1 Ir.e dtr September 14, 1927 TIIE DAILY NEWS PAGE THREE Pythian eiateri whist drive and dance In Bo cog Hall on Wednesday. Septem 07GERM Local and Personal r The GOSSARD ber 31 at 840. V DISEASES (Hat kanda may carry aUALITY H. S. Parker returned to the etty on tmm Line of Beauty KmI iBinlissg sWg the Prince Oeorge thla mernlng trem Arthur Tul Fnon STt. U a brief buslneaa trip south. BO. Undertakers Poena 41. All coupon (or the Louvre fuesatng contest at Exhibition must be handed DesMst. Dr. J. a OoM RmmSM. tn by tomorrow noon, i Drtwteg takes tomorrow afternoon. place 0t the Bis l.haSMt Whin thlnstne ' efl Tsxt,phonl, V tfr The. adjourned regular meeting ot the Trades it Labor Council win be UIh Tit. ATGJi. teeener t ptaoo held in the Carpenters lun tomorrow uM theory Phone Mi. 3tT. night at 8 o'clock. J. O. Brady. MP. aM on tbe Mrs. Robert Arthur, Jr. and family, Catass laM evening tor VMmmimt. i &iNESTLES Vwml wmtyj aseetlakg Canadian Legies. Wttooy, SfSaV 14. at 8 a S. MILK Baiiy Food One Thousand Years Ago and Now One thousand years ago communities wre self-contained each village jcrew its own food wove Its own cloth was a law unto itself. Today bow different no town no country no continent it self-contained. An example of this world-wide co-operation are the thousands of Rexall drug stores with prodigious buying power able to sell yiu better products for less. We are proud to have tin exclusive liexall agency f'r Prince Kupert. Or rn.es II Zrfic Pioneer Drugrjislx Monarch Ranges Kaien Hardware Co. Telephone 3 ft THIRD AVE. V SIXTH ST. - -TELEPHONES 8? v 200 Unbeatable Bargains! That's the expression of the thousands who are carrying home their needs from this big stock. Jabour Bros. Greatest Sale continues for a brief period only. Trade at Jabour Brothers Ltd BETTER DENTISTR PLATES that gives ynu a nntural appearance and lend beauly to the contour of the face. Al Ft Mart TIDE Phone iiwayt, jjjr MMU1IL 525 Open jOver Ormea UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED . .... Sailing, from n'n".fii Bay. tll ,u. way. ,te, Tuesday. r VANCOUVER, VICTORIA. Bwanton For JSscoiJVEH, VICTORIA. Itutedale .. Alert SltWART, WXl&Mn-tor naies -i.u PORT HFMPHON. ALICE ARM. INVO.V iFm ,N!.'". '" Pulnt '" rorl 3lWHO.M'J ""'"prince Ru,rt. IIC. 123 Ae"t. tnd HI". Avenue. R M. r;durei rate and . Through tickets told lo Vlrlorla and Keallle at a J!ttate eheeliixl througli to dellnsllon. ruber Leflsy arrive la tfc city from Stewart on the Ostsls ywitrday afternoon. Dr. D. J. McDonald of KlncotltJl ar rived In th eity an the Ostsls ?- aay afternoon. rancywork. PshnJetry sad Crystal Oaalng Mrs. J. Clark. 3H, Third Avenue. Phone Oreen 1M. 3SS Last night's troat cut down dahlia and other delicate plants whaCB wore not covered In city garden. Tbonua Trotter tailed on the Cstsla laat night for Vancouver on a combined buaineee and pieaeure trip. J. L. Chrtatle rettmed to the ettjr on the Caul yesterday afternoon from a brief buaineee trip to Anyoc and Stewart. let NBC Hett. Signal section will meet at Drill HaU, 8 pm. Thursday. September 18. AU member requested to attend. j tin. Cart Johnson of AUee Arm. formerly Mlaa Lulu Oroawtt of thU city, arrived from the north on the Catala yeeterday afternoon. 1500 tens Nanalmo-fVellisfttMi Deep ram Lump Coal In oar yard. .Order I Mrs. A. Falconer and family of Alios Arm were passengers on the Oatala ys- Harry Chapman of Anyox was an ar terday afternoon bound for Vancouver, rival in the etty from the smelter town ,They wUl Uka up their r.dno in on the Oatala yeeterday afternoon. ; Central Park. Burnaby. wbsre the icmiaren win go so scaexn. , f ir day. Wiving medical J , " " V "7 . , diew'. Concert on Wednesday 2Ut Inst. Is retained by the Indiana of the Nat today's train. . ..,.., , raver valley in eonnecuoa wira tnetr I land claims waa a paMemjei on the CnUl repairs at the Provincial Gov- Catala yMterday afternoon iwturnlnc "Tmeot wharf have been completed aouth after s week visit to hi client. CP, tteaoaert will mske landing at I No. 3 thtd on O.TP. wharf. tf Mr. and Mr. Moir of Vancouver re- ' turned south on the Oatala last night F. M. Crosby returned to the city on after having spent a few day In the the estate yeeterday afternoon from a city as the guests of Mrs. Motr' bro- visit to Ahce Arm where e is Inter-tber and altSar-in-lsw. Mr. and Mrs. sstcd In the Esperanza Mile. William Milter. 844 Sixth Avenue East.! Morte Craig left on today's train for v'n E&st. Union steamer Catala. Capt. A. E. he ulu TUlt st' atb" Atam P,a- Dickton. which arrltsd st 430 yestor- day afternoon from Anyox. Stewart and ". Colorado. otbcT iwftbern porta of call, bmuM ' seevral calU In the hartor. Including "' ,A' "nv h" the Canadl.n FW, 4: Cold Storage On.. JZT" T I ! to 8 fT! tbe one Tuck, inlet cannery and the Allto f" J Wson-Murray residence, on Bowser Fish Co . and It wa. 9 test night t. ivi c tuc vvgflri airr-u aw s auwum , Jam MoAleenan. TbotnM Whlteley. William Anderson and Jerry Stewart arrived In the dty on therCaula ee-.' terday afternoon from Steart. They proceeded from nere by train to Chl- St. Andrew's Society Concert and Vaudeville show, Wednesday, September 121. Established 1923. t-a-... Exchange Block. Office Hours: Saturday: 9 a.m. to 1 p m. Any evening by appointment DENTIST 1 i Youth Boneles light easily washable a new Gottanl Tcdetite for alight and average figure which gracefully emphaiixes natural, proportioned line. An elastic adjust ment at the lower front makes it instantly adapt able, and help to curve and make firm the fadv iurubic hip line. Made en tirely of soft aatin tricot. Ask to ee thl exceedingly remarkable gat meat. H.S.Wallace Co. Ltd. who have been visiting here with their Stewart about the end of this month ' ClBt- stoOart. local commandant to take charge of St. Mark' Church !of salvation Army, -will return tempcrartly. I .uu, qj, yie Prince George tomorrow HHHt 4tHM ANNOUNCEMENTS night. Mia Hannah Essen. R.N, graduate of the Prince Rupert General Hospital training school for nurses, will tall on tb Prince George tomorrow night for Vancouver enroute to Arizona where he will engage in her profession. John Nyman and Leander Paxal arrived In the city on the Catala yesterday afternoon from Anyox and left on this morning's train for New York where they will embark on a visit to their old home in Helslngfors, Finland. Jjfcjfil. steamer Prince George, Cspt. .9-a.rn. to-6 n.m.--4fr5,'Jedcl!n' srrrved"rom"Vancou- vr,-iPo ell" River' and' OceatiFallsi at 12 noon today and WUl tall st'4'o'clock this afternoon for Anyox and Ketchikan, returning here to. tall for the south at 11 o'clock tomorrow night. The completion of the aerial recon-nalaaalnce of the route for the Skeena River highway between Terrace and Oslloway Rapids was not made yesterday sfternoon but Is planned today Major D. R. MacLaren. D.S.O. made several short flights over the town and harbor yesterday afternoon taklni I'hone 1 09 pno:tiiaph who have been residing in Victoria far the past few months, returned to the etty em the Prince Oeorge Uue morning. Mrs. C. Coatea of Aajrox arrived la the city from the smelter town on the Catala yesterday afternoon and left by today's train for Terrace where the wUl spend two weeks on a holiday visit. Robert Davie, Robert Arthur, tr. and James U. Campbell left on this morn Ing't tram, tor Hazeltoo, whence they will ttart on a two weeks' meter trip through the Lakes District and central interior. O. H. Stead. British Columhta superintendent of Canadian National Telegraphs, arrived on the Prince, Oeorge this morning from Vancouver and will spend a day nere before preeeeoing to the Interior. Col. S. P. McMordle returned to the city cn the Prince Oeorge this morning from a brief business trip to Vancou rer in connection with the new theatre wb'ch the Prince Rupert Amusement Co. is to erect here. 1 t 1 W. J. Alder, pioneer investor In this city and now residing In Victoria, arrived on the Prince Oeorge this morn ing from the south and wUl spend a few days here on business in connection with his Interests. City Tennis Tournament commencing Saturday, September 17. Entries 11.00, . ; covering all events, must be in by 6 pm. Frldty. September 15. C. W. Crukck your winters supply now. .Albert Big Exhibition Sale now in full shanks. CN.R. ticket office or H.Ryall. McCaffrey, lid. Phone 116 and 1 17. tf swing at Mrs. Frtozelrs. . tf Canadian Bank ot Commerce. Robert M. Stewart, father of the Thla afternoon's train, due from the' ,,,. ,. K.. h.n n.vi town of Stewart and prealdent of the Bait at 840. It reported to be on time.', brlf r Kn (nd dawgnter- DunwcU mine, waa a paessngat on the in-law. Mr. and Mrs. O. A. McMillan. Catela yesterday afternoon bound from A. Rlehmond. local for dealer, tailed ,42 Arem,c Ellti Mi on to- Stawart to Victoria. by the CataU .last night on a business ... .,., ... a,v..,u K. nnm.. trip to Vancouver. . i wtck Enroute. the will .spend a week A. B. Morktll, manager of the Bank of Comoieree at Anycx, will be a passenger aboard the Prince Oeorge tomorrow night bound for Vancouver on a holiday trip. cagu vary wui .ue lun- Alfrt B-mmn nledln in.Iltv In eitv fight next wee, later ry-Dempr go-1 ccvn niornlug to 8 CDarge to the World Serlea rjeball lng game ot wa, ,lned J25 with the wherever they may be held. The party expect to be away efcout a month. Rev. E. WwfhrtK, who been occupying the Anglican Church pulpit at Stewart for the past month or so. wsa a passenger on the estate yesterday afternoon bound for Vancouver. Rev. Walter Allen of Pouee Coupe, who pent some time in Prince Rupert a couple of years ago. will arrive in option of thirty days' imprisonment, toy Magistrate McClymont. Winter li romln-. Prepare now by putting In your winter's Mock of Xanalnio-Mrlllngton rout. 1500 tons of the very be.t on hand. .Albert & Mr-Caffrry, Ltd. Phone 116 and 117. tf Mr. and Mrs. J. Stooart of Nanalmo, at Edmonton. Next Wednesday evening will be the last platform appearance in the city of . iv , . , I Willie Balsgno as thla talented violin n who! in thel . Mrs. M. Butt, . has been - , k ,K ivi for the south Reserve the St. An W. C. Rlddell. an old time official of tbe Grand Trunk Pacific Railway and now advertising agent for the Canadian National Railway central division with headquarters in Toronto, arrived from Vancouver on the Prince Oeorge this morning and proceeded East by train. He was accompanied by Mrs. Rlddell and they were among the most ardent of the fans at the recent world'a championship lacrosse finals between To ronto Weston, and New . Westminster. being bound home In company with the former team. NOTICE. Take notice that on the 24th day of July, 1927, I was appointed executor of the estate of the late Magnus Morrison, deceased; and all persons having accounts against that estate must deliver tame to the undersigned forthwith.. J. C. GAV1GAN, Executor. Dated at Prince Rupert. B.C. this ltth day of September, 1S27. 218 LAND ACT .NOTICE OF 1NTKNTIOX TO APPLY TO LEASE LAND In Range S. Coast Land District. Land Recording District of Prince Rupert, ana situate on Lot 102 Humpback Bay, Por-chet Island. B.C. TAKE NOTICE that F. H. Cunningham. Board of Trade Building, of Vancouver. B.C., occupation Salmon Broker. Intends to apply for a lease of the following de fcrlbed lands: Commencing at a post planted 150 yards south-southeast of northeast corner post of Lot 102, Range 5; thence due truth 6 chains; thence south-southeast IS chains; thence due north 6 chains; thence west-northwest along thore to point of commencement and containing 14 acres, mores or les. FRANCIS HENRY CUNNINGHAM, Applicant Dated 75th June. 1927. LAND ACT NOTICE OF INTENTION TO APPLY TO LEASE LAND In Prince Rupert Land Recording District of Prince Rupert, and situate nn Princess Royal Island at East Side Cove irom Buteasie cannery. TAKE NOTICE that L Jacob KoaVI of Butedale. B.C.. occupation a fisherman, intends to apply for a lease of the following described lands: Commencing at a post planted about 500 yards northeast of Butedale Cannery Wharf; thence east 5 chains; thence south 2 chains; thence west S chtlns: thence nonh 2rrAlnarw'pomt of commencement 'and -containing one acre, more or leas. JACOB KOSKI. Applicant. Dated August 27. 1927. PAIN in BLADDER Promptly Ess4 by SAIMTAL MIDY B sue to est the Otnuiss Look for th word "MIOY" bold by all druggists This Purifying Toilet Soap Removes Germs as well as Dirt Tiny fingers . . . wee hands always busy . . . and always the danger that they may carry dreaded disease germs to eyes, nose or mouth. Or some little cut or scratch may bring infection. Everywhere, it seems, lurk these elusive germs of disease. Protection for all the Family There is definite protection in the cleansing, purifying lather of Lifebuoy Soap. For yourself, as for the wee ones, you won't find a better toilet soap than Lifebuoy .... and the protection against germs is added benefit to you. For the bath . . for shampooing ... for every toilet need, Lifebuoy Soap is efficient, safe and sure. Its mild, creamy, antiseptic lather goes down into the millions of tiny pores, cleanses them and lets the skin breathe . . . and Lifebuoy Soap costs ro more than you are accustomed to pay for ordinary toilet soap. IIcanadianF Vacific Kiauwiv ry - GERM DISEASES JLt J that hands may carry Ctmfiltd bj Lift Extemion InstiluU. Colds Tonsillitis Mumps Ringworm Whooping Cough Erysipelas Diptneria Scarlet Fever Chickenpox Septicemia Boils Measles Bronchitis 'Typhoid Dysentery LIFE Health Soap Purifies andProlects Lever Brothers Limited Toronto LB 713 Pink Eye Otitis (Ear Infection.) Pharyngitis Smallpox Tuberculosis Pneumonia 'Influenza Carbuncles Laryngitis Impetigo (Skin Infection) Social Diseases Cerebro Spinal Meningitis The war Influenza spreidf if unknown so like every precaution. f? Canadian Pacific Railway B. C. Coast Services Sailings from Prince Rupert To Ketchikan, Wrangell, Juneau and Kkarway September C, 17, 26. ' To Vancouver, Victoria and Seattle September 11, 21, 30. PRINCESS IlEATKICE. For Butedale. East Bella Bella, Ocean Palls, Namu, Alert lUy, Campbell River, and Vancouver every Saturday. 11 a.m. Agency for all Steamship Lines, Full Information from W. C. ORCHKI. General Agent. Corner of 4th Street and 3rd Airnue, Prince Rupert. I1.C UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT CENTRAL H OTEL The place called "Home" 120 Rooms, American and European Plan. Hot and Cold Water. Bus meets all trains and boats. Sample Room Phone 51. L. Martin, Manager. Advertise in "The Daily News" ; 7