' :roriNE. Peon . Det 13. -t. S60.000.wm s'.olau Reading Company frelgh . r :- tcld up near Nsssaninif rum tci ierc- v a band a, nrtewn. bicb. W t it in the exehaine of ahot -? 'u.n crew hleve are believed to hsve .'.uselves in the train sad h air Drakes at the ap-The iU was taken away TRANSFERRED TA AIEDTBAV Ueut. H. P. Ponder to le Succeeded in Command of ILC.NA'.Il. by I.Ieut. W. Hume t R P Ponder, officer command- ,o ; ical detachment of the Royal adian Naval Volunteer Reaerve. who btuig truiitfrrred from Prince Rupert '.r Bay in the ten ice of the pro-i.-.id police. wi!l be aucoeeded In cora- ud or tne oeiacnment Dy Lieut, wai- H'.ane : ieu Pt-ndrr. who will leave for the i. iu iHke ud hla new poat next ' -ct i rtaH Deen on pui.cv uu.j iu m i lor the paat eight yeara four : at Mawtt and four year at dl-:.ia headquarters In Prince Rupert. I: was the f irat man to enllat for ac-. inioe in the Great War from the . leaving on August 4. 1814. for E iiMjtlt to report for duty with the v n which he nerved throughout the ii uf the conflict. In 1924 he waa xble for the organisation of the iiuval unit. THERMOMETER AGAIN STANDSAT 17 ABOYE With luruinrlrr High " Memly and Wind In North, Continuation of line Cold bpell Etprelril T iwnnometer at the Digby Island ' t - .logical ata-tlon descended again morning at 8 o'clock to 17 degrees zero--the lowest mark recorded '.r thu season. With barometer ! ' ingti and steady and wind light 'i ie north, a continuation of the i.aji u. anticipated. PROSPECTOR FOUND IN POOL OF BLOOD IN A LODGING HOUSE MERRITT. Dec, 13. Emett (Lucky) T"! a RriKzled prospector, of Nioola and iffliikameen valleys, who discovered ' ' Mountain silver-lead vein last 1 : was found In a pool of his own u: a lodging house here. Foul auspected. T le Tjom was in dlMirder. Indicating ;- ' Uad tjecn ix fight. Prince Rupert General Hospital morning. ' N0 B.C VANCOUVER BXCHANUE 1. 'Northern' . . 'stiver ''" Cork Province . . . George Copper Gladstone Independence Indian L. and L. Leadsmlth Lucky Jim Marmot Metals . Premier Porter Idsho . . . Richmond Silversmith Surf I.:!ct New PosCace Ureed by City Council Last Night at Its Meeting Alderman I.iney Urges the Need of Improvement and Hoard o. Trade is to be Asked to Co-operate in Move The matter being brought up by Aid. P. II. Liniey, the cit co and from all parta of Northern and ventral British Columbia. 1U poaiUon Ming vary important. Nevertheleaa. It aa far from being adequately equipped I '0 handle the volume of work. Lack of j room m the present quarters was an important factor In making the petl Don. The building was Inadequate not i only from the point of view of the I poatal em ploy res but also in t!.e ac commodation of the public. In buiy times, the small lobby became a jam of buetllug ami Jostling people. It was all very unsatisfactory and "an a bom-1 InstMi to the kits especially In bad The pretest buHding was .me of the oldest In the city and had fanrtMnr out a preaesMoie appearance. It was "a disgrace to the city and the rovernment under which we are." Thousands of tourists who came to, the olty annually sought the past office said the alderman, and It was with a blushing face and humility that a cittern of Prince Rupert was compelled tc point It out and aay "There it ts." Cities lute Trail and Kamloaps for example had fine permanent structures. Prince Rupert was a far more Important centre than either of these. Aid. Llnrey also referred to other offices of the government housed In the present building. The telegraph offlce was little better than a good-allied kitchen and there was congestion among the other departments upstairs In their small Dartltloned-off-V-)olnted rooms. He held that It waa high time that the c!tv nrotested and to that protest he felt that the government would not be w in rMnmdtna. He moved that the government be urged to make pro vision at the next aesslon for a new nd permanent poet-office building In Prince Rupert. I take great pleasure In seconding the motion." announced AW. Larsen. Mayor Newton agreed tbst there was no doubt thst the dty bad waited long and patiently enough. When so much money had already been put Into a site, it Indeed seemed a pity that better results could not be obtained. The resolution was unanimously carried. It was also decided to seek oo-oper-t!on of the Board of Trade in making the representations NEW GOVERNOR FOR THE PHILLIPINES WASHINOTON. Dec. 13. Henry L. Stlnson of New York was nominated today by President Ooolidge to be president of the Pmtlrpines. ISIKTII. A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Llpsln of uraham Avenue, at vne this Bid. Asked 1.444 1 M 160 1J.75 .09 -10 1.75 255 .15 .16 , .084 .07 .06 U .07 V4 .09 H .0914 Mx .05 36 .2714 .06 .10 2.34 235 31 J7'4 .13 .13 Vk 23 53' 01 TlXKVt.l TAK1S TIIIKII VM.K Mill TIMOTIIV m;i: tincAOd i:ui Another testimonial to the agricultural possibilities of the Bulkley TaUey la the victory at the recent International World's Fair ta OMeage of Mrs. A. V. Flsbef of Falrview Ranch. Telk-wa. who took third prise In world competition for timothy seed. Mrs. Flaber was a former resident of Prince Rupert and A. i. PrwiShomme of this city was at one time a partner with her In the ownership of Falrview Ranch which is one of the best known farms In the central Interior country. BRITISH OFFICER IS RELEASED BY U.S. TAKING HANDCANTQN ,i Field (!un Landed From Warship Sacramento lo Protect Foreigners MI VMIIIAI. Irr. 13. The I nlled Males gunboat harniinrntii lias landed field JiiiiH at ('anion Iu protrrt forrl(nrr. The American force uImj aided In the evacuation of foreigner from the Chinese net-thin of Hie city, wlili h Ii ci.nl rolled l.j loinniu-nlkts who uutrrt the last Canton dictator, (irnrral ( lian- 1'aknrl. Communist outlirruks are reported from various parts along the Yang-te Hltrr. HOM1 KONU. lire. IS. llHurell thirty and forty missionaries, mostly American mid Crrmiin. arrived tmlav ahiuird the llritlsli Inimrr l lalshani from Canton. The tessrl was pinked Hlth Chinese refugees. HON. JANETAITKEN MARRIED YESTERDAY LONDON. Dec. 13. Hon. Janet Altken. daughter of Lord Eeaverbrook, was married yesterday to Ian Douglas Campbell, heir to the dukedom of Argyll. The wedding was very quiet owing to the recent death of the bride's mother. CHINESE PIRATES LONDON. Dec. 13. -Captain Lalor of the British steamer Slangtan. who hat been a prisoner with Chin pirates since the first of the month, has been released, the admiralty announces. BURY ONCE MORE IS MAYOR OF EDMONTON EDMONTON. Dec. 13. A. U. Bury was again elected mayor of Edmonton with a majority of approximately 2,700. TKAIN LATK TOIiAY. Late to the division and further de layed on account of exceptionally cold weather . conditions, i . .throughout - the late. This would o'clock tonight. bring ber In at 8 CATALA PREPARING TO LEAVE FORVANCOU'ER The steamer Catala. which has been temporarily patched here for the purpose of taking her to Vancouver. Is reported to have nearly sunk last night when she took a bad list on the LETHBRIDG E. Dec. 13. The frozen body of Johnny Hueulat, seven years of age, was found In a straws tack at the farm of George Bower. Jfe was a victim of last week's blizzard in the Coal-hurst district. Mr. and Mra. W. Crulkshank. who Save Money Wail Boston Grill ! , .rapeat ty t buy the Lkrge UpsUlr Dining Hall, fJcaa U to subscribe by the Er j with newly laid dancing 't: titr Wiwwd dally yes? floor, (or hire. addTeas Of course, you r be for shorter period. NEW SODA FOUNTAIN. . v.t M and have It de-:i PRINCE RUPERT The latest and belt (or the :4y least Phone 457. Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper 4 'All N ... 201. PRINCE RUPERT. B.C. TUESDAY. DECEMBER IS. 1D27 Price Five Cent EDITORIAL THE CATALA FIASCO 'v steamer Catala did not right it was not because t : le of Prince Ruiert wish-. i-rti-c. In (act dozens of Uupert teopl were pray-, ic-ily that aha would go ...uom of the harbor and Jicre. v.snil i clearly unfit to . trip ') Vamouvf r and it 1 1 ul if she should tie al-t.'.. In any went she v i; t lie hearty curses of Uupert following her. if deliberate at-been - - hh a nude to take busi-., ... from thia port. There s..i-ts of wild rumor afloat tm manner fn which the ivan let. Prince Kuperi '. ,w always jriven the own- ii. vessel good support in r a '. i of business but whethe v. .: ( ..ntinue to do so after t'.r them to nay. -rpair of the Catala should en carried out at the Kuiert dry dock and the h . are feeling very in h it the work has been ii.vj. They think it is up management of the dry f.i.ke a statement in order : -if !f in the matter. RAW SILK IS STOLEN FROM TRAININGS. Raw council last night passed a resolution urging upon the Dominion gov ernment the necessity of providing in its estimates at the next pai liaraentary session an appropriation for a new and adequate po. office building in Prince Rupert. Introducing the subject, Aid. Linzey expressed his belief tha the time had now arrived when the city should make strong and ur gent representations to the government with a view to obtaining t post office building that would cope with the business here and a. .he HBt.Um would be a credit to the city and the Dominion. In this natter. Prince Rupert had bean very patient no long suKertng. He thought the late waa ripe lor the city to make IU claim with a view to having provision made for the building In the eaUmatea; at the forthcoming sssston of Par 11a- Aid. Uniwy reserved in aoaae detail o the Inadequacy of the eclating pre- I On Hundsy far Inttanoe fire i 4- .undrrd sacks of mall had arrived all , jf which had to be tacked up Is a ry mull apace awaiting aortlng. The city was the distributing point for mail PASSENGERS OF ASHCROFT IS NORTHWESTERN UP IN ARMS TAKEN NORTH Difficult Work Taking Off the Women and Children From Wrecked Steamer VANCOUVER. Dae. II lameda from Seattle took the paasen- .. and crew of the atranded North-ne:a on buaM at Campbell River .tciday and cotatlnued north to Al-ka. Captala XirUigs.ouc remained board the Northwestern to aid In aal--ege operaUoM. The crew of the. stlvaae tugs removed ane of the luggasjt and divers are to ay malting an wucinta strop to ascertslt the extent of the damage. Fran aatlc ships to stern the; fesjU la badly piuac tured. the rear haff Of the vessel resting on the reeks and the fore half cm the gravel. Tte hof Is expressed that j he will be salvaged. The rescue vtM-l Explorer was com- aelled tq use the ship mattrssses as ' buffers to avoid betog hurled to destruction against the aides of the Nortti western and oaly after several attempts of Captain HStuvn was he able to get his boat alongside. A Jacob ladder was thrown over and women and children descended followed by the mer. and crew and were taken to C.-uapbeU River where every coafcrt wai given and hospitality extended to them. ISLAND OF TRINIDAD SUBJECT OF SPEKE a MI- lllrsay lirlhero' Inlerestlns Taier I la Tore I lilted ( liurrli Young I'mple lt-t Mglu The United Churofl Young Pesple's Society board an tc&rt.sting p..jr at IU mecUng last night by Mlas Ulraay whose subject was "Trtaldad." A description was gives cf tt geagTaphical features of the udandkhe crlgm of JU DeoDle. the mala Itddafeiea-and dbe work Icdian. Its schools. colleges and churches wHh special reference to the founder of the mlaslo:-. Dr. Orant. The meeting was presided over by W. Vand-t- water. A new feature waa Introduced In the recreational period which followed, the voUeyball being put to use for the first time. Objection Taken to Method or Marketing Potatoes and Putting on Itestriction amotions affecting the potato crap are lifted, the growers win not put la a crop next sprang, aasordlng to a reaeiu- Steamer Men passed last night by the Asheroft nd district board of trade following a . cuss mn of marketing control opera-ens The res: lution wUl he sent t3 the .remr and the aaarhet sontr jl cam DEVALERA LEAVES FOR THE STATES 111 IU.IN. lsr. 13. fcanion lie Yalrra, leader of the opposition In the Irish free Male, sails' on the l-iialliau tomorrow to ronfrr nttli his Hlltli'al friends In the (lilted Mate on a mission In ronnertlim with the details of the I la una fall. The mission Is mainly economic. Including the financing of a ro-Jtsi ted dallj newsiiiper. It was stated. He may Investigate the ossllillltle of an American loan In the etent of the llanna Call should fain Miwrr In the net two jrars. FREIGHTER MISSING ON LAKE SUPERIOR port aide. A donkey boiler and pumps ; were rushed aboard and today she is . PORT ARTHUR. Dec. 13. The Can- reported to be in better shape and is adlan Steamship packet freighter Kam- belng prepared to leave for Vancouver, loops Is missing with a crew of 22 In- eluding two women cooks and Is feared CDfi7CM DMW rnilWH lost. She was last heard of a week ago ilAU&LU DU11 1UU111 off wm nsh. Search for her by IN A STRAW ST ACK varlous hlps ha provcd rn,ioc8 BODY OF MAN FOUND IN C.P.R. APPLE CAR KAMLOOPS. Dec. 13. The dead body o! H. Johnson of Vancouver was found in a C.P.R- apple car reaching here Sun- have been on a trip to Winnipeg, are J day trom reniicion. ueatn Dy cnareoai expected to return to ,the city on the I poisoning is suggested aa the man ap-Prlnce Rupert tomorrow morning, ac- parently crawled Into the car to be near companled by their young son. the heater. Review of Mining Development Metallurgical Features and Future Prospects of Industry The current year has been marked by the amount of development work throughout the province equal to or greater than that in any previous year, says a provincial mining report just published under authority of Hon. m. Sloan. The two most active areas have been the Portland Canal division and the Slocan district, but in the aggregate a large amount of exploratory work has been done In varied and widely separated parts of the province. Mr. Sloan points to the. aggressive policy of the Consolidated . . . . i c. ui r - ' r l . .MlmriK' ana omening: VompanyiOi uanaua, in acquiring new iiruper- central Interior, today's i. train rpm 4r4aesa klotworthy:etttrsi'laUe year, ia anticipating taking as -important a East. due . at 3:30 tblaaftrrioon. la Th1seompsny's scouting engineers, have" position In coast mining' as it ha long poneu to vu oc Wu,..uu,u.u. v,.., . b Jear wltb:tne nmjlt that aone In tn Kbotenay district. a dozen or more properties nave Dcen in nw oiocan ana wmarnw ui Fishermen Ask For More Time to Discuss' Proposals Regard to Conservation of the Salmon f No decision wan arrived at last night in regard to proposals made by the canners for a new method of conserving the salmon ashcroft. Dee U -Unless all re- fj j,ei.iM. The inquiry in regard thereto was opened by W. A. Found, director el fisheries for the Dominion, who called the meeting last night in the Moo. Hall over which he presided. He outlined once more the proposals as already published for the formation of fishing areas and the issuing of licences for those areas only and the uloraUc negiilation of the weekly cio.d tea.'on depending on how many were fishing in the urea, fish to tie canned in the area in which caught. About 150 ware priaent - and H eased In favor ol postponement .alttee. the latter berag wu sated to lttt w rtB noor a(lL3s( be rsamctiams anaetmg we potato to the big swtiag there was a .rop. Unless tela h dtce at onte poat- acting of llaharmcn and can- ivety SMi crop win be put in next soring M:s cltJ. t ch the raaulunf la the present cultivated trrt- hole vyMmUcD ra dlanisssd at length jatMl lands becoming wild and many at vklej R j oosse and C xrowcra irretrievably rulawd. Thomas on behaU ol the canae:a ex it la argued that immodlate effesUve j);r the situation. Watte the meet-aetlon be Uken so that the present n, osoewhat in lavor of the flab crop may be salvaged as far as noaalhie. anas and the autjmstle legu.atioi. 'of hours of 'flahlag they objected l. CIIOKiai TO DEATH ON A UKKISTKAK AT MUTTIX YEMTEKUAV SEATTLE. Dee. IS. A beef, stesk party of convivial friends ended abruptly last night when ode of their number choked to death with a mouthful of meat. The feast had scarcely begun whrn Patrick Clements. 47 yean of je. an oM Alaskan, who startled hla companions with his avidity, burst Into a fit of cough-and dropped dead. ' mete eases' to being oampclled to 1 vtetr I lab m that area only. Howewi ! they agreed to take the matter unde ! further eoaslderaUon and the nev rishetwscn's oramation at Its mac tan . In January will rgain uke l up and glee an answer to the query. In opening the lauulry laat evening Mr. Postnd captained how the number w-t flaheraaea bad Increased in the pas four years. Ia District 2 alone there were the fotlowtng glU net Itosnses issued. 1924 there were 4374. 125 there were 9.076 or an Increase of 18 per cent. 1995. SMI an Increase of 19 per cent 1917. 1M licenses an Increase of t ;er cent over the previous year or an increase of C8 per cent In the tot. years. The question now was not 'who wa at fault but what was the remedy. I was necessary to restrict the time i flthtng and if the present conditio obtained the action of the departmeit would he mere and more drasfte eve if it waa found that thereby no on Usaa jBsspiroui - The canning Interests had tried to get togther to secure better economic conditions. The majority of the canners sent, a delegation to Ottawa and finally asked for a Royal Commission to investigate. Then three proposals had teen made: To Issue licenses for definite fishing areas. To vary the closed season according to the number of men fishing. To have all salmon processed in the area In which it Is caught except that taken by trailers or used for freezing or sold fresh. The director urged the desirabtuiv of canners and fishermen working together for their own mutual interest. One oould not prosper without the other. Any lack of confidence on either side should be bridged. While they were asking for the opinion of fishermen on the specific questions, other matters were not precluded if they were of real n ojjiet. J. C. Brady. M.P.. addressed gathering at length. He said be attend ed the meeting In the city hall in the alternoon and he had tried to find the Ieell::g of the fishermen throughout the district. The principles outlined seemed to be along good lines. Canners as well aa fishermen should agree to united effort. He told of the manner In which seiners were operating, particularly at Massett Inlet. The fishermen realized that If things continued as In the past, something tragic would happen. The hour had come for the fishermen and canners to meet and discuss and on them depended the future of the Industry. Mr. Brady found that the fishermen did not Uke the Idea of securing a license for each tear 'with a fee at tached. He urged also that the patrol system be changed, that illegal fishing be prevented, that all confiscations of gear be published, that public notice be given of the sale of confiscated gear. that the patrol be manned by qualified men. HMIKK.MKVS VIEWS Mr. Reld explained about the meeting of canners and fishermen but said they were calling a convention of fishermen in January and he asked that the time be extended and that the decision be forwarded to Ottawa In the form of a resolution. It was unfair to uk for a snap decision. Mr. .Hoffman told of hsvtng visited a number of the fishermen Including some seiners.. A committee had been formed to organize but the fishermen were so scattered it was difficult to get them together. They had a plan of organization and were at present work- bonded and development commenced. It tricts the development plans commenced ta out Immediately following the conference - " "-" '-"""T?' " ; " J . ' l . Mr" ound then "- th0f no last nliht with district salmon fUher- H"u " . " . . " J. : reed with the proposals msde by the "king up tne urS vopper ana tg , ovner .merest., .re p nCau, , with tw to stand men. W.. A. Found, director of fisheries preYlolu .pe.ker. for the Dominion government with j "v" V. . . .V- t ..Jv. . rMUlt tnat 94 ,tood' tnat belng headauarters in Ottawa, and Major J. now uos""1"' "a- v , v r.u " '"'most of the fishermen present. the Old Sport mine, which U being Jan. Ruth-Hope and Hewitt mine. In A Motherwell inspector of fisheries for,n Mr Dlxon o XnTern. toM or w, vigorously developed with satisfactory , the Slocan and the Paradise mine in British Columbia sailed aboard C.OJ3. eBoTtt ln tne of organization. .,.,... si.r. nav where the next results and also the Sunloch. The ef- ; Windermere Another important de- ; , Q cannerTman. belne asked meeting Is to be held tomorrow after- forts belnK made to secure other pro- velopment in tbe Slocsn district U that j to speak of the fforU ma(le ,l-.-rx wvul'J :::t'i'.tc that the company , (coa'.iuucd ou past f:vel (continued on page tlx) MAXWELL SMITH DIED YESTERDAY Took Part in Political and Agri cultural Life of Ilritish Columbia MISSION CITY. Dec. 11 William Jfaxwcll Smith, aged 68, farmer of jtroclie. was found dead In bis bed tat evening. He had been nominated beral candidate for Dewdney riding ist September. Death was discovered fallowing the e Mr. Smith's failure to appear at a ibcral meeting. Born In Forfarshire. Scotland, the late Mr. Smith carried' the Liberal ban ner for several contests and was many years ago editor of a fruit magazine. e was at one time Dominion fruit in spector. He was credited with estab- shlng the first National Apple Show luring the time he was chairman of ' he Land Settlement Board. He came oto considerable prominence in 1924 hen he disputed the election of his Conservative opponent. J. A. Cather-ood. as member of the legislative isembly. .OUGHRAN IS NOW CHAMPION Got Decision Last Night From Jimmy Slattery in Fifteen Hound Uout NEW YORK. Doc. 13. Tommy Lough- ran of Philadelphia won recognition as light heavyweight champion of the world last night by whipping Jimmy Slattery of Buffalo In a fifteen round match to a decision. LINDBERGOFF MEXICO FLIGHT WASHINGTON. Dec. IS. Colonel Charles Undberg started a two thousand I mile non-stop flight to Mexico City at te 12.29 this afternoon. As be started over the Patcmac River he seemed to be hav ing difficulty In gaining altitude but as he disappeared to the southward he was getting better results. OHIO MARU, SIXTH GRAIN SHIP, WILL ARRIVE SATURDAY rPlnce Rupert's sixth grain ship o the season, the Japanese freighter Ohio Maru. to now expected to arrive from the Orient on Saturday of this week. The vessel will have to be lined and fumigated here preparatory to loading a full cargo of grain at the Alberta Wheat Pool's Prince Rupert elevator for the United Kingdom or Continent. CAR PLUNGED OYER AN EMBANKMENT AND ONE MAN WAS KILLED MERRTTT. Dec. 13. E. Mlchaelson ln charge of a eectlon of the gavernment road between Merrttt and Spence's Bridge was killed and Fred Mallory badly bruised when their car plunged over the embankment near Clapperton. PEOPLE'S COUNCIL AT CANTON IS FORMED HONG KONO. Dec. 13. A people' council has been established at Canton modelled on Soviet lines, Reuter's agency learns. Cantonexe refugees are pouring; Into Hong Kong. KOOTENAY !IO.Nt:t:it DIES VICTORIA. Dec. 13. James M. Kellle. a pioneer member of tbe legislature for Kootenay. died suddenly this morning a' his home ou the Gorge Rg&CL