TAGE FCTJH DryCleanini at Vancouver Prices Most Modern Drycleaninj: Plant In City Phone 118 Pioneer Laundry Ltd. Third Ave. and McDride Street , GET YDU R COAL WITHOUT . DtLAy-FOOLDrVW IWINTEBS ON THE WAV .' v You can't dodge Winter but you can meet him with a great heat that will make his icicles sweat. Just order some of our coal and show the old codger that you're not the least bit afraid of him when lie come. Prepare early. Albert & McCaffery Limited Phones 11G and 117 Manufacturers Outlet Sale of LADIES' HATS DRESSES LINGERIE at The Louvre 316 Third Avenue Next Royal Pank Wood DRY BIRC1I, CEDAR AND JACK PINE Single Load , . . $3.50 Double Load .., 0.50 Large Sack SO? . 0 BUNDLES DRY KINDLING, $1.00 Phone 580 ifydeTransfer AND COAL CO. 139 Second Avenue LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phone 63 Cartage, Warehousing, and Distributing. Team or Motor Service. Coal Sand and Gravel. We Specialize in Piano and Furnitum Moving. Dr. Alexander Smith Block Phone 575 DENTIST BRINGING UP T LLbiT NEVER HKnnUv USzssn V- S-2 -- VKI, I COUNCIL TALKS OF PEACE RIVER Proposal of Mayor to Embark Upon Extensive Money Spending Campaign Not Favored COMMITTEE NAMED Data to be Obtained Through Joint Effort of City and Hoard of Trade Mayor Newton's promised proposal In the -matter of taking action with a view to obtaining for Prince Rupert the Pacific coast outlet for the Peace River I valley was not received with favor by the' city council on its presentation at last night's meeting. Hi Worship suggested tbe advisability of appropriating a sum of $3,000 for the purpone of retaining an engineer who would gather data with a view to establishing the ( ; city's case for presentation to tbe au- ! jUiorltlea. The council unanimously fen that the same Information might be ! svalUble without Involving any such targe financial outlay and It was decided, rather than accepting the mayor's suggesUon. to appoint a committee of the council which would act with a similar committee from the Prince Rupert Board of Trade to devise ways and means of proceeding with the matter. Mayor Newton presented to the council correspondence he bad had In connection with the matter. The first letter was from A. Brldgeman. North Vancouver barrister, who cMbned to be. a practical railwayman of experience, who ) had referred the mayor to an expert- enced engineer who. for the time being. ! was deslroiis that bis name should not b revealed. This engineer could see great savings In lth matter of construction and operation If a line were buUt from the Peace River to Prtnee Rupert rather than to Vancouver and was will ing. If the city waa Interested, to make the nesessary Investigations and take up the case on behalf of the port of Prince Rupert. ! Two letters from the engineer In ques- tlon were then read. After referring to the advantages possessed by Prince Ru- FATHER lUVTEN- I VE COTTV TICKET) TO dEE A j rt . .a. n i-i r V 1 - f U t-il. 86. A TltfcAT" "t R NftJ I VKOT THE TICKET rwi MB OV6RCOAT J . i 1 POCKET "Ltf th Cluk KircJwfM help ymT To Grow Strong . requires good food, ft Clerk's Pork and V Beans contain in a most accept We form the nutritious f t elements required, and also the precious vitamlnes. Children usually prefer them to other foods. Their rost, about 3c a liberal serving, makes them most economical. 'Sold rir r- j pert in the matter, this engineer stated ! his willingness to embark upon tbe j work on behalf of Prince Rupert for a fee of $3,000 In four equal Installments : itarting on December l. 1837. if aurveys ware to be undertaken, additional ap- j propria tlons would be net net rs rs sag sag but it i would be Impossible to o ascertain ascertain them ' Immediately. Tbe engineer also recam- mended that Mr. Brtdgeman be retained I at a lee of $1,000 by the city of Prtnee ; Ruptrt to take up tbe case at Ottawa. If he was engaged; Mr. would first oome to Prince Rupert and then proceed to IUselton with a view 1 to making investigations cf a proponed route from Finis; Forks tp that point. ' He would then go to Ottawa to lay the nutter before the government and pas- i "ibiy to Montreal to consult with rail- way authorities. If $300 were wired, he would Immediately leave for Priacc Ru- cert. mm m y ' Dependable adio Socket Power See the Universal A-B-C Socket Power Unit in action before you buy. Hear the difference it makes in reception. Note its quality and the features that make it so convenient and satisfactory. Works perfectly on all standard sets and eliminates all bother about current supply.,Absolutely automatic, silent, dependable. Also comes in A, B, A-Bnd B-C units ,of equal jnerit. Ask your dealer to demon- 1 strate them. . , - ,m- i. ..,.,. . His Master's Voice, LtA Halifax Montreal Toronto Winnipeg Calgary Vancouver IN NIV Another letter from Mr. de- clared that the wbost Peace River d,l-.rict heartily endowed Prince Rupert as lu terminal, seeferring It to nj other pott on the coast. He thought Frlnee tufert woula ao be tamed at UtUWa U he city's case were laM pro perly bsfcre the goniinent. NO .M TIIOKITY CKjr SoUeUor E. P. Jonea nprnw iba vtaw Uiat the cauncU had no au UtortAr spend raotwj in suetv a manner a bad been auagssted. It w not vUMr Uie purview of municipal powers. Mayer Newutn urged tbe oouncll not ump at tbe eoaetuatan that he had no power to spend moeey In this way. He believed that tbe Peaet River u so important a matter in connection wltto .be future of Prtnee Rupert that waya and means ahuuld b devlred whereb) the attuatlon cauht be met. Surely there waa no uk in throwing cold water oil .be proposal si tbe out I. He urged tbe .ouucil to concentrate on tbe matsai afcd devite some plan whereby reaulu .night be obuined. The mayor then went on to relate how. in company with 8. E. Parser, he had had interviews In Vaneouvei with Mr. Brldgeman and the englneai in question. He referred to other un dertakings wMa which the engineer haa been Identified. He was apparently s skUled man who waa well In touch wit. the situation. Thss eagtneer had state, that, if southern lines were pursued tbe Peace River country would never bt properly served thereby. It was essentia that tbe outlet , should be much far ther north. There were other valuaM. aeaa that would be opened up by i line, which would also be tbe shortest leaotng toward Prtaee Rupert. Such a line would , probably oome out at near Hazelop, in. no oau farther, oast than than Vanderhoof Vanderhoof. T7". No TIME TO l.oK The mayor urged that there was no time to be lost If Prince Rupert's east was to be submitted at the next session o! parliament when the matter would undoubtedly' be taken up. He was oon- vinced with the capability and enthu slasm of this engineer In the matter ol a line which would land near Prince Rupert. If the proposals of this en- g:neer did not appeal to tbe council. pcMlbiy seme other engineer might be obtained. In any yue. he urged that immediate action be taken to sectire the -lata which Ottawa would require in K-IS UNDERSTAND thi- i Can t mrslD Mt M urn fKl. nm V anted For Sale DAILY For Rent NEWS CLASSIFIED ADS. 2c per word in advance. No Advertisement taken for less than 50c ana tct lop vHh tbe case for tMs pert. AM. Jos. Oreer heartily enootted the Jea prenentad by toe mayor. The time .as away overdue whan Prtnee Rupert hsNsM take some act too and da some vol tnstlmg. Baste ways aod means aat be avallsMe. Tbe arty would get lothing. If It slid not go after It. Aid. Tinker agreed that it had casus o a point where rt was necessary to lo something. He suggested and moved to that effact that a committee be - minted by the mayor to act Jointly with i similar committee from tbe board oi trade. ruu:i ro-nrnttTioN Aid. Stephen felt that the proposal ' the mayor was one that needed more than posting consideration. The 13.-000 was mentioned only as a fee and it waa impossible to sMImste other ex penditures that might be ntvolvad. Last AprU he (AM. Stephens) had been a member of a delegation that had vlal-ed Edmonton and conferred with Prettier brownlee at Alberta and has cab-net. It was the Isststpratattoo of the Islagatea taat the government of Alberta .as of the opinion tjtat Prince Rupert vas the proper and log teal otstlet for Ae Peaee Rlvar oauntry. He had -under. tood. from sanvsesaSton with the mln-jiter of railways of that province, that ' i. he Alberta government had practically the very data taat tt was psoposed by tbe means suggested by the mayor to nwwn. hatklna inMn a n sUMk t.SM(jns It aarmslsi I tjm ss aaaas af wa sssaw vjmw s srisrjwvvi aw vwia-a be but good business for the city coun ei! to appoint, a committee to co-operate wtth a oommHtee from tbe board ol trade and obtain such data sa was pos-muni by .the' government of Alberta He Van convinced of the attitude of the Alberta govefnmeirt fsom the Prmce Rupert point of view and was well sat isfied.' He agreed that there should be Immediate action and he believed this would be the most logical line of action He felt that the city should not and ponibty woild not hare to spend money In such a way as had been sug gested. With the asslatanre of the lo cal board of trade, these at points along the railway tine and the Alberts government, he felt that the oae could be Just as effectively presented. V.llli:i) VIKIYN Mayor Newton could not understand how the board of trade could be expected to obtain results when no money was available. Aid. Jos. Oreer felt that Jt would be wise to formulate a plan before taking up the matter of financing. Aid. Tinker pointed out that the ef fact of his resolution would be to i- vfaa the neeesssry ways' and ,meanAv Aia. mepnens expresoea tne opinion trtst the information could be obtained by , mall Mt H was -proposed to pay 3,ooo and, perhaps more forj sugeeia Dy Aid. eiepnens. tbe mat' ter could be more eoonomlcally snd perhaps more effectively dealt with. He seconded AM. Tinker's motion. After some further discussion, tn the course of wttfeh Aid. Stephens pointed out that the deputy minister of railways of Alberta, a practical railwayman who had gone over the ground, was probably tn possession of the data required. Mayor Newton appointed the committee to con-list of Aid. Stephens (chairman). Aid. Joseph, Oreer. Aid. Cl. . P. Tinker and himself. The board of tra-ie will be Immediately communicated with In order to have Its committee appointed and an Immediate start made on the Investigations. nr inuanun run EMPLOYEES OF CITY IV lit Ion I'rrenlrd by lire le.nrlniriit lent Mailer Afirctlng all in Sliinf'clpal Service A petition from the members of the fire department requesting the council to put into effect here recent legists-t'on of trie provincial government regarding r-jmpulsery superannuation of c:vic employees, the same to tske ef- feet January 1; 1928. was received hv ,n unnamed creek flowing Into an un-the named bay the south bank of P6rt wie council taat m.ht . . . on council last night .h and -Z. ! referred to Chsnal. ofahsm Island. Oueen Charlotte me nuance oommutce. The petition was slsned bv D. H. Mcrior.M t,, n..i,. 1 Frederick Rnnwr HiibV, oi.t. . : R. Mac Donald nn.ui newmp oxnto 1 tv.t the le;;!;- lanon referred to would embrace sll I TCKET6 FX, Movj- I : i 7 By George McMa?, FOR SALE I. FOR SALE. A REAL OHHMTMA WANTflD. Special. Oerhard HetBlsanan Plafar Piano. Secondhand at MjM on terms. Walker's Music Store tf city employs The petition of toe fire department waa anwfty the first Step. AM. Brown (eitnat tt waa saaMsr that should be given serious tion. The iubsswi had adopted by tbe municipality of South Vancouver and the city of Vancouver waa considering it. He tiadsintnsd that it would operate along similar Unas to Workmen's Oompe neat ion. employer, and enpliyeea pusting up a porllon On motion of AM. Jos. Oreer. snoond-ee by AM. Brown, tbe nuattar was referred to tbe finance eommittea. CRIBBAGE LEHGUE iroitn Mill lading br Margin wf Our IVlHt Prince Rupert CMbbags Legu re sults Ust nlsjbt were as follow: Grotto is. Osmadiaa legion IS. Oraag ledge 1-0. sans of Osnatda 17. New Empress Hots M. OH. Op seating 17. Prince Rupert Hotel 16. C N Mecksfl-lea tl. St. Anomw's It. Macae 14. I Leugiir Talile W L. Its AOnHo 8 3 g C. N. Operating 7 g 7 Moose 6 .4 Frtot-e Rupert Hotel 4 a Gold Stotsge t New Empress Hotel 5 ft S Oanadlan Legion S S Knights of Oolutnksss . . . . ft Son of Canada S ft ft CN Mechanics 4 4 St. Andrews 3 8 t Orange Lodge 2 8 ft SPECIAL CHRISTMAS SAILING FOR SOUTH In order to accommodate those dealr Ing to go south for Christmas, Cans dlsn National Steamships announce that the ss. "Prtnee ttufert" wttl sail southbound Thursday. Decern her as, at 10.00 pjn. instead of an tbe regular schedule Friday morning. This 'boat will arrive Vancouver 0.00 ajn. sntur dsy. December 34, making eometloiu Iwttb boats and trains or Vlcksrla and reealtle:.. In order to perform this serviea. this steamer will sail fo Anyos snd Utawart st t oo p,m. WedBfsHsji, ,rrssa .-l inalei ' TSlri.. iMurnlng from tbe North. arriving here 70 pjn. Thursday December 22. , , Accommodation on southbound sail-Ing U fast being Uken up. and It U sutgested those going South, make reservations early at Crty Ticket Office, Third Avenue. Phone 300. 398 NKW M.(H1AN (OXTfST There was a meeting last night of the slogan committee when It was decided to close entries on January 18. tbe slogans to be limited to six words ' In kngth and referring to Prince flu pert exclusively. The meeting, wnleb was held tn tbe offices of DjMiam Ac Han son, was presided over by P. O. Daweon Advertise In The Dsllv News LAND ACT. NOTICK OF INTENTION TO AITLV TO l.ltSK ltNII In Prince Rutiert Lan'd Recording Dis Tlct snd situate- on .tbe. southwest-cor ner of sn unnsmed bay on the south bank of Port Chinal. Oraham Island. Queen Charlotte Islands. In the Province of British Columbia. TAKE NOTICE that Arthur Robertson of Msasett. rn nrruiutian a lumber man. Intends to annlr for a lease of the lollowltu described lands: Commencing st a post planted about one chain westerlv from the mouth of nnds, Province cf British Oolumnia; tnence t chains southerly: thence to thenre 4 chstns nor- therly to the shoreline: thence following not ment. snd ':ontainlni' 3 seres, more (r less. 'Slwedi A ROBET.TSON Appiif'sn Dated October 6, 1927. Lost am Found, WANTED table and dentate lowest : I.v. aeen : ofti. - HOUSES KiH r six nM Me.; did 'onditiu:. 3500 00. C" ran!ei. T vi Boon.'- ! Oocd eonditi'iii 3200 00. Cv. ranged. . P. TIVKfR jc r.i i r: FOR IU V- FO RTNT- HOtM - lent Apj rXJR Kfft- A; week o ." HOTJSE m'f. Hf : BATH Mnlv M LOST LOST. (.1 Dinghy, off : nleaao -return Club Rewai'i i-iiiM-i; mriKT inr zct tzxti rR i i t. R." trno!'' Cfi snv Day nr night Te -m ' " Two iost linne 310 ro. B EXCHANGE ....... ..... Tiwril notii!li! snd Plsjrer 1 To Ciali r.tlMIKH't l TMr.l t" 'IIKIM'Mt- ' ins Chsstsrl ' d sts)tas. BarivoK'" i, woliut lamps. 3i Monkata. :oui. haatssw. mau i ' A. MrKr.S1'' ri'ivinx' Phiinp Iverv : ioi j. tn ntv THE POI4.4H TC3t lee our !. Chrlati:. Nothing o CHIMNEY swrrp i, ZfMKr.JIR Oenernl Him Furnares snd Chlmn.f Cemetery . , I Phone Red W ' . .. .. HOMINlON 1 1 kmt r.r. v , 144 I We Buy. B' i ptinnc r.) k HEART WAS SO 0 Mrs. T. Wilf". v writes: "M ait . and I had to fta ui with it. take " 1 I'llf aunt gdrifed as she hsd taken v-a salts sftrr a vm I took them i a doctor came ,A Insuranoe arl h' fa Ing wrong with u.1 ilillorn V BOc a U". at all ... nr Will h" b" , , r.ric by T i Toientu, Oat