KING BOOK 4 : Prince Rupert Daily News oes . . (Continued trom page 1) Wednesday, Novernber 19, 1962 BC Gil Servants to Meet Cabi could not remain if his action i: | S on VANCOUVER (CP — British has a fiyecn KWOOD on Columbia's 10,000 government wants eiiee a. progr employees will officially 4. Wages ee wna, A 5 5 ' , i - D the U.N, was repudiated. . , put mentioned oS ag ‘On learning this King was jn their case fora five-day, 40-. credulous. He had expected no} PHONE 748 FOR HELPFUL CLASSIFIED AD-TAKER | They want a ¢ hour maximum work week be- three woors «tay * | fore the Provincial government years , _ _ te rl ge | Bee 1 when employees’ associ - “\inery the ee more rebellions in the last illus ation representatives and tix me OMe ag te DEADLINE FOR CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING 4:30 P.M. DAY PREVIOUS trious months of his-reign, Isley | iinieaiesinieniebsia — a had always been brittle of cours< i R SALE i had never pretended to like . ses | SINESS PERSONALS i : as e ; Classified Rates . eS FOR SALE Llised lumber from his leader, but-@& Taarent was Closure tine 4:30 p.m. day pre-| HANDYMAN SERVICE. Phone army buildings 6,000 ft. more not only King’s closest colleaguc | special cabinet committee meet | Seti Atapute pay da vious to publication. Biue 986 (275p) or less, across harbor. What but the man already chosen to By EASLEY BLACKWOOD | in, vate , \ | Pwo weeks, and time nd Classified, 3 cents per word per El ; lux Can Ltd. Ore en 961 960 offers for the lot? Call 536 succeed him. . .” | The employees association | for work on statut } re \ } ° r 1 (271p) , ‘ ‘ ’ " ne om ee insertion; minimum charge 50} lectrol — Saies — Service _ Sth East after 3 p.m #1lp But bs pion 3 ro Sometimes Change to Lower cents (c)| FOOTHILLS (sootless) coal), itulated” at a priva inner with Ate ; Birth Notices, 50 cents; Cards : oo 651 Philpott, Evitt & Mr. St. Laurent at Laurier House Ranking Suit Is in Order of Thanks, Death Notices,| PLUMBING, see eee Co. Ltd (ce) after the latter had, said that Funeral Notices, Marriage and) 16, = Sos wreak. taaeueneee iris clave ieee ‘naturally be mauab | resign if When your partner opens the bidding, what do! usiness ok e mle! Engagement Announcements,; °*” - eae SALE — Luxury bedroom | king repealed’ his policy,” and : $2.00 : _ —_ 2 nape. Not the prime minister had replied | YOU need to respond with a bid of two in a lower 7 Y wtiw Anetta sntin ars se areal i i *xpensive t oO zil pea wank on ait “i e : : Special Display double price. REC AP — a a can ails Mews (97g) that resignation was unthink ranking suit? In today’s deal Mrs. Keen had ample; GREER & BRIDDEN LTD. John FL Huck Goodyear inter Trea 1.- oat ee ee Ne __ | abl 2 ’ 3 i ghes, ANNOUNCEMENTS Northern ae & Rubber _ FOR SALE—Collection of class- “This affair, so carefuly hush- trump support for her partner's hearts, But he gue Goma Gee - CHIROPRAC TOR ; 712 Second Ave bad al recordings. Al! micro- | ed up, marked a watershed in the ee Sos ee : ; TS, 10:30-12:30 9.4 Cath ad party November /|~ hk ft = list groove long playing in excell- political lives of King an@ St hand Was too strong for a single heart raise, Even) Foundations and Re-Roofing ves. : by appol; lee. = I I Foot Specialist ent condition. I > 863 be- Laurent,” Mr. Hutehison writes. 29 she wouldn’t have liked this latter bid without a/} 215-Ist Ave. W. Phone 909 ~ 23 Besner Biod - : ~| Pedicure - Manicure fore noon or after 6 p.m. (273) «King was no longer the i li ] f hea irts, ee ee "Phone Blue 442 Orange Ladies: Bazaar, Nov. 19./...4. callouses, ingrown toe-|PFOR SALE—Large table model, dominant power in govern- | 110i ing of at least Tour hei - . ce “nails, massage. For appoint- radio phonograph with auto- ment. He was too old to fight this atustion se sind the LO.D.E. Pall Bazaar, —s ments (also evenings) phone matic 3-speed record changer St. —. 10% erg a bid available two dia- South dealer win tea a ane FRED E DOWD her 20 Bina 26h Bine 192 Mrs. FE “Imost new. Phone 863 before had challenged an aten re bid of three! Both sides vulnerable ‘ONCRETE ‘ Blue 249 or Bt s. 5 nee es a0 non Her next c ; sOth Ges VUINerAnigy VriUMETRIS - -| Rasmussen, 654 4th Ave. East noon or after 6 p.m (273), him. hearts completed the story sh The bidding - IST Nurse Aunual Ball, Friday, (280p) FOR SALE : Gramophone in In a different vein the book - a oo na pi i. To eka a sae Nerth EVERY JOB GUARANTEED Room 10 Stone pyid = a ee _ . good. eondittem Phone *TT8) describes “the comie side” = over. one response, you need sk i We Pour Coment FOr Less Phone Blue 693 Sonja bazaar, November 21. PERSONAL «'9" Mackenzie King’s obsession with about the equal of an average HK JS Phone Blue 939 Open Friday Even . aie mmm oe rage FOR SALE — Westinghouse the danger of Communism. K pong in high cards. With a sin- DJ 9865 ; Conrad P-TA card party, Nov. | WILL ¢ — = h yey, pe washer. Perfect running order. apparently came from @ conver ston or void in partner's bid a " at 21 WEEK OF HOMIE ee — Like new. $90.00 cash. Green sation with the prime niimister <1: i: is well to have a little oa aniadh a bate) —. etnias esas Apartments 275) 699 (276) after the 1946 espionage triais more So 8 3 8—A Q 5 PRECISION SAW FILING H.G HELGERSS Canad nT Vale: PRE - merino ck oll burner) “One of his servants, said King Againat the final cottenct of} Se 8! H—10 4 ely noni , mt ae LOST AND FOUND "— — senee a was a Communist, probably a spy gainst a meal cone oe a > x0 a D o7. , All Typs Of Saws LIMITED ' ; on re * itche ra ai aa “4 four hearts Mr. Abdei he: , Sd a ve 852 Sea Food inner, United [ogT—Brown Ronson combina- 24 2 Ave > (itp) and this man he watched with oo or. s The as 1. south harpen REAL EST rer € hi urch, Friday ‘a 6. tion — and cigarette case | - im ae as, ’ continual amusement, To draw ning © ee a — (Mr Champten) sha ue ed Phone oe Presbyterian Bazaae a a yr 1 a oT ane aon "tent = aa oe — “ ake : with the queen, cashed the . on 13 215 Ist Ave. W. Phone 904 corp © ’ (271p) ease $1 spring-fillec . length about the virtues of Com a a i 8 yer 27. mattress $5,00; sewing machine ann pretending a warm ce and led a “gp spade i h ° 2 2" enitanesienniggainanit LOST — Brown leather wallet, $90 » bed $10. 1244 2nd ee ; ry 1. | WaS taken with dummy’s king LING THE Salvation Army ile and tea it edi hii nial Ri _ _ ae ee sympathy for Russia actually south West North East ‘. HE TAI : ‘| keepsake of sentimental value Ave S (273p) rae nonsense but Ii jov Muttering under his breath at; iH Pass 2D Pas Shipping and General Wednesday, Dee. 3, 2:30 pn Finder keep money, return — it Was nonsense but King enjey- ° Se Scabies oH Pa 3H Pass Moving, Packing, Crating Hors _ ce — te ’ isa ome is little game of hide-and- ‘he & avorable jocation of the 2 - ang, se Tailoring ~ Alterat United’ Chureh W. A. Fail wallet to Box 549 Daily dt FOR RENT oe ae queen of spades and the serious = ~ Ma En sr = Cartage and Storage and Bazaar, Dec. 4 a " ' eatin 5 Mr. Hutchison accepts as true UPlication of values in the club i lete, Reliable and Effi- Clothes Made-to- cae . 2 NT — Unfurnished 5- MI os tn i tees te ; PASO t . || Complete, able ‘hothes Made-to-M [ODER Rummage Gale De-| —._ eee ip Beg vo with oil stove and| published reports of Mackenzie | Swit, Mr. eee — A. ae ee aan . as ages cient Service. Also agents for | | 220 Sixth st Phy cember 6 goa : |pGBLIC ACCOUNTANT. ‘ncome| furnace. Owner oecupies suite King’s conferences with spirit- unin: oe Pg eS he haa oe the a ona flan of clubs.{| Canadian Liquid Alr Co. Ltd. — —_—-—-— Tax specialist. 8S. G. Furk,! in basement. $85.00 per month/| ualists and that he died believ- | O%€ possibie solution. He cashed) ¢ With the black suits eliminat- |} for Oxygen, Acetylene and all * Peter's Fall Bazaar, De- _ Stone Building. Red 598. “?0m) including phone, light, — ing he nae communed with the Poy pwnd played the ace and|} welding supplies, SCOT McLAR cember 11 and garbage pick-up. ults dead, in¢ uding his mother and . re a ae AGENTS WANTED preferred: Box 351 Daily News. President Roosevelt Final Rites eae ee ee cod |p AINDSAY’S CARTAGE | | CHARTERED accou sutneran nuren Pisn i wer, % ety 71) tory not in e secon € December 6 LADIES: Your spare time agre: This Int riguing : ” tor o ee: with the king without dropping || & STORAGE LIMITED James Block 608—3rd ably and profitably employed FOR RENT. Sleeping poo for enzie King follows the bachelor : ee : aad Sulniee Revert. & op > by taking orders for Lingerie married couple, beard if de-| politician from his birth Dec. 17 é or his partners queen. He the an Cor. 2nd and Park Avenues e Rupe ’ GUSINESS PERSONALS and on ~ Li — _ | sired. Call 536 6th, Bast. (271p) | 1874, in Kitchener (then Berlin) | t . . t vetetane Wares , ss [ae Est, 1910. Phones 60 and 68] | Phone 347 PO } Pp} Children and Babies, also bed- Ont.. to his lonely death at Unionis ce en > collected. Phone! ding. Nothing easier with our S17 @th | on. ua - x / y the quee 97 OM FOR RENT - 517 6th inne t ay e queen (271p)| magnificently illustrated cat- eos — (273p) ngenete” Om ihe re ve ‘ ad not! but black : mr alogue with colors, containing " , p’ | July 22, 1950, after an illness that Requiem High Mass was said py ele neg tern ad For the MEAL that REFR ee re eee See —, about 900 superior quality FOR RENT — Light housekeep- had weakened and wracked him |, An snelation Church vais cards left. He knew he had the —_ bought, ped; rewoUne rey garments, all with samples of ing room. 701 5th West 971) through the last two years of his} vanes for Alcide J. (Sid) Tur- only unplayed spade He led back i, . our materials. All is a value ROOM FOR RENT—Phone Red | life eotke asoreter? treasurer and a club and Mr Champton was ESI FINES FOR FULLER BRUSH serviee,' of $25.00 being loaned to you; 879 (272) : sional cwent of the Prince Bi- able to ditch his last diamoiii B phone Black 990 (283p), free. Satisfaction guaranteed 3 : : : pus ne P ain Ur ci while ruffing with dummy's last fc . -, or money refunded. Fast de- FOR Se ae eee en ae 1240 Kilocycles pert nae oe van ant ag trump. He returned to his hand OF 0 livery ye s Cc ssi : roon 735 est ed 7 since 7, who died it Sunday! pe j Q : — bomuen, gis et. We axel iite. (272) RADIO DIAL | {1 Vancouver a ios. gees ieee ene toe FOOD COOK! positively the ones who give °NT—722 Thomp- funeral services were held in| the hand XMAS the most to their Representa- a RENT—722 TI re Subject to Change) H — a ated’ Van- a tives and still offer the lowest a eer : ede nt at oO 6 1 View FOR TAKE OUT ORDERS PHONE 26 SPECIAL fied Representatives. by writ-|SNOER SEWING CENT Rone Cnt BROADWAY CAFE fied Representatives by “writ- sortable machines. Phone WEDNESDAY Cemetery. ing immediately: DU JOUR B64 . : (c)| PM Mr. Turcotte, who was 51 years LINGERIE Inc., 4235-312 Iber- ae ee ae aca __ Rawaide . old. had been i} since July. He a ville St.,. MONTREAL RENT a sander or have your 5:30—Something in Harmony : » Peas a re floors sanded and finished by 5:45—The Question Box came here in 1942 from the Peace ; Oo / BATTERY SEKVICE _ experts. Phone 909. Greer & 6 :00—Supper Serenade River district of Alberta where Luxury Steamer ' 20 RUPI > Bh >| Bridden Ltd (283) | $20-Seae Vere be farmed for 22 years f RUPERT Battery Shop. 234 ‘East 6:45 nae Burnette Show te} : it four daugh , i f » 12 e- ’ 7 7 - 700-—CBC News 4e jeaves his wite aa 4 DISCOUNT pairs, rechargi.g and rebulld- sl nt See mel : . the-Lite a 5 bamen of J ters, ¥vette Rolande, Jeannine, i PRI E R ’ EG » . 17 730 he Life a mie « ~eph : : i 1 ing. Work guaranted (c);WANTED TO RENT — Small ae Paulette, and a son, Arthur, all) BAILS FOR Fo oe #) CARS FOR SALE suite or housekeeping room by | 19:00—CBC News ‘ of thle elie : ARS * SALE young woman, em yed.|10:10—CBC News . . i or pes : ei roundings ; 10:15—-Haydn Program i } V 0 Milne TO MER FOR SALE — 1950 a zadio roandings, Tarnished teas seiuen Seen R o ; When i anc uver ad MADE-TO-MEASURE new tires, in good condition. } reateaggrs si egg “mil Weather Report mbe i . -. Apply 1446 8th Kast (2724p) 1. Box 553, Daily News 11:03-—-Music til Midnight em | apd Intermediate Ports DINING SUITS (2193p?) 12:00—Sign Off Announcement Amateur Athletic Union of ee ae “ E1980 Ford ioe. “Catt WANTED — Five- or AM err Canada officials meeting = | Each Thursday PLEASUI ; he nationally known 240 ath. West : . (275p)| Rouse, unfurnished 7:00--B.C Wishermen’s Broadcast | Winnipeg 19’ years — — at 11:15 p.m. ROC PRS BRAND C LOTHES Ss rn es ra i | Daily News 7 15 age Rosy 4 aia ace — ao For KETCHIKAN rae + OR § —~ IM P ustin — ae onl ao C News; Weather Report jathietes to mingle profes , * NIGHT . ordered betwee ne sedan. Very good cendition re 10. RENT Howe a 126 Musical Clock | sionals, but granted amateur | | or ar ie = SPARKLING Yov, 19 and Dec. 10 Excellent buy at $850. Must Daily nas (271p) 8:10 Here's Bill. Good po to professionals | omre Serv SURROUND! sell. Phone Black 630. (2Tip) | _ _ ee 8:15—Morning Song | provided they had been out of i For Reservations S FRASER & PAYNE = FOR SALE—Model A; good me- Saree | competition for three years Write or Call Commodore chanical condition Sealbeam CASH for serap brass, copper,; 9:00--BBC News «& Commentary i CITY OR DEPOT ~—| lights, heaver. Cheap. Owner; batteries and radiators. Phone| 9:15--Music for Moderns — OFFICE YIMITROV’'S PHOTO STUDIO— leaving town. Phone 539 eve- , Ited, Distributors for: Mining,| New Royal Hotel (273P) | FOR SALE—Lot with Boat Shed |!!45—Scandinavian Melodies || GEORGE DAWES trnaten? a ai s ert HELP WANTED— MALE at Cow Bay. Shed 60x70. Two| PM ractors quipmen nquir- i , {OOUVER stalls taking boats to 54 feet, | 12:00--Mid-Day Melodies R and TRUCKS AUCTIONEER atl ‘mer. °° Gl eee a Menard grouse some machinery. Prite $4,900 3 4 hat re Thcceanil 1 Phone Black 846 and Red 127 via Wa) Vancouver 1, B.C, (tf) Do not apply unless you have Terms. R. BE. Mortimer, 353 39 30 B ec Parm Broadcast { SUNDAY experience. Super-Valu. (271) 3rd Ave Pho me 88. (271) | 12-55-—Ree. Interiude a rd r 00—The Concert Hour : 88. Camosun 8 oS a 2—1949 Studebaker Champion Sedans $4395 wartime four with garage. 2:30--Today’s Guest ‘ partment of National Health| Fully furnished, electric stove. 2'45—Piano Pops iT i ( | be FRIDAY | I . f ss Chilcotin 8p From and Welfare at Miller Bay and Full price $5 000 Terms 'R E.| 3:00-—Reeords at Random 2—1949 per Po . ot Bs : 5 3 4 / ¥3 . TID OTA: . oan — HOSPITAL NURSING ORDER-| FOR SALE — Newly decorated Here S News LIES, $2040-$2400, for the De- ; ‘e ARM and ST ] 3 :30—~Tr: -Canada Matinee ALICE A Nanaimo, B.C. Full particulars Mortimer, 353 3rd Ave. Phone; 15 sae now : r | i : : i Camosun, * ! on posters at offices of the’ 88. (274) | 430—Pat MeShanty Meets the | 1—1949 Flying Standard Coach $549 || Chop Suey - Chow Mein | | Friday, Sa ART MURRAY S Civil Service Commission, Na- ————— Pirates FOR NORTH QU anaes . . SL tional Employment Service FOR SALE—New three- -bedroom | 4:45—CBC News; Weather Report 1 1—1949 Monarch Sedan $1595 Open 6 p.m. - 3:30 a.m, et ‘ | and Post Office. Application! modern bungalow with full} 4:55-—Stock Quotations | Nov. 19, De : id Now you can get | forms, obtainable thereat,| cement basement. Unfinished | we ~ 1—1949 International %-ton vanel $425 e 88 Chileotr made - to- measure | Should be filed NOT LATER| 45 is including some material) yx SOUTH Qt | THAN DECEMBER 3, 1952, and plumbing. Only $5,500. | Try Daily News Want Ads — with the Civil Service Com-| Terms. R. E. Mortimer 353 | | 1—1948 Austin Sedan $750 HOLLYWOOD CAFE CHARLOTTE Isl | +in ” j gs Chilcotin | mission, 6th floor, 1110 W.| 3rd Ave. Phone 88. (274) | For Outside Orders Phone 133 cas 96, Dec. 10! | Georgia St., Vancouver 5, BC.\TENDERS will be received by | NEW STUDEBAKERS ARE ON DISPLAY | pis SKIN (Ite) “the undersigned up until 5/{| ARE YOU PREPARED FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY FRANE J. p.m., November 24, for the fol-| suits delivered here in less than 10 days. @ Beautiful fabrics -PEMALE HELP WANTED | IT PAYS prince Rupe‘t (OA PLE oF pith ws WORKING SI ON TER * SALESMEN WANTED x NING Fone vo CHRISTMAS decorations and} DEAR? ety fe Have Your Furnace Overhauled NOW * EARLY MORNING } ie, pina” Christmas cards now on dis- RAWLEIGH | Dealer wanted at play at the VARIETY STORE. at once to Rawileigh's Dept. _ | | | ae (274) | WG-K-166-218, Winnipeg,| (A cnr? ee na ‘ ‘S “ WHY not look over the toy de-| Man. (H) Phone Black $84 ce NX partment NOW while the W \ artmen ie selection is complete at the FOR Saiz ea ee | Fer. Pree Fattgints a = VARIETY STORE. (274)| FOR SALE—Play pen in good| & very talented LIMITED O Green 389. (297)' Phone Red 790. (272) .