ICO EXPELS uir A TUOT IPC - . IfUI'IIOI-n and unit hum i.HTV r.i:.visi ; AT OOtKUNMENT OUIiMl . Six foreBwat mem-f ' Jtoepate. f1 t.rwi oua of. the euntri.i reMdeatta by fxrtmt- placed n train tor ..- (roup contain two Urxtco and Mlchoaoan T N PICTURE : .a. :ir b: o.cc: 11 . 1 r le v w I ' I l 1 f 1 1 II L I I 'I 1 A - iiii 1 r 1 1 1 1 11 1 IU MEN I.OxT IIIKIII ill IKMlVII.U III.N 'U AHAV AT ItUtT V.iAninaton. April 33. IMn .ir camera men wr : B; .Iter HU1 tff whan ! ' -- Columbia Riear en- j ur were (rutdlnf away j wtler blaat which Uftad. ; cliff into the rlwr. and hli heather. F. I r Arthur Daasei 01 , m Uie Tlcttma. I rii 1 1 1 .11 11 a mikaw A. aaVA m aV SANDON MINE M mix aiii; kii.i.i;i ami two 1 IIIMIH I'ltllllAIII.Y IATAU.V 1X41 IIKIl i-. a r:i The rupture or a 0 rge in the NSble Five ' reaultcd In a cage falling 1 cin h death of Olof Keek-a) ti and trie aon. Harry, a J5 and MartUi Ntlaou. 40. ' aaai; utaiiy injured. I KUdBER gets SENTENCE 5 YEARS I I Hriia la t... aaa . U11I1 l.la "tea 20 who wm captured ttwt ta ' imjd avji tun u ui aaa avu III 1 rriatiirftnt tsMa,un ha-r oil H T 251 u,aa a.aaa...l flua nir' ' -ww willtlVW W a v WESTMINSTER OLD TIMER PASSES v, ,r t'VII .H ilKitni i Klreet l'4ir ""jiuinain.ii, April dj.w Nl MeAakltl. an old, timer of the ' within the spuco of a few min- W? alitv Mn nt aire. artoen In certain references he made to trw, watotcoat but he wishes to nuke It clear thai he made no charge agalmt Watfthwon that he was a party to the wafettcatl havlnf brea cleaned. ruiM't: ami i-iikm 11:11 MAY COME IV 411 LONDON. April 23 There l a possibility, although It had been t llrat thought UnpoaatMe. that la Tiaee of Wale and frfns-ler 8fnrtrT "lUTBa-tfi may yet be able to 90 to Canada this year in ttate far the Diamond Jubilee of Ooolederataaa. The Prince u understood to hare agreed to Mvtnee the date of hi trip ao , a so accompany the Premier If parliamentary bualneaa per-mill of a tufSolently early adjournment, they mould leave England toward the end of June BIG LEAGUE BASEBALL AMKIIK'tX I.IJAtlli; Wwhiiigton 7. Doaton 3. Othrr postponed. NATIONAL LllttU II CincliinaM I. PUUburg 3. Other postjjoncd. l.i:.lllK rlTANIHMl! .Nutlmul Plttabvirit New YorK Phlkwlelph' Ik- ton St. Lou Chicago Diyoly Clikclnn" . Detroit New Tor Waahlnstoii 8t. Loul"1 CKvcland rhlladelphla Chicago Dot ton 7 3 3 6 4 3 2 . i .Vnirrliuii 3 , ' 8 3 4 4 3 3 W. ,v LITTLE GIRL KILLED NEAR CUMBERLAND, Y.I. j4Mtire l Charcril Willi M4iilju.hlrr In I'niinrrtlnn with Automobile Arrhlrnt COMDBHLAND. April 2J .-Ertber Logan, ajted . auauined Injurlca on a road near here whtoh reaulted In her death when he was atruok by an automobile drrean by Tadao Dol. Japanese, who ha been arrrated and charged with man-daughter, being remanded until April 6 and releaaed on ball or 13.000. AHEMPTED ASSASSIN OF MUSSOLINI GIVEN THIRTY YEARS JAIL HOME. April 23. Tito Zanlbonl. pno or Italy's rorwwMl and moat valoroua aeldlem and a former Socialist deputy, waa opovttted latt night of having al-tcmptcd o wd-Mntc J'romler Humo-linl 1023. He wa acn-aenred l November. to thirty ycara' Imprisonment. h . 1'Ct. 1 .873 3 .023 3 ..C33 4 ' ..GOO "3 .371 4 ,420 6 .200 7 .123 1 .730 U .700 3 ' .660 3 .000 4 .300 3 .444 6 .33:1 fi .250 MOIIi: THAN MITV KNOWN TO in: unto in Mi-m-sirTi VroilltENT .Mi:M!'IIIH. April J!. Th nllrn Mlil Ultrf. mi tlx greatest OimmI riuiiKi(r in liU(or), klinurd llllle klii ef returning to normal IimIjj. Mnrr lltjn fifty ieruiii are t now ii o be deuil anil 3,mni or more are liomHf while nearly Iixi.ihki are rnildiisrrrd u the torrent atmll I he ilrlU defences. Iletneen een anil "Vljht .thou. Mini H-rvini are utrrtrhril along the Irtre for a UUtiinre of three mllr near lirrenillle. .Mlllpl, while anether t(o thotiaml are re-Nrted Mraiidrd on a two and a lutir root einlNiiikinrnt Hhlrli l rtipliMy bring nilrri iiuuy at Knoullon'n linilliig, ArkaiiMis nllhout riMHl uii'l MTruniliig fr help a the wntrr i-ontliiiirs to rle. HALIBUT BOAT, FOR WHICH ALARM FELT, ARRIVES IN PORT Tlio Bradbury 5e Yrtf halibut bout 13 and Y.. for whk-Ji team had been expressed, arrived In port for this morn-Ing'a Flah Exchangv with a catch ot 15,000 pounds. Capt. Al Woto reirts that roiwh weather vros cncouiltered and tho vfeilao OtKaome ensln1: trovible but there wae notfilng to be Brriatly alarmed about Since hef de parture from here late In February for the banks, the 13 and Y. sold two small catches In northern porta. This Is her first landing at thla her home port. VIC FOLEY WINS if? r f TAXI Boston Grill mim ' a Hrniiiiiaw:!' Large Upstair Dining Hall, with newly laid dancing ijhcre nt Anytime floor, for hire. lixchanxc Huildlnx NEW HO DA FOUNTAIN. PRINCE RUPERT The latest and best for the T V1DECK. Prop. least. Phone 457. Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper il, No. 05, I'ltlNCE RUPERT, B.C., SATURDAY. APRIL 23, 1927 Price Five Out " ' 'fMJ'4'n ' HI J FliT'v. . 1 Js j MAKliE AliA INST OFFICER UNUSED ARDIFF CITY WINS ENGLISH FOOTBALL CUP AT WEMBLEY own Counsel in Joe . i . b . . . sr a. mm ieference Is Confused ,i'S()N, K.C, WISHES IT TO RE UNDEItSTOOI) THAT W ATKINSON WAS NOT PARTY TO CLEANING WAISTCOAT ll VEIL April 23. In the report of the Hrlllsh Columbia . ul hearing on March SO or the application of Jo.ie.ph new trial from the death sentence imitosed ujmjii him " rt Iwtt November for the murder of Mis Iorctta ChU- Essington in May. u statement was credited to -A. M. crown counsel, "that bloodstains had, with the eom-,1 Watkinson. constable of the Indian Department at r:. been removed from it waistcoat which the crown rn by Sankey." It now appears, according to Mr. a Johnacu. that auine oonlualon may hav (ii; v 1 1 i KIN r ARM, South Africa, with v of the diamond diggings in the field won li v.T!-' Ui.-invu open to the public when 25,000 uj tier? raceil to stake claim- In a .Hiiiglr hull over $5,000 worth of diamonds a -e aid 10 have been found. Morc than 1,000 natives are already employed Commission Is Told by Carlow His Affidavit Was Doctored by Twigg when He Was Not Present ROOD STILL UNASSUAGED FROM DOC SNELL Hot Ht-rMoii In Ten Hon ml go at Van- iuvrr.jit Nlghl Mrelx Toil .Morgan Next .Month VANCOUVEH. April 33. Vic Foley won a ten round doclslon from Doc Sncll of Tacoma here last night. Some time next month,' the local lightweight will meet Tod Morgan of Seattle, junior lightweight of the world, for the title. j Advertise In the Dally News. Dai Thomas tells of land deal and says proceeds were not for political campaign funds author of allegations on stand all day VICTORIA, April 2D. -That as far as he knew the $5,000 note he gave Frank Carlow to obtain for him a foreshore lease to the rear of his property at English Bay, Vancouver, from the provincial government, was not given for political purVoses was the statement of David G. Thomas at Mr. Justice Morrison's commission investigating legislative allegations. He also declared that he had never said to anyone that it had been for such a purpose. Carlow, the author of the allegations contained in his affidavit, sworn to last February, was on the stand nearly all day. Capt. ji. M. Harbord. former president of then - Jbcral Association; J. D. Williams, Van-xurcr city solicitor, and others were Jeo witnesses. J. D. Pattullo, K.C. counsel for the fovemment, asked Carlow how the present airidavlt had been prepared. Wit-.less replied that H. D. Twlgg'drcw up .he document, hot In Carlow's presence, ie said. Mr. Pattullo read Carlow'a declaration hat Hon. T. D. Pattullo, minister of ands. had Insisted that M. B. Jacknon. K.C, be satisfied In the handling of on illeged commission in a Vancouver fore-hire deal. Carlow admitted that this .tatement had not been contained In his irat declaration but had been Inserted i) a second affidavit by Twig;. The hearing was adjourned until PLANE GOES TO AID OF CAPT. WILKINS AND PILOT EILSEN FAIRBANKS. April 23. Alger Oraham of the Detroit Ncwa-Wllklns Arctic Expedition took off from here on Friday In an airplane to rescue Capt. Ocorge It. Wllklnn and Pilot Carl Elisen at Beechy Point where they were compelled to make a forced landing during a flight over the Arctic Ocean. VANCOUVER EXCHANGE Bid. Asked Wheat 1,45ft B.C. Silver 4.85 1.05 Dunwell "".lis 1.43 Howe Sound 39.00 L. & L. n0 .11 Premier. 2.11 2.13 v, Porter ldaho .14 .13V4 Surf". Inlet ' V .01 Richmond HY, .13 U Coast Ccpper -13.50 14.25 BuiUoch ., .80 .81 Young women were once considered angels. Now they are mostly angler TORIES WILL VISIT RUPERT LXITUSHIN TO PACIFIC COAST ItKIMl AttltANtlKII niKPARA. TOItV TO MINMPKtl CON-VENT ION TIIKONTO, April SS. HIm-iivIiie pkini for the National t'oiivnutltr ron nil inn to lie hrhl at Wlnnlieg on Ortobrr II. Prrlilriit .Maenlcol, at the annual nirrllng of the Ontario t'iirrvatlr Amm-UIIoii, aiiiioiinrrd that an antr-miitriitloii evcuilon hail lirrn urranicril It) whirl) dele-galr will lie rnalilrd to nuke a trip to I lie l-arillr Cout. Thry will llt I'rlniT ltuM-rl. going liy one rallwiij ami rrtiirnlng by Die other. WINNIPEG LAVYER'S SON SHOOTS HIMSELF A. A. Hudson Is I'oiiiiiI liciiil III MMiilry Park, aiiroinrr. With l(rohrr by IIIh Mile ' VANCOUVEr April 23. A. A. Hud Ron. son of II. V. Hudnon. Wlnntio? lawyer., was found dead yesterday In Stanley Park. There was a bullet wound found In his body and a revolver lay by his tide. The police are Investigating what la .assumed to be a case ot suicide. Willi (IKK ANMVF.II.1AHY Today Is the ninth anniversary ot the naval engagement of Zebrugce In the Great War when the British fleet, under command of Admiral Sir Roger Xeyes, attacked the Mole and blocked the canal at Osteud, thus tying up the Termari submarine base. All hair tonlr raises Is hopes, London Team Fails tj Win and Coveted Soccer Trophy Leaves ' Home First Time in History LONDON, April 2:;. The English Football Association Cup moves out of England for the first time in its long history as a result of the victory of Cardiff City by one to nothingjver Arsenal, a Ijndon team, in the final for the coveted trophy at Wembley today. The winning goal was scored after twenty-eight minutes of play in the second half. More than 150,000 madly enthusiastic fans wit-nes.'cd the struggle. King George was one of the.ijrectators and he received a tremendous ovation from the Welsh supporters who cn-Icrlaincd him with community singing, the crowd standing with heads uncovered as "Abide With Me" was sung. London presented a novel sight last night as the Welsh crowds began to arrive. There were many mothers with children in arms. Early this morning the roads to Wembley were jammed with the throng afoot and on vehicles. FISH ARRIVALS Total of 9I.OUO Pound of Halibut Nolil at Hill Krlungr t hi .Morning Halibut arrivals at this port today totalled 01.000 pounds, two American vessels deposing of 41.000 pounds at ,0c and 8c while five Canadian sold 11.000 pounds at bids ranging from 12.1c and 7c to 13.5c and 8c. The day's arrivals were as foUows: A ME It I CAN Ithona, 19.000 pounds, to Fisheries. It. 6c and 8c Bninvoll. 22,000 pounds, to Canadian . .... -V WW. .WI.J 'VW, " CANADIAN I Llvlnjuorvc. 13.000 pounds, to Canadian Fish At Cold Storage Co USc and 7c. - Eric Roy. 7 .SCO pounds, to AUlnl Fisheries, 13.4c and 8.5c. B. and T.. 13,000 pounds, to Royal FLsb Co . 12.1c and 7c . Blnso, 400 pounds, to Royal Fish Co.. 12.6c and 7c Rose Spit. 11.000 pounds, to Atltn Fisheries, 13.6c and 8c. NEW GRANBY BOAT LEAVES FOR ANYOX llrurturc of Vrwl. Hullt at Iam-aI Dry Dork, li .irheilulrd for Tomorrow The Oranby Co.'s big service boat Ornnby." buUt at the local dry dock. has . been turned over to the owners aad tomorrow morning, weather per-fitting, will prscccd . to her head- quir.cn st .c70x wfcere ahe will enter the company's service. Tlis boat will be taken north by Capt. Johnson ot the Oranby Co.'a navigation staff and will be accompanied by Ben Fox who was In charge for the Vancouver Machinery Depot, ot the Installation of the big Washlngton-Estep delscl engine with which the; vessel Is powered. OLD COUNTRY FOOTBALL ENf 11.1111 LK.lt it' li DhMon I. Birmingham 3. Liverpool 0. Blackburn Rovers 0. Bcltcn W. 3. Bury-Arscna! not played. jEvcrton 2. Alton Villa 2. Huddcrsfleld 0. Manchester City 0. Leicester-Cardiff not played. The Wednesday 2. Burnley 1. Sunderland 1. Derby County 2. Tottenham 4, Leeds United 1. West Bromwlch 1. Sheffield United 0. West Ham 1. Newcastle United 1. Dltlklon II Barnsley 3. Chelnca O. Blackpool 2. Mlddlcsboro 3. Darlington 8. South Shields 3. Fulham 3, Notts County 0. Orlmsby 3, Clapton Orient 2. Manchester City 1. Prestcn 0 . Notts Forest 3, Bradford City 0. Oldham 2. Wolverhampton 0. Portsmouth 3, Hull City 0. Reading 2, Port Vale 0. Swaruwa Town 2. Southampton. 3. SCOTTISH LKAQUE Division I. Alrdrlconlana 0, Hearts 0. Clyde 0, Hamilton Academicals 0. Dundee United 2, Pwrtlck ThlsUca 1. Duufemillne 1, Aberdeen 0. Hibernians 1, Morton t. Kilmarnock 1, Cowdenbeath 4. Motherwell 1. St. Mlrren 0. Queen Park 1. Falkirk 2. Rangera 0. Dundee 0. St Johnstone 1. Oltlo 0. TWENTY KILLED DETROIT PLANT .MOKE THAN ONE 111 MltKI I.VJLUKU SO.Mtf FATALLY, IN AtTOMOIIILE IIODV FACTORY CATASTKOl'HE DETROIT. April 23. Fire, foUowlnj a series ot explosions In one of the main plants of the Brlggs hiring Co.. automobile body builders. this morning killed at 'least twenty i persons and mjuredtnore' tban . 100, ,a "SSmfterof hTVl,-will die. At the time of the explosion. two thousand employees were at work. Many are mjured and sulertng further from smoke and fumes from bum- ' Early this afternoon, the fire was under control and work of rescuing the dead from the ruins commenced. LAUNCH UPSETS, MANY DROWNED FLOOD ItKltlitKs I.OM-: Lltts UIIKS LEVEE llllKAKS ON MlSSlJiSHTI KIVEK MEMPHIS. Tennessee. April 23, Nineteen were drowned when the government launch Pelican, carrying flood refugees up the Mississippi River, was caught In a torrent as a levee broke a: Kaowiicns Landing. Arkansas, according to reports received here. DROWNED W0MAWAS RESIDENT HERE ONCE Lale .Mrs. W. L. Merle. Whiwe lludy Wan I'oiiiiiI In Ultrr Nrur Kain. loops Livrd In Hart The lata Mrs. W. L. Steele, whose body was found In the Thompson River recently cear Kamloopa. at one time lived In Prince Itupert in the ; ILirt Apartments. She and her husband, who waa a college graduate, had come here from New Zealand. Mrs. Steele had been forced to leave here on account of illness. T0Plf0LIDATED MINING & DEVELOPMENT COMPANY JNCORPORATED VICTORIA, April 2J- The B.C. Oarette this week records the public nou-llabll-Ity incorporation of the Topley Convoll-dated Mining Si Development Co. Ltd. ot Smlthers with capital of 1250.000. The concern has teen organized by Frank Taylor, discoverer of the now famous Richfield Mine, and will acquire .and develop thowUs In the Topley district.. ONTARIO LIQUOR STORES WILL BE OPENED MAY .16 TORONTO. April 23. D. B. Hanna, chairman of the Ontario Liquor Com. mission, announced yesterday that, aa many government liquor stores as are ready, will be opened tor business ou May 16.