f. i! rAGI FOUS i BRINGING UP FATHER 3akettie union pi Dirwct at an arrow tpted thete great atl-itemt trmJnt to the Mid. We.. Seuth and East. bxajl V .-.TJ Union Pacific is your logical route to Salt Lake City, Denver, Kansas City, St. Louis, Omalia and Chicago. IwltrniTon m4 BeservatWa I'nien Station. Seattle. 1143 I'tturlh Air. Spring Coats in Shades of Navy, Gray and Sand "Demers" Phone 27. P.O. Iiox 327. Prince Rupert BOAT HOUSE Phone 381 P.O. Hox 1563 LAUNCHES, SCOWS, ROW-BOATS AM) CANOES ; SAND AND GRAVEL Equipment for Hiving and Salvage Work Agents for Easthope Engine ant Stump Pullers NORWEGIAN HALIIilJT (IE AH IN STOCK Compass Adjusting MILK From IJuIkley Valley FRESH MILK AND WHIPPING CREAM Quality and Service Valentin Dairy Phones 6.'C and 657 LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phone C3 Carta pre, Warehousing, and Distributing Team or Motor Service. Coal Sand and Gravel. We Specialize In Piano and Furnitum .Moving. ROBERTSONIS BASEBALL HEAD i. iv, scott x.Mi:n vke-imcemhent WITH' liEO. It TITK SECRETARY j AT MLKTIMI .LisT XIISIIT P. E. Robertson wUl again bead the Prince Rupert Baseball Association for tbe city, while Joe"8cott baa been reelected to tbe petition or vice-president. O. R. Tlte was elected secretary pro. tern, and Geo. Johnstone will represent the Intermediate league on tbe executive. Tbe annual meeting held last night In tbe City Hall was not as largely attended as enthusiasts would have liked but several counter attractions at the same hour possibly prevented many from attending who would otherwise be I giving the game their support. This year tber will probably be only two teams In the Senior League unlna other applications are received la tbe very near future. It Is expected that tbe Sons of Canada and the Oyro Club wlU each have one team entered. An Inter, mediate league composed of three teams will probably be formed although definite plans for this league have not been decided upon. ' Annrhr mMtfnt nf tKm. lniwMui ' It is expected, will be held In the very I near future and further plans for tbe coming season will again be discussed. SPORT CHAT f According to press reports. Miles, tbe enstiUocal Nova Scotlah athlete who won ine uosion marathon, last year lorcea out oi tne race this year by the excessive heat which was des cribed as "sweltering." Several other Canadians took port in tiie race which was won by Demar and who has now won this classic five times. Nova Stotla his produced a large number of long distance runners and the. sport receives good support down there. One of tbe feature sporting events of tbe year Is the annual ten mile road race conducted by a Halifax daUy paper. Each year a large number from all over the Maritime provinces enter this con- (test which Is considered to be a better race than the Marathon as many i authorities claim the latter race Is too long and too bard on the contestants. I Basketball rules have been recently changed ao that only one bounce Is allowed In a dribble. The founder of tbe game does not think the change will make' for any Improvement or will slop any rough play as lta advocates profess to believe. It is not known whether the new rule will be observed at once .by the Edmonton Orads In their defense of the Ladies' basketball championship, of the world. Recent accident to fishing boat akmg' th; coast ' wTrphasiKethe Import ance of being familiar with the art cf swimming. It I generally considered. In sea port town like Prince Rupert. hat every boy and girl learn to swim. This, however. Is not true and only re cently when the sea cadets were asked as to how many could swim, a large number answered In the negative. It will probably be the policy of this new organization to give Instruction to thoe who have not mastered the art but there are a large number of other children in the city for whom some provision ahould be made. The Ottawa Senators, who twice with in recent year were eliminated from the eunley Cup series by second place team after leading the National Hoc key League all season, receive sympathy from the New York DaUy New which attack the play-off system now in vogue following the defeat of the New York Ranger by the Boston Bruins. The writer questions the lt' uatton "whereby a team can loaf In ibird place all season conserving Its errgy and then on tbe crest of a spurt ride through to brat a tsain that ha been playing 'consistent flaiAiy hockey throughout -the playing seiaon. The . li u . ...'t i between tbe two teams (Ottawa and Ranger) that flnlihed first." the News My. "What a fine mean the baseball season would be if they wound up that way with second and third teams play. tug to get into the world nerjea. How extraordinarily allly.f The English Channel, usually lashed and churned all summer by disuuire HAD BAD SPELLS WITH HER HEART Mr. B. 0. Hall, Bolton Centre, (Jut, writes i "Boat time ago I had bad fells wit taj heart wtleh I betlev waj tusej br nervouxnes. I tried varthlcg I eonld think of, but could fat no relief until on of my friends jersndd ms to grt a boi of After I ltd taken a few boxes I got wonderful relief. I acw weighbn suadred and thirtv-flva pounds where, before, I newr writ over start." Price SOe. a hox at all tmnnt . I dealers, cr mailed direct on receipt of j price by Tie- T. Uilburn Cu, LimiUd, Toronto, Out. onl mill pond In September. Tbe proposed 150.000 swim frcm Youngs ton. N.Y, to Toronto. Ontario, on Labor Day has attracted many Channel aspirants. Norman Derham, the Englishman who beat Gertrude Ederle's time acrosa tbe Channel, ha been training since early in February for the Toungstown. I Toronto event. Derham won Lord RlddeU's "New of the World" prUe of I tljDOO In lowering Ederle'a time. Derham plana to swim from England M France before coming to Canada, thus conquering the English Channel In both directions. FIRE LOSSES ARE REDUCED along the lines cf the Canadian N-. tlonal system during 1024. about equal j ;-.o max or a medium auea house in (one of tbe cities." Mr. KUby stated. 'and this reduction in losses has been brought about by constant care and supervision. The eek of April 24 to April 30 inclusive put been set aside as "Save the Forest Week.' in Canada, 1ut In order to reduce tire dangers along our lines we have made every week "Bare the Forest - Week' on the Canadian National system. "Our forrst protection program." Mr. KUby continued. "U of equal Impor-unce to it. as any other part of railway policy, for the forests not only contribute a large share of our total freight revenue but a large part of rail, way expenditures must aba go for for tat protection " ASKS ABOUT OFFICER REMOVED FROM RUPERT i, li. IUx nf Mow Jaw Make, inquiry in IIuhw f (tomnHHi and Hon. K. IL lira lift t Itrplie While Royal . Canadian Mounted ?clke eatlmates were under consideration In the House of Commons at Ottawa recently. 3. O. Rons. Liberal member for Mnose Jaw. enquired M inytlring had been done to reinstate police who had been as-moved a few Csys prtor' to the last election. "In Saskatchewan. I believe, two or three o Seers of the mounted police were removed, one from Prince Rupert and another from the Yukon territory. because they were Liberals." ssld Mr Ross. "The Idea was that they should I not be able to me their Influence nor (to vote. At the same time I believe jone man was appointed aide de camp l to the lieutenant governor In Regina. land that man Is the president of the ! Conservative organization of that :clty.- j I l am ffiad to hear the observation I'OREST PROTECTION TAMPAUIX of made by the hon. member for Moose CAVWiltX NATION II. RAILWAY Jaw. who knovs so much about every. Il l ItOKXi: OOOli I thing. because he has Indicated that REMIT . these men should be thankful they were dtsmtascd from the service." re- WINNIPEG, April 21 A persistent j plied R. B. Bennett, who was minister campaign against forest fires through-: of Justice at the time referred to. "He out the Dominion of Canada brought, says they were prevented from using about a reduction In fire damage along. their influence, being Liberals: appar the lines of tbe Canadian National .ently they desired to take part In the Railways during 1928 according to W. elections and that would have brought 11. Kllby. chief of forest protection on i about their dismissal. As It Is thev tbe National system. During 1926. total should thank goodness they were moved fire damage over the li'jOQQ miles of the and not removed entirely from tbe Canadian National Railway In Canada j public service for using their Influence amounte to 1 13 92. or about 64 cents on behalf of the Liberal party In the average loss per mile of track. The election. The truth Is that the gentle, acreage burned over U shown as' 8.041, men were removed on the strength of ere and 420 fire were attributed to report made by the snperJntenoVnt railway causes. "This makes the total who siu on the floor of this House value of property- destroyed j fire m the moment With mv own eves I An Ocean Howe Party "One continual round of pleasure " By day there's deck tennis, golf, quoits, bathing, miniature horse racing, sports of all kinds; in the evening cards, music, dancing. The grand finale A Bal Masque. All for your happiness on Cunard and Anchor - Donaldson Cabin Class liners. CANADIAN LANAJJIANjr f SERVICE swimmers, promises to t calm a tlx and The Conard MrainMiln Co.. Ltd. CM lla-llnr st, Url, Vancouver, or any steamship agent. anted For Sale For Rent HOARD OARD. THE INLANDER, Second Avenue. Phone 17. ANNIVERSARY OF U 10 ZEBRUGGEE HONORED Itotal CanailUn Natal Votuntrer Me- sM-rte Hold. Usnre tmr (lrrabin A prrvtte dnc I beinc zlven bv the member of the ward room mea of the Itoytl Canadian Naval Volunteer Reserve in the IjO.DE. IU1I tonight to Celebrtto n annlvertary of the British haval u lory at Zebruxee nine vears sen to. day. Invitations for this event have oeen limited to member of the local ranch of the Navy League and about i2S persons will be present. BATTALION ORDERS Uy Lleut.-Co!onrl J. W. NlcholU, Offlcet Oiinmanding. 1st lututlon North British Columbia Regiment, 102nd Bn. C E P. The commanding officer ecHKriu. late the officer. NCO.'s and men of ihe guard of honor and th Reglmeitttl Band on their creditable and smart ap-pesrance last Saturdy. tb April Their Excellencies, Uie aovemar.nn. tral and Udf Wllllngdon. expressed mvir pleasure wun the gusrd of honor ina rererred to the musle provided b the band. A meetuw of the officers' with Regimental Servt.-XUIoc. noun ..... Comi)any 8ergent.MsJor will be held ' Armoury, Monday. 25th April t a p in. The mlnlsture ranc is now for Ut summer season. Tlie frt practice ahoot of the vuminrr ewn held Sunday morning, uj I, t Mc- nicnoi creex. Dost leaves rv., n BJO sjii. All rank must attend at least .w r.ge practice at MeNlchol Creek during the summer, to musketry mrulatio. ahd earn ,. S. D. JOHNSTON, MJjr stid Adjutant, , Attd 1st Bn N.BO Regt By George McMaa.j, I j ITom- OM'DADDY- daddy- h-fAeorr fl I .Ti ! I ? ggSrVa S n?cI .HC&K& U ".J , " WEARE0 Clad you Came home. we were I TIME YOJ COT IM CUSTOM HERE ll r ("WJiiWUB 1 'w. I cTTPRy L -:CM fl I ' . I I i i . - - - - i i i t" n " i . , ; i i a i . - v k tv in n : i i i wnRRiFni - ----- DAILY NEWS CLASSIFIED ADS. & 2c per word in ad-ance. No AdertUemenOken foe leu than 50t AC1ENTS WANTED MAN OR WOMAN TO TRAVEL AND appoint local representative. 121 M weekly average .and expenses, and commission besides Experience unnecessary. Write for particular. Winston Co.. Toronto. ii SITUATIONS WANTED ECONOMIC UNIVERSITY STUDENT wishes office experience. Will be iree Uty 1. Box So. Dally News OSce. FOR RENT FOR RENT- FURNISHED SIX ROOMED hoiiw wllh bath. Eighth Atenue West. Apply Tbeo Oollart limited, bremtd Avenue. FOR RENT- MODERN FIVE ROOMED house with bath, just over section 2 bridge. Phone Blue C0I. slur six o'clock. FOR RENT.. FOCR ROOMED FLAT with range. US 00. Apply Mrs. K E. Birnle. Ifaretton. BC FOR RENT. SEVEN ROOMED HOUSE: also furnished four rvomrd flat. ' Phone Oreen 714. W FOR RENT. THREE ROOMED HOUSE 734 Seventh Avenue West. Phone Red 313. S FURNISHED SUITES FOR RENT. Apply Musasllem Grocery. Phone It, PIANO FOR RENT3j00 A MONTH. Walker Music Store ROOMS TO RENT. PHONE 67. saw the report, which was received some month Drerloutlr. and which suggested that they should be removed not because of their poll tie 1 faith but n the Interests of the force. That re port la a matter of record In the De partment of Justice and oan easily be brought down to substantiate my rtalemcut: It was on the strength ut that report that these men were F0K SALE COME ON, BOYS! IF YOU ARE MECII-anlcally inclined and want ctWap; boat engine, wt olll sell yew a urt Ford engtn for IJiOO. Part are very Inexpensive. Overhaul it yeurvrtf a4, you wUl have a 14 bp. motor at a very low cost Pafiee flange. &00 NAIL PUNCTURES IN TIRE treated wUh Pskov!, ytt leak no air. Official test. Inexpensive. Ouaranteed harmless. AgraU writ far proof and partioular of proportion. -PALCOSEEL" Alexandria. Out, FOR SALE. SCOW. WITH THREE mom eabin. well btttlt. In good ron-dittoa. Lit hi and etwy Hvtn quarter even for a family. Prke only I1MO0 Including furniture Apply to 8ved-mark. Cow Bay. 9S POR BALK. AMERICAN STEAM HOIST. 7 by 10. double drum: boiler mlde for and tested ISO-, been uvd three weeks. tljUOjOO fob Prince Oeurf. Addresa T. Rush. Prtnre Georye. BO FOR SALE. NORTHERN l-RODUCTION Chinchillas, from registered pedigreed stock. Due 410. Bred due II 100. Unrelated pair tit 00. Forney Pur Farm. Terrace. BC. 94 FOR SALE. I CO acre firs barn Island II XXX) or WIN exeharsj for good city property. Box 37. Dally New ' eft. FOR SALE. FIVE RCOUED HOUSE and two lota. Apply 1040 Tenth Avenue and Bacon Street tt FOR SALE SIX ROOMED HOUSE AND lot In post office block. 0.2000). Apply P.O. Box J7. HI fOR 8ALE.--CHEAM Buggy In good Phone Red 271 WICKER BABY I It GO. OPPORTUNrTYl 1300 A MONTH now buy your future homesite. WUrr Musle Store. AUCTIONEER I NEED MONEY I MIGHT JUST AS wen be hung for a aherfj as a lamb. No one 4 going to be held up for the next ten dayv Evrrrthlnc foe t your own price. Make one Vi4tr look like two Phone 714. O. P. Brine. Auctioneer. HEMSTITCHING IIIMUTITCHINO PICOTING SCALLOP-Ing. Dollar Store. Phone Red 321. RKtl'TV PtKI.OII MsrceiHng Manktirlng Scalp Trvatmrni ' .MK. I. M tKIt . UT'Vrblria' Avenue ny Api.ilntment Phone 0t7 iMiifi n-KMTtni: i:riitsm. Itewurity A fiagnon, firiipt Irlnrs 144 Third Avenue Phone lUsrk III Furniture nf sll ort botight. sold or Exehtnged. UPHOLSTERING rURNITURE KEPAIRINO: UrilOL- terlng of til kind Chesterfield recovered end made to order. All ork guaranteed, Plton Green 803 O. M. HUNT. RESTAURANTS OOOIl E4TH I'AFE Mr. Ungrr, Proprietress Third Avenue. Next O. W. V. A. OimmI ..mr Cnnked .Meal. Phone lllsrk 700 TAXI Phone C7 Taxi (Call Georjre, Paul or Gust) Six and Svn Passenger Rtmle-"kernt your disposal any time ROSS IIROS. POOL ROOM Meeker Illwk. Mcro from Emprfus Hotel) vsm Graham 1st A 6b Ave tt Ave day only MAIL SCHfDK T-in,Mi te the r.sM Mondays. WKneadtis m Cluseo T Vasteeatev. BuMsy Tu"isyt L TlHtrsd.v. Baturdsy April ti M Pirat etas m- is l a. Vancouver on Mcadin. lca. , Saturday by CNR. tns ilm Ah and tike ir 8tnda Wednesdaya T M n sit as4 rtmix- T- Ft. MamiMiM J Tfennd) To Alaska roil April M a : Afiril IX. U IVm I be Tuesday. V- ur4J W kal at . . . I rm tnrirt Sundays WednsMtaya April 39 M. I mm An and trire tf- TUMdsr UJlrWIl Tuesday Sunday atrday tls.ts F4at- AfftTtl 23. H- " tt Irons (jar) I'fcsrMI- April 21 M IMl risJIKW at AU:n An mv, or p T'. isti nth "fb? . a nth a Jt r t i Mil Av At Han th tt lly Cov.j ! th Ave tt C.:t - f Mh Ave M.Bi 4 D Pf Oovt Blfl '. Itov. Got Whiff OTP Whrf a XI Station 2nd Ave. M 2nd B? gtd Ave A Pur it 3rd Ave. 6th 8! Sunday enlle a " STEAMSHIP M0 IM Vantnef Sidsy - Tot tay .- Tbursduv " Vtur.UT .. p Ai.ril T May I' ' ' from VaiM-Mff' SSMsdsy ' ' WdnrMla r Thurty ' 8aturdy - r' BaUudsy a P l': April 29 P T r purl Minpsen ' 1 1 i Thursday as. I rm srt . ip . . . rude.' I os iuruay t ut A II) fit Siindf CUi I ritin An)t Tuedy C,,U Ttiursd.y rrn.fH -7 Tor Men art-Sunday a C'! Saturday M.r"",Cf0' l-rntn Mewart-Sunday m Pi Cf" ti. as Caul April 23 a P"nri T M.y 7 a rrinc .m Queen """". April 21 rrnr. Ms a a rrince I nr Al kV April a '" slid Trout AUU . juw) Aprl, ,2 . M,y 3 M I- " May 13 r"fl- ' Msy 34 I'ln'.''-1