fuesday. April 10. 1927 We ajso have a great assortment of designs in other colors that arc so popular this spring. These will please your They sic manufactured by the best Canadian and American manufacturers. Here Is the opportunity for men and boys to secure the biggest outstanding values In seasonable Clothing in a de-ade. Your desire to save money will be carried out on these Suit values. $15 or more may be saved on a single suit. All rell tailored garments of splendid woollen fabrics, new correct spring models and shades that are being worn this season, am! plenty of sites and styles to select from. Do not delay. iiii.T.Moin! shirts We arc clearing nut our large stock of these uj-to-date Shirts. They are choice wear for Kaster and Spring. AH sires. Values up to $40. Sale, price sj5 !.." Men's Fine Woollen Shirts. Itegular X0. Now $'l.r ME.VS SHOES I Men's Tan and Hrow i Hoots. all sizes. Keg. price $7.50. Sale price MMll Men's fine Dress Boots, all rizes. Iteg. price $6J0. Sale price 1M.I." SOCKS. BRACKS, ETC. Men's Woollen Socks, per pair 2e 2 pairs to a customer) Men's Cashmerctte Socks. rs ."f I Men's Fancy Unices. Reg. 75c Now :tlc LlMs" Kaffcy nfacesV Heg. 50c Now U."c lie- f srii UlC lie a Leather 'Helts. 75c. Now 2Tr Boj-s Khaki Knickers, pr pa -IC MONTREAL j Third Avenue. Prince Rupert Phone 15 Agents for Ladysmith - Wellington and Peerless Coal Main Office now af 311 Second Avenue (lietween 2nd nn.1 3rd Streeis) ' Phone your orders to Phone 15 IIwnadianJ MCincJ Canadian B.-C. Sailings from Prince Rupert T Ketchikan. tVranrell. Juneau. Mkngtvay April H. 1. J9i M In Vamnuirr, Vlitorla, hejllle -tprll I, lr. !Si M) ' r lluled.le. East Bella Bella. Cainnhell Hlier. and Vancouver Agency for all Weam.hlp Linen. W. C. OKCIIAKU. Corner of 4th Street and 3rd UNION STFAlVlSHIPS LIMITED Railings from lir VANCOlVKIt. VICTORIA, Swans l or p.m. VANroCVCst: VICTORIA. Muted ale. Alert W'SilunA kun. lor PORT SIMP.ION. ALK'K ARM, AKtOX, BTLWART, Hale lUnd. Hun- m.t, n p.m. Tor Vila. m .,lni. an tttrt 3 60 Suits ME.VS AND HOYS' 1) one of thi well-dressed. We have a remarkable line of Spring., Suits for Men in IJlue Serge, which you may purchase with the assurance of complete Hatisfaction In, Style, Quality find Servile. Voir 'wili nave Kulistuhtiully. These suits are serviceable for all occasion. Sale Price $12 .95 up LADIES' SHOES Ladies' Fncy Patent Ox fords, latest styles. Iteg. price $G.00. Sale price JCM).", Indies' Fine I'atcnt Oxfords. Keg. $1.50 to $5.00. Sale price 2.nr, HOYS" SHOES A good line of Hoys' good solid leather Hoots. Keg. price $8.50. Sale price .'J.7r EXTICA SPECIAL VALUES Cotton Dish Towels, per pair . '2t Turkish Towels, pair . ."we Cotton Towels, pair . . :Kr rillorw Slips. 2 for . . . l.V Irih Linen Finished Hand- kenhiefs, C for I .If? IMPORTERS J. IL .Miller, I'rop. Coal Co. Ltd. Pacific Railway Coast Services May a. 20, 30. OrrM 1'alK Nm. n ,WT' eterv Haliirday, II -m- roll Informallon from- oenerai agem, Avenue, I'rlwe KUeri, h.u Prince llujiert. on Bay, . Ha. rlc Tuesdiy, 3 . Imimnn. Thursday pro IT line Huiert, lit!. hi inn ateiiue, . M. muni, yirem. DR. TURPEL SPEAKS ' tm DUET. K2W1 PAGE FIVB AT TERRACE P.TJU "A man who hu tan nil hi Paradise nltef- 1 the way the Omlneca Herald lae Interesting .drtrr at Regular A)tx Tayior of New HazeltOn Meeting r organization Iji-i irw l,a ,u Mriei artlctea oh .uecessful " (farmer lh the centra Interior. Mr. L., ? JLJ' '"iT.yJor came here trom Australia al monthly of the Parent.Teaeh-'... meeting , h., ,. a and Phal the John Me- era- era" Avwclatlon Aei.t.... waa k-u, held In , the .,. achool .1 house on Thursday evening. Urn. Dover presiding. After thf'Xuainci iiirt'ini werei rendered . . . r. U Rev Wm.'AMn and DriTu r:irj gave u ' lltteieatlnj aud Instructive talk oil a! number of fty'lc. contingent, with good health II lirtl lilgrthx.iv1 I'filitru. itfiw to trc the nertty of healthy I iK-elli. utmil. udenolds. gland, care Iwiltr goitre, etc. He cited statutes In ' ... . . . .. . . . . I luiuiciuuu wiiu me meaicai examination of the loctl school pupil and Impressed ti necessity of parents fonteriua good1w'" u '". .f "f.'.''' "r ."""Ting. health hajili 'hi their children. ;' He aJvj fjxjtf on preventative lix-ioi- urea for Ir-ltctlous dlse&Ma and tx-plallied the system of vaccination, use of serum, etc.. and ured that any probable Inltetlou diseases be at once a reported. A number of thote prwtnit availed thenVielve. of tlie Opportunity given at trT close of the address to ask questions and thee were satisfactorily an-HmeWd by the apeaker. A hearty vote of thanks was tendered Or. Turpel and the vocalUla and a social half hour was theu -prm while ref rthmrnU wrre i served. TERRACE REBEKAHS HAVE TEA AND SALE MiorWul Ctrnt I If lil cm Malurday .f- leriHMHi la m:re Hall TEItHACE. AprU 19. Mouutaln View Rebrkah Lodge held a auccMful sale of home cooking and tea In Process llsll on Saturday afleniuun. All ootAlng waa quickly bought up and many availed themselvea of the opportunity of' s oclal chat at the tea tables. The general conveotr of the ai-rangemenu was Noble Orand, Urs. Harry King. The home cooking table was In charge of Mesdsmes UcKlnnoti Warne and Powler. Urs. E. T. Kenney and Mrs. W. E. Smith had charge otllt tea-tables while Urs. T. C. Bishop iaa convener of kitchen arrangements. NAVKJAHLE WATEHS PHOTEO TION ACT. R.S.C. CIMPTKK US William J. Crawford hereby give notice he has, under Section 7 of the aaid Art. deposited with the Minister ol Public Works at Ottawa, and in the office of the District Registrar of the Land Registry District of Prince Rupert at Prince Rupert. B.C.. s deacrlptlon of the site and the plans of wharf proposed to be ouui in ine roruana unit on Lot 4607. District if Castlar. ' And take notice -.hat alter the expire-jtlon of one month (rum the date of publication of this notice William J. Craw-! ford will under Section 7 of the said Aft. I apply to the Minister of Public Worts st his office In -be city of Ottawa for approval of the sit and plans, and for leave to construct the said wharf. I Dated at Stewart, B.C. this 3rd day of March, 1927. 7- W. J. CRAWFORD. NOTICE IN THE MATTER of an application ifor the Issue of a Provisional certificate of Title for Lots twenty-one (III and 'twenty-two 22. block seventeen 117). Section one HI. City of Prince Rupert. i Map 933. Satisfactory proof of the loss of the Certificate of Title covering the above land having been produced to me. It Is my intention to Ivsua. after the eiptra-tlon of one month from the first publication hereof, a Provisional Certificate i of Title to the above land In the name of Murland De Orasse Evans, the I original Certificate of Title Is dated the ltftb October. 1BI4. and 1 num- I bered 0730 1. Land Registry Office, Prince Rupert. DC. Cth April. 1927. H. F. MacLEOD. Registrar of Titles. NOTICE IN THE MATTER of an application (or the Issue of a Provisional Certificate of TlUf-for Block five, (3). subdivision of the -South half Vj) of Lo three hundred "and venty-four S71. Range five (51. Coast District, Map 1137. Satisfactory proof of the loss of the Certificate of Title covering tha above land having been produced to me. It is my intention to Iwue. after the expiration of one month trom the first publication hereof, a Provisional CertJflcaM of Title to the above land In the name of Sidney WlUmore. the original Certificate of Title Is dated 30th June. 1915, and 1 numbered 7813 1. Land Registry Office. Prince Rupert. BC Olh April, 1937, 11. r. MacLEOD, Registrar of Titles. NOTICE Onder and by -virtue of the provision of Section 28 of the "Mineral Act,- no- tic Is herebv liven Mesara. Malcolm Smyth. Edmund Langls. Harold Hansen and Albert Moore, that tner is- owing .0 the undersigned tor Assessment Work performed on the Cordllla Group of Mineral Claims, Princess Royal Island. sxeena Mining Division, tne sum oi 1383.88. and that unless aald persons pay' their proportionate ahar of th coit of ,uci vwMtwuriiv, wBtkur aii4i mu I of advertlslnif. etc., to the undersigned I ai DUieaaie. ai on or ueiurw hi; ".:18th dav Of Marcn. IVTf. lD7 at rirtl I Ma Inn BI1I ha at tn tha i I f l pi i. fcl4 WIS w ssv v- w wssv Gold CcmmlMlontr. Prince Rupert. B.C., o bsv their respective Interests in the ereln mentioned Mining Group of 'Mineral claim vested in the under- l led, UAVUJ UUItUUA. 1ACOB KOftKI. LAND ACT 8keena Land District, District, qf Queen Charlotta Islands. TAKE NOTICE that sixty day after date, 1 Intend to apply to the Chief Commissioner of Lands for licence to prospect for coal and petroleum over 640 acre of land bounded a follows: Commencing at a post planted at th southwest corner of Section 38, Township 3. Graham Island, and marked 80 chains; thence north 80 chains; thtnc west 80 chains; tbenc south 80 chain to point of commencement, being Section 3d, Township 3, Oraham Island. B.C. A. J. GORDON. Locator. Dsttd Dacwnbsr 17, 18'M. NEW HAZELTON Inn farm, Juirt beyond the end of the tilth level bridge from here, and ha an area of land there which la now ready for Intensive funning of the pro table sort. The Casslar ranch al Woodcock, one of the fluent and bst known farms In m"r la tlww&ii. wIkj will shortly arrive with his family ffrm the, nn.irW-4 tj tue tin -,- - r r "iddence, Mr. Mdd, It understood. Tte New llus-lton dUtrkf I now In shape for an Influx of farmer lo are looking for good farms with land tuough under cultivation to give them good start. 8ucb location aa this, lite Omlnedl Herald list as follows: Ion Belmont. Tony Drecco, George Djf Parent, Ale Taylor. Cleorge Ucbean, Ms. UacKay. the Malms place. Lark-worthy's and Purvis. Tliree mining engineers from Belling-ham- -Meum. Johnwon. Mulr and Brown have been In town last week with W. 8. lUrrl and Inspected the Silver Cup and Nine Mile properties at tlx' nd of last week . The Pelix. Brklge Club met last week at the borne of Mrs. W. W. Anderson, member of the club a well a their buvbands being entertained. A number of Hazelton and KewHurel ton people went up to Telkwa to attend a big Easter Monday ball there last nleht. ' Tliree visitors to Harellon had a party and a "mix" last Wednesday night. The police came up and. aa a mult. one man was. aaaesoed 150 and costs, another 925. and the third. 15. Prank Redmln and Tom Spencer, who have been In this district for several years, left last week for the Montana cattle ranges. ' Work of Improving the railway bed east of Bulklty Canyon U now proceeding In full awing. 8om of the fill ing ls being done with rock from near: Sketna Crossing. Rev. T. D. Proctor ha returned to full duty after having br-n confined to his bed for three weeks with Mr. and Mra. B. Sliannon have been ; The new concentrator at the Dunwen here from Suiltbcf hUe Mr. Shannon mrne It working very smoothly. Up-has been loading out erera car ofjmar(1( 0 taenty tons of wet concen- tlea. They still proceed to Usk shortly to spend the summer. STEWART The provincial party 1 not quite dead In Stewart although It may only, survive a day or so more. A meeting of the party la Jo be held Wednesday i GOVERNMENT LIQUOR ACT." UlTlfF. Oi' APPLICATION rOlt BfT.lt I.HHME. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on he nth dav of AorU next the undersigned i ntend to apply to the Liquor Control A crrw of meu te aov on the 'Marmot oard for a licence in respect to premises" . eing part of the building kiiown as Metals property petting things In readl-lassett Inlet Hotel, situate at Port nna for resumption .of development nemenu. Queen Charlotte Islands. Pro-1 . . UlU , saoa on h. Dl on bodies theork lnt of British Colombia, upon anda described a Lot Five 13). Block toper.ed Up last year. Angus MacLeod ortyur l. Subdivision of Lot Seven u tfee managUlg director, undred and forty-six (7481, Portt 'lementt Townslte, leas Thirty-three (331 eet from lrout to rear on west aide of aid Lot. as shown on a registered map r plan deposited in the Land Registry If lice al tne ciry or rrwee itupert. in he Province -of. British Columbia; and umbered 1079.- for the aie of beer b he glan.br by the.openy Oottlt for on-urn pt ion on the premise.', . .? , DATED' at . Prince Rupert; B.C, thl 1th day of March. 1927. WARHEN SCOTT. B U TTOai-EY. Appllcaats. "GOVERNMENT LIQUOR ACT." XOtHT. OF .tPMlrTIOV for fox-mat TO TKtNMKIl Or KKTIt i.i(i:r: NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that, on the 18th dav of April ne-t. the under- signed intends to apply to the Liquor j Control Board for consent to transfer of i iwr i irene Number 673 and Issued in respect of premises being part of a build- j m. known a -central iiotei. situate: bight In the office of H. W. M. Rolston when It Is expected forces will be loin-, ed with the Conservatives against the so far unbeaten Liberals In these parts. A modern camp building Is to be ' built and power put on the Albany! group of clalma. There wilt be a double shift under the new manager, i II. P. SUverthorne. ltrate are belne handled daUv while the! table . concentrates are being' retained) at the mine for the Xlmt being. Two hundred ton of lead and rice concen - ! trates went south last week and another 100 tons Is now In transit to the wharf. An important strike has been made on the woodbine Oold Mining co.'s ground adjoining the Premier to the west according to report reaching town. A 50-foot body of very good milling grade ore has been uncovered In the lower tunnel. Under the management of Jack Swan-son, who succeeded Jack Fitzgerald, at the Independence, development work U being speeded up aud two shift are now working on the lower tunnel!, to the ipurtal of width the comprosaor pii ' ' " beh' tnovVd;' ' ' -The cabin owned by OcUv) Moreau and occupied by himself and Louis Roblchaud at the west end of town was burned last week with all Its content. Moreau' loss U about 9500 and Itobl-rhaud'f about 3150. The Women'a Auxiliary to the? Stewart orntri Hospital has elected; officers . . follows: ., ri.. presWcut. Mrs.. J. mitm HUton wUson: vice-president. Mrs. A. E. Young; ... .. Machinery U being taken up the bit- slide rust west of town to the Road work In tlte district thl year will cormkt of the gravelling of the Stewart-Uyder road and probwbly Uie main Bear River road will be continued through to American Creek. Bridge on the Merladen Luke road. It U expected, will be replaced and there will also be work doue oh the town road. ItWrictltA; .bo, 3lcovered ana siakVd. H;jllgh or4.tTouridn the otith fork of' Marmot River aUlhe' hrtd of Magee Pass, ha fone up , with a working partner to drive a cross-cut tunfiel. Fre gold wa taken . from the show tors last year when MOslderabl excitement was aroused. Major C. B. North manager of the bC Silver. aay that the property nver looked beiter. Developmeat work continue Into th or on an extend ' " " - ,V the corner of First Avenue nd ""7- sewnth Street, City of Prince Rupert. Insurer, Mr. W. R. Hull. the Prut I ice of British Columbia. UDon the land described aa Lot Eleven (111. Twelve (121. Thirteen (131, and Fourteen (14), In Block Ten uoi. nrction an British Columbia, from Peter Black to ment work I to be immediately In-Central Hotel, Limited, of th City of stltutL - ' prince Rupert. Province of British Col- tunoia. me transieree, oatED at Prince Rupert. B.C. thl CENTRAL HOTEL. LIMITED. a: pplicant and Transferee, LAND ACT. NOTICE OP INTKNTION- TO AIM'tV T LEASE LAND. In Prince Rupert Land Recording Dl-trlct of Prince Rupert. ud altusle 30 chains east of northwest corner of Lot 68. Rant 3. Coast District. TAKE NOTICE that Ooaae Packing Company Limited, of Vancouver, occupation Flab Canner. Intend to apply for pe nuliss ion to le the following described landa: Oommenelnc at a post planted 30 Chain east of northwest Lot 68, Rang 3. Coast District: tnenct south 9 cbstusl thence east 10 chains; thence north i chains; thence west 10 chains to point of commencement, and containing acrew, mure jt less.- OOSSE PACKING COMPANY LIMITED. Applicant. Per H. MoortlKiUM. Dt4 AprU 9. 1927. ' Gmcw&4edtfuendb Even a woman can understand a man getting pally with a food gun and a good dog. But it takes a man to understand the chumminess of good tobacco. That's why red-blooded fellows fall in love with Ogden's and so put One over on old Euclid by learning that three makes one happy. 0GDENS CUT PLUG Save the valuable "Poker Hands" scale and a great deal of milling ore la now blocked out. As a token of appreciation ley his services, the Stewart assembly of the Native Sons of Canada, at a meeting last weet. presented the retiring presl- dent Harry ScovU, with a beautifully engraved sterling silver cigarette cae George Crigsby. former delegate to Congress from Alaska and now practls-, log law In Ketchlkanv vialted Hyder last week for the first time since 1920, i During the vacation of Miss Ida Wat-J ". M1- Harrison I relieving to the Stewart post-ofBce. Mrs. Harry Cochrane ha returned to Stewart after having spent the winter in Kamloops. T. W. McDonald, for a number of years deputy United State marshal at llvder has been nnolntl TJ.S- Com mlssloner aucceedlner Charles F. Sand-1 ford, resigned. BURNS-LAKE George B. Stanton of Francois Laki plans In the near future to ship char snd whlteflsh from that lake In carload lot to far afield marketa. Others are contemplating going Into thl business which, as an Industry, may assume large proportions. The fish Is of an ex ceptionally good quality and has proven popular wherever It has heen shipped. A daughter was born In the Burn Lake 'hospital last Wednesday to Mr. and Mrs. - Reeb of Francois Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Fay S. Short were In town from Colleymount last week. Mrs. Russell of Francois Lake left last week for Portland, Oregon, where ahe will spend some time visiting with relatives and friends. The Burns Lake Community Hall As sociation, at It meeting last week, elected officers for the year aa follows: president, A. M. Ruddy; vice-president. Mrs. H. D. MaeNell: secretary, C. Hartley: treasurer. T. O. Martin; executive. Mra. P. V. Tallon. Rev. W. R. Ashford and A. R. Brown. Jack Stayher and Nell Van de Veen have been elected member of the Burns Lake and District Board of Trade. Mrs. C. Hartley entertained at bridge last Wednesday evening. Prize winner were Mr. A. M. Ruddy. Mr. P. V. Tal ion and Mrs. Sidney Godwin. D. Cochrane, principal of the Burn Lake superior school. Is attending the convention .of the British Columbia Teacher' Federation tn Victoria thl week. Advertise In the Dally New PAIN in BLADDER Promptly toy SANTAL MIOY sur to (St III asnulM Lok fee th woM WOT ftuM bf all diuiM Neglected Eyes NEGLECT is doubtless 'the cause of most of the ills that afflict humanity. This is so self evident that it seems hardly necessary to tell you. If your eyes are giving trouble, have them attended to and at once, OF ALL absurdities in the kinpdora of foolishness, surely the loss of eyesight througfy neglect is the most inexcusable. DO.VT lose health and efficiency through neglect. Come and seel Fred Joudry Registered Optometrist and Optician Room 3 Smith Block Phone 763 lutnu nave TAMING I r rx TrlM COM. bUrrli 51 We'd all like to wait for the warm weather to heat our homes but when Spring chills the house there's only one thing to give it warmth that is coal. You cannot have balmy weather by wishing for it, but you can give your home a balmy "feel" if you ,use good fuel. NANALMO WELLINGTON and McLEOD RIVER SOOTLESS Albert & McCaffery Phones 116 and 117' ANGER, the TAILOR Suits made to order, in our shop $50 as low as ........ 223 Sixth Street