm Ma ml Fur Farm. We found thnv to be owite as shy as we had expected but, eventually, one of. two at them, after they had ' found that we brought good things 'Stong vtflhr n, became rtther friendly. Then we were abje to sludy them a. little At clo IwihI and. in their company, we spent a pleasant hour or so. Far the most of us, it was the first experience with them. At tke fMU of Ospt Alfred Swan- " WP " md toort " cnt and tm, are takwi by the Fftre Rupm Bo.t Houw poer boat tOKf tfcemselve. who font on fee -S3" with Oapt. Htm Berqulst in com- M taw wlt maud. The run out to the frm. wMeh xllo uhQ acquainted U the cloeeat one ot Ita kind to Ue!u f nuj Uut h h city of Prtiw Rupert, took us Utjle , , tf. (nlmiI th, he I. Nor less Un one hour, the distance betegj, tll. Ww fox seem Mtfiethmg in tte Behoarhood ot Hfrl, ,cUt to m btm Ht to .jmost a or Hire miles. The Kinahan Islands, ofi Perfect Uvce which there are two. are looated Just month f Vtftoy 14 tad near the entrance of Prince Rupert harbor. The are of I.IKV IX t OMMl NITlllS Poxes live In communities of their - - -. - . rtirnl.rlv Awn mrm rva ' ""T T that there T 'JL . ZZJ, JZT no lntne to the.r own lltUe be W fen them. U loested the heartquar- .. . fnr ter. of e fo, thoh the ro 0" tZ Z, run st targ 00 both. own group-, in( moum. IMXX ArrtUKS . a, a,, of the canine SomcwtMt dfcppolntlBt the an- 4 tre taboo ltM (0x farm. Doaa Muneement. m tanned at I- runjhe foa ad aometlme. kUI Urns. tana, by th tecond in command we tox wU ln tnelr com-1 farm that we had come at the wrong pnT ali ui w mort to ea-tlme of and that our ehancea of day ct, are , anooTknce for the teeing the foxea would be alight. Thing !ox can deal with them turned out better, however, for It waa A p,,, chADf ha come orer Kina-not long after e bad eettled ounelve hAD ltUM -nce ,t WM MUbiUhel aa on the beach to enjoy what we feared , Jox tum A full two oI Und va mrtnz tn be little nw.t than an v. .- . . .. , ! o v - um uwn kiwru ug la uuuri - m w " ordinary picnic when the firat fox that tlon w,tB abundant crop, particu-. We should hav int the am fn .nv If ,.. ..... , ..I WKr l" tarly of poUtaea. ceding up thU year. ini . T . " c, .iuiKi-u u,trach. Thto waa "ranny. tne cnam- juit trraa have been put In and. in a, nltr V I KMU,P ua" lf e U mother of the land who had a fw y .r, .be a .piend.d! murderers r they should be hinged and if not they should have been l ter of fourteen pupa thia eaon. she the conunodioua houw " uul iwiuicai uemonsirauons snouia certainly have no place ; became t""J engHea m carrying u tho who haa Jyet Uken up piece 01 tan irom ine larm uaMence therV with hla hrlde. formerly1 to the den of her pups some quarter, Mu, Eo(i Denda of this city. Small of a mile along the beach. Each of thetrulu u rajajberrlea are thrtrlng; many tlmea ahe made tnla trip It waaM m.Hl M lukiturtlums. dahlias, etc. necessary for her to pass fairly dose to! n,. to oulte t coton, of ,lre. tu and we took a keen Interest In her ltock including nine Cblnchlua rabblU mOTements. who are boused ln the pan which wat It was about this time that Emll ; originally designed lor mink tha,t harej Boateom. who Is In charge of the Urm.,aat ytt nred on the scene. The' returned to the Island from Invros chinchillas are killed for their hides i cannery, bringing with him a Oolumblc, ln wgtmt to the jon, whlch ,! itiver tuning ooai wnssn is to De ttBeaClinpsd and with which a start was I ln freighting between the city and h; originally mad. mttng with faUl! taland. He took us In charge and gara' t, wbctl qq. nM g1 us more cncouraginc wora vmi c iatB tne prn (nd mjled. aU Its oceu- snouw e aoie to come in lainy cioeiD(.u bT blUnff u,.,, n-w. .rk. quarters with the foxes which we had corr.e to ee. Indeed, he was right and. with some persuasion on his part, what with quiet words arid bits of fish and Ing the blood from their bodiea. I!i:tl Is MIM'OT "Jlggs." a black bear cub. la the 'maacot maacot 01 of the tne iarm. farm. He He haa nas a a pen pen to to I This i, the first election in which the new premier has led .fte'nd LeTn "was esungl h'm"' hh " "lth f him tn an4 Klat the Liberal party and for him it. means a great deal. The result win De watcnea with great Interest. The stampede is coming pretty soon, so girls watch out for the chaps. MINING DISTRICTS CLOSE HY Yesterday a visitor to the city drew attention to the fact that the people in the south, meaning Vancouver and Victoria, knew more about the mining camp on Portland Canal than did the people of Prince Rupert and were more interested in the activities there. That we fear is true. In a small city we are apt to get self-contred and lose that broad outlook that comes with expansion. But yet it should not be so. Stewart and Alice Arm and Anyox and Hazelton and Sraithers and Topley should be often in our thoughts and we should know a great deal about them. Also it is a wonder that more are not financially interested there. We allow American interests to come in and take the plums while we slumber gently and refuse to see the opportunities that await the investor. If Eve had not married Adam she would probaCly have had to take up a career. Ar a -K wa out of all our hands although she was ... . . ' I aire gw"J MWIIW ICTUU UUiW ai naevntia at n alianAL4tlta VI f rwil 3 - ; - happy In hla surroundings. Jims" waa ood intent at flnt t was arrentfy ! ,ht down the Un.rom where -IblUon next month . . , ., . . he waa captured and he has a atsur, wanted waa to be friendly. At last. ... , ... , . . .. ... . . . ; Maggie, at the plant of the Canadian Z "1 . J . . .. Fh & OoM Storage Co. so be . . . , . i alone in tnla country. I "Buster," the tamest of the colony ' har- . .... . , . , , . , . A litter of twelve piga completes the ' Ing been reared near the house amce he .... . llTeatock population at T,. Kinahan Is when he fell out of , fcl hla was a puppy den and was Injured, and "Rastus," one of the more bold, also came along to share the good things while, along the beach, could be seen several of Fanny'a pups, now almost aa large aa herself, emerging from the brush and wondering lf It was safe for them to come along, too. ONK IHMllIKP NOW TIIKItK From the ten pair that were placed on the Island last October when the Kinahan Fur Farm waa established, we learned that, estimating conservatively, there are now something ln the neighborhood of one hundred foxes on the Island-. They .have done well and eight of the ten pairs had Utters this season. Fanny led the rest with, fourteen pups but another had thlr only irom fire but from epidemic. So far we have been wonderfully, teen and so on down the line. Katur- iree irom anything of that sort but in other parts of the province ' l7 ' t"1 season their sktwr they are suffering and we must all watch that wp An nnt nlin .mVire not prime. It is in winter that bad smells to continue. Here is where the condition at Cow Ray becomes a danger. However, as u.ial, the stable door will not be locked until the horse is stolen. . We are not alarmists. We do-not believe in pondering on ill health, but at te same time we must not be foolish, and allow conditions to continue which are always liable to breed disease and death. Luck Is all right if it comes your way voluntarily, but as something to depend upon regularly it is not they coat but and wear the hides that are so prized by Ml Lady. Mr. Bos-trom told us that It was not the Intention to kill any of the foxes this winter. They will be kept to further populate the farm. land These were only delivered there last week, having been purctuuied from Bill Miller, the weU known Porofcer Island stock raiser. Tbey seem quite contented and are also serving a good purpose in rooting up the virgin soil. After the plough ln this respect, the pig comes' next. It Is planned to bring a horse to the Island for such work as ploughing, ete. The Kinahan fox raising establishment la owned by the Kinahan Fur Farms Co.. a local company having as !ta members Capt. Alfred Bwanson. Oiler Beaner. Veraer Lund and Emll Boatrom. Mr. Boatrom U the manager rf the. WK'i nv jShei pprnce "of tbUfK-i the laat'feehtloned' two have etach day s work cut out' fpr Mm 363 times a year. ' IMKTOOK Of SALMI As we .left, the Island following our Interesting visit, some half dozen foxes, a few of whom bad ventured out during the meal to eat from our hands. were scouring our picnic site, ap parenuy with some suooeas. If the LO mi for a set of la to be sent over and will un doubtedly be one of th emoat lnlerest- rot : :u leauirca oi ine entire snow, repre- . anting a new Industry which seems to preent considerable possibilities for this part of the country. TIM HER SALE X92C5 There will be offered for sale at Public Auction, at noon on the 1st day , -T September. IB27. ln the ofHce of the 1 Forest Ranger. Burns Lake, the Licence ' XU266, to cut 40.000 Jackplne ties on an ' area situated about 4 1-2 miles from: Falling Station, Canadian National Hall- ' war Range 8. Coast District. Three f3) years will be allowed for. removal of timber. ' "Provided anv one unahlo tn nni the auction in person may submit tender to be opened at the hour of and EmU Erlckeon la hla 1 uon and treated as one bid." Crt'.-rzii. ?"! Further particulars of the Chief Fore. ter. Victoria. BE., or District Foreater. Prince Rupert, B.C. , TIM HER SALE X92C6 There will be offered for sale at Public Auction, at noon on the 1st day of September. 1927 in the office of th rarest Ranger. Burns Lake the Licence X92e. to cut 49,000 Jackplne ties on an area situated about 4 1.9 mil, nr. I Shovel Creek from the Canadian Na- 1 viuiw itauway, Kange 8, Coast District. Three 13) veara win he .ii..h ... salad of trhih k. .. removal of timber. In the fox world. It Is the woman rm . " "1 " "Provided any one unable to attend who does the work as Fanny irttnea' ., ' ""JT; w", v" . tto auction ln person may submit tn mil. .'.,,, irny did no' nave fatal reulU. we tender to be opened at the hour of wle M vui ruaumg a ym ,,,,.,,.,, auction and treated u livelihood for her family, the old manjour fum ft ; I .further particulars o 'the Chief Fores- waa at home standing guard over his, offrertng and consuming his full share 1 of the store his inite was bringing, ' n:i:niN(i tiik roxr.s While the Kinahan Fur Farm lets Its foxes run at large and not In dens as ln some, places where there la better chance of their escape, there are feed bouses along the beach where, in sum over, their food Is delivered once a day. usually at high tide when the food ts taken out ln boats and carried into the houses on the shore. In winter, the fox has not such a good appetite and once every two or three daya suffices , to feed him. This Is fortunate, too. I for rough weather sometimes mskei idlfflcult the dUtrlbutlon of the food. I Fish and bran Is the main food of jthe foxes. At the present time the cooking is done ln the dwelling on the I Island but a cookhouse haa been erect-jed on the wharf and an old steam jboUer la In waiting to be placed on a j brick fire box. The fox la Very par-, ticular that his food should not be burned and the welt water Jacketed boiler should ensure that it Is not.' In winter, the shooting of aeala adds considerably to the diet with its flesh and blubber The skin Is also offered the foxes aa it serves a valuable function in keeping the animals In order For a Ddlghtul Treat WRIG LEY'S NIPS Delicious after imoking weetens the breath, oothei the throat and makes the next smoke taite better. ""P"M ter. victoria BC. or District Forester. - i Prince Rupert, B.C. " Tf iJftf MI j TLMRER SALE X9I73 ' !,,'" " Z.1 orrered for sale at Public Auction, at noon on the 1st day of September. 1927. in the office of thi Ihn!.r: . the Licence D3.WU fine ties on an area situated ln the vicinity of Trliealn-kut, Creek, Range 6. Coast DUtrlct Three (3) years will be allowed for iur removal of timber. Provided any one unable to attend ;he auction in person may submit tender to be opened at the hour of auc ton and treated as one bfd " pAncVCRut-rtBB.C0r DtriCt Freter- IN PRORATE. IX TIIK "l:l"K(nirRT OF URITISII lD 01 th AdmlnJ'fitlon Act-"nd'r In the Matter of the Estate of John Caddy. Deceased. InSrtite TAKE NOTICE that by order of III. I UUrratoArDot19t2h7e taV Tfi 5"'. t?nfUULfam' PP"Ir verified. I to me on or before the 20th dsv 7f S'A",!,t M " PartleVin-' debted to the' estate arc reuulred to nsv inw?wnt of tn"r lnebtedness to me forthwith. NORMAN A, WATT. j Of ft; ai Administrator Dated th. 25th dacTuinS , 1 Scientific Accurate ODE INSTALLFQ McClary's are the only Canadian members of tlie National Warm Air Heating and Ventilaiing Association a body of leading nunuf.tur en wlw have adopted a xtrit-title code for installing warm air furnaces, liy insisting on a NkOary's "Code InitsUfd" SunJiine Furnace you are guaranteed a heating rystrni which rokts less to buy and lets to maintain than mora rlalmrate yet less ffitive rys-tenis yrt wo!drs 70 degrees of heat in every rooui. XIOST Iiome owners heap abuse on their furnace. To St attributed high fuel bills, coughs and coldi, dully fo temperatures Yet the furnace U seldom to Uame. Its inefficiency it umuQy A tL'nUrt iiuialUiiort. Irierl)f installed warm air is the an rfiojvt healing system obtainaUe. Yet even tlx best warm air funurn Una iiM-liicient ami waitful if they are not installed According to Stands taj ''Code f nsMnrd" nwinl ilut your ystem is pbnned by npmi stcsri Inc to tried and roven scienlific rimiplrs. It guaraiitres llic nanl JwJiIJJ elUirnt and ecunomical licsting lant your honist can jKvuaunodur r,0 warn, air heating (o a Jan lar and above tlwt of any btiirr ly U Ua system in die country. m Sttfithin rrta. It ltmh It wl vuusUf tar II krJ f l(gTTT" Ctal r rtaJ. htM llCaUg S)U flMi trrWt aJlMlahg aag llgS V ibU f4 cm! kortst. t T j! nil ia smI mm it uUi t-vupM. W mJ imm mh! A 1 MtttBLH l JJrM ml lit ari MHJUr Jalr Im ill Kir !? d lnrtllJ" htMM lfui Uili will giv Utm-Utrng MlUfalCti. MAIL THIS COUPON TUB MCtvMV MKJ. CO, IONlKN fATIACA. ltM f4 aw MM ml Minn MC !-. tmi ImIaIU ImiUi turft44 MtatJilig M SM4jra taAh U,mm SUNSHINE FURNACE Can Also be Fitted With MILES AUTOMATIC FURNACE FAN Where ifeoossi DENTIST Dr. J. R. Gosse Helgerson Block X-RAY SERVICE 9 a.ttiM6G m. . ' Phone 686 Evening Appointmcnu PARRIC DECORATION WITH P AI NT EX For Home Decoration, Costumes find Acresorie We are offerintr a Gift Set of Palntex, pe 'pr. the fancy work section of the Rupert Exhibition, ' 10th, for the best specimen of this work. SEE DISl'LAV IN OUR WINDOWS All Information may be obtained from our faff H. S.. Wallace. Co., Ltd. n I k " venue iinu i.mtuiu- ry UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT CENTRAL HOTEL The place called "Home" 120 Rooms, American, and European Plan Water, llus meets all trains and boats. Sample Room Phone 51. Hot I. Martin, .ndCiJ