2 Prince Rupert Daily News Wednesday, November 19, 1952 \n Independent dally newspaper devoted to the upbullding of Prince Rupert and Northern and Central British Columbia, Member of Canadian Press — Audit Bureau of Cireulations Canadian Daily Newspaper Association Published by The Prince Rupert Daily News Limitea J. F MAGOR, President H. G. PERRY, Vice-President Subscription Rates: By catrier—-Per week, 25¢; per month $1.00; per year, $10.00 By mail—Per mouth 75c; per year, $8.00 suthorized as second class mail by the Post Offer Department, Ottawa No Loyalty Among Thieves | AMES DUNCAN, president of the Massey- Harris company, recently heard about a Ukrain- an employed in his firm who had written a little hook to get a few things off his chest and, perhaps, yut of his mind, The employee was Nicholas Prychodko, a former iniversity professor, who some years before had heen imprisoned by the NKVD political police in Russia and had later escaped from a forced labor camp in Siberia. The little book he wrote carried f this dedication: “To the memory of my father and those ill- fated Ukrainians who lie in countless obscure graves in Siberia.” Learning of Pryehodko’s harrowing story, Mr. Dunean arranged to give the book wider distribu- tion, It was a wise move, for if any Canadian has an ‘dea that Communism is the great cure for the ills of this world, he should first take a look at the pub- | lication. To quote Prychodko, the following is an ex- ample of how the eure is effected: “In damp cellars of about forty square yards in area, two hundred and fifty prisoners were in- carcerated, with standing room only, in the stench of their own sweating bodies, and with hardly any water to eat or drink. ‘Near these cells the torture chambers worked day and night, and the eries of tortured victims kept on incessantly. Their feet were seared with hot irons, air was pumped into their stomachs with motor- cycle pumps, needles were forced under their finger- nails, and they were beaten over the most delicate parts oftheir body with an oak ruler. “This in the Twentieth Century, in the ‘most happy country in the world’! Several corpses were carried from the cells every day, and in the dead of night many more were taken away to the Darnitsky forest to eternal peace .. .” These sentences reveal as clearly as anything else the surgical treatment applied by Stalin and his crew to remedy all ills. Stalin should know the tech- nique well, for it was over the bodies of adversaries s0 operated upon that he climbed to power. Those who are willing to betray their country for the Communist cause might, if the U.S.S.R. took over the government of free countries, be spared some of these discomforts. But they should not count on it. Even the best Communists have a way of disappearing from time to time. There is, after all, no loyalty among thieves. A Small Concession HE city has approved, through its representa- tives, the council, an ineréase in fares for the local transit system. Every other transit system in the country likely has been granted increases in fares long before this, It is only natural that this should be in view of the cost increase in the last few years. ° At present, the transit system comes under a good deal of criticism from various quarters, in- cluding city council. While criticism is easily offered and is tendered often to the most efficient type of service, in this case it may well be warranted at times, In any type of service, the public usually expects a great deal more than it will get or perhaps de- serves. Yet, while the bus lines here stand a good chance of getting its increase approved by the Pub- lic Utilities Commission and thereby finalized, it might be good public relations and policy to make some move to show the public an improved service. This may often be done at little added cost, and good will of the publie means a lot in favor of any operating service. Perhaps, one gesture which could be made, is running a scheduled service to the new housing sites once tenants move in. At least twe of these sites are removed further from city centre than can be con- veniently covered on foot, especially in adverse weather conditions, Without transit service, these residents will be more or less isolated; with it they will benefit from a concession. ;couver is “ o more Socreds Sound SOS FIELD, B.C.—One of the biggest political smiles of this century is shaping up here im these Rocky Mountains. The temporary Seelal Credit government of B.C. has realized that it has set for itself what could well turn out t& a di astrous booby trap. Th plain truth is that the imported 5 cial Credit candidate from Van in real danger of be by an unassuming ral food merchant whe lived in Golden The gone out for Social beaten Libe iong ing adie has SOS call has ‘Credit retnforcements. So ‘man BUSINESS SPOTLIGHT are rushme i joked tl next cabinet ministers these parts that it is the capital of B.C Monday omebody > © THE THREAT t They social Credit expected and se have every- and nothing to the people do law ] is obvious walk-over thing to lose gain even if choose the young ex-Tory yer from Vancouver } A victory for Social Credit would str rthen them only for the few remaining months he fore Premier Bennett brings on | the election which he has prom ised. But a Social Credit defeat would end with a single shat- terine blow the whole Social Credit scheme to sweep B.C. and to carry the momentum of that provincial vietory over inte the federal election of next year DOWNPATRICK, Northern 000 project A 300-year-old four-storey man- * © © Ireland (Reuters) Decay and| The 46-mile railway from this aion. Saughton Hall, was burned THE Liberal candidate, George'|rot are threatening to destroy logging town 90 miles east of recently by firemen because the Keenlyside, is concentrating | 1500-year-old Down Cathedral,| Prince Rupért will cost $14.000- | woodwork was riddled his campaign on such things famous shrine of Ireland's pat 000 with dry ro i as the in-again-out-again-off-| ron. St. Patrick Terrace is on the CNE's rian “* a ' again-on-again policy of th: The Protestant bishop of Down iinfe from Prince Rupert te Ed a Social Credit government OM ang Romere will launch an ap menton : hospital insurance: First they pea) “for £18,000 restoration The railroad yoo may be. fin : announced from the housetops fund qt a special service to be ished next year but it is a cer - that compulsion was to:end. No- } body was to be prosecuted, they said, for not paying back pre miums, though’ some people, | ¢ who eould well afford to pay nounced that it was ,compulsofy after all—thougn nobody seem- ed very sure of anything, except > the new co-insurance tax of one dollar per day unlimited + + * Threatened By Decay to missionary owe up to $100. Then they a@-f);.. MUST PAY ATTENTION Members of Parliament, attending the essions opening Nov, 20; m listen to what their colleagues of your money.” asks an insur re saying. or leave the chamber. Recetvets installed on each of anee company mm an adivertive the 262 desks, as part of the new volee-amplifying system, leave ment. Some of it we spend be lit tiara them no other choice. The receivers, wited to 23 microphones-in | fore we get it, and the rest of Gueranteed fe last longer diffe parts of the chamber, cannot be turned off. Leon right afterwards Kingstor ! and T. R. Montgomery, Others have (CP PHOTO) Raymond assistant clerk, right) clerk of the Commons eXamine one of (hre desk receivers been placed in the gallerles *_* il . k loeate Canada argest military training camp The situation Terrace-Kitimat Rail Lin es hae a | GUARANTEED TO WASH . e . wouldn't mind selling «a farm Major Construction Project but a home ie different. It’s beer that way for about a century ga Pm and a half, some humble and Actual tests prove “INGLIS” washes TERRACE, B.C., (CP)—Early this month the some not, Yet, uniike anywhere clothes cleaner regardless of the soap : else, ‘acific Great Eastern Railway completed its 82- nile link frem Quesnel to Prinee George. ' » pe {for one. Swell | But reilroad building in Brit- | ‘°F 8f© Sever GoOe im oe ee RUPERT RADIO & ELE - ish Columbia hasn't stopped | ft owe, ee St. Thomas rish Cathedral there Times~Journa YOUR EXCLUSIVE “INGLIS” DEALER Two hundred men now are at work clearing a right-of-way through a wilderness ef trees and rock for Canadian National Railways’ new line from Terrace Kitimat, site of Aluminunt | Company of Canada’s $550,000,-|~ when > che tainty for August, 1954, Aican’s smelter plant is uled to go into operation Crews will be busy, until the snow gets too deep, clearing the right-of-way from both the Terrace and Kitimat ends the historic a Protestant cathedral! ehurch 121d, itt orought o Ireland, began his work near Dowtpat- Patrick shrist Ir According to traditiom he wilted the hedral the of the line. The right-of-way of the fifth eenturs will be logged, bridges traiit and cutting and filling started ever the route for B.C.s new- est band of steel. he Himself is taid to be ried "there HERE in Field last night we had} During the 15 centuries | FBS. weret objective is to clear the what we were told was the ted e cawmedral has suf first six of tf , fruquent damage. Between —— biggest political meeting evé 2 ind prepare a br » sit held in this CPR town. Actually; HT 2t was plundered at will give mat ee 7 ; “a salecageniee sallish crowd | /¢ast ei@lst tithes by Danish Vik- | — . ee ae eee there wane a aecmprai ; I Later sittin the Angtio- full crews ean work a8 soot as in the YMC but as bit a Sana Se a — . see will be ready m “a crowds I addressed when Irish wars, it was again pillaged | *PP'M@ arrives Jobs will be ready any crowds é iressec nen : “—- a . oe I helped elect C. D. Howe in) 5®ver! “mes abet = pn oidaes will northern Ontario But it still preserves some of on tn 8 Me . - ; = we dies ad tus s ve ro te a “Ty iat Credit’s abu: he magnificent workmanship of oe een ee I stressed So of the Bible and ‘planned ex- ploitation of religion fer politi 'eal-party purposes. I cited sev eral glaring examples of how hard on the heels of Mr. Man- ning with his fine fervent Sun day sermons—come the hard faged hatehet men Monday morning who break even tnt Ten Commandment about bearing “false witr the women in the audience how many of them. ever sotd their votes Tor nylon stockings, a Social Credit leader Low insin- 'wated they had done in B.C under the Liberals—how many men in the room had taken bribes of the rye whisky also imentioned by Mr. Low, I that kind of talk did not fit in with Mr. Manning’s sermon said | United States. In the early years | Rockies Called only Amertean students en- Unfriendly by British Author LONDON @-—A new book by (British author George Wood- teock, entitled “Ravens and Pro- | phets,” deseribes a visit to Brit- | ish Columbia, Alberta amd south- | (ern Alaska in anflattering terms. | } Woodeoek writes disparagingly |of the food he had to eat in | Calgary, of the alleged dearth of | well-read men in Canada out~- side of university circles and says | the Rocky Mountains were “less triendly than I expected.” In a review of the book (pub- lished by Alan Wingate) a critic in the Sunday Observer says | Woodeock’s approach savors of “disappointment and _ frustra- tion,” reminding one of some up-~ rooted intellectual from the Montparnasse district of Paris. “This,” says the Observer erit- ie, “is il-adapted to the subject, a land of natural glory and of unknown wealth .. .” Scripture Passage for Today “Woe unto them that eall evil good and good evil.” Isa, 5:20. I are making history.” GLASGOW, Scotland CP)— A man who left his bare footprints on a Glasgow firm’s safe was sentenced to jail, after testimony that toe-prints are as conclusive) as fingerprints, The ,judgye com- merited: “Perhaps the jary and over the Adena and Littl hear Kitimat With a direct rail limk with the east, Kitimat might become a fishing centre as well as an suMminum city CLOSE CO-ORDINATION he 12th and 14th centurtes Adena Now examination shows that the building is seriowsfy dilapi- dated through age. Wood-worm has attacked roof trusses, while some of the stonework is said to be in a “perilous” condi- tion. BIGGIN HI inwland ¢ Last major restoration W&@8| tore ae ag ge cP) midertaken 160 ylars ago hue Sees sieges 7 pri Royal re statior Since the Reformation the ae —_ i in this Kent distrtet poin inegiiiey cathedral has belonged to the ret points direethy at @ highway, and jet fighters tak img off cross at low altitude The road traffic lights now are FOREIGN STUDENTS operated directly the air- field control tower as a safety STOCKHOLM (P)..The Sev- measure enth International Students’ | -~ Course at the University of Stockholm is being attended by about 40 students from several countries, inchiding Britain, Australia, Germany and the, Protestant Church of tIreland from TAI RS KIDNEY | rotied ; ‘ . oe ted DISCOVERED PASSACE t The Norwegian explorer Roaid) Amundsen in 1903-06 was first } to sail from Atlantic to Paeffic by the north-west passage i i 7, CO-INSURANCE t 2% ABOLISHED! i | @ New dollar-a-day plan means you pay only | one dollar for each day in hespital, This | amount barely pays for the cost of food alone! be Protected — Keeg Your premium paid up -to - date. ost PROTECTION AGAINST CRIPPLING Ae SPTTAL BILLS! ‘Ray Reflects and R eminisce: prosecuting attorney on cheaper then, observes Ed, Gard ne! LOCAL BICK drinks Canadian rum in traditional British | knowing nanufactured in Canada vare other advantages by and large, there’s more than ; One Whie-Standard (CHARM FROM SKY aecept spot cash for their heme They tive in the St. John Hiver } Guaranteed for five years Valley the greater the julness the following incidents: John Battersby has been fined for yelling “Heil Hitler’ at a sol- emn service of commemoration Strange as it seems, Su Yu is threatene d the | Chinese General, and not a Margaret: anq Ht . bayonet to Wok 4 preven: from entering " I'd like to live in the past. For for War dead, Scotland Yard is; Etizanet), pe poy e thing it would be much Seeking a physiclan said to have convert y., th the on aUNG Navy stead of without difference It’s The Reyal Canadian Krog the irom th Mua iirm. Ma.eP.Ar 150M e We And then, Can ft ' Of @ iit, ai Taking it a bit there kind of a shot { ‘De you knew whal becomes wit, HERCULES =. MECHANISM vtodingty gfiient and - quatenied tar set wan but Seren, * Here are folks who decline te esis where Ottawa plans to you use, a Late hours, according to a doe Phone 644 As coronation time approaches for ree for secre - ervice men and al Within eeks in Lor«don there have been the jast EDINBURGH, Seotiand « ’ IEA” 2 Semen Seagram's Crown Reyal Seagram's V.O. ee ae Seagram's “S3" Seagqranvs hings Plate Seagrams Spec ial Old EXPORT | CANADA'S FINEST fener SSO @ | x gee womeneae: SRM lore Oe aot cet eS Yhis advertisement ts not pudtishea or displayed by ! Centrol Board or by the Government et British ( peeremet r ; Y Leth face ct/ WAVE YOU ACTUALLY A PLAN \ FOR “INDEPENDENCE” AFTER YOU RET ~ will give you and your wife comfort ond | » a plan thet our ~ A Canadian Government ANNUITY is ¥ : \ ~ Small monthly payments starting now eo | \ ~~ a retirement income thot's guoren Conada, It's on ’ ™ Government of Conc OuR ’ ™! to save money, proven by _ Jians every oY: \ ~ Canadian ~ earlier you start, vane ' > your premiums. ADVANTAGES \ <. | @No medical exem \ M4 required. \