arene ean pspassing I ‘th Sandy the i" if Rupert iy didn't vhea erview hi bill Raymond Hol negalive pob Harlow ibout Was for ome he radio emarks corde? e played Boer War ed, Ray ttle other skattet Ethel Knutwon, lea Mel Watson while tean Pet the Rarr Dorothy She's ‘ al? the % # all + Traupner a ‘Ss 8Ma UNRESERVED rity Coreg PEST YOUNG FARMER boon named Canada the Roval Agricuit Eaton Henry § beat Win with iral presents him scholarship except Newfoundland were agriculture the university ; { j ve Wednesday, November 19, 1952 young farmer by er F Candidates selected by ' i ‘ v4 it} i ) | D nas Moyer, 17, of Keowna, B.C & s€iection board at alr at Toronto. Mrs John David T. Eaton Cx four provinces ministers CP Photo) ympany ~yeat from each thi of the provincial New Program Outlined For Training of Air Cadets A meeting of the sponsoring committee of the Prince Rupert Air Cadets held in the Legion last night heard an enlightening report by Equipment Officer Bill Bryant who Prince Rupert Air Cadet Mr important aspect of the report Wa i é gt thusiasm of the b and their apparent enjoyment of the dril and = lecture a pinned by Commanding Officer Dick Gar rett Mr. Bryant said tha rifle range wil on be available and ne it} planned for the boys a basketball, volleyball and films which will be show; GuUuring recreation period The wits be he oon Gnd if ia pianned to lake a group pichure if the cade he - fore and after the are fitt A Christmas party and dance ite planned for December 12 Jin Ww, preside { the ponso mimitts xpressed Honor Award Presented To Mrs. Arnold { ia merling of the Caledonia Diocesan Board of | the Womert Auxiliary Was heid Monday he St. Andrew's Cathedral with 60 member present from all W.A. branche of the city Reports on the annual meeting Dominion W held inl i nd were given Ont., In September Mrs. Norah Arnold, Prince Rupert president, and by Mrs. Guy Wynne. the latter having attend ed as a delegate A presentation of a Diocrsan life membership was made to Mra. Arnold. Service of the in stallation Was read by Vice-Pre sident Mrs. B. 8. Prockter and presentation of the gold life membership pin and certificate was made by Mrs. B, E. Eyolfso The presentation’ was ap preciation of her contribution to the work of the W.A, by the f br affection and yur anches | *rince Rupert with gratatuac UCTION SALE THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 20th ™ - AUCTION ROOMS, MeBRIDE ard FOURTIL AVE Commencing at 2:15 p.m. ove ral owners, I wi!'l sell by ¢ uction highest bidder the following Peril Suites ner Washing Machine Mm Loung, Ml Ree ric Restigerator (small) mr Tables ‘wing MW . Machine ni en Table Model M— five hands me Wood Heater DToals et, . LISt yy AT p T iy CLEARY b. 1 Frigidaire 1 Chrome Kitchen Suite 1 Hotplate Grill 1 Bendix Washer 2 Vanity Dressers 1 Cetlar Chest 1 10” Saw and Mandril All Metal Troning Board Mahogany Chest of Drawers Child's Crib and Buggy Single Cot and Mattress YOUR GOODS FOR THES SALE TERMS: CASH OR CHEQUE SEORGE J. DAWES ' THE AUCTIONEER hone Red 127, Black 846—also 678 gave the progress of the Squadron so far, Mis appreciation | he fine c¢ peration extended to the boys by Col. 8 D Johr i THIS WEEK Square dancing meeting, & p.m. Saturday, Civie Centre Subject: “To Form er Net to Form a Club.” Meeting of former members of Women’s Auxiliary to the Navy League of Canada, 2:30 pm. Friday, at home of Mrs Chris Elkins. reader s, a | coconut | And Henry on Caribbean Island Goes Fishing With Father | (This is the contest held sponsored by the iowing teview wa of Borden Street School in connection Prince Rupert Editor) the firet in a group of book review: with Public Library written by §-yeer-old Les which won prizes In Young Canada Book Week and Association. The fol- je McLaten, Grade 4 pupil HENRY-FISHERMAN is a story of a little boy’ who wanted to be a fisherman. He lives far away in the Caribbean Islands where fish of many colors swim about the clear waters. Henry was almost old enough to go to sea for he could dive and swim very well and could easily net a school of smaller fish. All fishermen had to swim in case of sharks nearby. Henry could hardly wait to go to sea. Every place he went thought about fishing He collected the shelis on the peach and around the wharf. On he S wash days he and his sister Bianea washed the clothes while mother sewed. On market day Henry went to market to get bananas and mangoes for din-~ ner. He and Bianca owned some goals Jimmy, Annie and Eleanor, who pastured on a hill- ide e the town. Henry oiten climbed the hill to get the sweet, rich milk Sometimes abov he brought home for his mother to make pudding of on boats coconut Most pent Henry’s the cone time was wharf watching the in loaded with charcoal and mangoes from the island of Tortola, and the fish- ing boats with parrot fish, an- gel fish, grunts and snappers here came the Araidne, his boat, As Jonas threw the rope to Henry. he said. “I need a helper ne son. You are old enough now to go fishing.” aaGg AL GAY Henry danced with joy The next morning early Jonas nd Henry went down to the iH where the Araidne was Waiting for them. When they ot out to sea, Henry was sent down to unhook a fish pot. A black shadow glided by in the water and before Jonas pulled Henry back into the boat, the ¥ most been seized by a shark A the Naa home Henry huckled oo 6 fast for old ii Shark At e dinne table mother id ¥Ou are fishermen now or ut k day after Henry wen hing Jonas, with il the other sails on th Di ea in a decorated basket, ;®uests sang “Here Comes + the Brice A miniature bride and Shower Held For Popular Bride - Elect delightful kitchen shower was held at the home of Mrs. Percy Knutson for bride-elect Ethel Knutson whose marriage to James Georgeson takes place g00n Twenty guests attended, Following presentation of a corsage to the guest of honor, games and contests were played and novelty prizes awarded In one game, the bride-to-be Was awarded 2 shopping bag full of tinned food with all the labels removed When the many gifts were pre- sented groom set completed the novelty decoration. s | Refreshments were served on tables arranged in a T-formation, the setting enhanced by a beau- tifully decorated cak The bride-elect, her mother, | Mrs. John Knutson, and her future bridesmaid, Yvonne Mor- |! at the head table. Serving was undertaken by imi, sat joint hostesses, Mrs. William Murdoch and Mrs. Percy Knut-/ son Wet Weather PROTECTION 7 | ¢ | (> pew Wi Ny ot a NS Mls iil\\w BA = a : Ze a = se eet) “ ry Lge hs] > @ Public Mevting to hear Trad Union delegate to the USSR Wednesday, November 19, at & p.m. Civie Centre (271 @ WA. of the UF A.W.U. Run niat aie. Saturday, Novembet 22, 1] p.m., next to Reval Bank 3rd Avenue (273) @ Are you contempiating sell ing your house? For immediats inspection and quick sale, phone Armstror Agencies Ltd. Phone 42 or Black 197 evenings. (276) @ A general meeting Shore workers Local U FAW... Thurs da Nove , 0, 7:30 p.m. in the Metropole Hall, All membi attend (271) @ 10O.D.E. Baz ( ic Cent Thursday, Ne r 20. Knitted goods embroidt novelti dolls aprons hon “ookin ‘Christmas cakes pecialty Fish pond, pop-corn balls and hot dogs for the children. Start 2:30 271 OR Od deerenccnnenntsmanemanine THRIFTY.30" * 90.35 ) ) BUY YOUR CURLING BOOTS NOW —_—at— * ableton Footwear , CURLING - BOOTS FOR Come in for a Demonstration FRIG oe lectric See ALL the IDAIRE ~y RANGES ALL SIX MODELS ON DISPLAY AT Cu, » GORDON & ANDERSON LTD. RM4 $39.15 R030... $269.15 RO6O... > $459.75 R020 . ROA) . oh Ade See The Frigidaire Ad Elsewhere in Today's Paper GORDON & ANDERSON PHONE 46 LTD. | {Dibb Printing Co. } } i | oo. SBNISY ‘City Pianist | Gets Diploma Mrs. Aletta Gilker, 349 Fourth Avenue East, is one of 84 piano teachers in Canada to receive her diploma this week from the Royal Conservatory of Music of Toronto. Examinations were completed last February, and Mrs. Gilker passed with honors to receive the | Associateship (A.R.C.T.) Diploma She was officially presented with the diploma by Father Rayner, OMI, at the senior re- cital at Annunciation Schoo] last Friday. Mrs, Gilker has been playing the piano for many years and studied at St. Joseph's Academy All told 247 students from artist diplomas, licentiateshin: (LR.C.T.) and associate (AR.C.T.) at the annua’ grad ation PRIZE Pper-upper tod gle iT s | C3 oa CHRISTMAS mer‘\°d0 eee ae For a Fine - Selection of Christmas Cards See all | parts of Canada were awarded | ew MONDAY - WEDNESDAY - SATURDAY PRINCE RUPERT | ro KETCHIKAN | Departs Prince Rupert 2:30 p.m. : Arrives Ketchikan 3:15 p.m. ROUND TRIP... $27.00 . = ELLIS AIRLINES| ~ Phone 476 Always in good taste... * Coca-Cola with.your meals, ¥ " For just your family or for any- body you entertain, you can serve Coca-Cola as the meal-time ey beverage and be sure it will always be welcome. People like it right in its own sparkling ’ bottle. And that makes Coke so * easy to serve. It's easy to get, too, "4 in the handy six-bottle carton— ; where you shop for food. Carton Pies dipole or dl ise Authorised bottler of Coca-Cola under contract with Coca-Cola Ltd, NORTH STAR BOTTLING WORKS Phone 132 Prince Rupert, B.C. : ‘Coke” is a registered trade-mark 2 ELECTRIC COOKING | takes care of the job- even when you're out of the kitchen! ded turn itself IT’S CLEAN! and curtains stay cleaner. . * = ee ee IT'S AUTOMATIC! Slip a meal in the [T'S FAST! Completely insulated oven oven, set timer and temperature controls, speeds the cooking. Heat is applied directly Your electric cooker will cook to a nicety, to bottom of surface utensils. off when the job’s done. No combustion. No soot. [T'S ACCURATE! Every switch setting No grime. And no waste heat. Kitchen walls gives same amount of heat every time, No fluctuation. IT’S ECONOMICAL, too, and REALLY MODERN! Average cost of electricity for medium sized family, using, electric range, water heater, lights, etc. runs to about $2.00 a week. Electric cooking is moder cooking at its cleanest, easiest best. See the new models today... eee rte hy LIMMITEG