Thursday, January 6, 1927 5 THZ DAILY NET73 rv PAGE FIVE ABOLITION OF MANY VISITORS iir . 1 . 1 I warcn to oe JURY SYSTEM NATIONAL PARKS A n J 5? TohN .Rimer 4 (Jewellers aS.TtlC ST0E WITH THE CUXIS Closing : Out I SALE NOW IN 1 Tl.l. SWING .Many IlnrgntrtH in COATS DRESSES HATS J. BENT IjidlcV Keady-to-Wear Third Ate. Phone .651 O rrnMnuu.nirnr TWS WY- CIVt OS YOOfl 0R0R j -vwiiwoyr DELAY f l ,tr.- piece of our coal is a jruidelo Economy. It shows a how you can pet more h jt out of every ton you Hv It has a saving tea-dc. v to kcp you headed toward a cheerful home Whnut increased cost nanaimo;ton and AI.nKitTA SOOTI.ESS CO Alii Albert & McCaffery I'lioncn lid and 117 uDemers? January Clearance SALE NOW on Phone 27. I0. IIox 327. LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phone C.I Cartage, Warehousing, and Distributing- Team or Motor Service. Coal, Sand unil ( ravel. We Sneclnllze in Plnno nnd l urnlltire Moving. .MATTER WAS Mt I'H.sKIl .UAXMIH M, , T,N KI,OST,K During the mnny year we have been Relling wntcheH we ; M have never handled an an- edmonton. Alt.. Jan. --By Can-Hortment better than the new pr Abolition of the existing lot of Imported wntche re- Jury system In favor of trlale before a . l I 1LI. ' . . . . . - .. reived thin Fall. single Judge u urged at th annual Since the war, owing to wtlng of the Edmonton Law Society, unsettled conditions, a great Ne" D MacLean. K.o. 1 nr-n- ...... u.. .... "The lunr svstrm atarted In 'Britain defendant a fair show." Mr. Justice Ilyndman favored the Jury ayttein for criminal triala at carrying on a DrllUh Jurisdiction and civil Juries were often better than trie by iudee alone. The call Of the publl-: provided "safety valve." Nor did Mr. Juttke Ford agree that- the Jury aye tern ahould be aboMtbed I or at had found at time that he welcomed their awlalanee In difficult asee. A resolution favoring a reduction In the coat of etvU jury trial was endorsed. Sponaon of the revolution pointed out that in Ontario no fee was charged while the other provinces of I October of thia yoar l&flOO am ear the VIM dominion UVI11IHIWU had a aa av lower rate thaajhad be- reelatertd aa Innnanhtgg at jthe fee of !7O0 changed in Alberta. I Under prevailing it waa Battened a poor litigant waa often pre- vr:ied from obuining Jut lice j HERE WAS REALLY SCOTTISH GREETING Mwr-e Jaw Man Wondering If C'lirM-ma Card nt ITaelkMl Joke MOOSE JAW. Jan a (By Canadian Free I. UBkftie anM( Chrtetaaaa oarda metved IhVa aeaaoa. waa one addreaaed 10 Frank S. Hall, a reetdent of ihu city It a a BiOtmiB who aeat toe eard and the vere on it read: "A Metry OkrMmaa f Ye and a Ouda hew Tea fr I."ra8. I29 and 1930 " On the mtra aide,' waa wrtHeo: rteaae return when throuh with Um " - card The eard waa drtiVi.--? Mr. Hall m an unatansped envelope, ne m- pecu a practical Joker. WATKK NOTICE iiivkrio ink rr. TAKE NOTICE Uitt Uotoert Currie. he addreta la Ule Slh Ave. Weal. Vancouver. BC. wUJ apply for a licence w laae ana '' "r ! per minute or water out of email creek. ' innamed which Oowa aoutherly aad !oaina into Hut ton Inlet. QC Itltndt. .aboii- tjooo feet weeterly from miner water wtfl be diverted from the atream ; ln at a poHit about ieet irom wi :me pejtamg through twenty-four acrea, applied for under leate. and wUI be i utea tor iiwuiuim k - - I land aeeerlbed applied for to leaae it bead of Ituiton Inlet. Uoreaby laland I .. ... an the rrauad -n the th day of December. 13. A ,ci.i thU notice and an application ! purlutnt tn.r.- and to the "Water Act, ilOlt. - wilt be fUed in office of the "Water lleeorder at Prince Rupn. n.. tnaMoaiion may be i I filed with the aald Water Iteeorder or: with the comptrouer oi airr PariJament Buildings. Victoria. BC. ' ..w.. it.,. .ft.r the flnt aD- WIVIll.l .ill - - ' rearanoe of thla notice in a loca new. paper. The data of the tlrat publication U IVcembrr 30. 1B2- ROBERT U. CURRIE. ?8ii2t IN PHOIIATK iv tiii: M i'ur.MK rrnT tr iiniriii Ct)I.I.MIll In the Matter ol the Aduilnltrat!on In thetatter of the Ettate of Clark I Mward uronton, iecr-u. .n.v-. taki NOTICE that by order of HW , Itjnor. Judge Robertaon. the IStn day oi December. AS). 'IM. I appointed Adminutrawr of the ejtait " Eda-ard Broneon. deceaved. aad all parties having culms sgsinst the aald J !! --..irf in rurnUii aame. pro- SrlVrTlTed ta m. irT or be fore jUie r. A II W . . . . -. .w. lie AOminmraior i - . Danleu. aeceaea, - .r-, :: having clalma sgalnat the aald Mtate are h? M'T-' .futoi' h4J?ner. Pthe tier y veriuea 10 m ,v . . ieth day of January. AD. 1927. and all partica artlca inarme- indeiueu w 10 .ww uir nunert. 11 0 Dteil the I6M1 day of December. A D 103(1 . LAND ACT NOTH'K INTKNTION TO AITLV TO TO l.l'.ASi: l.M In Prince nupert Land rtecordlnj: District, and altuafe at Huston Inlet. Queen Charlotte yr'"""".".... Iland. M CurrU. 13 rVEe iNW 1 IVb wwa. SKW KM'OHUN MADE BY MOST OF fMVMH.lN HCB.MC MMMLR ' KLMIKTM CALOABY. Jiu. (Rv Canadian Preaa). The I02 MUBBter mmm wflM neaaed the establishment of new reJ corda In the number of persona vleltl . ... . . 1 tng ute unaaMn niunui paras. - While thl Increase hs been genera U hat been moat noticeable In the . . 1 1 . to rrnlire the trial hi eombit and It-imatt-Y of motor t-urt-U Ade&rl-Ml the development of the country, Hlghwari play an Important part In drawing a large number of the tourtets who viaH Banff and Kootenay KatMntt parka by motor.- Through the Kant- aakla gateway, which la Che tHrn entrance to the Banff Bark and the RadHim Hot Spring gateway, wtdeb Is the western entrance to the KOOtmay park, there paif each fear tfee greater pan of the motor trtESc to the v Canadian parka in the Rsckte. The volume of travel htet poured into the two part by motor 14 abown by the ragtatMOam. At the Kaaaneakis t.t-wav at Um end of Radium Hot Sprtaa taUtray. SJM ntrtea were recorded, making total ss ? &rt curs rotermc the tw psfk. Tnla number aii0a an incnaae at i.m over the number recorded In vtm. Waterton Ulw. National Park, ta Southern Albert on the International ooujiaary wr mm wmmu vs wwj travel far in esoaae of the prwvloua year The poaetbUUIe of this scaule wonderland are accentuated b the pteM for estMsre derelopaMot aa- nounced In 1924. The opening la June lttt f Hie motor road eztmaton from Uka Louie to neM. broutUt Tobo NatloMt Park for the first time into promlnenot rn the motor tourtat world. The furtmv evenaknof that road which will onofeto !solort4a to prooiad through OoMtn.; eapected to be opened to UtI early j in isrr. Jaeoer Natloiaal Park, in tko northern pert of Alberta, hod a most auoaaaafol j eaeon. nearly TjOOO hokrt raftawtlona Alrrmly Xamri on Prtlllim Mnrtrd l Cuii;iillnn legion WINNIPEO. 1 iimr ..... ... i throughout Manitoba which will be Of Alberta ,,. during ,h. the .nnmiullilBe approaahlng sw- M- liivr.nsiov ami t'sr jAita duiie- v.i. uTUBiiiitu,- mired to pay the amount of their in- rubil0 worka of Canadj. whoae addreai ' . . ' . 1 A..Ku.1tti it. . . ..... will .nnlv In n 1 !riTir. to mrmnm li i nic luivii ..... . i a .... . ... . j . .. . . . . . . WITT I . . . A.. 1 1 . Official Administrator. and use 3.000 iialloiis per day Of water out of unnamed atream. which i lift wen iiui on ipe uargain " . . .7 :earries out the aplrlt of the same dark I made, lit the automobile industry and,v 7 "." r. M.n aald.' "More ... la the matretlon of good ned,luve Will not V Keep . going 1 more . .. h ... "if the 5lralt I brought eorreoDondlruE advance In the than a year, One of our new makes has nil the steel parts of stainless steel, which will not rust even If exposed to water. Trices from $15.00 up. Jt us show you ! law were adopted In damage action I growth ef motor travel, until this traf-ahould the civil Jury be abolished, be-1 tic ha become of gre-t toiporUaee in mum It 1 only a Judge who givea the 7-v-.'.s bee h corded prior to Um end of October. .. The Ni Monti BnCalo Peek a -writht. Alta- drew more vtottora tkaa tfi tormee yeara. A eery koon lntereat la being taken in all eountrM. partlon-Urly in Canada and the United States, in the efforu of ttae Oaoadmn govarn-meat to preserve the bwSaio and also in the r i penmen u thkt are being con ducted at Buffalo Park In croas beed DUKE OF YORK GETS WARNING KIMi SKCM MN HETS I.ITtl.K CNM)L.THX riMl Ol.lltK , IIKOIIIKK !. EXPr-HILNCE LONDON. Jan. 6 On the eve of ioiparture of the Duke and Du sheet of 'Vork for their AviUtKan tour today It was calculated that the Prince of j Walea had shaken the hand of more than peradna in the teat five year and haadafeaking waa a strain which no longer ahould be imposed upon Royalty. It waa pointed out that the Duehtaa though young and perfectly healthy may not be able to wtthstani the exertion required at eceptton during the six week the couple wltlj be touring Aurtralla and New Zealand.. Medical experu have retailed ihtt Queen Victoria and before her the Georgia, - the Stuarts, and in fact the .lth day of Jaury. au .. - . .,, ,nrt quired to pay the amount of their la-;new nothing of the practice, and that debtednea to qJ,'1-WATT. j Kln KUward who tuatltuted the Ouieta; aminiiraw. prince Rupert. B.C. ! DtetJ the lth day of December. AJJ. t IBM IN l'KOHATE i tiii: si I'UtMK rot itr or iiuitisii HIMMIIIA . In the Matter of the Admlnlatratlon tr. anrl u ....... t the EtUte of Alberta Danlela. Deceatfd. Ils- , TAKE NOTICE that by order of. H Honor, Judge Wbertson. he IP 15th 10U1 017 dsj ui ot 101(1. I appointed cuatom. MANITOBA ASKS BEER BY GLASS flows eastwardly and drains Into Dodge Cove on the east side of Dltfby Island. BC, The water will be diverted from the stream at a point about 100 fret west of the northwest corner ot Lot 39. subdivision of part of Lot 1093. Hange V., and will be ued tor domestic purpose njBC upon .Vf the ..... land .. MV.'l.w. described . as Dodi,e .v..n- :sland. This notice was pooled on the Isia round on tne aana day oi novtmocr, ? 9M. A copy of this notice and an p-plloatlon purauant thereto and to the "Water Act" will be filed In the office of the Water Keoorder at rnn-e uuperi. LyA".S. .n-irriee on Objection, to the application m?y; bo ratKi, inwi. j i filed wun vno aum wu the following lwCT'oJn,?:,-..,.H . t I with the Comptroller of commencing ai - p,,.,.! Bulldln.s. nnrlheaat corner about .v,l,l- ., ..... at head oi t cablna terlv from minera . 'atrr Recorder or Water ItiKhU. Victoria. 110.. Huston I,,lf11,i"ricbouYiaeh-lnilPN The date of the flrat publlca. ! chains: thence ' 'Ohef'y Jf1' L" " ., ": i lion of thla notice Is November fl. 1028. thence wurterlv c',lngL j ,.ii 1 DKPAHTMENT OP TUIlLIO WORKS, thrrly about ia enaini, auu CANADA. Applicant. at acres more T M, CUimiK. T J P- Porde. DlHtrlot Wnrer. Applicant. 1 Agent. 1 fjie V1 1, Victor Tnlklnft Machine Company t Made only by Victor ton of the provincial legislature. ask lns for the passage -ot an act which Jan. 0. IB Canadian i would permK the aale of beer by the Pres)-reUtloa atlll are in circulatlaaj . Already aooui w.wu mnm ( presented WATER NOTICE. Uted. ! AalUtlon for the aale ot beer by I the glass in recent yeara wai atarted at I the first, annual convention of tlw Manitoba command of the Canadian Legion ot the British Empire Service League, on March 19." 1926. R II. Webb, mayor of Winnipeg. Is president of the League. $ GAS PRESSED ON MRS. HARRIS' HEART "I had gas (from stomach) pressing on my heart. Adlertka did more for me than anything else " (Signed) Mrs. A. H. Harris. ONE apoonful Adlerlka removes Ks in TEN minutes and orten brlns astonishing relief to , the stomach. Brings out a surprising amount ot old vt-a? matter you never thought waa i iv your systsm. 8iop that mil. bloated feeling' and make you alerp well and mlov eattnx. Excellent for chronlo conatlnullon. -Onuca Luulted, DruegUts. Xorvutrt into "b HOUSE PLANTS DURING WINTER M)MK SI tHlfiSTIONS KOlt KF.F.I'INO VAttiors mpecii: in'oooh COMHTION (Experimental Tarm Note.) It la rather difficult to keep hoxise nt.i.ta otwl rnndltloai .throunhOWt the long winter, hence feV Vilnta may prove useful. Borne house plants msia little a-rowth durinr the winter and. while they are thus at rest or nearly so. they ahould be given Just enough water to prevent the roota from drying up. Thla aunllea particularly to palms, hy drangea and fuchsia, the two latter be ing kept In a cool place. Plants wnicn are arowlnB should be kept well water- eit but It Is Important to see that no water accumuutee In the pot or m the lardinlere In which the plants re lalttlng. otherwise the roota wlU rot and the plant not thrive. This often liap- lens to large ferns. Planta should be watered only when the soU Is becoming urmom 'Truo injgauuna r.oiiri ana near 01 :f:jin;rva:i-i,:.ii'.'.Ti Credenza oney leasure dry. and then thorougly. not every day as la often done. ' Geraniums must be kept close to the ! ..I ..4 mrr1 in 'lnHoVf Vh.M theV 10 Bi by using that Christmas money gift in the finest way possible, the purchase of an Orthophonic Victrola If someonk paiJ yea the very, agreeable coroplinient of giving you a check lor CftrUc-ma, saying, "Use your own judgment as to what to buy for yourself", here is your aportunity to justify the good intentions the giver. Get yourself a Credenza! the prince of musical instruments, an Orthophwnic Victrola. A Credenza, the gift that keeps on giving, fore ver and ever, the gift that brings all music into your home, famous artists . , . a e I It matters not whether the amount you receive! te large or small. You will find that arrangements can be made with "His Master's Voice" dealers to deposit this as a first pay-ment and you may have your Credenza delivered in time r the New Year. Remember, too, that the new Orthophonic Victrola is the famous instrument on wnicn tu have heatd so much favorable comment. ! -nrl it -nlt. pmnlnvs the nrinciDle of --t.l Imiunnn.' nr "smmlh flJW of 11111. V.1. Ml.lfMt...V, ..... sound", a principle which may be used only by Victor Company, so that you may have the finest musical instrument in the world. Victro ionic Trade Mark Ked i. '-"of Canada; Limited l ? ' Look for this trademark lATiD ACT N(TICK OF INTENTION TO APPLY TO LKASE tOKEMIOKK niuuv. ... . .... - - ... . . ... i t. nMK.m T.i.-ri 3un Charlotte win gei mucn sunugat vu ui ",c'u . , " , Ti . Si... . Prinw bloom well. Most blooming plants, auch .x. mm BUNiiiiimt rvrUmnR. lmnttltns. 1 xia-amtt Tntt nnritm Island. ... m i TAKE NOTICK . that ..... Powell Rlter K..1K- w-. K-t. if v.nt . lll.U ' W V - - a moderately warm or cool room than In a warm one. Sponging plants, such aa ferns, palms, fflbber plants and aspidistra, every three or four weeks" U desirable. For aphla souse the plants In strong soap suds or some tobacco preparation aeveral times at intervals of a few days and. for scale Insecta, loosen them with a soft tooth brush or finger nail, and wash off with eoapy water or some tobacco preparation, and repeat from time to time. HOTEL AHKIVALS Prince Kupcrt C. 11. Kennedy, Thomaa A. D. Ferris, C. E. Imeson, Douglas Gear and Cy T. Lawrey. Vancouver; J. S. Roger. Prince nupert. Savoy John McLachlan, Vancouver; Dan McLean and Mr and Mrs. lorker. Portlier Island. Company Limited of Vancouver, B.C.. occupation Manuraciurers. ini-un hi v ply tor a lease of tho following de- Commencing at a poat planted at the -,.. -f ni. i.Mi: thence UWiunu, t . . - - - - westerly, following northern boundary of said LOl xo vne norinw-a vuinv. . Lot; thence westerly, northerly and easterly, following the high tide mark of Ferguson Bay to the extreme easterly point ot Echlnue Polnlf thence southeasterly to the point of commencement, and containing ISO acre, more or less. POWELL RIVER COMPANT. LTD. Agent, J. Douglas Wilson. Dtted 4tr November. 183d. COMPANIES ACT TAKE NOTICE that LIPSETT CUNNINGHAM tt CO. LIMITED aftsr the e-plratlon ot one month from th first publication of this Notice intends to tlflTI, . M DATED at Vancouver. B.C. thU 10th day 7 of 1 December. A D. 193. LADNKR A5 CANTEbON. . Solicitor for the AppllcsnU.