Tie :cmbcr 13, 1927 THE DAILY NEWS PAGE THREE The greatest breakfast triumph Local and Personal j 1 u! BO. Bxwrmiri Pbuo. l. BMrtbl Dr J. ft. CrW FtMocSBa. Tow am luvitad to the ulsssa' se in "TllsawHa Villager . Oml liTWkwoual 1 the beat shlned ta mSX. Trf It aad be com mow tt MMMuNHlWHtl try work bnl 10 Dallar Btorc If: Food that sustains you through to mid-day. Keeps you alert, energetic, healthy. You always enjoy the flavour. Wrapped, scaled, dustproof packages. C! earance We Need Money! EVEKi THING MI ST GO AT COST OR LESS. Now is the time for Christmas Gifts n iter our laat Halewhat bargains! Snaps at great is ever now Sale Starts nmrsday Morninu al H o'rlock STOKE CLOSED UNTIL THEN COSIE! SEE OUK WONDEUITL BARGAINS Useful and Beautifu ra e combination, but the Manicure Kolls we have on - now fully answer this description. They are superior we have been able to obtain in previous yearH both in uu. : ,.i material and in beauty of finish. These aeta come uther KollupH, beautifully lined, containing from six to -ci'e pieces, finished in Decorated Amber 1'wrl n Anaker Orchid on Ivory Mnhojruny on Gold French Ivory Natural Pearl While Pearl Howe Tear! Hlue Pearl Ivory on Amber Uanjring in price from $1.50 to $17.00 each yfic Pioneer Drupeisls THIRD AVE. f SIXTH ST. TELEPHONES 8?,200 DEMAND "Rupert I IBP ran ers THE DAINTIEST WtKAK'PAJK Smoked Daily by Canadian Fish & Grid Storage Co., Ltd. Prince Kupert. B.C. UNION crrPAMSHIPS 4JMITED r VANC,IVKK. VIcSJUK! H-n.on "iuy"" IU,. etc.. Tuesday. f;r VANTOrVKU. VICTORIA. I.illalr. Pen 'r '" ALIUS AltM. A.ia. 1'OKT SIMPSON, NAAS IHVKK HUMS. HTKtVAUT. Wale Miami, Huda. R l' , u,i Hnuert Hf HinM.sl, :.n.l v,Ulr um vtW ' " " ticket sold to Victoria ""'iiKli In destination. Meow aerial a im and mfttat IWa fsllBgwawf. Da. 14 at HJM. VmmmUr tTV msmaa, Wiitn antsy. pm. Mt mmSSml nsokmg fttawat Maw Third ud Mftas. Variety din ha' Um morrow night. IsssMsata i An evening of imI Ma. Jamas Aubaay been appoint Justice f Ust , it la allium la Um XS, Toe B.C. potatment Of 31. B medical spector of trtct. Alberta water, buy oaal. 4S a tear a) yaw tf Tim iraUKaalai a&darkjr want otl wtaii drydoek last nlfht to M fear ohMaid naf la naaalaci to tomorrow -wan aba vtll ioadlaa. . Wa naff Jlatt faoftvad a VawMawaw aVaW awwan . ipt at fufaoata,. oaoatsttng of aMi altbkln. afonoB aaal. Rudaon aaoV tmm laarit and OMjr irniiuaai itoatk HP- liaaia f Tbaaa art an In the lataat asjrtam. oa nroa txwmw onnauaaa w an mg apaowll offar of one tfciid ttt Ma acmat prtaa. Ho not maa una wpi- taatity of attlnt a lovaly coat at m raaaonaM prioa. W. Ootoloom.MBwaw! Avwaua. V Ticket office on Third Avenue. 9M HOIK!. AIIRlV.llvS. sovoy v John Walker and J. Johnaon. etty. ANNOUNCIiftlBNTS Play by United Ofatarah Ladlea. ttaoember 18. Moose Chrlstmaa Tree. December 18 runadlnr t-clor Xma Tree Dec 38 of Canada guarantees its Age mm 10 YEARS OLD 7ladc in Canada 95 years' This advert isenient is not pub-li.-lieil or displayed tiy the l.ii.'ior ('d'ltrii! .ril or ly r!if O'lvenini-'-! :i Lriti.h c :.uru. J Durtnf the month of Oetekar mm waa fire loaa of taaiSJO In taw An, thki lapraaautlaa taa daatnieuaa of O.TJ abad No 1 Which waa duty eond by Inauranoe. according to a- port mad to tlx oooacll laat alant by rii Chief JD. H MrtnoaaW. Patina jaoTamber sjbara waa no loaa; TlA ahsajj to be In good order. Tha eapiiadlliaa of the department In Golober was 105 10 and in November titsija. The next trip of the CanasMaw Steamer Prlnoaaa ltary naa baaa ar 'aliped la a Bpeclal Chrsatmaa balling and will leave Prince tupert on the afternoon of December 31., errlvUif In Vancouver on December 28 In time for rjaaaewcera to make connectsona with steamera for Vancouver Ialand porta. Seattle and other deatmattona In the vicinity. Paseaugtii deelrlng to travel via Canadian Pacific should make early reservations for there wtu be a heavy 'at of hol'day asaUri troak Alaaka and the Yukon Phone 81 or call at City station: council nouncll W wmatii'wiuiiJW m i w " " - WHEN the salesman representing a General Motors car visits you, he comes armed with facts of unmistakable interest facts which you should know before you select a mor car. He will tell you about the greater value and satisfaction of Body by Fisher the all important story of engineering and manufacturing leadership which every car owner should hear. Once Roef-ln ertry Thhtr Body strength is built into the rortf ami miction by a Ultice work oi alati and bfliwa, covered with durable, wtJthT-rctunna; and aoundeiiucing material, which eiiniaite "aramauag" noiic. V JL K' Plate Glass CrjrtuI plate or thick window giau i( nmr aacd in Fnber Podici. The diamond-like polish of the cmuine plate flan turd in every Body hy Fisher affords perfect clarity oi viuun another highly desirable safety feature of every Ftahcr body. Ml C4DLLC USA! TV. . MCLAUGHUS-BUICK OAKLAND 0LDSM0BILE . PONTIAC . CHEVROLET learn about Fisher bodies about their safety construction, their greater value, comfort, beauty and you will surely choose a General Motors car which bears the emblem "Body by Fisher". General Motors of Canada, Ltd., has just announced new cars of incomparable beauty, performance, comfort, and durability each offering the advantage of Body by Fisher. CompositeConstruC' tion Affording flexibility, durability, and greater strength. The wood reinforces the steel, and the steel reinforces the wood. W Windshield "ft Fisher Vfeion-aod-VcntiUtiag windshield affords an unobstructed iew through a single pane of plate glass, which may be raised or lowered Yertically uiA mlund while the car is in motion. Thiatjrpoof windshield assures perfect ventilation and complete protection in every kind of weather. I S HER BODI ES GENERAL MOTORS OF CANADA, Ltd. bating daily. 2 ta 4 and 8 to 10. Tltere evening. Ill bt ao baaketbaU Oct the Big 4 habltl of a Taxi, phone 4 fUled home thla Xmaa. Attend the Elka Variety Dance, Wednesday, December 14. 293 A mil ChrNlniiK vurprls l the IM', liir Co. Tlir biggest nale of fur ever lielil In history, of rwits, elmkrni ami fiie. starts lnr-ilav niomlin. Vlutrli our tvlnilous nml uiltrrtUliijr. Rose. Cowan & Latta. presenting the lower tender of M8. was awarded the contract by the city ceurtetl laat night for the printing of 100 copies of th-1038 voters' list Alex Mtftae Co. bid 8386 plus four per cent isJea tax. On recommendation of lr- utilities nommlte, the city council hist night gave Albert & McCaffery tad. the order for 800 tons of Nanalato-Walllngton washed pea coal for use m the dry dock power plant. The bid waa 87.50 per long ton fxi.b. dry doe. taat nigh; by f." Uttie. ! mperfiitenden: of utiiffifc j1 the'oas on the su no tio report report' In in reg. regard water. Robert MatiiciMin nan-Dreed, was , fined 838. with t lie option of thirty days' imprlfloitmcn: in city police court this mornrit for drunkenness. Andrew Cecil .mci Andrew Marfan. In diana, were eot i ' wd (15 and 83.50 cosu! with tht op ion of thirty days' tfVa 'I took fwn bottles of r I SHE R i . tf The next meeting of the city council : will be on Tburaday. December 29, the thla,lty fathers decided laat night. It will .be the week between Chrletnxut and When tblnxlng tf New Year s during which there are a number of other events on. During the month of November the one time. The etty council last night deferred "PMandly VUlaee' at the Imtted for another two weeka the conai deration Church, Thuiaday. December 16 at 8.15; of amendments to the street traffic by-prompt. Tic eta 50c. 393 taw. Aid. Q. P. Tinker and Aid. Jos. dieer pointed out that the matter had The Variety Dance on Wednesday In been hanging fire for some time and the alk'a Home la for the purpose of urged that It be dealt with aa aeon as spread trig a tittle joy and happiness possible. this Chrtatmaa. Will you help? 393 - 'LAND ACT Christmas 1U home la Every child knows1 NOT,t,: m" AI'rLY t0 i 'M'V.T0 their boat filling ' ' but some are without a well LLJ. In the Queen Charlotte Islands. Ora-tarn Island Land Recording DWtrict of Prince Rtapcrt. and altuate on ttt west side of Rennell Harbor at the Head ol Ben ti ell Sound. Queen Charlotte Islands Province of British Columbia. TAKE NOTICE that British Columbia Plahtng & Packing Company Limited of Vancouver. B.C.. occupation Salmon Can-nera. intends to apply for a lease ot the following described lands: Commencing at a post planted on the east show of a creek called Twin R.ver thence 4 chains west: thence twntv-oi' chain north: thence 4 chains east: thence following contour of shore line to place of commencement, and containing R1,. acre., more or leas B.C. FISHING & PACKING CO. LTD Applicant. M M. English. Agent. rVm-1 October 22 1927 ELEVEN BOILS ON HER ARM AT ONE TIME Mrs. S. Petuh, Fisher llome, AHa., writes : "I was troubled with boils and had eleven of them on mv arm at city electric light department ahowed a "I tried all kinds of medicine, but aurplua of 81,490.42 and the telephone 1 got no relief. lug lust to w reports npuru, prexentea (jinviircu to mt the tue ciLy city ibie.aswry imprisonment, on ..imlar charges. Asked ' and haw unv. beeti troubled since," I where he obtained the liquor. Moffat: tj.h.H banishes boila and all other '..umI that lie hail uld a man at Caw blood disorders; manufa'iin'd onlv hv ' i:. : i,.. i- id " : v to m trap-( The T. ililburn Co., JUmited. Toronto, . .;;.::..: OaL i Ve Y f Winter Weather Wants COAL HODS OIL STOVES STOVE BOARDS HEATING STOVES Phone 525. r. M STOVE PIPE WEATHER STRIP FURNACE SCOOPS ELECTRIC RANGES SNOW SH0VEIS, 75f? EACH Thompson Hardware Co., Ltd. 253 Third Avenue. Prince Rupert AGUIRE Dentist Over Orme's Drug Store Office Hours 9 to 9 Have you bought your tlokat for the Elk fur coat? 296 City accounts for the two weeks ending December 8 and totalling 810.014.16 were passed for payment by the Council last night. Union steamer Camosun, Caps. James Plndlay. la due at 9 o'clock tonight from Anyox. Stewart and other northern porta of call and will sail about an hour later In continuation of her voyage to Vancouver. During the month total of 2240 gall consumed in the .em accordlnadV' ounctl last night by. the QOTWMaiue&aHi .waj fepofflvfade the TfifrW j. w. Exley The daUy consumption waa 75 uallons at 5V4c per gallon. Accompanted by his wife and mother. .. H Malr has arrived in the city from , Smithers to take up duty here with the Canadian National Railways as statlor baggageman In succession to N. Dag- lolsh who Is going back to the wharf j freight department after having been j . in charge of the baggage-room for j i "mr :m;c. Lady Assistant OUR GREAT CLOSING out SALE .. of 4 ' i, OMEN'S XND ffliOYS' 1 CLOTHING AND FURNISHINGS is still on Montreal Importers Third Avenue J. 11. Miller, Proprietor