1.4 to faoe rotnt Neglected . Eyes' NEGLECT Is doubtless the cause of most of the ills that afflict humanity. This Is so selftTident that it' seemV hardly jiectssary to tell you. If your eyes are riving trouble,' have them attended to and at once. OF ALL absurdities In the kingdom of foolishness, surely the loss of eyesight through neglect Is the most inexcusable. DONT lose health and efficiency through neglect Come and seel Fred Joudry Registered Optometrist and Optician I Room 3 Smith Block fhone 763 Indian summer Yget in your' WILL SOON BE COAL F09 THE ,GONE!-V 1C0LD GRV 5. The Fall months are falling behind and you'll have Winter on before you know it Join the "don't worry" club today and get your bin filled right away. Our slate-free coal will give you a care-free Winter. NANAIMO - WELLINGTON COAL and ALBERTA SOOTLESS COAL Albert & McCaffery Phones 116 aiul 117 YOU ARE INVITED to see Ladies' Coals Hats and Dresses at The Louvre 316 Third Avenue - Next Royal Bank LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phone 63 Cartage, Warehousing, and Distributing. Team, or Motor Service. Goal Sand and Gravel. We Specialize in Pinno and Fumitun; Moving. - Dr. Alexander Smith Block Phone 575 DENTIST ANGER, the TAILOR Fine Imported Serge and Scotch Tweed Suits made to order in our shop in Prince Rupert as low Qffff AA as vww . ANGER, Cutter and Designer 223 Sixth - treet VOTE FO ' WWO'lL 10CK iS''V LORD CECIL EXPLAINS WHY DISARMAMENT AND FURTHER ARBITRATION TREATIES NEEDED (continued frotu pace onri consider. It tea kmc tm a common - lace of ur polities that peace : thp greatest of British interests That h bn true In the paM It u itill mure true now. A hundred years ago it was plauelele at any rate to alnt "Stule Britannia" ami declare that Britain needed no bulwarks. The ata warn then a very perfect defence a ton- aa w had the mattery of tt But htat la no longer the case. In the f.rst place there is our food supply, of wuich we heard so much in the three-Power Oonferenee at Geneva There air also our textUe Industrie, ail dependent or. Imported wool and cotton. Above all we have area ted by the skill and energy of our people an Immense and ela borate system of credit on whssh our prosperity and almost our life depead The late war gave It a great shock from which we have not yet recovered. Another war would almost certainly destroy It. Besides these Indirect dan gers which threaten Us. wr are now exopeed for the first time in our his tory to the direct attack by air against which there Is -no real defence except oounter-aRack. It is therefore es sential that we should reallce that our position la far more vulnerable than It used to be. and that our inetrest In peace la consequently far greater, t Hear. hear). THE ECONOMIC FACTOR Compared with the reasona with which I have been dealing that of national economy Is perhaps of Mas Hn portance. But it la one which comes home to us In our individual capacities with even greater clearness than the others. Do not Jet us forget that out of every pound of taxation we pay Ms. is due to past wars or the preparation tor future wars. Eleven shillings of that (pensions and payment of debt) have been already Incurred Three shillings more, or one third or what may be called our curre t liabilities, are due to the fighting rfuK-fs And. indeed, that Is rather an under-statement. be- j cause of the remaining 6s. a certain Titri UAiLi NRWS , i .i BRINGING UP FATHER f crrv isrecob mow poucc an tt kOuT mmo or B4TTM Hoat- C,OfJN Right-just LOOK AT TM.K COMOlTlOM ' W I aaaaassssssaaasssIM--' j MKTTll MATTijyy' ' f' f J 4 For Drtighral Treotl WRIGLEY'S NIPS Delicious after smoking svveetens the breath, soothes the throat and makes the next smoke better. The Qenuinc are Quaranteed! t.",1Vul'! c"'ura Cold Seal Rus bt this Id Seal onth surfacs as your uiHoadltioaal ,uaranlr SatUlactloa and your iwitiTeiaUurance d tba best vulue your money ua bur. It is to your ima Intci-Mts is laklt oa uxiai lb Cold Seal wi lbs rugs you buy. Concoleum Canada Limited, Montrevl borate! portion goes to administrative expenditure on the fighting departments beyond the actual oust of the army, toe nary, and the Air Force. This u a terrible burden, far greater than any other country in the world la beafttaf, at the present time at any rate In pounds, shilling, and pence. It la without doubt this burden of taxation that is the principal factor in Impeding our financial recovery and in causing the great mass of unemployment that exists. Nor must it be forgotten that the present moment we are spend-on our armaments actually a larger tujb. even allowing for' the difference in the vahie of money, than we were In 1914. though there Is no fleet In European waters which can In any way compare with the foreign fleets that existed before the wsr. Indeed, putting ild Russia, where accurate lnforma-. lor. 'Is unattainable, we are the only European Great Power whoee expenditure on armaments Is larger than it was in ill In my judgment that tarftble burden of mjmMi is greater than we can 'ar. aad apart from all other Interna-.onal cons .lTtlosia It Is eatr duty to . .mi:usb tir M of our fighting ser-t. We do that, and In the . :.K11 ot tO ST' i.e i A Host of sVt'cVo iiH.iv people we cannot do i-r.t: extent unless other -.:c wrrtr The ease tbere-.,:.ii..iik ui by taternaUonal upearit to me to be aom- pltte and I hear with aome ImpaUeiMe jrsument- -nd difficulties raised based a the icnioif possibility of some tut-we risk it wr do this. that, or the 'tber. when the present dangers that actually tnrraten us are so nverwheiiu--rag. (Cn : Mil AT CAN HE l) What. hen. can we do? It la no use merely saying that we think a reduction ot armaments by International agreement is in Itwif desirable What ateps can we take to secure it? In the first place and quite obviously, we ought to support in every way we cart efforts which are Ui course of being made by what is called the Preparatory Oonuntsston of the League of Nations, mat body is engaged In drawing up '.he principles on which general dla-tssnament might take place, and I think we should urge on ot& Government the necessity of unequivocal support of what la there being tried. What' rto I mean by unequivocal? I mean tuat we are net to allow technical pre-Httticea or traditional feelings to inter, fee wKh the success of those efferta. I Cheers). There are many people who vein f regard International negotiation aa n opportunity for this country to assert, what It desires, and for other countries to conform, (Laughter l That not fee way in whleh negotiated agreementa can be secured. And If we j really an genuinely desire agreement we must, not enter on the negotiations I n any such spirit as that. j ATTITt'HK TO AKKITItATION Next we must realise that If we are to obtain any genuine reduction and limitation of armaments It must be because we can convince the nations of the world that auch a reduction will not imperil their national existence In other words, we have got to increase BRIGHTEN YOUR HOMX AT LITTLE EXPENSE CtjJdHtnl Kuf Hi SEAL HIJGS Iff COLD SEAL I I" fc2T Hi ClVMNTrr. Jrj i... ' " : . . . , , Uyc.-rt.r-rm-f.i..,.Tr. Ill "l-' esvutirKMirsMK iff ' i j t"n rj& 1,1 beautiful batterns at astonishingly low prices Charrnlifg rooini are possible . . . etn l(h the moat modest of Income ... (or tinoleum (IJ .Seal Ruts ars mails In patterns approprlats tor ry room in the boute. And, what beautlfal patterns they are . . , cay Moral designs, trua reproJuctions o( tba moat ttorgeous Oriental, Hindu and fenian patterns, and trim Tils fatttrns that fairly radiate right cheerlulneis ... all await you at Yeurhou furnUb-IntS dt-aler. priced ata fraction of what these heautiful patterns mold cost In uoy other rypa of rug. liedde, now, to "dress up" t be houst; snd Introduce a new nots of colour In several rooms. Congoleuni UtM Seal Rugs srs 10 practical, no llreaotne beatlnr) or awes pint required, a simple rub.oter with a damp mop cleans them Instantly. Ctnulns Contoleum Cold Seal Ruga . . . with the Gold Heal on the surface ... are now made with tha Improved, nnfer-u taring surface, yet the feet I leet size coats only I7.7J Vhy wait for hrlabt chearfulneas wn oi can enjoy Itinimsd-(u'rfy for uch lirtla outlay) anted For Sale For Rent we have got to get erbltmion estab lished before the disputes occur aa the normal way in whleh they can be set- ue!. Natrona, like Individuals, must look to law and not war as the reaulaf way of dealing wtth international con troversy (Cheers. i That is whv the Union has for a kmg time past urged the signing of the nttonal clause hat la. aerreine- that w- win trbHratlon. or rather the urtsdlctlo. of the Permanent Court of Internation al Justice, in all Justiciable dtanutes It is said that In aome eat it might wark to disadvantage, and I should be quite willing to see our acceptance of the opttonable clause accompanied by a reservation at to any particular elaas Of dispute aa to whleh we might be in a aiaaovantageoua position, thouan ter- tonally I believe that all such fears are enormously exaggerated. (Hear, hear t WITHOUT KKCOIKSK But I think we must go further than that- There waa a movement at the last Assembly of the League urging that tne reference to the Permanent Court of justiciable disputes does not go far enough, and we ought to consider the poMlblllty of entering into arbitration eW ,W(N 'ftatA, Jot ;rfrtUIOC ail' Mlaputes' whatsoever wttiduf r'ei codrse to war. 'The , particular, maoh- ibery and the possible reservation that may vbe required mutt be atudled In V$ case, and , wilt no doubt - Ml me fr-paraiory tJommlfmlon. It wa particularly urged by Dr. Nansen that such agreementa should be made under the auspices of the League and. as far aa possible, In a common form in order to build up a system of Inter national Jurisprudence throuehout th Plvllled world. That is the mm for the second resolution. ACKNOWLEDGMENT OF HOSPITAL DONATIONS Some Improvements Around lliilliiln; Are Jiugjesled In lteNrt nf Ijirly HuperlnleiKlent to Ifaurd MaklnZ her i-ennrt t .v.. .. . - iiionin to the board -last night. Miss Jean Harrl-,son. ItJf., lady superintendent of the Pr1nj Hiiiwi . ucuerai Hospital, ac- knowledaed th -""-"-"' oy tun go ChapterIXJDX.. of six puiowa for the chlldren-a ward and the receipt of a bathrobe from Uh t .... . uutsue wnicn had been placegxa Znn, ,Ioor Things were Htng on lerj comfort-ably In the hosnitai mi.. . oarnson re- portd. Tbt isolation hospital was now ctoaed and there waa llttl. .ickneas on sit stVslU. Both hospital and nurse,' home had been kent mmfnnii,i. . . warm auring the It L0011 ,pt" Tne hklrt pt oi .j,.,.. w Kcep warm waa the ,lnt b'ftg not ade- MlM Harrison that an electrtr ueater M.-,.ueu wniie some member of t ie i board though, the hea. nrt ratem posalbly c, extended. Contrary WANTED w By George MM, tx Mrsi&tvi. ii v I - nc.v iv oo j- -it . i isawrzi j V C 192? e Imt i rtunc Stuvicc Inc -al Biu ku nrf 1 1 1 0 SimsOT WAJtTSD. WITH MX- parte nee prat ertsa atontreal un- I poTters. ata1 WAKTRO OfiNaTHAL ftaWVAMT. Ap ply Mrs. Norsaan A Vratt tr FOR SM,) TOR SALJC -33 FT PISH PACKER AND tow boat. Tapes ie-te HP hnti duty Vivian, with complete equip nvent IU00M. M M Stephen. FOlt KENT POit RBKT. FOVR ROOMED PllR- : ntohed apartment with bath and water paid. Phone Ml. tf FOR RBNT. Pianos plionographs and Stater sewing niarlils. Walker. Mustt Store FOR RBNT - -Apartment by the dsy. week or month Phone Had 07 tf HOUSE FOR RENT. 8 ROOMS AND BATH. Apply Munro Hru tf HOJ8 FOR RENT -ttOiX) UP. AP-ply 114 4th Ave. E tf FOUND POUlfD. OOhO SlMo. OWKEK CAN have same by proving property aim paying lor that adreritasneni tf BUNCH OP KEYS POUND. -APPLY 730. Seventh Avenue W to reports. Mies Harrison staled thai there bad bean do trouble in keeping the top floor of the nwrsea' hone warm. Some complaints had been made hut investigation had shown that It had been neglected to turn the radiators on. The "disgraceful" condition of the walls of the casarooui was mentioned, the matter being referred to the house committee with the suggestion that the kalsomlne be scraped from the falls which ahould be painted. ILL-HEALTH COMPELS MONTREAL IMPORTERS TO CLOSEOUT BUSINESS Owing to continued ill-health, J. B. Miller of the Montreal Importer finds himself compelled to give up business in Prince Rupert, lie has to leave the coast climate as quickly aa possible and in order to get away soon, his whole Block will be olfered on sale regardless morning when every artiste of ladies' and men's- wear wUl be aa. rtiloed at hitherto unheard-of orlren. Tt i nathii Lfor men to. n'rat fm'igmKUtr un-(rVMhr,'!fWtWrand all the many other articles and things for ladles alto This sale will be one worth while and It will pay you to be at the Montreal Importers early on Friday moraing Advt. RAILWAY COMPANY BUILDING ROADWAY New' Work forum Part nf Scheme fitr New SiiliilliMun In Vicinity of I'rniMised Theatre The Canadian National riiw. hv started construct ion of a full-ehsd graded road which will take the place of the nretent nedeatrlan umMUli leading from the corner of Seevnd AVerlUe and ftlxth Rtrtt ty tha atatLnn Following approximately along the course of the old walk that formerly led to PI rat A Vawmi 4 Via- itaxtxr rnttrlwaV will run into Sixth Street north ot the Prince Rupert Hotel and will be bordered with a regulation sldewaHc. ' The new road will be part of the rallwav MmiuiH Mhma fAr a nw aub-ciivlsion of lots In that viclnltf. Where win be located the newthwre tn be errrted by the Prince It u pert Amusemetii Co PAIN in BLADDER Promptly Cased by SANTA L MIDY Bs aurs to t Ihs Osnulns Look for ths word "MIOY" Bold by all druggist! v 4, SAI 1 tit . uoib i n ISM- (I. . iisemor. i til in ' . m J7th (ok - ' auk. .tn ij- .ur i.. . "Bt I.' "tO ai urn. ! Prince H , the eon,;i, rismpli ;.Ubl:; 'ilia i trt cai Noven 1 1 bOUK' Two ( 9 DAILY NEWS CLASSIFIED ADS. 2c per word in advance. No Advertisement takenjfor leu than 50c U feetUss of luterTMtional security and iiaraiman ue prea4ee of lnternatiaci- al auspswon. ObTtoyaly. vlth that object, we must do eteryvMiuj e can to iicou rue nations to settle their dis putes by oiier ihao warllka Means Of th epeetieu for the peavreful aetile- meat of loternslionaJ (UaaaitM tiut ha beea tried arbitration, is unooubt- r the meat atiOKaaful. I doubt whether there la any inslam of tm-portaivee in which reapotMibte nations deellned to abM by an arbitral ttecis- wn. and though aome of those deasana bare been cmteiaed yet mo mm mac doubu that the parties to such arbi tration have all of them beeti far bat ter off than If they had saae to war. Now. there Is a soaaleirrstole niot- mt amottg the European nattooe in favor of arsatrattoo. sad. ao far. we have heM bak fsorn It. I am not go-lnf into reasona for or aaaust our action, hut I an rsolna to aav thi- - we take an Immense reoon4bllltv if we til eou rage InlemaUonal arbitration' lenrersi. aixi I should have to be overwhelmingly coavlnrrd that aecept tnee at arbitration was a sertoua dan- gar to this country before I caM afree tnat we ought not to aerept It. In tetual practice we have, generally peaking, been ready to aerept arbitration when once a dispute has arisen. Bat something more than that Is re quired from us If we are going- to etrtke a blow at InterftaMetul ajusftVcton. .rTli.y l Dlfnr .'.tl aai l r U rRivcK m imkt t : T.E"E Day TV. I'limie llii mmso'- Oi' Phone Hf I. B Arat r, f lllMNE. StU II i. y VSEBI Onr- lias.' ' VIfHVITI'Tir AND W imrkyuoke ( wrxf fl tt. 9 . 9 ft. X o r. v l ' JU OH I ' A. MrKFAKi:' n r' uiirv in"' t ifTiiri! Kf;,irTK' r-iirviiniF.T rn- Oommerclnl dellverv TourlnK Roadstrr Roadster Dfi Sport Rimri"'-Oaacli Coupe Sedan Cabriolet Undau Bed Imnerla .. UUUty Exprc ' ' ri . .... 'ii r " Disc wneei. a. , p A oompl' l'1'" hand Prei' for Otoif ,r'! our easy i.b.yim' Ouaruntce i ' Ford Coupe is. ton ner moll' - - - f Ford Sedan m-' gas per mnnOi KAIF.N . Oealters in n;1 t" Ooodyear ai"1 r. Wrecking een ' 1 Phone "3 0 gMT . ..irt ..irfl nifiji I Dave , n TAXI Phone 67 TJC Six and Seven ---.,( bars at your W' roo0 itoss imos. Meeker BIS; (Across iroro -e-