,itr Augait 21, 1927 THE biuai 0F QUALITY QUARTER of a A tfnturylnthemilk buine has taught u$ that milk quality must b(in vilh the eov. And m thf Carnation Milk Farms, with their world-famous herd of HcMrin cattle, seek to rncouriRe and provide better dairy stock. But Cinutlon doet not (top at 'brttrr cwt". Carnation Kfki better limn" trul the Cirnttion Field Fort tpmdi t'mf Infttint linni ind Hunting ttrmert. Ornition teekt "better methodY tnd tbt Cirn. tija Condenteriet tre mod- CARNATION BEGINS the COW rU tlrth OeNrWe world looks (or newest thoutikti ia tbt hndliO t Bulk. Stfrty. aunty, uniformity and trouble richnr -tbrfc tre yourt far tbt price ot a tin of Carnation mi'k Uie Carnation (or enokicg, to secure Ultrr rev!t and in place ol crrim at one-third mam'i rnt Ordrr Irom your groccj several tint or a case ol 4S tint. Hoover Send let a frtt tefl of It try PUke'i Coo Book. Addrtn Carnation it ilk Product! Cenfony, United, Aylmtr, Ontario. Carnation "From Centtntfd Cows" Milk Produced in Canada Boys' Shirt Waists and Knickers I'cr Garment 95 Waists in Khaki and Fancy Stripes, washable and will wear well ' Knickers in pure Tweeds and Serges, in sizes up to 8 years Acme Importers Third Avenue P.O. Box 667 Living Insurance If asked the question "Would you like to add 10 years to your life?" no one would say no. On the other hand few People make an effort to add thorns 10 years. Doctors, by s'ampfntf out such diseases na smallpox have added ten years t"- our average life and could add another ten if people were v ;-e enough to consult their doctor on the first symptoms of illness, Consult your doctor follow his orders if he includes a Prescription in his treatment bring it to Ormes where his orders will be followed implicitly and only the finest of pure drugs used. Ormes IM. Dfttaft'sls THIRD AVE, (, SIXTH ST TELEPHONES 82t-200 Suction Sweepers Kaien Hardware Co. Telephone 3 Local and Personal Arthurs Tail. Pbons bts. BO Undertakers phone t. D. Dr. j. a oouo Pbooea Oet the Big bsbitl When thlnklnt f a Taxi, pteai 4. u Wanted pup.U u, BHaata (Dtaool rltaea taachsr. niasasatbts. VUu Red !T. Mrt. F. n. Baot and daughter. Ulu Met. arMvad trass Alio Arm on taw Oatala ysMtMty afternoon. B- 0. Btytlta ot tbt Union ou Com-Pay Mt oa todays train for the m- n tb ooaapanys business Little of Teeraos, well known aawaaUI operator, arrtvad In the city tart Wfht raam to Imtortor on buai- CPvR. ttoamer rrtnosas Louts. Cept Artist UUr. It due In port at tfeli alatraae tram mfay and wtu tntt at tar Vancouver. Until repairs at the Provincial Oov-naMBt wharf have born oompletod C-T.K. ataaaniti wOl aaake landing at Mo. I abed on O TP. wharf. C. O. Strom beck. Alio Am proa-IMCtor. ailed on the Catala last eren-tng tar Veftaouver on hwalnaoi attor arwatrag two or thtee days in tbe city. Proceed for the Acropolis Hill Improvement League. Mrs. Wm. Oelfflths and net grandchild. Miss Ivy Porter of Canmere. Alt . who have been the gtaiatt tof Mr, ad Mr. Bert 'Weak.. Clapp block, are leavug today on the ateamer Prlncsas Loulw for Vancouver. her return to bee home In Seattle. Union steamer Catala, Oapt. A. E. Dickson, arrived at 3 o'clock vesterdar Exchange Clock. Office Hours: U a.m. to 6 p.m. .' Saturday: 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Any eveninjr by appointment D5EP Kenny DENTIST THE DAILY NEWS PAGE THREE rOENIS MOUNIE a ez 'Brandy z3 Sl Willi CL llcJ m Copnac day are M X3ows: LAUU tf.rure Ooanpound L(1US B C. treah putHeta hJO. treeo, ftnU ..... B.C. treah. ' tiaras ..... local Dew lafct I1SII This aivrtlwemrnt nJ publilhed or displayed tj the Liquor Gertrd boxd a by fr Coveirancnl of Dnlish Cohmbia. J Market Prices Retell prtoea on the locl market to- 3ic 30c 37fct .. 4 . 4Sc . 0c ft D. Mam f A ftyax arrtred In the Halibut,, tb it cltg treat the amMlttr town on the Salmon, red spring 35c Catala yeaUrday on tine morning's tratn Jor MUwaokee. AU OonMnratltea are Invited to at tend a meeting In the Olub Rooms on, Thursday. August 3g at 8.15 pin. for' Fowl. No. 1. lb. the purpose of selecting delegates to Roasting ehiekeu. lb. the .Nominating uonvenuoo. nd t alJon. white spring, a trip to 'fcsmoked kippers, lb Klppeted' salmon, lb Smoked Mack eod. lbr. Fm&an baddies, lb MEAT lb. ... 15c ... 16c ... 35c ... 300 ... 30C 30c and 35c 45c Ham. sliced, first grade 65c Hun. mholr. first ersde 43c immng: uomingi wain i u. H.m. ptenld. lb 22t iv Cottage roa, lb 30c surt m a few days Shipment ot new batk wc Bacon, aide 45c to 55c naie at Brace usm wiu pay dry mU sir , v. Ayrshire bacon, lb 35c Veal, shoulder .. 35c ruuvmi asw mwsjuv smm VtJ lgla 40c Hits. OokmsBO Prince and Rupert. Veaj lrg 40c nomisHon mo. ih snips orasa oan anomder 28c will glee selections on the around. . , . .IW, Pork, leg 40c Beef, pot roast 13ftc to 18e Beef, boiling 13c to 15c Beef, steak 30c to 45c Beef .roast.' prime rib ., 30c Lamb, chops I'....: 60c Lamb, shoulder 35c Mutton, leg 40c I Iamb, leg .. 48c lMuUon' cn,P Mr. Fred Stephens and small son " w w . T . . Mutton shoulder 30c with Mrs. Stephen's father and mother-' . . . , . . ,, . . .Brookfleld. Shamrock and M Woodland, in-law. Aid. and Mrs. M. M. Stephens. 413 Kmmerson Place, sails this after- 4714- Jj' noon aboard the Prtnoees Louise . on ! ' -' ' ' "J! uepai. 2aa grade. 10 vc Fraser Valley, lb. New Zealand, lb. oollce court this mornuu on a charee ; Oorgonzola, lb. CHEESE 1 Oamembert cheese. 8 oz. pkg sftsranon tram An vox. Stewart and 60c 50c Kr4lt 35c other northern port of call and tailed Umberger at 8 for Vancouver and way port Passengers embarking here on the vessel for Vancouver Included Mr. and Mrs. Ltn Seutber, Kate Henderson and Mrs. Fleming. Mrs. James Scherk aooearcd In cltv 65c ! Ontario solids 35c ! Stilton, lb 403 Kraft 45c Norwegian Qoat 85c Napoleon Limberger 70c Roquefort 75c Swifts' Brookfleld, lb 45c 75c of driving an automobile without ! McLarens Cream. Jars .... 45c and 85c license, the charge being dismissed , Brookfleld Swiss chece. H lb. Pkg. 30c with a warning. The police state that j Brookfleld Canadian cheese. lb. pkg. 250 there seems to be general Ignorance of ' the Motor 'Oruyere . 45c provisions of the Vehicle Act which makes It necessary for all Oolden Loaf, lb 45e driving motor cart or In any way hand- j j4Ck, lb 50c ling such vehicles to have licenses on, Rmho Sardo. lb 75c their person so they may be produced on the demand ot officers. IHUM MIIOOI. NOTICE. The Examinations In aU subjects for thoe who have supplementals in Grades 9 and 10 of the High School will be held In King Edward School on Tuesday and Wedneaday. August 30 and 31 respectively from 9:80 to 11:30, Beets Oamiuelest. 't lb 30c SlU.tR White, per 100 7.65 Velio, per 100 87.15 FLOl'R Flour, 49'a, No. 1 bard wheat 83.85 Pastry flour, 10's 65c Pastry flour. 49's 13.00 VEGETABLES Beets. 5 bunches for 25c sack $3.25 and from 1:30 to 3:80 p.m. Cucumbers, each ..10c and 15c These Examinations must be taken ' Carrot, new. 5 lbs. for 25c before promotion can be considered. 301 (Signed) PRINCIPAL. Mttttt tMt MM ANNOUNCEMENTS St. Andrew's Society Concert and Vaudeville show, Wednesday, September 21. Established 1923. New Potatoes, 8 lbs 25c Sack 82.15 Green peppers, lb 50c Parsley, bunch 10c Rhubarb, 5 lbs 25c Cauliflower, B.C. head.. 25c, 35c and 40c B.C. head lettuce, 3 fr,. 35c Oarllo, Imported, per lbrL 50c Cooking, onions. JapaneseyS lbs 25c Greer onI6ns. dozen bunches .... 25c Radges. 3 bunches . ....Vj,. 10c IgLr, 2 bunches 25c Cltfery. head . . ', 15c ard 20c Hothouse tomatoes, B.C. lb 25c Spinach, local, 2 lb -. 25c New B.C. cabbage. 4 Jbs. : . 25c New psrsnipa.' 3 bundles jj , 4 23c Wax and green 'bekribjfl 10c :; FRUIT Oranges, Valencia; doren ... 2oV to 85c LtBions,. 6unklst, doz. 50c Imperial Valley Grapefruit... 2 for 25c Binanas, 2 lb 35c Extracted honey, lb 25c and 35c Norman A. Watt, government agent. left yesterday for Telkwa, accompanied by hit little daughter, Joan. They will be away a week or ten days. Visit the "Colombo" tomorrow Speed- j boat "Naas River" to and from ship. Phone 10'J 1 Nom:r.al clia.e. 0 FUNERAL TODAY OF LATE JOHN 0. TENG VYtlre ThU AttftSMMtn TendiMlrd by Hrx. J. K. Irlirll Urrly .lllrndnl Puberal serke tor the late John O. Ttn(. hoM eveattt oecurred auddtnlyj tb) took place at 3 o'clock this j afternoon in the ehaptl ot the BC Un- j tfrrUken. lateemrnt foUowing in Pair-. rlew Cemetery. Re. J. R. rnzell. pastor ot First Preebyttrtan Church, deiiveted a sympathetic address and John E Darey preetdrd at the organ for the ' hymns There was a larte attendance 1 ot sympathisers tor the family PaUDrarers were P. T 8tevt. J W McK:aly. C J. Oraluun. Alian Davlea W. r Cameron and Prank OaMea. LORD DERBY'S HORSE WON EBOR HANDICAP YORK Aue 34 -Lord Derb s Cape-pie won the Ebor handicap here this atter.ioon by half a length from Lord Aitor'i Poet Lord Barnby'a Revle won he third race worth W.000 j MONDAY'S C.N.R. STEAMER1 SAILINGJSCANCELLEDj The aalUag of the Canadian National steamer "Prince Rupert" from Prince Rupert to Ocean Falls, Powell River and ! Vaneouree on August 39 Is eaneeUed. IKITKL AKKIV.tUH. iTlnre Rupert 3011 E. H. Munro. Major D. R. MaeLaren and H. W. Maoene. Vancouver. S. D. Murray and W. Simpson. Anyox; F. A.1 Codd. Hyden O. C. MseMltlsa. Toronto: j J. B. Watson. Jr. and A. 11. Ounn. Northbrldge Centre. Mss.; Mrs. F. O. Rice and Roee. Alice Arm; George Me-1 Afee. Ocorgetown; W. 11. Watt. Ams-i bury; Oeorge Uttte, Terrace; W., Fotherlngton and Jack Hamilton, Mill Bay. Central Mrs. Burn and sister. Carl Bostadt and P. Olsen. city; E. oratton, sunny side: I. Rltchle-and O. Moland, Van couver. ; voy I Peter McKlnnon. H. Tbompnon. B. ' Hargrove and E, Hargrove, city. Jukal Kaylra, Japanese, la being charged In the city police court this afternoon with Indecent exposure. He was arrested aooui a ocioci last mgni on Fulton Street. Vlnce Lade, who returned to the city yesterday afternoon after making a trip to Chlcagoff Island with Aid. M. M. Stephens, sailed on the Catala last night for Vancouver. , C. E. Pitman, formerly a resident of Prince Rupert, and a member of the staff of the old Union Bank of Canada, ha now taken a position with the Torlc Mines Co., Alice Arm, as bookkeeper. I LAND ACT. NOTICE Or INTENTION TO APPLY TO LEASE LAND. In Prince Rupert Land Recording; Dis trict of Coast District, Range 4, and sit uate on and being all of Bonllla Island i except that portion occupied by Indian ; Reserve Number 18. I TAKE NOTICE that I. Ole C. Austad. i o! Prince Rupert, B.C., occupation ' rancher. Intends to apply for a lease of i tne following described lands: commencing at a post planted at the southeasterly point of Bonllla Island; : thence northerly, westerly, southerly and , easterly, following the sinuosities of the shore line, to point of commencement, excepting therefrom that portion of the island occupied by Indian Reserve no. 18, and containing one thousand acres, more or less. OLE C. AUSTAD, Applicant. Dated July 15. 1927. LAND ACT. NOTICE OF INTENTION TO APPLY TO LEASE LAND- ta Queen Charlotte Island Land Re-ordtng District ot Prince Rupert, and ltuate on the west coast of Burnaby slsnd. TAKE NOTICE that British Columbia Fishing & Pscklng Co. Ltd.. of Vancouver, B.C., occupation Packers. Intends to apply ror a lease oi tne following escriDea lanas: Commencing at a post planted on the weit coast or tturnaoy lsiana. y u.i. thence east 3 chains; thence south 45 chains: thence west 3 chains, more or 1m. , n h .h nrat.r marl,' f H n r. nnHh """(along high water mark to point or com New B.C. bunch carrots, s bunches zsc mencement. and containing it acres, more or less, BRITISH COLUMBIA FISHING & PACKING CO. LTD.. Applicant. Dated June 10. 1927. LAND ACT NOTICE OF INTENTION TO APPLY TO LEASE LAND In Range 5, Coast Land District, Land Recording District ot Prince Rupert, and situate on Lot 102 Humpback Bay, Por-cher Island. B.C. TAKE NOTICE that F. H. Cunningham. Board of Trade Building, of Vancouver. B.C.. occupation Salmon Broker. Intends to apply for a lease of the following described land?: Commencing at a post planted 150 yards south-southeast of northeast corner post of Lot 102. Ranee 6; thence due south 6 chains; thence south-southeast 19 chains; thence due north o chains; thence west-northwest along shore to point nf commencement and containing 14 acres, mores or less. FRANCIS HENRY CUNNINGHAM, Applicant Dated ?5th June. 1927. PAIN in BLADDER Promptly gaatd by SANTAL. MIDY B surs to gat th Qtnuln Look for tut word Sold by til dxuttiMt Perspiration kept free from odor by this hygienic toilet soap purifies fyorcs IN business, at welt tt soclslly, persoirttion odor Is in unnsr- donsble offemc a rtal handicap Minding in the wty of success. And the worst of ic It that we tnty be guilty without Lnou-tng it. Don't tale chances use Lifebuoy. So refreshing millions btthe with it daily for it gives lsMlng freedom from embarrassing odor. For healthy complexions) Lifebuoy's mild, antiseptic lather not only purifies body pores It purifies fact poret too, keepins complexion! clear, smooth and glowing with health. Better still. It removes unieen grrms from hands, as well at dirt helpt lifeguard health. Lifebuoy't clean, hygienic scene which quickly evaporates after tinslng tell you it gives greater tafety. Yet It cottt to little. Lifebuoy U orange-red, a big generous cake. Get some today wherever soap it told. Lever Brothers Limited; Toronto g LB723 lifebuoy Sbj H t A t T SOAP for race -hands -bath DEMAND removes germs, too- "Rupert Brand" Kippers - "THE DAINTIEST UKEAKEAST FOOD." Smoked Daily by Canadian Fish & Cold Storage C Prince Ilupcrl. D.C. Canadian National Steamships Co. Limited Prince Rupert DRYDOCK Ucanadian .eaivwiirX AND SHIPYARD Operating (J.T.I'. 20.000 Ton Eloaling Dry Dock Engineers, Machinists, Boilermakers, Blacksmiths, Patternmakers, Founders, Woodworkers, Etc. ELECTRIC AND ACETYLENE WELDING. Our plant is equipped to handle all kinds of MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK. PHONES 43 and 385 Canadian Pacific Railway Bf t C. Coast Services Sailings from Prince Rupert1 To Krtehlkan, Wranrell, Juneau and Skagaay A must 1, 5, 8, 15, 19, ZB, Z. To Yanroutrr, Victoria anil Seattle August X 6, 10, 13, 20, 21, 31. I'ltlNCKftS IIKATKIf'E. For llutedale, Eat llella llella. Or fan Kails Namu, Alert tlay. Campbell Klter. and Vancouver every Haturdjv. It a.m. agency for all Steamship Lines. Full Information from W. C. OKCIUKII, General A(rnt. Corner of 4tb Street and 3rd Avenue. Prliiee Kupert. B.C. Advertise in "The Daily News"