fil, 1927 TOE DAILY NEWS PAGE .THREE the Secret of Keeping Strong and Virile jDIGHT diet ... real strength-giving food. This is the secret To keep strong you must keep well; to keep well you must be well nourished. Bovril keeps you strong and well by stimulating your circulation and causing your blood stream to nourish you with the power of Beef. EIL Create: Energy V Set tbt nam dh the bottle and refuse substitute. 79 CANDY FOR HALLOWE'EN .. Special Neilson's Assorted Chocolates, regula: 80( to $1.26 lb. per lb. .. Wf ivamy Toffee, per bag ilr uramels, per lb. UOf -lab Toffee, each , i!Of us flavor pr lb ."Of d Fruft Candr. per lb... ,...., itf . per lb 10? ; Sorts, per lb 30 t vvs. Toasted or Plain, per lb. ."Of I W --apped Toffee, per lb IJif u i h Children's fixture, per box Ti & SOf & a w 's Peanut. Brittle, per box ...... iWt n Fancy Boxes,' from tiTo up to $5.00 V. ; lc agenti In Prince Rupert for Page & Shaw's and Purdy's Chocolates Onsaes IM 7ie Pioneer Drttqtytjsli fflDAVEt SIXTH ST. TELEPHONES 89 ,200 Christian Science Monitor August, 192G ' ig the past ten years, tremendous improvements n made in machine laundries, and notwithstanding all r be said to the contrary, the household linen and even - : i-s. are safer in the hands of a modern laundry than in the family washtub. ' the facts established along this line, it seems to v clearly established that a wife and mother, or any who works in the home, may be better employed than at n tub or supervision an electric wash in machine." With Wet Wash Service only 75c for 15 lbs. a : :c at least equal to the best home equipment, the logical conclusion is SEND IT TO Canadian Laundry '0. Uox 3'J2. and Dry Cleaners Phone 8 Canadian Pacific Railway B. C. Coast Services Sailings from Prince Rupert Ju Krti-hikan. Wranrrll. Juneau and Mkacway October S. 19, 19 Tu Vancouver, Victoria and Seal tie Oct ter IS, 23; November 2 r Ituledale. Eait Bella Delia. Ocean lalh. Namu. Ale Alert ... lampbeli ""' Hirer, and ana vanruu Vancouver everr Haturd.iy, II a.m a.m. enc acJ lor lor all all Hteamhlo HteamthlD Liner Liner roll Infor ... w- c' ORCIHUIl. General r"r rn ' 4th- Htreet and Jrd Avenue, I'rlnce Ilupert, n.C IImt. Information from BADMINTON Supplies Kaien Hardware Co. Telephone 3 Phone 31 Local and Personal Artsntrs Ten. Phons S7S. t! BC Oaatrrtaters Phone U. Dentist. Or J R. ItaH PbeaeSM Tiii. pM t u Angus McLeod. well known Altoe Am prospscaor. after harlni ifnl wet 'n town. returned north on tae Csvtala iaat night. Bee Him MyfaaVy Campbell la fancy lances at Quean Story Chapter Kakm-Cabaret te IX) OX. BsU on Halloween at pjk. flnmlsaHan SOe. MS Hyda Transfer now agents for Al-Alberta Snotlaas and Peaabtna rmlaai These coals an under cover, don't bu tw it it 111 a ton ean you tf Chsrles Taylor. tS4 Fourth A uot. arew a itailai in tha 9veepstaa aa the Cambridge slsati st night. At a nail, ho at a chock for MS. Mr. w. H. night on tha ANNOUNCEMENTS sailed test he will pay a ttatt to at aon and ji.ughter-a-lew. Mr. and Mrs. William Montgomery, jr. Mr. and Mia. Oosrfa H. Munre and . returned to tat etty on tha Oatala yesterday aftonwoa trass Yaaeouver where thoy took taotr sea. Ansa, for in purpoao of receiving treatment at toe hands of an eye epoctallot. The local halibut hast Ingsed H.. Capt. Charloa Uiadtpttat, atapposad to be the high boat of the Canadian Coot 'l-.u. year, la now tying up tor too winter The vessel told hot final oaten or the i menu at change. William Salagno, fesssealy of Prince Rupert, wtu give a rtoiln reel tad in j victoria under tat auspices of tte ljuliee' Muatosl CSub of that atty on Derambor IT. Mr. and Mrs. Balagno re now reaidlng at M CUueaet Street Victoria. The city paUoe H ntaSIng an-ang menu to onauto that aOowo'ea pranks n the part of tha yooag folks are kept within haunda this evening. Of-flcara wlU be on eajl to meet with my emergency, aoeae otgnniratlona are planning special attractlsna with a view to keeping the youngatera out of mla- chlef. Polloe Magistrate Thomaa MeClymont returned to the city on the Cataa yes terday afternoon from Vanciurer where he wae called on account of the eeriou lllneae and anbsaquent death of his father-in-law. the late John Melona- han. Mrs. MeClymont I ramalnlng In Vancouver for a while longer with her mother. Will dmunds, formerly of this city, was the author of one of the articles reviewing the amaleal situation In the :ity of Vancouver In a apodal musical nipplement of the Vancouver province last week. In Use course of his article, he makes s pies for the revival of the Vancouver Symphony Society. Beatdea playing In the Capitol Theatre orchestra in the southern city ana conducting a etudesta' academy. Mr. Idmunds la the active eecrttary of the mualctan'a union there, an organisation with aome 000 members. i Onion steamer Catala. Capt. A. E Dickson, arrived In port at 4 o'clock yesterday afternoon from the aouth utllng at 8 laat night for Anyox. Sterw rt. the Naaa River and other northern porta of call. Paaaengera arriving on the Catala Included Mr. anrd Mrs Ooo. H. Munro and aon. D. Didrtck. H. P. Robolns. and T MeClymont for Prince Rupert: X. Orchard. Mr. and Mrs. J Und. Charles McMillan. Mra. Adoock. T. Waddell. Mrs. Llr.deay. J. O. Lane end A. Olllle for Anyox: Mra. X. Pracer. Mr. Bowyer and Dr. Whelan for Alice Arm. Knights of Pythias Whist Drive and dance. October 31. I.O.D.E. Kalendar HaU. Hallowe'en. Kabaret. I.ODE Presbyterian Church Basasr, Novetn bar 3. Banttat Sale. November 5. Presbyterian Church Ohotr Concert. November 8. Catholic Church Basaar. November 9 1st 10. Canadian Legion Armistice Day Ban quet, November 11, in the D&ten Hall. Pythian Sistess 8ft ef Wdrk Novem ber 14. Angffcsn "Baza aar.'eLal.' Nov. 15. Moore Baraar. Nov 16 and 17. groai ts-Burns Vicks healing, anti-septic ingredients bring soothing re- lief. Apply gently Vapo Run 2225? Morrte rxhtewlet. Terrace Umbe' In- apeetor. aalled test BSgat on the Prince Rupert for Veneewvcr. r. a. WaMom. OKR. rM4litrr n. mm lo is etty on Saturday afternoons tram bam a tftp up tbi line on ofastel UtlM. Alf amallea of the Bwtft CaaaSJan nn returnee to the etty on Saturday after-noon's train fsem a weeks bueUMu tetp to the latettar. win at by U B.P.OC s dasre la Uooae 1111 on Neesatber ef "Pnssrj a. Beat Is Charvet." Six un. 258 ( IX. Boaa, aXJV operator it Kwln- ttaar sad mm o the osmpasiy's localrtT. aallee: UM night on the tlnef KMpeaS ferjrv'aaeauver on a holiday trip. W. H. MsjmwI. trtretting auditor for the Canadian Nt kit awl RaUvifi with idquarteee tm Wmalswg. arrived In the etty froas the East on Saturday at- ternoan'a traem. r. a Dawson retaraed to the etty on Saturday afternoons train from Meat-res! where he ssteaded a meettag oi the board of threaten of the Canadtaa National Railways. A. B. Hottby, B. and B. Hiperte- tendent for the OaaadUn National SsUways. returned to the etty on Sit- urday arternooa's train from a trip to the Interior on official duties. Xhighto of Pythias Whiat Drive sad Dance tonight, in Barton Hatt. Cards at 8J0. DTnsmg at 11. Ponder"a jrehsstra. OiaUaaita 76c. ladles See. efreshmenta. Everybody weleeme. Mr. sad Mrs. Oeorae W Morrow, after spending a couple of daya la the city fallowing a trip to Oalgary and Gdmoa- I ton, sailed last night by the Prince Rupert est their rrtarn to Vanesurer. Ms fames In Dotaglas rrhweU'a junior tennis totarnamsats wore ptayed at the j Teak -end. if they are not played this! week. It Is likely they will be postponed until spring when l eather becomes more certain. Fred Ward of the Regent Rooms. chartsd with lupptytsig liquor to In- ins. was remsaded In city potlee court this morning until this afternoon. Re pleaded not guilty and adjournment was token so that witnesses might be About 8S persons were present at the weekly dance Saturday night In the Mtiropote Mall under Scandinavian auspices. Music was provided by UiaaJean Currle and Sam Wlkdal and Old Country dancas featured the program which concluded at midnight. Mr. and Mrs. Mlsak Alvazoff and two children, who hare been spending some time on the Continent, are at present in Paris where Ura. Alvaaoff la itudylng musle. They will leave there shortly and arrive In Vancouver In November. Vancouver Province. Dr. and Mrs. p. p. Kenny sod son are planning so leave by the Princess Alice on Wednesday afternoon for Seattle where Dr. Kenny, who has sold his local practice to- Dr. E. S. Talt. wlU take a apocMl course preparatory to resuming practice In Vancouver. Soger Powell. Indian, e. frequent of fender, was sentenced to thirty dars' imprisonment, without option of fine, by Magistrate MeClymont in city police court this morning for Intoxication. On .'imilar charges. David Powell Parnell and Kenneth Brown, also Indians, were reWnded until tomorrow. Samuel Klnley. who has been Anglican lay reader at Kltwanga In assistance to Rev. T. D. Proctor of Hazel-ton, arrived In the city from the Interior on yesterday afternoon's train and proceeded laat night aboard the Prince Rupert to Vancouver where he Intends to complete bla clerical studies at the Anglican Theological College. Mrs. C. McArthur. wife of Senator MeArthur of Summerslde. pr;Dce Edward Island, and daughters. Miss Adele McArthur and Miss Dorothy McArthur, cpent the week-end in the city In the course of a tour West. They arrived from the Bast on Saturday afternoon's train - and sailed laat night on the Prince Rupert for Vancouver. There was a good -sized enngragation out last evening in the Mctropo'.e H!' to hear an address by Julius Sathre of Stavanger who spent the week-end In the city following a tour of Alaska on behalf of the Norwegian-Lutheran Young ePople's Federation of America for which he Is engaged In organization work. Last night Mr. Sathre left for Vancouver. Union freighter ChUUwack, en route to Stewart with a cargo of coal, arrived in port at 6 o'clock this morning and, after unloading lumber for Albert it MoOaCery. whose regular vessel, the Chllkcot. Is tied up at Vancouver for the winter. Is In command of. the Chll-llwack this trip in place, of, CapV J- D. rare woo is. aanore nJ: Vancouver on idaya. The CbllUvack . is due back about Wednesday southbound. Francis Ml Herd, bead of the Somer- vllle Cannery Co.. after spending the week-end In the city, left on this mornings train for Ottawa. He wlU make representations to the department of fisheries In connection with the proposed reform of salmon fishing regulations. Mrs MUlerd. who came north from Vancouver with her hus-1 ii.ind i.s remaining here for a while as j 'lie Me t of Mr and Mrs. M. P. Mc- ' Caff.-, 115 rt urth Aveaue West The Three- Quarters Bridge Enjoy the Winter in Pemnans FREE EXERCISE BOOK To help promote the good health of Canadians, Penmans have prepared an attractive book on home exercises which will be sent to you free on request- This book illustrates IS body-building exercises, with detailed explanations of each. Write for il lo-day. Alex Rlx of the Imperial OH Co. re turned to the city on Saturday alter-noon s train from a business trip to the interior. Alfred Adams of Maasett la one of he delegates In the city for the Church Army conference which wlU open to morrow. O. C. Mac Kay, district engineer for the provincial department of public works, sailed Saturday on the Prince Rupert for Stewart on official business. Aid. Joe Greer and Roy Nlehols re turned to the city on yesterday after-noon's train from a successful two-day goose and duck hunting outing to Kwlnltsa. Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co.'s packer drier Starrett is going on the pontoons at the dry dock for survey. The vessel recently had a stranding and sustained some damage to her hull. NOTICE. The Board of Works has resolved that 8!ith Avenue from Imanuel Street to Seal Cove Circle, and Eleventh Ave. from Frederick Street to Immanuel Street are unsafe for loads (loads and vehicle combined) above one ton and a half. Persons who break this regulation will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. ii. A. Mclean, City Engineer "IIUILD B.C" Mrs. Allan Mentions Cost mm For years we have told intimate little incidents about Pacific Milk and the women who use it. We have never before mentioned that Pacific Milk has kept the price down, in British Columbia always. Actually evaporated milk costs less in our province than in any other in Canada. Mrs. Allan has told us to speak of this. PACIFIC MILK Heart Office. Vancouver factories at Laduer and Abbotuford. "BUILD B.C." I M1 EXERCISE NO. 11 The thrre-quirtrri bridge it a real spinal cxerriae. Start ths movement lyisg an the back and jdrjaw tkc fett up, aslrWieated in iliustretion. Move the body forward and backward alow ly, letting the neck do some of the upporting. 51 "EN and women who wear this famous underwear never dread zero weather. Low temperatures only stimulate them in work and add zest to play. For Penmans 95 is a bulwark of protection. Feel the soft, downy fabric. Light of weight, yet with all the wear and comfort qualities of heavy underwear. And 95 washes so well. For men, women and children. In two-piece and union suits. Number 95 on the label is your assurance of finest quality. PENMANS LIMITED Paris - Ont. BJ WJ 1 .'.-.. . --r j-TVr-r-:---' .-w- " r-."sg- D Afternoon Teas and Card Parties are easily arranged when you have Folding Tables Our Christmas shipment is here your choice of the strongest table made (by actual test will carry 1,000 lbs.) with natural grained oak top or washable sanitas, $o.."0 and 5?0U0 Barrie's Home Furnishings Box 60S Phone 123 Han ad ian National cjhe, Largeft Railway SyJlem in America ' STEAMSHIP AND TRAIN SERVICE SAIMNdS from PKIXCE RUPERT for VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, SEATTLE. and Intermediate point", each THURSDAY and iUMlAY. 11.00 p.m. lor AXYOX and KETC'IIKAN Each WEDNESDAY. 1.00 I'or STEWART Each SATURDAY. 10.00 p.m. lor NORTH AND SOUTH QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS, fortnightly. PASSENGER TRAINS LEAVE PRINCE RUPERT DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAT at I1J10 a.m. for PKIXCE CiEOUOE. EDMONTON, WINNIPEG, all points Eastern Canada, United Mate. AGENCY ALL OCEAN STEAMSHIP LINES. Use Canadian National Express for Money Orders. Foreign Cheque, etc, also for your neit shipment. CITY TICKET OFFICE. SJS THIRD AVE. PRINCE RUPERT. Phone Ifte UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT isisf CENTRAL HOTEL The place called "Home" 120 Rooms, American and European Plan. Hot and Cold Water. Bus meets all trains and boats. T Sample Koora Phone 51. L. Martin, Manager. I . i f