r ,.., November 18. 1927 H II 1 IT T L, Advertise in "The Daily news BAZAAR PROVED GREAT SUCCESS Anglican Raise, I Something Over Six lluntrtxi Dnllarn at Cathedral .VvOtyy ' The vitnft i. huxniiryitHlslial Mint ihf Cathaejfijft Jrffevf l Kieat jmeoe4JBum ' oflfgSKwn, well over alauneWl daMMa? navtng been reied at ihf raault of their oru. Tha hall was taatefuUy decor-, sited and thrjuthout 'the aitomoon! mualeal Mcciloiu by the ImUm' orehe- j tea tnUwiMd ;iw proneadtnga. This wai (ollowsM by a i!iper writ ad cafeteria tyle and a concert brought the avent 1 to a cioee Mrs T Andrtw. president of j the Auilllary had gene J supervision j ot avatythtaa and waa l unn ihI ' by a number of other tedia. I Mrs. R. L Mclntoah waa convenor of 1 the tm room while presiding at the ! tea tablea were Mn. Rlx. Mra. Andrew. I ud Plllsbury. aaawted by Mra. J. a west. Mr Cade. Mra. Morte Oralg Mia. Sowatcn. Mrs. 8. V. Cox, Mra. Baaett-Jooes. Mra. Ruaaell Smith. Mn. B A. Bird, Mra. Benton. Mra. Shimbm. Mlaaea KaUuama Hirano, Mlaa Mary Baduk Mla.s Maude Wyatt. with Mr. Cullln treasurer Home cooking -Mra. O. Rorte. Mra. Homer, and Mrv Creeek. Candy-Mra. c .C. MlUa, Mra. Blott. and the girls of the ausUia White elephant Mra. Bvttt. Mra.'' "MMiia. mm. Johns, and the Junior tfrla Ptaln aewlia Mra. Tusker and Mn. W. i. Ofr OtaUAran'a c lathing Mra. Kamp. Mra. Maoty. Mra. WoMUud. Iey work Mn. py and Miaa Du Stan tub Mra. Arnoei and Mra. Mc- Ul atall Mr. linker. -Mr. and Mra. Ltptoc and' Itpnaaa atall Mlaa JaeiHr aaaiatanu. Lennox and Tha Japan ataU attracts a great ateal of attention, the daeorftuona being particularly effective and tha good DM Ihrtag Japanese. r tke oafaterta upper Mra. Dibb - ooanuur. Mlaa Btott cashier, and tha Ma of the auxiliary served. Mlaa HUda MkMleton told fortunes. Those taking part in the mualeal Program arranged by Mra. CuUin. uere: U4ias' Oreheatra waa lad by Mra. Bryant and Inoludlag Mlaa Tite. Mlaa I.aneaatar. Mlaa Curtfe. lira. Collart, Mra. Parkin. Mra. Woodland and Mra. Hetltamaar. Community alnglng led by Max col- Mo by Mra. X. Anderaon. aceompanled fey Mra. Blott. DW-tan. Blott and Mra. Allen, accompanied by Mn . Ftaaer. Plana k ,Mlaa Lancaster. Moaotaguo A. Oonnon. Koflg -Mies Oalby. aceompanled by Maw Lancaater. National Anthem. FIRE PROTECTION AT HOSPITAL DISCUSSED I Ire riilrf Will lie A.kel to Make In-t.nll(iii and hrNirutr l)met.tlr Halrr Line .May be luslallrd The hospital board laat night dla- anared a complaint made by the flr4 Hderwrltera that the domeatlc water aervlce at the Institution waa taken 00 one ol the fire mains and decided to refer the matter to the bouse committee with tlte end In view of poa-albly making a change. The matter waa brought up In connection with the presentation to the board by C. H. . Elklna of 'the house commlltee'a monthly report. To meet the requirement. Mr. Blklna explained thai It would be neceamry to make a i direct connection for. domeatlc usea. the cost of which might toe (60, Or (SO In most ' larxe ottlea. bultfUjj'were re-; quired to have separate maina for j domestic purposes tout there were very ! few buildings In Prince Rupert which j did not obtain their domestic supply from the fire mains. The fire chl4 had given the opinion that the water preeeure at the hospital waa as good as could be expected. Mr. Birch stated. There was not much use for the hospital to put In larger mains until there waa an adaquate aup- i ply provided on the atreets by the city. Already the hospital had 2 In. and 4 ! in. mains, the latter being fed wft'h a I Tites S 3 in. city main on Fifth Avenue. Mr. j lnj!tamrig a water mn Birch further stated that the assistant . aomestic pxlTposea was refPrred to cently made an inspection of the hos- pltr.1 and the only recommendation he ........ , .. , , lnm had to make waa that a range In the RfiltnilVfln LAM kitchen be raised higher from the floor. ...... msldent Thompson took the view MONTH'S FISHING POOR . " . ii. nvuw w wpvci w ue sure inau sorry. He felt that the fire chief ahould be asked to make an Inspection of the hoses in the hcnrjltsl. '4 faditfeslion S3a Card Tables Folding Card TableK, reg. value $0.5d, at 1.00 Odd Parlor Chairs and Kockers Walnut, Oak, and Upholstered, rejr. value $18.25 to $55, for l 1.00 to !&.-.0 Hardwood Rockers Limited quantity, reg. value $2.60 to $t.50. for .S i ro to .s-i.oo Asbestos Tabic Mat Inserts Oval, reir. $1.30, for . . 7."-Ttound, reg. value per set $1.05. l'er et ."Of This ia less than cost. TEAPOTS Plain Hock Any iize ."00 Decorated Hock Leaf Rejr. value$1.25, for ."f Rejr. yalue $1.00, for . . 70k Reg. value 75c, for . . .10c BLANKETS While All Wool Blankets 7 lb., reg. value $10.50. Per pair . w. ... $7 .K.I Gray All'Wool Blanket 7 lb., rej:. value $8.00, for SM.0.1 Point Biahkets Red, 10 lb. Blankets, reg value $17.50, for. . SI -1.7.1 Gray, 10 lb. Blankets, reg. value $14.00, for.. $11.7.1 Brown, 10 lb. Blankets; reg. value $15.50, for Slt:.7.1 Nearly all gone. TOWELS Fancy Turkish, refined quality, reg. value $3.25 per pair, for $1.0.1 A $2.25 Turkish Towel for per pair $1.70 A $1.15 Turkish Towel for per pair 8.1c A $1.50 Turkish Towel for per pair $1.00 A 90c Turkish Towel for per pair (5.1r range for the fire chief to make an ln-l""" ""-- " of1 Pacinc Mt lght. The spectlon of Jhe hoses and the matter pered fisUliig. although the -tejuioj? generally may be regarded aa fatrjy , lood. HOTEL ARRIVALS. for the OWING TO BAD WEATHER Cnitral M. Jeffa, oltyi S. E. easier and N. Glaaei. Vancouver; A. M. Priestly. J. W Thome and T. Pwlln, C.NJJ.; An-jdrcw Knuuen. Ketchikan. Prince Uuert , R. W. 6tnclalr, Inverueaa: Wallace Hamilton. Dug14 Campbell. T. C. Wi.rkman. E s Crlbb. P. Hentig, W. K. Bu:-Ki!il. r E. Imeson and I.. B. 'Wait , Van; I'ver: W. A. McAulav Ed- port. Edward: a. C SEE THE HAKGAIN TABLES 25c 50c 75c 81.00 All Defcriptions of Useful and Fancy Goods. A few left, only 3 to a customer DOUBLE BUNG KITCHEN CHAIRS s 1.00 each GUARANTEED ROLLER WINDOW SHADES .39 in. by 6 ft. Each 90c Limit 5 to a customer ELECTRIC LAMPS Boudoir, Table, etc. Still a nice assortment to pick from. Values from $4.50 to 25.50, for 3.75 t0 S18.50 TOYS All Toys are half price irrespective of what they cost Christmas is coming soon BABY CARRIAGES DOLL CARRIAGES GO CARTS WAGONS BICYCLES TOY AUTOS At Ridiculous Prices BEDDING . Sheets-9' x 4' Sheets, reg. value $-1.25, per pair $:1.00 7' x 4' Sheets, reg. value $.1.75, for per pair $2.70 Hemstitched Sheets 9 x 4', reg. value $6.50, per pair. $1-10 Hemstitched Pillow Case Reg. value $1.50 per pair, for Olc Plain Pillow Cases-Reg, value $1.00. for per pair (( Door Mats Cocoariut Fibre 0.1? Why be without one? Stencilled Grass Mats Regular value $1.00, for each .10? DELF WARE 52-piece set, reg. value $20.50, for $i:U).1 42piece set, reg. value $10.75, for $11.2.1 32-piec et, reg. value $9.50, ' .f$r $0.7.1 ers; George McAfee, Georgetown: Mrs. R. Taper and daughter, Pacific; T. W. McDonald, Hyder. savoy George Phllllpson. North Ptveiflc: R. Gibson, Port Eaalhfton: Mr. and Mrs. II. Hanson. Invernesa: E, dements, city; Mr. and Mra. W. II. Becker. NOTK'K LAND ACT. Of INTENTION TO TO LEASE UM A PPL Y In Prince Rupert Land Recording Tlct and situate on the southwest DU. cor- ner of an uunanied bay on the south KatiIt nf tirt Rhknat. . rir&liAm Island Queen Charlotte UlantUj In the Province i TAKE NOTICE thatArthur Robertson, of Massett, B.C.. occupation a lumberman, Intends to apply tor a lease ot the following described lands: Commencing at a post planted about pne chain westerly from the mouth ot an unnamed creek flowing into an unnamed bay on the south bank of Port Chanal. Graham Island. Queen Charlotte Islandi, Province cf British Columbia; thence 4 chain southerly: thence 10 chains easterly; thence 4 chains northerly to the shoreline; thence following the shoreline to point of commencement, and containing 3 acres, more or less. (Signed) A. ROBERTSON, Applicant. Dated October 0, 1927. BEDDING Spreads : 81 by 60, reg. value $2.40, for $1.00 70 x 90, reg. value $.1.00, for $2..10 80 x 90, reg. value $3.35. for $2.7.1 Hrinkelette Spreads 72 x 90, reg. value $2.00, for $2.10 Marcelle Spreads ' Reg. value $8.50, for $.1.7.1 Silkalo Spreads Colored, reg. value $10.00, for $0.7.1 PICTURES Must go at Cost or Less ALUMINUM WARE Large Kettle reg. value $.1.50, for $2.2.1 Teapots, reg. $2.00, for $1.2.1 Perculator, reg. $1.75, for ; $v'oo Lemon Shakers, reg. $1.00; for . . . J 0.1 $1.05 value, for undreds of Other Bargains $1.1.1 paof. FTvn Why you need LIFEBUOY-the purifying Toilet Soap Think of the adventures of a coin or a piece of paper money in -a single clay. Think how unclean a thing can become by passing from hand to hand. And money is only one of the objects you often touch that are touched by other hands objects that carry invisible but dangerous germs. Millions have turned to Lifebuoy Soap as a prevention against infection and as an all-sufficient, delightful Toilet Soap. The orange red cake in the orange red carton is a familiar sight in countless homes where the truth is recognized of the old axiom that "an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure." At all Grocers and Druggists 27 GERM DISEASES that hands may carry OmfiltJ if Lift Exunm lwtbu. ColJs Tonsillitis Mumpl Ringworm Whooping Cough Erysipelas Diptheria Scarlet Fever Chicktnpox Septicemia Boili Meatlel Bronchitis Typhoid Dysentery Pink Eye Otitis (Ear Infection) Pharyngitis Smallpox Tuberculosis Pneumonia 'Influent Carbuncles Laryngitis Impetigo (Skin Infection) Social Diseases Ccrebro Spinal Meningitis Tht way lnfu.nti iprtiJf i uakoown to uki tvtry prccautioo. LIFEBU Health Soap Purines andProtects Lever Brothers Limited Toronto ft LT1 "HOME B EAUTIFUL" "THE BUSINESS OF HOUSEKEEPING" Aside from the weight of tradition there is no fundamental ''Kument for washing at home. From a social point of view, extra expense, and from an individual standpoint, it involves much waste of labor. From tho larger economic point of view the commercial laundry will be supported by the progressive woman who wants to Ree home work brought to a higher level of harmony with our present industrial development. The Logical Conclusion SEND IT .TO THE Canadian Laundry and Dry Cleaners 515 Sixth Avenue West Phone 8 ' KBnBKEKBnB9Bn0miiEFBs&MBM& JH EEH-fl HE fliK!L7iBru ATABLF PRICES tock Disposal Sale Still Continues COMPARE BELOW WITH YOUR MAIL ORDER CATALOGUE CRYSTAL CUT , (GLASS At Very Low Prices LINOLEUMS Printed, reg. value $1.00 up, at per square yard . . KTc Inlaid Linoleum, reg. value $1.05. Per square yard $1.1.1 FANCY BOWLS Set of G, reg. value $1.G0, for $1.0.1 Set of 5, reg. value $1.45, for 0.1c Set of 4, extra fancy, .suitable for salads, etc., reg. value $2.10, for ... $1.00 CUPS AND SAUCERS The very best English, lovely designs, cup and saucer Olc Another lot, cup and saucer at 40c Yet another, cup and saucer, at 25 Plain cup and saucer, anywhere, 35c, for l.lc COMMUNITY AND OTHER WARE at Cost Plated Knives and Forks, G of each, reg. value $G.00, for $;l.l.1 COTTON FILLED COMFORTERS Try and match these at less than $6.00, for $1.: WALNUT DRESSER 1 only, reg. value $50.00, for $:).7.1 CHILDREN'S KINDERGARTEN SETS Table and Two Chairs $2..10 PARLOR TABLES Solid Oak, Round, reg. value $9.00, for $0.00 Oblong, reg. value $9.00, for $0.00 Square, reg. value $7.50, for $4.00 Round Wicker Tables Special $0.00 Windsor Chairs and Kockers at cost Wicker Chairs and Rockers Reg. $8.00 to $8.50 values. Takfe your pick at . . $0,1.1 Japanese Screens . . , . Values to $12.00, for $7 ..10 Cash flnlv " ! LAMPS AND LANTERNS Cols Rlast Lanterns Coleman Gasoline Lamps Table and Wall Oil Lamps Coleman Gasoline Lanterns Coal Oil Candles Electric Lamps Thompson Hardware Co., Ltd. 253 Third Avenue Prince Rupert 3 Piece Chesterfield Suite This is a genuine Kroehler, upholstered in tapestry, with hand carved walnut show-wood front and reversible cushions. Our "Home Lovers Club" terms $202.50 Or for cash 911)2.00 Barrie's Hojme Furnishings 3rd Avenue Phone 123