now shipment just arrived Well cut and made in Tweeds or Drill, Sizes 21 to 32 waists Priced from $3.23 to $6.50 H.S.Yal7aceCo.M 3rd Ave', and Fulton Phone 1) Phone 580 HydeTransfer And Coal Co. 13'J Second Avenue n Tuesday. Juh 5; aw w a VtPn'P VAGE SIX lllti UAIUI XNEa . government $f LctnQda guarantees ussige IO YEARS OLD lllade in Canada 95 gears Tin HlvtrtiMeinenL Is not published or di. played by the liijuor r.MiKrol Ift.Hrd or by the lioveriuniMii of ItnUsli Columbia Great : Bargains Our sale will soon be over Why not avail yourself of the wonderful bargains at the last moment! A chance of a lifetime!! Ladies' Silk Vests J5c to $1.60 Ladies' Silk Rloomers $1.25 to $1.75 Ladies' Silk Gloves . . $1.23 Ladies' Princess Slips 85c to $1.25 Stamped Pillow Cases . $1.25 Stamped Dresser Scarfs 65c Stamped Linen Centres $1.35 Stamped Luncheon Sets $1.10 A visit will convince you MUSSALLEM'S 117-123 Fifth Ave. East Phone 18 and Phone 81 Prince Rupert, H.C. II. S. WALLACE CO, LTD. LADIES' HIKING KNICKERS For COAL MILK -:- PRICE Reduced to 12 pints for $1.00 7 quarts for $1.00 12 pints for $1.00 Cash price tickets. McBride Street store now closed Valentin Dairy Office and Dairy 11th St. Telephone 657. TERMINALS WIN FOOTBALL GAME Got Into Game as Possibility Last Night by First Victory - Wltft a couple of old-timers out again and playing good football the tana r treated to a game that was alwajra Interesting, full of exciting Incidents, and many mlaaed chances, when Terminal Et their first win of the season by beating the Moose eleven 4 to 2. Ernte Warren for Terminals took some tune to get Into the swing but he la good. I Bobble Wood turned out for the Moose ! and promises to reproduce his old form. Terminals playing down hill were the first to pjreas and Peacock was railed on by Dido Qurrlch and Dickens. Ham ilton just mlwd. a spell of mldfleld play followed and Peacock saved ' three times. Then Warren beat him. but a tine shot hit the far upright and re bounded Into play. Moose took up the running and Bye's shot was deflected by Howe past the goalie to put the Moose a goal up. Woods stopped Dickens and then Bye missed narrowly, first with a header and then Just past the post. the other etid hit the under side of the ! even. Halt time came with the score 1-1. Playing up hill Terminals took up the offensive and twice In succession Warren missed two glorious centres of Hamilton's, lie converted a third wltu an unstoppable shot to give Terminals the IN PRORATE IN THE Stl'KKMK COI'KT Of IIKIT1SII COLl'.MUIA In the Matter of the Administration Act: and In the Matter ot the Esta: of Torcy Yoshloka, Deceased. Intestate. TAKE NOTICE that by order of His Honor. F. McB. Young, the 21st day of June. AX). 1927. I was appointed Administrator of the estate ot Torcy Yoshloka. deceased, and all parties having claim against the said estate are hereby required to furnish same, properly verified. to me on or oeiore tne 2111 aay 01 juiy. A.D. 1027. and all parties indebted to the estate are required to pay the amount of their Indebtedness to me forthwith. NORMAN A. WATT, Official Administrator. Prince Rupert, B.C. Dated the 21st day of June. AX). 1937. IN PKOHATE IN THE MTKEME COl KT Ot IIKITlSlI In lOI.U.MHIA the Matter of the Administration Act: and In the Matter of the Estate ot William J. Kyle, Deceased, Intestate. TAIr wnTTflT tht hv nri1r nf Hla lata UitTttfed PRINTING Stationery Office Supplies School Supplies Kodaks Films Phonographs Records Novelties Dennison Goods Birthday and Every Day Cards Third Avenue (Opposite Third Street) Phone 231 Dr. Alexander Smith Block Phone 675 DENTIST fitiTLtfi miue UQOfj IHESTIES Mailt in Canada by the makers of NtttU'i Baby fntj Honor. P. McB. Young, the 24th day of J conimingcre. ; OOSSE acres, June. A.D.. 1927. I was sppointea Administrator of the estate of William Kvle. deceased, and all parties claims against the said estate are hereby required to lurnisn same, properly ven- nea. to me on or Deiore me zam aar of July, A.D. 1927, and all parties In debted to the estate are required to pay the amount of their inaeDteaness to me forthwith. NORMAN A. WATT. Official Administrator, Prince Rupert. B.C. Dated the 25th day of June. A.D. 1927 ,osef "on porridge cereals-fruits fliidpiiddin; lead. Peacock failed to clear Dido's oentre and Hamilton made It three for Terminal. Hnlm flawed Murray's After Warren had put over. Bye at tlnn throuch to ftutsh hopelcesly. At the w u . oUler end Jack Murray flashed a fine I li last a slow shot from Dido Ourvlch I . , . . , , II slipped past Pcscock to mske the score ,. . . thPM -..,. players combined with beautiful head-work to beat their own goalie. With only a goal to separate the teams, play became harder and Dickens finally put his team two goals In the leaf. Play alternated tram end to end with both teams narrowly minting but no further wore was made and Terminals ran out worthy winners. Teams: Moose--Peacock. Ersklne. Woods. Mitchell, Sam Currle, Koppers. W. Murray Jr.. P. Hodjkliuwn, Bye. Jack Murray. I purpose of obtaining a crown urect 01 inot Dated tnis em aay 01 May, iv.ii. LEWIS W. PATMORE. i LAND ACT. NOTICE OP INTENTION TO APPLY TO LEASE LAND In Queen Charlotte Island Land Re-cordlnz District of Prince Rupert, and situate at the head of the south arm ot De La Beche Inlet. Moresby Island. TAKE NOTICE that British Columbia Fishing & Packing Co. Ud., of Vancouver, B.C., occupation Packers, Intends to apply for a lease ot the following described lands:-- Commencing at a post planted at the head of the south arm of De La Beche Inlet, Moresby Island: thence south 5 chains; thence east 20 chains: thence north 5 chains, moie or less, to high water mark: thence west along high water containing 10 acres, more or less, , BRITISH COLUMBIA FI8HINO I & PACKINO CO. LTD., ! Applicant. Dated June 10. 1927. THE PIONEER LAUNDRY KIDS In i V reputation I 1 OF THIS ONE THlNGr WE rVRt QUITE SURE. Oufl- 'rXCPUTATt ON G 1 OUU business reputation does not need laundering. It's as spotleswly clean as the day we starter! in business. Our policy is the public be delighted. Pioneer Laundry Phone 118 D. durrkh. Oeo. nusoet referred, and A. Clappar-ton and Fred llartiy were linesmen. SPORT CHAT An interesting visitor in the city yes terday was Prank Morau. a former noted heavyweight boxer who some ' years ago figured prominently In big time pugilistic affairs. During the reign of Jaok Johnson a world's champion Moran appeared as a contender for the crown but was stopped by the big black msn. Moran was lu company ! with Iloly Wood, president of the Pre-jmler Oold Mining Co.. who was going ! through to Stewart on the steamer ' Prince Charles, . . Not the least Interesting part of the Terminals , Splro a Ourvlch. . .,.,, R. Howe, ,, H. ' , " ..... , Diamond Jubilee Celebrations t was the Mtnz:es, a. num. nnuuru. uro. nunc rrts program. The field and track um Rt,.h.n nv,n f w.rren . 1 . ""' caused much favorable comment LAND ACT In Range 4, Coast Land District, Land Recording District of Prince Rupert. and situate In vicinity of Captain's Cove, Pitt island, a.v. TAKE Co. Ltd. B.C.. occupation Finn Packers. Intends 10 apply lor a tease 01 ins loiigwiug described lands: Commencing at a post planted at the northwest corner of Lot 1253, Range 4; thence north 6 chains: thence east 15 chslns: thence south to northeast corner Lot 1253; thence westerly along shore to point ot commencement, and mare or lesn. PACKINQ CO. LTD.. Applicant. Per Chas. L. Roberts, Agent. Dated April 7. 1927. MINERAL ACT (form I) CEIITiriCATE Of IMPROVEMENTS NOTICE "WESTERN HOPE," TRIX1E." and "OLD KENTUCKY" Mineral Claims situate In the Skecna Mining Division of Prince Rupert District. Where Located On Porcher Island. TAKE NOTICE that Lewis W. Patmore. Free Miner's Certificate No 89151 C. the duly authorized agent cf Prank Patterson. Free Miner's Certificate No. 89137 C. Intend, sixty days from the date hereof, to apply to the Mining Recorder for Certificates of Improvements, for the on account ot the promising showing made by the Juniors. Unfortunately NOTICK OP INTENTION TO A1TLY TOthw ms a bg famnj o(f the In termediate stages and many promising youngsters are not heard of again. The fault Is not In the youths themselves altogether but In the fact that they NOTICE that Oosse Packing ; d0 not Ect the expert training and d- of 325 Howe St.. Vancouver. ,. . H.u.i the young material. In the pole vault- Inthere are very promising youngsters. Ed. Smith should go tar. He needs coaching and watching. The high Jumping of L. Pierce caused" the old-timers to prophesy big possibilities. Irvine in the mile nd Walters In the five mile are good. These chaps need many chances. Only one or two field days In the year are not eonugh. Were there more such . days they would be encouraged to get and slay In training The question of coaches Is a big prob lem. But there arc In town at the present some old-timer who could give these the hints that make the differ' ence between fair runners and good sprinters. If there are. surely they are keen enough to come forwsrd and give their services for the good of the sports they enjoy and which means so muoh to our young athletes. The final of the Dominion Oup was up to the desired standard this !l iVr yet It was a hard fought And f urther Uke notice that action. 1 under Section 85. must be commenced keenly contested game. Probably before the issuance of such Certificate of anxiety was resposlnble and over for much of the hasty kicking and poor placing. But the spirit was good and no man failed for want of trying, It Is gratifying to. see new talent In the senior games and In Jack MacKay the Regiment have one of the most promising players In the down. On the Terminal team there are several new to senior football 'but It should take but a few games for these to get accustomed to their elders' ways and the young teams will be on top. The Junior Football League gave good hopes to the "has-beens" and "never-wasers" on the sidelines. In the mark to point of commencement, and exhibition game. ' The committee Is to be congratulated on giving the young' sters the' chance. With very few excep tlons the boys gave signs of real foot ball talent. Perhaps they could give Bill Murray's team of bnngted old timers a good game. Bill says once the old-timers could bring these youngsters down to their own speed there would ;te nothing to it. How will you get I them down, Bill? The Acropolis Hill Grounds Improve ment League wants to know. If they are raising 11,000 to put the grounds In repair, how much should they charee the tug-of-war teams for their part In rooting It up. Is it an arrange ment between the city team and the city? t I The boxing tournament arranged for ! tomorrow night has "been postponed In. I definitely on account of the lndlsposl-itlon of Nat Porter who was to have , met Battling Dido Ourvlch of Prince ROYAL CANADIAN NAYAL VOLUNTEER RESERYE riiftc t; urri'HT. iu c oiui:k roit ji ly Drills. Mondays and FYWaya. a to S pm lastrurUotvi wUl be arranged aooordtnc to the kuarber of ratings on parade. Whaler Practice. Attention U called pie rrpuUUsn j at headquar- fV . Rsate Party. The OWte will proceed M MoNMnU Cm. MM on July SI Paiwte at iMSMtqusHan at BJO am. nor IX AKItlVALH rrnlral a A. HoMmen. Hick Pa4Mt. NC ritast Safeatm and TonM Balhelm. Vajourn. Norway. Mwrd Cbealey. Hmom; J. Byen. CNR.; J. Douglas. SunayeMc: W. T. Msgulre, Saskatoon. IT line It u pert O. II. Retd. tMuart J. SehofleM. T N Dablqutst and P. D. MsUMfa. Vancouver; Mr. and Mm E. E. Oarpenter and hIM, rree; T. A. SiixHwu. Hays-port. Kny P. Dtmford. Wark Channel; Paul II Kalaln. Olaewne: W. II. Thorite. ONJt ; II. L. Prank. Terraoa; James Kelly. LAND ACT. NOTICE Ol' INTENTION TO APPLY TO LEASE lOKKMIOkC In Prince Rupert Land Recording District of rrtnee Rupert, and situate t Sewrl Inlet. Moresby ulsad. Queen Charlotte Islands. TAKE NOTICE that Kelle Logging Company Limited, of Vancouver. B.C. occupation Timber Merchants, Intend to apply for a lease ot the following deacnord lores no re: Commencing at 1 post planted at the southeast corner ot Lot 471 Sewell Inlet. Moresby Island. Queen Charlotte Islands: thence In a northeasterly dlrec Uon. following the high water mark to the southeast corner 01 uot sou: mence in e southwesterly direction to the polm .if cornuien'-ement. and contanlng 140 arrea, more or lean. JOSKTH DOUCH.AS WILSON. Agent for Kelley Logging Co. Ltd nteH o Anrtl lun LAND ACT. NOTICE Of INTENSION TO APPLY to apply (or a lease 01 tne louowing t ; jnupert In the main event. Local luJpugUistlCttfans are . stilt Inly, "foe V hoping that there chai chance of bringing' the two northerners together for It Is be lieved they would put up a lively battle. It Is hoped to pull off the finals of the Prince Rupert Tennis Club's tour. munent tonight. Last night they were called off on account ot Inclement weather. Mr. H. O. Crewe and Mrs, 8. P. McMordie will meet at 7 o'clock in the ladles' singles final and Cabeldu and Ryall at 7.30 in the men's singles escribed isnas: Commencing at a pest plsnted on the wen coast 01 Burns oy isiana. wi w.i thence east 3 chains: thence south 4f chains: thence west 3 chains, more or less, to high water mark: thence north along high water mark to point of com mencement, ana containing 11 acres more or leas. BRITISH COLUMBIA PISHINQ it PACKINQ CO. LTD.. Dated June 10, 1927. LAND ACT.' Applicant NOTICE Ol' INI E NT I O.N TO APPLY Tl LEASE LAND. In Prince Rupert Land Recording Di' trlct of Queen Charlotte Islands, and situate at Mawett Indian Vlllase No. TAKE NOTICE thst The Mawett Can ners. Ltd.. of Prince Rupert, B.C.. occu satlon Csnners, Intends to apply for ease of the following described Unas: Commencing at thl post planted the northwest corner of our site Massett. BC: thence southerly 3 chains thence easterly 3.X1 chslns. more or less; thence northerly a chains: mence wes terly 3 25 rhslns. more or less, to point or commencement ana containing one acre, more or lcs THE MASSETT CANNERS, LTD. Applicant Per P Lorenren, Agent. Dated April 20. 2 Cash and Carry Grocery Sixth Ave. and Fulton Street THE PLACE WHERE CASH HUYS THE MOST. PRICES AUE KECULAR AND NOT SPECIAL Libby's Asparagus Tips, large tins 30c Tomatoes, large 15c Medium 12'2c Corn or Peas, per tin 15c Royal City Pork & Heans, large 12'2c Royal City Pork & Reans, small, 3 for 25c Heinz Pork & Reans, medium, 2 for 33c Heinz Pork & Reans, small, 2 for . ; 25c Heinz Spaghetti, medium .... 20c Heinz Spaghetti, small 15c Sterling Catsup , ?.0c 5 for 95c Heinz Catsup, large bottles . . 30c Corn Beef, per tin 25c Nabob or Malkin'3 Coffee, per tin 65c Fresh Ground Coffee, per lb. 50c Bran Flakes or Shredded Wheat, 2 . for 25c Corn Flakes, any kind 10c China, Rolled Oats, package .. 40c Swift's Silver Leaf Lard, lb.. . 20c FRESH FRUIT AND VEGETABLES arriving every boat at prices you can afford For any other information Phone 304 $5.00 Orders Delivered Free S. R. Adams, Manager TO 1 In Queen Charlotte Island Land Re cording District of Prince Rupert, and uusie on tne wesi coast 01 tiurnsoy sland. TAKE NOTICE thst British Columbia Pishing 4c Packing Co. Ltd.. ot Van couver, B.C., occupation Packers, Intend! the Nau Package AS 8 protection against A imitations the shape of Maple Buds and the stylo of the package have been changed, The Buds now have a rounded base, stamped with a large 'C'. The packages are a handy triangular shape with royal purple the dominating color. Maple Bods re row richer smoother -belter thtn ever. They are superb blend of chocolate delicioul smooth satisfying. Try them. Cowan"! 111 eJMopleBiMJs 60c a boundAlso 5c, 10c ami 2 Sc parliagri Richer, Smoother, Better than Ever WESTHOLME THEATRE TONIGHT ONLY, 7 and 9 p.m. Wallace Bery : Raymond Hatton In the Rig Comedy-Hit "We're in the Navy Now" CHESTER CONKLIN, TOM KENNEDY and strong supporting cast COMEDY "THE (JUMPS" IN "YOUTH AND BEAUTY' MERMAID COMEDY "ROPED IN" INTERNATIONAL NEWS Admission 50c and 25c UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED Mailing from I'rliire Ituperl. tor VAMOIIVIiK. VICTOIUA. Hwanoii llajr, Alert IUJ, etc Tuesday, S lor VAMOI, VICTOUM. Ilulrdslr. .tlrrt IU. rlr., halnnlar II a.m. tor I'OHT.srMI'MON, ALICE A KM, INV(I, M I fclVAKT. Hair, Willi, da;. R p.m. tor Nana Ithrr Points and Port Plinpsnn, t'rldar p.m. Ill 2nd Avrnnr. It. M HMI1II. UriU. I?lm-r IMim-M, H Through llrkrls sold lo Victoria and Hraltte at a rrdutrd rale and hattagf rlirtknl (li rough to destination. CA M P-FIRE ERMIT S This year it is necessary to have a permit from some Forest Officer before any camp-fire may be set in any forest or woodland Be sure to get a permit for your camp-fire and follow the instructions printed on . the back of it BRITISH COLUMBIA FOREST SERVICE PREVENT FOREST FIRES YOU CAN HELP