iir.hor 13. 1927 Cut Beautiful 9 Q Gl for Christmas ass .. ... iti CUT CLASS THAT IS CUT' GLASS piece Water SvU in beautiful cut natUrn, Star and Piawheel .SI. -.00 oil Sie 8 inch Itowl. like cut above $.".00 He vy Cut Sugar ani Cream $5.00 tW iuHful Spown Trays $5.00 1 nrge Vae $20.00 iJon-Uon Dlshe v S.To to $5.00 Many other desirable articles. NO TROUBLE TO SHOW YOU John Bulger Ltd. THE GIFT THAT LASTS Give Furniture This Christmas says Santa Barne's Home Furnishings "rd Avenue 1 I RNITL'RE OF DISTINCTION" Phone 12.1 REVIEW OF .MINING DEVEI-OPMENT METALLURGICAL FEATURES ANI) FUTURE PROSPECTS OF INDUSTRY (continued from puge one) ( th Whltawatar ralM. wher tntelll-(rent development ba4 en eapaMe engineering turn been ry liccmful In lettering n oM pi'ptHff At this tlm new 126 tan .cojfeOTiwtW la abouU ladV to itart tsssaMfm. alld stead t nrof' NAVIGABLE WATERS' PROTEC-j TION ACT. ' ItrvlM'il Statute of Canada. Chapter US I BRITISH COLUMBIA FISIIUIO A PACKING COMPANY LIMITED. HERE filrntion of one month from the date of he frst publication of this notice. British Columbia Fishing & Packing Company Limited will, under Section 7 of the ssld Act. apply to the Minister of Public Works at bis office In the City of Ottawa for approval of the said site and plsm and fer leave to construct the said cannery, cannery ywharf and perquisites thereto. DATED at Vaneaurer. B.C. this ISth dsy ol November. 1927. JAMES H. LAWSON. 1118 Standard Bank Bids, oiu nasungs si w . Vancouver B.C. Solicitor lor the said Company. Extraordinary Thor Johnson must make room for a large shipment of SOCIETY BRAND Clothing now en route. Every Hoot, Shoe, Rubber ani House Slipper in the house must ro at once and prices cuffer as a result. Just ee thc-se! Ieckie's Finest Kangaroo Cushion Sole Rootrf- Regular $12.60 value. Leckie's Finest Men's Calf Roots-Regular $9.50 value. leckie's Finest Vici Kid Men's Hoots Regular $11.00 value. I.eckie'n Finest Men's Tan Calf Hoots-Regular $10.00 value. Leckie'M Finest Mens Hlack Oxfords , Regular $8.75 value. Leckie' Finest Men's Tan Oxfords-Regular $7.50 value. Leckie's Finest .Men's Tan Calf Boots-Regular $G.50 value. Must-go Trice $.)." Must-go Price $7.8.V Mut-go Price $S.7." Must-go Price .U?i Must-go Price $.!)." Must-go Price J"5.V.7." Must-go Price $1.03 Men's Rubbers Insurance against the slushy days ahead Regular $2.00 value. Must-go Price $1.10 Men's House Slippers Endorsed by Santa Claus Tan leather. Reg. $3.25. Must-go Price $2.." Seal, wool lined, reg. $2.75. Must-gt Price $!.." , Pure Wool. Regular $2.50. Must-go Price Sj? 1.S5 There are many styles .not mentioned here English Brogues, Dr. Carter's Cushion Soles, Heavy Lectonia and Panco Soled Boots great for "sloggin " through the snbw. You know already that the merchandise in this store is of standard make and quality. Canada' bt manufacturers are represented here at right prices. .You pan shop here in safety'Vrbe Christmas shopper . wjll be helpfully advised in choosing "His Gift here are some beautfes. Socks, Kerchiefs. Tie, Gloves, Shirts in many attractive .patterns and materials. Sweaters in all the various styles. Bathrobes, Slippers, etc.. all put up in Scotch Tweed Overcoats, a special lot of Gift Boxes. There are also a few warm woolly .travellers' samples, going while they last at $21.75. Thor Johnson The Men's Store of Prince Rupert. Second Avenue. ' TITB PALLY KEWB ' PAGE FTV3 auction. backedT b uttpfc- or rener-re, fsTSOO ton bf'Sre Will C03UMMI. Another tmemttaf development of Mm y r I the s-jcotss attending the develcpmt of the Prosperity and Por-str-frtaho properties in the Stewart nuup j The PtrguKM proswrty on the In- rnika lUvr. whMh attracted tnueh at I tentlon In 19M. has tees secured on op-Ition by W R Wilson A crew of men ' ent In to the property in the fall and steady development will be carried or. all winter. Frmt surface allowing thli property la reported to hare the p-s Ibittiy of being a large deport ol medlum-grad allvee-lead-atnc ore. During the ma an It was examined by Vic tor Djlme. of the Oeolog leal Surrey ot Canada. MKTUJ.I lt(il( AL IKATUtKS Mr Sloan paints to the steady progress made during the year In Unprorlng and evpaudtttj the plants of the province for the metallunjlcal treatment of ore. Much ol tiie successful growth of mining In British Ootambla. In recent years. Is due to the skill of the metallurgist. Not only have Utrge known deposits of complex ores been rendered docile, but the possibility Otf treating practically any t)pe of ore has made many prospects, previously unattractive, look like potential mines. Only a small percentage of the metallic ores of the prorlrice la now being treated by direct smelting, as the concentration of ores has been found to be much more efficient. During the last three years the Granny Company at Anyox has gradually changed from direct smelting to concentr. H; ine-jow-graae copper ore;tofl rf In the Hidden Creek ore vbodie eoWennktor U now handling About a day and only enough crude ore to smelted to maintain one blast-furnace in operation, chiefly In Older to smelt the sintered concentrates produced at the mill The beneficial effect of this change of practice arc shown by the fact that the company Is new treating lower grade ore than ever before, and even with the prevailing low prke for copper, during 1927. the company has made a satisfactory profit. At the mill of the Britannia, as a result of improved metallurgical practice, a substantial pruduUMiu of pytlte Is now being made which formerly went Into the tailing and a lost. Expert-mentation was commenced In 1928 and during 1927 the recovery of pyrite by selective flotation has proceeded satisfactorily, resulting In an estimated output for the year of 35.000 tons. By additions and changes the Britannia mill was speeded up during the year, so that now It is treating 4,000 tons a day. As a result of the valuable work continually being carried on by the research department of the Consolidated Mining and Smelting Company of Canada, at Trail, steady progress Is being made In the recovery of more of the valuable constituents of the ores treated at the Trail plant. One problem being worked on this year was the beaeflclation ol the low-grade phosphate rock from the deposits In East Kootenay, discovered by ibe company hut year. Continued ex BY a IVES NOTICE that It has under ' pcrlmentatlon Is also being directed to Section 7 of the aid Act deposited with . . . .,., th ,rt. further of line from smelter the Minister oT Public WorkVat Ottawa recovery and In the office of the Registrar of slags and the possible utilization of the ; Land Title at Vancouver .British Col- ; ,ron eon,ent u the ores treated. This umbla, a description of the site and , plans of a cannery, cannery wharf and eompsny also does much work to as- perqunn inereio. proposed to te bunt l on the lands covered with water fronting on Lot 1298 and Lot 1485. Range 3, Coast Dlatrlet. In the Province of British Columbia, which aald Lota are situate Johnson Channel in the said Province. AND TAKE NOTICE that alter the ex- sin the small mining company and the Individual miner by testing complex ores and advising a most practical method of treatment. In the Sicca n- district the construction of seversl mills, ranging In capac ity from SO to 200 tons a day, was commenced this year. In which Straight (elective oil-flotation will be used for treating sllver-lead-Elnc ore. The notable features of these new mills which all follow the same design Is the extreme simplicity and absence of a complicated flow-sheet: They consist essentially of a tine grinding plant, two icws of flotation-cells and a nitration machine, and the necessary motive power. Under this system of concentration a minimum of labor Is required and at the- same time a relatively high extraction of the Valuable minerals Is obtainable. .MILLS IN NOKTII In the northern part of tSe province three new mills were started during th ear at the Dun well, at Stewart, the Tcrlc, near Alice Arm, and the Duthle Mines mill near Smithers. The Dunwell mill works satisfactorily, treating a larger dally tonnage than had been expected, but owing to exhaustion of the developed ore reserves at the mine the mill was closed In November. The Torlc mill which was designed to treat a I .ilver ore by amalgamation and tabling. was found on trial to be unsatisfactory and wUl be remodelled next year to treat the ore by flotation. The Duthle Mine's mill was designed, to treat a medium-grade silver ore, carrying also some lead and tine, by straight selective flotation. The results hare been very satisfactory, a surprisingly high extraction being obtained, with the production of a lead concentrate carrying most of the silver and a satisfactory grade of tine concentrate. This mUl. which has a capacity of fifty tons a day. shows the possibility of effective, economical milling on a small scale. I'HOsriXTIMt : Mr. Sloan points lout; hat . prospecting has hot been particularly active during the year, but some' discoveries have been reported, wheij, 'on opening up, msy prove of value. Most of the old-time type of prospectors have in recent years been engaged in "prospect. lng" claims they have located, rather than In looking for new mineral deposits, and there Is no great Influx of younger men Into the ranks of prospectors. The present active mining cam paign by the larger mining companies to acquire mineral properties and the rapid rate at which many claims Jong located and lying dormant, are being taken up, should soon cause a revival lr prospecting. British Columbia, for some years, has been well supplied with premising prospects and when the stock become depleted through the present demand a new supply will undoubtedly be forthcoming. 1'KOKITS It Is probable that owing to lowered metal prices profits of the mining industry wlU be somewhat less for 1927 than In the previous year 1926, which constituted a record. Dividends, which are bQ final indication of profit, are expected to total between" 48.00u.006' and 700, as compared with S9.747.270 U28. rrom a careful review of the aallent features, the minister of mine believes, it Is evident that the mineral industry of British Columbia Is in a most satisfactory condition and that every Indication points to a continuation of the present prosperity. The report contains comprehensive summaries by eseh or the six resident engineers on the development work done la their respective districts during the year and also a report of aetlvltle in coal mining with,, table of eatlmated ;? : ' " e-ir p year prepared by J James Dlckt ui u.ui nunc lus-e lor Tie Kin of Clubs bow taUti with (lee f or quickly uvitt( 43, And J more "palter Bands" ujt be Will brief a pack of cards to me. E raser MILD VIRGINIA CIGARETTES Save the "POKER HANDS" that are packed with TURRET Cigarettes Occupy the Premises of the 25 UNIVERSAL TRADING CO. Special Opening of Novelty Christmas Gift Merchandise on Display at Popular Prices WOMEN'S HOSIERY Pure Botany Wool and Silk Mixed Hose, in five shades. Sizes 8 'j to 10. QQf Per pair o;7 Harvey, Silk and Wool Hose, in plain shades, seamless feet, double soles, CJ-j ftrt heels, and toes, per pair vAUvr Harvey Sport Hose, in novelty subdued check designs in silk and wool Gj CA mixtures, per pair v vlsuu Our Own Special The Arcadian A Pure Thread Silk Hose, made expressly for ourselves. Stocked in 10 shades. The best value in Canada. Qf Per pair fUV, Kayser Pure Thread Silk' Hose, a new number just arrived, witfi shadow pointed heel. In semi chiffon weight, G"t 7C full fashioned. Per pair vl O Silk and Wool Plaited Hose. Has the appearance of a very heavy all silk stocking, mock fashioned seamed back, fashioned foot. Sizes 8V2 to 10. Q-i CA Per pair ?.5U Dressed Dolls. The genuine Lloyd MaMa Doll. Unbreakable heads. 20c, Sf.OO, $!.."0, S2..-0, $;J.05, S8..10 Eiderdown Fabric fdr Dressing Gowns. 72 inches wide. Assorted colorings. Extra heavy wejght. -.Special value at Q-f Off per yard .ww Pure Irish Linen Pillow Cases. Hand drawn hemstitched ends. Extra good quality. Regulation size. Very special, QO QC at per pair ?&VO Embroidered Linen Pillow Cases. Boxed in pairs. Regulation size. ff A Per pair Oyster Linen Luncheon Sets. Colored border. Absolutely fast to washing. One cloth and six napkins, neatly fffi boxed. Per set "i.tJV Turnbull's Rayon Silk Bloomers, fine glove silk finish, in five shades. Sizes Q-t QC 3G" to 42" ?X7J Vests to match at JplS." 25 Men's High Grade Hand Tailored Suits to clear at from 20 to 25 per cent less than regular prices. These Suits are all hand tailored and made from the best English and Scotch Clpths, well trimmed. A fine assortment of Scotch Cheviot Tweeds and English navy blue and fancy worsteds. We have sizes from 34 to 44. This is an opportunity to purchase a real high class suit at mantf- faeturers cost. . Silk and Wool English Socks, each pair in gift box. Per pair .$1.00, $1!T,,- $-0 TURNBULL'S WINTER UNDERWEAR Silk and Wool Mixed Vests, tailored top. SSizes u6 to 42. dtn Each Wool and Cotton Vests, abort sleeves, V neck, -unshrinkable. ltin Each Heavy Silk Bloomers strong elastic knee and waist, in peach, white, buff, 'Jf mauve, per pair Wool, Cotton and Silk Mixed Bloomers, in white only. Well finished and QEfV VOX unshrinkable, per pair Silk and Wool Cotton Mixed Combinations, well made and unshrinkable garments. Tailored top and knee ?-f Qff length 91VD Short sleeve and knee length $2.2.i Ladies' Pure Wool Flannel Dresses, assorted colors and styles, neatly fin- Cff Qff ished. Sizes 36 to 42 ?fJ.i7J MLsses' Pure Wool Flannel Dresses, assorted colors and styles, sizes 10 to fi9 S A 14 years. Each tfd.DU Monarch Rayon Silk Knit Bloomers, very fine finish. Assorted shades. &4 ETA all sizes. Our special, per pair J Pure Irish Linen Luncheon Cloths with colored borders, absolutely fast. O- ACT Size 5154. for j. . . ?JLi7J Irish' Damask 'Cloths, assorted designs. 56" by 50", for $1.25 Genuine Arctic Down Comforts, Full size. Assorted designs. Made in England. Each $11.05, $1(5.50, $7.50 Pure Wool Blankets. We have a big stock of the best Canadian made Blankets in the trade. In single and double bed sizes. Per pair $0.50, $10.50, $11.75, $1.'J.05, $17.05 Flannelette Blankets. The largest size and best grade made in Canada. In white and gray with colored borders. At fiJO Aff per pair $&VD Men's Dress Shirts, in plain and fancy figured English Broadcloths. Made up in gift boxes. EachV $'i.05, $S.50, $1.75, $5.00 Men's Caps in fancy Tweeds, silk lined. A good assortment of the most popular designs and shapes. Each .$1.50, $1.05, $2JT5, $2.50 Italian Silk Neckwear for men. In all the newest designs and colorings. Neatly boxed $1-00, $1.50, $2.00 Boys' Heavy-Knit Wool Jerseys' with polo collar in 'fswrr- color. Sizes 2G to 23 v. . . $!.).; Sizes 30 to 32 S2.25 Fraser & Payne Third Avenue and Sixth Street GENERAL DRY GOODS Phone 37G