Prince Rupert Daily News s 5 Wednesday, November 19, 1952 SPORTS ROUND. UP By GAYL E TALBOT ORK (AP)—Our position, simply stated, ball umpires » off in publi should have just as much ¢ as the players and ma). ou think this is going to be a defence , for his needling remark rece ntly that are “ery babies,” ww thought on thi at 8 corre ct ny 4 season we offictate otner World Series in inst the une the men in quoted, Some ful stories ist a gent ve ‘ry heard thelr off ery few of which the Bombers are partici- pants Whether this was sporting is perhaps open to argument but it doesn’t matter for the reason that Goetz’ turn to work the play-off won't come around again for some six years, and by passed oF vo | that time he'll likely have re ihe umpires 1 that they tired _ The point is that player \SRBECTS and even « up presi inet joss to dents never hesitate to say what nd this is a President War- jationad Leagne | etx for having) he sensitive vas fun to juchess jump worat com had to sey wan that ere “unter t wok very nay have me m coming the National They wWorked od there was 1 thrent tht cleome to help ly-checking hilp Millers Downed Roughn Ready Hoop Duel Cordon & Anderson 59: they think of umpires As it happens, Goetz ts a fellow who loves baseball much more | than most men comnected with the game Some of us knew dwring the series that Larry and the Yan!:s were not going steady. Larry said ; 98 much. Big John Mize, the former National Leaguer, was particularly burned because. th first Ume he questioned a called | strike, Goetz had commented I ee you haven't changed a pit Yori Berra and Larry were not buddies because Larry ‘obje: ted to Yogi's helping him cal! bali and strikes. “If you don't top that guy quick, you'll find he umpiring for you.” Larry said G-A CCC 39 to the tune of 21 fouls by last night failed to halt the point- ig by Gordon & Anderson's two guards team to its second victory of the sea- ny games, CL ee ee “ th 19 pelnts and’ the hard- elr 20-peint hich began turned into furation to- the net yet knocked der Gy and ich and a syers were veteran Alex} ough ~and- rood part of the floor in lers how grace of Thompson, th his dashes total of high liner Don hard threugh- bot with onty five collapsed under | trem exhaustion 1] run and an or the end, recovered lef rubdown ad fouled out rwwed to finish | THE ALLEYS Dunbar ils High ith 318 Duy ind the alleys he mixed five last week to 118 and high Aim, } Wh atm an chalked} the ladies ** lea Shenton ! 767 Daisy Ardern top- , nh 234 and also ' of $81. Gord . single of 304 ““Y Ford's 781 was high o. "ith Dunber and : ws both in good “a4 ' High single game i | three of 3,939. Std rks the end of ytd after which the « | into two di- oa | ta ' week's results: Sheet Metal4, | fe 9 | 0: Miler Bay 4, Hi- by ‘Phans 3, Bulgers 1; verry’s 2; Penguin VY News 3; Conrad } iers 0 , we, Pushovers 4, 99 Taxl a 1. Jersey Farms 0 %,, 3, Headpinners 1: Shenton's 1; ee "Cale 3, Cook's Jewell- iby on = Footwear 2, Nichey 2 on the same | | the last few minutes of the fina! period Referees were Sev and Al Davidson A fiard-fought battle of four | 8 minute quarters gave Lhe Hart Wig-coached Fraser & Payne a 15-point majority over Mansons the Imer “A” division, wi ining 46-31 Mick “Gus” Nickerson ahead with 19 points to spark his team all the way. Roddy Tait showed good form under the net artd Was for- midable in defence For Mansons, coached by vet- eran Bob Moxley, Findlay scored @ight points, followed by Martin and Anderson each with six Referees were Ole Slatta and Ray Spring Inter “B” division General Mo tors defeated ison Bros, 37-23 with Stewart taking the lead for the winners with 10 points Lineups Senior “B" Gerdon & Anderson—Holkes- tad 11, Flaten 19, Davis 18, Hebb i3. Webber 7, Gardner 1, Currie Total 59 cCC—D. Scherk Ratchford 4, Carison 3, Scherk Christ- off, Dumas 3, Ciccone 4, Thomp- son 13. Total 39 Inter “A” Praser & Payne—Kristmanson 3. Tat 9, Ciccone 7, Nickerson 19 Christenson 3, Pord 3, Mc Wood, Sheppard 2. Total 46 Manson’s...M. Sed@wick 4, Mar tin 6, Jeffery 2, Webber 3, An- derson 6, Hodgkinson 2, T. Sed¢ wick, Erickson, Findlay 8, Barn | Total 31 ; drove scoring nine points Inter “B” Dominato } General Motors — Morrison 6,° Grey, Sankey 4, Nelson 7, Stew art 10, Strand 6, Shent 2, Sedgwick 2. Total 37 Nelson Bros.Tanaka 4, New- ton 3, Husvik, Wing 6, Naktsu 5 | Yamamoto 3, Tsuchiya, Matsuo 2. Total 23 SEE OUR A-1 Used Cars BEFORE YOU BUY A MUST SEE— 60 Monarch Fordor. Gleaming metallic green, lots of extras. A reali family car $2125 TRUCK VALUES “47 Fofd Pickup. Has gone a few miles but there are lots left $675 46 Dodge Panel—Fair all around. A happy hunting wagon $875 ‘42 Ford 4-Ton Pickup— Excellent rubber, good motor. A very useful truck $625 CALL YOUR A-1 USED CAR DEALER Bob Parker Ltd. “The home of friendly - service Phone 98 1, Young | 4 Wis: Shorties and Full Length: Labrador Ranch Mink and Wild Mink Dyes. 10 fe 40 in the group. Jap Coney \dyed rabbit) Three-quarter and Full Length Coats. cow Labrador Mink Dyes, tines 10 to 20 “in the group. each $128 to $158 BUDGET PLAN TERMS ti: nae | a Isia8 to (LABLE ~ rabbit) ‘ull Length, group. $198 [F DESIRED W! es ahd ee $338 Arrives in our LS EVENT Prince Rupert Order Office Thurs, Nov. 20th at 9:00 a.m. EATON’S exciting Fur event otfers you Fall 1952 selected from our prices prevailing in our Vancouver Store! styles in coats Vancouver Store stock—-at exactly the same Become one of the value-wise women who buy their Fur Coats from EATON’S. Enjoy the security of buying from a firm wi customer confidence guarantee—"’Goods Satisfactory or Money Re You make your selection with the assistance representative from our Vancouver Store . your choice with added assurance that hich enjoys coast-to-coast . a firm that has built its business on the funded.’ of an experienced buy the coat of it has been carefully selected for quality, style and value. And, best of all , you are not ordering from samples—but may walk out of the store in the coat you feel is the coat for you! A small deposit will holc ready to make the necessary arrangements. d the coat of your choice until you are be Arranged if Desired. EATON’S Budget Pian Terms With a Down Payment of 10% May Furs, like Diamonds, are bought on Faith, and Faith in your Furrier is your Best Assurance proc + and Full Length Coats. Golden Brown Dye. each $148 0 $198 ality. Four Ways To Buy @ Cash @ Deposit Accouat leat lank (dyed) @ Charge Account @ Budget Plan nc Mink Dyes These Serviegs: Mahe Shopping Easier WN PAYIAENYT X i EAT Weg se MM Bien "sys: