k ijQVernmenr of Lanciua guaKtiitees UsAgs WASH- I Troubles 10 YEARS OLD llladc in Canada 95 years T' : ; udv.TtisftncTit is not pub-i hi J or displayed l.y the t.nu'ii' t'"ii:iil J.!uaril or by tin1. liniment of British filumbi.t THE PIONEER LAUNDRY KIDS VJ VatL MAKE VourV. WASHDAY TRouHLPS gj UUDUkCO ........ B J'.Vt l;V woman who has at-ti mi it -d to have the family wash dxiio in her home knows what a I, mu ll of weary worriment it means. We will charge you mi' lur our services. Let us i iie Tro.ibk' off your hands. Pioneer Laundry I'hone 118 YOU ARE INVITED to see Ladies' Coats Hats nntl Dresses , w at The Louvre 31C Third Avenue Next Royal Hank oo d DRY BIRCH, CEDAR AND JA.CK PINE Single Load $:l.r() Double Load SjUl.r.O L.uTi! Sack ."0? 0 BUNDLES DRV KINDLING, $1.00 Phone "S0 HydeTransfer AND COAL CO. 139 Second Avenue LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phone 63 Cartage, Warehousing, and Distributing. Team or Motor Service. Coal Sand and Gravel. We Specialize in Piano and Furnitum Moving. CAZY RIVIERA NOWRESORTOF TIME KILLERS jpsc Awaiting Divorce !iy . French Court Pass Time at (umltlinj; Tables ' OANNBB. Fianc. tpt U The ;Rrtef. kmf pirlur dawdling mid famMlng ItouihI far y touruts u jfewomtng a rendccvotsi for sufferers of I srtl IB tfce qMnlou of divorce layis d tMOre t esperu Many of Qvj tll-4rsd women r.d n who Jfttlii Mthilr at the V t)cFCeTtrtd miiiK Ubl srt reaMjr for lUkfi or the ltrt and sot tt purw. trwjr sajr The amass f ebance In which they indulge cmeumtfl refkMMr. are merely the turning of vhert of tbe divorce courts of Parte Uien the do the roulette heela of the Oaslao. , On the tattlta they place sums of: nurosy. but In docoiaenu filed in Parti j oourts tbey hire placed their emotion. and thef we fr more concerned to 1 in there than here. The stakes are ' high here, at time, the Income tax j expert calculate that between tM.OOO,. I 000 and 120000.000 wu ruked on the' i declatona of gaming Uutrumente here last year. The divorce lawyer point out that regardleM of the amount of pcunlary haaarda of h gaming table 1 I here, larger stakes are being pttyed for j in the Pari court. I When a d Utl ngu Ishrdl y - gowned wo- ' wn nonchalantly rakea In a pUe of tank not shored tord her by a ' deft croupier, (he online wlahe It were a decree of divorce ahe were re-j celving. the Uwyer aay. And when a; gentleman In evening clothe lone a 1 (ew thouaandi, he frequently wtahat It were an unwanted mate that the WATER NOTICE II1VI KMON AND SE TAKE NOTICE thsT Francis Henry Cunningham, whose address Is 80S Board of Trade Building. Vancouver. B.C.. will apply for a licence to take and use I ruble foot per second of water out of unnamed stresm which flows northeast and drain Into Humpback Bay. Porcber Island, about 400 yards southeast of northeast comer post of Lot 103. The wster will be diverted from the stresm at a point (bout 200 yard from the mouth of the river and will be used for tlsh. cannery and domestic, purposes upon the lands applied for, being portion of Lot 102. Range 5. Coast District. This notice wss posted on the ground on the 28th day of June. 1927. A copy of this notice and an application pursuant thereto and to. the "Water Act" will be filed In the office of the Water f ecorder at Prince Rupert. B.C. Objec-Ions to the application may be filed with the ssld Water Recorder or with the Comptroller of Wster "Rights, Par-(lament Buildings, Victoria. B.C., within thirty days after the flnt appearsnce of this notice In a local newspaper. The date of the first publication of this notice is August 4. 1S27. 1. H. CUNNINGHAM, Applicant. LAND ACT. notio: or intention to apply to LEASK L.M In Atlln Land Recording District of the Caaslar District, and situate at the ' mouth of Wacn River, about 500 feet easterly along the shore from the north-vest corner of the Skylsrk Mineral Claim. TAKE NOTICE that I. Horace Mc-Naughton Fraser. of Atlln, occupation B.C. Land Surveyor, acting as agent for the Engineer Oold Mines Ltd., Inc.. In I tends to apply lor a lease of tne following described lands: Commencing st a post planted about 60Q feet easterly along the shore from the northwest corner of the Skylark Mineral Claim; thence northerly 225 feet; thence easterly 100 feet; thence southerly ISO feet, more or less, to high wster msrk; thence westerly 100 feet, more or less, to point of commencement, and containing 0.3 acres, more or less. ENGINEER OOLD MINES LTD, INC., Applicant. H. McN. Fraser, Agent. Dated Augun 9. 1927. f , V ' LAND ACT VOtlt'R OF INTENTION" ToluVTLY TO -I.KAjiK. LAN" In Queen Charlotte Islands Land' Re cording District of Prince Rupert, and situate at Ferguson Bay, uranam island. ' ' " Q.C.I. -- TAKE NOTICE that Somervllle Cannery Company. Limited. Vancouver, BC. occupation Packers. Intends to apply for a lease of the following described lands: Commencing at a post planted at the northwest corner of Lot 1571, Q.C.I.; , thence east 30 chains: thence north 2 j chains, more or less, to low water mark; thence west following low water mark. 30 chains: thence south 2 chains, more or 1 less, to point of commencement, and 1 containing sis (6) acres, more or less. BOMERVILLE CANNERY COMPANY, LIMITED. Applicant Dated August 31. 1927. IN PROBATE. IV THE Si rnEME rOI'KT OF IIKITISH COLI'JlllIA In the Matter of the Administration Act; and In the Matter of the Estate of John Caddy, Deceased, Intestate. TAKE NOTICE that by order of His Honor F. McB. Young, the 20th day of July. A.D. 1927, I was appointed Administrator of the estate of John Caddy, deceased, and all parties having claims against the said estate are hereby required to furnish same, properly verified, to me on or before the 20th day of August, AD. 1027, and all parties Indebted to the estate, are required to pay the amount qf their indebtedness to me forthwith: NORMAN A. WATT, Official Administrator, Prince Rupert, B.C. Dated the 25th dsv of July. A.D. 1927. " "COMPANIES ACT" TAKE NOTICE tljat the Rupert-Van-eouver stevedoring Company, Limited, lntepda to apply under Section 39 of they Companies Act. being Chapter 38 of the Revised Statutes of British Columbia. 1924 to change Its name to Pacific Stevedoring & Contracting Company, UDATED at Prince Rupert, B.C., this " 9th day of August. 1927. .. .. una liimsnN jfe OONZALES. niuuinwui ....... solicitors for the Rurrt-Vancouver Stevedoring Company, Limited. DOUBLE MINT eay to remember and hard to for-get, once you've tried It. Keep .teeth white, breath tweet, aid appetite and digcttlon ... tfrjttr( hi ti Every Meal 57V H croupier' rake was taking away from him l Fear of the publicity given forrlgner seeking divorce in Pmrls help to account for the popularity of the gaming j table here, the lawyer say. The Oaalno at Ji'anls-P!ns reported 170,-' 000 profit last year, while the Casino j here, always a lodestone for English j people, reported a grow return of M.- i 000.000 during the aame time. j Rroof of the desire of divorce seekers 1 to "hide out" la seen in the number! of queries received by provincial law yers asking fo rlnformation about Ideal : a.- x OH1"1- pots for husbands and wives to be . mMt Wyandotte, hen-1. Miss L. M. properly separated with undue public-I altt: 2- w Lwson; 3. H. Menzles. Ity boredom. Blick Orpington, ben 1. W. H. Sher- During the mn- Jr-period, necessary "unmatlng" i instead of establishing legal : Red PTte 0ur Bantam, cockerel 1. residence at Parts, divorce seekers have ! Thc- 9mitto' adopted the custom of registering themselves here, at Deauvllle. Nice. Vichy and other resorts. In their advertisements for the 1924 season, some of the resorts feature the slogan "get your divorce at your favorite resort." HALL CAIN CENTRlT BRITISH DISCUSSION OYER COST OF LIQUOR POOLE. England, Sept. 18 This lit-' ". Jr. Seated Tlm'ini1 be received by il moval of timber. he District" rorestcr1. hot later than noon on Further particulars of the Chief Forester. Victoria, or the District Forester, Prince Rupert, B.C. TIMBER SALE X1303 Sealed Tenders will be received hv the Minister of Lands, at Victoria. B.C.. not i POULTRY PRIZE LIST AT FAIR Delayed Result of Judging Nuw Complete Jl t , pSVinper. In the, pout-. erably Melayea is a't'isst ready and la given Kerewttn: i Dulf Bantam, ban I. L. j. Dell. HoudM, CO!- 1. t 4. DreL Hcudan. he I. L. J zmi. Houds. fan 1. L. J. DrU. SpeckM Stfwex. cock -I, w. II. Sher-num. Jr. i Spsckled 8mscx. ben 1 and 2. W. H Sherman. Jr. j 8peckled Sussex, pen I. W. H. Sherman. Jr. I Red Pyte Esntam Qsir.e. cock 1. ' Ihot. Smith: 2 and S. W. H. Sherman, I Jr. j Red Pyle Bantam Osme. hen 1. 2 and 3. Thos. Smith. Red Pyle Baslam Oame (old), pen 1.: Thos. SmMb. I i Red Pyte Bantam Oame (young), pen' I. Tbos. Smith. Brown Legborn. dark, cock 1, W. II. Sherman, Jr. Brown Ujhm. dark, hen 1. 2 and 3. W. H. Sherman. Jr. Rhode Ittaad Red, cock 1, It. Measles. RI. Red. hen 1. 2 and 3. II. Men sic. RS. Red. pen (eld) 1. II. Menale. RJ. Red. cockerel 1, Mrs. A. . Oal-land: 2, H. Meotles. RJ. Red. pulle J. 2 and 3. Mrs. A. J. Oalland. RI. Red. pen (young) I, H. Menele; Red Pyle Oame Bantam, pullet 1, 3 and 3. Thome. Smith. Black Red Pyle Oame Bantam, cock 1. Thos. Smith. Black Red Pyle Qame Bantam, hen I. Thos. Smith. Black Red Pyle Qame Bantam, cockerel 1. Thos. Smith. Black Red Pyle Oame Bantam, pullet 1. Thos. Smith. Anconas. cocic 1, o. Ouelpa. VfJO. Black Polish, ben 1. 2 and 3, W. H. Sherman, Jr. W.O. Black Polish, pen 2, W. H. Sher- tie Dorset town Is all upset because It1 OoU Bearded Polish, cock 1, W. H. has learned that whiskey la being sold i Sherman. Jr. In New York cheaper than It is In' Goid Bearded Polish, hen 1 and 2, England. W. H. Sherman. Jr. , HaU Oalce. local member of parlla- Oold Bearded Polish, pea I, W. H. ment and son of .the famous novelist, . Sherman, Jr. Is responsible for Imparting the know-1 Light Brahma, cock 1. W. H. Sher- ledge to the town, thereby letting him- man, Jr. , self in for some criticism. In a speech; Light Brahma, hen 1. 2 and 3, W. toefore hla constituents, he asserted he H. Sherman, Jr. knew that "prohibition Is a fraud be- Light Brahma, pen '1, W. II. Sher-cause on a recent visit to New York J man, Jr. bought better whiskey than I can get Birchen Oame. hen 1 and 2, W. H. In England for two dollars a bottle." Sherman, Jr. a The price of medium quality whiskey' Black Red Oame, hen 1 and 2, W. In England Is about three dollars. 1 H. Sherman, Jr. Interested cltlrens are writing to the' Brown Red Bantam, hen 1, W. "H. papers to know how and why whiskey Sherman, Jr. la sold in New York more cheaply than Silver Spangled Hamburg, hen 1, V. In England. Some hint that Mr. Calne Menzles. ,. has Inherited his lather's talent forflc- SUver Spangled Hamburg, cockerel tkm. Others rebuke him. saving that 1. V. Menzles. as a guest In a foreign country he was Sliver Spangled Hamburg, pullet 1. particularly bound to obey the law of V. Menzles. that country, that the' buying of O&ld Spangled, hen W. H. Sherman, whiskey In New York at any price by a Jr. " British legislator was "unseemly con- silver Pencilled Hamburg, cock W. H. duct. i Sherman. Jr. BIRTH OF A .SPUIVTER. Li S.i TIMBER-SALE H55.'.i,1 Silver Pencilled Hamburg, hen W. H. Sherman. Jr. fVilri Pennlllori Hamhnrv tion W U What steps would you take If you Snermani Jr. I, saw a dangerous lion on the campus? "Long ones." Silver Polish, cock W. H. Sherman, Jr. Silver Polish, hen W. H. Sherman. Jr. Blue Polish W.C.. cock W. H. Sherman. Jr. ( - ' Blue Polish . W.C.. hen W. H. She'r-man! " Jr; . ..-., , '.. Bearded Buff Mtoiwjfc ,W. H. BearSsd. Vuolfeh3hen--ilt.2 and 3. W U CKArman .1. f ' ''i ena rrescott island. c.R. 5. to cut 162)00 man Jr feet board measure or Spruce, Cedar.; Hemlock and Balsam Sawlogs. I Bearded White oi.t, Polish, cock w W. H. iwo m years win oe anowea lor re-; oaerman. jt. Bearded White Polish, hen w. H. Sherman. Jr. Barred Rock, cock y. Menzles. Barred Rock, hen-wl, u Menzles. Barred Rock, pen '(old) V. Menzles. Barred Rock, cockerel 1, a. Westrom iat man noon on me ism aay oi pnnc decree: 2. V. Menzles. Lawsan. Wlilte Leghorn, penO. Quelpa. Black Hamburg, hen W. JI. Sherman. Jr. Brawn. Red Oame. cock W. H. Sherman. Jr. Brown Red Oame, ben 1, 2 and 3, W. H. Sherman. Jr. Brown Red Oame, pen W. II. Sherman, Jr. Dark Brahma, cock W. H. Sherman. Jr. Dark Brahma, hen W. H. Sherman, Jr. Dark Brahma, pen W, H. Sherman, Jr. SPECIALS Beet pen In the show-W. H. Sherman, Jr. Oreatest number firsts In any one breed of utility birds Harry Menzles. For second greatest number of firsts In any one breed of utility birds Vile Menzles. Best cockerel In the show O. West rom. Prince Oeorge. Bert pullet in the show Mrs. A. J. Oalland. Best male blrld In the show II. Menzles. Best eihlbit by a boy or girl Thos. Smith. FRENCH CANADIANS ARE RETURNING TO CANADA RAPIDLY WINNIPEp. Sept. 13. French. Canadian factory workers In the New England States have begurfa return migration to Canada which, has grown to such proportions that L. A. Delorme. of the Canadian Government Information Bureau at Wooruocket. Rhode Island, Is making a trip through the west to gain first hand Information about business copdit)ons and opportunities available In Western Canada. Mr. Delorme stated that at present there are about 1 .500.000 French Cana dians In the New England States. Many are returning to their old parishes In Quebec, but there is a pronounced movement to the west. Most of the people who wish to come west, he said, have little capital, but should develop Into sturdy settlers. ROUND THE WORLD WITH SIXPENCE TO . START WITH ONLY WINNIPEG, Sept.: 3;, ATOUji.a the vorld with slxoence to start 'off with! so Munro MacLennan, of Aberdeen, Scotland, decided to do It. The wager is an ice cream cone. MacLennan arrived In Winnipeg recently on a harvesters' special, hla sixpence still Intact, having earned a few I -IstlllHA. nm.Vl.r. nM " farm " vj. 5 v... , .l u, . v - and 3 V 1 mont. iu ezpecis u Harvest in me Saskatoon district and make enough money to carry him as far as the coast. From there he will take a boat to the uct0Der.iW7.fQr tne purchase of Pulp; - . i Orient. Just what part he doesn't mind Licence jiuuj, w cut su.4U0.uuu i.DJU. ' iu.4V, aim , w. i . . ,,, . Spruce, Hemlock and Cedar on an area Westrom. Prince Georee situated on Copper Bay, Moresby, oeese Airs Robt ifartrov Island, Queen Charlotte Islands District. ! r8-8- P001' MaKay. Thirty (30) years will be allowed fori Ducks 1. Mrs. Rpbt. MacKay; removal of timber. jacky Unwin. este, Victoria, BE., or District Forester, Prince Rupert. B.C. TIMBER SALE X4298 Sealed Tenders will be received bv the ' Minister of Lands, at Victoria, B.C.. not ' Pigeons 1, 2 and 3. Henry Smith. Rabbits 1, Jacky Unwin; 2, Oeorge WATER NOTICE- niVEKSIOV AND TSE TAKE NOTICE that E. Rousseau, whose later than noon on the 13th day of address la 410 Seymour Btreet, Vancou October, 1927. for the purchase of Pulp yer. B.C., will apply for a licence tn ti Licence X4298, to cut 12.092.000 f.bjn. take and' use 1 cubic foot of water out Spruce, Hemlock and Cedar on an area r.r iinnnnmri itnim whirh rtnm. mnih. situated 1 mi Orey Bay, Moresby Island,; eri, and drains InstfPoit Stephens Bay. Quif?Cn"i?tte Waodj District. about 1 one mire east dl Bluff Pdlnt. Thirty (30) years will be a lowed for 1 The wkter wlU-?6e dlvefted fromllthe rSy. J of tit!eF- . . tream at polat abojt 600 feet ffrbm Further: particulars of the Chief For-i fh mlutTinnvur t-rince Kupert, B.C. as Lot 2750, i (ou, Range itange 4, , Coast uoast District. District, This inia notice was posted on the ground on TI,,nr o4vr viorw TIMBER SALE X4297 1 the 26th day of July. 1927. A copy of Scaled Tenders will be received by the this notice and an application pursuant thereto and to the "Water Act will be Minister of Lands, at Victoria. B.C., not filed In the office of the Water Re laier man noon on the 13th day or coraef at rrmce nupert, jj.c. uojec-October, 1927. for the purchase of Pulp : Hons to the appUcatlon may be filed Licence X4297, to cut 38J75.000 f.bjn. with the said Water Recorder or with the Spruce. Hemlock and Cedar on an area ' Comptroller of Water Rights, Parliament situated on Copper Bay. Moresby Buildings. Victoria, B.C., within thirty Island, Queen Charlotte Islands District. ' days after the first appearance of this Thirty (30) years will be allowed for potlce In a local newspaper. The date removal of timber. I of the first publication of this notice Is Further particulars of the Chief For- August 20, 1927. este, Victoria. PP. r- Di-lrt nrester.l EUGENE ROUSSEAU, Vxiztt Uui. u:c. .C Applicant. as long as he keeps travelling west. RACE TO SPAIN NEXT SUMMER NEWPORT, R.I.. Sept. 14. Plana for the Spanish-American yacht race next summer from New York to Santander, Spain, have been announced here by the committee which discussed them during the New York Yacht piub cruise. . It was tentatively agreed to divide the racing fleet into two classes, one of craft under 50 feet waterllne to be commanded and navigated by amateurs cial purposes upon 'the landi described!8"1 Ban'a on time allowance, and the omer 01 umimuiea size wiui no time allowance. It was expected that the smaller craft would be given a head start, so that all might finish near King Alfonso has offered a trpphy for the race. TAKE A HARE. Futility Trying to sell a copy of "A.sk Me Another I" to the father of five email bor--r-Utetary Digest. x FAGS PIV2 BRITISH COLUMBIA The Mineral Province of Western Canada To the end of Decerrther, 1926. Has produced Minerals as follows: PJaeer Gold. $78,018,548; Lode flold. )12&972,318: Silver. $80,787,003; Lead, $106076.142; Copper,. $209,007,068; Zinc. $5012j5577; Coal and Coke. $281.S99,133; Structural Materials and Miscellaneous Minerals, $50,175,407; making Its mineral production to the end of 192C show an AGGREGATE VALUE OF $988,108,170. PRODUCTION FOR YEAH END'NO DKCEMHER, 1926, $G7,18S.8I2 The Mining Laws of this Province are more liberal and the fees lower than those of any other Province in the Dominion, or any colony In the British Empire. -Mineral .locations are granted to discoverers for nominal fees. Absolut Titles are obtained by developing such properties, the security of which is guaranteed by Crown grants. Full Information, together with Mining Reports and Maps, may be obtained gratis by addressing THE IIONOIt.UtI.E THE MINISTER OF MINES. VICTORIA, BRITISH COLUMBIA. N.B. Practically nil British Columbia Mineral Properties upon wh(ch development work has been done are described in some one of the Annual Reports of the Minister of Hnes. Those considering mining investments should refer to sucji reports. They are nvnll-able without charge on application to the penartment of Mine, Victoria, B.C. Reports of the Geological Survey of Canada, Wipch Build'pg. Vancouver, are recommended as valuable sources of information. Reports covering of the Six Mineral Survey Districts are published separately, and are available on application. Crown Colony Days Away back in the late sixties thousands of ficres p British Columbia's timber were sold for one cent per acre, which looked like a fair price then. Today similar timber is worth from $150 to $2Q0 per acre, sq tremendously has timber appreciated in value within the scope of an average lifetime. What the young growth of today will be worth sixty years from now is beyont computation if jt is protected from fire and allowed to reach maturity. The moral is obvious. PREVENT FOREST FIRES YOU CAN HELP BRITISH COLUMBIA FOREST SERVICE DEMAND "Rupert Brand" 1 ' tr-i HI .1 F. . w Hmnkfarf llntlv hv ers on." Canadian Fish & CoH Storage (X, Prince Kupert. U. Canadian National Steamships Co. Limited Prince Rupert DRYDOCK AND SHIPYARD Operating (J.T.P. 20,000 Ton floating Dry Dock Engineers, Machinists, Boilermakers, Blacksmiths, Pattern-makers, Founders Woodworkers Etc ELECTRIC AND ACETYLENE WELDJN'G. Our plant is equipped to handle all kinds of MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK. PHONES 43 and 385