PAGE SIX r Perfection m ourWhisty is Due to 94 Years Experience JCANADIAN fhYE whisky 9 YEARS OLD I This advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Hoard or by the Uovernmcnt of British Columbia BIG REDUCTIONS For the Wintry Weather The "Hanaco" English Rain-coat, guaranteed waterproof, ret,'. $D.C0. Sale $8.25 Men's Raincoats, reg. $12, Sale $9.50 Child's Slickers, reg. $4.85. Sale $1.00 Come in and look around Mussallem Grocery Co. Ltd. Perfect Sight A matter of foresight. Many cases of eye trouble are averted by early application of proper lenses. Present neglect may mean future trouble. A. E. Ireland Graduate Optometrist 319 Third Avenue. (Opposite G.W.V.A.) WOOD Dry Jack Pine, Cedar, Hirch and Spruce 1'er load $6.50 Per half load $3.50 Per sack 50c Firelighters, 48 for $1.00 delivered. HydeTransfer KJ9 Second Avenue Pnone 580" Night or Day WE IHJY MOTTLES. MILK From Hulkley Valley FRESH MILK' AND WHIPPING CHE AM Quality and Service Valentin Dairy Phone C57 PRINCE TO PAY IRELAND VISIT Ills IIKillNF.SS .SKTS KAMIION ix mi:vs iki;ss iict does NOT CltEATE STYLES LONDON, Jan, 6. In the Inner circles In Dublin they are talking of a visit to Ireland from the Prince of Wales, For the present. It Is a matter of the wish being father to the thought. The most Interesting thing about It Is that it Is almost certainly the direct result of the change In tlUe of the King. Visitors from the Free State speak of It with the liveliest satisfaction. "We have a King of England now." said one, "which was a matter of doubt to us Irish before," and he went on to say that the change, which would give Ireland "a king of her own," was really an Important political event for the Free State, because It would eliminate, he thought, the difficulty which some members of the Dall still experienced about the oath of allegiance. The Prince of Wales was at the New Gallery last week to see a private presentation to exhibitors of the ho-pltal film 'Which it Is intended to show in WATER NOTICE DIVEKSIUN AMI USE. TAKE NOTICE that Oosse Packlna Company, Limited, whose address is Vancouver. B.C.. will apply for a licence to take and use 100.000 tallons per day of water out of Unnamed stream, which flows northwesterly and drains Into uapiains uove at nesd 01 captains Cove. The water will be diverted from the stream at a point about 700 feet from mouth and will be used for commercial and domestic purposes upon the land described as lt 1253. Range 4 Coast District. This noti-e was posted on the ground on the 4 th day of No- vemcier, iws. a copy or tnis notice and an application pursuant thereto and t. the ' Water Act" will be. filed In the office of the Water Recorder at Prince Rupert, B.C. Objections to the aftali- catlon may be filed with the said Water Kccoraer or witn tne comptroller ol Water Rights, Parliament Biflldlngs Victoria, B.C.. within thirty days after the first appearance of this notice in a local newspaper. The date of the first publication of this notice Is November 10. 1926. OOSSE PACKING COMPANY LTD Applicant. By J, P. Strang. Agent LOOK! AT OUR WINDOW Prunes on Sale for One Week Only Two sizes 10-50 Size-Regular 17fcc. On sale, per lb , 12Vjc Or 25 lb. box for $2.93 60-70 Size Regular 15c .On sale, per lb. 10c Or 25 lb. box for $2.35 This is your last opportunity to buy prunes cheap. Get a 25 lb. box now B.C.Butchers & Grocers Limited Phones 15 and 574. INVESTMENTS ' Fqrtune-Making Possibilities Read the Foreign Exchange Bulletin FREE UPON REQUEST. The imehtmriit 1 1 out of C.M.Cordasco& Company KI'KUAI.IZIMi K.XCLUKIVELV IN KOUKIUV (iOVKKN.MKNT AM) Mir.MCII'AL BONDS JUrrU Truot Building Z'J'5 XT. JA.MKS NTHKKT MONTREAL CANADA Dr. Alexander Smith Mock Phone 575 DENTIST George Rorie CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT AND AUDITOR Phone 387 Z43 Second Avenue West, Prince Rupert TIIE DAILY NEWS Thursday, Januar? C u CwIorcBiwdaiulBetterBim PURITS FLOUR , tylwctfor)Mir and Less Shorknimj aid of King Edward's Hospital. Fund of which he is president. He arrived after some short British films had been shown, but In time to see In a film of topical Instruction how to ice a cake, to train Borzois, to drive a car over a bridge, and a golf ball off the head of a caddy. Then came "A Hundred Years of Progress," the film which contrasts the hospital system of the time of George IV. with that ol the present day. It was a well-photo graphed and Interesting Interlude In an ordinary program and should be as popular as any educational film, since there are no gruesome horrors pre sented. PKIXCE'S IMI.IK.VCE x A Luton straw hat manufacture stated recently that If the Prince ol Wales would only consent to wear a straw hat for a few minutes. It would be sufficient to revive Its waning popularity and to restore prosperity to the industry. This remark shows how great In the estimation of hatters and clothiers Is the Influence exercised by the Prince on the trend of fashion In men's dress. This Influence Is partly due to the attractive personality of the Prince himself and partly to the tra ditional position which the Prince ol Wales has alwajj occupied In the world of fashion. Charles II. as Prince was a celebrated example. He It was who brought the flowing wig Into England from France, and with it dainty combs for public use. Such a wig would cost about 1200 in present money. George IV., as Prince Regent was another heir to the throne very famous for his cultivation NOTICE OF ELECTION PUBLIC NOTICE Is hereby given to the electors of the Municipality of the City of Prince Rupert that I require the presence of the said electors at the City Clerk's Office, in the City Hall. City of Prince Rupert, on Monday, the 10th day of January, 1927. at twelve o'clock noon, for the purpose of electing persons to represent them as Mayor and Aldermen and School Trustees. The mode of nomination of candidates shall be as follows: The candidates shall be nominated In writing; the writing shall be subscribed by two electors of the municipality as proposer and seconder, and shall be delivered to the Returning Officer at any time between the date or the notice and two pjn. of the day of nomination; the said writing may be in the form numbered 3 in the Schedule of the "Municipal Elections Act," and shall state the names, residence, and occupation or description of each person proposed. In such manner as sufficiently to Identify such candidate: and In the event of a poll being necessary, such poll shaU be opened on the 13th day of January, 1927, at the Council Chamber, City Hall, City of Prince Rupert, from the hour of 8 o'clock ajn. to the hour of 8 o'clock pjn.. of which every person is hereby required to take notice and govern himself accordingly. Otven under my hand at Prince Rupert, B.C., this 31st day or December, 1B2S. EDWARD P. JONES. Returning Officer. LAND ACT NOTICE UV INTENTION TO APPLY TO TO I'lltl llASK LAM) In Prince Rupert Land Recording District of Prince Rupert, and situate on the north shore of the South Arm of Tasoo Harbor, Moresby Island, Queen Charlotte Islands. Province of British Columbia. TAKE NOTICE that James Field, of Prince Rupert, B.C.. occupation Marine Broker, Intends to apply for permission to purchase the following described lands: Commencing at a post planted on the north shore of South Ann of Tasoo Harbor, Moresby Island, Queen Charlotte Islands, In the Province of British Col umbia, about S chains from the end of the Government trail; thence 10 chains nonneasieny; tnence 10 chains north westerly; tnence 10 chains southwesterly; thence 10 chains southeasterly, and containing twenty (20) acres, more or less. JAMES FIELD, Applicant. Dated November 29, 1926. THE SALE OF ALL SALES Quality First, Price Last Men's Mackinaw Coats, beat make, all wool $".'J8 Men's Tweed Suits . , . , $9.93 Men's Tweed Overcoats $10.83 Men's Heavy Wool Work Shirts ,. $1.49 Men's Overalls $1.95 MenV Wool Hose 29c MANY" OTHER HA KG A INS Come and see. We set a hard pace for others to follow. Thor Johnson 720 Second Avenue of dress. It Is reputed that he spent 10.000 a year on his clothes, and at his first court ball he wore a cost of pink sUk with white cuffs, a white silk walstco&t embroidered with different colored foil and covered with French paste, and a preposterous hat trimmed with 5,000 steel beads In two rows, finished with a button and a loop of the same beads. Ills COOl) TASTE The present Prince of Wales shows excellent taste. He dresses modestly, yet smart and appropriately, and Is modern In hts preferences. It must be understood' that the Prince may set the fashion in men's dress, but iocs not create it. It is not the Prince who decides upon a new color scheme in ties, or experiments In the new shape of a hat. The very select houses which the Prince patronizes, submits nodes and styles which they think will appeal to hlm and he selects from vlthln this range. If the Prince makes tome new departure In dress then the nanufacturers copy It for the high-:lass trade, while later, maybe, it is recoplcd until It Is offered at a price within the means of the East End 7oung man, who loves to cut a dash vhen on pleasure bent. A case In point is the "pullover. rht Prince of Wales accepted a "pullover" which as hand knitted by the Fair Isle crofters. "Pullovers" then appeared on the market ranging in price from IS 5s. to 3 3s. As the demand grew, more popular lines were manufactured until It was possible to get a "pullover" with the coloilng of a cock pheasant for 7s. 6d. WINNIPEG WOMAN HEADS SKY READERS 1 1' Ituyal Astronomical .Mttlalliin Has t'lrot female. Prevalent lis Its IIMorr WINNIPEO, Jaj. . (By Canadian Press). Mrs. E. L. Taylor, who has been a keen astronomer for msny years, and for the past five years, vice-presi dent of the Winnipeg branch of the Royal Astronomical Society,' was elected to the office of president at the annual meeting of that organization. Fcr the first time In the a finals of the society a woman will guide the affairs of the organization from the presidential chair. MIUKLKSS KKI'OUT 8 a.m. DIGBY ISLAND Clear. cUm; barometer, 29.78; temperature. 29; sea smooth. DEAD TREE POINT Barometer, 29.40; temperature. 29. BULL HARBOR Raining, fresh south east wind; barometer. 29:60; temDera- ture, 30; sea moderate: 8 osn. SDoke motorshlp Llllehorn Adams River southbound; 8 p.m. spoke steamer Catala left Hardy Bay at 7.15 pjn. northbound. B.I 5 pjn. spoke steamer Cardena leav ing Tinglewood southbound. Noun DIGBY ISLAND Clear, calm; temperature, 32; sea smooth, DEAD TREE POINT Barometer, 29.40; temperature, 34. BULL HARBOR Raining, fresh southeast wind; barometer, 29.57; temperature, 37; sea moderate. A Winnipeg minister of the gospel gave himself up for speeding, convicted only by his own speedometer and conscience. He was fined $10. Some day he hopes to go on "high" as a reward. If the Mexican government alms at crippling United States control of the Panama Canal, as Is Intimated, there Is likely to be a new condition of affairs in Mexico In the not distant future. An average speed, of 258 miles an hour was attalned'by an Italian aviator at Norfolk, Vs., the other day. That Is what we call "speeding," P RINCE RUPERT TIDES ( HtlDAV, JAM AltV 7 High 4:09 am. 20.0 ft. 15:54 p.m. 21,1 - Low 9:47 ajn. 7 8 " 22:30 pjn. 3.0 " MATIHDAY;, ' JANUARY 8 ,, High 4:55 ajn, 19.8 ft. 18:47 pjn. 10.7 " Low 10:48 ajn, 7.0 " 23:15 p.m. 4.2 " Nl'NDAV, JANUARY I) High 5:46 a.m. 19.8 ft, 17;49 pjn. 18.3 " Low 11.46 ajn. 7,7 " MONDAY, JAM'AltV 10 High 8:43 ajn. 19.4 " lO'lOfl p.m. 17.1 " ' Low ' u:b4 'a.m. 6.5 " 12:54 p.m. 7.6 M OIL BURNING BATTLESHIPS NEW Kill IN I NITEII STATES NAV.U HtSTOKV HAS IVI.I.Y IMWNEIIj .lltCIIAIC' COAL III ItNEH.H IHSAri'KAKINd WASHINGTON, Jan. S. A new era In United States naval history will have fully dawned at the end of the year 1927 when the archaic coal-burning battleship, born more than a century ago through the Inventive genius of J Robert Fulton, will be a thing of the eventful past. Three dreadnaughts, the Utah, the Wyoming, and the New York which In their days have coiuumeU unknown quantities of coal, remain to be modernised. They will have a new set of innards-namely, oil-burning furnaces to place them on a par with other first-rate ships of the fleets. When they are turned out of drydock they will mark' fulfillment of a program Inaugurated more than 10 years ago when oil wa determined more detUable as a ship fuel. HOT l KD IN 19IU Disappearance of the coal burner Is a sequel to the fading of the romance which the full-sail-rlgged frigate imparted to the main. In 1815 Robert Fulton built for the navy the first "flre-ealng monster" which churned It magical course out to sea spelling doom to the historic wind-jammer. Nearly a century later. In 1910. the Norh Dakota, first United States battleship to utilize oil as fuel, was commissioned. The trio of vessels to undergo reconditioning In the coming year are all more than 10 years old. The change of fuel consumption, together with extensive overhauls In Boston. Philadelphia, and Norfolk Navy Yards is expected to rejuvenate them. OIL IIKTTKIl ALL 1(1)1 NO t Ml Advantages of oil are found by Navy officials in its concentration of power in leas mass than coal, lu cleanliness, and adaptability for handling. Oil has a higher combustion efficiency and gives all ships greater crulslag range. Most of the newer oil-burning battleships are electrically propelled. OH boilers generate steam which in turn jtpln turbines fcr the generation of electric current. Submarines, of course are electrically outfitted. All the Navy's destroyers burn oil. Some day we are going to write an original movie play where the hero proposes to the heroine at the end of th? film and she turns Mm down. Another dsndy scheme for using up psrt of our extraordinary ' cotton surplus would be to add about II inches to either end of the sheets. The tables Mid Scotlsnd Is still wci but didn't explain who Is buying the drinks. WATER NOTICE. piw.hmoY and ir TAKE NOTICE that John Dybhavn. whose address la P.O. Box 1700. Prince Rupert. B.C.. will apply for a licence to I take and use 4.000 gallons per dsy of! mater out of an unnamed crtek which1 flows northerly and drtins Into Nesto In- let. about one mile from the head of the , Inlet, on its south shore. The water will ! be diverted from the stream at the' natural outlet of a small lake, about 6J) , feet from the mouth of the creek, and will be used for domestic and ndustrlsl' purposes upon the 7 acres of land dt- j scribed as unsurveyed land for which lease Is spptled. This notice was posted on the ground on the 23rd dsy . of November. 1928. A copy of this notice and an application pursuant thereto; and to the "Water Act" will be filed! In the office of the Water Recorder at Prince Rupert. B.C. Objections to the. application may be filed with the aaldi Water Recorder or with the Comptroller! of Water Rights, Parliament Buildings. victoria, dc, witnin imny oars aiier the first appearance cf this notice In a local newspaper, me aaie oi tne iirsi of this notice Is Decern-er Publication 1. 192S. JOHN DYBHAVN, Applicant. WATER NOTICE DIVERSION' AM) I'SE TAKE NOTICE that James Field, whose address is 213 2nd Ave., Prince Rupert. B.C., will apply for a licence to take and use 1 cubic foot per second of water out of unnamed creek, which flows easterly and drains Into Crescent Inlet. Moresby Island, Q.C.I.. about one milt from the head of the Inlet on the north shore. The water will be diverted from the stream at a point about 1.000 feet from the mouth and will be used for dorifjstlc and cannery purposes upon the 40 acres of Isnd described as unmnn. i.ed land, for which purchase la applied about 15 chains southwesterly from the mouth of the stream: This notice was posted on the around on the 29th dsy of November, 1926. A qopy of this notice and an application pursuant therto and to the "Water Act," will be filed In the office of the Water Recorder at Prince Rupert. B.C. Objections to the application may be filed with the aald Water Recorder or with the Comptroller of Water Rights. Parliament Buildings, Victoria, 110. within thirty days after the flrat appearance of this notice In a local newspaper. The date of the first publication U December 20, 1026. JAMES FIELD, Applicant. MINERAL ACT ( Kimnc.m: or imi hovementh NOTICE Jtianlta, Anyox. Oranby, Alamo. Rodeo, Pinto, Wann Fractional No. 2, and Monte Fractional Mineral Claims, situate In the Atlin Mining Division of Cassiar District. Wh,r 1 rwa t r1 Tin w.m n... Taku Arm of Tanish Lake. take NOTICE that I, Charles V. Bob, Free Miner's Certificate Noi 89768, Intena, sixty days from the date hereof, to SDDlV to the Mlntnrj nn tnr Certificate of Improvements, for the our. pose of obtaining a Crown Orant of the above claim. And furthrr taku nnti. ih.4 .iinn under section 86, must be commenced wore vne issue or sucn certificate of Improvements. Pated this 1st day of January, ' AD 1927. II. McN. rilASER, A.tut. BEGIN New By Saving Money You can do this In our Uaoemcnt Store where you w i find a fine assortment of China, tlie latest Dlnnerwarc in Johnson Ilros. "Pareek"; also a fine lino of Glassware a Glasses from $1.00 per doicn up. Stem Glasses for wine c from $2.00 per dozen. We invite you in to keep yourself )Katcd on tho new g :s not necessarily to buy hut to look around our store Max Heilbroner Diamond Specialist 527-520 Third Arnu? WESTHOLME THEATRE THURSDAY ONLY, 7 and p.m. Raymond Griffith "You d Be Surprised" A fast, farrc tomcdy EARLE WILLIAMS, EDWARD MARTLNDKL DOKOTIIV SL'IIASTIAX and atrorig cast COMEDY "A MISFIT SAILOR." AESOrS FILM PAIILES Admission DEMAND "Rupert Brand" - Kippers - THE DAINTIEST UREA K FAST FOOD." Smoked Daily hy Canadian Fish & Prince H. S. WALLACE CO., Ltd. HATS Value to $7-50. Clearing at Half Price Velvets or Felts in latest Styles Full Stock of Ladle' Home Journal Patterns in Mock. Phone 9. WHEN PURCHASING Don't : Forget Montreal : Importers who brought Montreal Prices , , , to Prince Rupert Montreal Importers Third Avenue The RIGHT Yea - In - 35c and 10c Cold Storage Co., Ltd. Rupert, II. C .In! Au. nml Fulton J. B. Miller, Proprietor