FAGE FOUR Neglected Eyes NEGLECT Is doubtless tee cause of most of the ills that afflict humanity. This is so self evident that it seems hardly necessary to tell you. If your eyes are giving trouble, have them attended to and at once. OF ALL absurdities in the kingdom of foolishness, surely the loss of eyesight through neglect is the most inexcusable. DON'T lose health and efficiency throufch neglect Come and seel Fred Joudry Registered Optometrist and Optician Room 3 Smith Block Phone 763 INDIAN SUMMERYgETIN YOUR-) Swill soon be ? coal fo the ) V-sOONESYcOLD CREV J The Fall months are falling behind and you'll have Winter on before you know it. Join the "don't worry" club today and get your bin filled right away. Our slate-free coal will give you a care-free Winter. NANAIMO - WELLINGTON COAL and ALR-ERTA SOOtLESS COAL Albert & McCaffery rhonca 116 and 117 Prince Rupert BOAT HOUSE Phone 381 P.O. Rox 15C5 LAUNCHES, SCOWS, ROW-ROATS AND CANOES SAND AND GRAVEL Equipment for Diving and Salvage Work Agents for Easthope Engines and Stump Pullers NORWEGIAN HALIBUT GEAR IN STOCK Compass Adjusting. MILK -:- PRICE Reduced to 12 pints for $1.00 7 quarts for $1.00 12 pints for $1.00 Cash price tickets. McBride Street atore now closed Valentin Dairy Office and Dairy . 11th St. Telephone 657. Dr. Alexander Smith Mock Phone 575 -.DENTIST ANGER, the TAILOR Fine Imported Serge and Scotch Tweed Suits made to order in our shop in Prince Rupert as low CffC Aft as i. ANGER. Cutter and npsipner 22.1 Sixth street A the BRINGING UP FATHER ANYOX MAN MARRIED VANCOUVER LAST WEEK M. Kthrtdge Tale a Bride Jrwlr Martin A Yanrout rr MM A qui halt pratty wedding nt sobs. niaed at the home of Mr. and lira. iia W. Martin 2068 McDonald Street, recently when their daughter. Jean kMuud. became the bride of Fre-J crick Messenger Ethrtdre of Calglry. Alt., says the Vancouver Province. Rev. Gordon Dickie. DD , of St. Stephens United Church, performed the cere mony. The bride entered the drawhu-reoaa with her father, to the strata of Lo hengrin's wedding march, played by Mia Marian Crawford, and took her place under a beautiful noral arch at autumn leaves and asters The bride looked charming In a French gown of white georgette crepe, trimmed to point Venetian tea, her ell in Juliet style, with coronet of orange btoasoms. She carried a shower bouquet of Ophelia rose. Uly of the valley and whit heather. She waa attended by her .Ister, Mies Jean W. Martin, who made a pretty picture in her gown of pink taffeta and curled ptnk and white car. nation. The groom tu supported by David J. Martin, brother of the bride. During the aignlag of the register Mrs. C Norman Boyd tang "All Joy Be Thine." Following the eeremany. a dainty buffet luncheon iu served, the ; bride table being deeorated with rosea und Illy ol the valley, and centred with a four-tier wedding cake. lira. J. R. ;o-.warc prawned at the- urna. assisted by Utn B. Chabner. Miss UUan Fletcher. Mis Eleanor Boyd and Mica Bar bara McBeth. During tlo ttme'TJMhn McMaster rendered several vf&an solos. accompanied by Ulu Irene BeU. micuuij, me onae donned a sand (hade frock, muskrat coat and small row velvet hat with aand trim ming. After a honeymoon spent In the coast cities. Mr. and lira. Ethrldge will reside In Anyoz. Out-of-town guests attending tfce wedding were Mrs. Bthridge of Calgary, mother of the groom, and lira. SpUler. Calgary. SKIDEGATE Tom dimming and party of friends motored to Port Clements to visit friends. very enjoyable dance was held at town hall. SUdegate recently amongst the party from Queen Char lotte city were Charlie Muler. Mrs. O Beattle. Mrs. J. OlUesDls. u u n Ritchie. Others attending were J. Dover and Captain Hansen from South Bay. Captain Bill Stressman has resigned a position with the Dominion Public Works department at Sandsplt. He aava Sandepit is too much like the Sahara desert, and yet there was a lot of rain recently at the Spit. Capt C. Villey and Bob DunlOD had rather" a rtrrprls-wAlle "owMnr Cum- ahewa Inlet on the trailer Qmir K Valley left the wheel to oil up the engine and on returning to the wheel house found a stranger standing at the wheel looking Into the compass. Capt valley notified Dunlop and they held a council of war and on returning to the wheel bouse the stranger was still staring Into the compass. Valley reached in and grabbed him by the shoulder and demanded who he was and where he was going. In return the stranger was equally curious to know where he was and where he was going. He claimed he had been shanghaied. The fact gradually became clear that he had gone aboard and crawled Into one of the bunks and gone to sleep and now was trying to figure out wither he was bound. He was not a pirate so Valley and Dunlop were much relieved. TERRACE Mrs. Ardagh and daughter left on Thursday to visit with Wends at Kit- Mrs. Hanley of Cedarvale was a visitor In Terrace durmc the week. Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Clayton and two children left on Thursday for Vancouver where they plan to locate. C. R. Gilbert returned on Thursday from a business trip to Smlthers. M. E Gallagher, poultryman of Ed- : monton. was in town at the end of the 1 we?k looking over the poultry raising : prospects here with a view to making ( The X Business' Man My car is vital to the conduct of my business. And I've learned that one way to assure rnyself of day in and day out dependability and with greater fuel economy besides is to install Champions. CfcaiKpMa I lK better lEwfc piut breads ef its miu e-f in nn.pitct CMutnutiOTKiaJ iu (XmmfiUnX (oc Ford 80 CJmLa CarotkT llua Fords 90 Champion SparlPlitgs WINDSOR, ONT. A CANADIAN-MADE PRODUCT cegouations with local ranchers for operating on a large scale under the tupervuten of a California Poultry As- I soetatlon. 1 D. W. Davis well known mining man ol Cedarvale and Kalum Lake, after was in town at the end of the week. James Turn bull of Hazelton was In town during the week superintending the loading ' of poles for the Hanson Timber Co. Alex Rli repreeentmg the Imperial Oil Co. was a business vial tor from Prince Rupert on Friday. Mrs. Jce Cook left on Sunday for Prince Rucert. where Mr. Cook U a i THiS UdLt H&Xh . DINTV- COME HERE QOCK- I Tl L) -yt wish VAJZ ! uTEN' AHsl'X JUST COT A CABUECRAM FROM 1 BACK HOHEEVEN hrHMMGS BAD IOU DO GAM AN HE.") OW4' A CHOWOW I IF DUGN CXONT EMOUCH WITH-RABTV NCVT MOMTM- WKACTLU H GIVE A CHOWDER OOT VOU WE OO" HOW KIM WE. CIT BACK Kr fHRTV MOAMIM'? DO on i i rrfVX FOR IT? Etl' i ii aqmLThinKin'- - "l I rV"-" Ti Snn Im i 1 wmmissfflEa 11 Joining up on the first day It would appear that It will prove useful. A splendid collection of books Is available and the rules and recusations will be etty -compiled with. Some furniture arrived on Saturday for Dr. and Mrs Brunmitt. who are ewpected to be in Terrace the middle of thla week. Mr. and Mrs. Ware and fsmfly who have spent the summer here left for Prince Rupert on Sunday. DECKER LAKE COUPLE MARRIED LAST WEEK Miss Carrie Ollte trWIund neromc ItrUlr of Samuel MiTlear; Two popular members sf Decker Ihe unity were wed In the United Church Manse. Burns Lake on Thursday last says the Burns Lake Observer.j when Samuel McCleary was united In marriage to Carrie Olive, second daughter -of Mr. and Mrs. N. Kcklund of Decker Lake. The bride waa costumed ! In Alice blue beaded georgette and oar-jrted a ahower bouquet of pelargonluaBS. asparagus and gypsophlla. Rev. W. It. Ashford. BA.. tied the nuptial knot. Mlaa Louise Xvelyn Fleming of Grassy Plains was bridesmaid and waa drtaucd in sapphire blue. M. II. Ecklund. brother of the bride supported the groom. The bMC'e arrived here a year ago tost May from Broadview, Bask, and atBoe then hat ' taken a prominent part In local aocMI activities. The groom is a son of Mr. and Mrs. Win. McCleary of Eatevati. Bask. He has been hare fo: lght yeara and la engaged In the tie ccrtracitnr and ranching Indus tries. He has a large circle of friends throughout the distrML Following the wedding the happy, couple were entertained at the home of Mrs. K. Scherk. Mr. and Mrs. I McCleary will reside at Decker Lake. SONG SERVICE IN UNITED CHURCH s " .! Altrartlre. lYorram Mght Opens Series of Sufh Services on Lat Sunday pf Each .Month Instituting a series of such services which will be held on the test Sunday of each month In the evening, a fecial song service took place test Might In First United Church. There ware an extra number of well known and popular hymns and the program Included a mala quartette consisting of Frank Derry, J. S. WUaon. Frank vlcm &uA A -amem- patient In the Prince Runert hosottsl ln ber u UhtT 0c": uffertng from gunshot wounds received wfcUe shooting at Lakelse Uke last 'urow- aJ Jac"on; n" Bunday. j item, rne Lord is uy Shepherd." by the choir Ulu m. A. Way presided at Tfce Canadian Legion Public Library tb organ, .and the pastor. Rev. A. WU-wss opened to the public on Saturday . apoke briefly on the text: "Can last and from the number of members Thist Boom Liver" , . S . t n. v i c . Qake the Children JTEW light brightens old eyes and fresh pride stirs tired spirits when the old folks see their little Canadian grandchildren for the first time, i Give them that joy this Christmas the trip is not expensive. Late Fall and Christmas Sailings From Uostrcal " Mentrtal " Haltfu - St. John. NJ. " HSfss - HaSlix AUtONIA Nor. 25 to'Plr. Cher, London. LET1TI A Not. 2 - Bcnssu L'pool. CUs. ANTONIA D.c j - piy, H.rre. Losdea. ATHENIA Dec 10 " Blf att. LpooU CUs. ATIIENIA DcU - BIf art. L'pool. Clas. ASCANIA " Pit., Hirrr, London. tetum ocean fares rom SJSS Ak far par tica'xirt from the mcrett agent or write CANADIAN G SERVICE I f Jiff Jjncho?' LINES CIXARO KTCAMSIIIP CO.. LIMITED. SW HaMIng St Went, Vaneonfer or mj Steamiiup Agency I HAVE IT- SE.WO A FAKE CABLE. CRAM TO TOOR Wl FE ABOUT SOME WLU SOCIAL AFFAIR OACK HOME I'LL BET SHE'LL FALL FOR IT! V anted For Sale For Rent tnd vice-president during the singing if the group blessing and "O Canada." Following the banquet there was a -plendtd program of Instrumental and ocal music, including a sketch. A very unique and original part of the even-'ugs entertainment was a zaasqueeade lrUl. two prlaes being given for best :oatumea. Mrs. Lee. Mrs. Brocktetby. jlrs. 8andlaon and Mrs. Little acted at judgev A weird ghost story was read by Mlaa Olive Munroe. followed by the jppeafanee- af the gBost. who IrUer-'iewed the various guesta. Miss Annie Walker, the president, welcomed the metfcers and thanked all those who assisted In making the banquet a success. Mkei Irene Mttebtll .-on renor of the program onimtttte. was in the chair. The leaders. Mrs. Haddon and Mrs. FrtsaU were hi charge. The evening was brought to a stoae by :be singing of "Taps" and "Ood Save the King." HILL 60 HALLOWE'EN BAZAAR SUCCESSFUL Tolal nt Sim Itralized at Alfalr Saturday Afternoon lYhlrh Has Well Patronized Hill Sixty Chapter, Imperial Order Daughters of the Empire, realized the gratifying sum of 1M lor Its Children's Ward work as a result of the Hallowe'en bazaar held Saturday afternoon In the IO-DE. Hall. Contributing to a brief m us Veal pro-greai were Miss Jackson, accompanied by .Mlu Loroa Ttte, who -aoft , vocal "a Misws irane VlttatMll and May Ness with piano duets. Fortune tetttsg by Mrs. Jorm Brem-aer proved, as usual, entertaining. , Raffles resulted as follows: Aia uwiy cross. Luncbean set. won by Mrs. Rolf waiser. Bo of candy, won by Mrs. H. b Rochester. Box of apples, donated by Mm. R. e Moore, won by Miss Caroline Mitchell SPORT CHAT In Justice to the conquering hero , ,cwm tbe city tomorrow from bU victorious trip north, it cannot be denied that "Battling" Dido Ourvlch has now cleaned up about everything that this part of the country has to offer, regardless of the merits of those offerings. So the boy may further scale the tadder of pugin,. ue fame, it now become, necessary., further removed fields yield something for him to knock over or at least try to Thero-are rumors that the centra, nCrhtT fT 0me rt o would afford htm fit competition but they are only .ague. So It no. took, m " i, the local hero is wn t . , JU?TX 01 e south to ir? W-..eel Hi, victory oyer, Saon at Anynx on prlday was an. parently effective enough Z and If -city Pon. of the bat-,. are ocrrec, they no dof M 2? rTh'T of hu 517 not T mTPtM nd "v to... I. tllP npju. fmiire ,T.:c i:oiseu o-iwn ther .. J tmjjer r .im for NOT SAO1. DE BATS WOUt-O BE Mono WITH TOOR WelENCE HER WlMTfcR HOME M ' V By.George McM; WANTKD 4W WacHSJICAU.T IN-elkeed who would Uke to work ai the world's greatest paying Industry. Auto mechanics, garage work, electrical a. perts. welding, battery sad vuleanir-tng. We guasaatee to ejuajlly you for Mg paytng positions. Only a short time required. Wttt or call Hemphill's Auto IfiKlnrerlng School. 10 HaatlnfB St . t Vai.ouvor. BC WANTKD. GIRL KOR OaWERAl. housework. Apply Mrs. W. R. Tobry. Phone No MS tf FOR IIENT FOB RCNT. rOCTt ROOUKD FVIt- nlshed apartaaent with bath and water paid. Phone 547. tf FOR RENT. Plane., phorxiavaaha and Singer sewing machine. Walker Music Store POUR KOOMKD MODBP.N SOUSE FOR Rent with range. Phone Red eat. BOUSE FOR RENT - ROOMS BATH Apply Munro Bros. AND tt HOU8BB TOR RCNT 20 0 OP. AP-ply J15. 4th Ave. E. tf FOR RENT Apartments by the day. week or month. Phone Rod 807 tf ALCTJONEEH TO BC SOLD AS A OOINQ CONCSRN to the highest bidder by public suction on November 17, store with four roomed suite on two yesr lease from April 1. 1M7 to April l. ing, renttso per month for rirst year and SA per month second year, toaether with that well eatablished busmeaa known as Brine". Auctioneering and Secondhand business, together with all stock, fixtures and effects. For further Information, see Brine. Auction eer. Phone 714. No reasonable offer refused up to day of sale. FOR THE NEXT SKVKKlKtH DATS I will sacrifice all stock, furniture, equlpraent. Rent the store and modern flat. No reasonable offer refused. Brine. Phone 774. him to extend around here as far as can be seen now. Indoor sporting events scheduled for thla week are as follows: Monday (tonight) Billiards. Ortbbafe League Grotto vs. Prince Rupert Hotel: Canadian Legion vs Canadian National Mechanics; Loyal Orange Lodge vs. St. Andrew's; Na tive Sons of Canada v Moose: New Impress Hotel vs. Knights of Oolum bus: Oanadian National Operators vs. Cold Storage. Tuesday Ladles' Whist: Meow Ladles ; .v, $ngUsh Ladle; Orange Lodge vs Canadian National Ladles. Thursday Billiards. Whist League: Grotto vs. Knights of Pythias; St. Oeorge's Society vs St. Andrew's Society; Oddfellows vs Native Sons of Canada: Seal Cove vs. Moose. PLENTY OF AUTOS IN NOVA SCOTIA HALIFAX, US., Oct. 38. Nova Boo- tiane own about 30.000 .000 worth of motor ears, according to statistics Issued by the motor vehicle department of the provincial government. Total registrations for the year were f which 5.180 were can registered this year for the first time. To operate these cars 30.003 person were Issued drivers' permits and there were 2305 registered chauffeurs. Halifax, Plctou. Cumberland and Cape Breton counties contain the greatest number of car owners. KillThat Constipation! " luStrii tnriblr 'rem eesatf-pares. Alttruhiut 'uif--iTe ill my ttoublt was sore. Nw I am tafoying tpltaiii bttlth". Joba D. fie area, U stout Af fsef, N.S. "Fruit-a-tives", made from intensified fresh fruit juices combined with tonics, is a tifttural remedy for constipation Enjoy life. Try "Fruit-a-the" 2S :ind K3e a box 52 FLORlOA' 1.1 DAILY NEWS CLASSIFIED ADS. 2c per word in advance. No Advertisement talierfor less than 50c HALLOWE'EN SOCIAL PRESBYTERIAN GIRLS Banquet and Entertainment flhen Saturday Mjht In thtirrh IUII A very enjoyable mothera' and daughters' banquet and HsiIown social was held on Saturday evening m the :-ll of the Presbyterian Church under .he auspices of the Canadian Oirb in Training. The chweh nail was btau-:tfuHy decorated In keeping with the jccaaton. the flowers being chrysanthemums and marigolds. About sixty gathered around the ban-lueting table which formed the fore-fold standards. In the centre ru Placed a large paper pumpkin donated by Roee. Cowan and Latta which leld the Christian and Canadian flas -nd which were raised by the president WANTED L1 Fotui Af.ENTs w,.V A DAY tor dT, until (': or p-.irt.! . Itts B,. ( Xpert Inair , beauty . . Ing snd pr Moler 10 n 8.C MEN AMD W Fxpert in- paylnr b .-tram im: . or write V. Havtlnrs P- jitJTW and sr- bought. a: i and rev..' Papadopu! . Phirc v : T MOLEK BEUTYC Mat Srf v t'al Plfftnt.. . 'Nil I owiiuuu ,M1 I jll Mi.H Mvr.tstvr r wo I Teacher of dsaelng c r Phone P. t EXf HANCI xow itrtt l.ori r rrJ r or many via aoa. Kne. M Mason U n ' ' adjustment- nrapds a "p Phnn" Hri rnniNrv tvrxt II. i. ZIMKinl General IhmiT Purnaces and E' Chitn- Cenvte-v r Phone Red 24 K.IIEN f.Kr riTRTiir.R mm nw,s CHRVROITT TRlff Commercial C " delivery Touring Roadster . Roadster Dell-'" Sport Roadtte!- Coach Coupe Sedan Cabriolet Landau Sedan Imperial Landau St" Utility Express, 1 t ctrJ.l Disc wheels $25 00 fx A complete line - band at prM for dcmontrat;' :i our easy payment1 Guaranteed t-'. Pord Couoe. 1825. t 125 per rnontlt lord 8edn. 12 V a' $25 per month KAIEN f)tR0E- Prod1" Ooodre and r ' " Wrecking Service ' riione TAXI 1 les" I'hone 67 Tal (Call George. Taul or u ui- .t c,.on Passer?" . . r . Ji ol 1BJ koss nitos. pool- Rieeker Wofk- llin frnm r.mi"'" ' .,cl rnn i.atr TO CLASS'' " ... . a a TI ESIIAV. NOVEMUl" High 8 1) m 17:26 P Low 11-38 ro . lVKIiNCSnW. NOVEMW- High 1 2 1 18 Of Low 0 r 13 12 38 p