5 TAXI Boston Grill Ambulance Large Upstair Dining Hall, Service with newly laid dancing Anywhere at Anytime floor, for hire. Island: Exchange Building NEW SODA FOUNTAIN. PRINCE RUPERT The latent and best for the MATT VI DECK. Prop. - least. I'hone 457. Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper (V OL XVII., No. 91. miNCK ItUPEKT, B.C., TUESDAY. APRIL 10, 1927 Price Five Onte ?ARSUi& INDICTED IN SAN FRANCISCO MOTHER VESSEL REACHES PRINCE RUPERT FOR GRAIN Action Against Fishery Department is Started by Somerville Company iMAf.BS FOK SHIZUm: OF FLOATING CANNKItV AT .MAS SETT AHB SOUGHT - WOULD UI'SBT ALL FEDEHAI, LI-(iISLATI()N Action was taken in supreme Court against provincial and Dominion Cannery Co. claiming $70,000 of the company's floating can-y ground of illegal operation. Alex at Ottawa; J." A. Motherwell, A. Found, director of fisheries, department are named. ' i .iifitflrfili a 1 1 m a AM Utti;, pru iv. .t by the issuance of a writ In-y t.u'inals by the Somerville jiagc for alleged Illegal seizure at Maxscttt Inlet on the inston, deputy minister of fisheries rf inspector at Vancouver; W. awa and other officials of.the The Somerville Cannery Co. , IKS FRANCOIS LAKE RAILWAY llloN llllKNTIIi AT OTTAWA ItlttliV OX UllltLI' Or" ION- UTIULNT. i i j be -c t te House or corn- O! ua proroicj.d la.nk. J ' UF u,i Skeena. presented a ! ' W McNeill and other of .i O.iW ttUtrlet preylas,. far ' u-i c: tj establish a in - ot eigbv.mtte IMW c u,i... line of tM, Gansv&ari 'o Lbe foot of rtatt- T pr.iiou was received In mi tr. : IUTHW1NS GOLF TITLE moohi: in tn tout is mevs ItMrlON AND Mis. MAKOtlll.t SAtUAltD I.AIHIS' IcTORIA, April 18. Dlek Mxire. la id ti goU'T. won the Drtttsb JiiS:a mc: amateur cruunptonslup ' li: B( ' :k Cud when he defeated Da dton 'if Seattle, one up In the i Mar-ram Baywsrd of Victoria. in women's title by defeating Hp "old Ilutrhlnijj of Vancouver. up at the nineteenth hole. ITOR CYCLE RIDER KILLED OltEK Otril LOST Ills I.I IK LW MIIIIT It HEX IIK MUM K .MAN AND LOST ('OSTIUM. AUCOtVErt, April 19- Ralph Arher. 10. was killed and William Pepton i. j u red when a motorcycle, ridden lAnnr-r truck repton and crashed a telephone, pole last night Archer ;ntru after striking repton and thrown against the pole, the flllc for fracturing hla akull and Unj almost instantaneous death. 10NARCHS SEND THEIR PICTURES iAin.w ixoatioX receives lilKT TOOETIICH WITH ENTKES- imox or well wishes from SOVI.ItKKJNS rASHlNQTOK. April 19. Two fine ographed engravings of King Oeorge Queen Mary, -which will occupy a fcc of honor in the new Canadian Ition offloes here, arrived on Mon- from England accompanied by an Tension of royal compliment and wuiiea from Their Majestlei. IVANCOUVEU EXCHANGE Did. Asked nt 1.411 1 OF FISHERIES for several years operated the floating cannery snd last year 1U license in specially worded "non-flaat-' Ing" and the Laurel Whalen. the company's cuifl. carrying a cannery outfit. was aelmd at Maxell. tn loe action cametenccd today, the company will elelro damages for loss of business due to the sctiure and will set up a DroDosltlon that ail Dominion lrrl- UMon purporting to affect cannerle. U 'ultra rtrea of the federal parliament. VICTORIA "GRETNA ' GREEN" NOW GONE T.rmaltanr." Nrtir ( Mny lir KihiK ltTed bj le. Ur. John (Imflx-ll VICTORIA. AprU 19. British Oolum-bla's "OretrM Oreen" exists no more. After servlag More than thtrty-flrc yrara aa IM nome ol nee. or. jonn Campbell in Vteterta. tio Is said to hold the reoord for Um number of mar-rtaM wbtcn h has solemnized in this prorlno. "Dreadalbane" la to serve another purpose and Dr. Campbell is to live elsewhere. for years the phrase "At Breadatbane marked the introduction of unnumbered wetMlnc notice In Victoria and n. mmIi nkwr hAMIntf an lmtvwftnt place in British Columbia society were wedded there Dr. oamnijcu eio om- clated at a great many wedding outside Victoria, and hundreds of people who were desirous of avoiding elaborate cerrmonlea went to Dr. Campbell 'a "church around the corner." whether they happen to belong to bis denomination or not. DurtHg hla years In the ministry at Victoria Dr. Campbell has' .solemnin-d the fteddlng of four thousand persons. HlltKl'.r.xS IlKPOHT. . . . , .p . A f . l-l a it.ni. DIODY ISLAND - CTear. elm; baro-meirr. 30.42; temperature. SO; sea smooth; 7:15 a.m. spoke steamer CaUta left Wales Island, at 6:10 ajn south bound. BULL HARBOR. Psrt cloudy. light west wind; barometer, 30.26; tempera lure 40: light swell; b p.m. spoke steamer Charlie Watson, fort Wells fer Seward. 863 miles from Seward; 6 pin. spoke Catherine D. Ketchikan for Na-nalmo. 360 miles from Ketchlksn; a pjn. spoke molorshlp Apex. Ketchikan for Anaoorte. 400 miles from Anscortea: 8 pm. spoke stesmer Prince Chsrlen. abeam Conner Island, bound for Lock- port; 8 p.m. spoke steamer Oregon, Qusdra for Seattle. 422 miles from Seattle: 10.10 pjn. spoke steamer Catala at Stewart, eouthpovnd. .DEAD TREE POINT.J-Overcast; Cslmi Urometer. 30.16; temperature. 40; sea smooth. NOON nimiY ISLAND Part cloudy, calm: barcmeter 30.50: temperature. Al; sea amooth: 9:ii ajn, steamer. Catala passed In. southbound. hull HARBOR. Clear, light west wind; barometer 30.31; temperature. 42; llaht swell: 8 a.m. spoke tug St. Faith. abeam Cape Caution, eouthbound; 8 ajn, spoke tug Pacific Monarch. In Johnston strslts. southbound. DEAD TREE POINT. Overcast, light southeast wind: barometer 30:18; temperature, 44; sea smooth . Mlu C. OOonnell, school teacher at Oona River, Porcher Islsnd, arrived today to spend the Easter week In the city. Mr Ed-.viin. Br wa FXS . London. Eng .President World s Poultry Con-. great.. U27 In be held at Ottawa. July 27 to August 4. FIGHTING IN CANTON nmwiA i:aik ai. ami mohhc- .11. ( XTM: Is C ONTl.N-l ISO TOIItV CANTON. April 19. Srrlou flsht-Ing luntlnunl ttere l.U) oulng tu tbe ilelermliiathin ot I lie iiiMlrnite ("antwir tmot, under Orders! U thai uu. lo dloarm raillral ele-tneiits. The radk-aW lnlJrl on laxru au armed lurade and anil-forrltn dPinonlrsOoii and lljlit-Ing ensued, , CHICAGO HEARS ABOUT INDIAN H IICX NOOTKA IIKAtK OOKs Ol T TO III NT HE Is UI1X AHMOUKIl CHICAGO. Ills.. AprU 19.-Before the KooUa Indian, who Uvea on the west coast of Vancouver ItAand. gees out to catch a mesa cf fish, he annoints him self With ungenu and oils, fasts for time sad ea tries out a complicated secret ritual which h b-Hevca will bring success to his venture The primitive people. Dr. E. Sepir. of the University of Chicago, told the Central Session of the American Anthropological AworlaOon, precede almost every enromon act by an involved ritual. "This belief Id the occult cr super natural manner of con trolling events forms an anthropological question which the scientific world knows little t aout." he aeld. Tbe ceremony preceding the harpooning of a whale la exirenely complicated. It lasta for month and. among other things, consists of fasting for a four-day stretch, building effigies of the harpoon and canoe to be used. The warrior who la to perf crm the task also anoints himself with hemlock branches. If. after all that, his success in whale hunting la Indifferent, he trys another ritual. The entire procedure is called "Oslm leh" or secret magic. Each family usually has Its own methods and they are scrupulously passed down to succeeding generations. There must be "Oslmich" for getting codfish with hooka; fer catching halibut, digging bait, making hata, getting wealth, for finding a bear'a den and other common acta of primitive living. The ritual usually starts out with the prayer: "Look down on me, O Chief, "Have pity on nie, . "Cauve me .totbe alive,..'. RIDING RAILS, HE: MET GHASTLY DEATH ( Imrlrs Mnr. 11, I'ukiiunii Address lell I'nim Irrljtlit Trulu Near KumltHM KAMLOOPS, April 19. Charles Vines, aged 42, address unknown, while riding an eastbound freight train, fell between the cars and was horribly mutllsted, hla bedy being cut In! two. 'ANOTHER GRAIN i SHIP IS HERE i HIClTlsll MTK.1MKK M;iOE rout. All t mvi;s too.w to 1.0AH rou l.K, Oil fOTIXt:T j To load a full cargo of grain for the United Kingdom cr, continent at the Wheat Pool's locsl elevtior, tbe B-liUb freighter Eedge Poll irrncd in pin a". 7 o'clock this momirif. The vessel is already lined but has a couple of feeders a be installed acd, for lhat purpose and f-r lumigatlon, i today lying at the . deck. She la bated t-j gj on tenh at the clevitvr to " fco.a.nence loading U:uiunow sud will get away about the I tnd ot the week wJIJ&a eargj ot between ;wb.0 .0 and 330.0CKlUshelv The v.el Is rrgiittrtd at West lUiUepool. England. Md la of 3367 tons. Captain Robert I'rfdeae la her inner arxl there 1 a clew ef 30 tucn Tbe veMKl ccaled at Uhivn Bur ad cleared tUe.e o.i April IC lor Prince Rupert. The next grain boat' caning w the "K" LJve veel Rirfukw Mini which Is due abuut April 27 ttest Muroran. Japan, which port she left on April 10. This vetscl has to be I Used here and it will be the end cf the tauttb before she goes on berth at tbe clvaur. 4- NUAKLV ITVC MIIJ.KiN lll sMKLs OK CIUIN SO 1 Alt MIII'PEII AT I'OKT r:' Stet(esi.esaelaawve Inded full cargoes of wheat at Pa nee Rupert s.noe the local elevator started operatioaa last fall, with 4 a total of approximately 4J00.- 000 bushels. With two steamers definitely booked for April and others spoken of for May. K is expected that the first season of grain shipments will see a total 4 of about six million bushels des- patched from the nort. GOV.-GENERAL SENDSTHANKS in i i:ni:n, unto tiii.i.iNoiMiN in- EVf AITItllCIATION OF HTV ('Ol KTKsV The following Is tbe copy of a letter received by Mayor Newton: Dear Mr. Msyor--fief ore leaving Prlnee Rupert I must write you a short note to express 'on behalf of' my wife, myself and my stair, our most, grscful thsnka to you and to the clttrens ot your town for all your kindness and courtesy to us during our brief visit. The weather was unkind. It la true, but we managed to see much which was of greatest interest, and I go away full ot confidence In the future development of your activities here, and full ctf admira tion of alt those men and women of our j race who are working and striving notwithstanding many disappointments, for the best Interests of this outpost ot the , Drltlsh Empire. j The Easter Day sun Is shining ! brightly this rooming, and I hope this Ij a gocd augury to you all for the com-j Ing year. Wishing .rou all every possible ; go'.-d wish In the slntere hope that we shall meet again before long. J Believe me. your sincerely, I WILUNODON. Dr J. W. Orlsdale. deputy minister of sriculture, chairman, executive committee World Poultry Congress to be held at Ottawa, Jnly 27 to August 4 OUTSIDERS WIN IN METROPOLITAN EPSOM. AprU 19. Kinnalrd won the Metropolitan etafc-s this afternoon. :akvta was second and Tuscan third, weaty-two horses started in the race -h.ch la one of the season's longest distance handicaps. Tbe three winners were rank outsiders. 1 LOCAL STORE MAN WINNER IN RECORD SELLING CONTEST Clifford Oeorge Ham of McRse Bros. ststt received word from Victor Talking Machine Co. headquarters st Mjntreal yesterday afternoon that he wax the first prlre winner for the month cf March In a series of Domlnlon-wlde competi tions being held In connection with the sale of machines and records. Mr. Ham was In the Orihophonlc record aile class Jar towns of lera than 23,000 population and he receives a cash prize of (40. DATE OF PROVINCIAL ELECTION IN QUEBEC Ooternnirnt will Appeal l Frttple nil Mat in wllli .N'liiiilnalliiii One Week Earlier QUEBEC. April 19. The provincial lections will be held on Monday. May 16. with nominations on May 9. It Is officially announced by the government. KGYIT COVT. UESKiNS LONDON. April 19. An Exchange Telegraph d If patch from Cairo aays'that the Egyptian government has resigned. BIG LEAGUEBASEBALL Amrrlrilit l.ru;iir rsilladelphla 0. Washington 4. Detroit 2. Cleveland 3. Boston 0, New York. 3. Chicago 4. St. Louis 3. National ixiisue Brooklyn 3. Phllsdelphla 7. New York 11. Boston 10. Pittsburg 9. Chicago 1. St. Lpuls.Clnclnnatl. rain. Winter Returns to Whole Prairie Country in Grip , of Blizzard and Storms WINNIPEG, April 19. Winter has returned b Western Can, ada and today the vast stretch of country frny the head oftfthe Great Lakes to the Hocky Mountain zone is experiencing far from seasonable weather. Blizzards, sleet, rain, high winds and freezing temperatures are prevailing. Blizzard conditions have enveloped most of Alberta, northern Saskatchwan and some sections of Manitoba. Drifts several feet high are piled along the railway lines and country roads; seriously interfering with traffic. A forty degree drop in temperature was experienced in Winnipeg during the night. Mrs. Abe Friesen, wife of a Borden, Saskatchewan, farmer, who left home shortly before the storm broke, has not been heard of since. She was the mother of ten children. Frank Parsons, Business Man of Vancouver, to Face Trial on Liquor Conspiracy Charge SAN FUANCISCO. April 19. U'hile his friends, and business associates In Vancouver, ll.C., put forth their beat efforts to aid him, frank Parsons was indicted by a federal grand jury last night on a charge of taking part in a million-dollar smuggling conspiracy. Parsons was arrested last week on the steamer Tahiti after his arrival from the South Sca3 and was released on ?30,000 bail. Immediateiy aftcr the indictment was returned, he was taken in custody again and has been required to furnish another bond. HALIBUT ARRIVALS TANA K A NFW TODAY 154,000 LBS. fourteen f'Mi HtKitt .sold fatchrs ! Tliruu;1i Kirlunsr This lurnlng at Lowrr ITlres Halibut sales at tbe Fish Exchange ihis. morning totalled 134.000 pounds, six American veuels disposing of 103.-300 pounds a: bids ranging frsm 12.2c and 7c to 13.8c and 7c, while eight Canadian boats sold 43.800 pounds at .r m 13c and 7c to 13.1c and 7c. Tbe days arrivals and aalea were as follows: i AMERICAN' Ncrth, 34.000 pounds, to Canadian Fish; 8c Cold Storage Co., 12 Cc and 7c. Sentinel, 17.000 pounds, to .Royal j Fish Co 12.7c and 7c President. 23UW3 pounds. to Booth! SP Crania. 18.000 pounds, to Atlln Fish- erles. 12.2c and 7c. I Lansing. 14.000 pounds, to Pacific Fisheries, 13.7c and 8c CANADIAN Terren. 6.000 podnds, to Atlln Fisheries. 13.1c and 7c. Prosperity A- 8.000 pounds, to Pacific Fisheries, 12.7c and 7c. Sea Maid. 11,000 pounds, to Canadian Fish is Cold Stsrage Co.. 12.2c and 7c. Kalen. 11,000 pounds to Canadian Fish t: Cold Sttrage Co," 12c and 7c. Yule. 3.000 pounds, to Royal Fish Co.. 123c and 7c. Helen, 3 .000 pounds, to Atlln Fisheries, 12.7c and 7c. Mary Jane. 2,000 pounds, to Canadian rish & Cold Storage Co, 1 2.8c and 8c. Birdie B., 1500 pounds, to Royal Fish Co.. 12c and 7c. SALMON Two thousand pounds ot red salmon :tm the Fiewlc. & Brown packer Tap-low had not beca sold up to noon. BAPTIST TROOP OF BOY SCOUTS HAD HIKE YESTERDAY The members of the Third Prince Rupert (Baptist) Troop. Boy Scouts, under Scoutmaster P. C. Miller, were Inspected by His Excellency, the Oovernor-Geu-ersl on Saturday morning who afterwards remarked on the amartness of the troop. On Monday the troop went tor a hike to Otacc Bayjlartlng at 930 in the morning and returning about 8 o'clock In the eevenlng. Oames were played. Including racing. Jumping, practising for the ftrst-ald badges, several members passing the fire lighting test. Sundsy next being St. Oeorge's Day. the troop will hold a church parade at the morning service of the Baptist Church. SCHOOLTEACHERS' CONVENTION OPENS lYUiiSngue Assembled at Victoria Lt Nlglil Heard Addresi by Stanford l"rofeor VICTORIA. April 19. The annual convention of the British Columbia Teachers' Federation waa officially opened last night at a public meeting held for the purpose ot hearing au address from Dr. E. P. Cubberly of Stanford University. Regular meeting of Carpenters" Union on Wednesday at 8 pjn. Good attendance requested to pass some local bylaws. Advertise In the Dally News. jAf mum HAS At'CK'TED TASK OF FOKMIN'M NEW CAIHXET FOLLOWING RESIGNATION' "OF MAKASFKI ADMINISTRATION' TOKIO. April 19. Baron Tanaka, bead il the Selyukal party, has accepted the post of premier and will form .a cabinet to succeed that of Premier Wakaaukl who reiijned yesterday when .the privy ccuncU rejected his proposal to make a loan to the Bank ot Formosa which baa been In financial difficulties. (It Is hoped that Tanaka will be able to avert a financial panic which la threatening tbe country . LOCAL DOCTOR'S BROTHER KILLED OEORCE CADE LOsES HIS LIFE AT .MISSION CITY VAMEN tit I SUED BENEATH LOOS MISSION CITY, AprU 19 Crushed be-&cath logs which slipped while he was s Misting In unloading them from a truck here. Oeorge Cade, aged S3, brother ot Dr. j. p. Cade of Prince Rupert, sustained injuries which resulted In his death In hospital within an hour. Defeased, who has long been a respected resident of this place. Is survived by a widow and several children, some ot whem are grown up. SIX KILLED TRAIN WRECK last Irriclit left Kail Fill) Miles Nr-t of llitrne liivne, Ontario, mi C. X. IU Line TORONTO. . April 19. Six men were , killed or died from Injuries when a fast Canadian National freight train waa derailed fifty miles west of Home Payne. Engineer Peevy died from scalds: Fireman S. Oourley was pinned under the wreckage when the engine, tender and fifteen cars left the rails, and L. W Welken, stockman, and three other unidentified men, believed to be stockmen, v are dead. NEWPLANES" ARECOMING III'.TTEU Mil IP.ME.NT Toil CANADIAN AIR FORCE rilOVlDKD FOR I.N ESTIMATES RECENTLY PASSED OTTAWA. April 19. The replacement of a few obsolete war type of aircraft by four modern planes to famlllarlz the officers ot the Canadian air force with the handlcg of modern machines was provided for In the. estimates recently passed In the House of Commons for the Department ot Rational Defence. f OUR ARE BURNED TO DEATH RESULT OF AERIAL CRASH EAST CHURCH, Kent, AprU 19. A Royal Air Force bombing plane crashed here today, the four occupants being burned tn death