| } > me j EN he ane'ent town which of Rhodes, Greece Neil MacNeil, CARE ist delivered to them in one of fifty x CHILDR iLO Canadians to needy Greek families ide this fall when Mr. MacNeil was CARE Conference held on the Isle | vitation of the Greek government da) 18 located at 73 Albert St.. Ottawa n Ciccone Heads Lodge ks Instal Officers | lation ceremony since reorgan- Lada here installed Vern Ciecone ceeding Arthur Murray. Installing officer, Past Exalted Ruler Charlie Vaughn Was assisted by Immediate Past «Honored Royal Lady Viola And- ict News Grand erson and Honored Royal Lady (irace McIntyre in the colorful na. ceremony wre In attendance were the Ladies ve of the Royal Purple with their tive | mewly formed patrol team Other officers instalied were ay Al Manson, leading knight: Bob Shrubsall oyal knight; N. J e | Gurvich lec turing knight: Eric 46. Speers, esquire Cliff Knutson ; re | chaplain Mike Budnic h, his- torian George Spence inner guard;. Dusty Elliott, tyler; Gar- net Hull, secretary; Nick Pavy- tiki treasurer John Currie cai of | pianist Hugo Kraupner, Mel art Thompson and Sev Domibato inite trustecs oa A noveit meert was staged ar following t remony at which Pa Exalted Ruler Mur ’ ray was master of ceremonies Sea Cadets “Hold Dance In Navy Hall \ die HMCS Chathas ” Maw; aril ler U nuspices of the Cap n Cook 8e Cade and {fice Frida fante { cere was ver utile A/B. Jimn Saville who expertly unfolded the events of if ey it} Honor gut were Prince Ru pert s newest bra h of the Juntor ' ervice th Air Cadets. Other hx gue atter ne were Ca adiar MO! Legion president Alex Haig and : Mrs. Haig: I it. Commander W Smith (RCNVR nd Mrs, Smith Lieut. Commander T. A. J tone and Ned McNiel, repre nt ing the Air Cace ind the Rev erend L. G. Siebe f the Firs United Church Her Sea Caadet officers and their wives attending were Command dy ing Officer Lieut. Art Ogilvie and o | Mrs. Ogilvie, ex-commanding of ficer Alex Mitchell and Mrs. Mil chell. Sub.-Lieut and Mrs. Ed Dawes, Sub-Lieut. and Mrs, Sid Alexander, Sub-Lieut. and Mrs ders lerry Woodside, Instructor Cecil waite and Midshipman Totter typo Novelty of the evening was the 5.5.R spot dance won by A/B Tommy t 8) Moorehouse and partner Lynne 2 Nickersor Run One of the highlights was im ember Oremptu entertainment, a song Ban} It's in the Book" by A/B Eric 273) Brown, A/B Tommy Moore house and A/B Jimmy Saville Shore The young ladies were charm- Thurs- ine in their gay array of color 7. 11 and the uniforms of the officers nb and cadets completed a spectac (271) ular picture as they danced to to he music of Bruce Wilson and A : Jean De Carlo yo Refreshments and soft drinks Ventre were served oking (3M) LONG CARBER : Wth T°TOMAS, Ont. CP)—James b be op Alexander was honored on con ASH And pletion of 50 years’ service wilh | be an’ the Pere Marquette and Chesa on all) 2®ake and Ohio railroads here, (270) yt! he’s still working as an i m | pector of diese] locomotive, He Centre, has 18 months to go to retir Knitted ment age, having started as a iy novelties, my » hts early teens cooking ecialty) ANNIVERSARY TROPHY { ls and WeTTAND Ont (C%*—Shoobii Starts | a 240-pound buck deer Was 4 F (271) | feature of the 20th wedding an- : niversary celebrations of M UAL 1) : and Mrs. Charles Gunter iM OE Fonthill. They joined e Senet mre ‘nnval pop- | party near Bancroft. fo: Ye oa, 0 th Amer-|and Gunter shot the anim ( oOmparec |ebout 80-miles north of 1 ville i who | production For quite some time Miss Mar- | shall, who lives in Vancouver. | BC,. wrote at the incredible rate | with | relish Weekly Book Pace Set F By Novelist By CYNTHIA NEW YORK your opinion novelist LOWRY (AP) fhatever of the.work of Rosamund Marshall writes lusty, busty best Vers with titles like “Duchess | Hotspur”—she's a novelist with Out peer in terms of quantity of a novel a week, using a min- jimum of five pen names | She's a forthright. and at- |} tractive blonde who faces life enthusiasm and obvious Currently she is a little! subdued-—nerves, probably-—due to the fact that she’s written her | first novel in a modern setting and hung it on a serious theme Called “Bond of the Fiesh,” it’s set for November publication by Doubleday Miss Marshall attempted to | explain her erat novel output I was married to an sina and living in Rome at the time she said. “I'd always wanted to write and I was pretty bored HONEY FRUIT CAKE |; touch baking it ince Kupert Vaily INews 3 Tuesday Ree | 18 1808 easily made the Christmas season. Ring as well as onting and provides the right for in your family while Hedey ‘beak Cubs Ideal For Christmas Spirit Fruit cake making time can be a chore if you} with Roman society and playing think of it only as another baking day. But if you bridge. I met a French publisher at @ cocktail party. He put out are wise—and most homemakers today are—you can * |Neely Moore | Named Prexy Candidate G. Neely Moore, resident min ing engineer of Consolidated Mining and Smelting Co. Lid hag been nominated for presi- dent of the northern branch of the B.C. Engineering Society Annual meeting of the asso- ciation and elections wil] take place tonight at the Broadway Cafe, Others named by the nom- inating committee for executive posts are E. Bartlett, for viv president. and G. V. Roche, for secretary-treasurer, Both are em- pluyed at Columbia Cellulose Co Ltd. ‘A social evening will be com- bined with the annual meeting including a ‘“get-acquainted’ period The northern branch includes districts oi Alice Arm, Stewart, Terrace, Kitimat and Kemano and has some 40 members of the Association of Professional Engineers, but half of them are located in Prince Rupert district Some out-of-town visitors are expected PROP WASH... One flying student obtained his private licence and another is waiting for -his tests following their completion of the 30-hour approved flying course at the Prince Rupert Aero Club. John Fredericks passed his test last week. J. Allard is waiting for weather and an available aireraft, The chub plane, tied up with an engine change during the past week, now is ready to oper- ate. Chief Kellough has over- hauled it with assistance from justructor Bul Harper. Al Yaté is kept ousy working on_ thi lub’s second aircarft, CF-DEi Bill Bryant has been named director for the balance of the year, replacing Crawford Moore | who resigned owing to pressure of business. Tasty Bran ‘Muffins 3 kinds from 1 easy recipe 2 thep. shortening % cup mitk 4 cup suger er 1 cup sifted we , oes 2) tap. | cup Kellegg's ig All-tren Ve teaspoon sol Blend well shortening, sugar; add muffin cretctiaets ap aretanted mod. hot or 12 small ie. ’ ses Spicy Bren Muffins: Mix 1 tap. butter, 4s cup sugar, 1 tsp. cinnamon. Sprinkle over unbéked. muffin batter. Heney-Nut Muffins: Put 1 oo honey, each greased cea veda ee = with \2 cup Al-Brae Fer youthtet regalarity doit balance voor det wa ALB _ 2+ +--+ ge he PRINCE RUPERT WEDNESDAY - SATURDAY Departs Prince Rupert 2:30 p.m. Arrives Ketchikan 3:15 p.m. ELLIS AIRLINES Phone 476 KETCHIKAN $27.00 jdime novels, sold by peddiers make it a happy part of holiday festivities, Here's from village to village. He said ‘, . “ Pee he was having trouble getting how. : material, so I just asked him if First of all. make the baking ©9U4! parts of honey, sugar and I could try of the fruit cake a family acs Water. Add drained fruits and “I think I was paid some-| tivity. Have Johnnie cut up the immer until well glazed. Drain thing like $25 for each one, but fruits and nuts. Mary Anne sift 9" Wire rack I turned out a novel a week for the spices and flour and «Dad Ne him. One week it would be a beat the eges and line the pans passoniate love story, and then | with creased paper. With a t Ai C d t a Chinatown piece. Once I did of honey cocoa on the nee the IF adels a whole series of Sheik stories. radio playing Christmas mood I had a different name for each | musi. ind lenient mother Hear Lecture “7 of story ; who lets a few fruit cake good- ° . Was very good training for ‘ +) nnes text novels me t"iearned ovwrte fant i ginepent into the tummies! On) First. Aid learned how to plot, and I learn- . eat be ick ae : ed how to eera story down to fr yp a baked right into, 4 record turnout of 46 air the essentials and not pad it And sched, ums. cosine ‘whe cadets la St night heard a lecture out.” know will work. Here's one that ee ee When her marriage broke up is wines iit east kes seal sl holds fire department Miss Marshall returned to her 4), urprise oo. +a Z a | With Adjutant Ned McNeil lis- native New York where her Chrtétecas soadia > : dee oe tening in, the boys showed keen novels really came in hands if dn at aan sa : ee interest in all phases explained “lL arrived with my daughter, eataietatts sab 4 : ' a Pris oo by Ewart a mink coat and $50,” she re- eae: OS | Wh @ new ordoriy room, new calls. “When the money was Ren mates tak > : a desks and filing cabinets, and gone, | walked—with the mink . RC SERWAre . WARE IOney has the uni forms on the way, the cadets coat—into a pulp magazine (eMical pow mque SaMoOng ore looking forward to an active publisher's office, For a good jeets of holding moisture right | 03 oon : tong amet cane © fale Hing in frit ab ih on Joe Ward is. still giving the (raneipeing rd French dime ie oT — oe boys good workouts at drill and novels into English and selling ’ die Vers they did a slow | march last night them te the magazine. he Ss ” yu me ie thse after which Qne of her problem was Make the ult ike 4 far . . 4 € +4 win ¢ “ ian Dick Gar- learning how to write in English, ®ead of time bate 3 a ae ae She had been living a nomadic Convenient for ou irried | : inspected the flights fe in Eutope-—deughter of an schedule . Tonight Equipm nt Officer Bill ofl envineer-.sinee she was 12 This honey fr Bryant will give the sponsoring She spoke five languages and beautifully t committee a resume of activities ome diglecis, but English wasn't Clip the recipe now the monthly meeting her best subject HONEY FRUIT CAKE She drifted into writing hi e torical novels—the kind with the oe) , US. to Build exciting cover ilustratio it uP Gr Pract ro an effort to make more mone} ? and a better living. She was a cup sitvered blanched als More Air Bases using European back nGs ‘ . she knew well and let- ap) CA €25 pe we 0 G: /, d Ing the action carry the story nu n reen an Her books sold well and still do p a¢ t nadie COPENHAGEN ©. The United ‘ithough she’s never been nom States Air Force will build or ated for ahy fancy-writing , mn rebuild at least four more bases awards cup! on Greenland, Danish govern- Now however she turned gg nent sources say serious book writer, Her new ex cups sifted all-purpose Fi: in Nielsen, acting chief of periment explores the rigid flout Denmark's Greenland Depart- American caste system in a mid easpoon salt ment, said Monday an official western community teaspoon baking powder announcement might be expected However,” she said. with a «ls teaspoon cinnamon shortiy from both Washington look I've also signed with an teaspoon allspice and Copenhagen other publisher to do a series of aspoon cloves detective stories. Under anothe teaspoon macs name. Just in case Cove runes and apricots with boiling water.and let stand S h tt! ites. Drain and cool. Re- pag e | pits from prunes and chop ° ind apricots. Rinse and TO Dinner Draws raisin Combine dried j fru nuts and candied fruit Hu e Crowd Cream shortening and honey to- MONDAY g gether. Add eggs one at a tin More than 250 persons attend-; beating thoroughly after each ed the spaghetti dinner at An- addition. Sift together flou nundation School Sunday night salt, baking powder and spices ithe event was enjoyed equal- Blend into creamed mixture a by goad and adults Pour batter over fruits and nu ROUND TRIP Sponsored by the Home and mix thoroughly. Line 8-inch School Association with Bert’ tube pan with 2 thicknesses of Young and Mrs. Fleming as con- | greased brown paper and one of veners, purpose of the dinner greased waxed paper. Turn bat was to provide funds fora Christ-| ter into 8-inch tube pan. Bake mas party for the children in very slow oven (250 degrees Father Rayner spoke briefly) F.) 314 to 4% hours with shal and entertainment consisted of | jow pan of hot water on bottom y Father 1 sing song and solos b of oven. Decorate top with nuts Mohan, Mrs. Schaeffer, and Inez and honey-glazed fruit just be- Amadio fore serving. Makes about 5's An unusual interlude in — pound cake yening’s fun was vrovided by y KLABER ERtrY Mebir Saumder's boxing team| HONEY GLAZED FRUIT whe aged three two-round Boil prunes and apricots 10 houte minutes. Drain. Make syrup of Get quick relief for aching muscles, the easy soothing way. Rub in fast-acting Minard’s Liniment. SORE MUSCLES ? Y mae q; el trite, . is INARDS “KING OF PAIN” LINIMENT vie Dads S iit &) aft) SAK kn ROR MEN and WOMEN BUY YOUR CURLING BOOTS NOW ai —at— od CURLING BOOTS FOR Footwear . a UNRESERVED THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 20th AT THE AUCTION ROOMS, McBRIDE and FOURTH AVE. Commencing at 2:15 p.m. lisotiucled by Lie several owners, I wiil sell by auction to the highest bidder the following: 3 Chesterfield Suites 1 Frigidaire 1 Connor Washing Machine 1 Chrome Kitchen Suite 1 Studio Lounge _— 1 Astral Regrigerator (small) : peg hig 2 Dressing Tables ndix Washer 1 Singer Sewing Machine 2 Vanity Dressers (hand) 1 Cedar Chest Westinghouse Table Model 1 10” Saw and Mandril Radio—five bands All Metal Ironing Board Coal and Wood Heater Mahogany Chest of Drawers 2 Bicycles Child's Crib and Buggy Garden Tools etc. Single Cot and Mattress LIST YOUR GOODS FOR THIS SALE MUST BE CLEARED. TERMS: CASH OR CHEQUE GEORGE J. DAWES « THE AUCTIONEER 7 Phone Red 127, Black 846—also 678 “4 ee wane - nants ioe we i q ue Sweet satisfaction]. Wonderful dessert— DELNOR Strawberries! DELNOR Fcmont’ ie Progen Foods ALL-CANADIAN AN COMPANY ware 4s cai te | 8 ol MOTOR PRODUCTS LTD. We have in stock for immediate delivery: 1 Only PONTIAC SEDAN DELIVERY 2 GMC ',-TON PICKUPS USED CARS (All prices subject to 3% Sales tax) IMS DESOTO SEDAN—This tuxury car is equipped with fluid drive and air conditioning. The body is in first class Shane and it has 4 new tires. ‘625 This Down Payment PONTIAC 2-DOOR SEDAN—Heater and defroster, G.M. auto radio, two-tone paint. $ 0 A real buy Dewn Payment 58 PLYMOUTH 4-DOOR SEDAN—Special Deluxe. Good tires, heater and defroster. 1145 Full Price SEDAN—Heater anc defroster. CHEVROLET 4-DOOR A real family car. ‘550 Excellent tires. SEDAN — Radio, heater and Down Payment Reconditioned motor. § 4 4 5 CHEVROLET 4-DOOR defroster. Light b'ue. Three new tires Down Payment FORD ROADSTER—2 spares, reconditioned ‘945 for only 1950 1948 1949 LU 1930 motor, new battery Full Price USED TRUCKS DODGE ':-TON PANEL—Comoletely reconditioned Brand. new motor, Heater and defroster. ‘400 Down Payment CHEVROLET 3-TON Chassis and Cab—2-speed axle— excellent rock lug duals, heater and ‘415 defroster Down Payment FARGO 2%-TON Fiat Deck—in very good shape. Dual rock lug tires are alone worth the ‘400 Dewn Fayment of FORD '.-TON PANEL—Heater and defroster, ‘588 A veal bargain.at only Down Payment Come in or Phone 871—At Any Time i9y Ing int 1951