GOOD Liver belr a A lot to make life worth living. It is worth a miot of money to lure one. A bad livrr becomes a good liver when the liver nerves a.-e in good order. YOUR NERVES CONTROL YOUR, HEALTH t , For your health's asle Consult d. a. McMillan j Palmer Graduate I CHIKOPKACTOK ltrmmw ft K- 7. Kvi hani. Itliu-t I Phone C'Jl pATHO MEUROMETUl - Service WEEK-END SPECIALS Terrace Potatoes, Al, per sack 51.00 New Carrots, good sized Lunchcx, .'5 for 3"r Ictluce, fru3h head, 2 for 23c Celery, each 2.c Rhubarb, 2 lbs 23c Spinach, 2 lbs 25c Tomatoes, per !b 30c 'Green Onion3, 3 bunches 10c New Potatoes, per lb. . . 13c 2 lbs. for 23c Fresh Asparagus, per lb. 30c Fresh Peas, Cucumbers, Leeks and Sweet Potatoes arriving on every boat. Mussallem Grocery Company Ltd. 117-123 Fifth Ave. East Phone IS Phone 81 A GOOD INVESTMENT There Ja no safer investment and none that will pay larger dividends than accurately fitted glases. They'll stop you worrying and start you wondering how you ever got along without them. Our Optical Service is the lest by test not the best because the busiest but the busiest because the best. Lowest Prices. Expert Service. A. E. IRELAND Graduate Optometrist 3IU Third Avenue. Opposite G.W.V.A. WOOD Dry Jack Pine, Cedar, Kirch and Spruce Per double load J6.50 Per single load $3.50 Per sack 50c Firelighters 18 for $1.00 delivered All classes of Coal at dealers' prices. Hydeiransfer 139 Second Avenue Phone 380 Night or Day WE NUY DOTTLES Dr. Alexander Smith Dlock Phone 575 DENTIST 'EARTHQUAKE AND FISHERMEN'S the the WIND PREDICTED FLOATS HEREj u-onii uayektkke tr.s many ins- Tl'Klll(T..H ll ltl(i COMINU mmii:i: LONDON, April 22. Lord Wavertree Derby for King Edward VII.. won Grand National with Goarer and with Olen Royal. j Advertise In the Dally News TO TDROPI-: HAKK PKSEaVATIOt.'S NOW I HUM MdNTKiai. Ti l.hrfKXl Apl. 2D. May 27 Montrose Msy 6. June 3 Montcalm May 13. June 10 Mlnnedssa May 20, June 17 Montdsre To ISrlfiit.(;ia;ow Msy 12. June S Metazama May 26. June 23 M;llts To LiiiiiIuii Apl. 30 Montreal Msy 6 Marburo May 25 Marloch I IHMI J1 KIIKC To f li'rloiirr-xiilluiiiiliiii-Antarrp May 13. June IS Montnalrn June 1. June 28 Montroyal To riirrlxiur;-xiulhamiton-llamburs May 11. tJune 8.. Empress of Fraace May 25. June 22. Empress of Scotland ft To Cherbourg. Southampton only) Apply to Arewi everywhere or J. J. FORSTER. S.5. General Tat. Acent. CP.E. ttation. Vaneoavcr. Teltohon Sermon 2(10 REMEMBER ! For 31 on t real prices on Clothing for Men & Boys Don't forget the Montreal Importers Third Avenue J. It. Miller - Proprietor Once in a Lifetime Such an opportunity to save money on the best of seasonable good. All lirand New HATS, DHKSSKS. COATS, suits, irrc. At less than to-t The laKt few days DON'T DELAY BENT'S LADIES' KEADY-TO-WEAIt Third Avenue ANGER, the TAILOR Suits made to order, in our shop as low as $50 223 Sixth Street ME.MUEK I'Olt MKEENA IS TOLII I1Y' MIMVTEIt (II I I 1U.IC ,U)llkS ' THAT HE IMS IN .MINI predicts it suAmer of bad earthquakes, J. C. Brady. MJ for Steena, shortly hurricanes and tempests. 'before the HcAisc cf Commons at Otxa- So firm In his conviction that hejwa prorogued last Thursday, made an has refmerf li hi Yim vurM tK . eleventh rvr.tir mm fr.r ttM Minstme. IVocna. put into commission. Lord tlon of the fishermen's floats here. The Wavertree puts much faith In the conversation between, himself .and Hon. I will call It fortuitous, amendment. I vote 452 was rescinded by the House half ;an hour ago and It totals 113.560. Now If the minister would only transfer that 13C0'to the task of caring for the fleets at Prince Rupert, where there are 300 fishing boats worth over a million dollars, I would be Indeed gratified In the Interest' or the fishing fleet. 1 ask the minister now If he wlU be k kind as to get the prime minister to do that. Mr Elliott: I think my hon. friend knows my views on this subject, because he cannot be charged with any neglect of. this harbor or any of the ether harbors In his section of BrltUh Columbia. There Is a general vote provided and It cannot all go to my hon. friend rxr to any other hon. mem txr. but I may aay to him that It will be utilized to the very best possible advantage. Mr. Brady: I wculd point out-to the minister that there are 300 Teasels at Prince Rurcrt. and It Is cf the greatest Importance that provision be made for IN PHOIIATK IN THE M I'llKAlK ( Ol KT Ol liltlTMl COLt Jir.n In the Matter or the "Administration Act"; and In the Matter of the Estste of John William Tlbblt. D?ceaed. Intestate. TAKE NOTICE that by order of H. T. MacLeod. District Rcf-straT. dated the 21st dsy of April. AX. 127. I was appointed A4mln!rator of the Estate of John William Tibblu. deceased, and all parties having claims against the raid estate are hereby required to furnish same, properly verified, to me on or be- lore trie 21st day 01 May. KJ3. 1927. and all parties indebted to the estate are required to pay the amtmnt of their Indebtedness to me forthwith. NORMAN A. WATT. Official Administrator. Prince Rupert. 3.C DATED, the 21st day of April, A D. 1827 Cash and Carry Grocery Sixth Ate. and Fulton Street. Phone 301 PAY CASH AND SAVE MONEY Flour, 49 lb. sack, any kind $2.30 Terrace Potatoes, per sack. . $1.73 nebular Dollar Sodas, box . . 73c Dacon In piece lot;, per lb. . . 13c Lard, in bulk, pure, 5 lbs. . . doc Canadian Chee3e, per lb 30c Pure Cane Suir?r, 10 lb. - 73c Milk, any kind, per case . . $3.30 EaKle Urand Milk, per tin ... 20c China Oats, pkjr 10c Eulk Tea, try it, per lb 60c Malkin's Dest Tea, per lb. C3c, 2 lbs $1.33 Hulk Coffee try it. per lb. . . 30c Malkin's Dest or Nabob Coffee, per lb 63c Seedless Raisins, Sunmaid, "per lb. 13c Tomatoes, Corn, Peas, and Pumpkin, per tin 13c Earley, Tapioca. Saifo, Kite, Split or Whole Peas, 3 lbs. for . . 23c Old Dutch Cleanser, er tin.. 10c Gem Lye, 2 tins 23c Washing Ammonia, per quart bot tie 20c White Swan or Koyal Crown Soap, G bars for 23c Fels Naptha, ier carton, 10 bars , 80c Jelly Powders, per dozen ... 80c You save from five to forty per tent by buying here. Nothing Cheap Only the Price eveiiytium; guaranteed S. It. Adams Mgr. Dr.J.R.Gosse DENTIST Helgerson Hlock X-Itay Service. Open Evenings Phone 686. .1 ' their, safety. I therefore ask that the vote In questlcn be transferred for the lloat In question to help to protect their craft. AIR TRAIN IS COMING SOON .i;i:m iation i- mikivu i:kv hm'iii .ti(ii1 only with considerably greftter spaolng between the units. PaAtengers in each glider will be destined for seme particular town, and as the aercdrune of each town Is approached the glider for that destination will be released from the end of the utring and settle gracefully down with Is special pilot and passengers. The possibility of such a development has been worked out from the recent experiment at the Karlsruhe flying har bor when a gUder aa hitched to an aeroplane by a Srire cable. It took the air as a "tow" of the motored al vehicle, and wai propelled to a considerable height. The riMefs pilot then cut bis machine loose and guided It successfully buck to a landing. "3S years ago. are to be beard in the Chancery Division this term. In the interval the original sum of 60 000 has Increased In value to hundreds of thousands of pounds. One of the claimants Is Viscount Ban ger, of Castle Ward Co. Down. Ireland. In 1792 the fortune was In the posses sion of Mary J. LTplne. then living at Portsmouth. It pasted in 1788 to Marta L'Eplne who died a lunatic. No heirs to the property came forward and the ertate reverted to the Crown A year later the property la alleged to hae been presented to Lord Howe by King George III., under a special Indemnity that in the event of any rnxt-of-kln being discovered .the estate should be forfeited. It la now claimed that Abigail Eccles wss an heir to Maria L'Eprtne. and that she married Robert Ooldwell. It Is through her defendants thst the present claim Is being preferred. m:7iir.u ui rtiitT. Prince Rupert. Rain, strong 8X wind, temperature 42. Terrace. Calm. rain. temp. 45. I Rosswood. Rain, calm, temp. 41. I Alyajish. Rain. calm. temp. 42. 1 Alice Arm.- Raln, calm, temp. 43. I Anyox. Rain, calm, temp. 41. Stewart. Rain. calm. temp. 42. Hazclton. Light raUl, calm,, temp. 0- i Telegraph Creek. Cloudy, calm. temp. 40. - 40. Smlthera. Cloudy, calm, temp. 45. Burns Lake- Cloudy, calm, trtnp. 42. Whltehorne. Clear, south wind, temp. Dawson. Clear, calm, temp. SO. Times have changed. A modern-rail splitter couldnt earn enough money In a tboussnd years to buy a nomination. Well, a man has a right to call his bald area a "spot." Think how large sun spots are. Advertise in the Dally Niwi. Spring Time is CELERY KING Time uT tHriot ,h" fine 0,1 l!l tonic, it u an ih spring medicio yoo need, " s out winter i pononi, imi ivr uie sppeuie aod makes you feel bettef tTr. LlV KING i, good for i - "w.t Vi OXUgjLltJ, juc u toe U.WKHHtONT IUY. Despite the very unfavorable weather this morning, the waterfront was busy with the stesmtrs ITlnce George, Prince Charles and Cardena berthed at the C KJt dock, the Prlrkoees Dea trice at, :he ovenurcnt wharf and the freighter Sedre Pool loading grain st the elevator. ! IIMI In the Matter of the "Admlnllratln RERUN. Ad til 22. Observers of Oer- Art"; and mn aviation development- are plctur- lug a time In the not-too-distant future TAKE NOTICE that by order ut III when the. "air train" will be an accom-l Honor r. McB. Young, the lh day ol Dllsned fact. The lnatlve will be ' onmiairi- poaerfu aeroplane and the "pulUnana" 1 arowr of gliders coupied to the looomotvr and to each other, as the cars of a train. IN PKOHATK. in Tilt Mi'iuiMi: rot kt or inn tOLl.MIIIA tor of the estate of Paul Oerbard Lud wig. deceaxd. and all parties having claims aicalnst the said Estate are hereby required to furnish same, properly verified, to me on or before one month from this date, and all parties Indebted to the Eatate are required to pay the amount Of their Indebtedness to me forthwith. NORMAN AlXtN WATT. Official Administrator. Prince Rupert. BC Dated the &lh dsr of Aonl. A D lJ7 IN PKOHATE. in tmi: MrKKMi. rin itr or iikiiiii (1)1.1 Mlllt In the Matter of the AdmlnUtrsUon Art: and In the Matter of the Estate of August R Norlln. deceaxed. Intestate. TAKE NOTICE that by order of Ills Honor Y. MeB. Young, the 2tb day of March. A D. 1927. I was appointed ad mlnlatrator of the estate of Aucust H Norttn. deceaned. and all parties having claims against the said estate art hereb) required to turuksh same. properly verified, to me on or before the lith 'In my view said PUot Espenlaub, S dty of April. A D. 1327. and all parties who manoeuvred the gilder, "long dis tance can be covered without difficulty by a plane and gilder In this fashion." CLAIMS FOR FORTUNE LEFT 135 YEARS AGO BY LUNATIC HEARD LONDON. April 22 - (Canadian Press i Claims to a fortune left by a lunatic loorotra w me esiave are required 10 pay the amount of, their Indebtedness V me forthwith. NORMAN A. WATT. Official Administrator. Prince Rupert. H C Dated the 28th day of March. A D. 1937 IN PKOIJATE IX THE M Htr.Mi: Mil 1ST Ol" IIKItlHIl COLl'Mllll In the Matter of the Administration Act: and In the Matter of the Estate of Pred Nel-oo. Deceased. Intestate. TAKE NOTICE that by order of Ilk 1 loner r. MeB. Young, the 8lh day of March. A O 1027. I wa appointed Administrator of the estate of Fred Nelson deceased, and all parties having claim airsinst h said Es'ate are hereby rs;iu.r-ed to furnish same, properly rtrlfled. me on or before the 21st day of April AO. 11(27. and all parties indebted to the estate are required to pay the amount of their Indebtedness to me forthwith. NORMAN A. WATT. Official Administrator Prince Rupert BC Dated the 21st day of March. A.D. 1927 He&toroof Wateroroof 1 Weatherproof -fin w Make the Old Car Look Like New! Give It a finiih that will Mart bright and stay bright you can do it yourself. For this purpose we surest Vat-spar Enamels a combination of the finest pigments carefully ground in the famous Valspar Varnish itself. , VAL.HTINB'S VALSPAR C NAM EL, Sun, rain, mud, dust, gasoline, oils tun toiling water Jrtm thi rt-Jiator will not dim its fine lustre. Easy to apply, there are twelve beautiful colors to choose from. For Sale by KAIEN IIAKDWAKE CO. Phone 3 Saturd, PAGE SIX THE DAILT NETT8 1 1 " Apr, n mi i ij i i i 'i mi aetriiiii u in-inff horoscope, ana his horoscope fortells C. ElUott. minister of public works, such a bad summer that he has decided on the matter according to Hansard. to forego ocean travel. j ' follows: The serious earthquake In Jugo-Slavia j 3ray: I do not Intend to keep which Involved Sarajevo and extended 1th minister mre than one minute, but to various parts of the Mediterranean!1 that'll Is my Imperative duty to supported Lord Wavertxees pessimistic"' Vae aUcn of the mlnUUr U forecast and influence many of his!"16 the MKt Rupert, fishing yachUng friends to forego outings to Dect" Ur EUHt: 1 Ullnk that to ! the Mediterranean In small boats. fton- lntm me uoow De,orc-. ejxe Lord Wavertree Is one of the keenect of sportsmen among the? British peers, j " " , , ( Beauty T j if I Power 11 Ilui3 i Smoothness fUE mrw FVsert3t bodies, tsksed a a iv not SMdak skts.'s lco - the subivt rullTOa fesdrn, lie tavt Wln-iyp hop, tae rvl.desiriird rvinlor tip kot rf mrchaaical rrkar. nrsts. iadadiai AC od -tiler a4 AC sir. drsser Ike porrfuI, t mooch ad rrjpwMire Cknmlrt nt'mr ll ( tkr Co. tribute lo U deep, sbUiax an of uiUanwa wtss tar oner ol Ike W Bfsaulal Carman etprrvscas. An Uiat you tut la s SMdrratrlr-rriml tsr.OinrToIrt fn-r yo si NEW, LOWKR TKICES, tlx lom lor whkk Uvrrolrt ku tm brrs mM is CM4a ... sad as Mker car al or arsr ike ptk cas fhre m il U( fcjvutaen kkk nukr Iks Mart Beislilal CknTolrl Ike oaMaadiaf snatMbil sckievrnrst of the jtv. Ml Economy Rofctrr TnurtBi Comfort NEW LOWER TRICES S5I00 I-aa! frit - Ratrbtft IX Kerr Crock . puno Mas 00 CsbrMrt l0.M tiOOO SUM t'ommrrctal Ckavia ..... 4a00 lliitjr Eipmt Uuris .... S45 00 tritl sl Tdwy, Oitrr. Ciinmel Ttul tUrt. Cr-3919 ul Chevrolet hevrolet Histortj Everything Dealer for Chevrolet. Pontine. OhUmu ile ini .Mcliuhlin KAIEN liAKACiK (Dae Ito Third Avenue, Prince Kupetl, WESTHOLME THEATRE TON GHT OtLY nt 7 and 9 Antonio Morem and Alice Terry "Mare Nostrum From the novrl ly Vnrnto I!la. Ibimrr fpectacular drama of the ea. Dig noted cast Dr. Jos. SOc iml ZZc ANTONIO M OK EN A. ALICE TEKKY, IlLf.lUE XAi AI.EX. NOVA. .MICHAEL HKANTI OKI). KOSITA IU and many other. Violin Soli ctilch Lullaly.H PATHE KEVIEW AdmiMtion asthma HFNTmTRY CH'ONIC BRONCHITIS. Mtt AND I I I . I V I 11 I 11 BRONCHIALCOLDS. HAY ftVCR 1 JL JLas4 1 1 J, X VmJ JL JL 6anewRAZ MAIkspwies. Send J for trial. Tempicuxn. Toronto, il at ynuf tfrucziM'a RAZ-MAH Ma guire Over Ormes CROWN,' BRIDGE and PLATES EXTRACTION OF TEETH Phone 525. Ily nn Expert. Sunday Ap'MilnlmvnlH. Open KuninH Canadian National CTlic Largefl "Railway Syrtcm in Atncrid Steamship and Train Service Otll.lMJS l-KIVI f: III I-I IIT for t AM III VI It lll TOIl'1' ,wK,THi;HMV and hl.'.MiAY. iM p.m. ;,lV. ,. yntSVK JOHN for VANCOUVER U OLT.EV CIIAKMT' fortnightly. ,. ,.. AnM.NCll.K Tit (INN Li:A K I'lllNCK III I'M" . rili "h MOMHV, HIIINKMIIW and MATLHIIAV at II JO .in. If tVd m.OIMJi:, EDMONTON, WIN.MI tO, all ihiIiiIs taatern Canada. StE CANADA IN CANADA'S J I llll.KE YE AH ,VI AflPVsr in frw a tsj a iiHiiiii t ,aa w CinadUn National Einrraa for Moner Order. ltrfU ne- aii- I ail f si H a "'r:";.. . . a . a. a CITV TICKET OrtlCE. 828 Tllllll) AV EH PRINCE lUTERt Cliuo'