TAGZ FOtm Neglected Eyes NEGLECT is doubUeas Ike cause of most of the ills that afflict humanity. This is so self evident that it stems hardly necessary to tell you. If your eyes are jfiviag trouble, hare them attended to and at once. OF ALL absurdities in the kingdom of foolish neaa. surely the loss of eyesight through neglect is the most inexcusable. DON'T lose health and efficiency through neglect Come and seel Fred Joudry Registered Optometrist and Optician Room 3 Smith Block Phone T63 ' THE WISE OLD OWL FILLS HIS COAL B!f4 ( NOW-TO GET ECONOMyjfVy) UE SURE KNOWS MCWCr? Fuel economy means buying the right coal at the right time. We have a yard full of quality coal waiting for your order. Now is the time to get your supply before winter comes. This is the right place. NANAIMO . WELLINGTON COAL and ALRERTA SOOTLESS COAL Albert & McCaffery Phones 116 and 117 Prince Rupert BOAT HOUSE Phone 381 P.O. Box 1565 LAUNCHES, SCOWS, ROW-BOATS AND CANOES SAND AND GRAVEL Equipment for Diving and Salvage Work Agents for Easthope Engines ' and Stump Pullers NORWEGIAN HALIBUT GEAR IN STOCK Compass Adjusting VELVET Ice Cream THE VERY BEST! Take a brick home tonight 1 We cater for Parties, Picnics, Dances, etc. Prompt Delivery , Velvet Ice Cream Co Corner Third Avenue and Second Street Phone 758 ANGER, the TAILOR Fine Imported Serge and Scotch Tweed Suits made to order in our shop in Prince Rupert as low Cffff as ' I. ANGER, Cutter and Designer 22.3 Sixth Street BRINGING UP FATHER JASPKJt PARK, Sept. 14. Playing wj area Jy tpU under somewhat trying weather condition. Harry A. Jones SAaughneasy Height Ctuta. Vancouver won the medal tn the qualifying round of tbc TWem PoJe trophy competition beld over the Jisper Park Lodge course yesterday. HI wore of 81 tor the eighteen holm of what is admittedly one of the trickiest course on the continent was a good exhibition of goif as a penetrating drizzle was fatting throughout the day. Noel Jones, brother of the winner, was second and required to make only five on the seventeenth and eighteenth green to win the medal. But on both boles he vt unfortunate In hi putting and finished with a score cf 82. Seventy-two players entered the qualifying round and sixteen qualified for the first flight wbioh will start today. Those who are left tn the competition with their qualifying score arc as foUows: H. A. Jones, 6haughnessy Heights Vancouver 81 Noel Jones, Shawghsessy Heights, Vancouver 82 J. B. S tarty, Country Club, Edmonton 83 It. P. Baker, Jerkho, Vancouver... 84 N. H. Stewart, Country Club, Ed monton 86 Stanley Thompson, Mlaslsaanga, i SPORT CHAX I ' 11 1 Tomorrow. September 15, will mark the opening of the 1927 deer hunting season but It Is not likely that their seeking will become very general for several weeks or untu snow and stormy weather drive them down from the mountain tops. As a matter of fact, deer hunting seems to be losing a good deal of its popularity In favor of the shooting of ducks and geese which will not come in for a month yet. Local nlmrods are looking forward keenly and It Is likely that as full a number as ever will contribute to the provin cial government's coaers to Jezalize their sport. ' ,. A form . of outdoor snort that ha grown immensely In popular fivor In Canada is softball. This is a modln eatlon of baseball and Is greatly favor. ed by school pupils of both sexes be. cause of the elimination of the daneer. ous bard ball of the parent Kame and can be played in a much smaller area i of ground. ; Basketball 1 a game that has won ; very high place in the regard ofeduca tlonal and other Institutions which possess facilities for gymnasium exer else in Canada and which run into the thousands. Large industrial and other corporations hsve taken up the matter of providing playing floors for their employees and many of these oreanl zatlons have formed leagues for the club In their own line of activity. Skiing, which made its appearance In Canada about twenty-five years ago, 'has completely usurped the place oncej ANNUAL TOURNAMENT CITY CHAMPIONSHIP TENNIS THIS WEEK Last night at a meeting of repre-antatives of the Prince Rupert. Regl-te&tal and Canadian National Ran-vay Employee' Tennis Clubs it was leelded to go shead with the annual Ky tennis championship tournament vhicb will commence on Saturday af-crnoon, entries to be in by Friday '.ftemoon. The Hetlbroner and Tobey ups, for men's and ladles' single res-ectlvely, will be placed In competition and there will also be prizes for men's, .adles' and mixed doubles. Present at be meeting, which was presided over by i. W. Marentette, were W. Crulck-hank. Col. J. W. Nlcbolls and W. H. Tobey. VANDERHOOF Hon. A. M. Manson, K.C., attorney .eneral and roemner of the legislature or Omlreca. spent last week end on a lour of this part of the Nechaito Valley. He met wllth a good reception at all points. The Imperial OH Co. baa erected a Urge gavJlnle tank on Its site along side the Canadian National Railways here. It Is learned here that the George W, Otterson syndicate may resume mining operations In the Manson Creek country next spring. Word Is received here that Rev. and Mrs. George J. Gray and family, who are moving to England, reached Montreal safely. They motored all the way from here. . David W, Donald. 'John Ooldle ' a'nd THk iMit. MfcWa father- wt MUftT leaveMRS?; II ( ) IPrrSi J kjctt T' ' ' ( a i couldn't Tmimk op nSl "rWE "'"C. TL J O I I utAW EUROPE WITHOUT SH-I BEAUTIFUL OLD CITY OP flf WHERE ! IT? 11 A filliN FLORENCE1 LwJ aOtENCC- PLCANl ME A1D W OH. NEVER MIMO- V Lffi 'J ' - -'SKST CO TMEREl I! I'LL CALL UP A V j "S - I ' John A. Fraser. MP. for Cariboo, was a visitor to hi eonsiMuenU here last week. S. N. Christian of Port Edward, one of the earlier residents of this town, I mat. teg hi annual visit tn Vaaderhoof. WUUam Bunting of Pert Fraser has returned from a trip to his native .tenth of Sentlaast Mr. and) Mrs. George J. Johnson of Chllco left last week for Alberta where they have farm and business Interest. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. EUls of Nulkl Uke hare come to live In town, having rented, the Murray bouse on Douglas Street. MH Mary Carpenter and Mis Josephine Oarpeeter have returned her af--er aaendtag their summer vacation in Massett. Threstdag operations hare commenced In this district and the grains shewing tip well. There is a particularly good crop of wheat. A meetmst'of the W6men Auxiliary was held at the home of Mrs. A. J. P. Rae yesterday. A change baa been made In the game regulation whereby moose may now be shot on both tides of the Canadian National Railways during the open season. The forestry look-out station on the summit of Ttlnkut Mountain has been closed for the season. It was a valuable asset in locating a number of forest fire this summer. By George McMa t-XPt-AlM TO VOOH fnOTHtR Th ,n.oRENCe a Cirf.AN'ooNi pick out amy moue tow, v , ' NAME LIKE. THAT, t I I mi I SjLtr" "JI I I BsTasssssssssssssssssssssssn W II . - - inilli I II 111! ' 1 I I III - X'i ay J i ill r r i phji II i-rr-- a m i i i r 11 i ml hit a v 'j II I I rl I II IW M lrMOH:JK. QUALIFYING GOLF ROUND! Totem Pole Trophy Being Played j r or ai jasper oaay i l Toronto ; . . 87 3 X. BelLfOolf and Country Club, Calgary .... ... 87 A K JUUs. Mount Bruno. Montreal 88 J A. Plunkett. Mooeejaw. Satk... 88 J. K. Wag&orn, Shaughnesty Heights, Vancouver 83 J. E. Morrill. Honolulu 90 Prank Hale. Pine Ridge. Winnipeg 91 O. R. H. Anderson. Golf and Coun try Club. Calgary 91 O. B. Carpenter. Del Monte. Calif. 91 D. Macdonald. Jasper 91 A. Melbourne, Jasper 92 The draw for the first flight In the Totem Pole trophy today Is: O. R. H. Anderson. Calgary, vs. Noel Jones, Van couver: Stanley Thompson, Toronto, vs. 3. B. 8 tarty, Edmonton: Frank Hale. Winnipeg, vi. J. L. Bell. Calgary; Dr. J. A. Plunkett. Moosejaw, vs. D. Macdonald, Jasper; J. R. Wagborn, Vancou ver, vs. George B. Carpenter. Del Monte. California: H. A. Jones. Vancouver, vs. M. H. Stewart, Edmonton; A Melbourne. Jasper, vs. B. P. Baker. Van couver; J. E. Morrill, Honolulu vs. A. J. Hills. Montreal. Players eliminated frcm the championship flight In yes terday's qualifying round will be divid ed Into three separate flight of sixteen each, for which special prizes are being provided. ) saaaawwrnaaaaanan Tor Best You ild by the nauve winter sport of nowsboeing. The latter has almost dis appeared, altbougb at one time It was Canada's predominant winter pastime. ikung ha caught the fancy of many bousand and bids fair to bold Its a (finishing popularity. John Henry MaeMlttaa have been pointed by the provt&tal government as fence viewer for this vtcuuty. Several yenf aaen from this district i.i-ve goae to Alberta and SaskaMtvevan I parttetpate in harveMtag operataMU. Mr. Downard l tfce new teacher at Euiart River. Mtas Bye nC Victoria U Weaker fake Dr. W. Rob 8tjoe has asmpletcd the 1 r.-:itruoMon of a ausunec sttage at B-.uart Lake. The Vanderhoot and Dlttrlct Board of Trade 1 resuming its fall and' winter activities following the summer E. C. McOeachy has, returned from a Visit in Ontario with relative. He went by motor and returned by train. ALICE ARM F. D. Rice. B.C.L.8. haa been engaged by the Sliver Crest Mines, Ltd. to mske a survey of the Ssddle property on Kastlrfgt Arm with a. view to installing ' I'm a dashinc) bold A.B. Fresh from off the rollmd sea Home on leave a nd keen for fuo Frorobreakof day tosetofsun Taut and trim, and be it said Neatly shod and "M(ffiffild ! As I oass the Deoolesav- "Thats thestuff togive em-eh as 1 sOUSVft? POLISH Vented For Sale For Rent DAILY NEWS CLASSIFIED ADS. 2c per word in'.advonce. No Advertiiement taken for lets than 50c WANTED WANTED UNDERGRADUATE OR practical nurse, willing to do some housework; also cook general for aatall country hospital. Apply The Malms. Franct Lake Hospital. South Bank P.O 215 WANTED. WOMAN COOK FOR MINE. Small crew. Reference. Box 71. Dally News Office. 311 AGENTS WANTED ANTONE CAN EARN tli WEEKLY CP. In city or country, tn spare time taking orders for the Best-Known. Highest-Grade. Lowest-Priced line Canadian-made Christmas Greeting Card. Magnltlcient sample book tree. Writ Canadian Publishing Co.. 91 Welling-1 ton W Toronto 338 ! SITUATIONS WANTED OLD COUNTRY MATERNITY NURSE open for engagement dally or monthly (certificated) testimonial. Phone Red 63S. 319 FOR SAI.K 'OR SALE. LAUNCH "NANCY." Length 38 It., beam 7 ft. Easthope engine 18 hp. 4 cycle In first etas shape for hunting eson This boat was Regatta Cup winner 1937. Oan be seen at Yacht Club. Cash price 975. O. Rorle. "phone 387 or Red 818. 218 rOR SALE. GOOD JERSEY FAMILY cow. good milker, quiet. T.B. tested, fresh In October. Price 8125. Apply Arrandale Cannery. Naas River. 330 in aerial tramway. Development work on the Property will be continued un til snow puts a stop to operations. The concentrating mill at the To lie .nine 1 now turning over. The next two weeks will be spent in making ad- Justments and It la expected that the rilll will be In continuous operation throughout the winter. P. L. Houtley left last week for Any ox and proceeded to Indian River where be la examining the timber with' a view to instituting logging operations In that vicinity. The provincial department of public work will build a warehouse here this fall. It will measure 30 by 40 feet with a height or 10 feet and will be used for storing tools, etc. ' -s .yPkrt rrwitaj the electrical eratrae tons lipeii,Tpxiyi" - kerejvfyn ' " ' Vancouver. Joe Wells, who Is at present engaged tn the construction of a wing dam on the Bear, River at Stewart, visited town for"vfewday.atth end -offset week; T. -Woodcock has returned to Van couver after having spent a couple of months here with hi uncle, F. L. Houtley. Mrs.' H. F. Kerirln anH family v,i leff for Victoria where the children will enter school. Gordon Anderson left for Prince Rupert where he will attend High School. Mrs. Greenway ha arrived from Vancouver and has taken charge of the Alice Arm school. a. Branston, who was engaged In engine installation work at the Torlc mine, has returned to Vancouver. HOTEL AKRIV.tLH. Central F. Duggan, city; A. E. Moore and James McAleenan, Stewart; Mrs. Carl Johnson, Alice Arm; F. o. LaGrue, Vancouver. H. B. Chapman, Anyox; e! Bostrom, Klnahan Island. Prlnrf Rupert F. W. Hswe. W. Solmes and James Jack. Vancouver: Dr. J. w. Lang and Mrs. Clara Coates, Anyox; T. R. White-ley, W. H. Anderson and G, steward Stewart 8a toy A. U Stewart, Chlen Bay; W. A. Wilson and Ed. Peterson, Alice Arm. i The Gyro Club held Its regular business luncheon In the Commodore Cafe this afternoon with President E. a. Mann In the chair. FOR KENT FOR RENT. NICE LARGE FURNISH-A room on Fifth Avenue West with private family. Heated. Fine marine view. Phone Blue W or Black 911 FOR RBWT. NICE PDRNHHffiO ROOM, harbor view; otOM tn: hady to pest offiea. Private family. Pnaaw Blaek 04 or fit. 31S FOR RENT FURNISHED APART-meat by the day. week or month. Phone Red M7. If FOR RENT. Pianos, pteaagrapa aad Stager sewing machine. Walker's Muetc Store FOR RENT. MOOCRN HOttSE. HAR. bor view. Apply lit. 4th Ave. C U FURNISHED BEDROOM FOR RENT, close in. Phone Red 917. 219 FURNISHED SUITE FOR RENT AT Palmer House. tf UPHOIJSTEKING FURNITURE REPAIRINO: UPHOL-terlng of all kinds. Chesterfields recovered and made to order. All work guaranteed. Phone Green 003. O. M. HUNT EXCHANGE NEW AND SECONDHAND FURNITURE bought aold and exchanged. Papa-dopulot and Mara. 934 Third Ave. Phone 846. tt PIllVrE RITKKT SCHOOL OF MIMC ru.L nr-ori:iNo On Tuesday. September a Pupil now enrolling. Orchestra practice every Friday at 7 pjn. puoitssor ii. .whuky puvrr- Phone 67 1. U'CTIOXEEH AMI SECOMlllAMI I BUY, SELL OR EXCHANGE ANY-thlng of value. Phone Brine far business. Telephone 774. KUF.N OAltAOi: I'l'ICTIIEIt UEIU'CTIOXS In CHEVROLET PKICES Commercial Chassis, H-ton delivery 1038 60 Touring 811.60 Roadster 1811.60 Roadster Delivery 1811.60 Sport Roadster 8880.00 Coach latf-OO Sedan- . . i. . v. . . .. . ...81,053W Cabriolet 1 1 .088.06 Landau Sedan 81,119.00 Imperial Landau Sedan 1.168J Utility Express, 1 ton truck.. ,3792.60 . Dlac wbeeU 325.00 extra -Iff t model. A complete line of 1928 models on hsnd at present. Phone or call for demonstration and learn about our easy payment plan. Guaranteed Used Cars on Hand. Ford Coupe. 1925, 8100 cash, balance 125 per month. Ford Sedan, 1928. 9100 eash, .balance 325 per month. KAIEN' flWltr.E. Dave Ko Dealters in all General Motor Produce ts Goodyear and Firestone Tire. Wrecking Service Day and Night. I'lione Til TAXI Phone 67 Taxi , (Call George, Paul or Gust) Sfx and Seven Passenger Stude-bakers at your disposal any time. ROSS BROS. POOL HOOSI Meeker IJlork. (Across from Emnrons Hotel) PHINCE RUPERT TIDES 4 a a a a TlU USIl.tV, SEPTEMBER 15 High 3:88 ajn. 20.4 ft. 18:09 pjn. 21.5 " Low Das aJn. 4.4 " 22:29 p.m. 33 " FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER HI "'fc-h 4.48 ajn. 19.0 ft. 16:58 p.m. 20.9 " Low 10:38 ajn. 6.2 M '23:23 p.m. 4.4"" Arty round, J t STEAMSHIP MOYESKNTS lor Vsnroucer Sunday -ki : Tuaadai at i Thuratby a Satwday a Seas. 11 Pr:., t Btc-Pni.resa J!1 a Sept. iU - I t. a-M pr .,; Ironi Vaneastrr Stiaaty n. Cut. Wedaatday .p as. Csrde Saturday as. P? Saturday- P-Sf4. 17-as p-Bapt. 24m Pr Thursday -- Prn ' Cc s Sept. 11- Pr::, est A a Sept. 21 a Pr : f : f- Rant JO M Pi I :. .l- A I H t; ' U ' U la ' i I'or Port Hlmpaoai n4 Xaai Die- nv&sy . tsrarr.i From Port Simpson s4 Nut tom-Batttrday a. Carit-,i 41 For Anjov Suaaay at Ca'a'i .lis Wedaesday -as 1- 1 i i From Anyet TVeedsy . C- 1 1 u Tbundsy as pr C t I a For Slenart Sunday Ca:.. . lit Saturday . Pr::io i:: l Iroin Messrt Sunday u. Prince x-X la riaadsi if t a 1 U l'r IJueen Charlotle Sept. 10 Prii. c Sept. 24 as Pr 0 . Itom (Jueen Charlottes-Sept. 9 a Prii,. J Seat. 23et Prii For Alaska- MAIL SCHEDULE SEPTEMIUK. 1K1 111 I i ta Wednesday t. Pr!r OrraM Sept. 17 Pr'.nr-- A Sept. J(J a Pr i xJ I J Trom Alaska u u P lor ine ijisi . Monday. Wednesdayt. B Cjomv From the vjm Moadayt. Wednesdtys. 'J, am To Vanrauter Stfndays t Tuetdtjf' Thursday! Saturdays O.PJI Sept. 11. 31. S From Anyiiv anil AlUe Arm Tuesdayt Thursdays IT J .115 f t it From Vancouver a Sundays rJja Wedaesdayi i Fridays $it Saturday O.PJt.-pt. 17. M- To Anyox anu .m- ,j, Sunday wlnMriavs ... v mil- C f To Stewart anil rrrnnr.- TfJ Sunday Jt l CMVUlMVa ..... from Stewart ami rrrmi" ff( Sundays it Tuesdays To Naas River rolnts- p m,u Thursdays From Naas Hirer Point- Saturaayi To Alaska Points-Bent. 6. 17. 26 From Alaska Point Sept. II, 21. 30 Man P""1'"", To (jueen Charlotte Sept. 10. 24 .... . ak rota From Ooeen Cliarlolif i Sept. 8, 22 C.N.R. TRAINS For the East ,u0 Dally Except ounu-,-From the East jJJ Dally icp. utw-j-