T.bfr 16, ;027 Shoe jYculh CcnoiienrAiF mill dl(XW(andJq!(e i t D' ASH and a wt of carefcit't Style that is there because it is built in An easy "at home anywhere" manner the air of outh the air of Astoria. On fir M or campus, hotel or home, morning or exc-iing, formal or inform.l thrie's an Astoria to meet thv ou.: mii Trv a pair yj-A once for the f'tct priest !! l! o.ur' o.ur' siyle, siyle, long long wear wear ant inri'r.i.uiublt IJ'piJraflce Sfi (IJAMlIl I uui are AMurus. J-' j; In black or TPS Sole AxenU for 1'ASTORIA" Shoes In Prince Rupert McArthur Shoe Store Third Avenue Now Prince Rupert Knows The Purple Box 1 amous Chocolates, for which we are Exclusive nte Rupert, owe their unique delicioutnetis to : pen; the uae of fancy quality ingredients (in-i creamery butter and fresh country cream) ; thoda of making and the skilful cooking and i trdy'a fiuuter candy chef. Purdy's make a de- lift to friend in other parts of the world. a. A otralia, etc., should be sent soon. We will metal cuuuieih guarantee delivery. Ask us 7fic Pionacr Dntorisls nfRDAVE SIXTH ST. - TELEPHONES 82 u 200 DEMAND "Rupert Brand" lDDers- THE DAINTIEST HKIJAKFAST T'(M)I)," Smoked Dally by Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., lid. ! Prince Itupert. H.C. an ad ian National r . 1 ' " " V Largcfl Railway Syft&m in America STEAMSHIP AND TRAIN SKIiVflGH I'KIXCB Ull'KUT for VANt'OtiVEU. VICTORIA. SEATTLE. ' inediitte potnu. each MtllA. 9 00 a.m. "M AIIT ,,d .N vox. each vrittAV. 10.00 pjn. ,,Kr" "! sonii (jitEN ciitiatiTTt iMaNiJ'ortnightiy. I'ASSENOKU TUAI.NS LEAVE .PJtl.NTK lit I'EICT ( li.u M t".lM;s)y nd atTf.ilinY at 11.30 aJW l'KINCE K,'E tlJMO.VTON. VINMI'i:O.All point Eastern Canada, Vetted -"r'CY AOKXCY ALL AU. OCEAN OCKAN STKAMSIIIP STKAMSIIIP 1 LINES. i l.f r i alv, f11l;Jin Ntlonl EtprtM for Money Onl L "ltKT OFUCE. 528 TIIIKII WE PKINCB I Kl TF.1IT Phone Z6l Mr. and click will SSI Local and Personal I B a Ufteerutrrs. rba. u Death. Dr. J. n. Own Oet tlM Bis 4 t.MU Wkita Lbtuu If Telkwa OMl Aut kmtn - - r auc rtl Maw ami. tf Par quick and Mtiafaotorjr work krlag to Dollar atot. U IO-BA. Wkiet Drive tod aortal to-tomm aigat at jsmmooi Hail. Ad-aaaaton sat. r sad Mam. L. B Brawn Ml on Ithle aaominga Mate for Toronto. Mr. la a iatt on todoy'a hat be will pro of Mm County Court. W. O. Oakley or Baal Mwaf morning on the) twr Vancouver on a atra. B. MnQniat of Stewart, who has warn Matting Vlotarta. to a aboard the PrlOM turning aorta. R. W mm cannery, to tha today iv aeaountaat of Ibht- In the dty on 'a train, returning ar tat morning . CM. ataaojcr Princess Mary, aouth-boiuid from Alaaka to Vancouver and Victoria, to due at S:4S tbto aftarnoon from Kewtufean an wUl aall at 440. Hyde Transfer now agent tor A1-; Aibarta SooUsas and Pembina Peerless. Tbaac coala art under cover, don't buy water, buy ooal. IIS a ton can you boat It? tf tor two days. Use beat baaaar of I the aaaaon opens at the Meosa Mail today at S o'clock, Spiendtd pries , Lovely faney work. Home cooking. Tomorrow night, a big dance and dietributlon of prtae. Caaaa and gat youra. W. A. Wallace f the irltuh Oorpon-lon and Alex Soott of Uoyda. ainyod on tha Prince Ooorte tbu mornlnK from Vancowter. balag hare to lnpct on babaU of the anilai wilting concerns tboy iwaraaent. toe ataamera Prince John and Piinei Charlaa which are to be given annual overhaul at the local dry dock. Fully one hundred persons again en- Joyed last nbjht on tba lake naar tne end of the new Keien. Island .tUmr The looiaraa beginning to soften, bow-, rear, and Is today pronounced to be , unfit for skaakwg. Doug. Prtaacll went through tba to the other nlxht hut that could be expected from 300 pounds ?f prime "Pork." C J.R steamer Prince Oeorge. Capt Harry Nodden. arrived at 12.15 noon today from Vancouver. Powell Rive and, Ocean Palls . and will sail at 10 tournament will oommence Tuesday, SovenAar S3. In their new iwme In the MeMrkfin block. Think of It. SgOO in prlaea. It will be to your advantage to be present on the opening night. nd get full particulars of this great event. ANNOUNCEMBNTS Moose Baaaar, Nov. M and 17. First United, Church Baaaar December 1. "Adatn ft lis." 6 and 7. Adair Oarse December 9. Play by December 16. Weathabne Theatre. I.ODE. Novelty Baaaar United Church Ladies. Had a Severe Mi Coughed Incessantly Mrs. C. Fell rm an, Selkirk, Ont, writes : "Last winter I suffered from a very severe cold. I coughed inces-raatly which irritated the elands and caused sore throat "I tried several medicines without any luck, but one day I picked uj your almanac and read about Dr. YVoorTs 1 Jb 1 Norway d&3v l i j lu ,"I got a bottle and after taking a couple of doaes felt ranch relieved and wlin I had ftaished it niy culil bati simply disappeared. ' ' f THE DAILY NEWS PAGE THREE rive tonight. ffie POWER '4 'I i' 83 Cn.n steamer PriiKc C'liaile". Capt Mi- R Gammon, who has been on ft Nt.l McLe&i.. from Vaj-.couvei via the trip to Vancouver, returned to the city Queen Charlotte Inlands, lb due lo ar- on the Prince Oeorge this morning. this evening lor atawart and . hM nt hu lor 110 cheque to the Columbia, arrived on t prinn (kr,. uiu. muiiuui w w Canadian Leclon Friday morning to sail for tne aooui at B. The Prince Oeorge, which to ing company's winter service of one sailing trip weekly, will be wfUtdra-am it Vancouver on the oompletlon of this trip and replaced next weak By Che Prince Rupert. S0MM IX I'ltl.IW. Here It to folks, one day late, but worth waiting for. The Ska whtat It union atcamar Camoaun. Capt. J. A; Plndlay. returned to port at 10:15 last night from Anyoa. Stewart and other northern points of call and sailed about an bdur later for Vancouver and The annual donation of 110 by William Ooldbloom to the Prince Rupert Oeneral Hospital was announced to the mght. Suitable acknowledgement will be made by the secretary. It la announced by the Union Steamships Ltd: that the ateamer Oamosun. which baa taken the run of the wrecked steamer Catala. will call only once at Port Simpson on each trip north. This will be on Sunday nights north bound, the former called southbound, which Incidentally was the one which proved disastrous for the Catala. being eliminated. The financial report of the Prince Rupert Oeneral Hospital for the month of October was presented to the board at Its meeting last nlpht by C. II. El-klns in the absence of the chairman of the finance committee. Aid. O. P. Tinker. The report showed r"irct!ons for the month totalling 45,703 Si with dtobursenkemta of 15.324.21. leaving a : -urolus of receipts of 1179.70. There! were 1388 hospital days at an average I cost per hospital day of 437. The hospital board was In receipt of a communication last night from the B.C. Hospitals' Association adftetalg that the board was due n refund ot $31.19 amlnst the transportation coat of 48.43 Involved in sending aooal delegate to the Association's recant convention to Victoria The total transportation cost of delegates representing enty-five hospitals in the province ho attended the conventltq was pool- the average beliix worked out at 7.31 -per delegate. IC. II, El Una, chairman Of the hospi tal board bouse committee, reported to the board last night that, he and Aid. V. J. Oreer hud lm-hcd Into the proposal that an outMck Vestibule be built at the Oreen Street : entrance of the hexspita! and !iul ileldel that, as the doors had now Oei ti 'put In good ounditlon. there wwil.-t bg no necessity Ijr sucli a iructure whtch. In any "Dr. 'Wood's" t 35e. a bnttle, large case, -would probably prove unsightly fiimily sii' liilc. ; fur lata at all drug A reeommoiidaiton fvum the comrnlttec gis-- an'1 di'llnri; put up only by The r ii.it mimc n.!ii.r rep be made to X. lL.uura Co. Liaitcd, Toroata, Out . t.t a . a- Most Hev. A. V. DePenciei, ArchbU- Ii- order to start a cash fund for the I hop of New Westminster and Mctmini. erection of a monument. O. F. Brine i Itan of the Ancliran nhumh tnr nnti.v this morning from Vancouver and con tinued through to the Interior by train. He Is to bold confirmation services at Ktkwanga, Kltwancool, Haaelton and Smltben and will return south by way of Jasper Park. The regular monthly meeting of the Prince Rupert Oeneral Hospital board took place last night at the hospital, business being largely of a routine nature. President J. H Thomnaon - board by the finance committee last j cupled the cheh- and those present ln- eluded Aid. W. M. Brown. C. H. Hlkins. Leo Waugh and Dr. J. P. Cade, directors; h. W. Birch, managing secretary. and Miss Jean Harrison. RJJ., lady superintendent Dont blame the type-it may be your eyes "Confound this book! Why can't they print it so a man can read it?" If it is difficult for you to read names in a telephone directory, your eyes need attention. Have Your Eyes Examined l.cnstt aji? the (e l l ktuwn la obticM TYaTV I MUX1 WUiYVcp tt v. (Jewellers THE STORE WITH THE CL0CN qfM MTV BOVRIL cwveb uoa VITA For that reason accept no substitute for the proved Body Building Power of Bovril. BOVRIL has an established reputation, proved by eminent scientists as a real Body Builder ; it is the concentrated goodness of Prime Beef. Millions of people all over the world believe in the wonderful sustaining power of BOVRIL, because they also have proved it. Auk you jniUbt j&n on & See the name on the bottle and refuse substitutes ..in v H j Sales Reprtitotatiiei lor Canada: D Harold F. Ritchie Co. Ud 10-1S McCaul St- Toronto. ', B COSTS MONEY. Why not save expense and worry by having us put IN YOUR RADIATOR at a cost of two or three dollars? Does your ignition need overhauling? We clean plugs, commutator, replace porcelains, and coil points if necessary, test coils adjust carburetor and change oil, for two dollars (parts and oil extra) We have a complete stock of old reliable "Weed" Chains. j; U. Jjo i aster, Ford Sales and Service Limited UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT CENTRAL HOTEL' The place called "Home" JWater, Irhone1 120 Rooms, American and European Plan. Hotiand Cold Bus peeti ih (tains and roats. gf itJ(F Sample Riiom ae af I lariVlatiaJcer. I UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED Naltlnr from Prlnre Kuptrt. lor VASCOUVEU, VICTORIA. Swannon Bay. Alert IUy. etc.. tuenday. a p.m. for VAXrorVFR. VICTORI4. Ilutedale. av. ec. Matnrrti 9 a.m I'r POUT SIMPSON, NAAS RIVER POINTS, ALICE ARM,' ANYOX, STEWART. Wales Island, Sundar. 8 p.m. W Ind Avenue. R M. MMITII, Atent. Prince Rupert. H.C. Throuth ticket aold to Victoria nml Seattle at a reduced rate and baggage cheeked throtgH to dtllaatlon.