pa.e t 1 Ut.HO..1. 1HK fcAUY NKftS Breakfast fit for a Kine: NHKKIJ '.i DED AT With strawberries and cream stimulates every appetite Satisfying andnounsfaing The Daily News PRINCE RUPEIIT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Dulljr News. Limited, Third Avenue. Ii: F. PULLEN - - - Managing Editor. Member of Audit Hurcau of Circulations. DAILY EDITION Tuesday. July 3, 1927 "T: NO CAUSE KOU COMPI!NT ... Consideration of current business condition , CanadatniiHt nefds take note ot the fact that a year airo business as a wilhi: -Vfa.-t THE STAMPEDE j good, and when betterment has marked tfce interval fittl.taifffor eriiftox ot the cb.p. complaint exists, says the Bank ot Montreal monthly business summary. More currency is in circulation than then, commercial loans of "the banka are up about 15 per cent, railways are moving more merchandise, foreign trade has grown, and the thrift of the people is exhibited in an increase of upward of $80,000,000 in notice deposits in the banks. Bank debit in May amounted to $2.98G.235.0(H. a maas Of angora wool in a multitude of colors, the wool wiring with every ilap. and with each wave the will be the ae-jiupiaylns rtsnk of the spur, earafully fitted on high heeled. :j;ey top boot. :iten costing from MO to aao doUsri rer pair, relt hsts of tremeudMM pre being vejry largely in exceosj of th correspondinig month a year ago. portions either of toe Tea Atiaun type A slight fmpYoveinent in the lumber trade, long sluggish, is record- or Use the on worn by Pete Vender ea, significant of ybtca i a recent shipment from the Port of Mon- tr- ltw likewise cost outrageous treal to Great Britain of a carsro of hiurh irrade lumber, thi. first nf -"nis. a-td itu their outfit of-saddle.. its kind in fifteen years. Anthracite coal imports from Great Britain KUn ,rruP- "a1' boou na our have been reaumed on a large scale, upwards of 250.000 tons having rellOU8,y tWk'n car ot- ,nd been landed at the Port of Montreal this season, and it is expected them """" ' that all previous recordswill be exceeded. A sWaipede or Rodw tBe Ketail business in summer goods has been retnred by cool, wet supreme of a cuie raising oounuy. If the Bank of Montreal is optimistic about Canada, there seems to be little reason why we shouldn't be, too. CHOP PROSPECTS EXCELLENT Despite adverre seeding conditions caused by continuous rain, crop prospects in the Prairie Provinces are now considered excellent. the catUe men of the West to It as long a possible. MIMNIMl Ol ItOIHO I The word rodeo la i Mexican word meaning a "roundup,"4 and it was at j these round-ups tnit oonteats first bet ' Iran Iti nrrWr tA rtrM. tb ahtlltv nf the ' "top hands" .' from the " various ranches. Ultimately 'the champions evolved at the different round-up gained more than a local reputation, and they travelled mUes and miles to and with favorable weather throughout the summer, a large harvest 1 defend their titua The activities of is anticipated. The area sown with wheat is about 2,200,000 acres j the cowboy contests require more than less' than last year, agafnst which is to be set an increase in coarse the average amount of courage and grain acreage of about the same amount. Reports from the other I nerve, and the cattle raising people provinces are also favorable. encouraged the conteata to guard Immigration runs well ahead of recent years and is largely of aUu,t tn" Piwe development of a British stock, with a considerable number from the Euronean con- r,c "eMn" tinent as wpII ns from the TTnilorl Stntoo inflnHtnc rot,,rninn n.M. PPle a stampede dians, ' wild i sort. as a weat show. It Is nothing of the It Is a sport contest between man Car-loadings, which had fallen off in the latter half of Mayland' bewu. in which the beast has compared wan last year, have since shown a slight increase, being. every advantage. Definite and etab "" cars more in the first two weeks of June than in the corresponding period of 192G. The quantity of grain loaded wds in these two weeks 1,270 cars less than a year ago, due to the previous heavy shipments occasioned by early navigation on the lakes, so that in merchandise, coal and lumber a substantially larger movement has occurred. Railway gross earning have latterly shown slight de- aaftas" NOT MUCH FLUCTUATION Commodity prices have not widely fluctuated, though wheat has been selling at higher prices and cotton has made recovery from the low price produced by a very large crop. The index number of wholesale prices, as calculated by the Dominion Bureau of Statistics was .In May 151.9, as against 250.7 in May, 1920, and 100 in May, ion; ' Textile industries are bujily employed; iron and steel manufactories moderately so; automobile production maintains its volume; and with a few exceptions manufacturing plants are well engaged. In the sceurlty market a new issue of $05,000,000 Canadian National Railways Dominion Government guaranteed non-callable 30 year 40Vi per cent bonds, brought out at 98, to yield 4.C0 per cent, has had a somewhat unsettling effect. Prices of Dominion and Provincial Government Hinds have been slightly lower and trading has been less active. 7' llshed rules are to be rigidly adhered to, no cheating the bronk goes. It must be ridden only with a regulation saddle and a halter having only one rein. The rider must not . "pull leather," that is catch bold, of the sad die. neither may be grab hold of the horse's mane. Mo whips are allowed and one hand must be kept In the air. The fret must be continually moving In a kicking motion, to show that he Is not holding on with bis spurs. The horseman has to outguess the horse, anticipating his next lump and frame his attitude to maintain his balance; the highest class of horsemanship and reckless daring are seeded by. the contestant. 'He risks being thrown, dragged or having his mount thrown upon him. Bucking In itself entails the most violent exertion on the part of the horse. Few horses can buck continuously for more than 30 or 40 seconds. They must then subside a minute to get their wind. It is only on the first bucking exhibition that the rider Is judged. In those 30 or 40 seconds of on JF i if rmhl intfUtM. the save thHtM ss dmnsts 1B com in the total Ufe of the indrHdnaL DteqUattfloatiOM ef HMWd OUt fof' rapping tvtUf shank around the Hand. r tyta os tm it, tad there I " . no up or tt1ng allowed for rein , , ,. , interior alw Helng LonibrJ u, jtrrut. Putting tsu hoof htit t-i i for the Want Outlaw .ty I , cuntm ag4ct the oe. The hcW (trough! Is Rupt-rtj j .n saddled by ho a to ! ! "chut" and the rtrr mutt tear thai ' The r. r " Kujrrt Vaur BralJmUa-i efcfe1 4vtrh hath feet ' twf ta-Mtnia ; let the piii! iemaada tMpt hoM- and both acatr t4nt the hejMers.l o crowd . teounis, o;: to give the ha nus. toueb "Irant." Use nrat nvej H'ul c a display cranuned full of ,!ftheei touch big begun, and I thrlUs alio fxrlteineni. Mat have tj, the ou win bear the boys yetttne launched w n a program tst wUI -hoop m high" and "U Vr buck. j draw unheard of riflrd trot every! one thing U) remember on 8taaa-Vm af the uiim. Not M hHldrat Day ot thm early, secure a la tan ever ::uBKl'a snid and woolly Mt. then 'rt in and about1 Shlbinon l iiboy. brouto and -rttde em cowboy." but do not let Vetra. 'wueh jnciicn:--:!' of daredevtl Whispering Frank Johnson the Irish 'Hdftg 3!eely i!itrr?rvi with dtolays sdr Haw who rldaa tn "high ol ran work rd trick riding, that U wide and handsome out-shout you. . :hc program to be presented 1 roiL x -operation with J. J. Me- .Sell of Um lentwa Bare-jue raaamittee It has been -rrsncad to brlnj down r load of hruks and unt Jl ttaera. ad at the preut tun roper arc rtdins Uir rangt of the Northern In-aartor oombtus out Um womt oatlawa It I la mulhla to wu Tha ataak that MUCH ACTIVITY I BUILDING HEREI win b hrougtit down ara not trained Permit Issued During Month of bucera. :iw ir all oottawa that bare' June Totalled $22,595 in never before beau brokan. Bidara will Value be gathared irom Aahcrott. WUllame l aad Telkaa Thar will a roper, Bulldlnj prrmlta laaued durtnf ttte luiaa yatneho man. chut man. atrer month ot June taiaUad n.aM A lii.Vri.'tironcho bttaters. trick rider and number of sew reatdeneea and repair ( tha, tal waatern cowboy. All will be to eitattng truturewara provided for. f.idnA out In lull array, chaps' (lam The Uat i a foNowa: lr.R wjta lawcy studj and lnltlala. eats' W. J. Watton, rapalr to raaldMWO. in nnfeat and oma In silver. The front ; summit Avenue. 1123. ' Tksmu RHvi1(Im SllveraUci. raklMw reatdence, Fifth ATtnue West. A 00. C. O. Rowe. tins hop, Oow Day. I2ft0. Alex Austin, repairs to residence. Oornox Avenue. 2M. Mrs. a. W. Ntekenon. repairs to Maldeace. Agnew Place. 1200. H. M. D. Lamb, reasdeace. Ambrose Avenue. tlOO. Wttllsm Murray, residence. Eighth Avenue East. Section 7. 13.000. Albert Si MeCaSery. waretKWoe and garage. First Avenue. 12.500. C. Johnson, repairs to reaklence. ' Ocanox Avenue, 100. C. Johnson, sddlUon to realdenee. Eighth Avenue West, $230. C. Modia, residence. Seal Cove Circle. weamer, wnicn nns also delayeu tourist traffic. The season, how- and peculiar to thewest and Middu 7so. - ever.Is still at the threshold, and a large tourist influx Is 'confidently vn. it is sport fatiy dying out asl James Hampton, addition to counted, on. x itbe range Is being depleted, and It will. Once, Seventh Avenue West. 1200. The newsprint industry maintains its volume of output, but not manv n be,or ,h cowboy the erection of new and enlargement of old mills have reduced the ' thlnB of '-k tat rea,on Tiercentaire of 8a!ea to c-anapitv . i" tbere " ,tron movement RllUfilno nntiratlAna t ViriiioVimif PinnU nnnflmiA Anm.(tA ,,'Wllong "-"P w'vhhwho iiuvufiiiuut wuuauct vuuv4fiuc caiciisi c. x fotfff may be noted that both the Canadian Pacific andffja'nadian National! Hallways will this summer extend branch lines In the Northwest. real- A. W. Edge, concrete repairs, sidewalks snd retaining wall. Waldron Apartments. 12.30. E. A. Mann, addition to residence. Summit Avenue, $300. WIlHam Field, residence. Eighth Ave. Esst. 11,000. O. P. Tinker and. Dr. O. A. Eggert. repairs to building. Second Street snd Third Avenue, (70. J. A. Murray, addition to residence. Water 8treet, i ISO. J. M. Morrison. Street. S4.50Q. J. Lcrne McLaren. ence, Borden Street, residence. Borden addition 350. to rest- LARGE TOURIST GROUPSCOMING Two Special Trains Needed on Saturday to Handle Aggrega-gallons Coming Through -Two large parties of Eastern tourists, practically filling two steamers and requiring two special trains, will be In the city this week-end on the Canadian National Railway lines. The Shenandoah Valley special tour of North America party, consisting of 130 persons from Philadelphia and Nev; York, will arrive in the city on Friday aboard the steamer Prince Rupert from the south and. making, the' round trip to Stewart and Anyox on that vessel, will return beie at 5 o'clock Saturday afternoon and proceed east by special train at midnight. This party will be In charge of Malcolm Woods, formerly purser of the steamer Prince Rupert and now travelling passenger agent for the company In New York. The Sixth Annual Canadian National Railways personally conducted tour party, consisting of 180 people from the prairies. Eastern Canada snd the Mid dle States, will arrive In the city by special train at 3 o'clock Saturday afternoon and will go south that evening on the steamer Prince Rupert. This party is being conducted by E. a. Wlck-erson, C.N.R. travelling passenger agent, who has guided similar tours for five of the tlx seasons since they have been Instituted. R. F. McNaughton, district passenger agent here, will leave tomor- row morning for Jasper Park to meet the group and accompany it to the city. Twenty-five persons from Toronto In a Kerr-Bryson tour will arrive by the regular train Saturday afternoon and sail for Vancouver that night on the Prince Rupert. -X- Ten Years Ago in Prince Rupert I Jul) .1, 1917. Captain H. L. Roberson, one of Prince Rupert's pioneers, has been recommended for the DS.O. in recognition of valiant services In the. North Sea while In command of a submarine. Pte. George Abbott hss gone to "Bllchty" suffering from trench fever. A. T. Parkin's launch was badly damaged when It drifted sway from &ve &i0 had He's not the sort of man that says everything is "jolly good". It must be really good to win his praise. Ogden's Cut Plug did the trick he couldn't help saying it beat all the other tobaccos he'd ever tried. H II I fci L.deraBlLCJ OGDEN'S CUT PLUG Save the valuable "Poker Hands" lit moorings at Tugwetl Island. The party was brought back to town by another boat. i About 76 couples attended a dance In he ItoXer Rink last evening. The Kyax lumber mill near Prince llupert Is to be operated In the near future by F. L. Buckley. A shipment of 50,000 bees arrived In .lie Bulkley Valley for A. II. Robinson of Smlthers and Rev. Father A Hard of the Fort St. James Industrial school. LAND ACT NOTICK OF INTENTION' TO ArTI.Y TO I.KAN H LAM. In Range 4. Coast Land District. Land Recording District of Prince Rupert, and situste in vicinity ot Captain's (Jove, I'itt Island, BC. TAKE NOTICE that Oosfie Packing Co. Ltd.. of 325 Howe St., Vancouver, B.C.. occupation Fish Packers, Intends to apply for a lease ot the following described lands: Commencing at a post planted about mile distant In a northerly direction from Lot 1253. Ranie 4: thence north S chains: thence east 20 chains, thence south to shore; thence west along shore to point ox commencement, and containing JO acres, more or less. OOSSE PACKINO CO. LTD, Applicant Per Chas. L. Roberts, Agent. Dated April 7. 1927. CERTIFICATE OF IMPROVEMENTS c IRON DUKE "FRACTION. Mineral claim. Lot No. 2340, situate in Queen Charlotte Mining Division. Prince Rupert district, located on Louise Island. TAKE. NOTICE that I, Alex Rogers, of Lockeport. B.C., Free Miner's Certificate No. 27948 C intend to spply to the Mining Recorder for a Certificate ot Improvements for the purpose of obtaining a crown grant ot the above claim. And further take notice that action, under section 85 of the "Mineral Act" must be commenced before the Issuance of such certificate of improve ments. Dated this 11th day of February, 1927. ALEX ROOER3. LAND ACT. NOTICE OF INTENTION TO APPLY TO I.E.1KE LANK. In Coast Range 4, Land Recording Dls trlct of Prince Rupert, and situate at Captain's Cove. Pitt Island, B.C. TAKE NOTICE that Oosse Packing Company Limited, of Vancouver, B.C., occupation Packers,. Intends to apply for a lease of the following described lands: Commencing at a post planted at the northwest corner of Lot i253, Range 4; thence south 5 chains; thence west S chains; thence north to high water mark; thence easterly along high water mirk S chains, more or less, to point of commence ment. and rnntnlnlncr 1 .p... - . - w more or less. OOSSE PACKING COMPANY LIMITED, . . . . Applicant. Dated June 13, 1927. LAND ACT NOTICE OF INTENTION' TO APPLY TO LEASE LAND. In Range 3, Cowt Land District. Land wwmuij uiainct w rnnee Rupert,' and situate on the south shore of La. i Bouchere Channel, B.C. TAKE NOTICE that Oom Packing Co. Ltd., of 325 Howe St., Vancouver B.C., occupation Fish Packers. Intends! desert Uno.'Jf- ' th' ,0"Wlng I Commencing at a post planted at I tn U)UtnAftt mrnrnr TP T. imnri n- a .ai . iViiVVt XmSIIKO 3. Coast Land District: thence south 5 I bur.iua. uipnre vm in .v. north J i chains to shore; thence easterly " oi commencement, and containing 5 acres, more or less. OOSSE PACKINO CO. LTD., Applicant. Per Chas. L. Robeita. Agent. Dated Apm 7, 1927. BARGAINS BARGAINS ill the FORCED of THOR JOHNSON'S large stork nf GENTLEMEN'S CLOTHING AND FURNISHINGS (JET YOUR SHARE OF THE BARGAINS BARGAINS Canadian National Qfie Largeft Railway Syflem in America STEAMSHIP AND TRAIN SERVICE Stll.IVOS from PKINCE Hl'I'EKT for VANTOl VEK. VICTORIA, SE TTI.E. nu ll .MONDAY and Tllt'ltSDAV. 4.00 H ATI HKAV, il.KO nm. V" WtW a"'1 "TEWAKT MONDAY. FRIDAY. 4.00 p.m. "i ,VISJ?. .V.:.,; MUlNEKDAV. 4.IMI Liu. lor MASaCTT INLET MOND Y I (Ml i in. For SKIDEOATE INLET and SOITII WEEN CII WILOTTE IMLANIIS. fortnightly. r.VSSEMJEn TRAINS LEAVE PRINCE KIII'CRT DAILY EXCEPT Ht'NDAY at 11.30 a.m. ror PRINCE (lEoitUE EDMONTON, WINMI'EO, all point Eastern Cannda, I'nlted stales. PARK I.ODOE OPEN .MAY 21 TO SEPTEMBER 30. SEE CANADA IN CANADA'S 41 IIH.tE YEAR IS67 - 1927, AGENCY ALL OCEAN STEAMSHIP LINES. I'se Canadian National Eipren for Money Orders, Forrltn Cheque, etc., also for your next shipment. 1 CITY TICKET OFFICE. 528 TIIIIIII AVE.. PRINCE RUPERT. Phone 280 Thompson Hardware Co., Ltd. 255 Third Avenue Prince Rupert Adjustable Window Screens crjc to $1.25 Assorted Screen Doom $3.75 lo 5-()0 Puritan Two-Rurner Oil Stoves $27.50 Dread Uoxes and Pantry Cabinets $2.00 to $500